Craftsman 706655151, 706655190, 706655070, 706598310 Owner’s Manual

, AR8
Owners Manual
Piojsct Center Model No. 706.102691
Workbench M_ret No. 8 Drawer 706.655591 8 Drawer 70&65050t
9 Dt'awer 706.6551gO
10 DrdWel 706,650601 t2 Drawe1706.t0:3831
Wolr_bcnch with
Door Model No.
3 Dlawew 706.655351 3 Drav,,er 706.659371
5 Drawe_ 706.655151 5 DP'_ver 706.6=;9401
5 Drawer 706.655070
Read and follow all
SafelyRulesand Operating
bstru_ons beforefirstuse ofthisp_oduct.
12 DrawerWorkbench
Sears,RosbuckandCo., HoffmanEslafes,IL60179 USA
Made inthe U.S.A.
DO NOT st,u-d on tide i_oduct. You may Pal wkbh may cause person_ Injury.
WEAR SAFETY GLASSIF_ AND GLOVE8 when cull_g _e ban(f_9 materiaL The I_nd's may _rmp Which may ©a,Jse personal Injury.
- BECAREFUt.v_-_n ope, ingmorathan onedrawer.'[hepr_LL_tmaybecome mslable and tip,which may cause personal injury or ixoduct damage.
DO NOT mount lids product on a _,ck bed or any ether moving object. This may
cause personal thju_y el product damage.
DO NOT step in the dmwem_ You maytog w_2t may cause personal injmy.
Appropdatdy secure this pmdluct berate ram/lag Rwith a ferkJi11.
- DO NOT ahr this productin arp/manner. For e0_nnlale,do netwefd external Iockbare
or at_ eleot_l equipment. Thb may cause prod,_t damage or personal _u_.
Lockthe drawers and deals before meting thispnodu_ "[he drawers or dears could
come open end make tim product unstable and tip, which may cause pemenar injuw or product damage.
The ma_imum weight for e_h drawer should be no more than 50 pounds.
W_ght 5_I ollthe top of Ihe wolkbench is 1,000 poundeL ff the linnitis e_,ceeded, the I_odu_t oot_d col'apse and cause personal Injury or product damage.
letto SaUce PartsDrawingforfull lisle _,_,ervlce Parts I1_ I
(Some units may not Include all PARTS: h_m_am} (Some units may not include all paris)
_)_ 14-10X 5,_ I-P_ S:mw
_ 8 X 3'4 SIo_k_t_c_w
NOTE: Betom ni/acldng the upper r'_s
(8) make sum f_a_the lances m _oward the bot_m. Before ;dlaCkinglira
lower mils (13)makesam tha_ tk,, lances are toward thetop. (See picture beknv).
- A_ch a rail(B) _oeach side (D) usiag 1_o 14-10 x 5t8 hexse_w_ on e_ch e_L
Finger dghten. Repeat lhe procedure with
the _ernaining rails (B).
Atto_ a center slJgf_t (C), to Ille ra_ (_ ueing t,vo 14-10 x 5/8 I've<scre_ at
e_achJ_et. Ftager 8ghten. Repe_t the procedure with the ot_er support.
The lances oe alloi'_ ra_s _heuld be flush aga_lsl the _ange on 1he sides to provide me proper spacing (18 1/2") for the
drawers. Square up the flame a=ernl_ andl_htel_ the ecrews. Rnger t]glffe_ Ihen
tighten 1/4 ken more or k_/que screws to 40 inch-pounds. DO NOT OVER TIGNTEN.
(Depudent omModel) MOTE:rlr IS RECOMMENDEDto have
another person kelp,,vfththis parrot ti_
Placethetop (A)ondean _ surtace.
(_e pacldng m_l_al ,Nil won:). Place
_rame assembly upside down on the lop.
Pos_on i_in a desired Ioca_on making
_wanaes forcan_rk_goroff_e_g _e
top to muiryour need_
PomUon an attachment dp on the top
flange of the rail (1_ appro_ two inP-.hes from the assembled Irame qpenbg end arid r_a_k the hole Ioca_on. Repeat the proc_lure unlg al four erld affachmer_! di_ have been located.
- P'os_on attachment d'_ on both front and back rails (B) at _e center pear,one approx, two im:hes from the
cani_r supports. Mark the hole Ioca_o_rs_
- Ram eve fJheframe assembly and dn'llthe ma[ked Ioca_ona fi8"dbmeter by 1/2"
deep in thetol x DONOr DRILL
.. Repositk_ the frame _ssmnbl_ end
secure Ihe atta_im_ent dips udng one 8 x 3/4 slobd _,v per cllp.
Note: For tnodel no. ?0L_55070. Set steel top (E) upside down. Place wood top (A| in steel _op (E). Ma,'k lhe hoin
locations. Remove the wood _p (A) and drill the madmd [oealk_s t,'8" _ameter
by ?/2" deep i: _e top. Place the wood top (A_ back In Ele steel liop (E). P/_a spacers (F) _ between the
steel lop and the weed top aUg]led with Iw_es. Using #8 x 3/4" stated screws, secure steel top and spacers (where aec_ryl lethe wood top in tom Iocal_ See graphics on next page,
3 4