CRESTRON CNRFT/CNIRT One-Way Wireless Panels
Functional Description
The CNRFT series of portable RF wireless controls is designed to operate with the CRESNET II system
with the use of a wireless receiver such as the CNRFGW network unit. The CNIRT series of infra-red
controls operates with the CNIRGW network unit.
CNRFT and CNIRT transmitter may also communicate with older systems having a CNRFT-1W, CNRFÂ2W, or CNIRR-1W wireless receiver connected to a CNWCI-4 Wireless Module.
Physical Description
Panels are pre-mounted in consolettes of high-impact molded plastic with black lacquer or oak wood trim.
Custom engraving, choice of colored button caps, panel finishes and button configurations, and the
omission of unused buttons are all standard.
Configuration Differences
The CNRFT/CNIRT 32 and 48 button models can also emulate the earlier CTW series of portable
transmitters. The CNRFT-32 and CNIRT-32 transmitters can emulate the CTW-32 transmitters, while
the CNRFT-48 and CNIRT-48 transmitter can emulate the CTW-48 transmitters. A CNRFT or CNIRT
series transmitter will emulate a CTW series transmitter using the same ID CODE settings when the ID
CODE is set to 00 through 0F. When a CTW series transmitter is being emulated, that model must be
specified (not a CNRFT) in the SIMPL-C TRANSMITTER statement. If you are programming in SIMPL-I,
you must inform SIMPL-I you are using a CTW series transmitter.
CRESNET II Workshop Version 4.00 or later.
CRESNET II Operating System SR30160.OPS or later.
Identity Code
Each unique transmitter communicating with the receiver requires the setting of an identity code (ID
CODE). ID CODES are two-digit hexadecimal numbers from 00 to 7F. To set the ID CODE, use the two
rotary switches accessible through the battery compartment. Each rotary switch is numbered 0 through
F. Use a small screwdriver to point the arrow in the center of the switch to the desired number or letter.
The left rotary switch represents the most significant digit.
Specifications subject to change without notice.
1 DOC. 8051B
CRESTRON CNRFT/CNIRT One-Way Wireless Panels
Follow these instructions should it become necessary to retune the CNRFT transmitter so the CNRFGW
may receive its signals:
1. Check that the NET PWR LED is illuminated on the CNRFGW.
2. Press and hold a button on the CNRFT. Hold the CNRFT about 10 feet from the CNRFGW. Use a nonÂmetallic tuning tool to slowly turn the transmit tuning capacitor on the CNRFT for maximum
brightness on the CNRFGW SIGNAL LED.
The panels on the following pages show the location of the SIMPL-C button numbers and their
corresponding button positions for the CNIRT and CNRFT transmitters operating normally or as CTW
transmitters. Buttons which are not used need not be assigned signal names.
The following syntax codes are provided for compatibility purposes only.
NET.ID <10 to FE>: CNRFGW \CNRFT talking to a CNRFGW
TRANSMITTER <03 to 7F>: CNRFT \ID # and transmitter type.
i1 = <signal name> \Independent button.
i2 = <signal name>
i3 = <signal name>
" = " "
SLOT <1 to 10>: CNWCI-4 \CNRFT talking to CNWCI-4
\via CNRF-1W or CNRF-2W
TRANSMITTER <03 to 7F>: CNRFT \I.D. # and transmitter type.
i1 = <signal name> \Independent button.
i2 = <signal name>
i3 = <signal name>
" = " "
If after reviewing this Operations Guide you still have additional questions, please contact a CRESTRON
technical support representative by dialing (800) 237-2041 or (201) 894-0660.
2 DOC. 8051B
Specifications subject to change without notice.