Craftsman 580752500 Owner’s Manual

2500 PSi iViAX
2.3 GPiViMAX
iViodelNo. 580.752500
,, Safety
HOURS: IVlon.- Fri. Ba.m. to 5 p.m. (CT)
,, Assembly ,, Operation
Beforeusing this product, readthis
and Operatinginstructions.
This pressure washer is rated in accordance to the Pressure Washer Manufacturers Association (PWMA) standard PWl01 (Testing and Rating Performance of Pressure Washers).
Esta limpiadora a presiOnest_ clasificada conforme a la norrna PWl01 (comprobaciOn y clasificaciOn de rendimiento de limpiadoras a presiOn) de la AsociaciOn defabricantes de bombas a presiOn (Pressure Washer Manufacturers Association, PWMA).
Sears, Roebuckand Co., HoffrnanEstates,IL 60179 U.S.A.
Visit our Craftsman website:
Part No. 311098GS Draft - (10/07/2009)
Antes de utilizar el producto, leaeste
manualy siga todas las Reglasde
Seguridad e Instrucciones de Uso.
,,iVlaintenance ,, Parts
,, Espafiol,p. 28
WARRANTY .......................................... 2
REPAIRPROTECTIONAGREEMENT........................ 2
SAFETYRULES...................................... 3-5
FEATURESAND CONTROLS.............................. 6
ASSEMBLY......................................... 7-9
OPERATION....................................... 10-13
SPECIFICATIONS..................................... 14
MAINTENANCE.................................... 15-18
STORAGE........................................... 19
TROUBLESHOOTING.................................. 20
REPLACEMENTPARTS.............................. 21-25
EMISSIONCONTROLWARRANTY..................... 26-27
ESPANOL......................................... 28-51
HOWTO ORDERPARTS........................ BACKPAGE
If this Craftsmanproduct fails due to a defect in material or workmanship within two years from the date of purchase, return it to anySearsstore, Sears Parts & RepairService Center,or other Craftsmanoutlet inthe United Statesfor free repair (or replacementif repair proves impossible).
This warranty appliesfor only 90 days from the dateof purchase if this product is ever usedfor commercial or rental purposes.
Thiswarranty coversOHLYdefects in material andworkmanship.Searswill HOTpayfor: * Expendableitems that can wear out from normal usewithin the warranty period, such as spray guns, hoses, nozzle
extensions, nozzles,filters and spark plugs.
, Repairsnecessarybecauseof accident, or failure to operateor maintainthe product according to all supplied instructions. , Preventivemaintenance,or repairs necessarydue to improper fuel mixture, contaminated or stalefuel.
This warranty givesyou specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.
Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179
Congratulations on making a smart purchase.
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© 2010
Readthis manual carefully and becomefamiliar
with yourpressurewasher. Knowits applications,
itslimitations, and any hazardsinvolved.
important Safety I.formation Safety Symbolsand Meanings
_i, WARNING Theengine exhaustfrom this product contains chemicals known to the Stateof California to
cause cancer,birth defects, or other reproductive harm.
_i, WARNING This product contains lead and lead compounds, known to the State of Californiato cause birth defects or other reproductive harm. Washyour
handsafter handling this product.
ToxicFumes Kickback
SlipperySurface Fall
Explosion Operator'sManual
,A The safety alert symbol indicatesa potential personal
injury hazard.A signalword (DANGER,WARNING,or CAUTION)is usedwith thealert symbol to designatea degree or level of hazardseriousness. A safety symbol may be used to representthe type of hazard.The signal word NOTICEis usedto addresspractices not relatedto personalinjury.
_i, DANGERindicatesa hazardwhich, if not avoided, will
result in deathor serious injury.
_i, WARNINGindicates a hazardwhich, if not avoided, could
result in deathor serious injury.
_i, CAUTIONindicates a hazardwhich, if not avoided, could
result in minor or moderate injury.
NOTICEaddresspractices not related to personal injury.
Flying Objects Hot Surface
_i, WARNING Runningengine gives off carbon
monoxide, an odorless, colorless, poison gas.
_ Breathingcarbon monoxide headache,
fatigue, dizziness,vomiting, confusion, seizures,
nausea,fainting or death. Some chemicals or detergentsmay be harmful if inhaled
or ingested, causing severenausea,fainting, or poisoning.
Keepexhaustgasfromenteringa confinedareathrough
windows,doors,ventilationintakes,or otheropenings.
DONOTstartorrun engineindoorsorin anenclosedarea, evenifwindowsanddoorsareopen.
Usearespiratoror maskwheneverthereisa chancethat vaporsmaybeinhaled.
Readall instructionswith masksoyouarecertainthemaskwill providethenecessaryprotectionagainstinhalingharmful
_i, WARNING ChemicalBurn Hazard.
.... Chemicalscould cause bodily injury, property
_: damage or death.
DONOTusecausticliquidwith pressurewasher.
can cause
A. WARNING Starter cord kickback(rapid retraction) can
result in bodily injury. Kickbackwill pull hand and
,_arm toward enginefaster than you can let go.
Broken bones,fractures, bruises, or sprains
could result.
NEVERpullstarter cord without first relieving spray gun pressure.
When starting engine, pull cord slowly until resistance isfelt andthen pull rapidly to avoid kickback.
After each starting attempt, where enginefails to run, always point spray gun in safe direction, press red button and squeeze spray guntrigger to releasehigh pressure.
Firmly grasp spray gun with both hands when using high pressure sprayto avoid injury when spray gun kicks back.
A. WARNING Riskof electrocution.
"_.dh Contactwith power source can causeelectric
shock or burn.
A. WARNING The high pressure stream of water that
and its underlying tissues, leading to serious
this equipment produces can cut through skin
injury and possible amputation. Spray gun traps high water pressure, even when engine is stopped and water is disconnected, which can cause injury.
DONOTallow CHILDRENto operate pressure washer.
NEVERrepairhigh pressure hose. Replaceit.
NEVERrepairleaking connections with sealant of any kind. Replaceo-ring or seal.
NEVERconnect high pressure hoseto nozzleextension.
Keephigh pressure hose connectedto pump and spraygun while system is pressurized.
ALWAYS point spray gun in safedirection, pressred button andsqueezespray gun trigger to releasehigh pressure, every
time you stop engine.
NEVERaim spray gun at people,animals, or plants.
DO NOTsecure spraygun in open position.
DO NOTleavespray gun unattendedwhile machine is running.
NEVERuseaspray gun which does not have a trigger lock or
trigger guard in placeand in working order.
Always be certain spray gun, nozzlesand accessoriesare correctly attached.
A. WARNING Fuel and its vapors are extremely
flammable and explosive.
Fire or explosion can cause severe burns or death.
WHENADDING OR DRAININGFUEL * Turn pressurewasher OFFand let it cool at least2 minutes
before removing fuel cap. Loosen capslowly to relievepressure in tank.
. Fill or drain fuel tank outdoors. . DONOToverfill tank. Allow spacefor fuel expansion.
. Iffuel spills, wait until it evaporates beforestarting engine. . Keepfuel away from sparks, open flames, pilot lights, heat,and
other ignition sources. . DONOTlight a cigaretteor smoke. WHENSTARTINGEQUIPMENT
* Ensurespark plug, muffler,fuel cap,and air cleanerarein place. * DO NOTcrank enginewith spark plug removed.
WHENOPERATINGEQUIPMENT * DONOTtip engine or equipmentat angle which causes fuel to
spill. * DONOTsprayflammable liquids. WHENTRANSPORTING,MOVINGOR REPAIRINGEQUIPMENT . Transport/move/repair with fuel tank EMPTYor with fuel shutoff
valveOFF. . DONOTtip engine or equipment at angle which causes fuel to
. Disconnectspark plug wire. WHENSTORINGFUELOR EQUIPMENTWITH FUELIN TANK * Store awayfrom furnaces, stoves, water heaters,clothes
dryers, or other appliancesthat have pilot light or other ignition
source becausethey can ignitefuel vapors.
A. WARNING Contact with muffler area can result in
serious burns.
,_ _ Exhaust heat/gases can ignite
fuel tank causing a fire.
DO NOTtouch hot parts and AVOIDhot exhaust gases.
Allow equipment to cool beforetouching.
Keepat least5 feet (152 cm) of clearanceon all sides of
pressure washer including overhead.
It is aviolation of California Public Resource Code,Section
4442, to use or operate the engine on any forest-covered,
brush-covered, or grass-covered land unless the exhaust
system is equipped with a spark arrester, as defined in Section
4442, maintained in effective working order. Other states or
federaljurisdictions may have similar laws.
Contactthe original equipment manufacturer, retailer, or dealer
to obtain aspark arrester designed for the exhaust system
installed on this engine.
Replacement parts must bethe sameand installed in the same
position as the original parts.
combustibles, structures or damage
_i, WARNING Use of pressure washer can create
_' Kickback from spray gun can cause you
Operatepressurewasher from a stable surface.
Thecleaning areashould have adequateslopes and drainageto reducethe possibility of a fall dueto slippery surfaces.
Beextremely careful if you must usethe pressurewasherfrom a ladder,scaffolding, or any other similar location.
Firmly grasp spray gun with both hands when using high pressure sprayto avoid injury when spray gun kicks back.
A, WARNING Unintentional sparking can result in fire or
Disconnect the spark plug wire from the spark plug and place
the wire where it cannot contact spark plug.
Use approved spark plug tester.
DONOTcheckfor spark with spark plug removed.
puddles and slippery surfaces. to fall.
electric shock.
A, WARNING Starter and other rotating partscan
entanglehands, hair, clothing, or accessories.
. NEVERoperatepressurewasherwithoutprotectivehousingor
. DONOTwearlooseclothing,jewelryor anythingthat maybe
caughtin thestarteror otherrotatingparts.
* Tieuplonghairandremovejewelry.
A, WARNING Riskof eyeinjury.
Spray cansplash back or propel objects.
Always wear indirect vented (chemical splash) safety goggles markedto comply with ANSI Z87.1 when using or in vicinity of this equipment.
NEVERsubstitute safety glasses or dry-condition goggles for indirect vented safety goggles.
NOTICE High pressure spray may damage fragile items including glass.
DONOTpointspraygunat glasswhenusingred(0°)spraytip. = NEVERaimspraygunatplants.
NOTICE Improper treatment of pressure washer can damage it and shorten its life.
If you have questions about intended use,ask dealer or contact Sears.
NEVERoperate units with broken or missing parts,or without protective housing or covers.
DO NOT by-pass any safety device on this machine.
DONOTtamper with governed speed.
DONOToperate pressure washer above rated pressure.
DONOTmodify pressure washer in any way.
Before starting pressure washer in cold weather, check all parts of the equipment to besure ice has not formed there.
NEVERmove machine by pulling on hoses. Use handle provided on unit.
Checkfuel system for leaks or signs of deterioration, such as chafed or spongy hose,loose or missing clamps, or damaged tank or cap. Correct all defects before operating pressure washer.
This equipment is designedto be used with Searsauthorized parts ONLY.If equipment is used with parts that DONOTcomply with
minimum specifications, user assumesall risksand liabilities.
Readthe Operator's Manual and safetyrules before operating your pressure washer.
Comparethe illustrations with your pressurewasherto familiarize yourself with the locations of various controls and
adjustments. Savethis manualfor future reference.
A - Spray Gun-- Controlsthe application of water onto
cleaningsurface with trigger device, includes trigger lock.
B- Accessory Tray -- Provides convenientstorage for
accessories, such as gun, spray tips, etc.
C- Spray Tip Extension with QuickConnect -- Allows you
to switch betweenfour different spray tips.
D - Recoil Starter -- Usedfor starting the engine manually. E - FuelTank -- Fill tank with regular unleadedfuel. Always
leaveroom for fuel expansion.
F- Warning/OperatingInstructions Tag -- identifies hazards
and proper procedureto start/stop pressurewasher.
G - Throttle Lever-- Sets engine in starting mode for recoil
starter and stops a running engine.
H - Air Filter-- Protects engine by filtering dust and debris
out of intake air.
J - Water Inlet -- Connectionfor garden hose. I( - Pump-- Developshigh pressure.
L=AutomaticCool DownSystem-- Cycleswater through
pump when water reaches125°-155°F.Warm water wiii dischargefrom pump onto ground. This system prevents internal pump damage.
IVl- DetergentSiphoning Tube/Filter-- Useto siphon pressure
washersafedetergentsinto thelow pressurestream.
N- EngineIdentification -- Provides model, type and code
of engine. Pleasehavethese readilyavailable if calling for
assistance. P - Oil Fill/Dipstick -- Check,add and drain engine oil here. R- HighPressure Hose-- Connectone end of hoseto
water pump and the other end to spray gun. S - Spray Tips-- Detergent,0°, 15° and 40°: for various
high pressure cleaningapplications. items Not Shown:
HighPressure Outlet-- Connectionfor high pressurehose. Identification Label (near rear of base plate) -- Provides
model and serial number of pressurewasher. Pleasehave
these readily availableif calling for assistance.
Your pressure washer requires some assembly and is ready for useonly after it has been properly servicedwith the
recommendedoil andfuel. If you haveany problemswith theassemblyof your
pressurewasher, pleasecall the pressurewasher helpline at 1=800-222-3136.
1. Removeeverything from carton except pressurewasher.
2. Opencarton completely by cutting eachcorner from top to bottom.
3. Removepressure washer from carton.
Attach Handle and Accessory Tray
1. Placehandle(A) onto handle supports (B) connectedto main unit. Make sure holes in handlealign with holes on handlesupports.
-\ J
Checkall contents. If anyparts are missing or damaged,call the pressure washer helplineat 1-800-222-3136.
* Main Unit * Handle
* AccessoryTray * High PressureHose * Spray Gun * SprayTip Extensionwith Quick ConnectFitting
* Oil Bottle * Parts Bag(which includes the following):
* Operator's Manual * Owner's Registration Card * Bag containing 4 multi-colored Spray Tips * HandleFasteningHardwareKit (whichincludes):
* Carriage Bolts (2) * Plastic Knobs (2)
* Tree Clips (4)
Becomefamiliar with eachpiece beforeassemblingthe pressure washer, identify all contents with the illustration on page 6. if any parts are missing or damaged, call the pressure washer helpline at 1-800-222-3136.
NOTICE It may be necessaryto move the handlesupports
from side to side in order to align the handleso it will slide
overthe handlesupports.
2. insert carriage bolts (C) through holesfrom inside of unit and attach a plastic knob (D) from outside of unit.
Tighten by hand.
3. Placeaccessory tray (E) over holes (F) on handle (viewing from front of unit). Push the tree clips (G)into
the holes until they sit fiat against the accessory tray.
Your Craftsman pressure washer will needassemblybefore operation:
1. Fill out and sendin registration card.
2. Attach handle and accessory tray.
3. Add oil to engine crankcase.
4. Add fuel to fuel tank.
5. Connectpressure hose to spray gun and pump.
6. Connectwater supply to pump.
7. Attach spray tip extensionto spray gun.
8. Select/attach quick connect spray tip to spray tip extension.
4. insert multi-colored Quick Connect spray tips andother supplied accessoriesin spacesprovided in accessory
tray. SeeHow to UseAccessory Tray.
1. Placepressure washer on a flat, levelsurface.
2. Cleanarea around oil fill andremove yellow oil fill cap/dipstick.
3. Using oil funnel (optional), slowly pour contents of provided oil bottle into oil fill opening.
NOTICE Improper treatment of pressure washer can damage it and shorten its life.
DO NOTattempt to crank or start the engine beforeit has been
properly servicedwith the recommended oil. This may result in an enginefailure.
Cleanareaaround fuel fill cap, removecap.
Slowly add regular unleadedfuel (A) to fuel tank (B). Be careful not to overfill. Allow about 1.5" (4 cm) (O)of tank spacefor fuel expansion.
/f __/_ _/__/f_ _/f-_ Jf _/F ¸__ _/f __._/F_/F_/f_ _/f _
3. Install fuel cap and wait for any spilledfuel to evaporate.
4. Replaceoil fill cap/dipstick and fully tighten.
Add Fuel
Fuel mustmeet theserequirements: * Clean,fresh, unleaded gasoline. * A minimum of 87 octane/87 AKI (91 RON).Forhigh
altitude use, seeHigh Altitude.
* Gasolinewith upto 10% ethanol (gasohol) or up to 15%
MTBE (methyl tertiary butyl ether) is acceptable.
NOTICE Avoid pressure washer damage. Failureto follow Operator's Manualfor fuel recommendations voids warranty.
DONOTmixoil in gasoline.
DONOTmodifyengineto runonalternatefuels.
To protect the fuel system from gum formation, mix in a fuel stabilizerwhen adding fuel. SeeStorage.All fuel is not the same. If you experiencestarting or performanceproblems after using fuel, switch to a different fuel provider or change brands. This engine is certified to operateon gasoline. The emission control system for this engine is EM (Engine Modifications).
A. WARNING Fueland its vapors are extremely
flammable and explosive.
Fireor explosion can causesevere burns
or death.
Turn pressure washer OFFand let it cool at least2 minutes before removing fuel cap. Loosen capslowly to relieve pressure
in tank.
Fill fuel tank outdoors.
DONOToverfill tank. Allow spacefor fuel expansion.
If fuel spills, wait until it evaporatesbefore starting engine.
Keepfuel away from sparks, open flames, pilot lights, heat,and other ignition sources.
DONOTlight a cigarette or smoke.
(IAIITIOII! Alcohol-blendedfuels (called gasohol, ethanol or
methanol) canattract moisture, which leadsto separation and formation of acids during storage.Acidic gas candamagethe fuel system of an enginewhile in storage.
To avoid engine problems, the fuel system should be treated with a fuel preserveror emptied beforestorage of 30 days or
longer. If adding a fuel preserver,fill the fuel tank with fresh fuel. If only partially filled, air in the tank will promote fuel
deterioration during storage. If fuel preserver is not used,
drain the fuel tank, start the engine and let it run until the fuel
lines and carburetor are empty. Usefresh fuel next season.
SeeStoragefor additional information.
NEVERuse engine or carburetor cleaner products in the fuel tank as permanent damagemay occur.
HighAltitude At altitudes over 5,000 feet (1524 meters), a minimum
85 octane / 85 AKI (89 RON)gasoline is acceptable.To
remainemissions compliant, high altitude adjustment is
required. Operationwithout this adjustment win cause
decreasedperformance, increasedfuel consumption, and
increasedemissions. Seea qualified Searsdealerfor high
altitude adjustment information. Operationof the engine at
altitudes below 2,500 feet (762 meters) with the high altitude
kit is not recommended.
FreshStart@ Fuel Cap
The FreshStart® fuel cap (D) is designedto hold a
cartridge (E) which contains fuel preserver.Adding fuel
preserver helps keepfuel fresh and carburetors clean for
easierstarting all season long. TheFresh Start® fuel cap, if
equippedwith a cartridge, automatically drips concentrated fuel preserver into your fuel tank so you don't haveto add it yourself.
NOTICE FreshStart® fuel preserver cartridge isavailableas an optional accessory, retail item7133386. It is not included with the pressurewasher. Contact the original equipment manufacturer, retailer,or dealerto obtain a cartridge designedfor the FreshStart® fuel cap installed on this engine.
Readand follow all instructions andwarnings given in the FreshStart® fuel preservercartridge package.
Connect Hose and Water Supply to Pump
NOTICE DONOTrun the pump without the water supply connectedand turned on.
Damagetoequipmentresultingfrom failuretofollowthis instructionwill voidwarranty.
4. Runwater through garden hosefor 30 seconds to flush itof debris. Turn off water.
NOTICE DONOTsiphon standing water for the water supply. Use ONLYcold water (less than 100°F).
5. Connectgarden hose(not to exceed50 feet in length) to water inlet.Tighten by hand.
NOTICE Removeand discard the shipping caps from the pump's high pressure outlet and water inlet before attaching
1. Uncoil high pressure hose and attachone end of hoseto baseof spray gun. Tighten by hand.
_, WARNING The high pressure stream of water that
and its underlying tissues, leading to serious
this equipment produces can cut through skin
injury and possible amputation.
NEVERconnect high pressure hoseto nozzleextension.
Keephigh pressure hose connectedto pump and spraygun
while system is pressurized.
Always becertain spray gun, nozzlesand accessoriesare correctly attached.
2. Attach other end of high pressure hoseto high pressure outlet on pump. Tighten by hand.
NOTICE Using a OneWay Valve (vacuumbreakeror check
valve) at pump inlet can cause pump or inlet connector
ThereMUSTbeat leasttenfeetof unrestrictedgardenhose betweenthepressurewasherinletandanydevice,suchasa
vacuumbreakeror checkvalve.
Damageto equipment resulting from failure to follow this instruction will void warranty.
A. WARNING Riskof eyeinjury.
Spray cansplash back or propel objects.
Always wear indirect vented (chemical splash) safety goggles markedto comply with ANSI Z87.1 when using or in vicinity of this equipment.
NEVERsubstitute safety glasses or dry-condition goggles for indirect vented safety goggles.
6. Turn ONthe water, press red button (B) on the gun and squeezethe trigger to purge the pump system of air and impurities.
Beforeconnecting garden hose to water inlet, inspect inlet screen (A). Cleanscreen if it contains debris or have it replacedif damaged.DO NOTrunpressurewasher if inlet screenisdamaged or missing.
Checklist Before Starting Engine
Reviewthe unit to ensureyou haveperformed all of the
1. Besure to read SafetyRules and Operationsections before using the pressure washer.
2. Makesure handleis in placeand secure.
3. Checkthat oil has beenadded to proper levelin engine crankcase.
4. Add proper fuel to fuel tank.
5. Checkfor proper hoseconnections (high pressureand water supply) and that there are no kinks, cuts, or damageto the high pressure hose.
6. Provide proper water supply (not to exceed100%).
If you haveanyproblems operating your pressure washer, pleasecall the pressure washer helpline at 1-800-222-3136.
A. WARNING Exhaustheat/gases can ignite
combustibles, structures or damagefuel tank causing a fire.
* Keepat least 5 ft. (152 cm) clearanceon all sides of pressure
washer including overhead.
Placepressure washer outdoors in an area that will not accumulate deadlyexhaustgas. DO NOTplacepressure washer where exhaustgas (A) could accumulate and enter inside or be drawn into a potentially occupied building. Ensureexhaust gas is kept awayfrom any windows, doors, ventilation intakes, or other openings that can allow exhaust gasto collect in aconfined area. Prevailing winds and air currents should be taken into considerationwhen positioning
A. WARNING Running enginegives off carbon
monoxide,an odorless, colorless, poisonous gas.
_ Breathing cancause headache,
fatigue, dizziness,vomiting, confusion, seizures,
nausea,fainting or death.
Keepexhaustgasfromenteringa confinedareathrough
windows,doors,ventilationintakes,or otheropenings.
DONOTstartorrunengineindoorsor in anenclosedarea, evenifwindowsanddoorsareopen.
carbon monoxide
To StartYourPressureWasher
To start your engine-powered pressurewasher for the first time, follow these instructions step-by-step. This information
alsoapplies wheneveryou start the engine after you havelet
the pressure washer sit idle for at leasta day.
1. Placepressurewasher outside nearan water source capableof supplying water at a flow rate greaterthan
3.2 gallons per minute and no less than 20 PSi at pressurewasher end of garden hose.
2. Checkthat high pressure hose is tightly connected to spray gun and pump. SeeAssembly for illustrations.
3. Makesure unit is in a levelposition.
4. Connectgarden hoseto water inlet on pressurewasher pump.
NOTICE DONOTrun the pump without the water supply connectedand turned on.
Damageto equipmentresultingfromfailuretofollowthis
instructionwill voidwarranty.
Turn ONthe water, press red button on the gun and
squeezethe trigger to purge the pump system of air and impurities.
Attach spray tip extension to spray gun. Tighten by
Choosespray tip you want to use and insert it into spray
tip extension. See How to Use Spray Tips.
Move throttle lever (8) to "Fast" position, shown as a rabbit.
NOTICE Beforestarting the pressure washer, be sureyou are wearing safety goggles asdescribed below.
_i, WARNING Riskof eye injury.
Spraycan splash backor propelobjects.
Always wear indirect vented (chemical splash) safetygoggles markedto comply with ANSI Z87.1 when using or in vicinity of
this equipment.
NEVERsubstitute safety glasses or dry-condition goggles for indirect vented safety goggles.
NOTICE This unit is equipped with a ReadyStart® engine.A ReadyStart® engine means there is no priming or choking required.
10. When starting engine, position yourself as recommendedand grasp starter grip handle and pull slowly until you feel some resistance. Then pull rapidly to start engine.
_i, WARNING The high pressure stream of water that
this equipment produces can cut through skin and its underlying tissues, leading to serious
injury and possible amputation. Spray gun traps high water pressure, even when engine is stopped and water is disconnected, which can cause injury.
DONOTallow CHILDRENto operatepressure washer.
Keephigh pressure hose connectedto pump and spraygun while system is pressurized.
NEVERaim spray gun at people,animals, or plants.
DO NOTsecure spray gun in open position.
DO NOTleavespray gun unattendedwhile machine is running.
NEVERuse a spray gun which does not have atrigger lock or trigger guard in place and in working order.
Always be certain spray gun, nozzlesand accessoriesare correctly attached.
_i, WARNING Contact with muffler area can result in
serious burns.
_ heat/gases can ignite
fuel tank causing a fire.
DO NOTtouch hot parts and AVOIDhot exhaust gases.
Allow equipment to cool beforetouching.
Keepat least5 feet (152 cm) of clearanceon all sides of pressure washer including overhead.
It isa violation of California PuNic ResourceCode, Section 4442, to use or operate the engine on any forest-covered, brush-covered, or grass-covered land unlessthe exhaust system is equippedwith a spark arrester,as defined in Section 4442, maintained in effective working order. Otherstates or federaljurisdictions may havesimilar laws.
Contactthe original equipment manufacturer, retailer, or dealer to obtain a spark arrester designed for the exhaustsystem installed onthis engine.
Replacementparts must be the same and installed in the same position asthe original parts.
Exhaust combustibles, structures or damage
_i, WARNING Starter cord kickback (rapid retraction) can
result in bodily injury. Kickback will pull hand and
I1_ arm toward engine faster than you can let go.
Broken bones, fractures, bruises, or sprains
could result.
NEVERpullstarter cord without first relieving spray gun pressure.
When starting engine, pull cord slowly until resistance isfelt andthen pull rapidly to avoid kickback.
After each starting attempt, where enginefails to run, always point spray gun in safe direction, press red button and squeeze spray guntrigger to releasehigh pressure.
Firmly grasp spray gun with both hands when using high pressure sprayto avoid injury when spray gun kicks back.
1. Return recoil starter slowly. DONOT let rope "snap back" against starter.
NOTICE Always keepthe throttle leverin the "Fast" position when operating the pressure washer.
Howto Stop Your Pressure Washer
1. Release spray gun trigger and let engine idle for two minutes.
Movethrottle to SLOWposition, then STOPposition.
ALWAYSpoint spray gun in a safe direction, push red
button and squeezespray gun trigger to release retained high water pressure.
_i, WARNING The high pressure stream of water that
and its underlying tissues, leading to serious
this equipment produces can cut through skin
injury and possible amputation.
Spray gun traps high water pressure,even when engine is stopped and water is disconnected, which can cause
Keephighpressurehoseconnectedto pumpandspraygun whilesystemispressurized.
ALWAYSpointspraygunin safedirection,pressredbutton andsqueezesprayguntriggerto releasehighpressure,every timeyoustopengine.
NOTICE Spraygun traps high water pressure,evenwhen engine is stopped and water is disconnected.
2. Select desired spray tip:
How to Use Accessory Tray
The unit is equipped with an accessorytray with places to store your spray gun, spray tip extension and quick connect spray tips. Thereis also a hook at the front of the accessory tray to hold your high pressure hose.
NOTICE Theextra hole in the tray is for storing a utility brush. The extra clip in the tray is for storing a turbo spray tip. The brush and turbo nozzleare NOTincluded with your pressure washer. You can buy these items as optional
1. Placespraytip extensionthrough holeon accessory tray, as shown.
2. Placespraygun through hole on accessorytray on right side of unit.
3. insert multi-colored spray tips in spaces provided in accessorytray.
4. Hanghigh pressure hoseon hook attached to accessory tray on front of tray asshown.
How to Use Spray Tips
The quick-connect on the spray tip extension allows you to switch betweenfour different quick connect spray tips. The spray tips vary the spray pattern as shown below.
Foflowtheseinstructions to changespraytips:
1. Pull back collar on quick-connect andpull current spray
tip off. Storespray tips in holder provided on the accessorytray.
_i, WARNING The high pressure stream of water that
Low Pressure
Use to apply
High Pressure
m i
40° White
1750 PSi
2.3 GPM
* Fordelicate rinse (lower pressure and higher flow),
for gentle cleaning of cars/trucks, boats, RV's, patio furniture, lawn equipment, etc., select white 40° spray tip.
Forgeneral rinsing (medium pressure and medium
flow), idealfor most all purpose cleaning such as
home siding, brick patios, wood decks, driveways
and sidewalks, garagefloors, etc.,selectyellow
15° spray tip.
Formaximum rinsing (higher pressure and lower flow), for stubborn or hard to reach surface such as second story surfaces, paint removal, oil stains, rust
removal or other stubborn substances (tar, gum, grease, wax, etc.), select red 0° spray tip.
To apply detergent, appliesproject specific cleaners to help breakdown stubborn dirt and grime on a variety of surfaces, select black detergent spray tip.
Pullbackon collar, insert newspraytip andreleasecollar.
Tugon spraytip to makesure it is securelyin place.
UsageTips * Formost effective cleaning, keep spray tip from 8 to
24 inches (20 to 61 cm) away from cleaning surface.
* If you getspray tip too close, especiallyusinga high
pressurespray tip, you maydamagesurface beingcleaned.
* DONOTget closer than 6 inches (15 cm) when cleaning
15° Yellow 0° Red
2200 PSi 2500 PSi
2.2 GPM 2.0 GPM
and its underlying tissues, leadingto serious
this equipment produces cancut through skin
injury and possible amputation.
NEVERexchangespraytipswithoutthetriggerlockedonthe spraygun.
DONOTtwist spraytips whilespraying.
A WARNING Chemical Burn Hazard.
--- Chemicalscould cause bodily injury, property
_ damage or death.
Toapply detergent, follow thesesteps:
1. Reviewuse of spray tips.
2. Preparedetergent solution as required by job.
3. Placesmall filter end of detergent siphoning tube into detergent container.
NOTICE Contact with the hot muffler can damage detergent siphoning tube.
When inserting the siphon into a detergent solution bottle, route
the tube so as to keepit from inadvertently contacting the hot muffler.
NOTICE Make surethe filter is fully submergedin detergent while applying detergent.
4. Make sure black spray tip is installed.
NOTICE Detergentcannot be applied with the high pressure spray tips (White, Yellow or Red).
5. Make sure garden hose is connectedto water inlet. Checkthat high pressure hoseis connected to spray gun and pump. Turn on water.
NOTICE You must attach all hoses before you start the engine.
Starting the engine without all the hoses connected and without
the water turned ONwill damagethe pump.
Damageto equipment resulting from failure to follow this
instruction will void warranty.
Start enginefollowing instructions How to Start Your Pressure Washer.
Apply detergent to a dry surface, starting at lower portion of areato be washedand work upward, using long, even,overlapping strokes.
8. Allow detergent to "soakin" for 3-5 minutes before washing and rinsing. Reapplyas neededto prevent surfacefrom drying. DO NOTallow detergentto dry on (prevents streaking).
iMPORTANT:You must flush the detergent siphoning system after each use by placing the filter into a bucket of clean
water, then run the pressure washer in low pressure for 1-2 minutes.
Pressure Washer Rinsin9
1. Removeblack spray tip from nozzleextension.
2. Select and install desired high pressure spray tip following instructions Howto UseSpray Tips.
Keepthe spray gun a safe distancefrom the areayou plan to spray.
A WARNING Kickback from spray gun can cause you to
Operatepressure washer from a stable surface.
Beextremely careful if you must use the pressure washer from a ladder,scaffolding, or any other similar location.
Firmly grasp spray gun with both hands when using high pressure spray to avoid injury whenspray gun kicks back.
4. Apply a high pressure spray to a small areaand then check surfacefor damage. If no damageis found, you can assume it is okay to continue rinsing.
5. Start at top of areato be rinsed, working down with same overlapping strokes asyou usedfor cleaning.
Cleaning Detergent Siphoning Tube
If you usedthe detergent siphoning tube, you must flush it
with cleanwater before stopping the engine.
1. Placedetergent siphoning tube/filter in a bucketfull of cleanwater.
2. Removehigh pressure spray tip from spray tip extension.
3. Select and install black detergent spray tip following instructions How to UseSpray Tips.
4. Flushfor 1-2 minutes.
5. Shut off engine following instructions How to Stop Pressure Washerand turn off water supply.
6. ALWAYSpoint spray gun in a safe direction push red button and squeezespray gun trigger to release retained high water pressure.
NOTICE Spray gun traps highwater pressure, evenwhen engine is stopped and water is disconnected.
A WARNING The high pressure stream of water that
and its underlying tissues, leading to serious
this equipment produces can cut through skin
injury and possible amputation. Spray gun traps high water pressure,even when engine is stopped and water is disconnected, which can cause injury.
Keephighpressurehoseconnectedto pumpandspraygun whilesystemispressurized.
ALWAYSpointspraygunin safedirection,pressredbutton andsqueezesprayguntriggerto releasehighpressure,every timeyoustopengine.
Automatic Cool Down System {Thermal Relief}
If you runthe engine on your pressure washer for 3-5 minutes without pressing the trigger on the spray gun, circulating water in the pump can reachtemperatures above 125°F.The system engagesto cool the pump by discharging
the warm water onto the ground.
This is a single cylinder, L-head,air cooled engine, it is a low emissions engine.
In the State of California, Model 120000 engines are certified by the California Air Resources Boardto meet emissions standardsfor 125 hours. Such certification does not grant
the purchaser, owner or operator of this engine any additional warranties with respectto the performance or operational life of this engine. Theengine is warranted solely
according to the product and emissions warranties stated elsewherein this manual.
Thegross power rating for individual gas engine models is labeled in accordancewith SAE(Society of Automotive Engineers)code J1940 (Small Engine Power & Torque Rating Procedure), and rating performance has been
obtained and corrected in accordancewith SAEJ1995 (Revision 2002-05). Torque values are derived at 3060 RPM;
horsepower values are derived at 3600 RPM.Actual gross engine power will be lower and is affected by, among other things, ambient operating conditions and engine-to-engine variability. Given both the wide arrayof products on which enginesare placed andthe variety of environmental issues applicableto operatingthe equipment,the gas engine wiii not developthe ratedgross power when used in a given pieceof power equipment (actual "on-site"or net power). This difference is due to a variety of factors including, but not limited to, accessories (air cleaner, exhaust, charging, cooling, carburetor, fuel pump, etc.), application limitations, ambient operating conditions (temperature, humidity, altitude), and engine-to-engine variability. Dueto manufacturing and capacity limitations, Briggs & Stratton may substitute an engine of higher ratedpower for this Seriesengine.
This pressurewasher is rated in accordanceto the Pressure Washer ManufacturersAssociation (PWMA) standard PW101 (Testing and Rating Performanceof PressureWashers).
Max Outlet Pressure ....................... 2,500 PSi
Max Flow Rate............................. 2.3 GPM
DetergentMix ........................ Use asdirected
Water Supply Temperature .......... Not to exceed100%
Engine Specifications
Bore ................................. 2.69 in. (68mm)
Stroke ............................... 2.04 in.(52mm)
Displacement ........................ 11.57in.(190cc)
Type:............... Briggs & Stratton 802592 or 5095
SetGapTo: ...................... 0.030inch (0.76mm)
ArmatureAir Gap:........... 0.006-0.010in.(0.15-0.25mm)
Valveclearancewithvalvesprings installedand piston 1/4 in.
(6 mm) pasttop deadcenter(checkwhenengineiscold).
Intake.................... 0.005-0.007in.(0.13-0.18mm)
Exhaust .................. 0.007-0.009in.(0.18-0.23mm)
FuelCapacity............................... 1.6Quarts
0il Capacity........................ 18 Ounces(0.5liter)
NOTICE Forpractical operation, the engine load should not exceed85% of rated power. Enginepower will decrease 3-1/2% for each1,000 feet (300 meters) above sealeveland 1% for each 10° F(5.6° C) above77° F(25° C). It should operatesatisfactorily at an angle up to 15°.
Follow the hourly or calendar intervals, whichever occurs first. More frequent service is required when operating in
adverseconditions noted below.
* Changeengine oil
* Check/clean water inlet screen' * Check high pressure hose
* Checkdetergent siphoning hose * Checkspray gun and assembly for leaks
* Cleandebris * Checkengine oil level
* Serviceengine air cleaner2
* Changeengine oil2 * inspect muffler and spark arrester
* Servicespark plug
Emissions Control
Maintenance, replacement, or repair of the emissions
controldevices and systemsmay be performedbyany non-
roadengine repair establishment or individual. However,
to obtain "no charge" emissions control service, the work
must be performed by a factory authorizeddealer. Seethe
Emissions Warranty.
Before Each Use
1. Checkengine oil level.
2. Cleandebris.
3. Checkwater inlet screenfor damage.
4. Checkhigh pressure hose for leaks.
5. Checkgun and spray tip extension assemblyfor leaks.
6. Purge pump of air and contaminants.
Daily or before use, clean accumulateddebris from pressure washer. Keeplinkage, spring and controls clean. Keeparea around and behind muffler free from any combustible debris.
inspect cooling air slots and openings on the pressure washer. Theseopenings must be kept clean and
Pressurewasher parts should be kept clean to reduce the
risk of overheating and ignition of accumulated debris.
* Usea damp cloth to wipe exterior surfaces clean.
* Cleancooling system2
' Clean if clogged. Replace if perforated or torn. 2Service more often under dirty or dusty conditions.
Regularmaintenance will improve the performance and extendthe life of the pressurewasher. Seeany Sears or
other qualified service dealerfor service. Thepressure washer warranty does not cover items that
havebeensubjected to operator abuseor negligence.To receivefull valuefrom the warranty, the operator must maintain pressurewasher as instructed in this manual including proper storage as detailed in Storage.
Someadjustments will needto be made periodically to properly maintain your pressurewasher.
All service and adjustments should be madeat least once eachseason. Follow the requirementsin the Maintenance
Schedulechart above. NOTICE Oncea yearyou should cleanor replace the spark
plug and replacethe air filter. A new spark plug and clean air filter assure proper fuel-air mixture and helpyour engine run better and last longer.
Pump Oil
DONOTattempt any oil maintenanceon this pump. The pump is pre-iubricated and sealedfrom the factory, requiring no additional maintenancefor the life of the pump.
NOTICE improper treatment of pressurewasher can
damageit and shorten its life.
* Usea soft bristle brush to loosencaked on dirt, oil, etc. * Usea vacuum cleanerto pick up loosedirt and debris.
Checkand Cleaninlet Screen
Examinegarden hose inlet screen. Cleanif it is clogged or
replaceif it is torn.
Check High Pressure Hose
High pressure hoses can develop leaksfrom wear,kinking, or abuse, inspect hose before eachuse. Check for cuts,
leaks,abrasions, bulging of cover, or damage or movement of couplings. If anyof these conditions exist, replacehose
_lLWARNING The high pressure stream of water that
and its underlying tissues, leading to serious
this equipment produces can cut through skin
injury and possible amputation.
ReplacementhoseratingMUSTexceedmaximumpressure ratingof unit.
Check Spray Gunand Spray Tip Extension
Examinehoseconnectionto spraygun and makesure it is secure.Testtrigger bypressingit and makingsureit springs
backintoplacewhenyou releaseit. Donotdepressredbutton andtesttrigger.Youshould not beableto presstrigger. Replace spraygun immediatelyif it fails anyof thesetests.
Spray Tip Maintenance
A pulsing sensationfelt while squeezingthe spray gun trigger may be causedby excessivepump pressure. Theprincipal causeof excessivepump pressure is a spray tip clogged or restricted with foreign materials, such asdirt, etc. To correct the problem, immediately cleanthe spray tip following these
1. Shut off engine and turn off water supply.
2. ALWAYSpoint spray gun in a safe direction, press red button and and squeezespray gun trigger to release retainedhigh water pressure.
_i, WARNING The high pressure stream of water that
and its underlying tissues, leadingto serious
this equipment produces cancut through skin
injury and possible amputation. Spraygun traps high water pressure,even when engine is stopped and water is disconnected, which can cause injury.
* Keephighpressurehoseconnectedto pumpandspraygun
* ALWAYSpointspraygunin safedirection,pressredbutton
andsqueezesprayguntriggerto releasehighpressure,every
3. Removespray tip from endof spray tip extension.
4. Use a small paper clip to free any foreign material clogging or restricting spray tip (A).
5. Removespray tip extension from spray gun.
6. Usinga garden hose, remove additionaldebris by back flushingwater through spray tip extension. Backflush
between 30 to 60 seconds.
7. Reinstall spray tip into spray tip extension.
8. Reconnectspray tip extensionto spray gun.
9. Make sure garden hose is connectedto water inlet. Checkthat high pressure hoseis connected to spray gun and pump. Turn on water.
10. Start enginefollowing instructions How to Start Your
Pressure Washer.
11. Test pressurewasher by operating with each quick connect spray tip.
O-Bino Maintenance
Purchasean O-Ring RepairKit,item 7175116,atyour local
Searsor by calling1-888-4-1VlY-NOME(469-4663)or onlineat,it is not includedwiththe pressurewasher. This kit includesreplacemento-rings anda waterinlet filter.
Refertothe instructionsheetprovidedin thekit to serviceyour
_i, WARNING The high pressure stream of water that
and its underlying tissues, leading to serious
this equipment produces can cut through skin
injury and possible amputation.
* NEVERrepairleakingconnectionswithsealantof anykind.
Replaceo-ringor seal.
_i, WARNING Unintentional sparking can result in fire or
_ electric shock.
* Disconnectthe spark plug wire from the spark plug and place
the wire where it cannot contact spark plug.
WHENTESTINGFORENGINESPARK * Useapproved spark plug tester.
. DONOTcheckfor spark with spark plug removed.
8il Recommendations We recommendthe use of Briggs & Stratton Warranty
Certifiedoils for best performance. Other high-quality
detergent oils are acceptable if classified for serviceSF,SG,
SH,SJ or higher. DO NOTusespecial additives.
Outdoortemperatures determine the proper oil viscosity for the engine.Usethe chart to select the best viscosity for the
outdoor temperature range expected.
\ 40 ;_30
104___506886 _o__
32 .o 14
* Below40°F(4°C)theuseof SAE30will resultin hardstarting.
** Above80°F(27°C)the useof 10W30maycauseincreasedoil
consumption.Checkoil levelmorefrequently.
O OTICE Syntheticoil meetingILSACGF-2,API
certification mark and API service symbol with "SJ/CF ENERGYCONSERVING"or higher, is an
acceptableoil at all temperatures. Useof synthetic oil
does not alter required oil changeintervals.
_m m 0
--_C °
CheckingOil Level
Oil level should be checked prior to eachuseor at least every 8 hours of operation. Keepoil level maintained.
1. Make sure pressure washer is on a levelsurface.
2. Removeoil dipstick and wipe dipstick with clean cloth. Replaceand tighten dipstick. Remove and and check oil
3. Verify oil is at FULL mark (top hole) on dipstick. Replace and tighten dipstick.
Adding EngineOil
1. Make sure pressure washer is on a levelsurface.
2. Checkoil level as described in CheckingOilLevel
3. If needed,slowly pour oil into oil fill opening to the FULL mark on dipstick. DONOToverfill.
4. Tip your pressure washer to drain oil from oil fill into a suitable container making sure you tip your unit away
from spark plug. When crankcaseis empty, return
pressurewasher to upright position.
5. Slowly pour recommendedoil (about 18 oz.) into oil fiii opening. Pauseto permit oil to settle. Fill to "Full" mark on dipstick.
6. Wipe dipstick cleaneachtime oil level is checked. DO NOToverfill.
7. Replaceand tighten dipstick.
8. Wipe up any remaining oil.
9. Reconnectspark plug wire to spark plug.
Service Air Cleaner
Your engine will not run properly and may be damagedif you
run it with a dirty air cleaner. Service more often if operating under dirty or dusty conditions. Replacementsare available atyour local Searsservicecenter.
To service the air cleaner, follow these steps:
1. Loosenscrew (A) and tilt cover (B) down.
NOTICE Overfilling with oil may cause the engine to not start, or hard starting.
DO NOT overfill.
If overthe FULL mark on dipstick, drain oil to reduce oil level to
FULLmark on dipstick.
4. Replaceand tighten dipstick.
if you are usingyour pressurewasher under extremely dirty or dusty conditions, or in extremely hot weather, change oil
more often.
A CAUTION Avoid prolonged or repeatedskin contact with usedmotor oil.
Usedmotoroil hasbeenshownto causeskincancerincertain laboratoryanimals.
Thoroughlywashexposedareaswith soapandwater.
Changeoil while engineis still warmfrom running,as follows:
1. Drain fuel tank by running pressure washer until fuel tank is empty.
2. Disconnect spark plug wire and keepit away from spark plug.
3. Cleanarea around oil fill, removeoil fill cap/dipstick. Wipe dipstick clean.
2. Carefullyremove cartridge (C) assembly.
3. To clean cartridge, gently tap pleatedpaperside on a fiat surface.
4. Reinstallclean or new cartridge assembly inside cover.
5. insert cover's tabs (B) into slots in bottom of base (E).
6. Tilt cover up and tighten screw securely to base. NOTICE You can purchasenew air filter elements by calling
Service Spark Plug
Changingthe spark plug will help your engine to start easier and run better.
1. Cleanareaaround spark plug.
2. Removeand inspect spark plug.
3. Replacespark plug if electrodes are pitted, burned or
porcelain is cracked. Usethe recommendedreplacement plug. See Specifications.
Checkelectrode gap with wire feeler gaugeand reset spark plug gap to recommended gap if necessary(see
5. install spark plug and tighten firmly. NOT/CE You can purchase a new spark plug by calling
inspect Muffler and Spark Arrester
inspectthe mufflerfor cracks,corrosion, or otherdamage. Removethe spark arrester,if equipped,and inspectfor damageor carbonblockage,if replacementpartsare required,
makesureto useonly original equipmentreplacementparts.
A, WARNING Contact with muffler area can result in
serious burns.
_ Exhaust heat/gases can ignite
combustibles, structures or damage
fuel tank causing a fire.
DO NOTtouch hot parts and AVOID hot exhaust gases.
Allow equipment to cool before touching.
Keepat least 5 feet (152 cm) of clearanceon all sidesof pressure washer including overhead.
It isa violation of California Public Resource Code,Section 4442, to use or operatethe engine on any forest-covered, brush-covered,or grass-covered land unless the exhaust system is equippedwith a spark arrester,as defined in Section 4442, maintained in effectiveworking order. Otherstates or
federal jurisdictions may havesimilar laws.
Contactthe original equipment manufacturer, retailer, or dealer
to obtain a sparkarrester designedfor the exhaustsystem
installedon this engine.
Replacementparts must be the sameand installed in the same position as the original parts.
Air Cooling System
Overtime debris may accumulate in cylinder cooling fins and cannot be observedwithout partial engine disassembly. For this reason,we recommendyou have a qualifiedSears servicedealer cleanthe cooling system per recommended intervals (see MaintenanceSchedule). Equallyimportant is to keeptop of engine free from debris. See CleanDebris.
Keepareaswithin heavyline clear of debris.
Water should not remain in the unit for long periods of time.
Sedimentsor minerals candeposit on pump parts and "freeze" pump action. Follow these procedures after every
1. Shut off engine,turn off water supply, point gun in a safedirection, press red button and squeezetrigger to
relievetrapped pressure and let engine cool.
_ILWARNING The high pressure stream of water that
and its underlying tissues, leading to serious
this equipment produces can cut through skin
injury and possible amputation. Spray gun traps high water pressure,even when engine is stopped and water is disconnected, which can cause injury.
Keephighpressurehoseconnectedto pumpandspraygun whilesystemispressurized.
ALWAYSpointspraygunin safedirection,pressredbutton andsqueezesprayguntriggerto releasehighpressure,every timeyoustopengine.
Disconnecthose from spray gun and high pressure outlet on pump. Drainwater from hose,gun, and spray
tip extension. Usea ragto wipe off the hose.
Empty pump of aii pumped liquids by puffing recoil handleabout 6 times. This should remove most liquid in pump.
Coilhigh pressurehose and hang on hook provided on accessorytray.
Store unit in a clean, dry area.
If storing for more than 30 days see Long Term Storage on next page.
_ILWARNING Fueland its vapors are extremely
flammable and explosive.
Fireor explosion can causesevere burns or death.
WHENSTORINGFUELOREQUIPMENTWITHFUELINTANK * Storeawayfromfurnaces,stoves,waterheaters,clothes
dryers,orotherappliancesthathavepilotlightorother ignitionsourcebecausetheycanignitefuelvapors.
While engine is still warm, drain oil from crankcase.Refill
NOTICE You must protect your unit from freezing temperatures.
= Failure to do so will permanently damageyour pump and render
your unit inoperable.
= Freezedamage is not covered underwarranty.
To protectthe unit from freezingtemperatures:
1. Follow steps 1-4 in the previous section AfterEach Use.
2. Use pump saver, availableat Sears retailitem 7174403, to treat pump. This minimizes freezedamageand lubricates pistons and seals.
3. If pump saver is not available,connect a 3-foot section of garden hose to water inlet adapter. Pour RV-antifreeze (antifreezewithout alcohol) into hose. Pull
recoil handletwice. Disconnect 3-foot hose.
4. Store unit in a clean,dry area.
If you do not plan to usethe pressure washer for morethan 30 days, you must preparethe engine and pump for long term storage.
It is important to prevent gum deposits from forming in essentialfuel system parts such as the carburetor, fuel filter, fuel hoseor tank during storage. Also, experienceindicates
that alcohol-blended fuels (called gasohol, ethanol or methanol) can attract moisture, which leadsto separation
and formation of acids during storage. Acidic gas can damagethe fuel system of an enginewhile in storage.
with recommendedgrade. See ChangingEngineOil.
Protect Pump
To protect the pump from damagecaused by mineral
deposits or freezing, use PumpSaver, item 7174403, to treat pump. This preventsfreeze damageand lubricates pistons
and seals. NOTICE PumpSaveris availableas an optional accessory, it
is not included with the pressure washer. Contactyour local Searsservice center to purchase PumpSaver.
NOTICE You must protect your unit from freezing
= Failureto do so will permanently damage your pump and render
your unit inoperable.
= Freezedamageis not covered under warranty.
To usePumpSaver,make surethe pressurewasher is turned
off and disconnected from supply water. Readand follow all instructions and warnings given on the PumpSavercontainer.
Other Storage Tips
1. DONOTstore fuel from oneseasonto another unless it hasbeen treated asdescribed in Protect FuelSystem.
Replacefuel container if it starts to rust. Rust and/or dirt in fuel cancause problems if it's used with this unit.
Coverunit with a suitable protective cover that does not retain moisture.
Storagecovers can be flammable.
Protect Fuel System
Fuelcan becomestale when stored over 30 days.Stale fuel causesacid and gum deposits to form in the fuel system or on essential carburetor parts. To keepfuel fresh, use Briggs
& Stratton FRESHSTART®fuel stabilizer, availableasa liquid additive or a drip concentrate cartridge.
Thereis no needto drain gasolinefrom the engine if a fuel stabilizer is added according to instructions. Run the engine for 2 minutes to circulate the stabilizerthroughout the fuel system. The engine andfuel canthen be stored up to
24 months. If gasoline in the engine hasnot beentreated with afuel
stabilizer, it must be drained into an approvedcontainer. Run the engine until it stops from lackof fuel. The useof a fuel stabilizer in the storage container is recommendedto
maintain freshness.
DO NOT placea storage cover over ahot pressure washer.
Let equipment cool for a sufficient time before placing the cover on the equipment.
4. Store unit in a clean and dry area.
Problem Cause
Pump hasfollowing problems: failure to producepressure,
erraticpressure, chattering,Joss
of pressure,low water volume.
Detergentfails to mix with spray.
Enginerunsgoodat no-load but "bogs" whenload is added.
Enginewill not start;or startsand runsrough.
1. Water inlet is blocked.
2. inadequatewater supply.
3. inlet hose is kinkedor leaking.
4. Clogged inlet hosestrainer.
5. Water supply is over IO0°F.
6. High pressure hoseis blocked or leaks.
7. Gun leaks.
8. Spraytip is obstructed.
9. Pump is faulty.
1. Detergentsiphoning tube is not submerged.
2. Detergentsiphoning tube/filter is clogged or cracked.
3. High pressure spray tip installed.
Engine speedis too slow.
1. Throttle leverin STOPposition.
2. Dirty air cleaner.
3. Out of fuel.
4. Stalefuel.
5. Spark plug wire not connected to spark plug.
6. Badspark plug.
7. Water in fuel.
8. Overchoking.
9. Excessivelyrich fuel mixture.
1. Clearinlet.
2. Provide adequatewater flow.
3. Straighten inlet hose, patch leak.
4. Checkand cleaninlet hose strainer.
5. Provide cooler water supply.
i6. Clearblocks in high pressure hose or
7. Replacegun.
8. Cleanspray tip.
9. Contact Searsservicefacility.
1. insert detergent siphoning tube into detergent.
2. Cleanor replacefilter/detergent siphoning tube.
3. Replacehigh pressure spray tip with black spray tip.
Move throttle lever to FASTposition, if engine still "bogsdown", contact Sears service
1. Move throttle lever to FASTposition.
2. Cleanor replaceair cleaner.
3. Fillfuel tank.
i4. Drain fuel tank; fill with fresh fuel.
5. Connectwire to spark plug.
6. Replacesparkplug.
7. Drain fuel tank; fill with fresh fuel.
8. Openchoke fully and crank engine.
9. Contact Searsservicefacility.
Engine shutsdown during Out of fuel. Fillfuel tank. operation.
Engine Jackspower. Dirty air filter.
Engine"hunts" or faJters.
Choke is openedtoo soon.
Replaceair filter. Move choke to halfway position until engine
runs smoothly.
CRAFTSMAN2500 PSi Pressure Washer 580.752500
Main Unit m Exploded View and Parts List
Part #
311094GS B1797GS
204971GS 195983AEGS
195983RGS 195983XGS 198841GS
208797GS 192050GS
WASHER-WAVE ENGINE(126TO2-O301-B1)(see pages
PartsNot Illustrated
311098GS AB3061BGS
205411GS 794693 208648GS 699864
Optional Accessories
7175187 7175197 7175124
7175122 7175116
7175129 7175121 7174402 7174403
7174404 7174405
DECAL-Warning DECAL-Shroud
Not Illustrated
GardenHoseQuick Connect
Accessory Quick Connect
Rotating Brush Kit
30' ReplacementHose
0 RingRepair Kit
Turbo Nozzle 25' Extension Hose
HoseReel PumpSaver
Project Pro@ PerfectMixTM Multi-
Purposeand VehicleCleaner
Project Pro@ PerfectMixTM Concrete,
Brick, andTile Cleaner
Project Pro@ PerfectMixTM Mold and
Mildew Cleaner
ENGINE,Briggs & Stratton, 126T02 - ExpJodedView
615 0
404 _
616 __
684 ?
524 (_
ENGINE,Briggs & Stratton, 126T02 - ExpJodedView
883 _
2sl 27(__
51 _
163 _
177 0
585 617
425 _
356 _
668 @
883 J
ENGINE,Briggs & Stratton, 126T02 - ExpJodedView
689 0
1341 @
163# 276_ )
633 (_
633A (_
ENGIHE,Briggs & Stratton, t26T82 - Parts List
Item Part # Description
1 697322 Cylinder Assembly 2 399269 Kit-Bushing/Seal (Magneto Side) 3 299819s Seal-Oil (Magneto Side)
4 493279 Sump-Engine 5 691160 Head-Cylinder 7 692249 Gasket-Cylinder Head 8 695250 BreatherAssembly
9 699472 Gasket-Breather 10 691125 Screw (Breather Assembly) 11 691781 Tube-Breather
11A 691923 Tube-Breather
12 692232 Gasket-Crankcase 13 690912 Screw (Cylinder Head)
15 691680 Plug-Oil Drain 16 797372 Crankshaft 20 399781s Seal-Oil(PTOSide)
22 691092 Screw (Crankcase Cover/Sump) 23 790536 Flywheel
24 222698s Key-Flywheel 25 797302 Piston Assembly (Standard)
797303 Piston Assembly (.020" Oversize)
26 797304 Ring Set (Standard)
797305 Ring Set (.020" Oversize)
27 691588 Lock-Piston Pin
28 298909 Pin-Piston
29 797306 Rod-Connecting
30 694692 Dipper-Connecting Rod
32 691664 Screw (Connecting Rod) (Short)
32A 695759 Screw (Connecting Rod) (Long)
33 262651s Valve-Exhaust
34 262652s Valve-intake
35 691270 Spring-Valve (intake)
36 691270 Spring-Valve (Exhaust)
37 793756 Guard-Flywheel
40 692194 Retainer-Valve
43 691997 Slinger-Governor/Oil 45 690548 Tappet-Valve
46 691449 Camshaft 48 792440 Short Block
50 794305 Manifold-intake 51 794306 Gasket-intake
54 691650 Screw (intake Manifold) 55 691421 Housing-Rewind Starter
58 691921 Rope-Starter 60 493926 Grip-Starter Rope
65 690837 Screw (Rewind Starter) 78 691108 Screw (FlywheelGuard)
81 691740 Lock-Muffler Screw 97 696565 Shaft-Throttle
104 691242 Pin-Float Hinge
108 795935 Valve-Choke
109 795936 Shaft-Choke
117 695042 Jet-Main (Standard)
121 498260 Kit-Carburetor Overhaul
125 794304 Carburetor
127 694468 Plug-Welch
130 696564 Valve-Throttle 133 398187 Float-Carburetor
134 398188 Kit-Needle/Seat 137 796610 Gasket-FloatBowl 163 272653s Gasket-Air Cleaner
177 691031 SeaFORing (Dipstick) 187 791766 Line-Fuel(Cut To Required Length)
188 693399 Screw (Control Bracket) 190 690940 Screw (FuelTank) 202 691829 Link-Mechanical Governor
209 691290 Spring-Governor (Meadow Green) 222 790143 Bracket-Control 227 690783 Lever-Governor Control
276 271716 Washer-Sealing
Item Part#
287 690940 291 790830
300 790828 304 791291 305 691108
306 790836
307 690345 332 690662
333 802574 334 691061 337 796112s
356 692390 358 794307 365 691688 404 690272
425 690670 443 692523 445 491588s
455 791960 456 692299 459 281505s 505 691251
523 499621 524 692296 525 495265
562 691119 584 697734 585 691879
592 690800
597 691696 601 791850
608 497680 613 790833 615 690340 616 698801
617 270344s 621 692310 633 691321
633A 693867
635 66538s 684 690345
689 691855 718 690959
741 794388 832 499034
836 690664 843 691884 847 692047
851 493880s 868 697338 869 691155
870 690380 871 262OO1
883 691881 957 793606
966 792040 968 692298
972 699374
975 796611 1005 691346 1059 692311
1095 498528 1210 498144 1211 498144
1329 126T0201 1386 790848 1387 790849
1388 790850
Screw (Dipstick Tube) Thermostat
Muffler Housing-Blower
Screw (Blower Housing) Shield-Cylinder
Screw (Cylinder Shield) Nut (Flywheel) Armature-Magneto Screw (Magneto Armature)
GasketSet-Engine Screw (Carburetor)
Washer (Governor Crank)
Screw (Air Cleaner Cover) Screw (Air Cleaner Primer Base) Filter-Air Cleaner Cartridge
Cup-Flywheel Plate-Pawl Friction PawI-Ratchet
Nut (Governor Control Lever)
Dipstick Seal-Dipstick Tube Tube-Dipstick
Bolt (Governor Control Lever)
Cover-Breather Passage
Gasket-Breather Passage
Nut (Rewind Starter)
Screw (Pawl Friction Plate)
Clamp-Hose (Green)
Screw (Muffler)
Retainer-Governor Shaft Crank-Governor Seal-O Ring (intake Manifold)
Seal-Choke/Throttle Shaft (Throttle Shaft)
Seal-Choke/Throttle Shaft (Choke Shaft)
Boot-Spark Plug
Screw (Breather PassageCover)
Spring-Friction (Rewind Starter)
Gear-Timing (Steel)
Screw (Muffler Guard)
Sleeve-Lever (Control Bracket)
Dipstick/Tube Assembly
Terminal-Spark Plug
Seal-Valve Seal-Valve Seat-Valve(Intake)
Bushing-Valve Guide (Exhaust) Bushing-Valve Guide (Intake)
Gasket-Exhaust Cap-FuelTank
Base-AirCleaner Primer
Cover-Air Cleaner Tank-Fuel
Bowl-Float Fan-Flywheel
Kit-Screw/Washer (Fuel Tank) GasketSet-Valve
Pulley/Spring Assembly (Pulley) Pulley/Spring Assembly (Spring)
14BI Replacement Engine
Vane-Air Spring-Air Vane
Screw (Air Vane)
California, U.S. EPA,and Sears Emissions ControlWarrantyStatement
YourWarranty RightsAnd Obligations
TheCalifornia Air Resources Board,U.S. EPA,and Sears, Roebuckand Co.,U.S.A.(Sears) are pleasedto explain the emissions control system warranty on your Model Year2008 and later engine/equipment. In California,new small off-road engines must be designed, built, and equippedto meet the State'sstringent anti-smog standards. Searsmust warrant the emissions control system on your engine/equipmentfor the periods of time listed below provided there has been no abuse, neglect,or impropermaintenance of your small off- road engine.
Your emissions control system may includepartssuch as the carburetor or fuel injection system, fuel tank, ignition system, and catalytic converter. Also includedmay be hoses, belts, connectors, sensors, and other emissions-related assemblies.Where a warrantable condition exists, Searswill repair your engine/equipmentat no cost to you including diagnosis, parts, and labor.
Small off-road engines arewarranted for two years. If any emissions-related part on your engine/equipment is defective,the part will be repaired or replacedby Sears.
* As the small engine/equipment owner, you are
responsiblefor the performance of the required
maintenancelistedinyour owner's manual. Sears
recommendsthat you retainall receipts covering maintenanceon your engine/equipment, but Sears cannot deny warranty solely for the lackof receiptsor your failure to ensure the performanceof all scheduled
As the engine/equipmentowner, you should however be awarethat Sears may deny you warranty coverage if your engine/equipment or a part hasfailed due to abuse, neglect,improper maintenance,or unapproved
You are responsiblefor presentingyour engine/equipmentto a Sears distribution center, servicing dealer,or other equivalent entity, as applicable, assoon as a problem exists. Thewarranty
repairsshould be completed in a reasonableamount of
time, not to exceed30 days. If you have any questions
regardingyour warranty rights and responsibilities, you
should contact Sears at (800) 469-4663.
Sears EmissionsControl Warranty Provisions
Thefollowing arespecific provisions relativeto your
Emissions Control Warranty Coverage. it is in addition to the Searsengine warranty for non-regulatedenginesfound in
the Operator'sManual.
1. Warranted Emissions Parts Coverageunder this warranty extends only to the parts listed below (the emissions control systems parts) to
the extent these parts were present on the engine
purchased. a. FuelMetering System
Coldstart enrichment system (soft choke)
Carburetorand internalparts
Fuelline,fuel line fittings, clamps
Fueltank, cap and tether
b. Air Induction System
Air cleaner
intake manifold
Purge and vent line
c. ignition System
Magneto ignition system
d. CatalystSystem
Air injection system or pulsevalve
e. Miscellaneous items Usedin AboveSystems
Vacuum, temperature, position, time sensitive valves and switches
Connectorsand assemblies
2. Length of Coverage Fora period of two years from date of original
purchase,Sears warrants to the original purchaserand eachsubsequent purchaser that the engine is designed,
built, and equipped so as to conform with all applicable regulations adopted bythe Air ResourcesBoard;that it is freefrom defects in material and workmanship that could causethe failure of a warranted part; and that it is identical in aii material respects to the enginedescribed in the manufacturer's application for certification. The
warranty period beginson the datethe engine is
originally purchased.
In the USA and Canada,a 24-hour hotline, 1-800-469-4663, has a menu of pro-recorded messages offering you product maintenance information.
Anywarranted part that is not scheduledfor replacementas required maintenancein the owner's
manual supplied, is warranted for the warranty period stated above. If any such part fails during the period of warranty coverage,the part will berepairedor replaced by Searsat no charge to the owner. Any such part
repairedor replaced under the warranty will be
warranted for the remaining warranty period.
Anywarranted part that is scheduled only for regular
inspection in the owner's manual supplied, is warranted for the warranty period stated above. Any such part
repairedor replaced under warranty will be warranted
for the remaining warranty period.
Anywarranted partthat is scheduledfor replacementas requiredmaintenancein theowner's manualsupplied, is
warrantedfor the period of time prior to the first scheduledreplacementpoint for that part. If the part fails prior to thefirst scheduled replacement,the part will be
repairedor replacedby Searsat no chargeto the owner.
Anysuch part repairedor replacedunderwarrantywill be warrantedfor the remainderof the period prior to the first scheduledreplacementpointfor the part.
Add on or modified parts that are not exempted bythe
Air Resources Board may not be used.The useof any non exempted add on or modified parts by the owner will be grounds for disallowing a warranty claim. The
manufacturer will not be liable to warrant failures of warranted parts caused by the use of a non exempted
add on or modified part.
3. ConsequentialCoverage Coverageshall extend to the failure of any engine
components causedby the failure of any warranted emissions parts.
4. Claims and CoverageExclusions Warranty claims shall be filed according to the
provisions of the Sears engine warranty policy. Warranty coveragedoes not apply to failures of
emissions parts that are not original equipment Sears parts or to partsthat fail due to abuse, neglect,or
improper maintenanceasset forth in the Sears engine warranty policy. Sears is not liable for warranty
coverageof failures of emissions parts caused by the use of add-on or modified parts.
LookFor ReJevantEmissionsDurability Periodand Air Index Information OnYour EngineEmissionsLabeJ
Enginesthat are certified to meet the California Air Resources Board (CARB)Emissions Standard must display information
regarding the Emissions Durability Period and the Air Index. The engine manufacturer makes this information availableto the consumer on emissions labels. Theengine emissions
labelwill indicatecertification information. The Emissions DurabilityPerioddescribes the number of
hours of actual running time for which the engine is certified to be emissions compliant, assuming proper maintenance in
accordancewith the Operating& Maintenance Instructions. Thefollowing categories are used:
Moderate: Engine is certified to be emissions compliant for
125 hours of actual engine running time.
Intermediate: Engineis certified to be emissions compliant for 250 hours of actual engine running time.
Extended: Engineis certified to be emissions compliant for 500 hours of actual engine running time.
Forexample, a typical walk-behind lawn mower is used20 to 25 hours per year. Therefore,the Emissions Durability
Period of an enginewith anintermediate ratingwould equateto 10 to 12 years.
Small off-road enginesare certified to meet the United States
EnvironmentalProtection Agency (USEPA)Phase2 emissions standards. For Phase2 certified engines,the
Emissions CompliancePeriod referred to on the Emissions
Compliancelabel indicatesthe number of operating hours for which the engine has been shown to meet Federalemissions
Forengines lessthan 225 cc displacement.
CategoryC = 125 hours
CategoryB =250 hours
CategoryA = 500 hours
Forengines of 225 cc or more displacement.
CategoryC = 250 hours
CategoryB =500 hours
CategoryA = 1000 hours
GARANTIA .......................................... 28
REGLASDESEGURIDAD ............................ 29-31
CARACTERiSTICASY CONTROLES....................... 32
MONTAJE ........................................ 33-35
OPERACION....................................... 36-40
ESPECIFICACIONES................................... 41
MANTENIMIENTO.................................. 42-46
ALMACENAMlENTO................................... 47
REPARACIONDEDAVIesREPUESTOS.................... 48
NOTAS............................................. 49
Si este producto de Craftsmanfalla debido a defectos de materiales o mane deobra en el plazode dos a_osa partir de la fecha de compra, devu_lvalo acualquier aimac_n Sears, centre de reparaci6n y repuestos Sears, u otro punto deventa de Craftsman de los EstadosUnidos para su reparaci6n gratuita o, en case de que _sta no sea posible, para su sustituci6n.
Esta garantiase reducir_ a 90 dias desde la fecha de compra si este producto se utiliza en alg_n memento con fines comerciales o de alquiler.
Estagarantia SOLOcubre defectos de materiales y de manede obra. Sears it0 pagard: = Los elementos que pueden desgastarseen condiciones de use normaies dentro dei periodo de garantia, come pistolas rociadoras,
mangueras, proiongadores de boquilla, boquillas, filtros y bujias.
Reparacionesnecesariasdebido a accidentes o fallos que se deriven de la incapacidad para operar o mantenerel producto de acuerdo con todas las instrucciones facilitadas.
Mantenimiento preventive o reparaciones necesariasdebido al use de mezclas de combustible inadecuadas o de combustible contaminado o pasado.
Esta garantia le otorga determinados derechos legales yes posible que tenga otros derechosque puedenvafiar de una provincia a otra.
Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179
Felicidadesper realizar una compra inteligente.
Su nuevo producto Craftsman® est_dise_ado y fabricado para funcionar de manerafiable durante muchos a_os. Perocome todos
los productos, es posible que requiera reparaci6n ocasionalmente. Esen esos mementos, tenet un contrato de protecci6n para reparaciones puede ahorrarle dinero y molestias.
Acentinuacibn se menciona Io que el contrato de proteccibn para reparaciones* contempia:
* Servicie experte de nuestros 10.000 especiaiistas profesionaies
en reparaci6n.
, Servicie ilimitade ysin ¢este en partes y mane de obra en
todas las reparaciones incluidas en la cobertura.
, Cambie del preductoper hasta $1.500 si el producto incluido
en ia cobertura no se puede reparar.
, Un 10% de descuento en el precio normal de servicio y en
partes instaladas relacionadas no inciuidas en la cobertura dei contrato; asimismo, un10% de descuento en ei precio normal de revisiones de mantenimiento preventive.
, Ayudatelef6nica rdpida. Nuestro servicio de Soluci6n r_pida
consiste en apoyo telef6nico per un representante de Sears. Pienseque somos un "manual dei usuafio paflante".
Unavez que adquiera ei contrato de protecci6n para reparaciones, s61otiene que hacer una sencilla Ilamada teief6nica para programar un servicio. Puede Ilamar a cualquier hera dei dia o la noche, o programar unacita de servicio en linea.
El contrato de protecci6n para reparacioneses una compra segura. Si io cancela per cualquier motive durante el periodo de garantia del producto, le reembolsaremos el total de su dinero o una parte proporcional en cualquier memento posterior al vencimiento del periodo de garantia del producto. Adquiera hey su contrato de protecci6n para reparaciones.
AplicanaBgunaslimitacienes y exclusienes. Para conocerprecies y obtener inforrnaci6n adicienal en EE. UU., Ilarne al
* La coberturaen Canaddvaria en determinades articules. Para
ebtenertodos losdetalles, cemuniquesea Sears Canad_ al
Serviciode instaiaci6ndeSears
Parasolicitar un servicio de instalaci6n per parte de unprofesional de Searspara aparatos dom6sticos, puertas autom_ticas de garajes,
calentadoresde agua y otros articulos dom_sticos importantes en EE.UU.o Canada,comuniqueseal 1-800-4-1ViY-HOME®.
Leaestemanualminuciosamentey conozcaafondolas
partesy elluncionamientodesurn_quinalimpiadoraa presi6n.Conozcasusaplicaciones,suslimitacionesy los peligrosinvolucrados,
Simbolossobrela seguridady significados
A. ADVERTENCIA Elescapedei motor de este producto contiene eiementos quimicos reconocidosen el Estadode California por producir c_.ncer,defectosde nacimiento u otros da_os de tipo reproductivo.
_lLABVERTENCIA Esteproducto contiene plomo y compuestos de plomo declaradoscausantes de malformaciones y otros defectos cong6nitos por el Estado de California. Ldveselas manos despu6s de manipular
GasesT0xicos Contragolpe DescargaEI6ctrica
z 5-
SuperficiesResbalosas Caer InyecciOnLiquida
Partes en Movimiento
Fuego ExplosiOn Manual del Operario
A. Elsimbolo dealerta de seguridad indica un posible riesgo parasu integridad fisica. Se utiliza una palabra,de
se_alizaciOn(PELIGRO,ADVERTENCIAo PRECAUCION) junto con el simbolo de alerta paradesignar un grado o
nivel de gravedadde riesgo. Se puede utilizar un simbolo de seguridad para representarel tipo de riesgo. La palabrade
se_alizaciOnAVlSO se utiliza para hacer referenciaa una
pr_.cticano relacionadacon una lesionfisica. _i. PELI6RO indica un riesgo que,de no evitarse, pmvocard la muerte o lesiones de gravedad.
A. ADVERTENCIAindica un riesgo que, de no evitarse, podrfa provocar la muerte o lesiones de gravedad.
A. PRECAUTIONindica un riesgo que, de no evitarse,podrfa provocar lesiones leveso moderadas.
AI/l$O hacereferenciaa una pr_.cticano relacionadacon una lesion fisica.
Objetos Voladores Superficie Caliente
A. ABVERTENCIA AI motor funcionar, se produce
mon0xido de carbono, un gas inodoro y venenoso.
Respirar mon0xido de carbono puede provocar
dolor de cabeza, fatiga, mareos, v0mitos, confusion, ataques, n_.useas, desmayos o inciuso la muerte.
Algunas sustancias quimicas o los detergentes pueden ser perjudiciaies si inhalados o ingeridos, causando la
n_.usea severa, desmayando o para envenenar.
Opereel limpiadora a presi6n SOLAMENTEalaire iibre.
Aseg_resede que los gases deescapeno puedanentrar por ventanas,puertas,tomas deaire de ventilaci6n u otras aberturas en un espacio cerrado en ei que puedanacumubrse.
NOarranque ni dejefuncionar el motor en interiores ni en zonascerradas,aunque hayaventanasy puertas abiertas.
Utilice un respirador o m_scara siempre que exista la posibiiidad de inhaiar vapores.
Leatodas las instrucciones de la m_scara paraasegurarsede quele brindar_ la protecci6n necesafia contra la inhalaci6nde vaporesnocivos.
_lLABVERTENCIA Riesgode eiectrocuci0n.
_.lih Elcontacto con los cablesel6ctricos puede
provocar electrocuci0n y quemaduras.
A. ADVERTENCIA Peligro de quemadura quimica.
,_ Los productosquimicospodrianprovocarlesiones,
_ da_osmaterialesdegravedado la muerte.
NO useliquido c_ustico con la limpiadora a presi6n.
Use EXCLUSIVAMENTEdetergenteso jabonesespeciaiespara la limpiadora apresi6n. Sigatodas las instrucciones del
A ADVERTENCIA El retroceso (repliegue r_.pido) del
cable del arrancador puede producir lesiones. El
,_ retroceso impedir_, que el usuario suelte ei cable a
tiempo y tirar_ de su mano y brazo hacia el motor. Como resultado, podrian producirse fracturas, contusiones 0 esguinces.
NUNCAtire dei cable dei arrancador sin eiiminar previamentela presi6n de la pistola rociadora.
Cuandoarranque el motor, tire ientamentedeicable hasta sentir una resistenciay, a continuaci6n, tire r_pidamente de_i para evitar su retroceso.
Despu_s decada intento dearranque, cuando ei motor no consigaarrancar, apuntecon la pistola rociadora hacia una
direcci6n segura, pulse el bot6n rojo y apriete ei gatillo para descargarla presi6n.
Sujetefirmemente la pistola rociadora con ambas manos cuando aplique un rociado a alta presi6n paraevitar lesiones cuando se produzcael retroceso de la pistola.
A ADVERTENCIA El contacto con la zona dei silenciador
puede producir quemaduras graves.
,_:_,,_ _ Los gases y ei calor de escape pueden
las estructuras 0 da_ar el dep6sito de combustible y provocar un incendio.
NOtoque ias superficies calientes y evite losgasesdei escapea altatemperatura.
Permita que el equipo se enffie antesdetocaflo.
Deje un espacio minimo de 1.5 m (5 pies) airededor del
limpiadora a presi6n, incluida la parte superior.
Utilizar el motor en unterreno boscoso, con maleza o cubierto de hierba constituye una infracci6n al C6digo de recursos p_blicos de California,a menos que el sistema de escapeest_ equipado con una pantalla apagachispas,de acuerdo a la definici6n de la Secci6n4442, que se mantenga en buenas
condiciones de funcionamiento. En otros estados o jurisdicciones federales puede haber leyes similares envigor.
P6ngaseencontacto con el fabricante, el vendedor o el distribuidor del equipo original paraobtener una pantalla apagachispasdise_ada parael sistema de escapeinstaladoen
este motor.
Las piezasde recambio debenser las mismas que las piezas originales y estar instaladasen la misma posici6n.
inflamar los matefiales combustibles y
A AI:IVERTENCIALa gasolina y sus vapores son
extremadamenteinfiamables y
_ explosivos.
Elfuego o una explosi6n pueden causar
quemaduras severase inclusive la muerte.
Apague el limpiadora a presi6n (posici6n OFF)y d_jelo enfriar al menos por 2 minutos antes de remover la tapa de la
combustible. Afioje la tapa lentamente paradejar que la presi6n salga deltanque.
Llene o vacieel dep6sito de combustible a la intemperie.
NO Ilenedemasiado eltanque. Permita al menos espacio para la expansi6ndel combustible.
Si se ha derramadocombustible, esperea que se evaporeantes de arrancarel motor.
Mantenga la gasolina alejada dechispas, llamasabiertas, pilotos, calor y otras fuentes de ignici6n.
NOencienda un cigarrillo o fume.
Compruebeque la bujia, el silenciador, el tap6n del dep6sito de combustible y el fiitro deaire est_ninstaiados.
NOarranque el motor sin la bujia instaiada.
NO incline ei motor o ei equipo, de tai maneraque la gasolina se puedaderramar.
NO rode liquidos inflamabies.
Transporte, mover o repare ei equipo con ei tanquede combustible vacio, o con lav_lvula paraapagarei combustible,
apagada(posici6n OFF).
NO incline ei motor o ei equipo, de tai maneraque la gasolina se puedaderramar.
Desconecteei cable de la bujia.
Almacenealejado decalderas, estufas, calentadoresdeagua,
secadorasde ropa u otros aparatos eiectrodom_sticos que posean pilotos u otras fuentes de ignici6n, porque ellos pueden encenderlos vaporesde la combustible.
A AI:IVERTENCIA El uso de limpiadora a presi6n puede
A ADVERTENCIA El arrancador y otras piezas que rotan
pueden enredar las manos, el pelo, la ropa, o losaccesorios.
NUNCAutiiice la limpiadora a presi6n sin sus carcasaso tapas de protecci6n.
NO use ropa suelta, joyaso elementos que puedanquedar atrapadosen el arranque o enotras partes rotatorias.
Ate paraarriba ei pelo largo y quite la joyefia.
_,_ _.. crearresbalosas.lOscharcos y superficies
El retroceso de la pistola rociadora
puede provocar caidas.
Utilice la limpiadora a presi6n desdeuna superficie estable.
El_rea de limpieza deber_tener inclinaciones y drenajes
adecuadospara disminuir la posibilidad de caidasdebido a superficies resbalosas.
Extremelas precaucionessi necesita utilizar la limpiadora a presi6n desdeuna escalera, unandamio uotro lugar similar.
Sujetefirmemente ia pistola rociadora con ambas manos cuando aplique un rociado a alta presi6n paraevitar lesiones cuando se produzcaei retroceso de la pistola.
+ 74 hidden pages