1 Know the controls and how to stop quickly READ THiS
OPERA TOR'S MANUAL and instructions furnished with
2_ Do not allow children to operate the machine. Do not allow
adults to operate it without proper instruction.
3 Do not carrypassengers Do not mow when children end
others are around.
4. Always wear substantial footwear. Do not wear loose fit-
ling clothing that coutd get caught in moving parts,
5 Keep your eyes end mind on Four tractor, mower end the
area being cut. Do not let other interests distract you
6 Do not attempt to operate Your tractor or mower when
not in the drivers seat.
7, Always get on or off your traetor from the operator'o feft
hand side,
El Clear the work area of objects {wire. rocks, eta ) which
might be picked up and thrown.
9. Disengage all attachment clutches before attempting to
start the engine.
i 0 Disengage power to attachments and stop the engine
before leaving the oparator'o position,
I I Disengage power to mower, stop the engine and discon-
nect spark plug wire{s) from spark plugis) before clean-
m •
• g makmg an adjustment or repair Be careful to avoid
touching hot muffler or engine components_
I 2o Disengage power to attachments when transporting or not
in use,
13 Take aU possible precautions when leaving the vehicle un.
attended. Disengage the power.take*bit, lower the at-
tachments, shift into neutral, set the perking brake, stop
the engine and remove the key,
74, Do not stop or start suddenly when going uphill or
downhill. Mow up and down the face of slopes {not
greater than 15=l; never across the face Refer to page 5 t
75., Reduce speed an slopes and make turns gradually to pro.
vent tipping or loss of control Exercise extreme caution
when changing direction on slopes.
76 While going up or down slopes, place Gear Shift Control
Lever in 1st gear position tO negotiate the slope without
f 7., Never mow in wet or slippery grass, when traction is un,,
sure or at a speed which could cause a skid.
78 Stay alert for hotas in the tarrain and ether hiddan hazards
Keep away from drop.otis,
19 Do nor drive too close to creeks, ditches and public
20 Exercisespecialcarewhenmowingsroundfixedobjects
in order to prevent the blades from striking them Never
deliberately run tractor or m owet into or over an y foreign
2 I Never shift gears until tractor comes to a stop.
22. Never place hands or feet under the mower, in discharge
chute or near any moving parts while {rector or mower
are running Always keep clear of discharge chute
23, Use core when pulling loads or using heavy equipment
a, Use only approved drswbar hitch points,
b, Limit loads to those you can safely control
c. Do not turn sharply. Use care when backing,
d, Use counterweight or wheel weights when suggested
in the owner's manual
24 Watch out for traffic when crossing or near roadways.
25 When using any attachments, never direct discharge el
meteriat toward bystanders nor allow anyone near the
vehicle while in operation
2 6 Handle gasoline with care - it is highly flammable,
a, Usa approved gasoline containers
b, Never remove the fuel cap of the fuel tank or add
gasoline to a running or hot engine or an engine that
has not been allowed to cool for several minutes after
running. Never fill tank Indoors, always clean up spill.,
ed gasoline,
c Open doors if the engine is run in the gara[/e - exhaust
fumes era dangerous, Do not run the engme indoors.,
27 Keep the vehicle and attachments in good operating con-
dition, and keep safety devices in place end working,
2 El Keep olt nuts, bolts and screws tight to be sure the equip ,
ment is in safe working condition
29 Never store the equipment with gasoline in the tank In-
side o building where fumes may reach an open flame or
spark. Allow the engine to cool before storing in any
30 To reduce fire hazard, keep the engine free of grass, leaves
or excessive grease, Do not clean product while engine
iS running.
31, Except for adjustments: DO NOT operate Engine if air
cleaner or cover directly over carburetor air intake is
removed Removal of such pert could create a fire hazard.
32, Do not operate without a muffler or temper with exhaust
system. Damaged mufflers or spark arrestors could craete
a fire hazard Inspect periodically and replace if necessary,
33 The vehicle end attachments should be stopped end in-
spected for damage after striking a foreign object and the
damage should be repaired before restarIing and operating
the equipment°
34 Do not change the engine governo; settings or overspeed
the engine;' severe damage or injury may result_
35 When using the vehicle with mower, proceed as follows:
a. Mow only in dayfight or in good artificial light
b, Shut the engine off when unclogging chute.
¢, Check the blade mounting bolts far proper tightness
at frequent; Intervals,
36, Do not operate the mower without the deflector shield in
3 7 Disengage power to mower before backing up Do not
mow in reverse unless absolutely necessary end then On.
ly after careful observation of the ent#e area behind the
38, Under normal usage the grass catcher bag material is sub
ject to deterioration and wear. It should be checked fre-
quently for bag replacement Replacement bags should
be checked to ensure compliance with the original
manufacturer's recommendations or specifications
This unit is equipped with an internal combu_ion engine and shouid not be used on or near any unimproved forest
severed, brush covered or grat_ covered land unle_ the engine'_ exhaust _stem is equipped with a spark arrestor
meeting applicable local or state laws (if any) If a spark armorer is used, it should be maintained in effective working
order by the operator
fn the State ot California the above is raqulred by law [Section 4442 of the Caii/amie Public Resources Code) Other states may have
similar taws Federal taws apply on federal lands Rater to Repair Pans Section [Page 34)