Owner's Manual
1.5 HP (max developed)
1 HP Running
Oil Lubricated
Model No_ 921.153101
Before using this product,
read this manual and follow
all Its Safety Rules and
Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 U.S.A.
P¢;1NO E10113G
• Safety Instructions
• Installation & Operation
• Maintenance & Storag e
• "rroubleshootlng Guide
. Parts List
• Espaflol, p. 10

Warranty .................................................................................... see below
Safety Instructions........................................................................ 1
ImportantSafety Instructions& Guldef=ne_......................................... 1
Spec_ffcabol18....................................................................................... 2
(31os._'y-. ....................................................................................... _...... 2
Duty Cycle .......................................................................................... 2
PaRs & Features ................................................................................... 3
Installarion& Assembly........................................................................ 4
Opera, rig Procedures .............................................................................. 5
Maintenance ............................................................................................ 6
Storage ...................................................................................................... 6
TroubleehDoOngGuide ......................................................................... 7
Parts IJet.................................................................................................... 8
Espahol ..................................................................................................... 10
Serwce Number ......................................................................... back sever
If this Craftsman Air Compressor fails due to manufacturer's defects in matertal or workmanship
within one >,earof Ihe date of purchase, RETURN IT TO THE NEAREST SEARS STORE OR
SERVICE CENTER IN THE UNITED STATES and it _,1"11be replaced or repaired (at our option),
free of charge
Ifthis Air Compressor is used for commarolalor ramal purposes,this warrat_y applies for only 90
days from the data of purchase. This warrantygives you specific legal rights and you may 8]se
have other rightswhich vary from stateto stata
Sears, Roebuck and Co., DepL B17WA,
Hoffl_an Estates. IL 60178

Safety Instructions
The informatton hated below should be read and
understood by the operator. Th=smformation is given to
_rote= the user while operating and stodngthe air
_ompmsSor. We utilize the symbols below to allow the
reader to recogntza important information about their
n.J[_:lll I Ilia,
Indicatesanimmlnerltlyhazardoussituationwhip,h, if not
avoided,willresultindeathor serioustnjury.
ind|cstea • potentiallyhazardoussitua'donwhich,if not
]ndtcatesa potent=allyhazardous situation which, if not
avoided,may result =nminoror moderate injury
When used without the ssfaty start symbol indicates a
potentiallyhazardous situation which,if not=,voided,may
dam %
= •
Important Safety lnstructions and Guidelines
• Save all Instructions
tmpmperoperat=onor maintenanceofthe=produd_couldresultin seriousInjuryend/orpropertydamage.Read end
understandell ofthe warningsand safetyinstructionsprovidedbeforeusingth_ equipment,
The air compressorshould be operated on • dedicated 15 amp €lmult.Ifthe circuitdoes
not have 15 flee _nps available, a larger circuit must be used. Always use more sir
-hose before utilizingextension cords.AMexte_'_lencords used must be 12 gauge wi_
e maxtmum lengthof25 P..The circuitfusetype mustbe e time delay.Low voltagecould
cause damage tothe motor.
Risk of Moving Part s
If the sit €ompressor Is In operation, ell guards and covers should be attached or
installed correctly, If any guard or cover has been damaged, do not operate the
-equipment untilthe proper personnel has correctly repaired the aqulpmenL The power
-cord should beflee of any moving ptrts, twistingandlorcrimpingwhilein use and while
in ston_ge.
Risk of Burns
Risk of Falling
Risk from
Rylng Objects
There are surfaces on your air compressorthat whitein operation end thereafter can
-cause serious burns If touched, The equipment should t_eallowed time to coolbefore
any maintenance is attempted. Iterr_ such _ the compressor pump andthe outlet tube
are normallyhot during and after operttJon.
Operationof the air compressor should always be ina positionthat tsat'J_la. Never use
the air compressor on a rooftop or elevated positionthat could allow the unit to fell or
-be tipped over. Use additionalsit hosefor elevated jobs.
Alwayswear ANSI Z87,1 approvedsafetyglasseswith sideshieldswhen the air
compressoris in use. Turn off the air compressor and drainthe air tank before
anynozzleorsprayertowardany pe_lofthe bodyor at otherpop_pieoranimals.

Important Safely Inslruel_On#& Guldellne_
Risk to Breathing
Risk of
Electrical Shock
Risk of
Exploslo_- oI r,,=
Risk of Bursting
Avoidusingthe air compresSOr in conked areas, Always have adequate space
(12 Inshee) on aBsides of the air compressor.Also keep children, pats, and othersout
of the area of operation. This air ¢ompmesordoesnot provide breathable air for anyone
or any auxikary breathing device, _praying material will always need to be in another
areaaway from the air compressortonot allow Intake air to damage the air compressor
Never utilize the a_rooml_'eeasrin the tam or wet conditions.Any e|ectdcal issues or
repairsshould beperformed by authorizedpemonnel such as on aiectT_cianand should
oomp]ywithall nationaland localelectricalcodes. The air compressorshould also have
the proper three prong groundingplug, correctvoltage, and adequate _se protection.
;Ne._ operate the.compr_isor.neat oombusfible marshals,geeoUr_e01'e_oJ_nt-vapoFr_;
If spraying flammable materials, locatethe sir compressor at least 20 teat-sway fro_
the spray areal Never operate the air compressor indoorsor tn• confined area
Alway=draintheair cempres=ortankdailyoraftereachuse.If thetankdevelopsa task,
then replacethe air oompreasor.Neverusethe air compre_or aftera leek hasbeen
foundorW to makeanymodificationstothetank,Nevermodifythe air compreesor's
faotofysettingswhichcontrolthe tankpressureoranyother function,
Pump ...................... Oil-lubedirect ddve-
Motor Indu_on .............. 1.5 HP max developed,
1HP funning
Bore ........................ 1.65w
_roke ....... ".............. 1,26"
Voltage Single Plisse ......... _120VAC
CFM: Cubic feet per minute.
SCFM: _'_dard cub_r' feat per minute; a unitof measure
for air delivetT.
PSIG: Poundsper square Inch gauge: a unltof measure
ASME: AmericanSoolety of Mechanical Engineer=.
Catlfomla Code:Unlt may oomplywith CaliforniaCode
462 (f) (2)/(M) (2).
CuHn Pressure; -The air compressor will automatically
start to refillthe tank when the pressuredrops
below the pre._oribedminimum
Duty Cycle
This Is a 50% dutycy_'ieair compressor.Donotruntheair €ompressormorethan30 minutesof onehour.Doing
coulddamagethe =lr compressor.
Minimum Circuit Requirement . ..._15 Ampe
Air Tank Capac'W ............ .3 Ga,one
Cut-in Pressure ............... 95 PSI
Cut-outPressure ........... ., .125 PSI
SCFM @ 90 PSI ............ 2.4
Cut-Out Pressure: The pointat which the motorsteps
whenthe tank has reaohed maximum air
Code Certification: Productsthat bear one or more of-
the followingmarks: UL, CUL,ETLCSA, have -
beenevaluated by O_HA-certl_]edindependent
safety laboratoriesand meet the applicable
UnderwritersLabor_tariee Standards for Safety