Craftsman 82337 Owner's Manual

Owner's Ma nual
Manual Ranging Multimeter
CAUTION: Read, understand and
follow Safety Rules and Operating Instructions in this manual before using this product.
© Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 U.S.A. 061906
Maint enance
Warranty Page 3 Safety Instructions 4 Safety Symbols 5 Contro l and Jacks 6 Symbols and Annunciators 6 Specifications 7 Battery Installation 9 Operating Instructions 10
DC Voltage Measurements 10 AC Voltage Measurements 11 DC Current Measurements 12 AC Current Measurements 13 Resis t a nc e Me as ureme nt s 14 Continuity Measurements 15 Diode T es t 15 Temp er a ture Meas ureme nts 16 Display Backlight 17 Battery Check 17 Data Hold 17 Auto Power O ff 17 Low Bat ter y In dic at i o n 17 Blown Fuse Indication 17 Wrong C o nn ec t i on In dic ation 17
Maintenance 18
Battery Replacement 19
Fuse Replacement 19 Troubleshooting 21 Servic e and Parts 21
ONE YEAR FULL WARRANTY ON CRAFTSMAN PROFESSIONAL MULTIMETER If this CRAFTSMAN Professional Multimeter fails to give complete satisfaction within one year from the date of purchase, RETURN IT TO THE NEAREST SEARS STORE OR OTHER CRAFTSMAN OUTLET IN THE UNITED STATES, and Sears will replace it, free of charge. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. Sears, Roebuck and Co., Dept. 817WA, Hoffman Estates, IL 60179
For Customer Assistance Call 9am - 5pm (ET) Monday through Friday 1-888-326-1006
WARNING: USE EXTREME CAUTION IN THE USE OF THIS DEVICE. Improper use of this device can result in injury or
death. Follow all safeguards suggested in this manual in addition to the normal safety precautions used in working with electrical circuits. DO NOT service this device if you are not qualified to do so.
This m eter has bee n des i gn ed for safe us e, bu t mus t be operated with caution. The rules listed below must be carefully followed for safe op eration.
1. NEVER apply voltage or current to the meter that exceeds the
spec ifi e d max imum :
Input Lim its
Function Maximum Input
V DC or V AC 600V DC/AC, 200Vrms on 200mV
range mA AC/DC 200mA 250V fast acting fuse A AC/DC 20A 250V fast acting fuse(30
sec onds m ax every 1 5 minutes ) Resistance, Diode Test, Continuity Temperature 60V DC/24V AC
2. USE EXTREME CAUTION when working with high voltages
250Vrms for 15 sec max
3. DO NOT measure voltage if the voltage on the "CO M" input jack exceeds 600V above earth ground
4. DO NOT measure current of circuits whose voltage is greater than 60 0V ab ov e ear t h ground
5. NEVER connect the meter leads across a voltage source while the function switch is in the resistance or diode mode. Doing so can damage the meter
6. ALWAYS turn off the power and dis c onnec t the tes t le ads before opening the cover to replace the battery
7. NEVER oper a te th e meter unless the bac k cov er is in place and fastened secure ly
This sy m bo l ad jac e nt t o an ot her symb ol ,
terminal or operating device indicates that the operator must refer to an explanation in the Oper ati ng Instruc t i ons to av o id per sonal in jur y or damage to t he meter.
MAX 600V
This WARNING sy mbol indic a tes a pot en t ia lly hazardous situation, which if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
This CAUTION sym b ol in dic a t es a pot ent ia lly hazardous situation, which if not avoided, may result damage to the product.
This symbol advises the user that the terminal(s) so marked must not be connected to a circuit point at which the voltage with respect to earth ground exceeds (in this case) 600 VAC or VDC.
This sy m bo l ad jac e nt to on e or more ter mi na ls identi fies them as bein g asso ciated with ranges that may, in normal use, be subjected to particularly hazardous voltages. For maximum safety, the me ter a nd its test leads shou ld n ot be ha ndled whe n t h es e termina ls are energize d.
This symbol indicates tha t a device is protected throughout by double insulation or reinforced insul ati on .
1. Rubber holster
2. 2000 c ou nt LC D dis play
3. Degrees F button
4. Degrees C button
5. Function switch
6. mA, uA and A input jacks
7. COM input jack
8. Positive input j ack
9. Battery check button
10. H old button
11. Bac klig ht butt on
Note: Tilt stand and battery compartment are on rear of unit.
•))) Continuity
Diode t es t Battery status Test lead connection
micro (10 m milli (10 k kilo (10 M mega (10
) (amps)
) (volts, amps) A Amps
) (ohm s)
) (ohms) V Volts AC Alternating current DC Direct current Ohms HOLD Data hold
ºF Degrees Fahrenheit ºC Degrees Centigrade
Function Range Resolution DC Voltage (V DC)
200mV 0.1mV ±(0.3% reading + 2 digits) 2V 0.001V 200V 0.1V
600V 1V ±(0.8% reading + 2 digits)
±(0.5% reading + 2 digits)
AC Voltage (V AC)
DC Current (A DC)
AC Current (A AC)
50 to 400H z 400Hz to 1kHz 2V 0.001V ±(1.0% reading
+6 digits
200V 0.1V ±(1.5% reading
+6 digits
600V 1V ±(2.0% reading
+6 digits
200µA 0.1µA
±(1.5% reading + 3 digits)
±(2.0% reading
+ 8 digits
±(2.5% reading
+8 digits
±(3.0% reading
+8 digits
200mA 0.1mA 20A 0.01A ±(2.5% reading + 3 digits)
50 to 400H z 400Hz to 1kHz 200mA 0.1mA ±(1.8% reading
+8 digits
20A 0.01A ±(3.0% reading
+8 digits )
±(2.5% reading
+10 digits)
±(3.5% reading
+10 digits) 200 0.1 ±(0. 8% reading +4 di gits ) 2000 1 ±(0.8% re ad in g +2 di git s ) 20k 0.01k
±(1.0% re ad in g +2 di git s )
200k 0.1k 20M 0.01M
-4 to
-20 to
NOTE: Accuracy specifications consist of two elements:
(% reading) – This is the accuracy of the measurement circuit.
(+ digits) – This is the accuracy of the analog to digital converter.
NOTE: Accuracy is sta ted at 65
than 75% RH.
1ºF Temperature 1ºC
±(2.0% re ad in g +5 di git s ) ±(3.0% re ad in g +3 di git s )
(meter only, probe accuracy not included)
F to 83oF (18oC to 28oC) and less
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