Craftsman 919.762500 User Manual

6=5 Horsepower
2500 2,7
High Pressure Washer
Model No:
WARNING: Before using this product, read this manual
and foIIow ai| Safety Rules
and Operating instructions,
Sears, Roebuck and Co., HoffmaR Estates, EL 60179 U.SoA=
15300 _GP-7_2500A Rev, 4/_5/98
..... /i_ ._ _',_// "_"
o Safety oAssembly
oOperation o Maintenance
o Parts List o Espanoi
Warranty ............................................ 2
Safety Guidelines .............................. 3-5
Assembly .......................................... 5-7
Operation .......................................... 8-11
Maintenance ...................................... 12-14
Service and Adjustments .................. 15
Storage ................................................. t5
TrouMeshooting .................................... t6
Parts ................................................ 17-28
EPA Codes ...................................... 29-30
How to Order Parts ............... Back Cover
EspaSol ........................................... 32-50
LIMITED ONE YEAR WARRANTY ON CRAFTSMAN HIGH PRESSURE WASHER For one year from the date of purchase, when this Craftsman High Pressure Washer is maintained
and operated according to the instructions in the owner's manual, Sears will repair, free of charge, any defect in material and workmanship.
If your Craftsman Pressure Washer is used for commerical or rental purposes, this warranty applies only for 90 days from the date of purchase.
LIMITED ONE YEAR WARRANTY ON CRAFTSMAN ENGINE Maintenance, replacement or repair ofthe emission control devices and systems may be per-
formed by any nonroad engine repair establishment or individual. However, to obtain no charge
repairs under the terms and provisions of Craftsman warranty statement, any service or emission contro! part repair or replacement must be performed by an factory authorized dealer.
For one year from the date of purchase, when this Craftsman engine is maintained and operated according to the instructions in the owner's manual, Sears wil! repair, free of charge, any defect in
material and workmanship.
If your Craftsman engine is used for commericaf or rental purposes, this warranty applies onlyfor 90 days from the date of purchase. This warranty does not cover: Expendable items such as spark plugs and air filters, which become worn during normal use.
Repairs necessary because of operator abuse or negligence, including damage resulting from no
water being suppiied to pump or failure to maintain the equipment according to the instructions contained in the owner's manual, are not covered under warranty.
This, warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may atso have other rights, which vary from state to state°
Sears, Roebuck a#d Co,, D/817 WA, Hoffma_ Estates, _L 601 79
This manual contains information that is important for you to know and understand. This information relates to protecting YOUR SAFETY and PREVENTING EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS. Tohelp you recognize this information, we use the symboIs
below. Please read the manual and pay attention to these sections. SAVE THESE DEF_N_T_ONSiINSTRUCT|ONS.
_, WARNING indicates a potentially hazardous
situation which, if not avoided, could result in
death or serious inju_,
A CAUTION indicates a potentially hazardous situation
which, if not avoided, _ result in minor or moderate
_i, DANGER indicates an imminently hazardous
situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious _.
improper operation or maintenance of this product could result in serious injury and property damage. Read and understand all warnings and operating instructions before using.
. Operating the pressure washer in an
Spilled gasoline and its vapors can
become ignited from cigarette
sparks, electrical arcing, exhaust gases, and hot engine components
such as the muffter. Heat will expand fueI in the tank
which could result in spillage and possible fire explosion.
explosive environment could result in a fire.
Materials placed against or near the pressure washer can interfere with its proper ventilation features
causing overheating and possible ignition of the materials.
Improperly stored fuet could Iead to accidental ignition. Fuel improperly
secured could get into the hands of children or other unqualified persons.
. Shut off engine and allow it to cooi
before adding fuel to the tank.
Use care in filling tar_,kto avoid spilling fuel. Move pressure washer away from fueling area before starting engine.
* Keep maximum fuel !eve! _'_" below
top of tank to allow for expansion.
e Operate and fuel equipment in welt
ventilated areas free from obstruc- tions. Equip areas with fire
extinguishers suitabIe for gasoline fires.
= Never operate pressure washer in an
area containing dry brusb_ or weeds.
Store fuel in container approved for gasoline, in a secure !ocat}on away
from work area.
Breathing exhaust fumes will cause
serious injury or death.
Some cleaning fluids contain sub- stances which could cause injury to skin, eyes, or lungs,
Operate pressure washer in a well ventilated area. Avoid enciosed areas
such as garages, basements ,etc.
Never operate unit in a !ocation occupied by humans or animafs.
o Use only cleaning fluids specifically
recommended for h;gh pressure
washers. Foliow manLJacturers
Unsafe operation of },our pressure Become famiIiar with the operation washer could lead to serious injury or death to you or others. The spray gun/wand is a powerful
cleaning toot that couid look like a
toy to a child.
Reactive force of spray will cause gun/wand to move, and could cause the operator to slip or fall, or misdirect the spray. Improper control
of gun/wand can result in injuries to self and others.
and controls of the pressure washer.
Keep children away from the pressure washer at ati times.
,, Never defeat the safety features of this
Do not operate machine with missing, broken, or unauthorized parts.
Never leave wand unattended while unit is running.
Keep work area free of obstacles.
Stand on a stable surface and grip gun/ wand firmly. Expect the gun to kick
when triggered.
High velocity fluid spray can cause objects to break, propelling particles
at high speed.
Ught or unsecured objects can become hazardous projectiles.
Spray directed at electrical outlets or switches, or objects connected to an
electrical circuit, could result in a fatal electrical shock.
Your washer operates at fluid
pressures and velocities high enough
to penetrate human and animal flesh, which could result in amputation or other serious injury. Leaks caused by loose fittings or worn or damaged
hoses can result in injection injuries.
A SIMPLE CUT! See a physician immediately!
Relieve system pressure before attempting maintenance or disassem- bly of equipment.
Always wear ANSI approved Z87 safety
glasses. Wear protective clothing to
protect against accidental spraying.
Never point wand at, or spray people or animals.
Always secure trigger lock when wand
isnot in service to prevent accidental
Never permanently secure trigger in pul! back (open) position.
Unplug any electrically operated product before attempting to clean it.
Direct spray away from electric outlets and switches.
Never place hands in front of nozzle.
Direct spray away from self and others.
= Make sure hose and fittings are
tightened and in good condition. Never hold onto the hose or fittings during
° Do not allow hose to contact muffler.
Never attach or remove wand or hose fittings while system is pressurized.
Use only hose and high pressure
accessories rated for 2500 PSi service.
To relieve system pressure, shut off engine, turn off water supply, and pul! gun trigger until water stops flowing.
9111 ii iiiiii ii iiiiiiiii iiiiiiiii i
,, Use of acids, toxic or corrosive
chemicals, poisons, insecticides, or any kind of flammable solvent with this product could resutt in serious injury
or death.
Do not use acids, gasoline, kerosene, or any other flammable materials in this product. Use only household
detergents, cleaners and degreasers recommended for use in pressure washers.
Wear protective clothing to protect eyes and skin from contact with
s ra'ed materialso
® Contact with hot surfaces, such as
Symbols Owner's Manual Shutoff
engines exhaust components, could
result in serious burn.
During operation, touch only the control sudaces of the pressure washer, Keep chiidren away from the pressure washer at all times. They may not be able to recognize the hazards of this product.
Fuel l_kl Choke
The powerful spray from your pressure washer is capable of causing damage to fragile surfaces such as: wood, glass, automobile paint, auto stripping and trim, and delicate objects such as flowers and shrubs. Before spraying, check the item to be cleaned to assure yourself that it is robust enough to resist damage from the force of the spray. Avoid the
use of the concentrated spray stream except for very strong surfaces like concrete and steel. Operating unit with water supply shut off without flow of water will result in equipment damage. You should never run
this pressure washer for more than 2 minutes without pulling the trigger to allow cool water to enter the pump and the heated (recircutated) water to exit. Running the pressure washer with water supply shut off will void your warranty.
Carton Contents _
Main Unit pressure washer with wheels _._.: Handle ili!_
High Pressure Hose ii_<:_i!i_:::: _' _,'i/
Chemical Pickup Hose and Filter Main Unit pressure washer Handle High Pressure Hose
Gun with wheels
Gun and Wand
Bag Containing
Video Cassette Owners' Manual
Nozzle Cleaning Kit and Replacement O-Rings Handle Mounting Hardware Engine Oil Rubber Isolator and Mounting Hardware
Chemical Pickup Hose and Filter
Video Cassette Owners' Manuai Nozzie Cteaning Kit
Handle Mounting Enai<e Oil Rubber isolator and
Hardware Mounting Hardware
Rep!acement O-Rings
Tools Required for Assembly
Adjustable wrench
1/2" Socket
Remove Pressure Washer from Carton
, Open box from the top. Locate and remove from
box, the parts box, which includes gun, handle, wand,oil, knobs and J bolts. Next remove the parts bag and the handle.
Cut carton along dotted lines.
Remove all carton inserts.
,, Roil unit through opening in carton.
Note: The pressure hose and chemical hose are located at the bottom of the box.
Preparing the Pressure Washer for First Use
Note: Included with your pressure washer is a video
tape on how to prepare your unit for operation. It is
recommended you view this tape before performing
the next steps.
1. insert handle onto frame.
Slide J bolts into frame.
Tighten knobs turning in c!ockwise direction.
2. Remove wood plank from the frame of the unit.
An adjustable wrench is required. Discard bolt and board.
Mount the rubber isolator to the frame. To
mount isolator place threaded end of bolt through the washer. Next with washer on bolt
place threaded end of bolt through larger hole
in bottom of the rubber isolator. Place threaded portion of isolator through the front hole
location where the wood plank was mounted on the pressure washer. Next place Iockwasher
over threaded portion of bolt that has been ptaced through the mounting hole in the pres- sure washer and use nut to tighten isolator to the frame. Tighten nut with an adjustable wrench. All isolator parts are supplied in parts bag.
PRESSU_i _/ o
WASHER ,; _;_"f /;'
_ten knob in clockwise
direction to threaded end of d bo_,)
(insert J boff here. Threaded end goes in bottom hole)
Connect wand with nozz{e assembly to gun. To
tighten, turn knob in clockwise direction. Hand tighten.
5. _ Cut tie wrap off of high pressure hose, Unwind high pressure hose to attach the threaded end to
_e gURo
6. Connect chemical hose to the chemical injector hose barb on pump.
8. _ Your units pump is shipped with a tempo_'a_ p_ug that must be repiaced with a breather cap,
This p_ug is located over the pump's oil port. Unscrew and remove this plug. Remove the breather cap from the bag attached to the plug
and instalJ it in the pump's oil port,
,& CAUTION" Failure to replace the plug will result
in serious pump damage.
7. , Connect high pressure hose to the quick connect outlet on pressure washer.
Uti ' 1;
NOTE: Always keep hose away from engine muffier,
9. Place assembled gun and wand on pressure washer's handle bracket as shown.
Before going any further please review the following:
Be sure you have completed assembly instruction. Double check aH fittings to be s{._rethey are tight.
IMPORTANT: Before any attempt to sta_ your pres- sure washer be sure to check engine oit (See Operation under Engine Oil, page 9.}
Know Your High Pressure Washer
Read this Owner's Manual and Safety Rules before operation of your High Pressure Washer Compare
this illustration with our pressure washer to familiarize yourself with the location of various controls and adjustments. Save this manual for future reference.
PUMP- Develops high pressure. ENGINE OIL FILL- Place where engine oil is poured.
PRESSURE REGULATOR- Allows you to adjust the pressure of the outlet stream.
ENGINE RUN/STOP SWITCH- Sets engine in starting mode for recoil starter -- Stops running engine.
RECOIL STARTER- Used for starting the engine manually.
SPRAY GUN ASSEMBLY- Controls the application of water onto cleaning surface with trigger device.
PUMP OIL FILL- Port where pump oit is poured and breather cap is located.
GAS TANK/CAP- Cap is removed and unleaded gasoline is poured.
CHEMICAL INJECTION TUBE AND FILTER- Mixes water and detergent in outlet water flow.
HIGH PRESSURE OUTLET- Connection for high pres- sure hose.
CHOKE- Lever used for starting unit.
,Ik Warning: Read Owner's Manual. Do not attempt I
to operate equipment until you have read Owners[
Matruua_cJOrnSafety,Operation, and Maintenance I
Note: Included with your unit is a video cassette that demonstrates how to operate your pressure washer.
tf you have a video cassette recorder you should view the video before operation,
Adding Pump Oi[
Before running the high pressure washer, check the pump oil level by viewing the sight gtass on the side of the pump, When properly filled, the oil will be at
the half way point marked by the two triangles. Your
pressure washer pump is shipped with oil, Add oil only if oil level is lower than the half way point on the sight glass. Do not overfill, Use 30 weight non- dete;gent oil if necessary.
,& Warning: Never adjust spray pattern when spray-
ing. Never put hands in front of spray nozzle to adjust spray pattern because you could be injured.
Stopping Your Pressure Washer
A CAUTION: Do not run pump without the water
supply connected and turned on. Failure to do so
will result in pump damage.
To turn pressure washer off place the on/stop switch
to the stop position,
Simply shutting OFF engine wig not release
pressure in the system. Squeeze the trigger on the spray gun for about 3 seconds to relieve pressure_
Spray stream wi!I decrease in length.
iMPORTANT: This unit is equipped with a therma; relief valve, if unit is allowed to run for severaI m;n--
_Jtes without pressing the trigger on the spray gun, several drops of water may be released through this valve to cool the unit. The heated water will be pb_rged from the bottom of the pump.
,& CAUTION: Do Not use engine oil that has been [
shipped with your unit in your pump, Engine oil I is detergent and your pump uses a non-detergent [
oil. Detergent oil can cause damage to your pump,j
Engine Oil
Your unit has been shipped without oil in the engine. A bottle of SAE 30 weight oil is included in the carton. Remove oil plug located on the side of engine. Using a
funnel fill engine crankcase up to the last thread in the oil port. Pour slowly. Oil reading will be inaccurate on unlevet ground.
NOTE_ When adding oil to the engine crankcase; use a high quality detergent oil classified "For Service SF, SG, SH rated SAE 30 weight. Use no special addi-
tives, Select the oiFs viscosity grade according to you expected operating temperatures.
SAE Vi.'_eesity Grades
BEFORE STARTING THE ENGINE Tooperate the engine you wilt need to do the following,
A CAUTION: Always check engine oil levei before
every staR. Running engine !ow of oil or out of oil couId result in serious damage.
A CAUTION: Always check pump oil Ievei before
_, every start, Running pump low on oil couId ,_-esu!t
in pump damage. "
Air cooled engines run hotter than automotive engines. The use of multi-viscosity oil such as (10W-30, etc.) in
ambient temperatures above 40°F (4°C) will result in higher than normai oil consumption. If multFviscosity o]i is used, check the oi_ level more frequentIy to prevent any posssible engine damage due to lack or
lubrication. Use of SAE30 oil below 40°F (4°C) will result in hard
starting and possible engine damage dL_eto inad- equate _ubrication.
Your pressure washer engine is 4 cycle. Use unteaded fuel only.
CAUTION: Do not overfill the fuel tank. Always allow room for fuel expansion.
WARNING: Never fitl fuel tank indoors. Never fill fuet tank when engine is running or hot, Do
not smoke or have open flame when filting fuel tank.
Connect garden hose to the water inlet on the
pressure washer. Tighten by turning water intet counterclockwise.
Connect high pressure hose to discharge on pump. Connect the garden hose to the water spout and turn
water supply on.
Use clean, fresh, regutar unleaded gasoline with a minimum of 85 octane. Do not mix oil with gasoline. If unleaded fue_ is not availaMe, _eaded fuel may be
iMPORTANT: It is important to prevent gum deposits from forming in essentia! fuel system parts such as the carburetor, fuel filter hose or tank during storage. Also,
experience indicates that alcohol-blended fuels (called gasohoi or using ethanol or methanol) can attract mois- ture which leads to separation and formation of acids during storage. Acidic gas can damage the fuel system
of an engine while in storage. To avoid engine problems, the fuel system should be emptied before storage of 30 days or longer. Never use engine or carburetor cleaner products in the fuel tank or permanent damage may
NOTE: Never start pressure washer with out water source turned on and connected to pressure washer.
To Start Your Pressure Washer
Make sure fuel shutoff valve is turned to the open
FUEL SHUTOFF .,_/X:.iii_-i: - '_)',_
Remove gas cap
®Add unleaded gasoline, slowly, to fuel tank.
Do not overfill.
#! f! I ,; _,,
Squeeze trigger on pressure washer wand to relieve air
pressure caused by turning on the water. Water witI
spew out of the gun in a thin stream. This will make it easier to start the engine.
® Engage the safety latch on the spray gun. This locks
the trigger in place and keeps you from accidentally spraying a high pressure stream.
o On the engine there is a choke!run lever. Place lever
to the choke position.
__-_ _............
-- _................z_:t -_ "_ ...........J
On the engine there is a throttle control tever. Place
throttte to the rabbit position. Always start engine with throttfe in the rabbit position. Place on/stop
switch to the "on" postion.
Make st_re fuel shut off valve is to the ope_ positio_.
Grasp the starter grip aad pull siow_y _ntit resistance is felt_then pull firmly to start engine.
RUNposition. }fenginedoesnotstartafter5pu_ls,piacechoke
For hot engine starts make sure choke/run }ever is in the run position, Make sure fue_shut off valve is open and throttie is in the Rabitt position.
NOTE: If any leaks are present shut unit down and tighten fittings.
Prepare the soapichemica_ as required by your job. Insert soapichemicai line into your container (soap/
chemicals not inc!uded).
How To Use Yeur Pressure Washer On the end of your spray gun is a nozzle that you can
twist from side to side, With the adjustable nozzle you can adjust the nozzie to either high pressure or Iow
Turn the nozzle in a counter clockwise direction to
achieve low pressure. Turn nozzie clockwise for high
For most effective cleaning, keep spray nozzie between 8 and 24 inches of cleaning sudaceo
iMPORTANT: If you get spray nozzle too close,
especially on high pressure, you may damage the cleaning su.dace.
The pressure control knob is located on the pump. You can increase the pressure by turning the knob ciockw_se or decrease the pressure by turning the
knob counterclockwise.
/ rIq _,', ", /
_08 ::'/_ _-._,.,_.........._\'.,'-,
,. \ i : .j ...,, x% , ,
NOT_; The first step involves applying an appropriate soap/chemical solution to penetrate and loosen grime. The soap/chemica! is appIied at iow pressure to avoid splashing, over spray and waste. Leave the solution
on surface for 3 to 5 minutes to atiow solution to work.
NOTE: The second step involves cleaning the surface you have prepared with the pressure washer and then
rinsing it clean.
Turn the adjustable nozzie counter c;ockwise to low
pressure mode. Soap/chemicais cannot be applied
with nozzle in high pressure position.
o Review the use of the adjustable r;oxz e.
o Connect garden hose to water infer (see "To Start "_,<our
Pressure Washer"), check that high p_{:-ss_.._rehose is connected to spray gun and pump (s.i _ Assembly}, and start engine.
o AppIy soap/chemicals to dry surfac .'.string from the
bottom and working up.
o Al!ow the soap/chemicals to soak i_ b : :,,een 3-5
minutes before washing and rinsing?;. For cleaning, start at iower portion (::i }:_ to be
washed and work upward_ using !o;: ::.en over.- iapping strokes.
Your pressure washer is equipped with a (;isemicaI injector adjustment knob. With the k_u._b_uily opened
you will get maximum chemical draw. With knob fui_y
ciosedyouwiilgetnocbernicaidraw. r knob_n counter clockwise direction to achieve _(re chemica_
draw and clockwise for less chemicai d_"_w.
NOTE; The maximum pressure for the unit is set at its maximum setting at the factory. Do not attempt Io adjust the pressure higher than this factory setting.
t_siasg Soaps/Chemicals
IMPORTANT; Use soaps and chemicals that are designed specifically for use with pressure washers. To apply soap/ chemicals follow these steps:
/ //
After using the p_essure washer, it is recommended the pump, chemical iniector and chemical !ire be flushed with clear wate._: To do so. simply place
chemical injector hose in water arsd siphon for I to 2 minutes.
'C'heck!cIean infet"screen,
Check high pressure hose. 'Check soap andchemical hose andfilte_- ChEck guriand wand for tea_'s.
Purge pump of air a5_ co ntaminants
-CheSkpump oii Chang_ pump oil
ENGINE Check oil levet
Change engine oil
Every 25
Before each use Ihours oryearly
x x x x x
Even 50
hours oryeady
Ihours oryeady
Product Specifications
Pressure Washer Specifications
Pressure 2500 Flow Rate 2.7 GPM
CIeaning Units (psi x GPM) 6750
Engine Specifications
RPM 3600
Rated Horsepower 6.5 Spark Plug Gap 0.030" (0.76mm)
Gasoline Capacity 3 Quarts Oil SAE 30 weight
General Recommendations
The warranty of the high pressure washer does not cover items that have been subjected to operator
abuse or negligence. Toreceive full value from the warranty, operator must maintain high pressure
washer as instructed in this manual. Some adjustments wil! need to be made period-
ocaIIy to maintain your high pressure washer,
All adjustments in the Maintenance section of this
manual should be made at least once each season.
Once a year you should clean or replace the spark plug and clean or replace the air filter and check
the gun and wand assembly for wear. A clean spark plug and clean air filter assure proper fuel-air mixture and help your engine run better
and last longer, NOTE: Over time the o-rings in the gun assembly
become worn. Attached to your owners manuat is a reptacememt o-ring and split backup ring,
Pressure Washer Maintenance
Check and C_ean inlet Screen: Examine inlet screen on pump inlet fitting, Clean if clogged replace if torn,
Chock High Pressure Hose: High pressure hose can devetop _eaks from wear, kinking, and abuse. _nspect hose each time before use. Check for cuts, _eaks, abrasionsor bulging of cover, damage or movement of couplings, if any of these conditions exist, replace hose
immediately. Chock Chemical/Soap Hose: Examine the chemical/
soap hose and clean if clogged. Hose should fit tightly on pump fitting. Check for leaks and tears. Replace
filter or hose if either is damaged.
Chock Gun and Wand: Examine hose connection to gun making sure it is secure. Test trigger by pressing it
and making sure it springs back into place when you re!ease it.
Pump OH Pump oit level should be checked before each use.
Changing Pump Oi!
Oil shoutd be changed after the first 10 hours of opera- tion. Subsequent changes after each 50 hours of opera- tion. To drain oil, simply remove oil plug with a adjust-
able wrench. The oii plug is located at the bottom of the pump. Dispose of used oit. Properly remove pump oil filI plug. Add 30 weight non-detergent oil Flit until oil level is at the mid point on the sight gIass.
Pull the trigger on the gun and hold. When the water supply is steady and constant,
diser_gage trigger and refasten the wand extension.
Engine Maintenance
OHlevel should be checked prior to each use
or at least every 5 hours of operation, To check oil see
Adding Engine Off on page 9.
Changing Engine Oil
For a new engine, change oil after the first 5 hours of
operation. Thereafter, change oil after every 50 hours of operation.
Change the oit while the engine is stitl warm. The oil will ftow freety and carry away more impurities. Make sure the engine is level when filling, checking, or changing oil.
Change the oil as follows: ,, To keep dirt, grass, etc., out of the engine, clean the
area around the drain plug and oil plug before removing it.
Remove the oi! drain p_g and oil plug, Tilt the engine slightly towards the oil drain to obtain better drainage. Be sure to af_ewampie time for complete drainage.
Purge Pump of Air and Contaminants
To remove the air from the pump, follow these steps:
Set up the pressure washer as described in
Assembly section and connect the water supply,
Remove the wand extension from the spray gun, Pull the trigger on the gun and hold.
To remove the contaminants from the pump, follow these steps:
Set up the pressure washer as described in ASSEMBLY section, connect the water supply. Remove the wand extension from the spray gun.
Start the engine according to instructions in the
OPERA TtON section.
W?;I i / %
Reinstall the drain plug. Make sure it is tightened securely.
o Fill the crankcase with new oil of the proper type, up to the threads in the oi! port, Pour stowiy,
Reinstal! the oil fill cap or plug and tighten securely.
Do not clean engine with a forceful spray of water because water could contaminate fuel system. With
a brush or cloth clean finger guard after every use to prevent engine damage caused by overheating.
Service Air Cleaner
Toservice pre-cleaner, wash in liquid detergent and water. Allow to dry thoroughly before using. Do not oil
pre-cleaner. Replace if very dirty or damaged.
NOTE: Do not use petroleum solvents, e.g., kerosene,
which wil! cause the cartridge to deteriorate. Do not use pressurized air to clean cartridge. Pressurized air can damage the cartridge.
To service air cleaner follow these steps: I. Unscrew cover screws. Remove cover and air cleaner
2. Remove cartiridge from cover, then retainer
(if equipped) and pre-cleaner.
NOTE: Do not use petroleum solvents, e.g., kerosene, which will cause the cartridge to deteriorate. Do not use
pressurized airto clean cartridge. Pressurized air can
damage the cartiridge.
3. Reassemble pre-cfeaner or retainer (if equipped.)
Place in cover with pre-cleaner mesh side toward
cartridge. Place cartridge in retainer in cover.
4. Push cover and air cleaner assembly squarely onto base (tabs must be in slots, if equipped) and hold firmly. Tighten cover screws securely.
Before running engine, clean muffler area to remove all combustible debris.
Clean and Replace Spark Plug Change the spark plug every 100 hours of operation or
once each year, whichever comes first. This will help
your engine to start easier and run better.
Keep engine and parts clean!
The carburetor of your high pressure washer is pre,*set
at the factory, The carburetor should not be tampered with, _fyou pressure washer is used at an altitude in excess of 5000 feet consult with your nearest Sears Service Center regarding high altitude set changes.
A CAUTION: Engine speed was properly adjusted
at the factory and shoutd require no additional adjustment. Do not attempt to change engine
speed. If you believe the engine is running too fast or too slow, take your pressure washer to a Sears Authorized Service Center for repair and adjustment.
_WARNING: High engine speeds are dangerous and
increase the risk of personal injury or damage to equipment.
,_I,WARNING: Low engine speeds impose a heavy
toad on the engine and when sufficient engine power is not available could shorten engine life.
Nozzle Maintenance Hi-Low Lance:
I. Shut off the pressure washer and turn off the water
2. Disconnect spark plug wire. 3, Pull trigger on gun handle to relieve any water
4, Disconnect the wand/lance from the gun,
5. Remove the high-pressure nozzle from the lance. Remove any obstructions with the nozzle cleaning tool provided and backflush with clean water.
6. Direct water supply into nozzle end to backflush loosened particles for 30 seconds,
7. Reassemble the nozzle to the lance using teflon tape to prevent leaks. Tighten securely.
8. Reconnect wand/lance to gun and turn on water supply.
9. Start pressure washer and place wand/lance into high pressure setting to test.
This pressure washer should be stored in such a way to
protect it from freezing. Do not store this unit outdoors or in an area where temperatures wH! fal! below 32 ° R This can cause extensive damage to this unit°
_funit has to be stored under freezin£_} co_ditio_-_s a non- toxic R.V, anti-freeze can be used to p_otec_ fro:_ freezing.
Preparing Pressure Washes for Storag_:_
NOTE: If you do not piar_ i<; c_seyo,___._.i-_it_:::_30 :.::_.,:sc _ more, unit shouid be prepared [or s_or_{_e.
Engine Preparatio_
First add a f_ei stab;_izer _othe fuei tang..
oRun pressure wass_er for fuif 5 min:_tes to al!ov_,_f,._ei
stabilizer to enter the rue! system.
NOTE: Whiie doing this procedure make sure wa,te, supp!y is turned on and flowing to ,the unit. NEVER run
unit without water suppiy running th_rough pump,
Next shut off engine and disconnect the water supp!yo Disconnect the spark pl_xg wire and remove the spa_k
Add one teaspoon of oil through the spark plug hole.
Place rag over spark plug hole and pull the recoil a
few times to lubricate the combustion chamber.
o Repiace the spark plug, but do not connect the spark
piug wire.
P_mp Preparation
Be sure engine switch is in "OFF" position and spark piug wire has been removed from spark plug.
Puii the trigger on the spay gun to release the p_essL_rein the high pressure hose, Detach high
rsressure hose and garden hose from the unit.
P{s!ithe recoil on the engine 4 to 6 times to discharge
_-_mainingwater in pump_
T_p the unit on the end with the water inlet fitting
poi_!ting upward.
Pou_ approximately 1/4 cup of nomtoxic R.V. anti-
freeze down the fitting where the water hose attaches to the Dump.
Set unit upright and pull starter handle on engine 4 to
6 times to circulate anti-freeze in pump until anti- freeze is discharged from the pump.
Engine won't
1. Engine throttle is in "OFF" Position.
2. Choke lever has not been placed to choke.
3. Pressure buildup after initial use.
S_ide thro_te to "Rabbit" position.
Slide choke tever to choke position°
Depress trigger gun.
Won't Draw Chemical
Pump running normally but
pressure does not achieve
rated values
Fluctuating Pressure
Pressure drops after period of
normal use
Pump noisy
Presence of water in oi_(oi!
l. Nozzle not in chemical draw position.
2. Chemical screen is obstructed.
3. Chemical screen not working.
4. Chemical injector orifice obstructed
or stuck.
5. Chemical injector closed.
1. Water supply restricted.
2. Nozzle is in low PSi position.
3. Nozzle incorrect or worn.
4. Pump sucking air.
5. Nozzle blocked.
1. Pump sucking air.
2. Garden hose inlet strainer clogged.
3. Worn Seals or Packing.
4. Inadequate water supply.
5. Fouled or dirty inlet or discharge
6. Leaky discharge hose.
I. Nozzle clogged, partially obstructed.
Nozzle worn. 2.
Pump Valves worn, dirty or stuck. 3.
Worn pump piston packing. 4.
Water too hot. !.
Pump sucking air. 2.
Valves dirty or worn. 3.
Worn bearings. 4.
High humidity. 1.
Piston packing and oil seal worn. I 2.
Place nozzle to low pressure.
Check chemical screen; clean if obstructed.
Make sure chemical screen is submerged in chemical/water.
Check and clean.
Open chemical injector by turning adjustment knob.
t. Check water supply and filter screen for.
blockage. Check hoses for btockage_ kinks, leaks, etc.
2. Twist nozzle at end of wand clockwise the high pressure poskion.
3. Check and replace.
4. Check that hoses and fittings are air-tight.
5. Clean nozzle.
t. Check that hoses and fittings are air tight. Purge air
from garden hose.
2. Clean. Check filter frequently.
3. Check and replace.
4. Check hose for kinks.
5. Check flow available to pump. Check for
excessive heat, 145° F or above.
6. Clean inlet and discharge valve assemblies. Replace if damaged.
Use nozzle cleaning kit to clear obstruction. (See Nozzle Maintenance under Service Adjustment.)
Clean or replace. Check and replace. Check and replace.
Reduce temperature below 63° C or 145 o F.
Check that hoses and fittings are air tight. Check, clean or replace°
Check and replace if necessary. Change Qi!.
Check and replace oil seats_
Water dripping from pump
O _
-.._ Dripping
1. Thermat relief functioning normal.
2. FiRings Loose.
3. O-rings of piston guide or retainer
4. Piston packing worn.
1. Oi{seai worn
2. Loose drain plug or worn drain plug o-dng°
1. Protecting pump, if not using pressure washer for a long period of time. shutoff engine.
2. Tighten°
3. Check and replace.
4. Check and rep}ace_ i. Check and replace
2. Tighten drain plug orreplaceO-ring. Donot over torque.
2 3
4 5
6 7 8 9
lO It 12 9OO
15 16 17
18 i9 20
(_---- 24
16471 16396
16504 16371
16470 16503 16830 H100
16823 15111 16501
16727 PKI6642 F035
16829 F464 F064
Handle Knob
Tire Simi-Pnuematic
Foot Rubber J Bolt
Frame O_ring Kit
Chemical Hose Lance Hi/Low High Pressure Hose
Decal Front Craftsman Engine (Refer to Engine Breakdown
Bdggs #121432-01 t2-E1) Decat Operation Pump High Pressure QC
Adapter* Garden Hose
Nut Pal 1/2"
Stew Hex HDC
21 N03515 Nozzle 22 Ft I9 Hex Nut
23 F078 Lock Washer 24 F112 Fiat Washer
MGP-762500 F078
Fl19 F066
15167 F078
NCT00I F039
Owners Manual Lockwasher, Engine to Frame
Nut Hex 3t8" Engine to Frame SCrew 3/8" Engine to Frame Lockwasher-Pump to Engine
Srew, Hex- Pump to Engine Lockwasher_ Pump to Engine Nozzle Cleaning Kit QC Socket for HP Hose
Nozzie 3 pack 0°, 25 °, 40 ° Spray Pattern
+ 37 hidden pages