CRESTRON CNLCDRFHTA One-Way Wireless Transmitter
Functional Description
The CNLCDRFHTA hand-held one-way wireless radio frequency (RF) transmitter operates with a
CRESNET II control system with the use of a RF receiver (CNRFGWA, network unit).
Physical Description
The transmitter is housed in a black, high-impact molded plastic enclosure. The standard unit is supplied
with custom engraved front panel and a choice of colored button caps, panel finishes, and button
configurations. Unused buttons are omitted.
CRESNET II Workshop Version 4.30 or later.
CRESNET II Operating System SR30314.OPS or later.
Dimensions: Height 5.750 in (14.605 cm)
Width 3.580 in (9.093 cm)
Depth 1.140 in (2.896 cm)
Weight: 0.56 lbs (0.254 Kg)
1 DOC. 8110
Specifications subject to change without notice.
CRESTRON CNLCDRFHTA One-Way Wireless Transmitter
The CNLCDRFHTA contains an LCD display (2 lines x 16 characters) and 32 miniature pushbuttons. The
function of each button is programmable through the "CNLCDHT Programming Utility" (CPU), included in
the CRESNET II Workshop. Programming requires a CNLCDP programming module.
The CNLCDHT Programming Utility allows CNLCDRFHTA transmitter buttons 5 through 32 to be defined
as "Page Select" buttons. When a "Page Select" button is depressed, the LCD displays the "Page" name on
line one and the four "Soft Key" options on line two. When a "Page" is selected, the "Soft Key", "Pop-Up",
and "Number Entry" keys are redefined as "Select Next Page" or "Select Previous Page" keys. Twenty
unique pages can be defined.
Buttons 1 through 4 are defined as "Soft Key" buttons because they have no "hard" engraving. Instead,
each "Soft Key" has a corresponding one to four character identifier on line two of the LCD. The
CNLCDRFHTA can be programmed to display the function of each "Soft Key" in relation to the currently
selected "page". When a "Soft Key" is depressed, a user-defined function number is transmitted and the
"Soft Key" text blinks.
If any of the buttons, 5 through 32, are not defined as "Page Select" keys, they may be defined as "Pop-Up"
or "Number Entry" keys. When a "Pop-Up" key is depressed, line two of the display changes to show that
key's user-defined name and the user-defined transmission code is sent.
When a key defined as a "Number Entry" key is depressed, the user-defined character (0 through 9 or A
through Z) is displayed on line two of the display and a transmission code is sent. If a series of "NumberEntry" keys are depressed, a list (of user-defined length) of the keys is displayed. Additionally, there is a
"Clear" key definition that clears the list of numbers and sends a defined transmission code. The "Clear"
function can be used as a clear or "Enter" function.
Any buttons, 5 through 32, which are not defined as "Page Select" keys can have different definitions
depending on what "Page" is currently selected or they can be defined "globally", allowing the key to
operate in the same way no matter what "Page" is selected.
If after reviewing this Operations Guide you still have additional questions, please contact a CRESTRON
technical support representative in your area by dialing one of the following numbers.
* In the US, call (888) CRESTRON [(888) 273-7876] or (201) 894-0660.
* In Europe, call +32.15.730.974.
* In Asia, call +852.2341.2016.
2 DOC. 8110
Specifications subject to change without notice.