Craftsman 944414420 Owner’s Manual

Instruction Manual
42cc/2.6 2-Cycle GASOLINE CHAIN SAW
Model No.
C944.414420 - 18 in. Bar
Parts List
For Occasional Use Only
Read and follow all Safety Rules and Operating Instructions before first use of this product.
Sears Canada, Inc., Toronto, Ontario M5B 2B8
530164937 3/12/04
Warranty Statement 2 Service and Adjustments 17
Identification of Symbols 2 Storage 19 Safety Rules 3 Troubleshooting Table 20 Assembly 7 Emissions Statement 22
Operation 8 Parts List Center Section
Maintenance 14 Parts & Ordering Back Cover
LIMITED ONE (1) YEAR WARRANTY FOR CRAFTSMAN _')GAS CHAIN SAW For one (1) year from the date of purchase Sears Canada, Inc., will repair or
replace free of charge at Sears option parts which are defective as a result of materials or workmanship. COMMERCIAL OR RENTAL USE:
If this Gas Chain Saw is used for commercial application the warranty is void.
This warranty does NOT cover:
1. Expendable items which become worn during normal use, such as chain, chain bar, starter rope, spark plugs, and filter.
2. Pre-delivery setup, installation of guide bar and chain.
3. Customer neglect; operating Chain Saw without proper fuel mixture or operat- ing Chain Saw without lubrication.
Warranty service is available by returning the Gas Chain Saw to the nearest
Sears Service Centre/Department in Canada. This warranty applies only while
this product is in use in Canada. This warranty is in addition to any statutory warranty and does not exclude or limit
legal rights you may have but shall run concurrently with applicable provincial legislation. Furthermore, some provinces do NOT allow limitation on how long an
implied warranty will last so the above limitations may not apply to you. Sears Canada, Inc., Toronto, Ontario M5B 2B8
tronq.onneusepout 6tre danger-
euse! Uemploi n6gligeantou im* propre pout causer des blessures
-- graves ou m_mes fatales.
de I'ou[e appropri6e, la
I_ ortez toujours la protection I _
protection des yeux et la protection de t_te. =
Lisez et comprenez Ie manuel d'instructions avant d'utiliser la
La valour mesuree de recul, sans frein de chaTne, pour la combi*
naison de barre et de chaine sur I'etiquette.
I_. t _ Employeztoujoursrappareil,deuxmains.
tout contact de lapointe de la barre avec n'importe quel ob- jet; ce contact pout faire que la barre saute soudainement
I_ AVERTISSEMENT! II faudra eviter soigneusement
I vers le haut et vers I'arriere, ce que pourrait entrainer des
blessures graves.
_I.WARNING: Always disconnect
spark plug wire when making repairs ex- cept for carburetor adjustments. Be-
cause a chain saw is a high-speed woodcutting tool, special safety precau- tions must be observed to reduce risk of
accidents. Careless or impreper use of this tool can cause serious injury.
Restdct the use of your saw to adult users who understand and can follow
the safety rules, precautions, and op- ereting instructions found in this
Wear protective gear. Always use
steel-toed safety footwear with non- slip soles; snug-fitting clothing;
heavy-duty, non-slip gloves; eye pro-
tection such as non-fogging, vented goggles or face screen; an approved safety hard hat; and sound barriers
(ear plugs or mufflers) to protect your hearing. Regular users should have hearing checked regularly as chain
saw noise can damage hearing.
Hearing i Safety Hat
Protection _. _ Eye
Snug Clothing Gloves
Fitting- h"_lk_I__P'T Heavy Duty
Secure hair above shoulder length. Do not wear loose clothing or jewel- ry; they can get caught in moving pads.
Keep all parts of your body away
from the chain when the engine is
Keep children, bystanders, and ani- mals at least 30 feet (10 meters)
away from the work area when start-
ing and using the saw.
Do not handle or operate a chain
saw when you are fatigued, i11,or up- set, or if you have taken alcohol, drugs, or medication. You must be in good physical condition and mentally
alert. If you have any condition that
might be aggravated by strenuous
_ i_l._-_ Protection
114 Illi
work, check with doctor before oper- ating.
Do not start cutting until you have a clear work area, secure footing, and especially if you are felling a tree, a
retreat path.
Do not operate with one hand. Seri- ous injury to the operator, helpers, or
bystanders may result from one- handed operation. A chain saw is in-
tended for two-handed use.
Operate the chain saw only in a well- ventilated outdoor area.
Do not operate saw from a ladder or in a tree.
Make sure the chain will not make contact with any object while starting
the engine. Never try to start the saw when the guide bar is in a cut.
Do not put pressure on the saw, es- pecially at the end of the cut. Doing
so can cause you to lose control when the cut is completed.
Stop engine before setting saw down.
Hand carry saw only when engine is stopped. Carry with muffler away from body; guide bar & chain project-
ing behind you; guide bar preferably covered with a scabbard.
Do not operate a chain saw that is damaged, improperly adjusted, or not completely and securely assembled.
Always replace bar, chain, hand guard, chain brake, or other parts im- mediately ifthey become damaged,
broken, or are otherwise removed.
Have all chain saw service per- formed by a qualified service dealer except the items listed in the MAINTE-
NANCE section of this manual.
Make certain the saw chain stops moving when the throttle trigger is
released. For correction, refer to CARBURETOR ADJUSTMENTS.
Keep the handles dry, clean, and free from oil or fuel mixture.
Keep caps and fasteners securely tightened.
Nonconforming replacement compo- nents or the removal of safety devices
may cause damage to the unit and possible injury to the operator or by-
standers.UseonlyCraftsmanacces- soriesandreplacementpartsasrec- ommended.Nevermodifyyoursaw.
Keepunitsharpandcleanforbetter andsaferperformance.
Followinstructionsforlubricatingand changingaccessories.
Checkfordamagedparts.Beforefur- theruseofthechainsaw,aguardor otherpartthatisdamagedshouldbe carefullycheckedtodeterminethatit
parts,breakageofparts,mountingand anyotherconditionsthatmayaffectits operation.Aguardorotherpartthatis
damagedshouldbeproperlyrepaired orreplacedbyaSearsServiceCentre
Whennotinuse,chainsawsshould bestoredinadry,highorlocked-up
Do not smoke while handling fuel or
while operating the saw.
Eliminate all sources of sparks or
flame in areas where fuel is mixed or
Mix and pour fuel in an outdoor area
and use an approved, marked con- tainer for all fuel purposes. Wipe up all fuel spills before starting saw.
Move at least 10 feet (3 meters) from
fueling site before starting.
Turn the engine off and let saw cool in a non-combustible area, not on
dry leaves, straw, paper, etc. Slowly
remove fuel cap and refuel unit.
Store the unit and fuel in a cool, dry
well ventilated space where fuel va-
pors cannot reach sparks or open
flames from water heaters, electric
motors or switches, furnaces, etc.
Follow all safety rules to help avoid kickback and other forces which can
result in serious injury.
Kickback Path
_, _._ Avoid _,_uctions
Clear The Working Area
41_WARNING: Avoid kickback which can result in serious injury. Kickback
is the backward, upward or sudden for- ward motion of the guide bar occurring when the saw chain near the upper tip of the guide bar contacts any object such as a log or branch, or when the wood closes in and pinches the saw chain in the cut. Contacting a foreign object in the wood can also result in
loss of chain saw control.
Rotational Kickback can occur when the moving chain contacts an
object at the upper tip of the guide bar. This contact can cause the
chain to dig into the object, which stops the chain for an instant. The result is a lightning fast, reverse reaction which kicks the guide bar up and back toward the operator.
Pinch-Kickback can occur when the the wood closes in and pinches the moving saw chain in the cut along the top of the guide bar and the saw chain is suddenly stopped. This sud- den stopping of the chain results in a
reversal of the chain force used to cut wood and causes the saw to
move in the opposite direction of the chain rotation. The saw is driven
straight back toward the operator.
Pull-In can occur when the moving chain contacts a foreign object in the
wood in the cut along the bottom of the guide bar and the saw chain is suddenly stopped. This sudden stop- ping pulls the saw forward and away from the operator and could easily cause the operator to lose control of
the saw.
Recognize that kickback can happen. With a basic understanding of kick-
back, you can reduce the element of surprise which contributes to acci-
Never let the moving chain contact any object at the tip of the guide bar.
Keepworkingareafreefromobstruc- tionssuchasothertrees,branches,
oravoidanyobstructionthatyour sawchaincouldhitwhilecutting.
Whencuttingabranch,donotletthe guidebarcontactanotherbranchor
Position your left hand on the front
increasethechanceofkickback. Followmanufacturer'schainsharp-
eningandmaintenanceinstructions. Checktensionatregularintervals,
surechainbrakenutsaresecurely tightened.
Stand with your weight evenly bal-
Do not overreach. You could be
speed.Ifthechainismovingata slowerspeed,thereisgreater chanceofkickbackoccurring.
Do not cut above shoulder height. It
Watchforshiftinglogsorotherforces thatcouldcloseacutandpinchor fallintochain.
Avoid Pinch-Kickback:
Be extremely aware of situations or obstructions that can cause material
to pinch the top of or otherwise stop the chain.
Do not cut more than one log at a time.
Do not twist saw as bar is withdrawn from an undercut when bucking.
Avoid Pull-In:
Always begin cutting with the engine at full speed and the saw housing
against wood.
Use wedges made of plastic or wood. Never use metal to hold the
cut open,
Stand to the left of the saw
_WARNING: The following fea- tures are included on your saw to help
reduce hazard of kickback; however, such features will not totally eliminate
this danger. Do not rely only on safety devices. Follow all safety rules to help
avoid kickback and other forces which can result in serious injury.
Front Hand Guard: designed to re-
Position of front and rear handlebars:
Reduced-Kickback Guide Bar: de-
control, Don't let go, Grip the rear handle with your right hand whether
you are right or left handed, Wrap the fingers of your left hand over and
around the front handlebar, and your left thumb under the front handlebar,
Keep your left arm straight with the elbow locked.
handlebar so it is in a straight line with your right hand on the rear han- dle when making bucking cuts.
Stand slightly to the left side of the saw to keep your body from being in a direct line with the cutting chain.
anced on both feet. drawn or thrown off balance and lose
control. is difficult to maintain control of saw
above shoulder height.
duce the chance of your left hand contacting the chain if your hand slips off the front handlebar.
designed with distance between han- dles and "in-line" with each other. The
spread and "in-line" position of the hands provided by this design work together to give balance and resis-
tance in controlling the pivot of the saw back toward the operator if kick-
back occurs,
signed with a small radius tip which reduces the size of the kickback
danger zone, This type bar has been demonstrated to significantly reduce
the number and seriousness of kick- backs.
_-_-_ t Elbow
Never reverse hand positions
A good, firm grip on the saw with
both hands will help you maintain
Tip Guide Bar
_ Small Radius
Large Radius E '_ Tip Guide Bar
backperformancerequirements when
tested on a representative sample of chain saws below 3,8 cubic inch dis-
Low-Kickback Chain
_,_ longated Guard Link
Chain Brake: designed to stop the chain in the event of kickback,
BACK. Kickback is a lightning fast action
which throws the bar and rotating chain
backand uptoward the operator. Kick- back can be caused by allowing contact
of the bar tip in the danger zone with any
hard object. Kickback can also be caused by pinching the saw chain along
the top of the guide bar, This action may
push the guide bar rapidly back toward
theoperator, Either of these events may
cause you to lose control of the saw
which could result in serious injury or
Reduced-kickback guide bars and low- kickback saw chains reduce the chance
and magnitude of kickback and are rec-
ommended, Your saw has a low kick-
back chain and bar as original equip- ment. Repairs on a chain brake should be made by an authodzed Sears Service
Computed kickback an_lle (CKA) Table
MODEL P/N Len th
C944.414420 71-36598 _
IAFETY NOTICE: Exposure to vibra-
tions through prolonged use of gasoline
powered hand tools could cause blood
vessel or nerve damage in the fingers,
hands, and joints of people prone to circulation disorders or abnormal swell-
ing. prolonged use in cold weafl_er has been linked to blood vessel damage in
otherwise healthy people. If symptoms occur such as numbness, pain, loss of
Contoured Depth Gauge
deflects kickback force and allows
wood to gradually ride into Cutter
Centre. Take your unit to the place of pur- chase or to your nearest Sears Service
Tip contact in some cases may cause a lightning fast reverse REACTION,
kicking guide bar up and back toward
Pinching the saw chain along the top of the guide bar may push the guide bar rapidly back toward the operator.
Either of these reactions may cause you to lose control of the saw which could result in serious injury. Do not
rely exclusively upon safety devices built into your saw.
_WARNING: Computed kickback angle (CKA) listed on your saw and
listed in the CKA table below represents angle of kickback your bar and chain
combinations will have when tested in accordance with CSA (Canadian Stan- dards Association) standards. When purchasing replacement bar and chain, considerations should be given to the
lower CKA values. Lower CKA values represent safer angles to the user, high-
er values indicate more angle and high- er kick energies. Computed angle repre-
sented indicates total energy and angle associated without activation of the
chain brake dudng kickback. In all cases lower CKA values represent a safer op- erating environment for the user.
The following guide bar and chain com- binations meet kickback requirements of CSA 2162.1 & Z62.3 when used on saws listed in this manual. Use of bar
and chain combinations other than those listed is not recommended and
may not meet the CKA requirements per standard.
CHAIN P/N chain brake
71-3619 14° strength, change in skin color or texture,
or loss of feeling in the fingers, hands, or
joints, discontinue the use of this tool
and seek medical attention. An anti-vi- bration system does not guarantee the
avoidance of these problems. Users who operate power tools on a continual
and regular basis must closely monitor their physical condition and the condition
of this tool.
CKA without J
SPARK ARRESTING SCREEN: Your saw is equipped with a temperature
limiting muffler and spark arresting screen which meets the requirements
of California Codes 4442 and 4443. All
U.S. forest land and the states of Cali-
fornia, Idaho, Maine, Minnesota, New Jersey, Oregon, and Washington re-
quire by law that many internal com- bustion engines be equipped with a spark arresting screen. If you operate
a chain saw in a state or locale where
such regulations exist, you are legally responsible for maintaining the operat- ing condition of these parts. Failure to
do so is a violation of the law. Refer to CUSTOMER RESPONSIBILITIES TABLE
in the MAINTENANCE section.
CSA Z62A-03 "Chain Saws - Occu- pational Health and Safety"
CSA Z62.3-96 "Chain Saw Kickback Occupational Health and Safety"
CARTON CONTENTS Check carton contents against the fol-
lowing list. Model C944,414420
Chain Saw (fully assembled)
Bar tool
2-cycle engine oil (bar oil not included)
Examine parts for damage. Do not use damaged parts.
If you need assistance or find that parts are missing or damaged, contact your
Sears Service Centre.
NOTE: It is normal to hear the fuel filter rattle in an empty fuel tank.
Your unit has been factory tested and the carburetor precisely adjusted. As a result you may smell gasoline or find a drop of oil/fuel residue on the muffler when you unpack the unit.
Your saw is fully assembled; no assembly is necessary.
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