Pleaseread these[ns:;u,c:ic,:_sca:e!u,:y:
This L.:'.:t ',"ill come equipped ,','i[h one of ',he h,,'o types cf slides described be!ow. If it cecemes necessary !o remove =rsv,'ers fcr
cleaning, cr due to damace [oi[o,,,7 the appropriate slide removal instructions that fit '.,,our ur.lt.
A. Pu:l drawer all flqe ',vat open then .. '_--, A. Pull drawer all "he way open. S.
push _ack a fraction cf an Zr;ch. B. _! Insert screv,,,driver behind the spdng
lnse_t a screwdriver into t_is slot in ti'_e STOP -----_. "_=.=_==,_4 stop, twist out and dcv,'n to hold the
slide and push in or, tr.e st,st) L:Rtit ;t _:.Z- .' StOp OUt on both slides and remove
clears :he Iance. Repeat 'J,e r..roce-<.'- .! _
dure cn file other s!ide 2:.,:!, :emo,,'e " :c _ .
_r,.-:.............- L..._.'Toreinstall dra',', 5."._r'! st¢'.." '_'-::>;-D_::- i
far enc.,,..ch cut to engage lar, ce [g.5 -..i._=--_:_ l!iustrationA
tO t,(:} and push dra,ver .:.;-to s!:.des ___-_,
,-n:it stops or, cage lances.
r: _ .__
,I11"- ........ _ Lock :,3cket
S;_e ',;ew
Fronl view kl/ lllus ration C
The only assembly required on toiler cabinets is the mounting of the cas-
ters. Roi!er cabinet drawers are ;he same as the chest dra;'-ers and are
removed and inserted as shown in I!lustration "A" above.
If your roller cabinet has a botlom compartment, [he panel activates the locking mechanism.
TO UNLCCK: Turn the key and [he panel automaficaffy springs open at the
botlom. L!ft up and push in. (See tllustralion 'C",)
TO LOCK: Puil slraight out. then !ov,'erpanel, press in !ightly at the bo_om and lock.
{f your rofler cabinet has all drawers (no panel) the lock actuates the bcking mechanism.
TO UNLOCK: Turn key and the cabinet is unlocked.
TO LOCK: Make sure all drawers are _ully closed. ;urn key, then remove key.
CASTERS: Two rigid and h','o swivel casters with Ice brakes. The neces-
sary nuts and bolts for mounting have been furnished with your cabinet. It is
recommended that the s;vivei casters (with lee brakes) be moun_ed at the
end where the side handle is Ioca',ed.
On u-nits with a bo_om panel, lift panel and mount from inside.
On unils v,'kh drawers the full keigbL the bottom drawer r:r',ustbe removed
to mount the casters.
To aid you in the assembly of swivel casters to unit bottom, it is
recommended that you insert the 'A-20 x -% bolts in the botlom of the unit
so that it will protrude inside the cabinet
It is recommended to lay the cabinet on its back when mounting casters. •
Replacement casters can be ordered from your local Sears store.
Keys: Two keys are provided. Before you do anything else put one of the keys in
a safe place in the event the other is lost• You canQot lock the chest or
cabinet without a key so the key can] be lockedinside.
NOTE: 1. If you should lose the keys to your CRAFTSMAN chest model number which a,pgearson a labe! in the top r_ht hand drawer.
or cabinet, order replacement keys through the parts depart NOT_: If extra se_,xity measures are required, SEARS C_'AFTS,M.ANoffers
ment at your nearest SEARS SERVICE CENTER. Be sure the65118 LOCKI_O,,_flD T-44ic_his used in addition Io _ standard
to state the lock number which appears on the face ofthe system. This Is ,_lat:__'_:_ ei_et the cat&log c¢tt_ retml st¢:_e.'_'
lock. may aJ$obe _dvte,ab_ to _;eo:)tdthe _ nu_ from _ fac_ of _ k_
• 2. Toorderareglacementlock(key_ir_uded) orderthrought:l-,epar'ts inasale_lt_l_'_l._.lpthe'k:x_numberoff [t_x:_This'rnea.sure
.O_:_ne_t at your nea_.e_}SF_ARSSERVICE CENTER.'fo,J willneed the would_ kay dul:_:_fic_.
......_e_l_J.JIL_0f.l___ avwlable in Helml Store Ha.rQwateD__[O_'. _a_laJo_Order Desk.
" o,,.,.P. :rZ Ca .. ,,, 2'
PART # F395A3
Our Tccl C;"es_s and Rotter Cabinets are designed _ogive ?ou tt:e finest appeararce, cc.nver,!er"ce, slorage and
'cncesl setJoe. Prior Io !c,_cit_ drawers v,'i[h loots, lubricate :r e tcp channel and L_,'tcm chant e :f drav, or s:k.!cs
_nd ;ock bbr guides v,,ilhod or petro!eum jelly (See Ill. A). T}".isshou',d Ire d_:re se',oral limes a _ear.
There _s r'o ss'..'en'._lyrequ"e_: on chests.
drawer ;viii not lock.
"_-- LOCk bracket
Lockbar tab Jlus:raJonB
on one end, then remove rod. Insert ;r,to =_motherho!e ar,d reverse this _rocedure[
drawer. To reinsta![ drawer, reverse "__
' L U £ "*-.',CA TE ....
Chesls have a locking bar which automafical]y raises and Ic,,,ers v-i;h the
cover. When the cover is closed, labs in the lock bar engase in the lock
bracket or lock pocket of the drav,'er. ',"7hen the cover is o.=en, tabs are
IMPORTANT: DO NOT dose cover ,,','benone or more drav,ers are open,
When cover is closed DO NOT s!am the drawers as they will r'ct lock, and
damage may occur to lock bar tabs, lock _rackets, or lock po_.:.ets. Shouid
damage occur, remove the drawers, and with a screwdriver, s:-aighten out
the deformed brackets or tabs. For units v,.'ith!ock pockets, a _air of pliers
Craftsman Chests (except Machir, isfs Chests and "-.uper-Dut'/Chests) have
2 fle_ih!e rods !n :be coyerfor holdb.g bluepr ::s. work shoe!s, e!c. To
respace, s!ide rod to one side. bow in the midd!e until it's free of the hole
raised clear cf ifre iock _,rackets or :ok pockets.
should be used. (See II;ustraJon "B".)