Pressure Washer
$ er
This pressure washer is rated in accordanceto the Pressure Washer Manufacturers Association
(PWMA) standard PWI01 (Testing and Rating Performance of Pressure Washers).
Manual No. 319548GS Revision -

Thank youfor purchasingthis quality-built Briggs & Stratton@ pressurewasher. We arepleasedthat you've placedyour
confidence in the Speed CleanTM brand.When operatedand maintainedaccordingto the instructions in this manual, your
Briggs & Stratton pressure washerwill provide manyyears of dependableservice.
Thismanual containssafety information to makeyou aware of the hazardsand risks associatedwith pressure washers and
how to avoidthem. BecauseBriggs & Stratton does not necessarily know allthe applications this pressure washer could be
usedfor, it is important that you readandunderstand these instructions thoroughly before attempting to start or operatethis
equipment. Save these original instructionsfar future reference.
This pressure washer requires final asseml_iy before use. Referto the Assembly section of this manualfor instructions on
final assembly procedures.Follow the instructions completely.
Where to Find Us
You never haveto lookfar to find Briggs & Stratton support and servicefor your pressure washer. Consult your Yellow Pages.
Thereare over 30,000 Briggs & Stratton authorized service dealersworldwide who provide quality service. You canalso
contact Briggs & Stratton CustomerService by phoneat (800) 743-4115, or onthe Internet at BRIGGSandSTRATTON.COM.
Pressure Washer
Model Number
Serial Number
Model Number
Type Number
Code Number
Date Purchased
Copyright © 2012. Briggs & Stratton PowerProducts Group, LLC
Milwaukee, Wl, USA.All rights reserved.
trademark of Briggs & Stratton Corporation
Milwaukee, Wl, USA

Tableef Contents
Operation .................................... 12
PressureWasher Location..................................... 12
How to Start Your PressureWasher ............................. 12
How to Stop Your PressureWasher ............................. 14
How to UseAccessory Tray.................................... 14
How to UseSprayTips ....................................... 14
Cleaningand Applying Detergent................................ 15
PressureWasher Rinsing ..................................... 15
CleaningDetergentSiphoning Tube.............................. 16
Automatic Cool Down System _ThermalRefief)..................... 16
Maintenance .................................. 17
MaintenanceSchedule........................................ 17
PressureWasher Maintenance ................................ 17
Engine Maintenance.......................................... 19
After EachUse.............................................. 21
Winter Storage.............................................. 22
Long Term Storage .......................................... 22
Warranties .................................... 24
Emissions Control System Warranty ............................. 24
PressureWasher OwnerWarranty............................... 26

Equipment Description
Readthis manual carefullyand becamefamiliar
with yourpressurewasher. }(now its applications,
its limitations, and any hazards involved.
This pressurewasher operatesat 2,800 PSi anda flow rate
of 2.5gallons perminute. This high quality residential
system features 10" wheels,axial cam pump with stainless
steel pistons, automatic cool down system, detergent
siphoning system,quick connect spray tips, heavy duty 25'
hose, and more.
Everyeffort has been madeto ensure that information in this
manual is accurateand current. However,we reservethe
right to change,alter, or otherwise improve the product and
this document at any time without prior notice.
The Emission Control System for this pressure washer is
warranted for standards set by the Environmental Protection
Agency andthe CaliforniaAir ResourcesBoard.
,a_ The safety,alertsymbol indicatesa potential personal
injury'hazard.A signalword (DANGER,WARNING,or
CAUTION)is usedwith the alert symbol to designatea
degreeor levelof hazardseriousness.A safety symbol may
be usedto representthetype of hazard.Thesignal word
NOTICEis usedto address practicesnot relatedto personal
,_, DANGERindicatesa hazardwhich, if not avoided, will
result in deathor serious injury'.
WARNINGindicates a hazardwhich, if not avoided,
cou/d result in death or serious injury'.
CAUTIONindicates a hazardwhich, if not avoided,cou/d
result in minor or moderate injury.
NOTICEaddress practices not relatedto personal injury'.
_l_WARNING Theengine exhaustfrom this product
contains chemicals known to the Stateof Californiato
cause cancer,birth defects,or other reproductive harm.
MmpertantSafety Mnfermatien
Safety Symbols and Meanings
Kickback Projectile
ChemicalBurn HotSurface
Ebctrica Shock
FMd injection
,A WARNING This product contains lead and lead
compounds, known to the Stateof Californiato cause
birth defectsor other reproductive harm. Washyour
@nds after handling t,_isproduct.
exhaust contains carbon monoxide, a poisonous
gas that could kill you in minutes. You CANNOT
smell it, see it, or taste it. Even if you do not
smell exhaust fumes, you could stiff be exposed to carbon
monoxide gas.
Some chemicals or detergents could be harmful if inhaled
or ingested, resulting in death, serious injury, nausea,
fainting or poisoning.
- Operatethis product ONLYoutside far awayfrom windows,
doors and vents to reducethe risk of carbon monoxide gas
from accumulating and potentially being drawn towards
occupied spaces.
* Install battery-operatedcarbon monoxidealarms or plug-in
carbon monoxidealarms with battery back-upaccording to the
manufacturer's instructions. Smoke alarms cannot detect
carbon monoxide gas.
* DONOTrun this product inside homes, garages,basements,
crawlspaces, sheds, or other partially-enclosed spacesevenif
using fans or opening doors andwindows for ventilation.
Carbon monoxide can quickly build up inthese spacesand can
finger for hours, evenafter this product has shut off.
* ALWAYSplacethis product downwind and pointthe engine
exhaustawayfrom occupied spaces.
if you start to feel sick, dizzy,or weak while using this product,
shut it off and get to fresh air RIGHTAWAY.Seea doctor. You
may havecarbon monoxide poisoning.
* Usea respirator or maskwheneverthere is a chancethat
vapors may be inhaledwhen using chemicals.
* Readall instructions with mask so you are certain the mask will
provide the necessaryprotection against inhaling harmful
vapors when using chemicals.

A WARNING Exhaust heat/gasescould ignite
combustibles, structures or damage fuel
tank causing a fire, resulting in death or
serious injury.
Contact with muffler area could cause burns resulting in
serious injury'.
o DO NOTtouch hot parts and AVOID hot exhaust gases.
o Allow equipmentto cool before touching.
o Keepat least5 feet (1.5 m) of clearanceon aiI sides of pressure
washer including overhead.
o It is a qobfion of Caiifornb PuNic Resource Code, Section
4442, to use or operate the engineon anyforest-covered,
brush-covered, or grass-covered land unlessthe exhaust
system is equipped with a spark arrester, as defined in Section
4442, maintained in effective working order. Other statesor
federal jurisdictions may have similar laws.
Contactthe original equipment manufacturer, retailer, or dealer
to obtain a sparkarrester designedfor the exhaust system
installed on this engine.
o Replacement parts must bethe same and installed in the same
position as the original parts.
A WARNING Riskof electrocution.
Contactwith power sourcecould causeelectric
shock or burn resulting in deathor serious injury'.
o NEVERspray near power source.
A WARNING Use of pressure washer could create puddles
and slippery surfaces causing you to fall
resulting in death or serious injury'.
Kickback from spray gun could cause
you to fall resulting in death or serious injury.
o Operatepressurewasher from a stable surface.
o Thecleaning areashould haveadequateslopes and drainageto
reducethe possibility of a fall due to slippery surfaces
o Beextremely careful if you must usethe pressurewasher from
a ladder,scaffolding, or any other similar location.
o Firmly grasp spray gun with both hands when using high
pressure sprayto avoid injury when spraygun kicks back.
A WARNING Starter cord kickback(rapid retraction) will
pull hand and arm toward engine fasterthan you
can let go which could causebroken bones,
fractures, bruises, or sprains resulting in serious
o NEVERpullstartercordwithoutfirstrelievingspraygun
o Whenstartingengine,pullcordslowlyuntilresistanceisfelt
o Aftereachstartingattempt,whereenginefailsto run,always
sprayguntriggerto releasehighpressure.
o Firmlygraspspraygunwith bothhandswhenusinghigh
pressuresprayto avoidinjurywhenspraygunkicksback.
A WARNING Fuel and its vapors are extremely flammable
and explosive which could cause burns,
fire or explosion resulting in death or
serious injury'.
o Turn pressurewasher engineOFFandlet it cool at least 2
minutes before removing fuel cap. Loosen cap slowly to relieve
pressure in tank.
o Fill or drain fuel tank outdoors.
o DONOToverfill tank. Allow spacefor fuel expansion.
o If fuel spills, wait until it evaporates before starting engine.
o Keepfuel awayfrom sparks, open flames, pilot lights, heat,and
other ignition sources.
o Checkfuel lines,tank, cap and fittings frequently for cracksor
leaks. Replaceif necessary.
o DONOTlight a cigaretteor smoke.
o Ensurespark plug, muffler,fuel cap,and air cleanerarein place.
o DO NOTcrank enginewith spark plug removed.
o DO NOToperatethis product inside any building, carport,
porch, mobile equipment, marine applications, or enclosure.
o DONOTtip engine or equipment at anglewhich causes fuel to
o DONOTspray'flammable liquids.
* Transport/move/repair with fuel tank EMPTYor with fuel shutoff
DONOTtip engine or equipmentat anglewhich causesfuel to
* Disconnectspark plug wire.
o Store awayfrom furnaces, stoves,water heaters,clothes
dryers, or otherappliancesthat have pilot light orother ignition
source becausetheycould ignite fuel vapors.
A WARNING Chemical Burn Hazard.
Chemicals could causeburns resulting indeath
or serious injury'.
o DO NOTuse caustic liquid with pressure washer.
o Use ONLYpressurewasher safe detergents/soaps. Followall
manufacturers instructions.

A WARNING The high pressure stream of water that
this equipment produces could cut through skin
and its underlying tissues, resulting in serious
injury and possible amputation.
Spray gun traps high water pressure, even when engine is
stopped and water is disconnected, which could result in
serious injury'.
, if cut by fluid, call physician immediately. DONOTtreat as a
simple cut.
, DONOTallow CHILDRENto operate pressure washer.
, NEVERrepairhigh pressure hose. Replaceit.
° NEVERrepairleaking connections with sealant of any kind.
Replaceo-ring or seal.
, NEVERconnect high pressure hose to nozzleextension.
, Keep high pressure hose connected to pump and spraygun
while system is pressurized.
, ALWAYS point spray gun in safedirection, press red button
andsqueezespray guntrigger to releasehigh pressure, every
time you stop engine.
, NEVERaim spray gun at people,animals, or plants.
, DO NOTsecure spraygun in open position.
, DO NOTleavespray gun unattendedwhile machine is running.
, NEVERuseaspray gun which does not have a trigger lock or
trigger guard in placeand in working order.
, Always be certain spray gun, nozzlesandaccessoriesare
correctly attached.
A WARNING Unintentionalsparking could cause fire or
electric shock resulting in death or
serious injury'.
, Disconnect the spark plug wire from the spark plug and phce
the wire where it cannot contact spark plug.
o Use approvedspark plug tester.
, DONOTcheckfor spark with spark plug removed.
A WARNING Starter andother rotating parts could
entanglehands, hair, clothing, or accessories
resulting in serious injury'.
, NEVERoperate pressure washerwithout protective housing or
, DO NOTwear looseclotNng, jewelry or anything that couN be
caught in the starter or other rotating parts.
, Tie up long hairand remove jewelry.
A WARNING Riskof eyeor bodily injury.
Spraycould splash back or propel
objects resulting in serious injury.
, Nways wear indirect vented (chembaI spbsh) safety goggles
markedto comply with ANSI Z87.1 when using or in vicinity of
this equipment.
, NEVERsubstitute safetyglasses or dry-condition goggles for
indirect vented safety goggles.
, Always wear protectiveclothing such as a long-sleevedshirt,
long pantsand close4oed shoes.
, NEVERoperate pressure washerwhen barefoot or wearing
sandalsor shorts.
A CAUTION Excessively high operating speeds could
result in minor injury.
Excessively low speeds impose a heavy load.
, DO NOTtamper with governor spring, links or other partsto
increase enginespeed. Pressurewasher suppliescorrect rated
pressure andflow when running at governed speed.
, DO NOTmodify pressure washer in any way.
NOTICE High pressure spray could damagefragile items
including glass.
o DONOTpointspraygunatglasswhenusingred(0°) spraytip.
o NEVERaimspraygunatplants.
NOTICE improper treatment of pressure washer could
damageit and shorten its life.
, if you havequestions about intended use,ask dealeror contact
qualified service center.
, NEVERoperate units with broken or missing parts, or without
protective housing or covers.
, DO NOTby-pass any safety device on this machine.
, DONOTtamper with governedspeed.
o DONOToperate pressurewasher above rated pressure.
, DONOTmodify pressurewasher in any way.
, Before starting pressure washer in cold weather,check all parts of
the equipmentto be sure ice has not formed there.
, NEVERmove machine by pulling on hoses. Use handleprovided
on unit.
, This equipment is designedto be usedwith Briggs & Stratton
Power Products authorized parts ONLY.if equipment is used with
parts that DONOTcomply with minimum specifications,user
assumesall risks andliabilities.

Your pressure washer requires some assembly and is ready
for useafter it has beenproperly serviced with the
recommendedoil and fuel.
if you have anyproblems with the assemblyof your pressure
washer, pleasecall the pressurewasher helpline at
(800) 743-4115. if calling for assistance, pleasehavethe
model, revision, and serial number from the identification
label available.
Attach Handle and Accessory Tray
1. Placehandle (A) onto handle supports (B) connectedto
main unit. Makesure hobs (C) in handle alignwith
hobs (C) on handlesupports.
Unpack Pressure Washer
1. Removethe parts bag, accessories, and inserts
included with pressure washer.
2. Opencarton completely by cutting eachcorner from
top to bottom.
3. Ensureyou haveall included items priorto assembly.
items in the carton include:
° Main Unit
° Handle
° High Pressure Hose
° Spray Gun
° NozzleExtensionwith Quick ConnectFitting
° Plastic AccessoryTray
° Oil Pouch
° Parts Bag(which includesthe followings:
° Operator's Manual
° Owner's RegistrationCard
° Bag containing 3 Multi-Colored Spray Tips
° HandleFasteningHardwareKit_whichincludes_:
° CarriageBolts (2)
° Plastic Knobs (2)
° TreeClips (4)
To prepare your pressure washer far operation, you wiii
need te perferm these tasks:
1. Fill out and send in registration card.
2. Attach handle and accessorytray to main unit.
3. Add oil to engine crankcase.
4. Add fuel to fuel tank.
5. Connecthigh pressure hoseto spray gun and pump.
6. Connectwater supply to pump.
7. Attach nozzleextensionto spray gun.
8. Select/attachquick connect spray tip to nozzle
NOTICE it may be necessaryto movethe handle supports
from sideto side in order to align the handle so it will slide
over the handle supports.
2. insert carriage bolts (l}) through holesfrom back of
unit andattach a plastic knob (E)from front of unit
Tighten by hand.
3. Placeaccessorytray (F) over hobs (G) on handle
(viewing from front of unit). Pushthe tree clips (H) into
the hobs until they sit fiat against the accessorytray.
insert multi-colored spray tips and other supplied
accessoriesin spaces provided in accessorytray. See
How to UseAccessory Tray.

AcidEngine Oil
1. Placepressure washer on afiat, levelsurface.
2. Cleanareaaround oil fill and removeyellow oil fill
3. Hold neck of supplied oil pouch and removecap.
4. Slowly pour contents of oil pouch into oil fill opening.
Checkingoil level frequently, fill to FULLmark (top
hob) on dipstick.
NOTICE Pauseto permit oil to settle.Wipe dipstick clean
eachtime oil levelis checked. DONOToverfill.
NOTICE improper treatment of pressure washer could
damage it and shorten its life.
, DO NOTattempt to crank or start the engine before it has been
properly servicedwith the recommended oil. This could result in
an enginefailure.
WARNING Fuelandits vaporsare extremelyflammable
andexplosivewhich could causeburns,
fire or explosionresultingin deathor
° Turn pressurewasher engineOFFand let it cool at least 2
minutes before removing fuel cap. Loosen cap slowly to relieve
pressure in tank.
* Fillfuel tank outdoors.
° DONOToverfill tank. Allow spacefor fuel expansion.
, if fuel spills, wait until it evaporatesbefore starting engine.
, Keepfuel awayfrom sparks, open flames, pilot lights, heat, and
other ignition sources.
, Checkfuel lines,tank, cap and fittings frequently for cracks or
leaks. Replaceif necessary.
, DONOTlight a cigarette or smoke.
Cleanarea around fuel fill cap, remove cap.
Slowly add regular unleadedfuel (A) to fuel tank (B). Be
careful notto overfill. Allow about 1.5" (4 cm) (C) of
tank space for fuel expansion.
5. Replaceoil fill cap/dipstick and fully tighten.
Add Fuel
Fuel must meet these requirements:
, Clean,fresh, unleadedgasoline.
, A minimum of 87 octane/87AKI (91 RONL For high
altitude use, seeHigh Altitude.
, Gasolinewith up to 10%ethanol(gas@@ isacceptable.
NOTICE Use of unapprovedfuels could damagegenerator
and voids warranty.
, DONOTuseunapprovedgasolinesuchasE15andE85.
, DONOTmixoilingasolineormodifyengineto runonalternatefuels.
To protect the fuel system from gum formation, mix in a fuel
stabilizerwhen adding fuel. SeeStorage.All fuel is not the
same. if you experiencestarting or performanceproblems
after using fuel, switch to a different fuel provider or change
brands. This engine is certified to operate on gasoline. The
emission control system for this engine is EM (Engine
3. Install fuel capand let anyspilled fuel evaporatebefore
starting engine.
High Altitude
At altitudes over 5,000 feet (1524 meters), a minimum
85 octane/ 85 AKI (89 RON)gasoline is acceptable.To
remainemissions compliant, high altitude adjustment is
required.Operationwithout this adjustment will cause
decreasedperformance,increasedfuel consumption, and
increasedemissions. Seean Authorized Briggs & Stratton
dealerfor high altitude adjustment information. Operation of
the engine at altitudes below 2,500 feet (762 meters) with
the high altitude kit is not recommended.

FreshStart@ Fuel Cap
The FreshStart@fuel cap (A) is designed to hold a
cartridge (B) which contains fuel preserver.Adding fuel
preserver helps keepfuel fresh and carburetors cleanfor
easierstarting all season long. The FreshStart@fuel cap, if
equipped with a cartridge, automatically drips concentrated
fuel preserverinto your fuel tank so you don't haveto add it
HOTICE FreshStart@ fuel preserver cartridge is availableas
an optional accessory,it is not includedwith the pressure
washer. Contactthe original equipment manufacturer,
retailer, or dealer to obtain acartridge designedfor the Fresh
Start@fuel cap installed on this engine.
Readand follow all instructions andwarnings given inthe
FreshStart@fuel preservercartridge package.
Lubricate OoRings
Lubrication of o-rings is extremely important for installation
and operation. The useof a lubricant (petroleum or synthetic
grease)during assembly helpsseat o-rings properly and
provides an improved seak it also helps protect the o-ring
from damageby abrasion, pinching or cutting and extends
the life of the o-ring.
NOTICE ALWAYSapplya small amount of lubricant on
o-rings priorto assemblingthe garden hoseto the pump (C),
high pressure hose(D), spray gun (E), and nozzle
Lubricateaii connections shown below, following these
1, inspect andclean connecting surfaces prior to
lubrication and assembly.
2. Use lubricants sparingly during assembly; a light film is
all that is required.
3. Use a small brush or cotton swab to apply grease
directly to ooringswherethey are not accessible(QC
fitting, M22 fitting),

ConnectHose and WaterSupply to Pump
NOTICE DO NOTrun the pump without the water supply
connectedand turned on.
, Damagetoequipmentresultingfrom failuretofollowthis
NOTICE Remove and discard the shipping capsfrom the
pump's high pressureoutlet andwater inlet before attaching
1. Uncoil high pressure hose and attachone end of hose
to baseof spray gun. Tighten by hand.
,A WARNING The high pressure stream of water that
and its underlying tissues, resulting in serious
this equipment produces could cut through skin
injury' and possible amputation.
, NEVERconnect high pressure hose to nozzleextension.
* Keephigh pressure hoseconnectedto pump and spraygun
while system is pressurized.
* Always be certain spray gun, nozzlesandaccessoriesare
correctly attached.
2. Attach other end of high pressurehoseto high
pressure outlet on pump. Tightenby hand.
4, Run water through your garden hosefor 30 secondsto
cleanout anydebris.
NOTICE DO NOTsiphon standing waterfor the water
supply. UseONLYcold water (lessthan 100%).
NOTICE Using a OneWayValve (vacuum breakeror check
valve) at pump inlet could cause pump or inlet connector
, ThereMUSTbeatleasttenfeetof unrestrictedgardenhose
vacuumbreakeror checkvalve.
* Damageto equipmentresulting from failure to follow this
instruction will void warranty.
5. Connectthe garden hose (not to exceed50 feet in
length) to the water inlet. Tighten by hand.
A WARNING Riskof eyeinjury'.
Spray could splash back or propel objects
resulting in serious injury.
* Alwayswear indirect vented (chemical splash) safetygoggles
markedto comply with ANSi Z87A when usingor in vicinity of
this equipment.
* NEVERsubstitute safety glasses or dry=conditiongoggles for
indirect vented safety goggles.
6. Turn ONthe water, press red button(B) onthe gun and
squeezethetrigger to purgethe pump system of air and
3, Beforeconnecting garden hoseto water inlet, inspect
inlet screen (A). Cleanscreen if it contains debris or
haveit replacedif damaged.DONOTrun pressure
washer if inlet screen is damaged.
Checklist Before Starting Engine
Reviewthe unit's assemblyto ensureyou haveperformed all
of the following.
1. Be sureto read Operator Safetyand Operationbefore
using pressurewasher.
2. Make sure handleis in placeand secure.
3. Checkthat oil hasbeen addedto proper level in the
engine crankcase.
4. Add proper fuel to fuel tank.
5. Checkfor properly tightened hoseconnections.
6. Checkto make surethere areno kinks,cuts, or damage
to high pressure hose.
7. Provide a proper water supply at an adequateflow.

Featuresand Controts
Readthis Operator's Manual and safety rules before operating yourpressurewasher.
Comparethe illustrations with your pressure washer,to familiarizeyourself with the locations of various controls and
adjustments. Savethis manual for future reference.
A ° Spray Gun-- Controlsthe applicationof water onto
cleaningsurfacewith trigger device,Includestrigger lock.
B ° NozzleExtensionwith Quick Connect-- Allowsyou to
switch betweenthree different spray tips.
C° Nigh Pressure Nose-- Connectoneend to water pump
and the other end to spray gun.
D ° Recoil Starter -- Usedfor starting the enginemanually.
E - Oil Fill/Dipstick -- Check,addand drain engine oil here.
F ° Engineidentification -- Provides model, type and code
of engine. Pleasehavethese readily availableif calling for
G ° Engine Racker Switch -- Pushthis switch to on position
(I or On) before using recoil starter. Push switch to off
position (0 or Off) for shutting off engine.
N - Air Fimter-- Protects engine by filtering dust and debris
out of intake air.
J - Automatic Caai DownSystem -- Cycleswaterthrough
pump when water reaches125°q 55°R Warm water will
dischargefrom pump onto ground. This system prevents
internal pump damage.
K ° Pump-- Developshigh pressure.
L ° Detergent Siphoning Tube/Filter -- Useto siphon
pressure washer safe detergents intothe low pressure
IVl° FuelTank-- Filltank with regular unleadedfuel, Always
leaveroom for fuel expansion.
N ° Warning/Operating instructions Tag -- identifies
hazardsand proper procedureto start/stop pressure
P ° Accessory Tray -- Provides convenientstorage for
standard and optional accessories,such as brushes,
turbo wands, etc.
R ° SprayTips -- Detergent,0° and 25°: for various high
pressure cleaningapplications.
Hems Nat Shown:
identification Label(near rear of base plate} -- Provides
model and serial number of pressurewasher. Pleasehave
these readily availableif calling for assistance.
Nigh Pressure Outlet -- Connectionfor high pressurehose.
Water inlet -- Connectionfor gardenhose.

Pressure Washer Location
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
exhaust contains carbon monoxide, a poisonous
gas that could kill you in minutes. You CANNOT
smell it, see it, or taste it. Even if you do not
smell exhaust fumes, you could still be exposed to carbon
monoxide gas.
, Operatethis product ONLYoutside far awayfrom windows,
doors and vents to reducethe risk of carbon monoxide gas
from accumulating and potentially being drawn towards
occupied spaces.
* Install battery-operatedcarbon monoxidealarms or plug-in
carbon monoxide alarms with battery back-upaccording to the
manufacturer's instructions. Smoke alarms cannot detect
carbon monoxide gas.
* DONOTrun this product inside homes,garages,basements,
crawlspaces, sheds, or other partially-enclosedspaceseven if
using fans or opening doors andwindows for ventilation.
Carbon monoxide canquickly build up in these spacesandcan
finger for hours, evenafter this product has shut off.
* ALWAYS placethis product downwind and pointthe engine
exhaustawayfrom occupied spaces.
if you start to feel sick, dizzy,or weak while using this product,
shut it off and getto fresh air RIGHTAWAY. See a doctor. You
may havecarbon monoxide poisoning.
New te Start Your Pressure Washer
To start your pressure washer for the first time, follow these
instructions step-by-step. This starting information also
@pries if you haveletthe pressure washersit idle for at bast
a day.
1. Placepressure washer near anoutside water source
capableof supplying water at a flow rate greaterthan
3.5 gallons per minute and no lessthan 20 PSi at
pressure washer end of garden hose. DONOTsiphon
supply water.
2. Checkthat high pressure hoseis tightly connected to
spray gun and pump. SeeAssembly section.
3. Make sure unit is in a level position.
4. Connectgarden hoseto water inlet on pressure washer
NOTICE DO NOTrun the pump without the water supply
connectedand turned on.
. Damageto equipmentresultingfromfailuretofollowthis
5. Turn ONwater, point gun in asafedirection, press red
button andsqueezetrigger to purge pump system of air
and impurities.
6. Attach nozzleextension to spraygun. Tighten by hand.
Exhaust Port
Pointed away from
occupied spaces
Risk ef Fire Clearances
A WARNING Exhaustheat/gasescould ignite
combustibles, structuresor damagefueltank
causing afire, resultingin deathor seriousinjury.
* Keepat least5 fL (1.5 m) clearanceon all sidesof pressure
washer including overhead.
Choosespraytip you want to use, puff back on collar of
nozzleextension,insert spray tip and releasecollar. Tug
on spray tip to makesure it is securely in place.See
How to UseSpray Tips.
8. Push engine rockerswitch (A) to on position (Ier ON).

flOTICE Beforestarting the pressure washer, be sure you
are wearing safetygoggles as described below.
10. Return starter grip handle slowly. DO NOT let rope
"snap back" against starter.
A WARNENG Riskof eyeinjury'.
Spraycould splash back or propel objects
resulting in serious injury.
o Always wear indirect vented (chembaI spbsh) safety goggles
markedto comply with ANSI Z87.1 when using or in vicinity of
this equipment.
o NEVERsubstitute safety gbsses or dry-condition goggles for
indirect vented safety goggles.
flOTICE This unit is equipped with a ReadyStart® engine.A
ReadyStart® engine meansthere is no priming or choking
9. When starting engine, position yourself as
recommended below and grasp starter grip handle and
pull slowly until you fed some resistance. Then pull
rapidly to start engine.
A WARNING Starter cord kickback(rapid retraction) will
pull hand and arm toward engine fasterthan you
_< can let go which could causebroken bones,
fractures, bruises, or sprains resulting in serious
o NEVERpullstartercordwithoutfirstrelievingspraygun
o Whenstartingengine,pullcordslowlyuntilresistanceisfelt
o Aftereachstartingattempt,whereenginefailsto run,always
sprayguntriggerto releasehighpressure.
o Firmlygraspspraygunwith bothhandswhenusinghigh
pressuresprayto avoidinjurywhenspraygunkicksback.
A WARNING The high pressure stream of water that
and its underlying tissues, resulting in serious
this equipment produces could cut through skin
injury and possible amputation.
Spray gun traps high water pressure, even when engine is
stopped and water is disconnected, which could result in
serious injury.
o DONOTallow CHILDRENto operatepressurewasher.
o Keephigh pressure hose connectedto pumpand spray gun
while system is pressurized.
o NEVERaim spraygun at people,animals, or plants.
o DO NOTsecure spray gun in open position.
o DO NOTleavespray gun unattendedwhile machine is running.
o NEVERusea spray gun which does not have atrigger lock or
trigger guard in place and in working order.
o Always be certain spray gun, nozzlesandaccessoriesare
correctly attached.
_& WARNING Exhaust heat/gases could ignite
combustibles, structures or damage fuel
tank causing a fire, resulting in death or
serious injury.
Contact with muffler area could cause burns resulting in
serious injury.
o DO NOTtouch hot parts and AVOIDhot exhaust gases.
o Mow equipmentto cool before touching.
o Keepat least5 feet (1.5 m) of clearanceon all sidesof pressure
washer including overhead.
• it is aviolation of California PuNic Resource Code,Section
4442, to use or operate the engine on any forest-covered,
brush-covered, or grass-covered land unless the exhaust
system is equipped with a spark attester, as defined inSection
4442, maintained in effective working order. Other statesor
federaljurisdictions may have similar laws.
Contactthe original equipment manufacturer, retailer, or dealer
to obtain aspark attester designed for the exhaust system
installed on this engine.
o Replacement parts must bethe same and installed in the same
position as the original parts.

How to Stop Your Pressure Washer
1. Releasespray gun trigger and let engine idle for two
2. Push engine rocker switch to off position (0 or Off).
3. ALWAYSpoint gun in a safe direction, press red button
and squeezespray gun trigger to releaseretained high
water pressure.
,_kWARNING The high pressure stream of water that
this equipment produces could cut through skin
and its underlying tissues, resulting in serious
injury and possibleamputation.
Spraygun traps high water pressure,even when engine is
stopped and water is disconnected, which could result in
serious injury.
, Keephighpressurehoseconnectedto pumpandspraygun
* ALWAYSpointsprayguninsafedirection,pressredbutton
andsqueezesprayguntriggerto releasehighpressure,every
Howto UseSpray Tips
Thequick-connect on the nozzleextensionallows you to
switch betweenthree different quick connect spray tips.
Spraytips can bechangedwhile pressure washer is running
once spray guntrigger lock is engaged.The spray tips vary
the spray patternasshown.
Low Pressare
High Pressure
Hewto UseAccessory Tray
The unit is equipped with an accessorytray with placesto
store your spray gun, nozzleextension and spray tips. There
is also a hook atthe front of the accessorytray to hold your
high pressure hose.
NOTICE Theextra hob in thetray is for storing a utility brush.
Theextraclip in thetray isfor storinga turbo nozzle.The
brush andturbo nozzleare NOTincludedwith your pressure
washer.You can buythese itemsasoptional accessories.
1. Placenozzleextensionthrough hob on accessorytray,
as shown.
2. Placespray gun through hob on accessory tray on
right side of unit.
3. insert multi-colored spraytips in spaces providedin
4. Hang high pressure hoseon hook attachedto
accessorytray on front of tray, as shown.
Useto apply
Fellow these instructionsto change spray tips:
1. Pull back collar on quick-connect and pull current
spray tip off. Store spray tips in holderprovided on the
2. Select desiredspray tip:
DONOTtwist spraytipswhilespraying.
, Forgeneral rinsing, idealfor most all purpose
cleaningsuch as home siding, brick patios, wood
decks, driveways and sidewalks, garagefloors, etc.,
select green 25° spraytip.
, For maximum rinsing, for stubborn or hardto reach
surface such as second story surfaces, paint
removal,oil stains, rust removal or other stubborn
substances(tar, gum, grease,wax, etc.), select red
0° spray tip.
, To apply detergent,applies project specific cleaners
to helpbreak down stubborn dirt andgrime on a
variety of surfaces, select blackdetergent spraytip.
Pull back on collar, insert newspray tip and release
collar. Tug on spray tip to make sure it is securely in
The high pressurestream of water that
this equipment produces could cut through skin
and its underlying tissues, resulting in serious
injury and possibleamputation.
0° Red

° For most effective cleaning, keepspray tip from 8 to
24 inches (20 to 61 cm) awayfrom cleaningsurface.
, if you getspray tip too close, especiallyusing a high
pressure spray tip, you may damagesurface being
, DONOTget closer than 6 inches (15 cm) when
Cleaning and Applying Detergent
,_kWARNING Chemical Burn Hazard.
Chemicals could causeburns resultingin death
or serious injury.
* DONOTuse caustic liquid with pressurewasher.
* UseONLYpressurewasher safe detergents/soaps. Follow aiI
manufacturers instructions.
Toapply detergent, feiiew these steps:
1. Reviewuse of spraytips.
2. Preparedetergent solution as required byjob.
3. Placeend of detergent siphoning tube into detergent
NOTICE Make sure the end of tube is fully submerged in
detergent while applying detergent.
5. Make sure gardenhose is connectedto water inlet.
Checkthat high pressure hoseis connected to spray
gun and pump. Turn on water.
NOTICE You must attach all hoses before you start the
, Starting the engine without all the hoses connected and without
the water turned ONcould damagethe pump.
* Damageto equipmentresulting from failure to follow this
instruction will void warranty.
6. Start enginefollowing instructions How to Start Your
Pressure Washer.
7. Apply detergentto a dr}' surface, starting at lower
portion of areato be washedand work upward, using
long, even,overlapping strokes.
8. Allow detergent to "soak in" for 3-5 minutes before
washing and rinsing. Reapplyas neededto prevent
surfacefrom drying. DONOTallow detergentto dr}' on
(prevents streaking).
NOTICE You must flush the detergent siphoning system
after eachuse by placingthe tube into a bucket of clean
water, then run the pressure washer in low pressure for 1-2
Pressure Washer Rinsing
NOTICE Contact with the hot muffler could damage
detergent siphoning tube.
, When insertingthe siphon nto a detergent solution bottle, route
the tube so as to keep it from inadvertentlycontacting the hot
4. Make sure black detergent spray tip is installed.
NOTICE Detergent cannot be applied with the high pressure
spray tips (White, Yellow or Red.
For Rinsing:
1. Removeblack detergent spray tip from nozzle
2. Select and install desired high pressure spray tip
following instructions How to UseSpray Tips.
3. Keepspray gun a safedistance from areayou plan to
A WARNING Kickbackfrom spray gun could causeyou
to fall resulting in deathor serious injury.
° Operate pressurewasher from a stablesurface.
° Be extremely careful if you must use the pressurewasher from
a ladder,scaffolding, or anyother similar location.
* Firmly grasp spray gun with both handswhen using high
pressure sprayto avoid injury when spraygun kicks bacL
4. Applya high pressuresprayto asmall areaandthen
checksurfacefor damage,if no damageis found, you
canassumeit is okayto continue rinsing.
5. Start attop of areato be rinsed,workingdown with same
overlappingstrokes asyou used for cleaning.

Cteaning Detergent Siphoning Tube
if you used the detergentsiphoning tube, you must flush it
with cleanwater before stopping the engine.
1. Placedetergent siphoning tube ina bucketfurl of clean
2. Removehigh pressure spray tip from nozzleextension.
3. Select and install blackdetergentspray tip following
instructions How to UseSpray Tips.
4. Flush for 1-2 minutes.
5. Shut off engine following instructions How to Stop
Pressure Was,_erandturn off water supply.
6. ALWAYSpoint gun in a safe direction, press red button
and squeezespray gun trigger to releaseretained high
water pressure.
_l_WARNING The high pressure stream of waterthat
and its underlying tissues, resulting in serious
this equipment produces could cut through skin
injury and possibleamputation.
Spray gun traps high water pressure, evenwhen engine is
stopped and water is disconnected, which could result in
serious injury.
o Keephighpressurehoseconnectedto pumpandspraygun
o ALWAYSpointsprayguninsafedirection,pressredbutton
andsqueezesprayguntriggerto releasehighpressure,every
Autematic Cool Dewn System (Thermal Relief)
if you run the engineon your pressure washer for
3-5 minutes without pressingthe trigger on the spraygun,
circulating water in the pump can reachtemperatures above
125°F.The system engagesto cool the pump by discharging
the warm water ente the greundo

Maintenance Schedule
Follow the hourly or calendarintervals, whichever occurs
first. More frequent serviceis required when operating in
adverseconditions noted below.
o Changeengineoil
o Check/clean water inlet screen1
o Checkhigh pressurehose
o Checkdetergentsiphoning tube
o Checkspray gun and assembly for leaks
o Cleandebris
o Checkengineoil level
o Cleanengineair cleaner_
o Changeengineoil_
o inspect muffler andspark arrestor
o Replaceengine air cleaner_
NOTICE Once ayear you should cleanor replacethe spark
plug, clean or replacethe air filter. A new spark plug and
cleanair filter assure proper fueloairmixture and helpyour
engine run better and last longer.
Pump Oil
DONOTattempt any oil maintenanceonthis pump. The
pump is pro-lubricated and sealedfrom the factory, requiring
no additional maintenancefor the life of the pump.
Emissions Control
_aintenance, replacement, or repair of the emissions
control devices and systems may be performed by any
non-road engine repair estabiisbment or individual.
However,to obtain "no charge" emissions control service,
the work must be performed by a factory authorized dealer.
Seethe Emissions lYarranty.
Before EachUse
1. Checkengineoil level.
2. Cleandebris.
3. Check
4. Check
5. Check
6. Check
7. Rinse
water inlet screen for damage.
high pressure hosefor leaks.
detergentsiphoning tube for damage.
spray gun and nozzleextension assemblyfor
out gardenhose to flush out debris.
o Replacespark plug
o Cleancooling system_
Clean if clogged. Replace if perforated or torn.
Service more often under dirty or dusty €ond!tions.
General Recommendations
Regular maintenancewill improve the performance and
extendthe life of the pressurewasher. See anyqualified
dealerfor service.
The pressurewasher's warranty does not cover items that
havebeen subjected to operator abuse or negligence.To
receivefull value from the warranty, the operator must
maintain the pressurewasher as instructed in this manual,
including proper storage as detailedin Winter Storage and
Long TermStorage.
NOTICE Should you havequestions about replacing
components on your pressure washer, pleasecall
(888) 743-4115 for assistance.
Someadjustments will needto bemade periodically to
properly maintainyour pressure washer.
All serviceand adjustments should be made at bast once
eachseason.Follow the requirementsin the Maintenance
Schedulechart above.
PressureWasher Maintenance
Clean Debris
Dailyor before use,cleanaccumulated debris from cleaning
system. Keeplinkage, spring and controls clean.Keeparea
around and behind muffler free from any combustible debris.
inspect cooling air slots and openings on the pressure
washer.These openings must be kept cleanand
Pressurewasherparts should be kept cleanto reducethe
risk of overheatingand ignition of accumulated debris.
o Use a damp cloth to wipe exteriorsurfaces clean.
NOTICE improper treatment of pressure washer could
damageit and shorten its life.
o DONOTinsertanyobjectsthroughcoolingslots.
o Use a soft bristle brush to loosen cakedon dirt, oil, etc.
o Use a vacuum cleanerto pick up loose dirt and debris.
Checkand Clean Inlet Screen
Examinethe screen on the pump's water inlet. Cleanit ifthe
screen is clogged or replaceit if screen is damaged,