CreatComm TB8H User Manual

802.11a/b/g/n/ac 2G /5G Outdoor Wireless AP Internal 5G 18dBi Antenna
E xte rn a l 2G 13 d B i O mnid ire c tio n a l A nte nn a
C O P YRIGHT ©2016 C reatComm Technology
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User Manual
C atalog
V ers io ns ...................................................................................................... 4
P urpo se ...................................................................................................... 5
N o tes .......................................................................................................... 5
D e finitio n s ................................................................................................... 5
1 P rod uct O ve rview ........................................................................................ 7
1.1 Prod uc t A d vantag e s ............................................................................................. 7
1.2 E le c tric a l S p e c ific a tio ns ......................................................................................... 8
1.3 Package C o nte nts ................................................................................................ 9
1.4 Features ............................................................................................................. 10
1.5 U s ing E xa m p le ................................................................................................... 10
1.6 A p plic a tio ns ....................................................................................................... 11
1.7 H ardware O ve rview ............................................................................................ 11
2 Ins ta lla tio n ................................................................................................. 12
2.1 C onne c tio n s a n d in s ta lla tio n ................................................................................ 12
2.2 Resto re to the Factory S etting s ............................................................................ 13
3 Q uick Configuration ................................................................................... 13
3.1 Lo g in ................................................................................................................ 14
3.2 Q uick Configuratio n o f th e D e vic e ........................................................................ 16
4 TDMA ....................................................................................................... 19
5 S tatus ....................................................................................................... 19
5.1 S tatus ................................................................................................................ 20
5.2 Monitor .............................................................................................................. 21
6 2G /5GW ireless ......................................................................................... 21
7 N etw o rk .................................................................................................... 24
7.1 Router mode ...................................................................................................... 24
7.2 Bridge mode ...................................................................................................... 26
7.3 Management ...................................................................................................... 26
7.4 F
ire w all ............................................................................................................... 26
7.5 IP A lia se s ........................................................................................................... 27
7.6 S tatic R outes ...................................................................................................... 27
7.7 Tra ffic S ha p ing ................................................................................................... 27
7.8 VLAN S etting s .................................................................................................... 28
8 Advanced ................................................................................................. 29
9 S ystem ..................................................................................................... 30
C O P YRIGHT ©2016 C reatComm Technology
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User Manual
10 Tools ........................................................................................................ 31
11 AC NMS ................................................................................................... 33
12 Logout ...................................................................................................... 33
13 Network Configuration Examples ................................................................ 34
Appendix-A Troubleshooting ............................................................................. 35
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V ers io n
H is to ry
C reated
C hange some pictures to new
S haro n
Update the template
S haro n
V e rsio n s
User Manual
Tab le 1-1 Version
1.0.2452 2016-5-23
versio n; M o d ified s o me erro rs;
FCC Notice
This device compiles with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired o p eratio n .
This e q u ip m e nt h as b e e n te s te d a nd fo un d to c om p ly with th e lim its fo r a C las s B d ig ita l device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a re s id e ntial in s tallatio n . Th is equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interfe ren c e will n o t o c c u r in a p artic u lar in stallatio n. If this eq u ip m e n t d o e s c au s e harm fu l inte rfere nc e to ra d io o r television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, you are encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver.
C o nnec t the eq uipment into an outlet o n a circuit different from that to which the receiver
is c o nn ected .
C ons ult the d ea ler o r a n e xp erie nc e d rad io /TV tec hn ic ia n fo r h e lp .
C O P YRIGHT ©2016 C reatComm Technology
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D e s c rip tio n
Outdoor, long distance Bridge/AP devices by
VTrans is a series of wireless technologies, developed
advantage of long transmission range, high date rate
The manufacturer is not responsible for any radio or TV interference caused by unauthorized modifications to this equipment. Such modifications could void the user’s authority to o perate the equipment.
User Manual
FC C RF Safety Caution Statement
To satisfy FCC RF exposure requirements for mobile and base station transmission devices, a separation distance of 20cm or more should be maintained between the antenna of this device and persons during operation. To ensure compliance, operation at closer than this distance is not recommended. The antenna(s) used for this transmitter must no t b e co -located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.
This document is proposed for the users of TB8H devices, helping them to configure the device and list the troubleshooting, so that the devices can be used successfully quickly.
This document mainly contains the following parts: hardware information, web configuration menu descriptions, network configuration examples, and troubleshooting. It c an h e lp th e c u s to m e rs q u ic kly b e fam iliar w ith the d e vic e s a n d u s e th em c o rre c tly.
N otes
This document is to characterize the TB8H device. Please read the document carefully before setting up device. Any damage which is caused by inappropriate use will not be co vered und er the warranty.
D efinitio ns
Tab le 1-2 D e finitio ns
1 TB8H
C reatC omm Technologies Inc.
and patented by C reatcomm, including TDMA,
2 VTrans
10M/20M/40M/80MHz bandwidth support, intelligent rate c ontrol, Auto AC K Time-o ut ad just, having the
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D e s c rip tio n
and robust transmission.
Access point
WIFI station that can be associated to an access
C ustomer-premises equipment: it is any te rm in al and
User Manual
4 S tatio n (C lie n t)
p o in t.
associated equipment located at
sub sc riber's premises and connected with a c arrier's te le c o mm un ic a tio n channel at the d e m a rc atio n p o in t.
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C O P YRIGHT ©2016 C reatComm Technology
User Manual
1 Product Overview
TB 8 H is a p o we rfu l W IFI B rid g e/ A P de vic e, w hic h allo w s W IFI ac c e s s a n d vid eo /a ud io /d ata trans mis sio n d e vic e, e na b le s lo n g-range, fast speed and robust wireless connections. Inte g rated with C reatco m m’s V Trans technology, TB8H has the advantages of long-d istance, high-throughput, and between point-to-m ulti-p o int pe rfo rm a n c e s .
VTrans technologies include TDMA, 10M/20M/40M/80MHz bandwidth, intelligent rate c o n tro l, A u to A C K Tim e-O ut Adjust and so on. TDMA technology solves the problems of hid d en -node problem in the 802.11 network. 10M/20M/40M/80MHz bandwidth can be fle xib ly c o n figu re d b y the u se s in d iffe re nt w o rking sc e n ario to a c hie ve the be s t link q ua lity. Intellig en t ra te c o n trol a lgo rithm c an b e ad ap te d to q uic k c han ne l q u ality varia tio ns auto ma tic ally, thus s tab ilizin g th e w ire les s thro u g hp u t. A C K T im e -O ut Auto Adjust can automatically detect the distances of the TB8H devices, and thus adjust the wireless p ara m e te rs to ac hie ve the b es t w ire les s lin k q u a lity.
The best transmission range and max speed of TB8H can be 867M b p s, m aking it s uitab le fo r m any a p p lic a tio ns o f W IFI B rid g e, e s p e c ially h a ve a d v a ntage s fo r p o in t-to -mu lti-p o int communication.
1.1 P ro duc t A dvantage s
The TB 8 H h as the ind us trial le a d ing te c h no lo g y , o w in g the p e rfo rma n c e c a p a b ility o f a wire le s s b a se s tatio n with o nly a s m all fo rm fac to r, fu rth e rm o re , it h a s ve ry a ttrac tive lo w cost.
TB8H has the following advantages compared to the competitors:
1. Embedded VTrans technology
TB8H devices is embedded with VTrans technology, including TDMA, 10M/20M/40M/80MHz bandwidth, intelligent rate control, Auto AC K Time-o ut ad just. It makes the device have longer transmission distance, higher throughput and better point­to-m u lti-p o int pe rform ance .
2. Longer transmission distance, higher throughput
The longest transmission distance of TB8H can be as far as 5 km, and the max throughput can be 866Mbps. It can satisfy the needs of most of the applications.
3. Embedded hardware watchdog
TB8H is embedded with hardware watchdog, which is used to monitor the working status of the device. Once the system is not working properly, the TB8H device can be rebooted to guarantee the stab ility of the s ystem.
4. Software Ping watchdog function
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S p e c ific a tio n s
IEEE802.11 a/n/ac
2400~2500MHz(More Non-standard channels are
External 2G : 13dBi, H:360° V:8° Max O utput po we r
11b: -93dBm@1Mbps
Max Date Rate
11a: 54Mbps
User Manual
TB8H software ping watchdog function enable the device period ic ally p in g an o the r d e vic e as so c iated to , s o th at it c an d e te c t if th e s ystem is w o rkin g w ell. If th e w irele s s link is lo s t or there is any problem, the device is rebooted. This is important because the devices can b e re s to re d to wo rk a u to m atic a lly if th e re is any problem, and avoid the extra human labour to maintain the outdoor devices.
5. M o re N o n -standard channels availability
Currently most of the WIFI devices are working at standard 802.11 5.8GHz and 2.4GHz frequency. However, standard 802.11 5.8GHz and 2 .4G H z o n ly p rov id e lim ite d c h a nne ls , and there is serious interference if there are a lot of 5.8G Hz and 2.4GHz WIFI devices nearby. TB8H support more channels near 5.8G Hz and 2.4G Hz band, and spread the band to non-standard frequency part. The advantage of working at the no n-standard band is to avoid the interference in the standard channels, and the wireless throughput can be improved.
N o te:
Please confirm whether those non-stan d a rd c h an n els are p e rmitte d lo c a lly b e fo re
using them.
6. O utdoor industrial product
TB 8 H d e v ice c an w o rk at a ll kind s o f o u td o o r se ve re e nviron me nts, in c lu d in g -40 to 70 degree temperature, 5% to 95% humidity, while maintain good performance.
1.2 E lec tric a l S p e c ific atio n s
The e le c tric al sp e c ific atio n s a re s ho wn are th e follo w in g tab le:
Tab le 1-1 E le c tric al S p ec ific a tio n s
O pe ra tio n Frequency
W ire les s
IEEE802.11 b/g/n
available,2312~2532MHz) 5180~5825MHz(More Non-standard channels are
Inter 5G : 18dBi, H:17° V:17°
11g: -92dBm@6Mbps
R e c e ive S en s itivity
11a: -91dBm@6Mbps 11n: -7 4 d Bm@M C S 7 11ac: -67dBm@M C S9
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C O P YRIGHT ©2016 C reatComm Technology
11n: 300Mbps(HT40) D istan c e
Outdoor open area: <5 km
Power supply
48V/0.5A 802.3at PO E
Inte rfa c e
PO E * 1
O pe ra tio n
S to rage
O pe ra tio n
W eigh t:
E nc ryp tio n
N etw o rk
R oute r/B ridge
Acc ess Po int, S tation, W D S A ccess P oint , W D S S tation, W D S S e c u rity
M A C filte r, SSID hidden
Network protocol
Supported (Avoid 802.11 hidden-node problems, and improve
Auto A C K timing
Management and
Web based Firmware U pdate
S up p o rted
User Manual
11ac: 867Mbps(HT80)
H ard ware
H u m id ity
D im e ns io ns :
Operation Mode
S oftwa re
D e v ic e218×218×82mm
D e v ic e2.5kg
the point-to-m ulti-po int p e rfo rm ance)
C on fig u ratio n
S up p o rted
NTP, SNMP, S ys lo g, Telnet
S up p o rted
1.3 Package C ontents
Open the package carefully, and make sure that none of the following items listed are mis sin g
O ne TB8H d e vic e
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C O P YRIGHT ©2016 C reatComm Technology
User Manual
O ne 48V/0.5A PO E power adapter TB8H Mast-Mount Strap Special Screw Set
1.4 Features
High performance 802.11ac/802.11n 2×2 MIMO chip Best transmission range: 0~5Km, and max transmission throughput: 866Mbps Integrate d VTrans te c hn o lo g y, inc lud in g TD M A , in te llige nt rate c o ntro l, A uto A C K
Tim e-o u t a d ju st
TDMA solves the problems of hidden-node problem in the 802.11 network, thus
having better long-distance and PTMP performance
Support operation modes: Access P oint, S tation, W DS Ac c ess Po int , W DS
S tation, W DS Repeater
Support point-to-p o in t, p o in t-to-m ultip o in t c o nne c tio n U nique RF and antenna design enables long-range transmission W irele ss mu ltim ed ia o p timiza tio n tec hn o lo g y gu ara n te e s vid e o W e b b a s e d w o rkin g s c e n ario s e le c tio n ma ke s the ins ta lla tio n a nd s e tting much
Reliable POE power supply, support 802.3at standard W eb-based configuration, easy to use Waterproof housing and accessory kit protects
1.5 U sing E xam p le
The TB8H usage example are shown in Figure, it can be used as WIFI AP, or outdoor PTP, PTMP to p o lo g y. The re fo re , TB 8 H is su itab le fo r va rio u s a p p lic a tio ns like w irele s s vid e o tra ns mis sio n , a nd wire le ss sig na l c o ve ra g e .
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C O P YRIGHT ©2016 C reatComm Technology
H a rd w are S p e c ific atio ns
C PU /Baseband Radio
QC A9557+QC A9882
M e mo ry
128MB DDR2, 16MB Flash
P hys ic a l Interfac e
1×10M/100M/1000M Base-TX (C at.
User Manual
Fig u re 1 -1 TB 8H U sin g E xa mp les
1.6 A p p lic atio ns
TB8H can be used widely in the fo llo win g ap p lic atio n s:
W irele ss vid e o s u rve illanc e (free -wa y , c ity, p o lic e , o il p ip elin e, fo re s t a n d etc .) C arrier wire le ss b ac khaul and rural area inte rn e t last-m ile wire les s s o lutio n Enterprise local area network inter-connection W IFI sig na l c o n v e rg e a nd rural wireless c o ve rage
1.7 Hardware O verview
TB 8 H ’s hardw are info rm atio n is d e s c ribe d in the fo llo w ing Tab le 4:
Tab le 1-2 Hardware information
+ 25 hidden pages