Adiusfmenf of Scales
Rip Scale
The Rip Scale is located on the right side of the
Radial Arm. When the motor is positioned with
motor arbor toward the column it is called "in rip"
position, and material should be fed from right to left.
When the motor arbor is positioned toward the op-
erator it is called "out rip" and material is fed from
left to right. When "in ripping" width dimensions
are located on the top of the scale and when "out
ripping" on the bottom of the scale by use of the
reference pointers. The pointers are adjustabIe and
must be readjusted only when gauge (thickness) of
blade is changed.
To adjust:
"In rip" (figure I)
(a) Place the motor in "in rip" and move the
motor on the arm until the saw blade just
touches the guide fence.
(b) Loosen two screws on pointer base and move
pointer until edge aligns with 0 on the top
scale. Tighten back screw.
"Out rip" (figure 2)
Place a board of known width against the
guide strip, position motor in "out rip" position
and move the motor until the blade just
touches the material.
(b) Loosen front screw only and move bottom
pointer until the edge aligns with dimension
on the lower scale of the known width of
board. Tighten screw.
Miter Scale (figure 3)
The miter scale is located at the top rear of the arm.
When the arm is positioned for straight cross-cut
the pointer should be at 0 on the scale. To adjust
loosen the screw holding the pointer, adjust, and
Bevel Scale (figure 4)
The bevel scale is Iocated at the front of the motor.
When the motor is positioned for verticaI cutting
pointer should be at 0 on the scale. To adjust Ioosen the
two screws, move the pointer to 0 and tighten.
Atl Craftsman machines are thoroughly tested, in-
spected,and accurately adjusted before leaving the
factory. Rough handling in shipment can, at times,
affect adjustments. Because of this we recommend
alignment check before operation. You will also find
that because of overload and various excessive stresses
and strains realignment and minor adjustments may
periodically become necessary to maintain complete
Provisions are made for complete adjustment of all
positions so that your Craftsman Machine can be kept
accurate for its entire life. A description of each of
these adjustments follows and should be performed in
the sequence listed.
The table top assembly and guide strip' are checked
for straightness with a master straight edge before
leaving the factory. As all wood products must
"breathe" and are affected by various humidity con-
ditions, a Might change from factory conditions may
sometimes be found. Straightness of top and Guide
Strip, with Clamp Screws (at rear of table) tight,
should be checked with a square or straight edge.
Correction can be made only by sanding. A slight
variation from perfect straightness of table top will
not normally affect the average woodworking require-
ments. Do not use a leveI except as a straight edge.
(This check is for straightness, not levelness with
floor. )
NOTE: You may desire to place a hardboard or ply-
wood protective top on the section of table top in
front of the guide fence until you are more familiar
with the operation of your machine. This procedure
wilt eliminate excessive cutting into permanent top
and, Iike the guide fence, is easily replaced when nec-
essary. Be sure you countersink finishing nails and
place them so as not to be in line with cutting tools.
(figure 5)
The purpose of this handle is to provide a friction
lock between the upper face of the yoke and the
bottom face of the roilerhead. It should also eIiml-
hate any pIay between these two parts. In operating
position the yoke clamp handle is pushed back from
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