Craftsman 944.514610 User Manual

Instruction Manual
Model No.


Read and follow all Safety Rules and Operating
545001437 1/17/05
Instructions before first use of this product.


Warranty Statement

Identification of Symbols Safety Rules Assembly Operation
2 Maintenance 1 2 Service & Adjustments 13 2 Storage 14 7 Parts List Center Section 9 Parts and Ordering Back Cover
For two (2) years from the date of purchase, Sears Canada, Inc., will repair or replace free of charge, at Sears option, parts which are defective as a result of material or workmanship,
Warranty on Pruner Attachment will be 90 days from the date of purchase if used for commercial or rental purposes. This warranty excludes expendable parts that become worn during normal use. Warranty service is available by returning the Pruner Attachment to the nearest Sears Service Centre/Department in Canada. This warranty applies only white this product is in use in Canada. This warranty is in addition to any statutory warranty and does not exclude or limit legal rights you may have but shall run concurrently with applicable provincial legislation. Furthermore, some provinces do NOT allow ¡imitations on how long an implied warranty will last, so the above limitations may not apply to you.
Sears Canada, Inc., Toronto, Ontario MSB 2B8


DANGER! This pruner can
be dangerous! Careless or im proper use can cause serious or even fatal injury.
Read and understand the instruction manual before using the pruner.
Always wear appropriate ear protection, eye protection and head protection.
DANGER! Falling objects can cause severe head injury. Wear head
protection when operating this unit. Do not stand beneath branch being cut.


a WARNING; When using an
electric pruner or any other electric gardening appliance, basic safety pre cautions must always be followed to reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, and serious injury. Read and follow all instructions.
^WARNING: Always disconnect spark plug wire and place wire where it cannot contact spark plug {or discon nect powerhead from power source) to prevent accidental starting when setting up, transporting, adjusting or making re pairs except carburetor adjustments.
Because a pruner is a high-speed wood-cutting tool, special safety precau tions must be observed to reduce the risk of accidents. Careless or improper use of this tool can cause serious or even fatal injury.
• Read this manual carefully until you
completely understand and can follow all safety rules, precautions, and oper ating instructions before attempting to use the unit.
• Restrict the use of your pruner to
adult users who understand and can follow safety rules, precautions, and operating instructions found on the unit and in this manual.
Wear protective gear. Always use steel-toed safety footwear with non slip soles; snug-fitting clothing; heavy, long pants, and long sleeves; heavy­duty, non-slip gloves; eye protection such as non-fogging, vented goggles or face screen; an approved safety hard hat; and sound barriers (ear plugs or mufflers) to protect your hear ing. Regular users should have hear ing checked regularly as engine noise can damage hearing. Secure hair above shoulder length. Secure or re move loose clothing and jewelry or clothing with loosely hanging ties, straps, tassels, etc.
Hearing Protectiot
Snug Fitting
Safety Shoes
Safety Hat
Eye Protection
Heavy Duty Gloves
Safety Chaps
Keep all parts of your body away
from the chain when the engine is
running. Keep children, bystanders, and ani mals a minimum of 50 feet (15 me
ters) away from the work area. Do
not allow other people or animals to be near when starting or operating
the pruner.
A DANGER: Do not
use near electrical wires or power lines. Keep pruner at least 30 feet (10 meters) away from all power lines.
• Do not handle or operate a pruner when you are fatigued, ill, or upset, or if you have taken alcohol, drugs, or medication. You must be In good
physical condition and mentally
alert. If you have any condition that
might be aggravated by strenuous work, check with doctor before oper ating a pruner.
• Carefully plan your pruning operation in advance. Do not start cutting until
you have a clear work area, secure footing, and a planned retreat path.
FUEL SAFETY (for gas powerheads)
• Mix and pour fuel outdoors.
• Keep away from sparks or flames.
• Use a container approved for fuel.
• Do not smoke or allow smoking near
fuel or the powerhead.
• Avoid spiliing fuel or oil. Wipe up all
fuel spills before starting the power-
• Move at least 10 feet (3 meters) away
from fueling site before starting power-
head engine.
• Stop engine and allow to cool before removing fue! cap.
• Remove fuel cap slowly.
ELECTRICAL SAFETY (for electric powerheads)
^WARNING: Avoid a dangerous
environment. To reduce the risk of elec trical shock, do not use in rain, in damp or wet locations, or around swimming pools, hot tubs, etc. Do not expose to snow, rain, or water to avoid the possi bility of eiectrical shock. Do not use on wet surfaces. Do not handle extension cord plug or unit with wet hands.
• Use only a voltage supply as shown
on the nameplate of the unit.
Avoid dangerous situations. Do not
use in presence of flammable liquids or gases to avoid creating a fire or explosion and/or causing damage to unit.
Avoid dangerous environments. Do
not use in unventilated areas or
where dust or explosive vapors can
build up. To reduce the risk of electric shock, the powerhead may have a polarized
plug (one blade is wider than the oth
er); if so, it will require the use of a po
larized extension cord. The appliance
plug will fit into a polarized extension
cord only one way. If the plug does
not fit fully into the extension cord, re verse the plug. If the plug still does
not fit, obtain a correct polarized ex tension cord. A polarized extension
cord will require the use of a polarized wall outlet. This plug will fit into the po
larized wall outlet only one way. If plug
does not fit fully into the wall outlet,
reverse the plug. If it stiil does not fit,
contact a qualified electrician to install the proper wall outlet. Do not change the equipment plug, extension cord
receptacle, or extension cord plug in
any way. To reduce risk of electrical shock, use
extension cords specifically marked
as suitable for outdoor appliances
having electrical rating not less than the rating of unit. Cord must be
marked with suffix “W-A” (in Canada
‘W’). Make sure your extension cord
is in good condition. Inspect extension
cord before use and replace if dam
aged. Do not use a damaged cord.
Cord insulation must be intact with no
cracks or deterioration. Plug connec tors must be undamaged. The exten sion cord used to reach the power
source must be heavy enough to
carry current from the power source the full length of the extension cord to the unit. An undersized extension
cord will cause a drop in line voltage
resulting in loss of power and over
heating. If in doubt, use the next
heavier gauge. The lower the gauge
number, the heavier the cord.
Do not use multiple cords.
Do not abuse cord. Never carry the
unit by the extension cord or yank
extension cord to disconnect unit. To
unplug, grasp the plug, not the cord.
Do not use cord as a handle, close a
door on cord, or pull cord around
sharp edges or corners. Do not ex
pose cords to heat, oil, or water.
• Keep the extension cord clear of op erator and obstacles at all times.
• Tie cord to cord retainer and con
nect to recessed plug as shown in
this manual to prevent damage to
unit and/or extension cord and to re duce the possibility of the extension cord disconnecting from the unit dur
ing operation.
• Do not attempt to repair unit. Inspect the insulation and connectors on the
powerhead and extension cord before
each use. If there is any damage, do
not use until damage is repaired by
your authorized service dealer.
• Do not use the powerhead if the switch does not turn the unit on and off properly. Have the unit repaired
by your authorized service dealer.
• Do not use with damaged cord or
plug. If powerhead is not working as
it should, has been dropped, dam aged, left outdoors, or dropped into water, return it to your authorized ser vice dealer for repair.
• Avoid unintentional starting of the unit. Never carry unit with your finger
on the switch. Be sure the switch is
in the OFF position and never touch
the switch when connecting exten sion cord.
• Unplug the unit from the power
source when not in use, before servic
ing, and when changing accessories
and/or attachments.
• Avoid any body contact with any
grounded conductor, such as metal fences, or pipes, to avoid the possi
bility of electric shock.
• Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) protection should be pro
vided on the circuit or outlet to be
used for the powerhead. Recep
tacles are available having built-in
GFCi protection and may be used
for this measure of safety.
WARNING; Disconnect power-
head spark plug (or disconnect power­head from power source) before per forming maintenance.
• Inspect entire unit before each use. Replace damaged parts. Check for
fuel leaks. Make sure all fasteners are
in place and securely fastened.
• Maintain unit according to recom mended procedures.
• Use only recommended CraftsmanCS) parts and accessories.
• Be sure chain stops moving when engine idles {see CARBURETOR AD
JUSTMENT section of powerhead
• Keep others away when making car buretor adjustments.
• Never start the unit with the clutch housing removed. The clutch can fly off and cause serious injury.
• Keep the handles driy, clean, and free of oil or fuel mixture.
• Keep fuel and oil caps, screws, and
fasteners securely tightened.
• Have all maintenance and service not explained in this manual performed by a Sears Service Center.
• Do not operate a pruner with one hand. Serious injury to the operator, helpers, bystanders or any combina
tion of these persons may result from one-handed operation. A prun
er is intended for two-handed use.
• Operate the pruner only in a well-ven
tilated outdoor area.
• Do not operate pruner from a ladder or in a tree.
• Do not use a pruner to cut down trees or any portion of the tree trunk.
• Only use for pruning limbs or branches overhead not greater than 4 inches (10 cm) in diameter.
• Never stand under the limb you are pruning. Always position yourself out of the path of falling debris.
• Do not cut small brush and saplings
with the pruner. Slender matter may
catch in the chain and be whipped to
ward you, pulling you off balance.
• Make sure the chain will not make contact with any object while starting
the engine. Never try to start the unit when the guide bar is in a cut.
• Do not put pressure on the pruner at
the end of the cut. Applying pressure
can cause you to lose control when
the cut is completed.
• Do not run the unit at high speed
when not pruning.
• If you strike or become entangled with a foreign object, stop the engine im mediately and check for damage. Have any damage repaired by a Sears Service Center before attempt ing further operations.
• Do not operate a pruner that is dam aged, improperly adjusted, or not completely and securely assembled.
Always replace bar and chain immedi ately if it becomes damaged, broken or is otherwise removed.
• Always stop the unit when work is delayed or when walking from one cutting location to another. Stop the engine before setting the unit down.
• Use only in daylight or good artificial
• Use only for jobs explained in this
idk WARNING: Avoid kickback
which can result in serious injury. Kickback is the backward, upward or sudden forward motion of the guide bar occurring when the chain near the upper tip of the guide bar contacts any object such as a log or branch, or when the wood doses in and pinches the chain in the cut. Contacting a for eign object in the wood can aiso result in loss of control.
• Rotational Kickback can occur when the moving chain contacts an object at the upper tip of the guide bar. This contact can cause the chain to dig
into the object, which stops the chain for an instant. The result is a lightning fast, reverse reaction which kicks the guide bar up and back toward the op erator.
• Pinch-Kickback can occur when the wood closes in and pinches the
moving chain in the cut along the top of the guide bar and the chain is suddenly stopped. This sudden stopping of the chain results in a re versal of the chain force used to cut wood and causes the pruner to
move in the opposite direction of the chain rotation. The pruner is driven straight back toward the operator.
• Pull-In can occur when the moving chain contacts a foreign object in the wood in the cut along the bottom of the guide bar and the chain is sud denly stopped. This sudden stopping
pulls the pruner forward and away from the operator and couid easily cause the operator to lose control of the pruner.
• Recognize that kickback can hap pen. With a basic understanding of kickback, you can reduce the ele ment of surprise which contributes to
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