26.0 HR 54"
Electric Start
Modei No,
o Espa_o/,p_35
For answers to your questions
Read and follow all Safety
Rules and Instruct_ons_before
operating this equipmenL
Visit our Craftsman website:www.sears corn/craftsman
about this product, Call:
Sears Cra_sman He_p Line
5 am _5 pro, Mon _ Sat

Warranty 2
Sdety Ru_es 3
Product Specificat ons 6
AssembbVPre Operat on 8
Operation ! 2
Maintenance Schedule ................. 20
Maintenance 20
Service and Adiustments 24
Storage 3I
Tteub/eshooting 32
Sears Serv ca ................ Back Cover
When used and mainta ned according to the operatoes manua_ instructions, if this tracter
fails due to a defect in mater ai or workmansh p within two years from the date of pur_
chase calt 1_8004_MY-HOME@ to arrange for free repair
During the Iirst 30 days of purc_ ase there w! be/o ct_arge to service the product r_
your home. Fer your convenience, inohome warranty servce will stit be available after
the frst 30 days of purchase, but a trip chahge w app y._This charge wiIi be waived if
you transport the product to an authorized Craftsman drop-off iocation For the nearest
a_ thorized beatbn, cal I_800-4oMY4-._OME@_
2qsactor warranty ccaJerage does not nc_ude:
o Expendabfe terns which become worn during norma use, nc udng but not iim ted to
bades sparkph_gs arceane_s be_ts ando fltem
o Standard ma ntenance servic rig, of changes, or tune.ups
o Tire replacement or repar caused by punctures from o £aide obiects, such as nails,
thorns, stumps, o glass
o Repairs. necessary beca_:......s® ef operator ab..Jse,, ncIudin, g but not, _imted to damage
caused by tow_ng obieets beyond the cap@ ty of the tractor, impacting objects tf_at
bend the frame or crankshafL or ovehspeedir g the engine
o Repairs necessary because of operator negl genes, inebding but not fimited te e!ectr _
caf and mechanicaI damage caused by improper storage, faf _re to use the proper
grade and amo_nt of en!:_ine el, faure to keel_ the deck c}ea_ of fiammabie debris,
or fai ure to ma}nta n the equ pment according to the nstructions conta ned in the
EngEne (fuel sysL.m}_ clean ng or repairs necessary because of fue! detern ned to be
contaminated or oxidized (sta!e). In general fue shou d be used w th n 30 days of i:ts
purchase date.
o Nor hal deter on:£ on and wear of the exterior f nishes, or product label repfaeement
o The tractor battery, whch is covered k>r onty 90 days as stated below,
For ninety (90) days from the date of purchase if the battery nctuded with this tractor is
defective in mateda! or workmansh p (our testing proves it wi not ho_d a charge), t will
be replaced free of charge_
Durng the f_st 30 days of p_.srchase, there wl be no cha@es to _eplace the battery n
yeur home For your convenience, in home warranty serv ce wH sti_ be available after
the first 30 days of purchase, but a trip charge wt[ apply. %his charge w[ be waived if
yeu transport the battery to an author zed Craftsman drop off [ocat on For the nearest
authorized location, ca/[ 1...800_4_MY@{OME@.
A_ tractor and battery' warranty ceverage is void f this product is used for commerc a[ or
renta[ purposes.
This warranty applies only whi_e this product is within the Unted States
'Ths warranty gives you specific legal r ghts, and you may also have other rights whch
vary, from state to state
Sears, Roebuck and Co,, Heffman Estates_ _L 60179

_WARNING: b-_orderto preventac
cidentastarts_gwhensettngup transo
porting,adjustingor makingrepaim
placewirewhereit cannotcontactspark
WARNING: Do not coast down a hi[ in
neutral, you may iose contrel of the tracter,
_WARN#-_@: _"_sworly the attachments
that are recommended by and comply with
specif cations of the manufacturer of your
tracto_t Use common sense when towing
Operate onIy at t_e lowest poss ble speed
when on a sope "Tbo heavy of a/cad,
while on a sope_ is dangerous Tires can
/one tract on with the ground and ca._se
you to lose contro of your tractor,
_WARN_NG: Eng[ne exhaust_ some of
its constituents, and certan vehicle com._
portents conta n or emt chemicals known
te the State of California to cause cancer
and brth defects or other reproductive
_WARMNG; Battery posts, terminals
and related accessories contain end and
lead compo nds, chemica s known to the
State of CaIifomia to cause cancer and
birth defects or other reproductive harm.
Wash hands a_a_ ha_dlhg
Read_ unde stand_ and follow at instruc_
tions on the roach ne and in the manua
befere start n%
o Do not put hands or feet near rotating
parts or under the roach ne_Keep clear
of the discharge opening at aIi trees
o Only allow respons ble adults, who are
familiar with the instructions, tc operate
Never direct discharged mater a toward
anyone, Avod discharging mater al
against a wa/or obstruct on_ Materia
may ricochet back toward the operator
Stop the blades when crossing grave_
Do not operate machine without the
entire grass catcher, discharge guard, or
other sateb, devices in pace and work_
o Siow down befere turning
o Never bare a running machine unat_
tended. Always turn off b ades, set
parking brake stop eng he, and remove
keys before dismounting
o Disengage blades when not mowr%
Shut off engine and wat for all parts to
come to a compbte stop before ceam
ing the machine, removing the grass
catcher or unclogging the discharge
o Operate machine ony n dayt ght or
%>od art ficia I {/Ibl.
o Do not operate the roach ne whe under
tte _ffuence of a_coho} or dr_sgs
o Watch fo_ taffc when operat r 9 rsear or
crossir_g readways_
o Use extra care when oadng or unload,,
ing the machine into a traifer or truck.
o Aways wear eye protection when opero
athg roach ne
o Data indicates that operators, age 60
years and above, are invotved n a _arge
percentage of rdng mower related im
juries These operators should eva uate
their abiIity to operate the rdng mower
safely enough to protect theres!!yes and
others from serious injury
o Follow the manufacturers recommem
dation for wheat weighta or counter°.
o Clear the area of ob}ects such as rocks,
toys wire etc. which couid be picked
up and threwn by the bades
Be sure the area is ctear of bystand...
ers befere operating, Stop machine if
anyone enters the area
o Never carry passengers.
o Do net mow in reverse unless absoo
_ute/y necessary: AIways bok down and
behnd before and while backing.
Keep machine free of grass _leaves or
other debris build-up which can touch
hot exhaust / engine parts and burn Do
not allow the mower to plow leaves or
other debris whch can cause b _i!d_up
to occur, Clean any oii or fuel sp ltage
before operating or storing the machine
Mow machine to coo_ before

Slopesarea ma}orfacto feintedtobss of
resultinsevere niuryor death. Opera
tiononall sbpes requiresextracauton _f
youcannotbackuptheslopeor ifyoufee
uneasyon t, do notmowt
Mowupanddowns_opes,not across_
o Watchforhoes, ruts,bumps,rocks or °
otherhiddenobjects Uneventerrain
couldoverturnthe machine_Ta!grass °
Choosea _ow g£sund speed so that you
will not have to stop or shft who on the
Never carry ch Idren, even with the
b_ades shut off They may fell off and
be set ousIy injur_ad or interlere with
safe machine operation Chiidren who
have been gven ddes in the past may
suddeniy appear n the mowing area _er
another rde and be run over or backed
over by the machine
Never allow children to operate the
Use extra care when approach ng bind
comers_ shrubs, trees, or other ob}ects
that may bbck _Jur view of a chitd_
o Do not mow on wet grass Tires may
_ose tract on
A_ways keep the machine in gear when
going down slopes Do net shft to neu_
tra_ and coast downhiti
o Aved starting stoppin 9 or turning on a
s_ope_ _f the tires lose faction disem
gage the Mades and preceed s_ow_y
straight down the stope
Keep a_ movement on the s_opes sow
and gradua Do not make sudden
changes in speed or d rection, whch
coud cause the machine to rot_ over,
o Use extra care whle operat ng machine
with grass catchem or other attach._
monte they can affect the stabi ity of the
machine Do no use on steep slopes
o Do not try to stablize the rnach ne W
putt ng you_ foot on the ground.
o Do not mow near dropooffs, ditches,
or embarskments. The roach ne could
suddenly re/! over f a whee_ is over the
edge or f the edge caves n
T_ag}c accidents can occur f the operator
is not a/err to the presence of children
Children are often attracted to the mach ne
and the mowing activity. Never assume
that children will remain where yeu last
saw them.
o Keep children 0£ of the mowing ares
and in the watchfu! care of a responsibfe
adult other than the operator.
o Be alert and turn machine off if a chad
enters the area
o Before and while backing ook behind
and down for small children.
Tbw ony with a roach ne that has a
hitch designed fer towing Do not aItach
towed equipment except at the htch
o Follow the manufacturer's recommenda_
ton for weight _mits fer towed equip
ment and towing on sbpes
o Never a_tow ch dren or others in or on
towed eq.@ment.
On s opes_ the weight of the towed
equipment may cause oss of traction
and oss of centre
o "_swe_ slowty and slow extra distance to
Te avoid persona} nury or property
damage, use extreme care n handiing
gasone Gasoi e s extre_ey flammable
arid the vapors are explosive
o Extinguish aH cgarettes cigars, pipes,
and ether sources of ignit on.
o Use ony approved gasoline cents nor
o Never remove gas cap or add fuef wth
the engne runn ng Mow engine to cool
before refueling
o Never fue! the machine ndoors.
. Never store the machine or rue cem
tai_er w _ere there s ar oper_ fame,
spark, or pilot light such as on a water
heater or other apptiances_
o N_ver !iI/containers nside a 'vehicle or
on a truck or trailer bed wth p_ast c Iiner
Ab,,ays place containers on the ground
away from your vehicle w_ett fling

o Removegas@oweredequipmentfrom
thetruckortraier andrefue itonthe
ground_tf the isnotpossbe,then
Keepthenozze in contactwiththerim
of the fue_tankor contanetopeningat
aiItrees untilfuelings complete.Donot
useanozzb bckoopendevice
Iffuel s spied oncbthing, change
o Neveroperatemachinen aclosedarea
o KeepaHnutsandbets tighttobesure
theequipments insafewerkingcond-
o Nc_vertamperwithsafetydevices
Keepmachinefreeofgrass,bares or
otherdebrisbuild-.upCean ot orfue_
debts. Mow roachneto coo before
o Ifyoustrke afereignobiect,stopand
aspect themachineRepair,ifneceso
sary_bebre restarting
o Nevermakeanyadiustmentsor repabs
withthe enginerunning.
• Checkgrasscatchercomponentaand
placewithmanu1_acturers recommended
parts whennecessary.
o Mowerb_adesaresharp Wrapthe
bladeor weargtoves_anduseextracau-
ton whenservicingthem.
o Cheekbrakeoperatesfiequently_Adjust
aridserviceas requred.
o Maintainorrepace safetyandnstr._eo
ton labes, asnecessary_
o Besurethe areas cear d bystaaG_
ers betore operating. Stop machine f
anyene entere the area.
Never car_y passengers_
o Do not mow n reverse unless abso
lutely necessary_ A}ways bek down and
behind before and while backing.
o Never carry chidren even with the
b_ades shut off, They may fa_t off and
be set ously niured or nte£ere wth
sale machine operation. Chi dren who
have been given rdes n the past may
suddenly appear in the mowng ares for
another ride and be run over or backed
over W the machine,
o Keep children out of the mowing area
and in the watchfu} care of a responsib e
adult other than the operator.
o Be atert and turn mach ne off f a child
enters the area
o Before and whie backng, ook behnd
and down fer sinai c _ildren.
o Mow up and down sopes (15 ° Max), not
Choose a low greund speed so that you
wilt not have to stop o_ shift w_ile or the
o Aveid starting, stopping, or turning on a
s}ope. /f the tires !ose traction_ disem
gage the btades and preceed stowy
straight down the sbpe
o _fmachine steps while gong uphil,
disenga9 e b/aries, shft into reverse and
back down slowly.
De not turn on s}epes unless neces_
sary_ and then_ turn sowy and gradually
downhill, }f possible.

Gssol ,e C_;_scty 3 .sa Ior'ts
Oii 1i/pc
oA_;::10W30 (ab _ve32'F
SAE 5W30
In the state of Caiifomia the above is re.
may have s mitar laws. FederaI laws appy
on federal _ands. A spark attester for the
Spark Piug
Ground Speed
%ade Boit Tbrque: 45_55 Ft Lbs
CONGRATULAT}ONS on your purchase
of a new tractor, It has been designed,
ineered and manufactured to gve
you the best possible dependability and
Shoufd you exper ence any p_ob_em you
cannot easiy remedy, please contact a
Sears er other q _al fed service center
We have competent, we/Ftra.ined repre_
sentatives and the preper tools to service
or repar this tractors
Please read and reran this manual The
instructions wi//enabb yeu to assembIe
and maintain your tractor properly. A'_sys
observe the "SAFETY RULES"
o Read and observe the safety' rubs.
o Follow a regular scheduie in man
taining, caring for and usng your tractor,
o Fotiow the instructions under _'Mante
nanee" and *'Storage' sections of this
ownees manual
_WARN#4G: This tractor is equ pped
with an nternat combustion engine and
should not be used on or near any unimo
proved foresbcovered, brash covered or
grass-.covered/and unless the engine's
exhaust system s equipped with a spark
arrester meeting appHcabb Ices/or state
aws {if any), if a spark attester ;s used, t
shoud be maintained in effective working
order W the operator.
Champion RC12YC
Ferward: 0_5_5
Reverse: 0@4
Min CCA: 280
Case size: U1R
Congratulations on making a smart pur-
chase _'8:)urnew Craftsman@ product s
designed and marlufactured for yea_ of
dependab e operation. But Ike a_ products,
it may require repair from tree te time,.Thafs
when having a Repair' Protection Agreement
can save you money and aggravat on
P.,_cf_ase a Re_a£ Protection Agree,* _ent
now and protect y(_'_..eff f_em un_%,2ected
hassle and _:,xpense
Here's what's inciuded n the Agreement:
o Expert service by our !2,000 profesion..
aI repair spec alists
o Uniimited service aid no charge fer
parts and _abor on all covered repairs,
o Product repacement f your covered
pro@_ct ca_¢t be fixed
o Discount of 10% from regular price d
service a_sd serv ce_-reIated parts not
covered by the agleement a_so, t 0% off
regular prce of preventive ma ntenar ce
o Fast hap by phone _._.phone support
frem a Sears representative on products
requiring in home repa r, plus conve_.
nient repair scheduting
Once you purchase the Agreement, a
simpb phone ca_l saH that t takes far you
to scheduIe serv ca. You can cail anytime
day or night, or schedule a service ap
Sears has over 12,000 professional repair
specialists wise have access te over 45
mi Iion quai ty parts and accessories.
That's the kind of professionaI sm you car
count on to he_p preiong the Hfe of your
new purchase for years te come_ Purchase
your Repair Pretection Agreement today!
Some Hm_tat_or_s a_d exclusions apply;
For prices a_d add_tlona_ information
call 1o800_827_665&
F_._rSea/s pre£_s:;/un_d ins_a/£,_t/_n of home
appliances, garage deer openers, wa£er
heaters, and other major home items, in
the U.S.A, call l ot00o4oMYoHOME@

(i) Wheel _ Mower Front Wheel
(1) Shouider Bott
(t} 1-i/40,D, Washer
(5} Large Retainer
(i} 3/40,D, Washers
(!) Loeknut 3/8,d6
(1) Front Link
(5) i_&/16 O.D. Washers
(2) Stoat Retainer
Springs ,_5/16
(2) Key8
(2) Rear Lfl Lit_k
Mower Install $_ope Sheet

'_our new tracter has been assembled at the factory wi_h the exception of t_'ose parts left
unassembted fo shipping purposes
A socket wrench set will make assembly
easer Standard wrench sixes you need
are _sted below.
(1} 3/4' wrench (I) Ptiers
(t) 9/16" wrench (1) Utitity knife
(1) Tire pressure gauge
When dght or _eft hand is mentioned n
this manual it means from your point of
view, when you are in the operating pos_
ton (seated b@dnd the steer ng wheei}
1. Remove a accessbie toose pads and
parts cartons from carton
2. Cut abng dashed Ines on at/four pare
els of carton. Remove end panes and
ay side parcels fiat
3 Remove mower and packing materas
4 Check fer any additiona loose @ts or
eartens and remove.
Lft hoed to raisedpositon
NOTE:/f ths batlery s put nto service
after month and year indicated on _abe_
(L) (abe is !ocated between terminals)
cha%e battery fer minimum of one hour at
6_I0 amps, (See BATTERY _ in Mainte_
nance section of this manua for charging
NOTE: You may, now roll or drive your
tractor off the skid. Fe!/ow the appropr ate
instruction below to remove the tractor
from the skid_
_WARMNG_ Before starting, read, Ur
derstand and f0How af_ instructions n the
Operation section d ths manual Be sure
tssctor s n a well ventilated area_ Be sure
the area n front of tractor is clear of othe_
peop!e and objects,
Operation section for Iooat on and
function of controls}
!_ Rase attachment lft lever to ts } ghest
2. Re,ease parking brake by depress ng
brake peda,
3 Pk_/se freewheei control in "trans._
of this manuat),
4 Roll tractor forward df skd
! Sit in seat_
2. Lift up adjustment lever (A) and siide
seat until a comfortable position is
reached which allows you to press
clutch/brake pedai all the way dowm
3. Release Iever to lock seat in position
Be sure all the above steps have been
Check engir e oi level and fit fue tank
with gasoline,
Place freewhee! control in "trans
4. St on seat in operating pos tion, dec
press brake peda! and set the park ng

5 Raiseatachmentiit ew_r to ts _ghest
6,, Remove key from bag and start the
After engine has started_ move throttie
controt to ide pos tion
7 Release parkng brake
8 Slowly depress forward drive peda a_d
ddve tractor off skid.
9 Apply brake to stop tnsctor and set
park ng brake_
10_@rn ignition key to _._,_ positiorL
Continue with the instructions that to tow.
1_ Using shou der bolt wasl er and
locknut from parts bag, assemble front
whee_ to mower as shown Tighten
NOTE; Be sure mower sde suspension
arms (A) are pointing forward before sd
ng mower under tractor.
4. Slide mower under tractor unt it is
centered under tractor
Frem right side of mower, nsert
ant_sway bar into hoIe in transmiss on
bracket (T)
SEMB_J Supp ernent Sheet fer add tiona_
guidance on ths assemb y_
Be sure t_ssctor s on bye sudace and
engage parking brake_
!. Lower attachment _ifi lever to its bwest
CAUTiONs Lfl Ievers spring oaded
Have a tght grip on _ifl lever, _ower it
slowly and engage in lowest posit on.
2. Turn steering wheet to the left as Iar as
it will go and pos tion mower o_sright
sde of tractor wit_ Jef ector shield to
the righL
Remove plastic tie sec Jring belt, bring
be_t forward and check belt for proper
routing n eli mower pulley grooves
o P:vot bar towards you and :nsert other
end of bar i_sto ho_e :n rear mower
bracket (D) Move mower as needed to
insert bar
oSecure with washer and retainer
spdng as shown
i i
ARMS (A) TO CHASSIS _ Position ho_e
in arm over pin (B) on outside of tractor
chassis and secure with washer and
retainer spring
9 7, Repeat on oppos te side of tractor.

rodend of iink assembly into hoJe in t_so-
tot lift shaft suspension arm (L} and pivot
_inkdown to mower. Lfl rear c_sner of
mower and position stot in Ink assemby
ever Pn on rear mower bra_k.et (D) and
secure wth washer and _etainer spring
9_ Repeat on opposite side of tFactoh
I2 Insertotherendof[r_k(E)nto hoe n
washerand retainerspring(J),
13 Disengage be_ttensien rod (K)from Iock.-
ing bracket (L)
in all mower pu}_ey grooves,
10 7/sjm steering wheel to position whees
straight re,ward
11.AKACH FRONT LINK (E) oWork from
eft side of tractor, insert rod end of _ink
assembly through ffent hole in tractor
front suspension bra_.Z_t (F} and secure
with retainer spring (G) through ho_ein
[ink ocated behind the b_acket
15, Engage belt tens on rod (K) on Ioei<ing
bracket (L),
CAUT_ON: BeIt tension rod s sprng
toaded, Piave a tight grip on rod and er_:gage
!6. Raise attachment Ifl [ever to hig_ est
17, If necessary, adiust gauge wt_ee s
be_re operating mower as showr n the
Operation sect}on of ths manual

he tires en your trac o__were everi_ fiated
at the factory for ehippin9 pu_'posns Col
rect tire pressure is impor an Dr best
cutting performance
o Reduce tre pressure to PS shown on
Before you operate your new tractor, we
wish to assu_e that yes receive the best
pe_termance and sat sfact on from this
Quality Product
P_ease revew the fotfowing checldist:
/ All assemby instructions have been
For best curt ng resutts mower hous..,
ing should be propedy leveed See "TO
LEVEL MOWER" in the Service and
Adjustments section of this manual,
See t_e gures that are shown _r replao.
ing moron and mower blade dr _,£÷belts
in the Service and Adjustments section
of ths manual Verify t_at the belts are
muted coffee%
After you learn how to operate your trac_,
tor_ check to see that the brake is operat._
ng prope£y_ See '1"C} CHECK BRAKE'
n the Service and Adiustments sect_or_ of
ths manual_
/ No rema ning loose parts in carton_
/ Battery s prepery prepared and
/ Seat is adjusted comfortably and tighb
/ At tres are prope_ y r flated (For ship,_
ping purposes, the tires were overin._.
fated at the factory}
/ Be sure mower deck is propedy eveted
side4o..side/frontoto rear for best cutting
res_tts_ (Ires _nxst be properly i fated
for _eve/rig}
/ Check mower and drive belts. Be sure
they are routed proper y around pulleys
and nside aIl bet keepers
/ Cheek wifin 9, See that a conned-riot, s
are still secure and wres are properly
/ Before drvin 9 tractor, be s/.Jre freewheel
section of ths manuaI)
_earning how to use you tractor,
pay extra a_ention to the fei owing impel
tent items:
/ Engine oil is at proper leve.
/Fue a_k s %ed with fresh, clean,
regular unleaded gasotir_e
/ Become famar wth at/co stro s, thor
k)cation and function, Operate thorn
before you start the engne
/ Be sure brake system is in safe operat
ing condition
/ Be sure Operator Presence System
and Reverse Operation System (ROS)
are working properly (See the Opera °
tion and Maintenance sections n this
/ t is important te purge the transmission
balers operatin 9 your tractor Dr the first
in the Operations seetior_ of this manual)_

These symbols may appear on your' tractor or in terature supplied wtt' the product
Learn and understand their meaning
DANGER adulates a haza_ whch, ff notave dad,
w}_t teen,It _ndeelh o_ eer_ou8 _nj_4ry
WA_N_NG nd_ca_esa hazed w?ch If net avoided,
co_d reEu_t _t_death or _edoue _n}u_/
CAUTION IPrdicatese hez_rd which i_not ave ded_
m_ght _e_t _r_m_nor or moderate/n/ury
CA_T_ON when used wRhout the aert symbo _
ndic_es a s_ttJat_o_that oou_d result _ndamage
to #_e tractor a_d/or e_glne.
Failure to follow instructions
could result inserious _nju#/or
death The safety a_ert symbo_
HOT SURFAOEB nd_catee a h_zard which
if net ave dad, eou_ result _ndoeth, sede_/a/u_y
an_of pro_y d_msge,
s used to identify safeb, nform_
ationabout hazards whtch can
result _ndeath, sedous Injury'
F_RElI'_dic_es a hazed whteh_ f _ot avolde¢£
could r÷euR I_death, eerlou÷ inquiry ardor
and!or propeR}, damage,

Compare the illustrations with your tractor to fami iarize yourse f with the/ocat ons of
various contrels and adjustments. Save this manuat for future ieferenoe
Our tractors oorfform to the appl cable safety sta tdards of the
American Natonal Standards nst}ti_te
to raise and !ower the mower or other at...
tachments mounted to _our t_actor.
(B} BRAKE PEDAL o_Used for braking
the tractor and start ng the engine,
(C} PARKt_NG BRAKE -_ Locks dutcd
brake pedal into the brake position,
control engine speed,
-._Used to engage the mower b_ades, or
other attachmems mounted te your tra< tot
(F} _GtNtT_ON SWITCH _,.Used for starting
and stopping the engine,
(RO$} "ON" PosmoN _ Alows opera-
tion of mower or ether powered attach
ment while in reverse.
(H) L}GHT SW_TCH .. TUrns the hea&
lights on and off
set ferward movement of tractor at des red
speed without hotdir_g the ferward drve
fr_rward movement of tractor,
reverse movement of tractor
gages transmission ter pushing or slowly
towing the tractor wth the engine off_
(N) CHOKE CONTROL o-oUsed when
st_rting a coid engine
_- _ndicates when serv ce is required for
the engine and mower

The ope a ion of any tractor oars esutt n fereign obiects tk town nto the
eyes_ whch can result in sevei_s ey_ dan age Always wear safety glasses
or eye sb[eids white eperating your tractor or pedorrrtinc_ any ad ustments
or repairs We recommend standard safety glasses or a wde vision safety
mask worn over spectacles.
Your tractor is equ pped wth an operator
presence sensing swtch. When engne
is running, any attempt by the operator
to leave the seat w thout frst set4ing the
parking brake wiil shut off the engine
1. Depress clutch/brake pedal (B) ali the
way down and hold.
2. Pull park ng brake bver (C) _@and
hold, release pressure from elutcW
brake pedal (B), then re,ease park..-
ing brake iever. Pedat should reman
n brake poston. Make sure parking
brake win hold tracter secure_
• Te stop ground drive, depress brake
pedat al the way down
Move thrett/e contro (D) between haff
and furl speed (fast) positior_
NOTE: Failure to move throttIe contrel
between hail and fu_ speed (fast) posi
ton, before stopping may cause engine to
o Turn gntion key (F) to "STOP' position
and remove key. Always remove key
when Ieaving tractor to prevent unau.-
thor zed use.
o Never use choke (N) to stop engir e,
IMPORTANT: Leaving the ignition swtch
in any position other than 'STOP" wlI
cause the battery to discharge and go
NOTE: Under certa n conditions when
tractor is stand ng idle w_h the engine
runr_ing_ hot engine exhaust gases may
cause "browning '_of grass. Te et m hate
ths possibitity, always stop engine when
o °Xostop mower b_ades push attachment
clutch swtch in to disengaged position
Cutch Switch
Pt_HOut _J "Er_gagd_
stopping tract_r or grass areai_
_OAUT_ON: A_w_iys stop tractor como
p_ete/y, as described above, before baying
the operator's position.
Always operate engine at fun speed (fast)
o Operating engine at less than fuit speed
(fast} reduces engine's operating ef
FuN speed (fast) offers the best mower

Always operate engine at fu_t speed (fast)
o Operating engine at _ess than full speed
(fast) reduces eng ne's operating eft.
o Full speed (fast) offem the best _l}OWer
Use choke eontrel whenewst you are start
ing a cold engine. Do not use to start a
warm eng ne.
o Te engage choke control pul knob out,
Slowly push knob in Ie disengage.
The direct on and speed of movement is
centre _ed by the ferward and reverse drive
Start tractor and retease park ng brake
Sbw/y depress ferward (K) or reverse
(L) drve pedal to begin mevement.
Greund speed increases the further
down the pedal s depressed.
The pos tion of the attachment tft ews¢ (A)
determines the cutting height
Put attachment ft lever n desired cut_
t[ng height sot
o Slide pointer tab (T) to desired cutting
heght as a reminder for next time you
The cuttng height range is approxi_
mateiy 1' to 4' The heights are me@
sured from the ground to the btade tp with
the engir_e not runn ng_ These he ghts
are apprex mate and may vary depending
upon soii cond tions, height of grass and
types of grass beng mowed
o The average lawn should be cut to ap
proximately 2..1/2 nches during the cool
season and to over 3 inches d .._rng hot
months FOr heather and bette/ookng
tawns_ mow often and after modens_te
The cruise contre_ feature can be used fer
_orward travel onty.
The cruise control shouid only be used
white mowing or transporting on relat vefy
smooth, straight surfaces, Other conditions
such as tr mining at s_ow speeds may
cause the cruise control to disengage Do
not use the cruise control on sbpes, rough
terrian or whie trimmimg or turning,
o With fowvard drive peda_ depressed to
desired speed, pu!l cruse contro_ lever
(J) up and hold while lifting your foot off
the pedal, then re/ease the/ever,
]b disengage the cruise control, depress
the brake pedal or tap on _orward drive
For best curt ng performance_ g_ass over
6 riches in height shoutd be mowed
/wce_ Make t,e fist c_t relative y hgh;
the secer d to des red hei9ht
Ga44ge wheels are propery adiusted
when they are s ghtty off the ground when
mower is at the desired curt ng height in
operating position, Gauge wheels then
keep the deck in proper pos tlon to he!p
prevent scalping in rnost terrain conditions
NOTB; Adjust gauge wheels with tractor
on a fat evet surface
1 Adiust mower to desired cutting height
HEIGHT _'in ths sect on of manua).
2 With mower in desired height of cut
pos t on, gauge wheels should be
assembled so the_y are slightly off the
%eun& _nstaI_gauge whee in approo
priate hole. Tighten securely.
3. Repeat fer all, installing gauge wheel in
same adjustment hoe,

theattachmentengagedDotrot mow _[_
reverseunless absolutely necessary,
Onlyuseif youarecertan nochtdrenor
otherbystanderswillenterthe mowng
'1,,Depressbrakepedala_the w,sydown
2_ Withengnerunning,turnigntion key
counterclockwiseto ROS'ON_'post,.
3 Lookdownand behindbeforeand
'_ourtractoris equippedwithanoperator
presencesensingswitch Anyattempt
bytheoperatorto leavetheseatwiththe
engne runningandtheattachmentckJtch
engagedwilishutoff theengine,Youmust
seatto preventtheenginefromhestating
orcuttingoffwhenoperatng yourequp,_
menton rough,_oH}ngterrainor hiiis.
1 Selectdesiredheightof cutwithat_
tachment/fl _ever
2, StartmowerbIadesbyengagingato
_CAUT_ON_ Donotoperatethemower
wthoutether the entre grass catcher
o_r mowers so equ pped, or the def ecter
shield (S) in plaee_
4 Stowly depress rev\erse drve peda te
start movement
5. When use d the ROSs no !onger
needed_ turn the ignition key clockwise
to engine "ON _'pos tion.
ROS "ON' Pos}t on Engne "ON" Position
_WARN_NG: Do not drve up or down
h/is with stopes greater th_n 15_ and do
not drive across any s!ope Use the slope
guide prov ded at the back d this manuel
o Choose the stowest speed betore starb
ing up or down hil!s_
o Avoid stopping or changing speed on
Your tractor s equipped with a Reverse
Operation System (ROS). Any attempt W
the operater to trave_ n the reverse direc,_
tion with the attachment clutch engaged
w/I shut off the engine unless ignition key
s placed in the ROS "ON" position_
_WARN_NG: Backing up with the at
tachment c_utch engaged while mowing
is strongly discouraged, _Jrning the ROS
"ON", to aHew reverse operation with the
attachment clutch engaged should only
be done when the operator decides it is
necessary te reposition the machine with
o If stopping is abso!ute[y necessary; push
brake peda! quickly to brake post on
and engage parking brake
o To restart movement, slow!y release
parking brake and brake pedal
o Stow_y depress appropriate drive peda
to sIowest setting_
o Make all turns sowJy:
When pushing or towing your tractor, be
sure to disengage transmission by placing
freewheel control in freewheeling position
Freewheel control is located at the rear
Raise attachment _ift/ever to its trighest
Pul_ freewheel control out and nto the
s_ot and release so it is held in the
disengaged position_

o Donot pushor towtiacto_at morethan
Tbreengage t_a_nsmisson_reverse
whentransportingyourtractoron atruck
oratrailecbe surehoodisclosedand
securedtotractor. Usean approprate
Transmission Engaged
Transmission D_sengaged
_ND_ M
]bw ony theattachmentsthatare recomo_
mendedbyandcomplywth specf cator_s
ofthe manufacturerof yourtracter.Use
commonsensewhentowng Sboheavy
ofa bad whileona sIope,s dangeross
[ires cantosetractionwth the ground and
cause you to _ose contre_ of your tractor
Service reminder shows the total number
of hot_rs tfe engne has ru_ and t ashes to
indicate that the engine or mower needs
servicing. When serv ce is requ red, the
sewce reminder will flash for two hours.
_Poservice engine and mower see the
Maintenance section of this manual
NOTE: Sewice remit der runs when the
ignition key is n any position but _'STOP"
For accurate reading, be sure key rema ns
in the STOP" poston when engine s not
The engine in your tractor has been
sh pped, from the factory already fiIIed
with surnmer weight el
I. Check engine oil with tractor on _evel
, Unthread and rernove o/fil cap!
dipstick; wipe oil off_ Re nsert the
d pstick into the t_be and rest oil fl
cap on the tube_ Do not thread the cap
onto the tube_ Remove and read oii
levet. /f necessary add o/unt/ FULL:'
mark on d pstck s reache& Do not
o For co_d weather operaton you should
change oH br easer starting (See the
oiI viscosity chart in the Ma ntenance
sect on of this manuaf)
o _o change engine oi_ see the Mainte o
nance section n this manual.
o Fi fue tartk to botto r_at I_er neck_ Do
rot ow;,riH Use fresh ctean, regular
unleaded gaso/ne wth a m n m._m of
87 octane. (Use of teaded 9asoine w_
increase carbon and iead oxde deposits
and reduce valve ire), Do not mx oi
with gasoline. Purchase fuei r quan
tries that can be used withn 30 days to
assure fue_ freshness,
_OAUT_ON; Wpe oft any spilled oi or
fuel_ Do not store spiii or use gaso_ ne
near a_ open fame.
_MP©RTANT: When operat ng in temper
atures be}ow32_F(0°O), use fresh, cean
winter grade %so ine to he_p insure good
co_d weather starting.
CAUTION: Afcohof biended fuels (eaI_ed
gasoho or usng ethano_ or methanol} can
attract rno sture whch }cads to separa_
tion and formation of acids durng storage.
Acidic gas can damage the fuel system
of an engine whie n storage _Toavod
engine prob eros the fuel system shoud
be erupt ed before storage of 30 days
or onger Drain the gas tank start the
engine and _ett run unti the rue nes
and carburetor are empty: Use fresh fuet
next season. See Sterage Instructions fer
addtiona_ information. Never use engne
or carburetor cleaner products n the fuei
tank or permanent damage may occur
When starting the _:_ng_e or the rat time
or if the engine has run out of fuel, it wit
take extra crank ng tree to move fuel from
the tank to the engine
1. Be sure freewheeI centre is in the
transmission engaged position.
2. Sit on seat in operating position,
depress brake pedal and set parking
3. Move attachment c_utch to d sengaged

4, Move throne control to fast position
5 Putl choke control out for a cold engine
start attempt. For a warm engine start
attempt the choke centro/may not be
NOTE_ Before start ng read the warm
and cold starting procedures bebw,
6, Insert key nto ignition and turn key
c_oskwise to start posit on and re/ease
key as soon as engine starts_ Do
not run starter continuous y for more
that ffteen seconds per minute If the
engine does not start after severa
attempts push choke contR:)l in wait
a few minutes and try again _fengne
still does not start, puI/the choke con
tro/out and retry
7 When engine starts slowly push
choke contreI in unt[i the engine
begns to run smoothly If the engine
starts to run roughly, pull the choke
control out sightly fer a few seconds
and then cent nue to push the sontro_
in sbwly.
o The attachments and greund drve can
new be used If the engne does not
accept the Ioad_ restart the engne and
aI_ow t te warm up for one mnute ,_sng
the choke as described above
When engine sta/ts, stowty push
choke control n untl the engine
begns to run smoothly, Cent hue te
push the choke control in small steps
albwing the engine te accept s_Tatl
clsanges in speed and bad, unt_ the
choke centre/s fuiiy in_ If the engine
starts to run roughly, pul the choke
centre/out slight y for a tew seconds
and then continue to push the control
in siowly. This may require an engine
warm up perod from ses_era/seconds
to several minutes, depending on the
Before driving the unit in cold weather,
the transmission should be warmed up as
Be sure the tractor is on !eve ground
Re/ease the parking brake and tet the
brake s/owty return to operat ng posP
3 AHow one mnute br transmiss on to
warm up Ths can be done durng the
engine warm up pe_od
o The attachments can be used during
the engne warm4.@ perod after the
transmission has been warmed up and
may requ re the choke control be pulled
out sIighdy,
NOTEs If at a high a_t tude (above 3000
feet) or in eo_d temperatures (be!ow 32 F)
the carburetor rue rnixture may need to
Service and Adjustments sect on of this
CAUTION: Never en(_age or dis_
engage freewheel _evet wh_e the er_g _qe
is running.
To ensure proper operat on and per,-
refinance, it s recommended that the
transmission be purged before operating
tractor for the first tree, l_hs precede€re wl
remove any trapped air nside the trans..
mission which rnay have developed during
shipping of yeur tracteL
_PORTANT: Should your transm ssion
requine remova_ ferserv ce or replace..
ment it shoud be purged after reinstati,.
aton before operating the tractor.
1,, Pace tractor safely ors a teve surface
- that is cIear of obiects and open owth
engine off and parking brake set.
2 Disengage transmission by pacing
freewhee! control [n disengaged pos_
tion (See "TO 1 RANSPORT' n ths
sect on of manual).
3. Sitting n the tractor seat start engne,
After tte engine is runn ng, move
throttIe control to slow position_ Disem
a r "
_g ge pa king brake_
_C UT_ONo At any tree, dudng step
4, there may be movement of the drive
4, Depress ferward drve peda te full
forward pos tbn and ted for fve (5)
seconds and re/ease pedal Depress
reverse ddw_ pedai to fuI[ rcA_etee posb
fion and hold for [ve 5) seconds and
release pedal, Repeat this procedure
three (3) times.
5. Shutoff engne and set parking brake.
6, Engage transmission by pacing free,.
whee controt in engaged position (See
"TO TRANSPORT'* in this section of

7, Sitting n thetractor seat sta_'tengine.
Aftertheergne s runnn%move
th_ette controttohalf (1/2}speed
8 Drve tractorforwardferapproximatey
fve fee the_backwardsfor lye feel
Repeatthisdrvng procedurethree
i J
o Tire chainscannotbe usedwhenthe
mowerhousngis attachedtot_ctor_
o MowershoutdbeproperyIcfveedfor
bestmowng pedormance,See"_O
ServiceandAdjustr_entssectonof tMs
Tlseeft handsideof mowershouldbe
o Drivesothatcippings aredischarged
ontothea_eatha£has alreadybeen
cut Havethecut areatotherightof
thetractor_This wi/f resutt in a more
even distdbut on of c_pp rigs and more
uniform cutt ng
• When mowing Iarge areas, start by
tumng to the right so that c pp ngs wi}
d scharge away from shrubs_ fences,
driveways, etc. After one or two rounds
mew n the oppos te direct o'_ making
/efthandt_'ns_nt f;_ seed,
o if grass [s ext_'emely tall t should be
rnowed twice to reduce toad and pos
sbe fir_(:_haza_d from dded c ipp ngs,
Ms_ke fret c_t re/at w,_ty _9_; the second
to the des red heighL
o Do not mow grass when t is wet Wet
grass will pug mower and leave undes r_
able elJmps Allow grass to dry befere
o A_waya operate eng_'se at fullthrottle
when mowing to assure better 'ssowo,
ing pedOrmance and p_*oper d scharge
of material, Regulate ground speed by
setect nga _ow enough speed 1o give the
mower curt ng performance as well as
the quaty of cut des red
o When operat ng attachments seect a
ground speed t/"_atwi_ sut the terr_ n
and gve best pe£ormance of the ab

The warranty on this tractor does not
cover items that have be_:msubiected to
operator abuse or neg/ige ce _fb_eceve
full va!ue from the warranty_ operator
must maintain tractor as nstructed in ths
Some ad] ;stments will need to be made
periodically to propedy mainain yeur
At _east once a season, check to see if
you should make any of the ad}ustments
described in the Service and Adiustments
section of ths manual,
At bast once a year you she ._/dreplace
the spark pug, clear_ or replace ar fi ter,
and check b_ades and betts for wear,
A new spark p,_9 ard cear ar filter
assure proper a r.ofue/mixture and help
your engne run be_er and Iast bnger,
1 Check engine oil ;eve!
2. Check brake operation
& Check tre pressure,
4, Check operator presence and
ROS systems for proper operation.
5, Check for loose fasteners.
Spir_db .................. Spnde
Zerk Z®rk
: :Genera/Purpose Grease
Refer to Maintenance °'ENGINE" Sect on
_MPORTANT: Do not oil or grease the
pivot points which have speciat nylon
beatings, Viscous lubr cants wfl attract
dust and dirt that wiII shorten the life of the
self tubreating bearing& If you feel they
must be lubricated, use ony a dry, pew_
dered graphite type lubricant spar ngly.

Alwaysobservesafetyruleswsen per
/ftracer _equ__:_smornttan fve (5)feetto
stopat highestspeedinhighestgearona
level dryconcreteorpavedsurface,then
brakemustbe servced (See"TOCHECK
sectionofthis manuaI)
o Maintainpreperair pressureinaf tires
Keeptres freeofgasoline o[ orinsect
eartro[ehemieaiswheh canhann rub-
Avod stumps,stones,deepruts sharp
causetre damage_
flattiresdueto sloweaks, tre sea/ant
dealer.Tire sea/antalsopreventstire dry
yourt£_ctordoesnotfunctionas de
scrbed,repar theproblemimmedatey
o Theengineshouldnotstartunessthe
brake}pedale fu!y depressed,andthe
a!_tachmentc_utchcontrols inthedsem
o Whenthe engineis runnng,arlyat-o
wtbout frst settingtheparkingbrake
shouidshutoff theengne
• Whenthe engne s runn ng and the
attachment clutch is engaged, any at
tempt by the operater te bays the seat
s_ou[d shut off the engine,
o The attachment eutch should he:vet op_
crate unless the operater is in the seat
o When the engine is runn ng with the
ignition switch in the engine ON _ pos .,.
tion and the attachment clutch engaged,
any attempt by the operator te shift into
reverse should shut off the engine
ROS 'ON' Post o_'_
o When the engine s running with the
ignition switch n the ROS ON" position
and the attachn ent clutch engaged,
any attempt by the operator to shfl into
reverse should NOT shut off the engine_
F:e_best resu ts mower bades must be
sharp_ Replace worn, bent or damaged
CAUTION: Use any a replacement
b/ads approved by the manufacturer of
your tractor Using a blade not approved
by the malsufacturer of yeur tractor is
hazardous, coutd dan" age your tracter and
1 Raise mower to highest pos tion to at _
iow access te blades
NOTE: Pretect yeur tands with geves
and!or wrap blade with heavy cloth
2. Remove blade bo_t by turning counter
3_ hstaII new blade wth stamped
"GRASS SIDE '_facing the ground,
#aPORTANT: To ensure preper assemMy,
center hole n b_ade must atign wth star'
on mandre_ assembly.
4. hstal and tighten blade bo_t secure y
(45..55 FL Lbs_ terque).
_MPORTANT: Spec at blade bolt is heat
B_ade Bait
Celts Hal®
"four tractor has a battery charging system
which Is suffcient for normaf use How
evec periodic charg ng d the battery wth
an automotive charger will extend its fife.
o Keep battery and terminals clean
o Keep battery bats tight
o Keep smali vent holes open.
o Recharge at 6d 0 amperes fer 1 hour_
NOTE: The odginal equipment battery on
yeur tractor is maintenance free Do rot
21 attempt to open or remove caps or covers
Engb_s ON' Poston
(Normal Opeuati_9)