Creative 404 User Manual

Digital Audio System
Owner's Manual
Creative Professional 1
E-MU 0404 Digital Audio System
Owner’s Manual
© 2004 E-MU Systems
All Rights Reserved
Software Version: 1.81
Revision: B (12-05-05)
E-MU World Headquarters
E-MU Systems
1500 Green Hills Road
Scotts Valley, CA USA
Europe, Africa, Middle East
Creative Labs
Ballycoolin Business Park
Dublin 15
E-MU Japan
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Kanda Eight Bldg, 3F
4-6-7 Soto-Kanda
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0021
2 E-MU Digital Audio System
Table of Contents
1- Introduction ................................................................. 7
Welcome!.............................................................................................................................. 7
The System Includes: ........................................................................................................ 7
Optional Sync Daughter Card ......................................................................................... 8
Notes, Tips and Warnings.................................................................................................... 8
2 - Installation .................................................................. 1
Setting Up the Digital Audio System .................................................................................. 1
Notes for Installation ................................................................................................... 1
Safety First! ................................................................................................................... 2
Connector Types .............................................................................................................. 2
Installing the E-MU 0404 PCI Card .................................................................................... 3
Install the Sync Card ............................................................................................................ 4
Software Installation ............................................................................................................ 5
Installing the E-MU 0404 Drivers ............................................................................... 5
Windows 2000 or Windows XP .................................................................................. 5
Uninstalling all Audio Drivers and Applications ....................................................... 5
3 - PCI Card & Interfaces ................................................... 7
The E-MU 0404 PCI Card.................................................................................................... 7
DB-9 & DB-15 Connectors .......................................................................................... 7
Analog Breakout Cable .................................................................................................... 7
Digital Breakout Cable ..................................................................................................... 8
S/PDIF Digital Audio Input & Output ........................................................................ 8
The Sync Daughter Card Option.......................................................................................10
Connecting Cables to the Sync Daughter Card ............................................................10
4 - The PatchMix DSP Mixer ............................................. 11
PatchMix DSP..................................................................................................................... 11
Overview of the Mixer........................................................................................................ 11
Mixer Window ................................................................................................................ 12
Mixer Block Diagram ..................................................................................................... 12
Pre Fader or Post Fader ..............................................................................................12
E-MU Icon in the Windows Taskbar ................................................................................. 13
The Toolbar ........................................................................................................................ 13
Creative Professional 3
The Session ......................................................................................................................... 14
New Session ....................................................................................................................14
Open Session .................................................................................................................. 15
Save Session .................................................................................................................... 15
Session Settings .............................................................................................................. 16
System Settings ........................................................................................................... 16
Using External Clock .................................................................................................. 16
I/O Settings .................................................................................................................17
Input Mixer Strips............................................................................................................... 18
Input Type ................................................................................................................... 18
Mixer Strip Creation........................................................................................................... 19
Multichannel WAVE Files .............................................................................................. 20
Insert Section ..................................................................................................................21
Working with Inserts .................................................................................................. 21
The Insert Menu ......................................................................................................... 22
ASIO Direct Monitor Send/Return ............................................................................ 23
Meter Inserts ............................................................................................................... 24
To Set the Input Levels of a Strip ................................................................................... 25
Making the Best Possible Recording ............................................................................. 26
Trim Pot Insert ............................................................................................................ 27
Test Tone/Signal Generator Insert ............................................................................. 27
Aux Section ..................................................................................................................... 29
Sidechain Diagram ..................................................................................................... 29
Pre or Post Fader Aux Sends ......................................................................................30
Level, Pan, Solo & Mute Controls ................................................................................. 31
Main Section....................................................................................................................... 32
TV Screen & Selectors ..................................................................................................... 33
Effect ........................................................................................................................... 33
Input ........................................................................................................................... 34
Output ........................................................................................................................ 34
Auxiliary Effects & Returns ............................................................................................ 35
Sidechain Diagram ..................................................................................................... 35
Sync/Sample Rate Indicators ......................................................................................... 35
Output Section ............................................................................................................... 36
Main Inserts ................................................................................................................ 36
Main Output Fader ..................................................................................................... 36
Output Level Meters ................................................................................................... 36
Monitor Output Level ................................................................................................ 36
Monitor Balance Control ........................................................................................... 36
Monitor Output Mute ................................................................................................ 36
5 - Effects ....................................................................... 37
Overview............................................................................................................................. 37
The Effects Palette............................................................................................................... 37
FX Insert Chains ............................................................................................................. 38
Creating, Renaming & Deleting Categories or Presets ............................................. 39
88kHz, 96kHz, 176kHz & 192kHz Operation................................................................. 39
Importing and Exporting Core FX Presets and FX Insert Chains ............................. 40
FX Edit Screen..................................................................................................................... 41
User Preset Section ......................................................................................................... 42
Core Effects and Effects Presets .....................................................................................43
WDM Recording and Playback Behavior ...................................................................... 43
List of Core Effects.............................................................................................................. 44
DSP Resource Usage ....................................................................................................... 44
4 E-MU Digital Audio System
Core Effects Descriptions................................................................................................... 45
1-Band Para EQ .............................................................................................................. 45
1-Band Shelf EQ ............................................................................................................. 45
3-Band EQ ......................................................................................................................46
4-Band EQ ......................................................................................................................47
Auto-Wah ........................................................................................................................ 48
Chorus ............................................................................................................................ 49
Compressor .................................................................................................................... 49
Basic Controls ............................................................................................................. 50
Distortion ....................................................................................................................... 51
Flanger ............................................................................................................................ 52
Freq Shifter .....................................................................................................................53
Leveling Amp .................................................................................................................. 54
Lite Reverb ...................................................................................................................... 55
Mono Delays - 100, 250, 500, 750, 1500, 3000 .......................................................... 56
Phase Shifter ................................................................................................................... 57
Rotary .............................................................................................................................. 58
Speaker Simulator .......................................................................................................... 58
Stereo Delays - 100, 250, 550, 750, 1500 .................................................................... 59
Vocal Morpher ................................................................................................................ 61
E-MU PowerFX ................................................................................................................... 62
Automating E-MU PowerFX .......................................................................................... 64
E-MU PowerFX Resource Availability ........................................................................... 64
E-MU PowerFX Compatibility Chart ........................................................................ 65
Rendering Audio with E-MU PowerFX .............................................................................66
General Tips for Rendering using E-MU PowerFX ...................................................66
Tips for using Freeze Mode on Cubase LE ................................................................ 66
Using E-MU PowerFX with WaveLab and SoundForge ...............................................66
E-MU VST E-Wire ...............................................................................................................67
E-Delay Compensator .................................................................................................... 68
E-Delay Compensator Use ......................................................................................... 69
E-Delay Units Parameter ............................................................................................ 69
Grouping Tracks ......................................................................................................... 70
6 - Appendix ................................................................... 71
Sync Daughter Card Supplement...................................................................................... 71
SMPTE Conversion ........................................................................................................ 71
SMPTE Features .......................................................................................................... 71
SMPTE Options .............................................................................................................. 71
SMPTE Modes of Operation .......................................................................................... 72
Host Mode .................................................................................................................. 72
External Mode ............................................................................................................ 72
Flywheel Mode ........................................................................................................... 72
Stripe Mode ................................................................................................................ 73
SMPTE Background............................................................................................................ 73
Types of SMPTE .......................................................................................................... 73
Why use SMPTE? ............................................................................................................ 74
Striping SMPTE ............................................................................................................... 74
Avoiding SMPTE problems ............................................................................................ 74
Duplicating SMPTE time code ................................................................................... 75
Other Tips for using SMPTE ......................................................................................75
MIDI Time Code (MTC) .................................................................................................... 75
Word Clock In/Out ............................................................................................................ 76
Getting in Sync ................................................................................................................... 78
Creative Professional 5
Useful Information ............................................................................................................79
AES/EBU to S/PDIF Cable Adapter ...............................................................................79
Digital Cables .................................................................................................................79
Grounding ......................................................................................................................79
Appearance Settings in Windows .............................................................................. 79
Technical Specifications..................................................................................................... 80
Internet References.............................................................................................................82
Forums ........................................................................................................................ 82
Index .............................................................................. 85
6 E-MU Digital Audio System

1- Introduction


Thank you for purchasing the E-MU 0404 digital audio system. Your computer is about to be transformed into a professional quality audio processing workstation. We’ve designed your E-MU Digital Audio System to be logical, intuitive and above all, to provide you with pristine sound quality. This system offers unprecedented value by providing studio-quality, 24-bit/192kHz multi-channel recording and playback at an astounding price.
E-MU Digital Audio System Components
1- Introduction
E-MU 0404
• E-MU 0404 PCI Card
• Analog Breakout Cable (1/4”)
• Digital Breakout Cable
• E-MU Digital Audio System Software/Driver Install CD-ROM
• Production Tools Software Bundle CD-ROM
• Quick Start Guide
(2) Ch. S/PDIF Optical In (2) Ch. S/PDIF Optical Out or (2) Ch. S/PDIF Coaxial In (2) Ch. S/PDIF Coaxial Out (1) MIDI Input & Output (16 ch.) (2) 24-bit unbalanced Line Inputs (2) 24-bit unbalanced Line Outputs
Inputs & Outputs

The System Includes:

The E-MU 0404 PCI Card provides 2 line level, unbalanced analog inputs, 2 line level, unbalanced analog outputs, plus MIDI input and output. This is a finely-tuned audio interface, using high performance 24-bit/192kHz A/D - D/A converters to deliver an unbelievable 111dB of dynamic range. Check out the complete specs on page 80.
The PCI card contains a powerful hardware DSP processor which allows you to use over 16 simultaneous hardware-based effects, which place minimal load on your computer’s CPU. The E-MU 0404 PCI Card also provides a S/PDIF stereo digital input and output with either optical or coaxial connections. A built-in MIDI interface allows you to connect external MIDI instruments or keyboards directly to your computer.
The PatchMix DSP mixer application is included in all the systems. PatchMix DSP delivers unmatched flexibility in routing your audio between physical inputs and outputs, virtual (ASIO) inputs and outputs and internal hardware effects and buses—no external mixer needed. You can add digital effects, EQs, meters, level controls and ASIO sends anywhere you like in the signal chain.
Because the effects and mixing are hardware-based, there is no latency when you record. You can even record a dry signal while monitoring yourself with effects! Mixer setups can be saved and instantly recalled for specific purposes such as recording, mixdown, special effect setups or general computer use.
E-MU Digital Audio System 7
1- Introduction Notes, Tips and Warnings

Optional Sync Daughter Card

The optional Sync Daughter Card adds Word Clock in and out for sample-synchro­nizing outboard digital equipment, SMPTE longitudinal time code in/out for syncing other recording equipment and a separate MIDI Time Code output port on the Sync Card eliminates timing problems caused by combining MTC with MIDI performance data.
You’ll want to keep up with the latest software and options for your E-MU digital audio system. You can find all of this, plus other helpful information, at the E-MU Website:

Notes, Tips and Warnings

Items of special interest are presented in this document as notes, tips and warnings.
E Notes provide additional information related to the topic being discussed. Often,
notes describe the interaction between the topic and some other aspect of the system.
f Tips describe applications for the topic under discussion.
Warnings are especially important, since they help you avoid activities that can
cause damage to your files, your computer or yourself.
8 Creative Professional

Setting Up the Digital Audio System

2 - Installation

Setting Up the Digital Audio System
Prior to installing the hardware, take a few moments to enter the 18-digit serial number of the E-MU 0404 PCI Card. This number can help EMU Customer Service troubleshoot any problems you may encounter—by writing the numbers down now, you’ll avoid having to open your computer to find it later on.
There are six basic steps to installing your E-MU system:
Remove any other sound cards you have in your computer. (Once you are sure that
the E-MU card works properly, your old sound card can be reinstalled if desired.)
Install the E-MU 0404 PCI card in your computer. Go there.
Install the optional Sync Card (if you have one). Go there.
Attach the Analog and Digital breakout cables to the rear of the 0404 card.
Install the PatchMix DSP software onto your computer.
Connect audio, MIDI and synchronization cables between the Digital Audio System
and your other gear.
2 - Installation

Notes for Installation

• IF AT ANY TIME DURING THIS INSTALLATION YOU SEE NO RESPONSE: Use the Alt-Tab feature to select other applications. One of them may be the Microsoft Digital Signature warning. It is possible for this warning to appear behind the installation screen.
• Make sure you have the latest Windows Service Packs from Microsoft (Windows 2000 - SP 4, Windows XP - SP 1 or higher).
• Disable onboard sound and uninstall all other sound cards. (If you wish to try using multiple sound cards in your system, do so after you have confirmed that your E-MU Digital Audio System is operating normally.)
• InstallShield “IKernel Application Error” on Windows XP: When installing this software on Windows XP, you may be confronted with a “kernel error” at the very end of installation. This is an issue with the InstallShield program, which is what we use to install software on your computer. Please do not be alarmed by this, as the error is innocuous. To read more about this error, and obtain instructions on how to avoid getting the message, please visit this website: view.asp?articleid=q108020
• Multiple Digital Audio System sound cards are currently not supported.
Please read the following sections as they apply to your system as you install the E-MU 0404, paying special attention to the various warnings they include.
E-MU Digital Audio System 1
2 - Installation Setting Up the Digital Audio System

Safety First!

• To avoid possible permanent damage to your hardware, make sure that all connections are made to the E-MU 0404 PCI card with the host computer’s power off. Unplug the computer’s power cable to make sure that the
computer is not in sleep mode .
• Take care to avoid static damage to any components of your system. Internal computer surfaces, the E-MU 0404 PCI board and the interfaces are susceptible to electrostatic discharge, commonly known as “static.” Electrostatic discharge can damage or destroy electronic devices. Follow these procedures when handling electronic devices in order to minimize the possibility of causing electrostatic damage:
• Avoid any unnecessary movement, such as scuffing your feet when handling electronic devices, since most movement can generate additional charges of static electricity.
• Minimize the handling of the PCI card. Keep it in its static-free package until needed. Transport or store the board only in its protective package.
As you install
hardware components, observe the following general precautions to avoid damage to your equipment and yourself.
• When handling a PCI card, avoid touching its connector pins. Try to handle the board by its edges only.
• Before installing a PCI card into your computer, you should be grounded. Use a ground strap to discharge any static electric charge built up on your body. The ground strap attaches to your wrist and any unpainted metal surface within your computer. If you don’t have a ground strap, you can ground yourself by touching the metal case of another piece of grounded equipment.
• Before connecting a cable to your interface or between PCI cards, touch the connector sleeve of the cable to the sleeve of the jack to which you’ll be connecting the cable in order to discharge any static build-up.

Connector Types

These connector types are used to connect the E-MU 0404 hardware components. They will be referred to by the name shown in the first column of the following chart:
DB-15 Digital Digital Cable Connector 0404 PCI card and Digital I/O
DB-9 Analog Analog Cable Connector 0404 PCI card and Analog I/O
1/4” Jacks 1/4” Breakout Cable 2 channel analog input/output
S/PDIF In RCA Connector S/PDIF digital audio devices
S/PDIF Out RCA Connector S/PDIF digital audio devices
S/PDIF Optical In TOSLINK Optical Connector S/PDIF digital audio devices
S/PDIF Optical Out TOSLINK Optical Connector S/PDIF digital audio devices
Description Connects
2 Creative Professional

Installing the E-MU 0404 PCI Card

Note: This installation is very simple, but if you are not familiar with the installation
of computer peripherals and add-in boards, please contact your authorized E-MU Systems dealer or an approved computer service center to arrange for the installation.
To install the 0404 PCI card into your computer
Make sure that the power switch on your computer is off.
IMPORTANT: Unplug the power cord from the wall outlet!
Touch a metal plate on your computer to ground yourself and to discharge any static electricity.
Follow the computer manufacturer’s recommended procedure for opening the case.
Remove the metal bracket from any available PCI slot. If you are installing a Sync Card as well, remove the bracket from two adjacent PCI slots. See figure 1 below.
Figure 1 Figure 2
2 - Installation
Installing the E-MU 0404 PCI Card
Note: Some
computer cases don’t use screws to secure PCI cards. In this case, follow the instructions that came with your computer.
PCI Slots
(may not be present
ISA Slots
on your computer)
Align the E-MU 0404 PCI card with the slot and press gently but firmly down into
the slot as shown in figure 2.
Do not force the E-MU 0404 card into the slot. Make sure that the gold finger
connector of the card is aligned with the PCI bus connector on the motherboard before you insert the card into the PCI slot. If it doesn’t fit properly, gently remove it and try again.
Secure the card into the slot using one of the screws you placed aside earlier.
Attach the Analog and Digital breakout cables to the rear of the 0404 card.
Connect your audio cables to the breakout cables.
E-MU Digital Audio System 3
2 - Installation Install the Sync Card

Install the Sync Card

Unwrap the Sync Card if you have one and get ready to install it.
Connect the ribbon cable provided with the kit between the E-MU 0404 card and
the Sync Daughter Card as shown in figure 3. The cable is keyed so it cannot be incorrectly inserted. Seat the connectors firmly in the sockets and arrange the cable neatly.
Align the Sync Card with the slot and press gently but firmly down into the slot as
shown in figure 2 on the preceding page.
Do not force the Sync Card into the slot. Make sure that the connector of the card is
aligned with the PCI bus connector on the motherboard before you insert the card into the PCI slot. If it doesn’t fit properly, gently remove it and try again.
Secure the card into the slot using one of the screws you placed aside earlier.
Figure 3
Sync Daughter Card
4 Creative Professional

Software Installation

Installing the E-MU 0404 Drivers

The first time you restart your PC after installing the E-MU 0404 PCI card, you will need to install the PatchMix DSP software and E-MU 0404 PCI card drivers.

Windows 2000 or Windows XP

The software is not compatible with other versions of Windows.
After you have installed your audio card, turn on your computer. Windows automatically detects your audio card and searches for device drivers.
When prompted for the audio drivers, click the Cancel button.
Insert the E-MU software Installation CD into your CD-ROM drive. If Windows
AutoPlay mode is enabled for your CD-ROM drive, the CD starts running automati­cally. If not, from your Windows desktop, click Start -> Run and type d:\setup.exe (replace d:\ with the drive letter of your CD-ROM drive). You can also open the CD and double-click Setup.exe .
The installation splash screen appears. Follow the instructions on the screen to
complete the installation.
Choose “Continue Anyway” when you encounter the “Windows Logo Testing” warning screen. See note below for more information.
When prompted, restart your computer.
Software Installation
Serial Number -
During the registration process, you will be asked to enter your serial number. The serial number is located on the back of the box and on the 0404 PCI Card.
2 - Installation
Note About Windows Logo Testing
When you install the Digital Audio System drivers, you will see a dialog box that informs you that the driver has not passed Windows Logo testing.
The Digital Audio System drivers are not signed because the driver does not support some of the consumer audio features that the Microsoft driver signing program requires, most notably Digital Rights Management.
However, the Digital Audio System drivers have been rigorously tested using the same test procedures that a signed driver requires, and it passes in all important categories, including those that measure the relative stability of the driver. So, it is perfectly safe to install these drivers on your computer.

Uninstalling all Audio Drivers and Applications

At times you may need to uninstall or reinstall some or all of the audio card's applica­tions and device drivers to correct problems, change configurations, or upgrade outdated drivers or applications. Before you begin, close all audio card applications. Applications still running during the uninstallation will not be removed.
Click Start -> Settings -> Control Panel .
Double-click the Add/Remove Programs icon.
Click the Install/Uninstall tab (or Change or Remove Programs button).
Select the E-MU 0404 PCI card entry, or the application entry and then click the
Add/Remove (or Change/Remove ) button.
In the InstallShield Wizard dialog box, select the Remove option.
Click the Yes button. Restart your computer when prompted.
You may now re-install existing or updated E-MU 0404 PCI card device drivers or
E-MU Digital Audio System 5
2 - Installation Software Installation
6 Creative Professional

3 - PCI Card & Interfaces

The E-MU 0404 PCI Card

The E-MU 0404 PCI card contains E-MU’s powerful E-DSP chip which leaves more power free on your CPU for additional software plug-ins and other tasks. Bit depth is controlled by your recording or audio application. The 0404 PCI card always sends and receives 24-bit audio.

DB-9 & DB-15 Connectors

Connects the analog and digital breakout cables to the 0404 PCI card. Connect the 1/4” Analog Breakout Cable to the DB-9 connector and the Digital Breakout Cable to the DB-15 connector.

Analog Breakout Cable

The 0404 PCI card provides one pair of 24-bit unbalanced analog inputs and one pair of 24-bit unbalanced analog outputs. The analog breakout cable is designed to accom­modate 1/4” plugs. Use 1/4” to RCA adapter cables to connect to consumer audio gear.
Note: You may have to combine adapters to connect desktop computer speakers. An
adapter with two male 1/4” phone plugs to 1/8” stereo female adapter is available directly from E-MU Systems. (Call 1-888-372-1372, Mon-Fri, 9AM-6PM, Central Time)
3 - PCI Card & Interfaces
The E-MU 0404 PCI Card
The outputs can feed any line level input such as a mixing board, the auxiliary input on your stereo, or a set of powered speakers. They are not designed to drive headphones directly. Use a mixer, home stereo receiver, or headphone amplifier to monitor with headphones.
Analog Output Connections
To Mixer
1/4" male to 1/4" male
(balanced or unbalanced)
Aux Inputs
Mono 1/4" male to
male Cinch (RCA) adapter
Mono 1/4" male to
Stereo 1/8" female adapter
Mixer &
Powered Speakers
Amp & Speakers
E-MU Digital Audio System 7
3 - PCI Card & Interfaces The E-MU 0404 PCI Card
The inputs can be connected to any line level stereo signal from keyboards, CD-players, cassette decks, etc. Use 1/4” to RCA adapter cables to connect to consumer audio gear.
Analog Input Connections
Instr. Preamp

Digital Breakout Cable

Connect to
Breakout Cable
Connect to
Breakout Cable
Audio Component
Electronic Keyboard
(must be pre-amped)
Electric Instrument
S/PDIF Digital Audio Input & Output
RCA phono jacks are the standard coaxial connectors used for S/PDIF (Sony/Philips Digital InterFace) connections. A single jack carries two channels of digital audio. The E-MU 0404 receives digital audio data with word lengths of up to 24-bits. Data is always transmitted at 24-bits.
S/PDIF digital I/O allows you to receive and/ or transmit of digital data from external digital devices such as a DAT, external analog-to-digital converters or external signal processors equipped with digital inputs and outputs.
S/PDIF can also be transmitted and received via the TOSLINK optical connectors on the Digital Breakout Cable. Optical connections have certain advantages such as immunity to electrical interference and ground loops. Make sure to use high quality glass fiber light pipes for connections longer than 1.5 meters.
The optical S/PDIF and RCA coaxial S/PDIF Inputs cannot be used simultaneously, however BOTH S/PDIF Outputs are available simultaneously (carrying the same signal). See System Settings.
8 Creative Professional
The S/PDIF out can be configured as either Professional or Consumer mode in the
Session Settings
menu. The 0404 PCI card can be connected to AES/EBU digital audio systems through the use of a cable adapter. See AES/EBU to S/PDIF Cable Adapter for details.
3 - PCI Card & Interfaces
The E-MU 0404 PCI Card
The S/PDIF input and outputs are usable at the 44.1kHz, 48kHz and 96kHz sample rates. The word clock contained in the input data stream can be used as a word clock source. See Using External Clock.
Digital Connections
Breakout Cable
Portable Digital Recorder
Any Digital Audio Device with S/PDIF
MIDI Keyboard
MIDI Sound Module
Audio out
Audio out
MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) is a standard specification for networking two or more devices together. Connect connect
to a controller such as a MIDI keyboard.
to external MIDI instruments and
When using any type of digital I/O such as S/PDIF, you MUST sample sync the two devices or clicks and pops in the audio will result.
Using External
Unlike S/PDIF, the MIDI cable does not carry audio data. In its most basic application, MIDI tells a synthesizer when to start and stop playing specific notes. MIDI also carries other information such as how hard the note was played, what sound to play, the channel volume and many other commands. The most important thing to remember is that MIDI contains CONTROL information, not the sound itself.
Information on the MIDI cable can be assigned to any one of sixteen channels so that different musical lines can be assigned to play specific sounds or MIDI instruments.
To connect more than one MIDI instrument to the 0404 PCI card, the MIDI Thru port on your synthesizer can be used. MIDI Thru carries an exact copy of the data on the synthesizer’s MIDI input port. To find more information about MIDI, see page 75.
MIDI Cable
MIDI Sound Module
Using MIDI Thru
MIDI Sound Module
E-MU Digital Audio System 9
3 - PCI Card & Interfaces The Sync Daughter Card Option

The Sync Daughter Card Option

The Sync Daughter card option adds word clock in and out, SMPTE (LTC) in and out and an additional MIDI output for transmitting MIDI Time Code (MTC). MIDI Time Code is a special rendering of SMPTE that can be transmitted over MIDI cables. For additional information about SMPTE, please refer to SMPTE Background.
Synchronization is a basic technique needed for connecting multiple pieces of equipment. Word Clock, S/PDIF or S/PDIF optical are all industry standard methods of synchronizing digital equipment together at the system sample rate. The master clock source is set in the Mixer Session Settings menu. See Sy mation.
Recording equipment can also be synchronized so that two audio recorders or an audio and video recorder can lock together as a single machine. SMPTE and MTC sync are used because they convey absolute time information. Word clock, or S/PDIF sync only synchronize the sample rate and unlike SMPTE and MTC, do not convey song position information. In a synchronized system, there is usually one MASTER machine, and one or more SLAVES. When the master starts, the others will follow (chase).
The Sync Daughter card is also a format converter. It converts incoming SMPTE time code to MIDI Time Code (MTC) and passes this information to the host computer to be used by a sequencer or audio recorder application. When your computer application is the “Master”, the Sync Daughter card converts MTC into SMPTE and sends it out to another SMPTE device.
stem Settings for more infor-
Word Clock

Connecting Cables to the Sync Daughter Card

The Sync Daughter Card contains Word Clock inputs and outputs for clock signals used in a studio where a common sample rate reference is required to keep multiple pieces of digital equipment running together. This is referred to as “house clock” or “house sync,” and is set to the actual sample rate of the system. Use a cable with BNC connectors to connect incoming clock signals to the Word Clock In jack on the Sync Daughter card. Connect the Word Clock Out to your other digital equipment to use the Sync Daughter Card as the Master Word Clock source. See Word Clock In/Out.
The Sync Daughter Card provides SMPTE (LTC) sync in and out on two 1/4” phone jacks. LTC can be recorded onto an unused audio track on an analog or digital recorder and then fed back into the SMPTE input to synchronize your computer sequencer/recorder. See SMPTE
Background for more information.
MIDI Time Code is also output whenever MTC is being generated by the host application (sequencer or audio recorder). A special cable converts the mini DIN to a standard MIDI jack.
See the Sync Daughter Card Supplement for more information about using the Sync Daughter Card.
10 Creative Professional

4 - The PatchMix DSP Mixer

PatchMix DSP

The PatchMix DSP Mixer is a virtual console, which performs all of the functions of
a typical hardware mixer and then adds a few new tricks of its own. PatchMix DSP
greatly simplifies audio operations such as ASIO/WAVE routing, volume control, stereo panning, equalization, effect processing, effect send/return routing, main mix and monitor control, without getting in the way of your other software. It’s easy and it works…beautifully!
To Invoke the PatchMix DSP Mixer
Left-click once on the E-MU icon on the Windows System Tray. The PatchMix DSP mixer window appears.

Overview of the Mixer

4 - The PatchMix DSP Mixer
PatchMix DSP
f Click on the buttons
and knobs in the mixer screen below to jump to the description of the control.
Add New
Physical Input Strips
ASIO Strip
Scribble Strip
WAVE Strip
Controls Windows Source Audio
(Direct Sound, Windows Media, etc.)
E-MU Digital Audio System 11
Current Session
Main Mix
Output Volume
& Meters
/Mute Controls
4 - The PatchMix DSP Mixer
Overview of the Mixer

Mixer Window

The Mixer consists of four main sections.
Application Toolbar Lets you manage sessions and show/hide the various views.
Main Section Controls all the main levels, aux buses, and their inserts. This sec-
tion also has a “TV” which shows parameters for the currently selected effect and the input/output patchbay. It also shows the session’s current sample rate and whether the Digital Audio System is set to internal or external clock.
Mixer Strips This section is located to the left of the Main Section and shows all
the currently instantiated mixer strips. Mixer strips can represent Physical analog/digital inputs, or Host inputs such as ASIO or Direct Sound. Mixer strips can be added or deleted as necessary. This section can be resized by dragging the left edge of the frame.
Effects Palette This popup window is invoked by pressing the FX button in the
toolbar. Iconic representations of all effects presets are shown here, organized by category. From this window, you can drag and drop effect presets into the insert slots available on the mixer strips and main section aux buses and main inserts.
A simplified diagram of the mixer is shown below.
Post-Fader Strip
Insert Chain
Pre-Fader Strip
Insert Chain

Mixer Block Diagram

Aux 1
Aux Bus 1
Aux 1
Aux 2
Aux Bus 2
Aux 2
Main Bus
Main Bus
Pre Fader or Post Fader
When creating a new Mixer Strip, you have the option for the Aux Sends to be Post Fader (both Aux Sends come after the channel fader) or Pre Fader (both Aux Sends come before the channel fader). The Pre-fader option allows you to use either Aux Send as another mix bus, which is unaffected by the channel fader. More Information.
12 Creative Professional

E-MU Icon in the Windows Taskbar

E-MU Icon in the Windows Taskbar
Right-clicking on the E-MU icon in the Windows taskbar calls up the following window.
Right-Click Here
Opens the PatchMix DSP Mixer.
4 - The PatchMix DSP Mixer

The Toolbar

Calls the PatchMix DSP help system.
Disables the splash screen that appears at boot-up.
When unchecked, FX are not loaded until needed, resulting in faster computer boot.
Restores the default PatchMix DSP and driver settings.
Closes the PatchMix DSP background program, disabling use of all audio I/O from the E-MU hardware. Open the Patch­Mix DSP application to start audio again.
PatchMix DSP
f Restore Defaults:
Always try this option first if PatchMix is crashing or if you are having any other strange audio problems.
f Click the buttons in
the toolbar to learn about their function.
New Session
Open Session
Calls up the “New Session” dialog box. New Session.
Calls up the standard “Open” dialog box, allowing you to
open a saved Session.
Save Session
Calls up the standard “Save” or “Save As…” dialog boxes, allowing you to save the current Session.
Show/Hide Effects
Session Settings
Global Preferences
Sync Settings
About PatchMix DSP
Toggle button that shows or hides the FX palette.
Calls up the Sessions Settings window. Session Settings.
Calls up the Global Preferences window.
Calls up the SMPTE window. (if Sync Card is installed)
Right-Click on the E-MU logo to view the “About PatchMix DSP” screen, which provides the software and firmware version numbers and other information.
E-MU Digital Audio System 13
4 - The PatchMix DSP Mixer The Session

The Session

The current state of the PatchMix DSP mixer (fader settings, effects routings…every­thing!) can be saved as a Session. Whenever you create or modify a mixer setup, all you have to do is Save it to be able to recall it at a later time.
Before you begin using PatchMix DSP, you need to set it up to be compatible with the other software applications you may be running. The most important consideration is your system sample rate. PatchMix DSP and any applications or other digital gear you are using must be set to the same sample rate. PatchMix DSP can run at 44.1kHz, 48kHz, 88.2kHz, 96kHz, 176.4 kHz or 192kHz sample rates, but the effect processors are only available at the 44.1kHz or 48kHz rates.
When you start a new PatchMix DSP Session, the first choice you make is to select the sample rate. Once set, you can only easily switch between 44.1kHz and 48kHz. You cannot switch between 44/48kHz and 88k/96k/176k/192k. With a change to these
high sample rates, you must start a new session.
You can also set up an external sync source, thereby obtaining the sample rate from some other device or application. External sync can be obtained from either S/PDIF input or the Sync Daughter Card (word clock). If the session is set at 44.1kHz or 48kHz and the external source is coming in at 96kHz, the Sync Indicator will be extinguished (off), but PatchMix will attempt to receive the external data. if the Sync Indicator is Off, the two units are NOT sample locked and you should correct this condition to avoid intermittent clicks in the audio. Always check for the presence of the “LOCKED”
indicator whenever you are using a digital interface.
PatchMix DSP comes with several session templates to choose from so when you create a new session you can either create a “blank” session based around a designated sample rate, or select from a list of template starting points.
In a PatchMix DSP session the number of strips in the mixer is dynamically config­urable. See Pre Fader or Post Fader. This allows you to create only those strips you need up to a maximum number determined by available DSP resources and available inputs.
Important: When
using any form of digital input, you MUST synchronize the Digital Audio System to the external digital device.
Using External Clock

New Session

You create a new session by clicking the “New Session” button in the PatchMix DSP main Toolbar. The following dialog box appears.
Select a Template or new Session at the desired sample rate
Session Description
Add your own comment or note about the Session
Check this if you want to edit the New Session.
14 Creative Professional
You can now select one of the factory template sessions. The factory templates are pre­programmed with specific setups such as audio recording or mixing. The selector tabs categorize Template Sessions into three groups based on sample rate, 44.1k/48k, 88k/ 96k or 176k/192k.
You can create your own templates by simply copying or saving sessions into the “Session Templates” folder (Program Files\Creative Professional\Digital Audio System\E-MU PatchMix DSP\Session Templates).
The “Session Path” allows you to choose the destination for your Session. The default location is in the “My Sessions” folder within the “My Documents” folder.
There is also a Comment area that you can use to give yourself some clue as to what you were thinking when you created the session.

Open Session

To Open a saved session, click on the Open Session button. A dialog box appears allowing you to choose one of your saved Sessions to open. Choose one of your saved sessions and click on the Open button.

Save Session

To Save a session, click on the Save Session button. A Save dialog box appears allowing you to choose a location in which to save the current Session. The “My Sessions” folder is chosen by default.
Get in the habit of saving the session whenever you have created a special mixer setup. This will make your life much easier as you can recall a setup for many different audio modes such as: recording, mixing, special ASIO routings, etc.
4 - The PatchMix DSP Mixer
The Session
f Saving a session
“defragments” the effect/ DSP resources. If you have used all your effects and need another, try saving the session.
E-MU Digital Audio System 15
4 - The PatchMix DSP Mixer The Session

Session Settings

System Settings
Pressing the Session Settings button on the toolbar brings up the System Settings window shown below. Click the tabs to select System or I/O options.
The System Settings include the following choices:
• Internal/External Clock Selects between internal or external clock source as the
master clock source for the system
• Sample Rate Selects the sample rate when using internal clock. Your choices are: 44.1kHz, 48kHz, 88.2kHz, 96kHz,
176.4kHz, 192kHz
• External Clock Source
(ext. clock only)
Select from S/PDIF or the Word Clock (Sync card only) as an external sample clock source.
Using External Clock
Whenever you are connecting two or more devices using digital I/O such as S/PDIF, one of the digital devices MUST supply the master clock to the others. This master clock runs at the system sample rate and can be distributed using a dedicated cable (word clock) or embedded into a data stream such as S/PDIF. Common symptoms of unsynced digital audio include, random clicks or pops in the audio or failure of the digital stream to be recognized. Always check for the presence of the “LOCKED” indicator
whenever you are using a digital interface.
If an External Clock is interrupted or switched after the Session has been created (except between 44.1k <-> 48k), the “LOCKED” indicator will extinguish and PatchMix will attempt to receive the external data. The two units are NOT sample locked however, and you should correct this condition to avoid intermittent clicks in the audio.
E Note: if set to
“External” without an external clock present, PatchMix DSP defaults to the internal 48kHz clock rate.
16 Creative Professional
I/O Settings
The 0404 PCI card is optimized for signal levels of -10dBV (consumer standard) for the analog inputs and outputs. -10dBV levels are compatible with most consumer audio gear.
Setting correct input and output levels is important! You can measure the level of an input by inserting a meter into the first effect location in the strip. Adjust your external equipment outputs for the optimum signal level. See “To Set the Input Levels of a Strip” for details.
E-MU 0404
Optical Input
S/PDIF Output Format Select
(Sets S/PDIF-AES status bit, but doesn’t affect level.)
4 - The PatchMix DSP Mixer
The Session
The optical digital TOSLINK input and output on the Digital Breakout Cable can be used to transmit and receive stereo S/PDIF.
• PCI Card S/PDIF Input Selects between coaxial or optical S/PDIF input. S/PDIF
out is always transmitted on both the coaxial and optical outputs.
• S/PDIF Output Format Selects between S/PDIF or AES/EBU format for S/PDIF.
This sets the S/PDIF-AES status bit, but does not affect the signal level.
E-MU Digital Audio System 17
4 - The PatchMix DSP Mixer
f Physical input strips
are shown with BLUE text.
f Host input strips are
shown with WHITE text.
f The Input Type will
turn RED if the input is not available.
f To learn how to record
monophonic inputs in stereo, see page

Input Mixer Strips

Input Mixer Strips
PatchMix DSP Line Input Mixer Strips are mono. The WAVE and S/PDIF strips are stereo. Each input mixer strip can be divided into four basic sections.
• Insert Section Effects, EQ, External/Host Sends and Returns can be inserted into the signal path.
• Pan Controls This control positions the signal in the stereo sound field.
• Aux Sends Used to send the signal to sidechain effects or to create separate mixes.
• Volume Control Controls the output level of the channel.

Input Type

Insert Section

Pan Controls

Aux Sends


Volume Control

Input Type
The very top of the strip is labeled mono or stereo and displays the type of the assigned input. Input mixer strips can be added as desired and can be configured to input the following:
Physical input
Host Input
(Direct Sound, WAV, ASIO source)


You can drag and drop effects from the Effects Palette or Right-click to insert a Physical or ASIO Send or Send/Return A Peak Meter, Trim Control or Test Signal can also be inserted by Right­clicking.
Pan Controls
These controls allow to you position the channel in the stereo sound field. Dual controls on stereo strips allow you to position each side indepen­dently.
Aux Sends
These controls send the signal to sidechain effect processors such as reverb and delay. They can also be used to create separate mixes for the artist or for recording.
Volume Control
Controls the output level of the strip into the main/monitor mix bus.
This screen shows a mono strip on the left and a stereo strip on the right.
18 Creative Professional
Scribble Strip

Mute/Solo Buttons

These convenient buttons allow you to solo or mute selected channels.

Scribble Strips

Click inside the scribble strip and type a name of up to eight characters.

Mixer Strip Creation

PatchMix DSP is a dynamically configurable mixer. Each mixer session can contain an arbitrary number of channel strips up to a limit set by the number of available input sources and available DSP resources.
To Add a New Strip:
1. Click on the New Mixer Strip button. See Overview of the Mixer
2. The Assign Mixer Strip Input Dialog appears:
4 - The PatchMix DSP Mixer
Mixer Strip Creation
Select the desired input to the mixer strip from the following choices:
• Physical Source: Stereo analog or digital card input (Analog or S/PDIF)
• Host - ASIO Source input Streaming audio from an ASIO software application.
• Host - WAVE input Window sound sources—WAVE, Direct Sound, WDM, CD
Mixer Strip Type Function
Physical: PCI Card Analog 24-bit monophonic analog input.
Physical: PCI Card S/PDIF 2 channel digital audio from the S/PDIF input.
Host ASIO Output Source
From software application
Host Windows Source
From Windows
4. Select Pre-Fader Aux Sends or leave the box unchecked for Post-Fader Aux Sends.
5. Click OK to create a new strip or Cancel to cancel the operation.
To Delete a Mixer Strip:
1. Click the top of the mixer strip you wish to delete. A red border appears around the
2 channel digital audio from an ASIO source (software app). ASIO: 1/2, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8, 9/10, 11/12, 13/14, 15/16 … 31/32
Direct Sound, WDM, Windows Media
(Sound generated or handled by Windows.)
WAVE 1/2 - Default stereo source such as game sound, CD player, beep sounds, etc. WAVE 3/4 - Additional WDM channels
strip, indicating that it is selected.
2. Click on the Delete Mixer Strip button or right-click and choose Delete, or use the
Delete key on the PC keyboard. See Overview of the Mixer
f CDs & MP3s: The
WAVE 1/2 strip is used to playback CDs, Windows Media Player, and Direct Sound.
E 2 channels of
WAVE recording and 4 channels of multichannel WAVE playback are supported.
• Classic MME
• DirectSound
• Direct WDM / Kernel Streaming (KS)
192kHz/96kHz DVD-
Audio disks are protected against digital copying. Most DVD­Audio disks contain duplicate 48kHz audio tracks which will play back on the 0404.
E-MU Digital Audio System 19
4 - The PatchMix DSP Mixer Mixer Strip Creation

Multichannel WAVE Files

The 0404 supports 2 channels of WAVE recording and 4 channels of multichannel WAVE playback. The WAVE channels are available for the following types of WDM
• Classic MME
• DirectSound
• Direct WDM / Kernel Streaming (KS)
DirectSound and the WDM/KS interfaces allow up to four channels of Wave Out while the classic MME interface only exposes 2 channels.
The WAVE channels operate at all sample rates. For additional information about WDM behavior at high sample rates, see page 43.
192kHz/96kHz DVD-Audio disks are protected against digital copying. Most DVD­Audio disks contain duplicate 48kHz audio tracks which will play back on the 0404.
Select DirectSound as the output format when using Windows Media Player and other DVD player applications.
20 Creative Professional

Insert Section

The Insert Section is next in line. PatchMix DSP effects can be selected from the Effects Palette and dropped into the insert locations. See “The Effects Palette”. Any number of effects can be inserted in series.
The Inserts also have the unique ability to patch into ASIO/WAVE and external equipment. Special inserts, ASIO/WAVE Sends, External Sends and External Send/ Returns can be dropped into the insert section to route the signal anywhere you want.
The Insert/Patch Bay is incredibly flexible. Want to send the strip to your audio recorder? Simply insert an ASIO send into the insert section and select the ASIO pair you want. That’s it! That input is available in your ASIO software.
The following types of inserts can be selected.
4 - The PatchMix DSP Mixer
Mixer Strip Creation
f You have to create an
ASIO strip or ASIO Send in order to activate these ASIO channels in your software.
Hardware Effect
ASIO Direct Monitor
Ext. Send/Return
External Send
Peak Meter
Trim Pot
Test Tone
Reverb, EQ, Compressor, Flanger, etc. using PatchMix DSP’s effects which do not load your CPU.
Splits off the signal and sends to an ASIO host input such as a software audio recorder or anything that uses ASIO.
Sends the signal to a selected ASIO host input, then returns a selected ASIO host output to the chain. Use for recording with “Dir
Sends the signal to a selected external output, then returns it to the chain via a physical input.
Sends the signal to an external output. See “To Add a Send Insert:”
Peak meters allow you to monitor the signal level anywhere in the chain. See “
You can insert a gain control with up to 30 dB of gain or attenuation. A peak level meter and phase inverter are also included.
See “
This special insert outputs a calibrated sine wave or noise source, which can be used to track down audio problems.
See “
Meter Inserts”.
Trim Pot Insert”.
Test Tone/Signal Generator Insert”.
ect Monitoring”
Working with Inserts
The Inserts are one of most powerful features of the PatchMix DSP system as they allow you to configure the mixer for a wide variety of applications.
To Add an Effect to an Insert Location:
1. Press the FX button. The effects palette appears.
2. The effects are organized into categories. Click on a folder to open it.
3. Select the effect you want, drag it over the insert section, then drop it into an insert
4. To rearrange the order of effects, simply drag and drop them into the desired order.
Problem: You are not
able to select analog return when using the Send/Return Inserts.
Digital Audio System only supports Stereo I/O in the Send/Return Insert section. The analog inputs on the 0404 are mono.
The 0404
Note: The Physical Output & Input option is “grayed-out” when using the default Session
Reason: The 0404 Digital Audio System has only 4 physical inputs and 4 physical outputs. The Send/Return option is grayed-out because all the physical I/O resources available for send/return have been used in this Session. If S/PDIF I/O is not being used elsewhere, it becomes available in the Send/Return list.
E-MU Digital Audio System 21
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