Interwave Radio™ Tuner Card
The ATC-AUDIONET is an Internet tuner card for use with card
slot-equipped devices such as the Adagio® Entertainment System
(AES), the Adagio Media System (AMS), the Adagio Media System
with Advanced Image Processing (AMS-AIP), and the Tuner Rack
The ATC-AUDIONET can also be used for local audio file playback
with its built-in memory card slot.
For details, refer to the ATC-AUDIONET Installation & Operations
Guide (Doc. 6933) which can be downloaded from the Crestron Web
site (www.crestron.com/manuals).
quickstart guide
Required Tools/Hardware
• Small flat bladed screwdriver
• Grounding strap (recommended)
CAUTION: The ATC-AUDIONET and host system contain electrostatic
discharge (ESD) sensitive devices. Crestron encourages you to wear a
grounding strap to avoid damaging the card and/or the host system.
When inserting a card into an Adagio system that features tuner
card slots you may need to move other source connections if
designated connectors are occupied by other sources. Refer to
the respective Operations Guide for details.
CAUTION: Do not connect external sources to SOURCES
connectors used by tuner cards.
CAUTION: Be certain to insert tuner card before applying power
to the Adagio system.
Begin the card insertion procedure with these steps:
1. Disconnect power from the host system.
2. Remove the slotted screws securing any cover plate that may
be fastened to the slot you intend to use, then set the screws
and the cover plate aside.
3. Unpack the ATC-AUDIONET card.
If the included memory card is to be used for audio playback, it
should be installed before inserting the ATC-AUDIONET into
the system. For details, refer to the ATC-AUDIONET
Installation & Operations Guide.
(Continued in next column.)
Installation (Continued)
4. As shown in the adjacent
photo, position the
ATC-AUDIONET card so the
print on the faceplate is right
side up and the side rails of
the card slide into the plastic
slots mounted on left and
right inside walls of the host system.
5. Push the ATC-AUDIONET card into the slot until it stops at the
rear connector, and then push again until the ATC-AUDIONET
snaps into place.
6. Secure the card in place by tightening the two slotted screws by
hand. The screwdriver slots are provided for removal only.
7. Connect Ethernet cable to the
8. Apply power to the the host device.
LAN port on the ATC-AUDIONET.
Front Panel Controls
NOTE: When installed in an AES, AMS, or AMS-AIP, the front panel
interface described in this guide will only be displayed when a custom
program is used.
The ATC-AUDIONET is controlled with the
CEN-TRACK or the selection knob on the AES, AMS, and AMS-AIP
(hereafter referred to as the TUNE/selection knob), the ENTER button, and
soft buttons located under the display.
• Turn the TUNE/selection knob to scroll through a list and highlight
an item.
• Press the ENTER button to select the highlighted item.
• Press a soft button to perform the action indicated above on the
TUNE knob on the
IP Settings
By default, the ATC-AUDIONET uses DHCP to obtain an IP address.
To use a static address, refer to the host device’s Operations Guide.
Enable and Disable Services
Internet radio service providers (XM/SIRIUS, audiobooks, etc.) can be
enabled so they are visible to the user or disabled so they are hidden from
the user’s view. Services that the user will not use should be disabled so
they are hidden from the user’s view. To enable or disable a provider:
1. Select the ATC-AUDIONET as the source to control.
• For CEN-TRACK: Press the TUNER button for the card slot
that contains the ATC-AUDIONET.
• For AES, AMS, & AMS-AIP: Press the SOURCE button, turn
the selection knob to display ATC-AUDIONET, and press the
ENTER button.
(Continued in next column.)
Setup (Continued)
2. Press MENU.
3. Press the soft button labeled Setup.
4. Turn the TUNE/selection knob to
highlight Enable/Disable Providers
and press ENTER. The status of
each provider is displayed.
5. Turn the
enable or disable and press ENTER.
6. Turn the TUNE/selection knob to highlight Enable or
Disable and press ENTER.
7. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for every service to be enabled
or disabled.
TUNE/selection knob to highlight the service to
Enable/Disable Provider
Internet Radio is enabled
Sirius is enabled
Librivox Audiobooks is enable
SIRIUS Internet Radio (optional)
A SIRIUS streaming Internet radio account is required to configure
the ATC-AUDIONET to receive SIRIUS Internet radio.
NOTE: If the user will not use the SIRIUS online service, the
service should be disabled as described in “Enable and Disable
1. If you do not already have a SIRIUS streaming account,
go to www.sirius.com to set up an account.
NOTE: There is a monthly charge for an account. Free
trial accounts are not supported by the ATC-AUDIONET.
2. While listening to an Internet radio station, press the soft
button labeled Setup.
3. Turn the TUNE/selection knob to highlight Setup Sirius
and press ENTER.
4. Turn the TUNE/selection knob to
highlight Set Username and press
NOTE: The username is case-sensitive.
a. Turn the
and press ENTER.
b. Repeat for each letter in the username. To delete a
character and move back a space, press the soft
button labeled
the cursor forward, press the soft button labeled >.
To return to the previous menu, press the soft button
labeled Back.
c. Press the soft button labeled Done to enter the name.
(Continued on following page.)
TUNE/selection knob to highlight a letter
Delete. To insert a space and/or move
Enter username:
_ Caps
Back Delete > Done
For details, refer to the latest version of the
ATC-AUDIONET Installation & Operations Guide, Doc. 6933.
QUICKSTART DOC. 6931A (2028050, Sheet 1 of 3) 09.10
©2010 Specifications subject to
change without notice.
888.273.7876 201.767.3400
All brand names, product names, and trademarks
are the property of their respective owners.

Interwave Radio™ Tuner Card
quickstart guide
Setup (Continued)
5. Turn the TUNE/selection knob to
highlight Set Password and press
NOTE: The password is case-sensitive.
a. Turn the TUNE/selection knob to highlight a letter and
press ENTER.
b. Repeat for each letter in the password. To delete a
character and move back a space, press the soft button
labeled Delete. To insert a space and/or move the cursor
forward, press the soft button labeled >. To return to the
previous menu, press the soft button labeled Back.
c. Press the soft button labeled Done to store the password.
Listen to Internet Radio Feeds
1. Select the ATC-AUDIONET as the source to control.
• For CEN-TRACK: Press the TUNER button for the card
slot that contains the ATC-AUDIONET.
• For AES, AMS, & AMS-AIP: Press the SOURCE
button, turn the selection knob to display
ATC-AUDIONET, and press the ENTER button twice.
If a station has already been
selected, its information will be
displayed. Otherwise, a list of
favorite categories will be displayed.
To browse stations, press the soft button labeled
continue to step 2.
a. Turn the TUNE/selection
knob to highlight a favorite
category and press ENTER.
A list of favorite stations
within the category will be
b. Turn the knob to highlight the station to be tuned and
press ENTER.
• Press the soft button labeled Back to return to the
previous screen.
• Press the soft button labeled Browse to browse
• Press the soft button labeled Clear to remove the
highlighted station from the list of favorites.
(Continued in next column.)
Enter password:
_ Caps
Back Delete > Done
Browse and
Barock Music
BBC Radio 3 90 FM
Amadeus 103.7
Back Browse Clear
Listen to Internet Radio Feeds (Continued)
2. Press the soft button labeled
browsing options. The ATC-AUDIONET can receive Internet
radio, receive SIRIUS/XM content (if subscribed) or listen to
Librivox audiobooks.
NOTE: To display a list of favorite stations, press the soft
button labeled Favs. For details on selecting a favorite
station, refer to section 5, step 1 on page 1.
3. Turn the TUNE/selection knob to highlight the desired source
and press ENTER.
• Internet Radio:
The Internet Radio section allows you to search for
Internet radio stations and podcasts or browse
Internet radio stations. Turn the TUNE/selection knob
to highlight a browsing method and press ENTER.
Search Stations/Search
Podcasts: Select either of
these options to search for
Internet radio stations or
podcasts by name.
i. To enter a string, turn the TUNE/selection knob
to highlight a letter and press
ii. Repeat for each letter in the search string. To
delete a character and move back a space,
press the soft button labeled Delete. To insert a
space and/or move the cursor forward, press
the soft button labeled >.
iii. Press the soft button labeled Done to begin the
search. A list of stations/podcasts matching
the search string will be displayed.
iv. Turn the TUNE/selection knob to highlight the
desired station/podcast and press ENTER to
Other Browse Methods: You can also browse
stations near you (local stations), recently played
stations, stations and/or podcasts in a specific location
(location), stations and/or podcasts within a specific
genre (genre), newly added stations, and the most
popular stations.
The Internet Radio section also provides the tuner’s
access code which is used to add stations and
podcasts from a web browser. For more information,
refer to “Notes on Internet Radio” on page 3.
To reset the list of favorite stations, turn the
TUNE/selection knob to highlight Reset Favorites
and press ENTER.
(Continued in next column.)
Browse to display the list of
Enter search string :
Back D elete > Done
Listen to Internet Radio Feeds (Continued)
• SIRIUS (subscription to online access required):
The SIRIUS section provides the online feed from
SIRIUS Satellite radio stations. For more
information, refer to section ➍.
i. Turn the TUNE/selection knob to highlight Sirius
and press ENTER.
ii. Turn the TUNE/selection knob to highlight the
desired station and press ENTER.
• Librivox Audiobooks:
The Librivox Audiobooks section allows you to listen
to audio books that were downloaded to the
ATC-AUDIONET’s memory card from the Librivox
Web site (www.librivox.org).
i. Turn the TUNE/selection knob to highlight
Librivox Audiobooks and press ENTER.
ii. Turn the TUNE/selection knob to highlight the
desired book file and press ENTER.
For more information, refer to host device’s Operations Guide.
Station Controls
While listening to a station, you can add it
to a group of favorite stations, view the list
of favorite stations, browse for another
station, or configure the ATC-AUDIONET.
• Press the soft button labeled Add to add the station to the
list of favorites.
NOTE: Favorite stations and podcasts can also be
managed online at radio.crestron.com. For details, refer to
“Manage Favorite Stations and Podcasts Online” on sheet
• Press the soft button labeled Favs to display the list of
favorite stations.
• Press the soft button labeled Browse to browse through the
available stations (refer to section ➏).
• Press the soft button labeled Setup to configure the
Barock Music
AudioNet 1 MP3 128K
Add Favs Browse Setup
End-User Sheet
After installation is complete, leave the third sheet of this Quickstart
with the end-user.
For details, refer to the latest version of the
ATC-AUDIONET Installation & Operations Guide, Doc. 6933.
QUICKSTART DOC. 6931A (2028050, Sheet 1 of 3) 09.10
©2010 Specifications subject to
change without notice.
888.273.7876 201.767.3400
All brand names, product names, and trademarks
are the property of their respective owners.