Crestron TMK-9L & WMKT-9L
Trim Ring Mount Kits
Installation Guide

This document was prepared and written by the Technical Documentation department at:
Crestron Electronics, Inc.
15 Volvo Drive
Rockleigh, NJ 07647
Regulatory Compliance
As of the date of manufacture, the TMK-9L & WMKT-9L have been tested and found to comply with
specifications for CE marking and standards per EMC and Radiocommunications Compliance Labelling.
All brand names, product names and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
©2010 Crestron Electronics, Inc.

Crestron TMK-9L & WMKT-9L Trim Ring Mount Kits
Trim Ring Mount Kits: TMK-9L & WMKT-9L 1
Setup .......................................................................................................................................... 4
Supplied Hardware......................................................................................................4
Resources................................................................................................................................... 9
Reference Documents..................................................................................................9
Further Inquiries..........................................................................................................9
Future Updates ............................................................................................................9
Return and Warranty Policies..................................................................................................10
Merchandise Returns / Repair Service ......................................................................10
CRESTRON Limited Warranty.................................................................................10
Installation Guide – DOC. 7034A Contents • i

Crestron TMK-9L & WMKT-9L Trim Ring Mount Kits
Trim Ring Mount Kits: TMK-9L &
Trim Ring Mount Kits are the preferred method of mounting the Crestron Isys®
TPMC-9L 9” Wall Mount Touchpanel when a finished appearance within a neatly
trimmed cutout is required. This application is perfect for wallpapering.
NOTE: If mounted into a material other than drywall (for example, wood lectern,
concrete or rock) use the cutout template, available in the post-construction kit
WMKT-9L. For concrete and rock mounting material, allow for proper ventilation
before mounting the touchpanel.
There are two Trim Ring Mount Kits. The TMK-9L is a pre-construction accessory.
Pre-construction refers to framed walls prior to hanging drywall. This accessory
must be used with either the Pre-Construction Wall Mount Kit (PMK-9L) or Wall
Mount Back Box (BB-9L), both sold separately.
The WMKT-9L is a post construction kit. Post-construction refers to framed walls
with drywall hung. This accessory is designed with a mounting plate so it can be
placed anywhere on a wall without the support of a stud. The mounting plate is also
ideal for installing the touchpanel in a lectern.
NOTE: If necessary, consult the latest version of the TPMC-9L Operations &
Installation Guide (Doc. 7030) for a complete list of mounting options. The
document is available from the Crestron
website (www.crestron.com/manuals).
Installation Guide – DOC. 7034A Trim Ring Mount Kits: TMK-9L & WMKT-9L • 1