Craftsman 917275620 Owner’s Manual

Owner's Manual
18.5 HP, 42" Mower Electric Start
Automatic Transmission
Model No.
differently from previously built engines. Before you start the
Read and follow all Safety Rules and Instructions before
operating this equipment.
Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 U.S.A
Visit our Craftsman
For answers to your questions
about this product, Call:
Sears Craftsman Help Line
5 am - 5 pm, Mon- Sat
LIMITEDWARRANTYONCRAFTSMANRIDINGEQUIPMENT Fortwo(2) yearsfromthe date of purchase,ifthis CraftsmanRidingEquipmentis
maintained,lubricatedandtunedupaccordingto the instructionsin theowner'smanual, Searswill repairor replacefreeofchargeanyparts thatarefoundtobedefectivein
materialorworkmanshipaccordingto the guidelinesof coveragelistedbelow.Sears
will also providefree laborfortheseapplicablewarrantedpartsfor thetwofull years.
Duringthe first30 daysof purchase,therewillbe no chargesto servicetheproduct atyourhomefor issuescoveredby this warranty.(Seeexclusionsbelow). Foryour
convenience,IN HOMEwarrantyservicewillstill be availableafterthe first 30days of purchase,buta trip chargewillapply.This chargewill bewaivedif the Craftsman
productisdroppedoff at an authorizedSearslocation.Forthe nearestauthorizedSears location,pleasecall 1-800-4-MY-HOME®.Thiswarrantyappliesonlywhilethisproduct
iswithintheUnitedStates. ThisWarrantydoesnotcover:
Expendableitemswhichbecomewornduringnormaluse,includingbut notlimitedto blades,sparkplugs,air cleaners,belts,and oilfilters.
StandardMaintenanceServicing,oil changes, or tune-ups
Tire replacementor repaircausedbypuncturesfromoutsideobjects,suchas nails,
thorns,stumps,or glass.
Repairsnecessarybecauseofoperatorabuse,includingbutnotlimitedto, damage causedbytowingobjectsbeyondthe capabilityof the ridingequipment,impacting
objectsthat bendtheframeor crankshaft,or over-speedingthe engine.
trical andmechanicaldamagecausedby improperstorage,failureto usethe proper gradeandamountofengineoil, failuretokeepthedeckclearofflammabledebris,
orfailureto maintainthe equipmentaccordingto the instructionscontainedin the owner'smanual.
Engine(fuelsystem)cleaningor repairscausedbyfueldeterminedto be contami- natedoroxidized(stale). Ingeneral,fuel shouldbeusedwithin 30daysof its pur-
Normaldeteriorationandwearof the exteriorfinishes,or productlabel replacement.
LIMITEDWARRANTYONBATTERY Forninety(90)daysfrom dateofpurchase,if anybattery includedwiththis riding
equipmentprovesdefectivein materialor workmanshipandour testingdeterminesthe batterywill notholda charge,Searswill replacethebatteryat nocharge. Duringthe
first 30daysof purchase,therewill benochargesto replacethe batteryat yourHOME. After thefirst 30 days,for yourconvenience,IN-HOMEwarrantyservicewillstillbeavail-
ablebuta trip chargewill apply.Thischargewillbewaivedif theCraftsmanproductis droppedoffat an authorizedSearslocation.Forthe nearestauthorizedSearslocation,
pleasecall 1-800-4-MY-HOME®. Thisbatterywarrantyappliesonlywhilethis productiswithintheUnitedStates.
Thiswarrantygivesyouspecificlegalrights,and youmay alsohaveotherrights,which vary,fromstateto state.
Sears,RoebuckandCo.,Dept.817WA,HoffmanEstates,IL 60179
IMPORTANT:This cuttingmachineis capableof amputatinghandsandfeetandthrow- ingobjects.Failureto observethe followingsafetyinstructionscouldresult inserious
injuryor death.
_IWARNING: Inorderto preventac-
cidentalstartingwhensettingup,trans- porting,adjustingor makingrepairs, alwaysdisconnectsparkplugwire and placewirewhereitcannotcontactspark plug.
_I_WARNING: Do not coast down a hill in
neutral, you may lose control of the tractor.
_IWARNING: Tow only the attachments
that are recommended by and comply with specifications of the manufacturer of your
tractor. Use common sense when towing.
Operate only at the lowest possible speed when on a slope. Too heavy of a load, while on a slope, is dangerous. Tires can
lose traction with the ground and cause
you to lose control of your tractor. _IWARNING: Engine exhaust, some of
its constituents, and certain vehicle com-
ponents contain or emit chemicals known
to the State of California to cause cancer
and birth defects or other reproductive
harm. _IWARNING: Battery posts, terminals
and related accessories contain lead and
lead compounds, chemicals known to the
State of California to cause cancer and
birth defects or other reproductive harm. Wash hands after handling.
Read, understand, and follow all instructions on the machine and in the
manual before starting.
Do not put hands or feet near rotating parts or under the machine. Keep clear of the discharge opening at all times.
Only allow responsible adults, who are familiar with the instructions, to operate
the machine.
Clear the area of objects such as rocks, toys, wire, etc., which could be picked up and thrown by the blades.
Be sure the area is clear of bystand- ers before operating. Stop machine if anyone enters the area.
Never carry passengers.
Do not mow in reverse unless abso- lutely necessary. Always look down
and behind before and while backing.
Never direct discharged material toward anyone. Avoid discharging
material against a wall or obstruction. Material may ricochet back toward the
operator. Stop the blades when cross-
ing gravel surfaces.
Do not operate machine without the
entire grass catcher, discharge guard, or other safety devices in place and working.
Slowdown before turning.
Never leave a running machine unattended. Always turn off blades,
set parking brake, stop engine, and
remove keys before dismounting.
Disengage blades when not mowing. Shut off engine and wait for all parts to come to a complete stop before clean- ing the machine, removing the grass catcher, or unclogging the discharge
Operate machine only in daylight or
good artificial light.
Do not operate the machine while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
Watch for traffic when operating near
or crossing roadways.
Use extra care when loading or un- loading the machine into a trailer or
Always wear eye protection when oper- ating machine.
Data indicates that operators, age 60
years and above, are involved in a
large percentage of riding mower-re- lated injuries. These operators should evaluate their ability to operate the riding mower safely enough to protect
themselves and others from serious
Follow the manufacturer's recommen-
dation for wheel weights or counter- weights.
Keep machine free of grass, leaves or
other debris build-up which can touch
hot exhaust / engine parts and burn. Do not allow the mower deck to plow
leaves or other debris which can cause build-up to occur. Clean any oil or fuel
spillage before operating or storing the
machine. Allow machine to cool before
I1. SLOPE OPERATION Slopes are a major factor related to loss of
control and tip-over accidents, which can result in severe injury or death. Opera- tion on all slopes requires extra caution. If you cannot back up the slope or if you feel uneasy on it, do not mow it.
Mow up and down slopes, not across.
Watch for holes, ruts, bumps, rocks, or other hidden objects. Uneven terrain
could overturn the machine. Tall grass can hide obstacles.
Choose a low ground speed so that you will not have to stop or shift while on the slope.
Do not mow on wet grass. Tires may lose traction.
Always keep the machine in gear when
going down slopes. Do not shift to neutral and coast downhill.
Avoid starting, stopping, or turning on a slope. If the tires lose traction, dis- engage the blades and proceed slowly straight down the slope.
Keep all movement on the slopes slow and gradual. Do not make sudden changes in speed or direction, which
could cause the machine to roll over.
Use extra care while operating ma- chine with grass catchers or other at- tachments; they can affect the stability of the machine. Do no use on steep slopes.
Do not try to stabilize the machine by putting your foot on the ground.
Do not mow near drop-offs, ditches, or embankments. The machine could
suddenly roll over if a wheel is over the edge or if the edge caves in.
III. CHILDREN Tragic accidents can occur if the operator
is not alert to the presence of children. Children are often attracted to the machine
and the mowing activity. Never assume that children will remain where you last
saw them.
Keep children out of the mowing area and in the watchful care of a respon- sible adult other than the operator.
Be alert and turn machine off if a child enters the area.
Before and while backing, look behind and down for small children.
Never carry children, even with the blades shut off. They may fall off and
be seriously injured or interfere with
safe machine operation. Children who
have been given rides in the past may
suddenly appear in the mowing area for another ride and be run over or
backed over by the machine.
Never allow children to operate the machine.
Use extra care when approaching blind corners, shrubs, trees, or other objects
that may block your view of a child.
Tow only with a machine that has a hitch designed for towing. Do not at-
tach towed equipment except at the
hitch point.
Followthe manufacturer's recom- mendation for weight limits for towed
equipment and towing on slopes.
Never allow children or others in or on
towed equipment.
On slopes, the weight of the towed
equipment may cause loss of traction and loss of control.
Travel slowly and allow extra distance
to stop.
To avoid personal injury or property damage, use extreme care in handling
gasoline. Gasoline is extremely flammable and the vapors are explosive.
Extinguish all cigarettes, cigars, pipes, and other sources of ignition.
Use only approved gasoline container.
Never remove gas cap or add fuel with
the engine running. Allow engine to
cool before refueling.
Never fuel the machine indoors.
Never store the machine or fuel con-
tainer where there is an open flame, spark, or pilot light such as on a water
heater or other appliances.
Never fill containers inside a vehicle
or on a truck or trailer bed with plastic
liner. Always place containers on the
ground away from your vehicle when filling.
Removegas-poweredequipmentfrom thetruckor trailerand refuelitonthe
ground.If thisis notpossible,then refuelsuchequipmentwith a portable container,ratherthanfrom a gasoline
Keepthenozzleincontactwiththe rim ofthefuel tank or containeropeningat
alltimesuntilfuelingis complete.Do notusea nozzlelock-opendevice.
Iffuelisspilledon clothing,change clothingimmediately.
Neveroverfillfuel tank.Replacegas capandtightensecurely.
Never operate machine in a closed are.
Keep all nuts and bolts tight to be sure the equipment is in safe working condi-
Never tamper with safety devices. Check their proper operation regularly.
Keep machine free of grass, leaves, or other debris build-up. Clean oil or fuel
spillage and remove any fuel-soaked debris. Allow machine to cool before
If you strike a foreign object, stop and
inspect the machine. Repair, if neces-
sary, before restarting.
Never make any adjustments or repairs with the engine running.
Check grass catcher components and the discharge guard frequently and
replace with manufacturer's recom- mended parts, when necessary.
Mower blades are sharp. Wrap the
blade or wear gloves, and use extra caution when servicing them.
Check brake operation frequently. Ad-
just and service as required.
Maintain or replace safety and instruc- tion labels, as necessary.
Be sure the area is clear of bystand- ers before operating. Stop machine if anyone enters the area.
Never carry passengers.
Do not mow in reverse unless abso- lutely necessary. Always look down
and behind before and while backing.
Never carry children, even with the blades shut off. They may fall off and be seriously injured or interfere with safe machine operation. Children who have been given rides in the past may suddenly appear in the mowing area
for another ride and be run over or backed over by the machine.
Keep children out of the mowing area and in the watchful care of a respon-
sible adult other than the operator.
Be alert and turn machine off if a child enters the area.
Before and while backing, look behind and down for small children.
Mow up and down slopes (15 ° Max), not across.
Choose a low ground speed so that you will not have to stop or shift while on the slope.
Avoid starting, stopping, or turning on a slope. If the tires lose traction, dis-
engage the blades and proceed slowly straight down the slope.
If machine stops while going uphill, disengage blades, shift into reverse
and back down slowly.
Do not turn on slopes unless neces- sary, and then, turn slowly and gradu- ally downhill, if possible.
Gasoline Capacity 2.0 Gallons and Type: Unleaded Regular
Oil Type SAE 30 (above 32°F)
'API-SG-SL): SAE 5W-30(Below 32°F
Oil Capacity: W/Filter: 3.5 Pints
W/O Filter: 3.0 Pints
Spark Plug: Champion RC12YC (GAP: .030")
Ground Speed Forward: 5.5 (MPH): Reverse: 2.4
Tire Pressure: Front: 14 PSI
Rear: 10 PSI
Charging 3 Amps Battery System: 5 Amps Headlights
Battery: Amp/Hr: 28
Min. CCA: 230 Case Size: U1R
Blade Bolt
CONGRATULATIONS on your purchase of a new tractor. It has been designed, engineered and manufactured to give you the best possible dependability and performance. Should you experience any problem you cannot easily remedy, please contact a Sears or other qualified service center. We have competent, well-trained techni- cians and the proper tools to service or
repair this tractor. Please read and retain this manual. The
instructions will enable you to assemble
and maintain your tractor properly. Always observe the "SAFETY RULES".
Read and observe the safety rules.
Follow a regular schedule in main- taining, caring for and using your tractor.
Follow the instructions under"Mainte-
nance" and "Storage" sections of this
owner's manual.
_L,WARNING: This tractor is equipped with an internal combustion engine and
should not be used on or near any unim- proved forest-covered, brush-covered or
grass-covered land unless the engine's exhaust system is equipped with a spark arrester meeting applicable local or state
laws (if any). If a spark arrester is used, it should be maintained in effective working order by the operator.
27-35 Ft. Lbs.
In the state of California the above is re- quired by law (Section 4442 of the Califor-
nia Public Resources Code). Other states may have similar laws. Federal laws apply on federal lands. A spark arrester for the muffler is available through your nearest Sears service center (See REPAIR PARTS section of this manual).
Congratulations on making a smart pur- chase. Your new Craftsman® product is designed and manufactured for years of dependable operation. But like all prod- ucts, it may require repair from time to
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Purchase a Repair Protection Agreement now and protect yourself from unexpected hassle and expense.
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Fast help by phone- phone support from a Sears technician on products requiring in-home repair, plus conve- nient repair scheduling.
Once you purchase the Agreement, a simple phone call is all that it takes for you to schedule service. You can call anytime day or night, or schedule a service ap- pointment online. Sears has over 12,000 professional repair specialists, who have access to over 4.5
million quality parts and accessories. That's the kind of professionalism you can
count on to help prolong the life of your new purchase for years to come. Purchase
your Repair Protection Agreement today! Some limitations and exclusions apply.
For prices and additional information call 1-800-827-6655.
For Sears professional installation of home appliances, garage door openers, water heaters, and other major home items, in
the U.S.A. call 1-800-4-MY-HOME®
(1) Oil Drain Tube For Future Use
(2) Keys
Your new tractor has been assembled at the factory.
Slope Sheet
When right or left hand is mentioned in this manual, it means when you are in the oper- ating position (seated behind the steering wheel).
1. Cut along dotted lines on all four pan- els of carton. Remove end panels and lay side panels flat.
2. Remove protective materials from trac- tor hood and grille.
IMPORTANT: Check for and remove any staples in skid that may puncture tires
where tractor is to roll off skid.
1. Raise seat and loosen adjustment knob.
2. Lower seat into operating position and sit in seat.
3. Slide seat until a comfortable position is reached which allows you to press clutch/brake pedal all the way down.
4. Get off seat without moving its adjusted position.
5. Raise seat and tighten adjustment knob securely.
1. Lift seat pan to raised position.
NOTE: If this battery is put into service after month and year indicated on label (label located between terminals) charge battery for minimum of one hour at 6-10 amps. (See "BATTERY" in Maintenance section of this manual for charging instruc- tions).
Adjustment Knob
NOTE: You may now roll or drive your
tractor off the skid. Follow the appropriate
instruction below to remove the tractor
from the skid.
Operation section for location and
function of controls)
1. Press lift lever plunger and raise attachment lift lever to its highest po-
2. Release parking brake by depressing clutch/brake pedal.
3. Place freewheel control in "trans-
mission disengaged" position (See "TO TRANSPORT" in the Operation section of this manual).
4. Roll tractor forward off skid.
5. Remove banding holding deflector shield up against tractor.
Operation section for location and
function of controls) _WARNING: Before starting, read, un-
derstand and follow all instructions in the Operation section of this manual. Be sure
tractor is in a well-ventilated area. Be sure the area in front of tractor is clear of other
people and objects.
1. Be sure all the above assembly steps have been completed.
2. Check engine oil level and fill fuel tank with gasoline.
3. Place freewheel control in "trans-
mission engaged" position. (See "TO TRANSPORT" in the Operation section of this manual).
4. Sit on seat in operating position, depress clutch/brake pedal and set the parking brake.
5. Place motion control lever in neutral (N) position.
6. Press lift lever plunger and raise attachment lift lever to its highest posi-
7. Start the engine. After engine has started, move throttle control to idle position.
8. Release parking brake.
9. Slowly move the motion control lever forward and slowly drive tractor off
10.Apply brake to stop tractor, set parking brake and place motion control lever in
neutral position.
11 .Turn ignition key to "STOP" position.
Continue with the instructions that follow.
The tires on your tractor were overinflated
at the factory for shipping purposes. Cor- rect tire pressure is important for best cutting performance.
Reduce tire pressure to PSI shown in "PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS" section
of this manual.
CHECK DECK LEVELNESS For best cutting results, mower hous-
ing should be properly leveled. See "TO LEVEL MOWER HOUSING" in the Service
and Adjustments section of this manual.
See the figures that are shown for replac- ing motion and mower blade drive belts in the Service and Adjustments section
of this manual. Verify that the belts are
routed correctly.
After you learn how to operate your trac- tor, check to see that the brake is properly
adjusted. See "TO ADJUST BRAKE" in
the Service and Adjustments section of this manual.
Before you operate your new tractor, we
wish to assure that you receive the best
performance and satisfaction from this Quality Product.
Please review the following checklist: ,/All assembly instructions have been
,/No remaining loose parts in carton. ,/Battery is properly prepared and
charged. (Minimum 1 hour at 6 amps).
,/" Seat is adjusted comfortably and tight-
ened securely.
,/" All tires are properly inflated. (For ship-
ping purposes, the tires were overin- flated at the factory).
,/Be sure mower deck is properly leveled
side-to-side/front-to-rear for best cutting results. (Tires must be properly inflated
for leveling).
,/Check mower and drive belts. Be sure
they are routed properly around pulleys and inside all belt keepers.
,/Check wiring. See that all connections
are still secure and wires are properly clamped.
,/Before driving tractor, be sure freewheel
control is in "transmission engaged" position (see "TO TRANSPORT" in the
Operation section of this manual). While learning how to use your tractor, pay extra attention to the following important
,/Engine oil is at proper level. ,/Fuel tank is filled with fresh, clean, regu-
lar unleaded gasoline. ,/" Become familiar with all controls, their
location and function. Operate them
before you start the engine. ,/Be sure brake system is in safe operat-
ing condition. ,/Be sure Operator Presence System
and Reverse Operation System (ROS)
are working properly (See the Opera-
tion and Maintenance sections in this
manual). ,/" It is important to purge the transmission
before operating your tractor for the first
time. Follow proper starting and transmis-
sion purging instructions (See "TO START
in the Operation section of this manual).
These symbols may appear on your tractor or in literature supplied with the product.
Learn and understand their meaning.
R N H I\1
(Automatic Models only)
Failure to follow instructions could result in serious injury or
death. The safety alert symbol is used to identify safety inform-
ation about hazards which can result in death, serious injury
and/or property damage.
DANGER indicates a hazard which, ifnot avoided,
will result in death or serious injury.
WARNING indicates a hazard which, if not avoided,
could result in death or serious injury.
CAUTION indicates a hazard which, if not avoided,
might result in minor or moderate injury.
CAUTION when used without the alert symbol,
indicates a situation that could result in damage
to the tractor and/or engine.
NOT SURFACES indicates a hazard which, if not avoided, could result in death, serious injury
and/or property damage. FIRE indicates a hazard which, if not avoided,
could result in death, serious injury and/or
property damage.
Compare the illustrations with your tractor to familiarize yourself with the locations of
various controls and adjustments. Save this manual for future reference.
"ON" Position
Ignition Switch
Attachment Clutch Lever
Lift Lever Plunger
Throttle/Choke Control
Clutch/Brake Pedal
Parking Brake Lever
Light Switch
Our tractors conform to the safety standards of the
American National Standards Institute.
Lift Lever
Motion Control Lever
AMMETER - Indicates charging (+) or discharging (-) of battery.
ATTACHMENT CLUTCH LEVER - Used to engage the mower blades or other at-
tachments mounted to your tractor. ATTACHMENT LIFT LEVER - Used to
raise, lower, and adjust the mower deck or other attachments mounted to your tractor.
CLUTCH/BRAKE PEDAL - Used for declutching and braking the tractor and
starting the engine. FREEWHEEL CONTROL - Disengagages transmission for pushing or slowly towing the tractor with the engine off. IGNITION SWITCH - Used for starting and stopping the engine.
LIFT LEVER PLUNGER - Used to release attachment lift lever when changing its
position. LIGHT SWITCH - Turns the headlights on
and off. MOTION CONTROL LEVER - Selects the
speed and direction of tractor. PARKING BRAKE LEVER- Locks clutch/
brake pedal into the brake position. REVERSE OPERATION SYSTEM (ROS) "ON" POSITION - Allows operation of mower deck or other powered attachment
while in reverse.
THROTTLE/CHOKE CONTROL- Used for starting and controlling engine speed.
Theoperationofanytractorcan resultin foreignobjectsthrownintothe
eyes,which canresultinsevereeyedamage.Alwayswear safetyglasses or eyeshieldswhileoperatingyourtractoror performinganyadjustments or repairs. We recommendstandardsafetyglassesor awidevisionsafety
maskworn overspectacles.
Your tractor is equipped with an operator
presence sensing switch. When engine is running, any attempt by the operator
to leave the seat without first setting the
parking brake will shut off the engine.
1. Depress clutch/brake pedal all the way down and hold.
2. Pull parking brake lever up and release pressure from clutch/brake pedal.
Pedal should remain in brake position. Make sure parking brake will hold trac-
tor secure.
Throttle/Choke Control
Clutch/ "Disengaged" Parking Brake Control
Brake Position "Engaged" Lever Pedal Position
To stop mower blades, move attachment
clutch lever to disengaged position.
To stop ground drive, depress clutch/
brake pedal all the way down.
Move motion control lever to neutral (N)
IMPORTANT: The motion control lever does not return to neutral (N) position
when the clutch/brake pedal is depressed.
Move throttle control between half and
full speed (fast) position.
NOTE: Failure to move throttle control between half and full speed (fast) posi-
tion, before stopping, may cause engine to "backfire".
Turn ignition key to "STOP" position and
remove key. Always remove key when leaving tractor to prevent unauthorized use.
Never use choke to stop engine.
Attachment Clutch
Lever "Engage"
IMPORTANT: Leaving the ignition switch in any position other than "STOP" will
cause the battery to discharge and go dead.
NOTE: Under certain conditions when tractor is standing idle with the engine
running, hot engine exhaust gases may cause "browning" of grass. To eliminate this possibility, always stop engine when stopping tractor on grass areas.
_JlLCAUTION: Always stop tractor com-
pletely, as described above, before leaving
the operator's position. TO USE THROTTLE CONTROL Always operate engine at full throttle.
Operating engine at less than full throttle reduces the battery charging
Full throttle offers the best bagging and mower performance.
TO MOVE FORWARD AND BACKWARD The direction and speed of movement is
controlled by the motion control lever.
1. Start tractor with motion control lever in
neutral (N) position.
2. Release parking brake.
3. Slowly move motion control lever to
desired position.
TO ADJUST MOWER CUTTING HEIGHT The position of the attachment lift lever
determines the cutting height.
Grasp lift lever.
Press plunger with thumb and move
lever to desired position. The cutting height range is approxi- mately 1-1/2 to 4". The heights are mea- sured from the ground to the blade tip with the engine not running. These heights are approximate and may vary depending upon soil conditions, height of grass and types of grass being mowed.
The average lawn should be cut to ap-
proximately 2-1/2 inches during the cool
season and to over 3 inches during hot
months. For healthier and better look-
ing lawns, mow often and after moder-
ate growth.
For best cutting performance, grass
over 6 inches in height should be
mowed twice. Make the first cut rela-
tively high; the second to desired height.
TO ADJUST GAUGE WHEELS Gauge wheels are properly adjusted
when they are slightly off the ground when
mower is at the desired cutting height in operating position. Gauge wheels then
keep the deck in proper position to help prevent scalping in most terrain conditions.
NOTE: Adjust gauge wheels with tractor on a flat level surface.
1. Adjust mower to desired cutting height (See "TO ADJUST MOWER CUTTING HEIGHT" in this section of manual).
2. With mower in desired height of cut position, gauge wheels should be assembled so they are slightly off the ground. Install gauge wheel in ap- propriate hole with shoulder bolt, 3/8
washer, and 3/8-16 Iocknut and tighten
3. Repeat for opposite side, installing gauge wheel in same adjustment hole.
3/8-16 Locknut
3/8 Washer
Gauge Wheel
TO OPERATE MOWER Your tractor is equipped with an operator
presence sensing switch. Any attempt by the operator to leave the seat with the engine running and the attachment clutch engaged will shut off the engine. You must
remain fully and centrally positioned in the seat to prevent the engine from hesitating or cutting off when operating your equip-
ment on rough, rolling terrain or hills.
1. Select desired height of cut.
2. Start mower blades by engaging at-
tachment clutch control.
TO STOP MOWER BLADES - disengage attachment clutch control.
_kCAUTION: Do not operate the mower without either the entire grass catcher, on mowers so equipped, or the deflector shield in place.
Attachment Clutch Lever
Attachemnt Lift Lever High
REVERSE OPERATION SYSTEM (ROS) Your tractor is equipped with a Reverse
Operation System (ROS). Any attempt by the operator to travel in the reverse direc- tion with the attachment clutch engaged
will shut off the engine unless ignition key
is placed in the ROS "ON" position.
_WARNING: Backing up with the at-
tachment clutch engaged while mowing is strongly discouraged. Turning the ROS "ON", to allow reverse operation with the attachment clutch engaged, should only be done when the operator decides it is necessary to reposition the machine with the attachment engaged. Do not mow in reverse unless absolutely necessary.
1. Move motion control lever to neutral (N) position.
2. With engine running, turn ignition key counterclockwise to ROS "ON" posi-
3. Look down and behind before backing.
4. Slowly move motion control lever to
reverse (R) position to start movement.
5. When use of the ROS is no longer
needed, turn the ignition key clockwise
to engine "ON" position.
ROS "ON" Position
Engine "ON" Position (Normal Operating)
TO OPERATE ON HILLS _WARNING: Do not drive up or down
hills with slopes greater than 15° and do not drive across any slope. Use the slope
guide at the back of this manual.
Choose the slowest speed before start- ing up or down hills.
Avoid stopping or changing speed on hills.
If slowing is necessary, move throttle control lever to slower position.
If stopping is absolutely necessary, push clutch/brake pedal quickly to brake posi- tion and engage parking brake.
Move motion control lever to neutral (N) position.
IMPORTANT: The motion control lever
does not return to neutral (N) position when the clutch/brake pedal is depressed.
To restart movement, slowly release parking brake and clutch/brake pedal.
Slowly move motion control lever to slowest setting.
Make all turns slowly.
TO TRANSPORT When pushing or towing your tractor, be
sure to disengage transmission by placing freewheel control in freewheeling position.
Freewheel control is located at the rear
drawbar of tractor.
1. Raise attachment lift to highest posi- tion with attachment lift control.
2. Pull freewheel control out and down into the slot and release so it is held in
the disengaged position.
Do not push or tow tractor at more than
two (2) MPH.
To re-engage transmission, reverse
above procedure.
Transmission Engaged
Tow only the attachments that are recom-
mended by and comply with specifications
of the manufacturer of your tractor. Use
common sense when towing. Too heavy
of a load, while on a slope, is dangerous. Tires can lose traction with the ground and
cause you to lose control of your tractor. BEFORE STARTING THE ENGINE CHECK ENGINE OIL LEVEL
The engine in your tractor has been shipped, from the factory, already filled with summer weight oil.
1. Check engine oil with tractor on level ground.
2. Remove oil fill cap/dipstick and wipe clean, reinsert the dipstick and screw cap tight, wait for a few seconds, re- move and read oil level. If necessary, add oil until "FULL" mark on dipstick is
reached. Do not overfill.
For cold weather operation you should change oil for easier starting (See the oil viscosity chart in the Maintenance section of this manual).
To change engine oil, see the Mainte- nance section in this manual.
Fill fuel tank to bottom of tank filler neck. Do not overfill. Use fresh, clean, regular
unleaded gasoline with a minimum of 87 octane. (Use of leaded gasoline will in- crease carbon and lead oxide deposits and reduce valve life). Do not mix oil with gasoline. Purchase fuel in quanti- ties that can be used within 30 days to
assure fuel freshness.
_CAUTION: Wipe off any spilled oil or fuel. Do not store, spill or use gasoline
near an open flame.
IMPORTANT: When operating in tempera- tures below 32°F(0°C), use fresh, clean winter grade gasoline to help insure good
cold weather starting.
Transmission Disengaged
NOTE: To protect hood from damage when
transporting your tractor on a truck or a trailer, be sure hood is closed and secured
to tractor. Use an appropriate means of tying hood to tractor (rope, cord, etc.).
CAUTION: Alcohol blended fuels (called gasohol or using ethanol or methanol) can attract moisture which leads to separa- tion and formation of acids during storage.
Acidic gas can damage the fuel system of
an engine while in storage. To avoid engine problems, the fuel system should be emptied before storage of 30 days or longer. Drain the gas tank, start the engine and let it run until the fuel lines and carburetor are empty. Use fresh fuel next season. See Storage
Instructions for additional information. Never use engine or carburetor cleaner
products in the fuel tank or permanent damage may occur.
TO START ENGINE When starting the engine for the first time
or if the engine has run out of fuel, it will take extra cranking time to move fuel from the tank to the engine.
1. Be sure freewheel control is in the transmission engaged position.
2. Sit on seat in operating position, depress clutch/brake pedal and set parking brake.
3. Place motion control lever in neutral (N) position.
4. Move attachment clutch to disengaged position.
5. Move throttle control to choke position. NOTE: Before starting, read the warm
and cold starting procedures below.
6. Insert key into ignition and turn key clockwise to start position and release
key as soon as engine starts. Do not run starter continuously for more
than fifteen seconds per minute. If the engine does not start after several
attempts, move throttle control to fast position, wait a few minutes and try again. If engine still does not start,
move the throttle control back to the choke position and retry.
WARM WEATHER STARTING (50 ° F and above)
7. When engine starts, move the throttle control to the fast position.
The attachments and ground drive can
now be used. If the engine does not accept the load, restart the engine and
allow it to warm up for one minute using the choke as described above.
COLD WEATHER STARTING ( 50 ° F and below)
7. When engine starts, allow engine to run with the throttle control in the
choke position until the engine runs roughly, then move throttle control
to fast position. This may require an engine warm-up period from several
seconds to several minutes, depending on the temperature.
Before driving the unit in cold weather, the transmission should be warmed up as
1. Be sure the tractor is on level ground.
2. Place the motion control lever in neutral. Release the parking brake
and let the clutch/brake slowly return to operating position.
3. Allow one minute for transmission to
warm up. This can be done during
the engine warm up period.
The attachments can also be used dur-
ing the engine warm-up period after the
transmission has been warmed up.
NOTE: If at a high altitude (above 3000 feet) or in cold temperatures (below 32 F)
the carburetor fuel mixture may need to be adjusted for best engine performance. (See "TO ADJUST CARBURETOR" in the Service and Adjustments section of this manual.)
_iCAUTION: Never engage or dis-
engage freewheel lever while the engine is running.
To ensure proper operation and per-
formance, it is recommended that the
transmission be purged before operating tractor for the first time. This procedure will
remove any trapped air inside the trans- mission which may have developed during shipping of your tractor. IMPORTANT: Should your transmission require removal for service or replace- ment, it should be purged after reinstall- ation before operating the tractor.
1. Place tractor safely on level surface with engine off and parking brake set.
2. Disengage transmission by placing freewheel control in disengaged posi- tion (See "TO TRANSPORT" in this section of manual).
3. Sitting in the tractor seat, start engine. After the engine is running, move throttle control to slow position. With
motion control lever in neutral (N) position, slowly disengage clutch/brake pedal.
4. Move motion control lever to full forward position and hold for five (5)
seconds. Move lever to full reverse position and hold for five (5) seconds.
Repeat this procedure three (3) times. NOTE: During this step there will be no movement of drive wheels. The air is being removed from hydraulic drive system.
5. Move motion control lever to neutral
(N) position. Shutoff engine and set parking brake.
6. Engage transmission by placing free-
wheel control in engaged position (See "TO TRANSPORT" in this section of
7. Sitting in the tractor seat, start engine.
After the engine is running, move throttle control to half (1/2) speed. With motion control lever in neutral (N) position, slowly disengage clutch/brake pedal.
8. Slowly move motion control lever for-
ward, after the tractor moves approxi-
mately five (5) feet, slowly move motion
control lever to reverse position. After the tractor moves approximately five (5) feet return the motion control lever to the neutral (N) position. Repeat this procedure with the motion control lever
three (3) times. Your transmission is now purged and now ready for normal operation.
Mower should be properly leveled for
best mowing performance. See "TO LEVEL MOWER HOUSING" in the
Service and Adjustments section of this manual.
The left hand side of mower should be used for trimming.
Drive so that clippings are discharged onto the area that has already been cut. Have the cut area to the right of the trac-
tor. This will result in a more even distri- bution of clippings and more uniform
When mowing large areas, start by turning to the right so that clippings will discharge away from shrubs, fences, driveways, etc. After one or two rounds,
mow in the opposite direction making left hand turns until finished.
, J
If grass is extremely tall, it should be
mowed twice to reduce load and pos-
sible fire hazard from dried clippings.
Make first cut relatively high; the second
to the desired height.
Do not mow grass when it is wet. Wet grass will plug mower and leave
undesirable clumps. Allow grass to dry before mowing.
Always operate engine at full throttle when mowing to assure better mow-
ing performance and proper discharge of material. Regulate ground speed by selecting a low enough gear to give the
mower cutting performance as well as the quality of cut desired.
When operating attachments, select a ground speed that will suit the terrain and give best performance of the at- tachment being used.
AS YOU COMPLETE /__._" .......
Check Brake Operation _
Check Tire Pressure Check Operator Presence and
T ROS Systems li_ R Check for Loose Fasteners If Ks
A Sharpen/Replace Mower Blades 1_3
C Lubrication Chart I_
0 Check Battery Level 1_4
R Clean Battery and Terminals ll_
Check Transaxle Cooling i,,'
Check V-Belts Check Engine Oil Level I1_ I_
Change Engine Oil (with oil filter) 1_1,2
E Change Engine Oil (without oil filter) _11_1, 2 _1_ N Clean Air Filter 11_2
G Clean Air Screen 11_'2
Inspect Muffler/Spark
E Replace Oil Filter (If equipped) 11_1,2
Clean Engine Cooling Fins _ 2
Replace Spark Plug I_ I_ Replace Air Filter Paper Cartridge 11_'2
Replace Fuel Filter _#
1 - Change more often when operating under a heavy load or
in high ambient temperatures.
2 - Service more often when operating in dirty or dusty conditions.
The warranty on this tractor does not cover
items that have been subjected to operator abuse or negligence. To receive full value from the warranty, operator must maintain
tractor as instructed in this manual. Some adjustments will need to be made
periodically to properly maintain your trac- tor.
At least once a season, check to see if you should make any of the adjustments
described in the Service and Adjustments section of this manual.
At least once a year you should replace
the spark plug, clean or replace air filter,
and check blades and belts for wear.
A new spark plug and clean air filter
assure proper air-fuel mixture and help
your engine run better and last longer.
1. Check engine oil level.
2. Check brake operation.
3. Check tire pressure.
4. Check operator presence and
ROS systems for proper operation.
5. Check for loose fasteners.
3 - Replace blades more often when mowing in sandy soil, 4 - Not required if equipped with maintenance-free battery.
5 - Tighten front axle pivot bolt to 35 ft.-Ibs, maximum.
Do not overtighten.
d_ Spindle -- Spindle
Zerk ; _r Zerk
_Front Wheel _Front Wheel
Bearing ....... ,L_Bearing Zerk
@Engine ,_
(_ General Purpose Grease
IMPORTANT: Do not oil or grease the pivot points which have special nylon
bearings. Viscous lubricants will attract dust and dirt that will shorten the life of the
self-lubricating bearings. If you feel they must be lubricated, use only a dry, pow-
dered graphite type lubricant sparingly.
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