Craftsman 82344 Owner's Manual

Owner’s Manual
Model 82344
CAUTION: Read, understand and
follow Safety Rules and Operating Instructions in this manual before using this product.
© Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 U.S.A. 08080 6
Maint enance
Page Warranty 3 Safety Instructions 4 Safety Symbols 5 Control and Jacks 6 Symb ols and Ann unc i ators 6 Specifications 7 Battery Installation 10 Operating Instructions 11
DC Voltage Me as ur e m ents 11 AC Voltage Measurem en ts 12 AC/DC Current Measurements 13 Resis t a nc e Me as ure me nts 14 Capacitance Measurements 14 Freq u enc y Me as ur e m en ts 15 Te m pera ture Me as ur ement s 14 Cont inui ty Tes t 15 Diode Test 16 Data Hold 16 Low Bat ter y 16 Auto-Ranging 16 Auto-Power Off 16
Maintenance 17
Replac ing th e Batteri es 18
Replac ing th e Fus e 18 Troubleshooting 19 Servic e and Parts 19
ONE YEAR FULL WARRANTY ON CRAFTSMAN MULTIMETER If this CRAFTSMAN Multimeter fails to give complete satisfaction within one year from the date of purchase, RETURN IT TO THE NEAREST SEARS STORE OR OTHER CRAFTSMAN OUTLET IN THE UNITED STATES, and Sears will replace it, free of charge. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. Sears, Roebuck and Co., Dept. 817WA, Hoffman Estates, IL 60179
For Customer Assistance Call 9am - 5pm (ET) Monday through Friday 1-888-326-1006
WARNING: USE EXTREME CAUTION IN THE USE OF THIS DEVICE. Improper use of this device can result in injury or
death. Follow all safeguards suggested in this manual in addition to the normal safety precautions used in work ing with electrical circuits. DO NOT service this device if you are not quali fi ed t o d o so.
This m eter has been designed for saf e us e, but mus t be
operated with caution. The rules listed below must be carefully
followed for safe operation.
1. NEVER apply voltage or current to the meter that exceeds
the specified maximum:
Input Protection Limits
Function Maximum Input
V DC, V AC 600V DC and 600V AC mA AC/DC 200mA AC/DC A AC/DC 10A AC/DC (for 15 seconds max.
every 15 minutes)
Resistan ce, Diode Test,
500V AC/DC
Continuity Frequency 250V AC/DC
2. USE EXTREME CAUTION whe n working with h igh
3. DO NOT measure voltage if the volt age on the "COM" input
jack exceeds 600V above earth ground.
4. NEVER connect the meter leads across a voltage source
while the function switch is in the current, resistance, or diode mod e. Doi ng so can damage the meter.
5. ALWAYS discharge filter capacitors in power supplies and
disc on nec t th e pow er when making resis ta nc e or d io de tests.
6. ALWAYS turn off power and disconnect test leads before
opening the covers to replace the fuse or battery.
7. NEVER oper a te th e meter u nles s t he bac k cov er is in plac e
and fasten ed securel y.
8. If the equipment is use d in a ma n ner not spec if i e d by th e
manu fac turer , the pr ot ec t io n pr ov i de d by th e eq ui p me nt may be imp aired.
This sy m bo l ad jac e nt t o an ot her symb ol, terminal or operating device indicates that the operat or mus t r ef er to an exp la nati on in the Operating Instructions to avoid personal injury or damage to t he meter.
This WARNING symbol indicates a
poten tially hazardous si t u ati on , whic h if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
MAX 600V
This CAUTION symbol indicates a poten tially hazardous si t u ati on , whic h if not avoided, may result damage to the product.
This symbol advises the user that the terminal(s) so marked must not be connected to a circuit point at which the voltage with respect to earth ground exc eeds 60 0V .
This sy m bo l ad jac e nt to on e or mo re terminals identifies them as being associated with ranges that may, in normal use, be sub jec t ed t o part icul arly haz ardous voltages. For maximum safety, the meter and its test leads should not be handled when these terminals are energized.
This symbol indicates th at a device is protected throughout by double insulation or reinforced ins ul ati on.
1. LCD Dis play
2. D ATA HO LD but ton
3. SELECT but ton
4. Func tion sw itch
5. Positive input jack
6. COM jack
7. 10A jack
8. R ub ber boot
Note: Tilt stand and bat tery
acce ss is on the rear of unit.
AC (voltage)
DC (direct current or voltage)
•))) Continuity and Diode test
mV, V millivolt, volt (voltage)
, k, M ohm, kilohm, megohm (resistance)
mA , A milliamp, Amp (cur rent )
nF, uF nanof arads, mic r ofara ds (capacitanc e)
Hz Hertz (frequency)
F, ºC Degrees Fahrenheit, Centigrade (temperature)
Low battery
H Display hold
AUTO Autoranging
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