Craftsman 917.20402 Operator's Manual

Operator's Manual
Ic FT=M..°I
24 HR* 48" Mower
Model No.
EspaSol, p. 39
I_ his product has a low emission engine which operates I
differently from previously built engines. Before you start the
Iengine, read and understand this manual.
Read and follow all Safety Rules and instructions before
operating this equipment.
For answers to your questions about this product, call:
Craftsman Customer Help Line
Sears Brands Management Corporation, Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 U.S.A.
Visit our Craftsman website:
*Thepowerratingasdeclarodbytheenginemanufacturettsthe * La pctensia nominaI dectarada per el fabdcaote d_ rector e.sla
average gross power output at the specked RPM of a typicaJ saJidamedia de po_encia brF_aa Ias RPM espe_ficadas de un production engine for the engine model measured using SAE motor de eerie tfpi¢o para e! modelo de motor, medida seg_n
Standards for engine gross power, Please refer to the engine _asnormas SAE sobra p_enda bruta de mOtor, Para m_ manufacturer for detaJls, !nformadbn, con,suiteal fabdcante del mOtor,
Warranty .................................................. 2
Safety Rules ............................................ 3
....Product Specifications ............................. 6
Assembly/Pre-Operation ......................... 7
Operation ................................................. 9
Maintenance Schedule .......................... 18
Maintenance .......................................... 18
Service and Adjustments ....................... 23
Storage .................................................. 33
Troubleshooting ..................................... 34
Sears Service ............... _......... Back Cover
FOR "i'WO YEARS from the date of purchase, all non-expendable parts of this riding equipment are
warranted against defects in material or workmanship, With proof of purchase, a defective non-expendable
part will receive free repair or replacement at option of seller,
Battery Limited Warranty FOR 90 DAYS from the date of purchase, the battery (an expendabie part) of this riding equipment is
warranted against defects in material or workmanship, With proof of purchase, you will receive a new
battery at no charge. You are responsible for the labor cost of batten./installation,
Additional Limited Warranties
In the following additiona; warranties, you are responsible for the labor cost of part installation after the
second year from the date of purchase. FOR FIVE YEARS from the date of purchase, the frame of this riding equipment is warranted against any
defects in material or workmanship, With proof of purchase, you will receive a new frame at no charge.
FOR TEN YEARS from the date of purchase, the front axle of this riding equipment is warranted against
any defects in material or workmanship. With proof of purchase, you will receive a new axle at no charge.
FOR AS LONG AS IT IS USED by the odginal owner after the tenth year from the date of purchase, the
cast iron front axle (if equipped) of this riding equipment is warranted against any defects in material or workmanship, With proof of purchase, you will receive a new cast iron front axle at no charge.
For warranty coverage details to obtain free repair or replacement, visit the web page:
Product Replacement
If part repair or repiaoement is impossible, you will receive a new riding equipment unit of the Same or
equivalent model.
Warranty Restriction
All warranty coverage is void ff this riding equipment is ever used while providing commercial services or ff rented to another person.
This warranty covers ONLY defects In material and workmanship, Warranty coverage does NOT include:
Expendable parts (except battery) that can wear out from normal use within the warranty period, including but not limited to blades, spark plugs, belts and air, oil or gas filters.
Standard maintenance servicing, oil changes or tune-ups.
Tire replacement or repair caused by punctures from outside objects, such as nails, thorns, stumps, or
. Tire or wheel replacement or repair resulting from normal wear, accident, or improper operation or
Repairs necessary because of operator abuse, including but not limited to damage caused by towing objects beyond the capability of the riding equipment, impacting objects that bend the frame, axle
assembly or crankshaft, or over-speeding the engine,
damage caused by improper storage, failure to use the proper grade and amount of engine oil, failure to keep the deck clear of flammable debris, or failure to maintain the riding equipment according to the
instructions contained in the operator's manual.
Engine (fuet system) cleaning or repairs caused by fuet determined to be contaminated or oxidized
(stale). In general, fuel should be used within 30 days of its purchase date.
Normal deterioration and wear of the exterior finishes, or product labeI replacement.
This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from stale to state,
Sears Brands Management Corporation, Hoffman Estates, IL 60179
_DANGER:This cutting machine is capable of amputating hands and feet and
throwing objects. Failure to observe the following safety instructions could result in serious injury or death,
A(_WARNING: Inordertopreventacciden- tal starting when setting up, transporting,
adjusting or making repairs, always discon-
nect spark plug wire and place wire where
it cannot contact spark plug. _t, WARNING: Do not coast down a hill in
neutral, you may lose control of the tractor.
A_,WARNING: Tow only the attachments that are recommended by and comply with
specifications of the manufacturer of your tractor. Use common sense when towing. Operate onty at the lowest possible speed
when ona slope. Tooheavy of a toad,while on a slope, is dangerous. Tires can lose
traction with the ground and cause you to
lose control of yourtractor.
_L.WARNING: Engine exhaust, some of
its constituents, and certain vehicle compo- nents contain or emit chemicals known to
the State of California to cause cancer and
birth defects or other reproductive harm.
_ILWARNING: Battery posts,terminals and
related accessories contain lead and lead compounds, chemicals knownto the State of
California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. Wash hands
after handling. 1,CHILDREN
_WARNING! CHILDREN CAN BE IN- JURED BYTHIS EQUIPMENT, TheAmeri- can Academy of Pediatrics recommends
that children be a minimum of 12 year of age before operatinga pedestriancontrolled
lawn mower and a minimum of I6 years of age before operating a riding lawn mower.
THIS EQUIPMENT. Carefully read and follow all of the safety instructions below,
Tragic accidents can occur if the operator
is not alert to the presence of children. Children are often attracted to the machine and the mowing activity. Never assume
that children will remain where you last
" saw them.
Keep children out of the mowing area and inthewatchfulcare of aresponsible
adult other than the operator.
Be alert and turn machine off if a child enters the area.
Before and while backing, look behind and down for small children.
Never carry children, even with the blades shut off. They may fall off and
be seriously injuredor interfere withsafe
machine operation. Children who have beengiven rides inthe past maysuddenly
appear inthe mowing area for another ride and be run over or backed over by
the machine.
Never allow children to operate the ma- chine.
Use extreme caution when approaching blind corners, shrubs, trees, or other
objects that may block your view of a
- Read, understand, andfollowallJnstruc-
tions on the machine and inthe manual
before starting.
Do not put hands or feet near rotating parts or under the machine. Keep clear
ofthe discharge opening at all times.
- Only allow responsible adults, who are
familiar with the instructions,to operate the machine.
Clear the area of objects such as rocks, toys, wire, etc., which could be picked up and thrown by the blades.
Ensure the area is clear of bystanders beforeoperating. Stop machine ifanyone
enters the area.
Never carry passengers,
- Do not mow in reverse unless absolutely necessary. Always lookdown and behind before and while backing.
o Never direct discharged materialtoward
anyone. Avoid discharging material against a watt or obstruction. Material may ricochet back toward the operator. Stop the blades when crossing gravel
- Do notoperate machine withoutthe entire
grass catcher, discharge chute, orother safety devices in place and working.
Slow down before turning.
Never leave a running machine unat- tended. Always turn off blades, set parking brake, and stop engine before dismounting. Manually lock ignition switch.(See "MANUALUx' LOCKING
THE SmartSwitch TM IGNITION" in the Operation section of this manual).
Disengage blades when not mowing. Shut off engine and wait for all parts to come to a complete stop before cleaning the machine, removingthe grass catcher, or unclogging the discharge chute.
Operate machine only indaylight or good artificial light.
Do not operatethe machine while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
Watch for traffic when operating near or crossing roadways.
Use extreme caution when loading Or unloading the machine into a traiJer or
Always weareye protectionwhen operat- ing machine.
Use ear protectors to avoid damage to hearing.
Data indicates that operators, age 60 years and above, are involved in alarge percentage of riding mower-related inju-
ries. These operators should evaluate
their ability to operate the riding mower
safely enoughto pretectthemselves and others from serious injury.
Followthemanufacturer'srecommenda- tienferwheelweights orcounterweights.
o Keep machine free of grass, leaves or
other debris build-upwhich cantouch hot exhaust/engine parts and burn. Do not allow the mower deck to plow leaves or other debris which can cause build-up
to occur. Clean any oil or fue! spillage
before operating or storing the machine. Allow machine to cool before storage.
_ILWARNING! When loading or unloading this machine, do not exceed the maximum recommended operation angle of 15°.
Slopes are a major factor related to loss of control and tip-over accidents, which can
result insevere injury or death. Operation on all slopes requires extreme caution. If
you cannot back up the slope or ifyou feel uneasy on it, do not mow it.
Mow up and down slopes, not across.
Watch for holes, ruts, bumps, rocks, or other hidden objects. Uneven terrain could overturn the machine. Tall grass
can hide obstacles.
Choose a low ground speed so thatyou
will not have to stop or shift while on the slope.
° Do not mow on wet grass. Tires may
lose traction. Always keep the machine
in gear when going down slopes.
Donotshiftto neutral and coast downhill.
Avoid starting, stopping, or turning on a
slope. Ifthe tires ]osetraction, disengage the blades and proceed slowly straight down the slope.
Keep all movement on the slopes slow and gradual. Do not make sudden
changes in speed or direction, which could cause the machine to roll over.
Use extreme caution while operating
machine with grass catchers or other attachments; they can affect the stabil- ity of the machine. Do no use on steep slopes.
Do not try to stabilize the machine by putting your foot on the ground.
Do not mow near drop-offs, ditches, or embankments. The machine could
suddenly roll over if a wheel is over the edge or if the edge caves in.
If machine stops while going uphill,
disengage blades, shift into reverse and back down slowly.
Do not turn on slopes unless necessary, and then, turn slowly and gradually downhill, if possible.
Towenly witha machine thathasahitch designed fortowing, Do not attachtowed equipment except at the hitch point.
Followthe manufacturer's recommenda- tionfor weight limitsfor towed equipment
and towing on slopes.
Never allow children or others in or on towed equipment.
Onslopes, the weight ofthe towed equip- ment may cause loss oftraction andloss
of control.
Travel slowly and allow extra distance to
To avoid personal injury or property dam-
age, use extreme care inhandling gasoline.
Gasoline is extremely flammable and the vapors are explosive.
Extinguish all cigarettes, cigars, pipes, and other sources of ignition.
- Use only approved gasoline container.
Never remove gas cap or add fuel with the engine running.
Allow engine to cool before refueling.
° Never fuel the machine indoors.
Never storethe machine orfuel container where there is an open flame, spark, or pilot light such as on a water heater or
other appliances.
Never fill containers inside a vehicle or on atruck or trailer bedwith plastic liner.
Always place containers on the ground
away from your vehicle when filling.
Remove gas-powered equipment from the truck or trailer and refuel it on the
ground. Ifthis is not possible, then refuel such equipmentwith aportablecontainer,
rather than from a gasoline dispenser nozzle.
- Keep the nozzle in contact with the rim
of the fuel tank or container opening at all times until fueling is complete. Do not
use a nozzle lock-open device.
tffuelis spilled on clothing, changecloth- ing immediately.
Never overfill fuel tank. Replace gas cap and tighten securely.
Never operate machine ina closed area.
Keep all nuts and boltstighttoensurethe equipment is in safe working condition.
Nevertamperwith safetydevices. Never interfere with the intended function of a
safety device or reduce the protection provided by a safety device. Check there
proper operation regularly, NEVER oper- ate a machine with a safety device that
does notfunction properly.
Keep machine free of grass, leaves, or other debris build-up. Clean oil or fuel spillage and remove any fuel-soaked
debris. Allow machine to cool before storing.
If you strike a foreign object, stop and inspectthe machine. Repair,ifnecessary, before restarting.
Never make any adjustments or repairs with the engine running,
Checkgrass catcher components andthe
discharge chute frequently and replace with manufacturer's recommended parts, when necessary.
Mowerbladesaresharp. Wraptheblade orwear gloves, and use extreme caution
when servicing them.
Check brakeoperationfrequently. Adjust and service as required.
Maintain orreplace safety and instruction labels, as necessary, -'
Use ear protectors to avoid damage to hearing.
Always wear eye protectionwhen operatingmachine.
Gasoline Capacity 4.0 Gallons/15,14 L and type: Regular Unleaded *
Oil Type: SAE30 (above 32°F/0°C (API: SG-SL) BAE 5W30 (below 32°F/0°C
Oil Capacity: WI Filter: 64 Oz./1,89 L
W/out Filter: 60 Oz./1,77 L
Spark Plug: Champion RC12YC
(Gap: .030"/0,76 ram) 16 Amps,@ 3600 RPM
Amp/Hr: 28 Min. OCA: 230 Case size: UIR
45-55 Ft. LbsJ62-75 Nm
Char,,ging System: Battery:
Blade Bolt Torque:
*_jLGasoline containing up to 10% ethanol (EIO) _s
acceptable for use in this machine. The use of
any gasoline exceeding 10% ethanol (EtO) will
void the product warranty.
CONGRATULATIONS on your purchase of
a new tractor. It has been designed, engi- neered and manufactured to give you the best
possible dependability and performance. Should you experience any problem you can-
not easily remedy, please contact a Sears or other qualified servicecenter. We havecom-
petent, well-trained representatives and the proper tools to service or repair this tractor.
Please read and retain this manual. The instructions will enable you to assemble and maintain your tractor properly. Always
observe the 'SAFETY RULES".
Read and observe the safety rules.
Follow aregular schedule in maintaining,
caring for and using your !ractor.
o Follow instructions under 'Maintenance"
and "Storage" sections of this manual,
Wear proper Personal Protective Equip- ment (PPE) while operating this machine,
including(at a minimum) sturdy footwear, eye protection, and hearing protection,
Do not mow in shorts and/or open toed
Always let someone knowyou areoutside mowing.
_,WAR NING: This tractor is equipped with an internal combustion engine and should
not be used on or near any unimproved forest-covered, brush-covered or grass- covered land unless the engine's exhaust system is equipped with a spark arrester meeting applicable local or state laws (if
any), If a spark arrester is used, it should be maintained in effective working order by the operator.
Inthe state ofCalifornia theabove isrequired bylaw (Section 4442 ofthe California Public
Resources Code). Other states may have similar laws. Federal laws apply on federal
lands. A spark arrester for the muffler is availablethroughyour nearestSears service center (See REPAIR PARTS manual).
Congratulations on making a smart pur- chase. Your new Craftsman@ product is designed and manufactured for years of dependable operation. But like all products, itmay require repairfrom time to time. That's when having aRepairProtection Agreement can save you money and aggravation.
Purchase a Repair Protection Agreement now and protect yourself from unexpected
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Here's what's included inthe Agreement:
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Product replacement if your covered product can't be fixed,
Discount of 25% from regular price of
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regular price of preventive maintenance
Fast help by phone - phone support
from aSears representative on products
requiring in-homerepair, plusconvenient repair scheduling,
Once youpurchasethe Agreement, asimple phone call isallthat ittakes for you to sched- uleservice."Youcan callanytime dayornight,
or schedule a service appointment online. Sears has over 12,000 professional repair
specialists, who have access to over 4.5
million quality parts and accessories, That's the kindof professionalism you can count on to help prolong the life ofyour new purchase for years to come. Purchase your Repair
Protection Agreement today!
Some limitations and exclusions apply.
Forprices andadditional information call
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U,S.A, call 1-8004-MY-HOME®.
[_) Oil DrainT_e (1} Qu_;k Correct
Slope Sheet Battery
(21 Hex Bolts
12)Nut Keps
Your new tractor has been assembled at thefactory withthe exception of those parts left unassembled for shipping purposes.
A socket wrench set will make assembly easier. Standard wrench sizes are listed.
(1) 1/2" wrench Tire pressure gauge (2) 7/16" wrenches UtUityknife
Pliers When right or left hand ismentioned inthis
position (seated behind the steering wheel).
Remove all accessible loose parts and parts cartons from carton,
° Cut along dotted lines on allfour panels
of carton. Remove end panels and lay side panels flat.
Check for any additional loose parts or cartons and remove.
_It, WARNING: Do not short battery ter-
minals by allowing a wrench or any other object to contact both terminals atthe same time. Before connecting battery, remove
metalbracelets, wristwatch bands, rings,etc.
Positive terminal must be connected first to
prevent sparking from accidental grounding.
NOTE: Ifthis battery isput intoservice after month andyear indicated on label (label is located between terminals) charge battery
forminimum ofonehourat6-1Oamps. (See
"BATTERY" in the Maintenance section of
this manual for charging instructions.)
Determine batterylocation, Batteryloca- tion willbe under the seat or the hood.
Lift seat pan or hood to raised position.
Remove two terminal caps and discard.
First connect RED battery cable to positive (+) terminal with bolt and nut as shown. Tighten securely. Slide terminal
cover over terminal.
Connect BLACK grounding cable to negative (-) terminal with remaining bolt and nut.Tighten securely.
- Lower seat pan or hood, NOTE: For battery installation see
"REPLACING BATTERY" inthe Service and
Adjustments section in this manual.
Terminal Negative Terminal Cover\_ Cap
1. Sit inseat,
2. Liftup adjustment lever (A)and slideseat until a comfortable position is reached which allows you to press clutch/brake pedal all the way down.
3. Release lever to lock seat in position.
NOTE: You may now rollyour tractor off the skid. Continue using the instructions that
follow to remove the tractor from the skid.
WARNING: Before starting, read, un-
derstand and follow al! instructions in the Operation section of this manual, Be sure
tractor is ina well-ventilated area. Be sure the area in front of tractor is clear of other
people and objects, TO ROLL TRACTOR OFF SKID (See
Operation section for location and
function of controls)
1. Raise attachment lift leverto its highest position.
2. Release parking brake by depressing clutch/brake pedal.
3. Place gearshift lever in neutral position.
4. Roll tractor forward off skid.
5. Remove banding holding the deflector shield up against tractor.
Continue with the instructions that follow. CHECK TIRE PRESSURE
Thetires onyourtractorwere overinflatedat the factory for shipping purposes. Correct tire pressure is important for best cutting
Reduce tire pressure to PSI shown on
For best cutting results, mower housing should be properly leveled. See*'TO LEVEL
MOWER' in the Service and Adjustments section of this manual.
OF ALL BELTS See the figures that are shown for replac-
ing motion and mower blade drive belts in the Service and Adjustments section of this
manual. Verify that the belts are routed correctly.
After you learn how to operate yourtractor, check to see that the brake is operating properly. See "TO CHECK BRAKE" inthe Service and Adjustments section of this
Before you operate your new tractor, we wish to assure that you receive the best performance and satisfaction from this Quality Product,
Please review the following checklist: I/All assembly instructions have been
completed, J" No remaining loose parts in carton, vF Battery isproperly prepared andcharged. J" Seat is adjusted comfortably and tight-
ened securely. _/"All tires are properly inflated. (For ship-
ping purposes, thetires were overinflated
at the factory). _/"Be sure mower deck is properly leveled
side-to-side/front-to-rear for best cutting
results. (Tires must be properly inflated
for leveling).
J" Check mower and drive belts. Be sure
they are routed properly around pulleys
and inside all belt keepers. J Check wiring. Seethata]t connections are
stillsecure andwires areproperlyclamped.
While learninghowto useyourtractor,payex- traattention tothefollowing important items:
!/Engine oil is at proper level. _/" Fueltank isfilled with fresh, clean, regular
unleaded gasoline.
J" Become familiar with all controls, their
location and function. Operate them
before you start the engine.
J" Besure brake system isinsafe operating
_/Be sure Operator Presence System and
Reverse Operation System (ROS) are working properly (Seethe Operation and Maintenance sections in this manual).
These symbols may appear on your tractor or in literature supplied with the product. Learn and understand their meaning.
.....R N H
(Automatic Models only}
Failure to follow instructions
couldresult inserious injuryor death.The safety alert symbol
is used to identify safety inform- ation about hazards which can
resultin death, serious injury and/or property damage.
& &
DANGER indicatesa hazard which, ifnot avoided, will result in death or serious injury.
WARNING indicates a hazard which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
CAUTION indicates a hazard which, if not avoided. might result In minor or moderate Injury.
CAUTION when used without the alert symbol, indicatesa situation thatcould result In damage to the trastor and/or engine.
HOT SURFACES indicates a hazard which,
_fnot avoided, could result in death,serious injury and/or property damage.
FIRE indicates a hazard which, it not avoided, could result in death, serious injury and/or property damage.
Compare the illustrationswithyourtractorto familiarize yourself with the locations ofvarious
controls and adjustments. Save this manual for future reference.
Our tractors conform to the applicable safety standards of the
Amedcan National Standards Institute.
(A) ATTACHMENT LIFT LEVER - Used to raise and lower the mower or other attach-
ments mounted to your tractor.
declutching and braking the tractor and starting the engine.
(C) PARKING BRAKE- Locks clutch/brake pedal into the brake position.
(CC) PARKING BRAKE SYMBOL - Indi- cates astarting fault whenthe parking brake is disengaged,
(D) THROTTLE CONTROL- Usedto control engine speed.
Used to engage the mower blades or other attachments mounted to your tractor.
(EE) BLADE SWITCH SYMBOL- indicates a fault when the attachment dutch switch
(F) SMARTSWITCH IGNITION (SSI) BUT- TON- Usedfor starting/stopping engine and
communicating status updates,
(G)* REVERSE OPERATION SYSTEM (ROS) - Allows operation of mower deck or
other powered attachment while in reverse, (H)* HEADLIGHT BUTTON - Turns the
headlights on/off.
(i)*BATTERYINDICATOR BUTTON- Used to indicate lowbattery voltage or a charging system fault.
(J) MOTION CONTROL LEVER - Selects the speed and direction oftractor.
(M) FREEWHEELCONTROL. Disengages transmission for pushing or slowlytowing the
tractor with the engine off. (P) SERVICE MINDER/HOUR METER -
Indicates when service is required for the engine and mower.
* NOTE: G, H, and I are also used as the
numerical input buttons for entering the
The operation of any tractor can result in foreign objects thrown into the eyes, which can result in severe eye damage. Always wear safety
glasses or eye shields while operating your tractor oFperforming any adjustments or repairs. We recommend standard safety glasses or a
wide vision safety mask worn over spectacles.
Your tractor is equipped with an operator presence sensing switch. When engine is running, anyattempt bythe operator to leave theseatwithout first setting the parking brake will shut off the engine.
1. Depress clutch/brake pedal (B) all the way down and hold.
2. Pull parking brake lever (C) up and hold,
release pressure from clutch/brake pedal (B),then releaseparking brakelever. Ped- alshould remain inbrake position. Ensure parking brake will hold tractor secure.
o Tostopmower blades, moveattachment
clutchcontroltodisengaged position(t_'t).
(t_) Attachment (1"_) A_chment
ClutchControl ClutchControl "Engaged" "Disengaged'!
Tostop ground drive, depress brake pedal all the way down.
Move motion control leverto neutral posi- tion.
Move throttle control (D)to slow position. NOTE: Failure to move throttle control
to slow position and allowing engine to
idle before stopping may cause engine to "backfire".
Press SSl button (F) once to stop engine. NOTE: Under certain conditions whentractor
is standing idle with the engine running, hot engine exhaust gases may cause "brown- ing" of grass. To eliminate this possibility, always stop engine when stopping tractor on grass areas.
CAUTION: Always stop tractor com-
pletely, as described above, before leaving
the operator's position.
With the engine completely stopped and the SmartSwitch Ignition (SSI) button (F) blink-
ing green, the SSI button can be manually locked bypressing buttons "1" and "3"atthe same time for approximately two seconds,
NOTE: Thetractor isalready locked ffasleep
or if SSI button is blinking blue.
Your tractor is equipped with an operator
presencesensing switch, tfthe parkingbrake has not been engaged before the operator
leaves the seat, the engine will shut off. To
continuemowing, the tractor willneed to be
restarted. See "TO START ENGINE" in this
section of the manual.
Whileseated inoperating position,depress brake pedal and set parking brake,
After setting the parking brake, any attempt
by the operator to leave the seat will stop the mowerblades. The engine will continue to run for approximately five minutes before
shutting off. This allows an operator to mo-
mentarily leavethe seatto remove obstacles
without having to restart the tractor.
Placeattachmentclutchswitchfirstin "DISENGAGED"positionandthenin
withouttheoperatorfirstbeingin the seat
will immediately shut off engine. TO USE THROTTLE CONTROL (D)
Always operate engine at full speed (fast).
Operating engine at less than full speed (fast)reducesengine'soperating efficiency.
Full speed (fast) offers the best mower performance.
The direction and speed of movement is
controlled by the motion control lever. (J)
Put attachment lift lever in desired cutting height slot,
The cutting height range is approximately 1 to 4" (25,4 to 101,6 mm). The heights are
measured from the ground to the blade tip with the engine not running. These heights are approximate and may vary depending
upon soil conditions, height of grass and types of grass being mowed.
Theaverage lawn should becutto approxi-
mately 2-1/2" (63,5 mm) during the cool season and to over 3" (76,2 mm) during
hot months. For healthier and better look- ing lawns, mow often and after moderate
For best cutting performance, grass over
6" (t52,4 ram) inheight should be mowed
twice, Makethe first cut relatively high;the second to desired height.
Gauge wheels are properly adjusted when they are slightly offthe ground when mower
is at the desired cutting height in operating
position. Gauge wheels then keep the deck in proper position to help prevent scalping
in most terrain conditions. NOTE: Adjust gauge wheels with tractor on
a flat level surface.
1. Adjust mower to desired cutting height
(See "TO ADJUST MOWER CUTTING HEIGHT" in this section of manual).
1. Start tractor with motion control lever in neutral position.
2, Release parking brake.
3. Slowly move motion control lever to desired position,
The positionof the attachment liftlever(A)
determines the cuttingheight.
2. With mower in desired height of cut posi- tion, gauge whee|s should be assembled
so they are slightly off the ground, install gauge wheel in appropriate hole. Tighten securely.
3. Repeat for all, installing gauge wheel in same adjustment hole.
TO OPERATE MOWER Your tractor is equipped with an operator
presence sensing switch. While engine is running, any attempt by the operator to
leave the seat without first setting the park- ing brake will shut off the engine. You must remain fully and centrally positioned in the Seatto prevent the engine from hesitating or cutting off when operating your equipment on rough, rolling terrain or hills.
1, Select desired height of cut with attach-
merit lift lever.
2, Start mower blades by engaging attach-
ment clutch control,
Disengage attachment clutch control.
_I_CAUTION: Do not operate the mower without either the entire grass catcher, on
mowers so equipped, orthe deflector shield in place,
REVERSE OPERATIONSYSTEM (ROS) Your tractor is equipped with a Reverse
Operation System (ROS), Any attempt by the operator to mow in the reverse direction without first pressing the ROS button (G)will
shut off the engine. Restart engine before
continuing with ROS operation. (See "TO START ENGINE" in this section of manual.)
_ILWARNING: Backing up with the attach- ment clutchengaged whilemowing isstrong-
[ydiscouraged, Allowing reverse operation with the attachment clutch engaged should only be done when the operator decides it is necessary to reposition the machine with
the attachment engaged. Do not mow in reverse unless absolutely necessary.
Only use if you are certain no children or other bystanders willenter the mowing area.
1, With engine running, depress brakepedal
all the way down,
2, Press ROS button (G) and ensure the
ROS button is lit,
3. Look down and behind before and while backing.
4. Slowly move motion control lever to reverse (R) position to start movement.
5, When useofthe ROSisnolonger needed,
press the ROS button toreturn to normal operation. The ROS button should no
longer be lit.
TO OPERATE ON HILLS _I_WARNING: Do not drive up or down
hi]Iswith slopes greater than 15° and do not drive across any slope, Use theslope guide provided at the back of this manual. * Choosethe slowest speed before starting
up or down hills,
o Avoid stopping or changing speed on
. If stopping isabsolutely necessary, push
clutch/brake pedalquicklyto brake position and engage parking brake.
- Move motion control lever to neutral posi- tion.
IMPORTANT: The motion control lever does not returnto neutral positionwhenthe clutch/ brake pedal is depressed.
. Torestart movement, slowly release park-
ing brake and clutch!brake pedal
. Slowly move motion control lever to
slowest setting,
* Make all turns slowly,
When pushing or towing your tractor, be
sure to disengage transmission by placing
freewheel control in freewheeling position,
Free wheel control is located at the rear drawbar of tractor.
1, Raise attachment lift to highest position
with attachment lift control,
2. Pullfreewheel control out and into the slot andrelease soit isheld inthe disengaged position.
* Do not push or tow tractor at more than
two (2) mph (3,2 km/h).
- Toreengagetransmission, reverse above procedure.
Transmission Engaged
Transmission Disengaged
NOTE: When the battery is too low and after the first unsuccessful start attempt, the battery indicator button will blink for two (2) seconds and then stay tit until battery is charged or until approximately five (5) minutes since last attempted start.
NOTE: Toprotect hood from damage when
transporting yourtractoron atruck oratrailer, be surehood isclosed and secured totractor.
Use an appropriate means of tying hood to tractor (rope, cord, etc.),
Tow on[y the attachments that are recom- mended by and comply with specifications of the manufacturer of your tractor. Use common sense when towing. Too heavy of a load, while on a slope, is dangerous. Tires
can lose traction with the ground and cause you to lose control of your tractor.
Headlights can be used without your passcode and with the engine off.
Press headlight button (H) once to turn headlights on for one minute.
Press and hold headlight button (H) until headlights blink twice to turn headlights
on for five minutes.
NOTE: If the engine is running and shuts off for any reason, the headlights will also
shut off.
The batter>, indicator button (!) is located on
the SMARTSWITCH ignition module and is
used to display the status ofthe battery. The indicator will only work after the passcode
has been entered and is blinking green.
Press and hold battery indicator button (t) for three'(3) seconds.
The SmartSwitch Ignition Button (F) will
light up and indicate the battery status as
RED _ Charge necessary RED AND GREEN Charge recommended
GREEN Charge not necessary Press the battery indicator button (1)once
to stop viewing the battery status,
The engine inyourtractor has been shipped from the factory already filled with summer weight oil.
1. Check engine oil with tractor on level ground.
2. Remove oil fill cap/dipstick and wipe clean,reinsertthe dipstick and screwcap tight,wait for afewseconds, remove and
read oil level. If necessary, add oil until "FULE'mark on dipstick is reached. Do
not overfill.
For cold weather operation you should change oil for easier starting (Seethe oil
viscosity chart inthe Maintenance section
of this manual).
Tochangeengine oil, seethe Maintenance section inthis manual.
Fill fuel tank to bottom of filler neck. Do not overfill. Use fresh, clean, regular
gasoline with a minimum of 87 octane. Do not mix oil with gasoline. Purchase
fuel in quantities that can be used within
0 days to ensure fuel freshness. CAUTION: Wipe offany spilled oilorfueL
Do not store, spill or use gasoline near an open flame.
IMPORTANT: When operating in tempera- tures below 32°F (0°C), use fresh, clean winter grade gasoline to help ensure good
cold weather starting.
CAUTION: Alcohol blended fuels (called gasohol or using ethanol or methanol) can attract moisture which leads to separation andformation ofacids duringstorage. Acidic gas candamagethe fuel systemofan engine while instorage. To avoid engine problems,
the fuel system should be emptied before
storage of 30 days or longer. Drain the gas tank, start the engine and let it run until the fuel lines and carburetor are empty. Use
freshfuel nextseason. SeeStoragelnstruc- tions for additional information. Never use
engine or carburetor cleaner products in the fuel tank or permanent damage may occur.
Fuelstabilizer isan acceptable alternative in
minimizing theformation offuel gum deposits
during storage. Add stabilizer to gasoline in fuel tank orstorage container. Always fotlow
the mix ratio found on stabilizer container.
Run engine at least 10 minutes after adding
stabilizer to allow the stabilizer to reach the carburetor, Do not empty the gas tank and carburetor ff using fuel stabilizer.
1,Raise seat to access reserve fuel valve.
2. In normal operation, valve should be set
to primary (as shown in view)
3, If tractor runs out of fuel, rotate valve
handle to reserve.
4. Drive tractor to be refueled,
5.After refueling, return valve to primary position.
Reserve Fuel Valve @
The SMARTSWITCHIgnition ispreset at the factory with the default code "321". To reset
or change the passcode, the operator does
not have to be seated on the tractor,
1. Pressthe SmartSwitch ignition (SSI)but-
ton (F)once (or sit on the seat). Ensure
the indicator is blinking blue.
2, Press and hold the (1) and (3) buttons
simultaneously for approximately three
(3)seconds untilthe SSI button changes
to solid blue.
3. Using the numbered buttons, enter the desired passcode. The passcode may be anywhere from one to five digits in length.
4. After the desired passcode has been entered, press the SSI button (F) once.
NOTE: Whenthe indicatorflashes green, the passcode has been accepted. If the indica-
tor blinks red, the passcede has not been accepted. Wait until the indicator returns
to blinking blue and repeat this procedure
starting from step two.
NOTE: The default passcode "321" ispreset at the factory and should be changed prior to first use. (See "RESETTING IGNITION
The SmartSwitch Ignition is programmed with warning lights to indicate when any part of the safety system is not being followed.
The engine will notstart until all the following
ignition system faults are resolved:
The park brake symbol (CC) will be lit if
the parking brakehas not been engaged during a start attempt.
The blade switch symbol (EE) will blink if the attachment clutch control is not in
the "DISENGAGED" position during a start attempt.
Ensure freewheel control is in the trans- mission engaged position,
Ensure transmission is in the neutral
position. Move attachment clutch control to the
"DISENGAGED" position. Siton seat inoperating position, depress
brake pedal and set parking brake,
SMARTSWITCHIGNITION UNLOCK 1, Press the SmartSwitch Ignition (SSI) but-
ton (F) once (or sit on the seat). Ensure the indicator is blinking blue.
2. Enter passcode and press the SSI but- ton. If passcode is not accepted, the
SSI button wifl blink red. Wait until the SSI button returns to blinking btuebefore
attempting to re-enter passcode. Once
accepted, the SSi buttonwill flash green.
3, Ensure that the SmartSwitch Safety
System warning lights are not showing any faults present. Ifany warning lights
do indicatefaults present, resolve those faults before continuing withSTARTtNG.
STARTING : The Briggs & Stratton Endurance engine
equipped with yourtractor features a Ready- Start automatic choke system to provide
simplified starting in normal conditions. Please read the following starting instruc- tion carefully.
NOTE: For the first time starting after your tractor has satfor anextended period oftime, or after running out of gas, the engine may require an extended start attempt to reprime thefuel system. Foran extended start, press
andhold SSI button for three seconds before releasing. This will promptthe engine to at-
tempt starting for upto ten seconds (instead
ofthe normal five seconds), allowing time for
fuel to be pulled into the engine.
NORMAL STARTING (32°F/0°Cand above)
1. Move throttle control to fast position
2, Perform procedures outlined in "Smart-
Switch IGNITION UNLOCK" as previ- ously described.
3. WhiletheSSt button (F)isflashinggreen, press and release the SSI button once
more to start the engine.
o Once enginestarts, theattachments
and ground drive can now be used. If the engine does not accept the load, restart the engine and allow it
to warm up for one minute.
Leave throttle control in fast position (,_) while mowing.
COLD WEATHER STARTING (32°F/0°C and below)
t. Move throttle control beyond fast posi-
tion (-t/_) into the cold weather starting
position (@).
2, Perform procedures outlined in "Smart-
Switch IGNITION UNLOCK" as previ- ously described.
3. While the SSI button is flashing green, press the SSt button once more to start
the engine,
Once enginestarts, movethethrottte control back to the fast position
(._) towarm-up. Thetime required
for warm-up will vary from a few
secondsto a minute depending upon conditions and temperature.
Leave throttle control infast position (._) while mowing.
NOTE: Failure to move throttle from cold
weather starting position (@) will result in poor engine performance and spark plug
Before driving the unit in cold weather, the transmission should be warmed up
Ensurethe tractor ison levelground.
. Release the parking brake and let
the brake slowly return to operating position.
Allow one minute fortransmission to warm up. This can be done during
the engine warm up period.
The attachments can atso be used dur- ing the engine warm-up period after the
transmission has been warmed up.
_CAUTION: Never engage or disengage
freewheel lever while the engine is running. Toensureproper operation andperformance,
it is recommended that the transmission be purged before operating tractor for the first time,This procedure will removeanytrapped
air inside the transmission which may have developed during shipping of your tractor.
IMPORTANT: Should your transmission require removal for service or replacement,
itshould bepurged after reinstallation before operating thetractor.
1. Place tractor safely on a level surface - that is clear of objects and open - with
engine off and parking brake set.
2. Disengage transmission by placing freewheel control in disengaged position
(See "TO TRANSPORT" in this section
of manual).
3. Sitting in the tractor seat, start engine. After the engine is running, move throttle
control to slow position. With motion
control lever in neutral position, slowly disengage ciutchJbrake pedal.
,I_CAUTION: At any time, during step 4,
there maybe movement of the drive wheels.
4. Move motion control lever tofull forward
position and hold for five (5) seconds. Move lever to full reverse position and
hold for five (5) seconds. Repeat this procedure three (3) times,
5. Move motion controlleverto neutral posi-
tion.Shutoff engine andset parkingbrake.
6. Engage transmission by placing free-
wheel control in engaged position (See "TO TRANSPORT" in this section of
7. Sitting in the tractor seat, start engine.
After the engine is running, move throttle control to half (1/2) speed. With motion
control lever in neutral position, slowly disengage clutch/brake pedal.
8. Slowly movemotioncontrol leverforward, after the tractor moves approximately
five (5)feet (t ,5 m), slowly move motion control lever to reverse position. After
the tractor moves approximately five (5) feet (1,5 m) return the motion control lever to the neutral position. Repeat this
procedure with the motion control lever
three (3)times,
Your transmission is now purged and now ready for normal operation.
SERVICE MINDER!HOUR METER Service minder shows the total number of
hours the engine hasrun andindicates when the engine or mower needs servicing. After
every 50 hours of operation the oil can icon will stay on for 2 hours. To service engine
and mower, see the Maintenance section of this manual.
NOTE: The service minder runswhen either the engine is running or the SmartSwitch is
active (unlocked).
DO NOT usetire chains when the mower housing is attached to tractor.
Mower should be properly leveledfor best mowing performance. See "TO LEVEL MOWER HOUSING" in the Service and Adjustments sectionof this manual.
The left hand side of mower should be used for trimming.
Drivesothat clippings are discharged onto the area that hasalready been cut. Have
the cut area tothe right of the tractor. This will result in a more even distribution of
clippings and more uniform cutting.
When mowing large areas,start byturning to the right sothat clippings will discharge away from shrubs, fences, driveways,
etc. After one or two rounds, mow inthe opposite direction making left hand turns
until finished.
If grass is extremely tall, it should be mowed twice to reduce load and possible
fire hazard from dried clippings. Make first cut relatively high; the second to the
desired height.
Do not mow grass when it is wet, Wet grass willplug mower and leave undesir- able clumps. Allow grass to dry before
Always operate engine at full throttle when mowing to assure better mow-
ing performance and proper discharge of material. Regulate ground speed by
selecting a low enough gear to give the
mower cutting performance as well as the quality of cut desired.
When operating attachments, select a
ground speed that will suitthe terrain and give best performance of the attachment being used.
SCNEOULE o =o. o,..Y %. .,., ..... o .o
MAINTENANCE _c. _ re _o_ s_soN sTo_4,_
' ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ii
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, i
Cheek Brake Oper,_lio n If V _
Che_ k Tits Pless ure .......i If , V"
T Ch=o'k'bpn_ato_ Prese_nce =nd"ROS SyStems V f,,,, '...........
R Cheok_o_ Lo_l_eFaste_ .... If V'
A ,,,,,,ChecP4R_pl=ce MOWer Blade_ ..... _ ......
.................................................. =
T Oheck 8artery Level _ I
O Clean Bakery a nd Terminals ........... ................
Cie_ Debds off Steedag Plate ....... _,,
Check T_'e_ e_Ie Ceot!r_g.................. tf
Check Mower Leveirtess V j ,,
........c_=okv-Bo,_, .......v"
Cheek Engine O;I L_VeI I_ If
Change Er_glne Oil (mods_s without eli filter) _,_ V e
E ¢|een Air Fitter
Oleni1,Air ........
inspec_ Muffler/Spark Al'i-est et V _
N_ Replace Oil Filter (It e_.uippe_ _,_ ......
E Glean Engine CooEng Fins ..... V_=
Replac_ Spar_ Plug _ Replaca A{; Figer P_per ¢ar_idge
Rep_ce Fuel Fillet !1##
GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS The warrantyon thistractordoes notcover
itemsthat have been subjectedto operator
abuse or negligence. Toreceivefull value fromthe warranty, operatormust maintain
tractor as instructedin this manual.
Some adjustments wil{ need to be made periodicallyto properlymaintain yourtractor,
At least once a season, check to see if you should make any of the adjustments
described in the Service and Adjustments
section of this manual,
- At least once a year you should replace the spark plug, clean or replace air filter,
and check blades and belts for wear. A new spark plug and clean air filter assure
proper air4uel mixture and help your en- gine run better and last longer.
1. Check engine oil level.
2. Check brake operation.
3. Check tire pressure. 4, Check operator presence and
ROS systems for proper operation.
5. Check for loose fasteners.
(l_Steering Pivot Bolts
1_ Spindle_t,_--_r_---(_) Spindle
Zerk _._.;_ Zerk
(DFront---" _-41 k, _., "_Front
Wheel 4_. _.'_ .":-,_I _VVheel
. ,'_ ...... N _'_. Bear,ng
z.er_ _"\:_ - Zerk
(_ Steering / _/ _ 'y_-':/,,.
S_eC__ ',i_-t= }t \@ Engine
@_)Generat Purpose Grease ,
Relerto Maintenance ENGINE' Section.
IMPORTANT: Do not oil or grease the pivot points which have special nylon bearings.
Viscous lubricants willattract dust and dirt thatwilt shorten the lifeof the self:lubricating
bearings, tfyou feelthey must be lubricated, use only a dry, powdered graphite type lubricant sparingly.
Always observe safety ruIes when perform-
ing any maintenance,
if tractor requires more than 5 feet (1,5 m)
to stop at highest speed in highest gear on
a level, dry concrete or paved surface, then
brake must be serviced, (See "TO CHECK BRAKE" in the Service and Adjustments
section of this manual). TIRES
- Maintain proper air pressure in all tires (See the side of tires for proper PSI.)
- Keep tires free of gasoline, oil, or insect
control chemicals which can harm rubber.
Avoid stumps, stones, deep ruts, sharp
objects andother hazards that may cause tire damage,
NOTE: To seal tire punctures and prevent
flat tires due to slow leaks, tire sealant may
be purchased from your local parts dealer. Tire sealant also prevents tire dry rot and corrosion.
Ensure operator presence and reverse
operation systems are working properly. If your tractor does notfunction as described,
repair the problem immediately.
The engine should not start unless the parking brake is engaged, and the attach-
ment clutch control is in the disengaged position.
While the engine is running, any attempt bythe operator to leave the seat without
first setting the parking brake should shut
off the engine,
With the engine running, the parking brakeengaged, andthe attachment clutch
engaged, any attempt by the operator to leave the seat should shut off the attach-
ment clutch,
. The attachment clutch should never oper-
ate unless the operator is in the seat.
With theengine running, the SmartSwitch Ignition (SSi) button (F) solid green, and
the attachment clutch engaged any at- tempt by the operator to shift in reverse
will disengage the attachment clutch.
- With the enginerunning, the SmartSwitch Ignition (SSI) button (F) solid green, and
the Reverse Operation System (ROS) button (G) lit, any attempt by the operator
to shift in reverse should NOT disengage the attachment clutch.
For bestresultsmower bladesmust besharp. Replace worn, bent or damaged blades.
_I=CAUTION: Use onlya replacement blade
approved bythe manufacturer ofyourtractor. Using a blade not approved by the manu-
facturer of your tractor is hazardous, could
damage yourtractor and void your warranty.
1. Raise mowerto highest position to allow access to blades,
NOTE: Protect your hands with gloves and/ or wrap blade with heavy cloth.
2. Remove blade bolt by turning counter- clockwise.
3. Instalt newblade with stamped "GRASS SIDE" facing the ground.
IMPORTANT: To ensure proper assembly, center hole in blade must align with star on mandrel assembly,
4. Install and tighten blade bolt securely (45-55 Ft. LbsJ62-75 Nm).
IMPORTANT: Special blade bolt is heat treated.
center Hole \i__
Your tractor has a battery charging system
whichis sufficientfor normaluse, However, periodicchargingof the battery withan au- tomotivechargerwill extendits life.
Keep batten/and terminals clean.
. Keep battery bolts tight.
Keep small vent holes open.
Recharge at 6-10 amperes for ! hour. NOTE: The original equipment battery on
your tractor is maintenance free. Do not
attempt to open or remove caps or covers.
Adding or checking level of electrolyte is
not necessary.
TO CLEAN BATTERY AN DTERMt NALS Corrosionanddirtonthe batte_and terminals
can cause the battery to "leak' power.
1. Remove terminal guard.
2. Disconnect BLACK battery cable first then RED battery cable and remove
battery from tractor.
3. Rinse the battery with plain water and dry.
4. Clean terminals and battery"cable ends with wire brush until bright.
5. Coat terminals with grease or petroleum
6. Reinstall battery (See "REPLACING BATTERY" in the Service and Adjust-
ments section of this manual).
The transmission fan and coolingfinsshould
be kept clean to assure proper cooling. Do
not attempt toclean fan ortransmission while
engine is running or while the transmission ishot. Toprevent possible damage to seals. do not use high pressure water or steam to
clean transaxle.
Inspect cooling fan to be sure fan blades are intact and clean.
Inspectcoolingfinsfordirt, grass clippings andother materials. To preventdamage to seals, do not use compressed air or high pressure sprayer to clean co'01ingfins.
TRANSAXLE PUMP FLUID The transaxle was sealed atthe factory and
fluid maintenance is not required for the life
ofthe transaxle. Should the transaxle ever leak or require servicing, contact your near-
est Sears or other qualified service center.
CheckV-belts for deterioration andwear after
t O0hours of operation andreplace if neces-
sary. The belts are not adjustable. Replace belts if they begin to slip from wear.
LUBRICATION Onlyuse high quality detergent oil rated with
APIservice classification SG-SL. Selectthe oil's SAE viscosity grade according to your
expected operating temperature,
NOTE: Although multi-viscosityoils (5W30, 10W30etc.) improvestarting incold weather,
they will result inincreased oi!consumption
when used above 32°F/0°C. Check your engine oil level more frequently to avoid possible engine damage from running low
onoil. Change the oil after every 50 hours of
operation oratleast once ayearif thetractor is not used for 50 hours in one year.
Checkthe crankcase oil level beforestarting
the engine and after each eight (8) hours
of operation. Tighten oil fill cap/dipstick securely each time you check the oil level.
TO CHANGE ENGINE OIL Determine temperature range expected
before oil change. All oil must meet API service classification SG-SL.
, "Ensure tractor is on level surface.
Oil will drain more freely when warm.
Catch oil in a suitable container.
1. Raise hood,
2. Remove fastener from lower dash cover. CAUTION" Remove lower dash cover care-
fully to ensure cover tabs are not broken.
3. Slide lower dash cover up to release cover tabs from tapered slots in lower
dash and remove.
Lower Dash
4. Remove oil fill cap/dipstick. Be careful not to allow dirtto enter the engine when
changing oil.
5. Remove yellow cap from end of drain valve and install the drain tube onto the
6. Unlock drain valve by pushing inward and turning counterclockwise.
7. To open, pull out onthe drain valve.
8. After oilhasdrained completely, closeand
lock the drain valve by pushing inward and turning clockwise until the pin is in the locked position as shown.
9. Removethedraintubeand replacethecap
ontotothe bottomfitting ofthe drainvalve.
10.Refillenginewith oilthrough oilfill dipstick
tube. Pour slowly. Do not overfill. For approximate capacity see "PRODUCT
11.Usegauge onoilfillcap/dipstick for check-
ing level. Ensuredipstick cap istightened securely for accurate reading. Keepoil at "FULL' lineon dipstick. Tighten cap onto the tube securely when finished.
ENGINE OIL FILTER Replacetheengine oilfilter everyseason or
every other oil change ifthe tractor is used
more than 100 hours inone year.
NOTE: Ifneeded, removelowerdashcovers usingsteps from"Lowerdashcoverremoval"
section ofthis manual. AIR FILTER Your engine will not run properly using a
dirtyairfilter. Service paper cartridgeevery
100 hours of operation or every season,
whichever occursfirst. Service air cleaner more oftenunder dusty
NOTE: Ifneeded, removelowerdashcovers
using steps from "Left Lower Dash Cover
Removal" section of this manual.
1. Remove cover,
2. Carefully remove air filter cartridge and pre-cleaner from base.
3. Clean base carefully to prevent debris
from falling into carburetor.
Knobs Cartridge
NOTE: If very dirty or damaged, replace cartridge.
4. Place new pre-cleaner and cartridge firmly in base,
5. Replace cover.
IMPORTANT: Petroleum solvents, such as kerosene, are not to be used to clean the
cartridge. They may cause deterioration of the cartridge. Do not oil cartridge. Do not
use pressurized air to clean cartridge.
The air screen is over the air intake blower
located on top of engine. The air screen mustbe keptfree ofdirt and chaffto prevent
engine damagefrom overheating.Cleanwith a wire brushor compressed air to remove
dirtand stubborndried gum fibers. ENGINE COOLING SYSTEM
To ensure proper cooling, make sure the
grass screen, cooling fir_s,and other exter- nal surfaces of the engine are kept clean
at all times. Every 100 hours of operation (more often
under extremely dusty, dirty conditions), removethe blower housing and other cooling
shrouds. Clean thecooling fins and external
surfaces as necessary. Ensure the cooling
shrouds are reinstalled.
NOTE: Operating the engine with ablocked grass screen, dirty or plugged cooling fins, and/or cooling shrouds removed will cause
engine damage due to overheating.
The fuelfiltershould be replaced once each
season. If fuelfilter becomes clogged, ob- structing fuel flowtocarburetor,replacement
is required.
1. With engine cool, remove filter and plug
fuel line sections.
2. Place newfuel filter inposition infuel line with arrow pointing towards carburetor.
3. Be sure there are no fuel line leaks and clamps are properly positioned.
4. lmmediatelywipeupanyspilled gasoline.
Fuel Filter__"---_g
MUFFLER Inspect and replace corroded muffler and
spark arrestor (ifequipped) as itcould create
afire hazard and/or damage.
Replacespark plug(s)atthe beginning ofeach mowing season or after every I00 hours of
operation, whicheveroccurs first. Spark plug type andgap settingareshownin"PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS" section of this manual,
Clean engine, battery, seat, finish, etc. of all foreign matter.
Clean debris from steering plate. Debris canrestrictclutch/brake peda!shaftmove-
ment, causing belt slipand loss of drive.
_&CAUTION: Avoid all pinch points and
movable parts
&____CIutch!brake ped_ey
tl c[_a. /' °,,y/f_ /.
Steering System, Dash, Fender
Keep finished surfaces and wheels free of all gasoline, oil, etc.
. Protect paintedsurfaces withautomotive
type wax,
Except for the washout port (if equipped), we do not recommend using a garden hose or pressure washer to clean the outside of yourtractor unless the engine and transmis-
sion are covered to keep water out, Water in engine or transmission will shorten the useful life of your tractor. Use compressed air or a leafblower to remove grass, leaves
and trash from outside tractor and mower. DECK WASHOUT PORT
Your tractor's deck is equipped with a washout port on its surface as part of its
deck wash system, tt should be utilized af-
ter each use,
1. Drive the tractor to a level, clear spot
on your lawn, near enough to a water spigot for your garden hose to reach,
IMPORTANT: Make certain the tractor's discharge chute isdirected AWAYfrom your house, garage, parked cars, etc, Remove
bagger chute or mulch cover if attached, 2, Makesurethe attachment clutch controt
is in the "DISENGAGED" position, set
the parking brake, and stop the engine,
Nozzle ]
Washout Port
3. Thread the nozzle adapter (packaged with your tractor's Operator's Manual)
onto the end of your garden hose,
4, Pull back the lock collar of the nozzle
adapter and push the adapter onto the
deck washout port at the left end of the
mower deck, Release the lock collar to lock the adapter on the nozzle.
IMPORTANT.* Tug hose ensuring connec-
tion is secure. 5, Turn the water on.
6, While sitting in the operator's position
on the tractor, re-start the engine and place the throttle lever in the Fast ",_"
IMPORTANT: Recheck the area making certain the area is clear.
7. Move the tractor's attachment clutch control to the "ENGAGED" position.
Remain in the operator's position
with the cutting deck engaged until the deck is cleaned.
8. Move the tractor's attachment clutch
control to the "DISENGAGED" posi- tion, Turn the ignition key to the STOP
position to turn the tractor's engine off, Turn the water off.
9. Pull back the lock collar of the nozzle
adapter to disconnect the adapter from the nozzle washout port.
10. Move the tractor to a dry area, prefer-
ably a concrete or paved area. Place the attachment clutch control in the
"ENGAGED" position to remove excess water and to help dry before putting the
tractor away.
_WARNING: A broken or missing washout
fitting could expose you or others to thrown objects from contact with the blade,
Replace broken or missing washout fitting immediately, prior to using mower again.
Plug any holes in mower with bolts and
3. 4,
6. in contactwith plug,
1. Place attachment clutch in "DISEN- GAGED" position.
2, Lower attachment lift lever to itslowest
3. Disengage belt tension rod (K)from lock
bracket (L),
_,CAUTION: Belttension rod isspring load- ed.Have atightgrip onrodand releaseslowly.
4. Remove mower belt from electric clutch
Depress clutch/brake pedal fully and set parkingbrake. Place motion control lever in neutral position.
Place attachment clutch in "DISENGAGED" position, Shut engine offand lock the SmartSwitch Ignition. Make sure the blades and all moving partshave completely stopped.
Disconnect spark plugwire from spark plug and placewire where it cannot come
Disconnect front link (E) from mower: remove retainer spring and washer.
Go to either side of mower and discon- nect mower suspension arm (A) from
chassis and rear lift link (C) from rear mower bracket (D) - remove retainer springs and washers,
7. Gotoother sideofm0wer anddisconnect the suspension arm and rear lift link.
CAUTION: After rear lift linksarediscon-
nected, the attachment liftleverwill bespring loaded. Have a tight grip on lift lever when
changing position of the lever.
8. From right side of mower, disconnect
anti-sway bar (S) from right rear mower bracket (D)- remove retainer spring and
washer and pull mower toward you until the bar falls from the hole in bracket.
9, Turn tractor steering wheel to the left as
far as it will go.
10,Slide mower out from under right side of
A. Mower Side Suspension Arms
B. Retainer Spring C. Rear Lift Link(s)
D. Right Side Rear Mower Bracket E, Front Lift Link Assembly E Front Suspension Bracket
H. Front Mower Bracket
I, Left Side Rear Mower Bracket K, Belt Tension Rod
L, Locking Bracket M, Engine Clutch Pulley
Q. Deflector Shield
S. Anti-Sway Bar W. Front Gauge Wheel
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