3000 PSi
2.8 GPIVl
iViodelNo. 580.752360
,, Safety
HOURS: IVlon.- Fri. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (CT)
,, Assembly
,, Operation
Before using this product, read this
manual and follow aii Safety Rules
and Operating Instructions.
This pressurewasher is rated in accordanceto the PressureWasher Manufacture Association (PWMA) standard PW101 (Testingand Rating
Performance of PressureWashers).
Esta limpiadora a presi6n est,. clasificadaconforme a la norma PW101 (comprobaci6n y clasificaci6n de rendimiento de fimpiadoras a
presi6n) de la Asociaci6n de fabricantes de bombas a presi6n (Pressure Washer Manufacture Association, PWMA).
Sears, Roebuckand Co., HoffrnanEstates,IL 60179 U.S.A.
Visit our Craftsman website: www.craftsman.com
Part No. 205694GS Draft B(07/25/2008)
Antes de utiiizar el producto, lea este
manual y siga todas las Reglas de
Seguridad e Instrucciones de Uso.
. Maintenance
,, Parts
,, EspafioJ,p. 34

WARRANTY.......................................... 2
SAFETYRULES...................................... 2-4
FEATURESANDCONTROLS.............................. 5
ASSEMBLY......................................... 6-8
OPERATION........................................ 9-13
SPECIFICATIONS..................................... 14
MAINTENANCE.................................... 14-20
STORAGE........................................ 21-22
TROUBLESHOOTING.................................. 23
REPLACEMENTPARTS.............................. 24-31
EMISSIONCONTROLWARRANTY..................... 32-33
ESPANOL......................................... 34-59
HOWTO ORDERPARTS........................ BACKPAGE
If this pressurewasher fails due to a defectin material or workmanship within oneyearfrom the date of purchase,return it to
any Searsstore, other Craftsmanoutlet, or Sears Parts & RepairCenter in the United States or Canadafor free repair (or
replacementif repair proves impossible).
All warranty coverageapplies for only 90 daysfrom date of purchaseif this pressure washer is ever usedfor commercialor
rental purposes.
This warranty givesyou specific legal rights, and you may also haveother rights which vary from state to state.
Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179
Sears Canada inc., Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5B 2B8
,_ Thisis the safetyalert symbol,It is usedto alert youto potential personalinjury hazards,Obeyall safetymessages
thatfollow thissymbol to avoid possibleinjuryor death.
Readthis manual carefully and becomefamiliar
-v with yourpressurewasher. Knowitsapplications,
itslimitations, and any hazardsinvolved.
Thesafety alert symbol (_,) is used with a signal word
(DANGER,CAUTION,WARNING),a pictorial and/or a safety
messageto alert you to hazards.BANGERindicatesa hazard
which, if not avoided, will result in deathor serious injury.
WARNINGindicates a hazardwhich, if not avoided, could
result in death or serious injury. CAUTIONindicatesa hazard
which, if not avoided, might resultin minor or moderate
injury. NOTICEindicatesa situation that could result in
equipment damage. Follow safety messagesto avoid or
reducethe risk of injury or death.
ToxicFumes Kickback ElectricalShock
SlipperySurface Fall
MovingParts FlyingObjects
Explosion Operator'sManual

Theengine exhaustfromthisproductcontains
chemicalsknownto the State of California to cause
cancer,birthdefects,or other reproductiveharm.
Running engine gives off carbon monoxide, an
odorless, colorless, poison gas.
Breathing carbon monoxide can cause headache,
fatigue, dizziness, vomiting, confusion, seizures,
nausea, fainting or death.
Some chemicals or detergents may be harmful if
inhaled or ingested, causing severe nausea,
fainting, or poisoning.
* Operatepressure washer ONLYoutdoors.
* Keepexhaust gasfrom entering aconfined areathrough
windows, doors, ventilation intakes, or other openings.
* DO NOTstart or run engine indoors or in an enclosedarea,
evenif windows and doors are open.
* Usea respirator or maskwhenever there is a chancethat
vapors may be inhaled.
* Readall instructions with mask so you are certain the mask will
provide the necessaryprotection against inhaling harmful
_¢ isk of electrocution.
* NEVERspray near power source.
Contact with power source can cause electric
shock or burn.
Contact with muffler areacan result in serious
._ Exhaustheat/gases can ignite combustibles,structures or damagefuel tank causing a fire.
* DO NOTtouch hot parts and AVOID hot exhaust gases.
. Allow equipment to cool before touching.
. Keep at least 5 feet (152 cm) of clearance on all sides of
pressure washer including overhead.
. Codeof FederalRegulation (CFR)Title 36 Parks, Forests,and
Public Property require equipment powered by an internal
combustion engine to have a spark arrester, maintained in
effective working order, complying to USDAForest service
standard 5100-1C or later revision, in the Stateof California a
spark arrester is required under section 4442 of the California
Public resources code. Other states may havesimilar laws.
,_ Fuel and its vapors are extremely flammable and
,, Turn pressure washer OFFand let it cool at least 2 minutes
• Fill or drain fuel tank outdoors.
• DO NOToverfill tank. Allow space for fuel expansion.
• Iffuel spills, wait until it evaporates before starting engine.
• Keepfuel awayfrom sparks, openflames, pilot lights, heat,and
• DO NOTlight a cigarette or smoke.
• Ensurespark plug, muffler, fuel cap, andair cleaner are in
• DO NOTcrank engine with spark plug removed.
* DO NOTtip engine or equipment at angle which causesfuel to
. DO NOTspray flammable liquids.
* Transport/repairwithfueltank EMPTYorwith fuelshutoffvalve
. Disconnectsparkplugwire.
* Storeawayfrom furnaces, stoves, water heaters,clothes
Fire or explosion can cause severe burns or
before removing fuel cap. Loosen cap slowly to relievepressure
in tank.
other ignition sources.
dryers, or other appliances that have pilot light or other ignition
source becausethey can ignite fuel vapors.
Starter cord kickback (rapid retraction) can result
_nbodily injury. Kickback will pull hand and arm
toward engine faster than you can let go.
Broken bones, fractures, bruises, or sprains
could result.
• NEVERpull starter cord without first relieving spray gun
• When starting engine, pull cord slowly until resistance is felt
andthen pull rapidly to avoid kickback.
• After each starting attempt, where engine fails to run, always
point spray gun in safe direction, press red button and squeeze
spray gun trigger to releasehigh pressure.
• Firmly grasp spray gun with both hands when using high
pressure spray to avoid injury when spray gun kicks back.

The high pressure stream of water that this
equipment produces can cut through skin and its
_ nderlying tissues, leading to serious injury and
• DONOTallow CHILDRENto operate pressure washer.
• NEVERrepair high pressure hose. Replaceit.
• NEVERrepair leakingconnections with sealant of any kind.
Replaceo-ring or seal.
• NEVERconnect high pressure hoseto nozzle extension.
• Keephigh pressure hose connectedto pump and spray gun
while system is pressurized.
• ALWAYSpoint spray gun in safe direction, press red button
andsqueezespray gun trigger to releasehigh pressure, every
time you stop engine.
• NEVERaim spray gun at people, animals, or plants.
• DO NOTsecure spray gun in open position.
• DO NOTleavespray gun unattended while machine is running.
• NEVERusea spray gun which does not havea trigger lock or
trigger guard in place and in working order.
• Always becertain spray gun, spray tips and accessories are
correctly attached.
3ossible amputation.
Spray gun traps high water pressure, even when
engine is stopped and water is disconnected,
which can cause injury.
Starter and other rotating parts can entangle
hands, hair, clothing, or accessories.
• NEVERoperate pressure washerwithout protective housing or
• DO NOTwear loose clothing, jewelry or anything that may be
caught in the starter or other rotating parts.
• Tie up long hair and remove jewelry.
>._q--_ iRisk of eye injury.
Spray can splash back or propel objects.
• Always wear safety goggles when using this equipment or in
vicinity of where equipment is in use.
• Before starting the pressure washer, be sure you are wearing
adequatesafety goggles.
• NEVERsubstitute safety glasses for safety goggles.
High pressure spray may damage fragile items including
• DO NOTpoint spray gun at glass when using red (0°) spray tip.
• NEVERaim spray gun at plants.
Use of pressure washer can create puddles and
slippery surfaces.
Kickback from spray gun can cause you to fall.
• Operatepressure washer from a stable surface.
• Thecleaning area should haveadequateslopes and drainageto
reducethe possibility of a fall due to slippery surfaces.
• Be extremely careful if you must usethe pressure washerfrom
a ladder,scaffolding, or any other similar location.
• Firmly grasp spray gun with both handswhen using high
pressure spray to avoid injury when spray gun kicks back.
-_ Unintentional sparking can result in fire or
_¢ electric shock.
• Disconnect the spark plug wire from the spark plug and place
the wire where it cannot contact spark plug.
• Use approved spark plug tester.
• DONOTcheck for spark with spark plug removed.
improper treatment of pressure washer can damage it and
shorten its life.
• Ifyou have questions about intended use,ask dealer or contact
• NEVERoperate units with broken or missing parts, or without
protective housing or covers.
• DO NOTby-pass any safety device on this machine.
• DO NOTtamper with governed speed.
• DO NOToperate pressure washer above rated pressure.
• DO NOTmodify pressure washer in any way.
• Before starting pressure washer in cold weather, checkall parts
of the equipment to besure ice has not formed there.
• NEVERmove machine by pulling on hoses. Use handle
provided on unit.
• Checkfuel system for leaks or signs of deterioration, such as
chafed or spongy hose,loose or missing clamps, or damaged
tank or cap. Correct all defects beforeoperating pressure
• This equipment is designed to be used with Searsauthorized
parts ONLY.If equipment is used with parts that DO NOT
comply with minimum specifications, userassumes all risks
and liabilities.

Readthe Operator's Manual andsafetyrules beforeoperating yourpressurewasher.
Comparethe illustrations with your pressurewasherto familiarize yourself with the locations of various controls and
adjustments. Savethis manualfor future reference.
A - Spray Tips -- Detergent, 0°, 15° and40°: for various
high pressure cleaning applications.
B- Pressure Control Knob-- Varies pressureof high
pressure spray.
C- Warning/Operating Instructions Tag-- identifies hazards
and proper procedureto start/stop pressurewasher.
D - HighPressure Hose-- Connectone end to water pump
and the other end to spray gun.
E - HighPressure Outlet -- Connectionfor high pressure
F - Pump-- Developshigh pressure.
G - Automatic Cool DownSystem-- Cycleswater through
pump when water reaches125°-155°F. Warm water will
dischargefrom pump onto ground. This system prevents
internalpump damage.
H- Detergent SiphoningTube/Filter -- Useto siphon pressure
washersafedetergentintothe lowpressurestream.
J - Oil Drain Plug -- Drainengine oil here.
K- Fuel Valve-- Usedto turn fuel supply on and off to
L - Recoil Starter -- Usedfor starting the engine manually.
IVl- Choke Lever -- Preparesa cold enginefor starting.
N - ThrottleLever-- Setsengine in starting mode for recoil
P - EngineSwitch -- Setswitch to "On" for recoil starting.
Set switch to "Off" to stop a running engine.
R - Air Filter -- Protects engine by filtering dust and debris
out of intake air.
S - FuelTank -- Filltank with regular unleadedfuel. Always
leaveroom for fuel expansion.
T - NozzleExtensionwith QuickConnect-- Allows you to
switch betweenfive different spray tips.
U - Turbo Nozzle-- Rotatesa high pressure stream in a
rapid circular pattern.
V - Spray Gun with QuickConnect-- Controls the
application of water onto cleaning surfacewith trigger
device, includes automatic trigger lock.
Items Not Shown:
Data Tag (near rear of base plate) -- Provides model and
serial number of pressure washer. Pleasehavethese
numbers readily availableif calling for assistance.
Oil Fill/Dipstick -- Checkand add engine oil here.
Safety Goggles -- Always usethe supplied safety goggles
when running your pressure washer.
Water Inlet -- Connection for garden hose.

Your pressure washer requires some assembly and is ready
for useonly after it has been properly servicedwith the
recommendedoil andfuel.
if you have any problemswith theassemblyof your
pressurewasher, please call the pressurewasher helpliue
at 1=800-222-3136.
iMPORTANT:Any attempt to run the engine before it has
been servicedwith the recommended oil will resultin an
engine failure.
U.pack the PressureWasher
1. Removeeverythingfrom carton except pressurewasher.
2. Opencarton completely by cutting eachcorner from top
to bottom.
3. Removepressure washer from carton.
Checkall contents.Ifanyparts are missing or damaged,call
the pressurewasherhelplineat 1-800-222-3136.
• The main unit
• Handle
• Spray gun
• High pressure hose
• Nozzleextension with quickconnect fitting
• Engine oil
• Parts bag (which includes items listed below)
• Owner's manual
• Registration card
• Bag containing 4 multi-colored quickconnect spray
• Turbo nozzle
• HandleFasteningHardwareKit (whichincludes):
• Carriage Bolt (2)
• Plastic Knobs (2)
Becomefamiliar with eachpiece beforeassemblingthe
pressure washer. Checkall contents againstthe illustration
on page5. If any parts are missing or damaged,call the
pressure washer helpline at 1-808-222-3136.
5. Verify pump oil dipstick (A) has beeninstalledinto pump.
6. Connectpressure hose to spray gun and pump.
7. Connectwater supply to pump.
8. Attach nozzleextension to spray gun.
9. Select/attachquick connect spray tip to nozzle
1. Placehandle (B) onto handlesupports (C) connected to
main unit. Makesure holes (D) in handle align with
holes (B) on handlesupports.
NOTE:It may be necessaryto move the handle supports
from side to side in order to align the handle so it will slide
over the handle supports.
2. insert carriagebolts (E)through holesfrom outside of
unit and attach a plastic knob (F) from inside of unit.
Tighten by hand.
Assembling YourPressure Pusher
Your Craftsman pressure washer will needassembly before
1. Fill out and send in registration card.
2. Attach handle.
3. Addoil to engine crankcase.
4. Addfuel to fuel tank.
3. insert multi-colored spraytips andturbo nozzlein
spacesprovided in handle.

Add Engine Oil 1.
1. Placepressurewasher on a flat, level surface.
2. Cleanareaaround oil fill and remove oil fill cap/dipstick.
NOTE:SeeOil Recommendations in Maintenancesection.
Verify provided oil bottle is the correct viscosity for current
ambient temperature. 3.
3. Usingoil funnel (optional), slowly pour contents of both
provided oil bottles into oil fill opening to the point of
improper treatment of pressurewasher candamageit and
shorten its life.
• DONOTattemptto crankor starttheenginebeforeit hasbeen
4. Replaceoil fill cap/dipstick and fully tighten.
Fueland its vapors are extremely flammable and
Fireor explosion can causesevere burns or
• Turn pressure washer OFFand let it cool at least 2 minutes
before removing fuel cap. Loosen cap slowly to relieve pressure
in tank.
• Fill fuel tank outdoors.
• DONOToverfill tank. Allow space for fuel expansion.
• If fuel spills, wait until it evaporates before starting engine.
• Keepfuel away from sparks, openflames, pilot lights, heat,and
other ignition sources.
• DONOTlight a cigarette or smoke.
4. install fuel capand wait for any spilled fuel to evaporate.
CAUTION!Alcohol-blendedfuels (called gasohol, ethanol or
methanol) can attract moisture, which leads to separation and
formation of acids during storage. Acidic gascan damagethe
fuel system of an enginewhile in storage.
To avoidengineproblems, the fuel system should betreated
with a fuel preserver or emptied before storage of 30 days or
longer. If adding a fuel preserver,fill thefuel tank with fresh
fuel. If only partially filled, air in the tank will promote fuel
deterioration during storage. If fuel preserver is not used,
drain the fuel tank, start the engine and let it run until the fuel
lines and carburetor are empty. Usefresh fuel next season.
SeeStoragefor additional information.
NEVERuseengine or carburetor cleaner products in the fuel
tank as permanent damagemay occur.
Use clean,fresh, regular UNLEADEDfuel with a
minimum of 86 octanewith equipment. DO NOTmix oil
with fuel.
Placepressure washer on a levelsurface. Cleanarea
around fuel fill cap, remove cap.
Slowly add regular unleadedfuel to fuel tank. Becareful
not to overfill. Allow about 1" of tank space for fuel
expansion,as shown here.

Connect Hose and Water Supply to Pump
NOTE:Removeanddiscard theshippingcapsfrom the pump's
high pressureoutlet andwater inlet beforeattachinghoses.
DONOTrun the pump without the water supply connected
and turned on.
* Damageto equipmentresultingfromfailuretofollowthis
instructionwill voidwarranty.
Uncoil high pressure hose and attach quick connect end
of hoseto base of spray gun. Pull down on collar of
quick connect, slide onto spray gun and let go of collar.
Tug on hose to be sure of tight connection.
equipment produces can cut through skin and its
The high pressure stream of water that this
underlying tissues, leading to serious injury and
}ossible amputation.
• NEVERconnect high pressure hoseto spray tip extension.
• Keephigh pressure hose connectedto pump and spray gun
while system is pressurized.
• Always becertain spray gun, spray tips and accessories are
correctly attached.
Similarly, attachother end of high pressure hoseto high
pressure outlet (A) on pump. Pull down on collar of
quick connect, slide onto pump and let go of collar. Pull
on hose to be sure of tight connection.
Beforeconnecting garden hoseto water inlet, inspect
inlet screen (B). Cleanscreen if it contains debris or have
it replacedif damaged.DO NOTrun pressurewasher if
inlet screenisdamaged or missing.
4. Runwater through garden hosefor 30 secondsto clean
out any debris. Turn off water.
iMPORTANT:DONOTsiphon standing water for the water
supply. Use ONLYcold water (less than 100°F).
Using a OneWay Valve (vacuum breaker or checkvalve) at
p_j__inlet cancause um or inlet connector dama e.
• ThereMUSTbeatleasttenfeetofunrestrictedgardenhose
betweenthe pressurewasherinletandanydevice,suchasa
vacuumbreakeror checkvalve.
• Damageto equipmentresultingfromfailuretofollowthis
instructionwill voidwarranty.
5. Connectgarden hose(not to exceed50 feet in length) to
water inlet.Tighten by hand.
,>._-_ iRiskof eyeinjury.
Spraycan splash back or propel objects.
• Alwayswearsafetygoggleswhenusingthis equipmentor in
vicinityof whereequipmentis inuse.
• Beforestartingthe pressurewasher,besureyouarewearing
• NEVERsubstitutesafetyglassesfor safetygoggles.
6. Turn ONthe water, press red button (C) on the gun and
squeezethe trigger to purge the pump system of air and
Checklist Before Starting Engine
Reviewthe assembledunit to ensure you haveperformed all
of the following:
1. Besure to read SafetyRules and How To Use Pressure
Washerbeforeusing pressurewasher.
2. Makesure handleis in place and secure.
3. Makesure shipping capwas removed and oil dipstick
was installed in pump.
4. Checkthat oil has beenadded to proper level in engine
5. Add proper fuel to fuel tank.
6. Checkfor properly attachedhoseconnections.
7. Checkto make surethere are no kinks, cuts, or damage
to high pressure hose.
8. Providea proper water supply atan adequateflow.

If you haveanyproblems operating your pressure washer,
pleasecall the pressure washer helpline at 1-888-222-3136.
_ Exhaustheat/gases can ignitecombustlbJes,
• Keepat least5ft. (152cm)clearanceonall sidesof pressure
Placepressure washer outdoors inanarea that will not
accumulate deadlyexhaustgas. DO NOTplace pressure
washer where exhaustgas (A) could accumulate and enter
inside or be drawn into a potentially occupied building.
Ensureexhaust gas is kept awayfrom anywindows, doors,
ventilation intakes, or other openingsthat can allow exhaust
gasto collect in aconfined area. Prevailing winds and air
currents should be taken into considerationwhen positioning
}ressure washer.
structures or damage fuel tank causing a fire.
iRunningengine gives off carbon monoxide, an
odorless,colorless, poison gas.
Breathingcarbon monoxide can cause headache,
ifatigue,dizziness, vomiting, confusion, seizures,
nausea,fainting or death.
• OperatepressurewasherONLYoutdoors.
• Keepexhaustgasfromenteringaconfinedareathrough
windows,doors,ventilationintakes,or otheropenings.
• DONOTstartor runengineindoorsorin anenclosedarea,
evenif windowsanddoorsareopen.
ToStart YourPressureWasher
To start your engine-powered pressure washer for the first
time, follow these instructions step-by-step. This starting
information alsoapplies wheneveryou start the engine after
you haveletthe pressure washer sit idle for at least a day.
1. Placepressurewashernearan outsidewater source
capableof supplyingwater ata flow rategreaterthan
5.0 gallonsperminuteand no lessthan 20 PSiat pressure
washerend of gardenhose.
2. Checkthat high pressure hose is tightly connectedto
spray gun and pump. SeeAssembly for illustrations.
3. Makesure unit is in a level position.
4. Connectgarden hose to water inlet on pressure washer
DONOT run the pump without the water supply connected
land turned on.
, amageto equipmentresultingfromfailuretofollowthis
instructionwill voidwarranty.
5. Turn ON thewater, press red button on the gun and
squeezethe trigger to purge the pump system of air and
6. Attach nozzleextension to spray gun. Tighten by hand.
7. Choosespray tip you want to use, pull back on collar of
nozzle extension, insert spray tip and releasecollar. Tug
on spray tip to makesure it is securely in place. See
How to UseSpray Tips.
8. Movefuel valvelever(B) to "On" position.
(_ OFF

9. Movethrottle lever(A) to "Fast" position, shown as a
10. Move choke lever(B) to "Closed" position.
" [ OPEN
NOTE:For a warm engine, be sure the choke lever is in the
"Open" position.
11. Move engine switch (C)to "On" position.
12. When starting engine,position yourself as
recommendedand grasp starter grip handle and pull
slowly until you feel some resistance.Then pull rapidly
to start engine.
Starter cord kickback (rapid retraction) can result
_nbodily injury. Kickback will pull hand and arm
_,_,_< toward engine faster than you can let go.
Broken bones, fractures, bruises, or sprains
could result.
• NEVERpull starter cord without first relieving spray gun
• When starting engine, pull cord slowly until resistance is felt
andthen pull rapidly to avoid kickback.
• After each starting attempt, where engine fails to run, always
point spray gun insafe direction, press red button and squeeze
spray gun trigger to releasehigh pressure.
• Firmly grasp spray gun with both hands when using high
pressure spray to avoid injury when spray gun kicks back.
IMPORTANT:Beforestarting the pressure washer, be sure
'ou are wearing adequatesafetygoggles.
_,_ Riskof eyeinjury.
" Spray can splash back or propel objects.
• Alwayswearsafetygoggleswhenusingthis equipmentor in
vicinityof whereequipmentisin use.
• Beforestartingthe pressurewasher,besureyouarewearing
• NEVERsubstitutesafetyglassesfor safetygoggles.
3. Return recoil starter slowly. DONOTlet rope "snap
back"against starter.
14. When engine starts, slowly move choke lever to "Open"
position as enginewarms. If enginefalters, move choke
leverto "Closed" position, then to "Open" position.
15. If enginefires, but doesnot continue to run,always point
gun in safe direction, press red botton and squeezespray
gun trigger to releasehigh pressure. Move choke leverto
"Open" position, and repeatsteps 12 through 14.
16. If enginefails to start after six pulis, move choke leverto
"Open" position, and repeatsteps 12 through 14.
NOTE:Always keepthe throttle lever in the "Fast" position
when operating the pressurewasher.

The high pressure stream of water that this
equipment produces can cut through skin and its
_ nderlying tissues, leading to serious injury and
• DONOTallow CHILDRENto operate pressure washer.
• Keephigh pressure hose connectedto pump and spray gun
while system is pressurized.
• NEVERaim spray gun at people, animals, or plants.
• DO NOTsecure spray gun in open position.
• DO NOTleavespray gun unattended while machine is running.
• NEVERusea spray gun which does not havea trigger lock or
trigger guard in place and in working order.
• Always becertain spray gun, nozzlesand accessories are
correctly attached.
3ossible amputation.
Spray gun traps high water pressure, even when
engine is stopped and water is disconnected,
which can cause injury.
Howto Stop Your Pressure Washer
1. Release spray gun trigger and let engine idle for two
2. Move throttle lever to "Slow" position, shown as a turtle.
,_ Backfire, fire or engine damage could occur.
• DONOTstop engine by moving choke leverto "Closed" position.
3. Moveengine switch to "Off" position.
4. Movefuel valve leverto "Off" position.
5. ALWAYSpoint spray gun in a safe direction, push red
button and squeezespray gun trigger to release retained
high water pressure.
IMPORTANT:Spray gun traps high water pressure,even
when engine is stopped and water is disconnected.
Contact with muffler areacan result in serious
._ Exhaustheat/gases can ignite combustibles,
* DO NOTtouch hot parts and AVOID hot exhaust gases.
, Allow equipment to cool before touching.
, Keep at least 5 feet (152 cm) of clearance on all sides of
, Codeof FederalRegulation (CFR)Title 36 Parks, Forests,and
structures or damagefuel tank causing a fire.
pressure washer including overhead.
Public Property require equipment powered by an internal
combustion engine to have a spark arrester, maintained in
effective working order, complying to USDAForest service
standard 5100-1C or later revision, in the Stateof California a
spark arrester is required under section 4442 of the California
Public resources code. Other states may havesimilar laws.
The high pressure stream of water that this
equipment produces can cut through skin and its
_ nderlying tissues, leading to serious injury and
• Keephighpressurehoseconnectedto pumpandspraygun
whilesystemis pressurized.
• ALWAYSpointspraygunin safedirection,pressredbutton
andsqueezesprayguntrigger,to releasehighpressure,every
}ossible amputation.
Spray gun traps high water pressure,evenwhen
engine is stopped and water is disconnected,
which can cause injury.

How to Use Spray Tips
The quick-connect on the nozzleextension allows you to
switch betweenfour different quick connect spray tips. Spray
tips can be changedwhile pressurewasher is running once
spray gun trigger lock is engaged. Thespray tips vary the
spray pattern asshown below.
Foflowtheseinstructionsto changespraytips:
1. Pull back collar on quick-connect and pull current spray
tip off. Storespray tips in holes provided in the handle.
The high pressure stream of water that this
_ quipment produces can cut through skin and its
• NEVERexchangespraytips withoutthetriggerlockonthe
• DONOTtwist spraytips whilespraying.
2. Selectdesiredspray tip:
underlying tissues, leading to serious injury and
possible amputation.
• For gentle rinse, selectwhite 40° spray tip.
• To scour surface, selectyellow 15° or red 0° spray
• To apply detergent, select black spray tip.
Howto Use the Turbo Nozzle
Theturbo nozzlespins a 0° nozzlestream in a circular
pattern, providing an intense wide-spray pattern for scouring
large surfaceareasfast and efficient.
A turbo nozzlecan easilycut through heavy oil and grease
stains on concrete, brick and plastic and strip paint from
various surfaces. DO NOTuse the turbo nozzleon delicate
materials, especiallywood. Alwaysstart the turbo nozzleat a
distance, graduallygetting closer to the surfaceuntil you get
the cleaningforce you want. Always keeptheturbo nozzlein
a constant motion. NEVERdwell on a single spot. Passover
stubborn stains repeatedlyuntil they aregone using even
The high pressure stream of water that this
equipment produces can cut through skin and its
underlying tissues, leading to serious injury and
_ possible amputation.
• Alwaysmakesurethesurfaceyouwillcleanwill not bedamaged
Theturbo nozzleproduces an extremely high
pressure spray which is capableof removing
paint and cutting holes through surfaces if held
too close.
bythe highpressurespraybytestingina hiddenarea.
_; Low Pressure
Useto apply
I J i I
40° White
3. Pull back on collar, insert newspray tip and release
collar. Tug on spray tip to make sure it is securely in
* For most effective cleaning, keepspray tip from 8 to
24 inches (20 to 61 cm) awayfrom cleaning surface.
* Ifyou get spray tip too close, especially using a high
pressure spray tip, you may damagesurfacebeing
* DONOTget closer than 6 inches (15 cm) when cleaning
15° Yellow 0° Red
ii i I
To attach the turbo nozzleto the spraygun:
1. Pull backcollar on quick-connect and pull current spray
tip off. Store spray tips in holder provided on the handle.
2. Pull backon collar, insert turbo nozzleand releasecollar.
Tugon turbo nozzleto make sure it is securelyin place.
3. Formost effective cleaning, keepturbo nozzlefrom 8 to
24 inches awayfrom cleaning surface. If you get turbo
nozzletoo close, you may damagecleaningsurface.
NOTE:Detergentcannot be applied with the turbo nozzle.
CleaningandApplying Detergent
Chemicalscan cause bodily injury, and/or property
• NEVERusecausticliquidwith pressurewasher.
• UseONLYpressurewashersafedetergents/soaps.Followall
TOapply detergent, fellow thesesteps:
1. Pullback on collar, insertblack detergent nozzleand
releasecollar. Tug on nozzleto make sure it is securely
in place.
NOTE:Detergentcannot be applied with the high pressure
spray tips (White, Yellow, or Red).
2. Preparedetergentsolution as required by job.

3. Placesmallfilterendofdetergentsiphoningtubeinto
Contact with the hot muffler can damagedetergent
siphoning tube. m_m_
" Wheninsertingfilter into adetergentsolutionbottle,routetube
soasto keepitfrom inadvertentlycontactinghotmuffler.
4. Makesure garden hose is connected to water inlet.
Checkthat high pressure hose is connected to spray gun
and pump. Turn on water.
YOU must attach aJJ hoses before you start the engine.
* Starting the engine without aJJ the hoses connected and without
* Damageto equipmentresultingfromfailuretofollowthis
instructionwill voidwarranty.
Start enginefollowing instructions How to Start Your
Pressure Washer.
Apply detergent to a dry surface, starting at lower
portion of areato be washedand work upward, using
long, even,overlapping strokes.
7. Allow detergent to "soak in" for 3-5 minutes before
washing and rinsing. Reapplyas neededto prevent
surfacefrom drying. DO NOTallow detergentto dry on
(prevents streaking).
IIVIPORTANT:You must flush the detergent siphoning system
after each use by placing the filter into a bucket of clean
water, then run the pressure washer with black detergent
nozzlefor 1-2 minutes.
Pressure Washer Rinsing
1. Removeblack detergent nozzlefrom nozzleextension.
2. Selectand install desired high pressure spray tip
following instructions Howto UseSpray Tips.
3. Keepspray gun a safedistance from areayou plan to
Kickbackfrom spray gun can causeyou to fall.
; Opeiaiepressurewasherfrom astablesurface.
• Beextremelycarefulif youmustusethepressurewasherfrom
a ladder,scaffolding,or anyothersimilarlocation.
• Firmlygraspspraygunwithbothhandswhenusinghigh
pressuresprayto avoidinjurywhenspraygunkicksback.
Increase(decrease)spray pressure by turning pressure
control knob (A) clockwise (counterclockwise). Use
lower )ressureto wash items such as a car or boat. Use
higher }ressure to strip paint and degreasedriveways.
Apply a high pressure spray to a small area and then
check the surface for damage, if no damage is found,
you can assume it is okay to continue rinsing.
Start at top of area to be rinsed, workingdown with
same overlappingstrokes as you used for cleaning.
Cleaning Detergent Siphoning Tube
If you usedthe detergent siphoning tube, you must flush it
with cleanwater before stopping the engine.
1. Removehigh pressure spray tip from nozzleextension.
2. Selectand install black detergent nozzle.
3. Placedetergent siphoning tube/filter in a bucket full of
4. Flushfor 1-2 minutes.
5. Shut off engine following instructions How to Stop
Pressure Washerand turn off water supply.
6. ALWAYSpoint spray gun in a safe direction, press red
button and squeezespray gun trigger to release retained
high water pressure.
IIVlPORTANT:Spray gun traps high water pressure,even
when engine is stopped and water is disconnected.
The high pressure stream of water that this
equipment produces can cut through skin and its
_ nderlying tissues, leading to serious injury and
• Keephighpressurehoseconnectedto pumpandspraygun
whilesystemis pressurized.
• ALWAYSpointspraygunin safedirection,pressredbutton
andsqueezesprayguntrigger,to releasehighpressure,every
Automatic Cool Down System
(Thermal Relief)
If you runthe engine on your pressure washer for
3-5 minutes without pressing the trigger on the spray gun,
circulating water in the pump can reachtemperatures above
125°F.The system engagesto cool the pump by discharging
the warm water onto the ground.
}ossible amputation.
Spray gun traps high water pressure,evenwhen
engine is stopped and water is disconnected,
which can cause injury.

Pressure Washer Specifications
Pressure ..................... 3,000 PSI
Flow Rate..................... 2.8 GPM
DetergentMix ................. Useasdirected
Water Supply Temperature....... Not to exceedIO0°F
Pump Oil Capacity.............. 9.6 fl. oz. (0.28 I)
Engine Specifications
RatedHorsepower ............... 6.5at 3600rpm
Bore .......................... 2.7in.(68 ram)
Stroke ......................... 2.1in. (54 ram)
Displacement................... 12.0in.(196 cc)
Resistor .................... NGKBPR6ES
SetGapTo: ................... 0.028-0.031in (0.70-0.80
IntakeValveClearance............ 0.15_+0.02mm (cold)
ExhaustValveClearance........... 0.20 _+0.02mm (cold)
FuelCapacity ................... 0.95Gallons
OilType ....................... SAE10W-30
This pressurewasher is rated in accordanceto the Pressure
Washer Manufacture Association (PWMA) standard PW101
(Testing and Rating Performanceof PressureWashers).
Follow the hourly or calendarintervals, whichever occurs
first. Morefrequent service is required when operating in
adverseconditions noted below.
Maintenance Schedule
* Changeengine oil
. Check/clean water inlet screen'
. Checkhigh pressure hose
. Checkdetergent siphoning hose
. Checkspray gun and assembly for leaks
. Cleandebris
. Checkair filter
. Checkengine oil level
(rrr i,,}'3}[3 L}: iii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
* Cleanair filter2
ii}i iiiiiii[,,f[',', ;;id} 3J'}_ii}ij[':,_}} :[[JJ 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111_:
. Changeengine oil
* Cleansediment cup
* Check/adjustspark plug
. Service spark arrester'
* Cleanfuel tank and filter
. Changepump oiP
. Replaceair filter_
. Replacespark plug
. Checkadjust idle speed_
. Checkadjust valve clearance_
. Cleancumbustion chambed
. Checkfuel tube (replace if necessary)_
Clean if clogged. Replaceif perforated or torn.
2 Service more often under dirty or dusty conditions.
Replacepaper element only.
4 These items should be serviced by your servicing dealer.
s Changeafter first 50 hours of operation and then every 200 hours or 3 months,
whichever occurs first.

Regular maintenancewill improve the performance and
extend the life of the pressure washer. See anySears or
other qualifiedservice dealerfor service.
The pressurewasher warranty doesnot cover items that
havebeen subjectedto operator abuse or negligence.To
receivefuji value from the warranty, the operator must
maintain pressurewasher as instructed in this manual
including proper storage as detailedin Storage.
Someadjustments will needto be made periodically to
properly maintain your pressure washer.
All service and adjustments should be madeat least once
eachseason. Follow the requirementsin the Maintenance
NOTE:Oncea year you should cleanor replacethe spark
plug and replacethe air filter. A new spark plug and cleanair
filter assure proper fuel-air mixture and help your engine run
better and last longer.
Emissions Control
lVlaintenance, replacement, or repair of theemissions
controldevices and systemsmay be performedbyany non-
roadengine repairestablishment or individual. However,
to obtain "no charge" emissions control service, the work
must be performed by a factory authorized dealer.Seethe
Emissions Warranty.
Before Each Use
1. Checkengineoil level.
2. Cleandebris.
3. Checkwater inlet screen for damage.
4. Checkhigh pressure hose for leaks.
5. Checkgun and nozzleextension assembly for leaks.
6. Purgepump of air and contaminants.
Daily or before use, clean accumulated debris from pressure
washer. Keeplinkage, spring and controls clean. Keeparea
around and behind muffler free from any combustible debris.
inspect cooling air slots and openings on the pressure
washer.These openings must be kept clean and
Pressurewasher parts should be kept clean to reducethe
risk of overheating and ignition of accumulated debris.
* Usea damp cloth to wipe exterior surfaces clean.
improper treatment of pressurewasher candamageit and
shorten its life. m ......
, DONOTinsertanyobjectsthroughcoolingslots.
* Usea soft bristle brush to loosen cakedon dirt, oil, etc.
Usea vacuum cleaner to pick up loose dirt and debris.
Checkand CleanInlet Screen
Examinegarden hose inlet screen. Cleanif it is clogged or
replaceif it is torn.
Check High Pressure Hose
High pressure hoses candevelop leaksfrom wear, kinking,
or abuse, inspect hose beforeeach use. Checkfor cuts,
leaks,abrasions, bulging of cover, or damageor movement
of couplings. If any of these conditions exist, replacehose
The high pressure stream of water that this
_ quipment produces can cut through skin and its
• NEVERrepairhighpressurehose.Replaceit.
• ReplacementhoseratingMUSTexceedmaximumpressure
ratingof unit.
underlying tissues, leading to serious injury and
}ossible amputation.
Check 6un and Nozzle Extension
Examinehoseconnection to spray gun and make sure it is
secure.Test trigger by pressing it and making sure it springs
back into placewhen you releaseit. Do not depress red
button and test trigger. You should not be able to press
trigger. Replacespray gun immediately if it fails anyof these
A pulsing sensationfelt while squeezingthe spray gun trigger
may be caused by excessivepump pressure.The principal
causeof excessivepump pressure is a spray tip clogged or
restricted with foreign materials, such as dirt, etc. To correct
the problem, immediately clean the spray tip following these
1. Shut off engine and turn off water supply.
2. ALWAYSpoint spray gun in asafe direction, press red
button and and squeezespray gun trigger to release
retainedhigh water pressure.
Thehigh pressure stream of water that this
equipment produces cancut through skin and its
_ underlying tissues, leading to serious injury and
• Keephighpressurehoseconnectedto pumpandspraygun
• ALWAYSpointspraygunin safedirection,pressredbutton
[possb e amputation.
Spraygun traps high water pressure, evenwhen
lengine is stopped and water is disconnected,
which can causeinjury.
whilesystemis pressurized.
andsqueezesprayguntrigger,to releasehighpressure,every

3. Removespraytipfromendofnozzleextension.
4. Useasmallpapercliptofreeanyforeignmaterial
5. Removenozzleextension from spray gun.
6. Usinga garden hose, removeadditionaldebris by back
flushing water through nozzle extension. Back flush
between30 to 60 seconds.
O-Ring Maintenance
Purchasean O-Ring RepairKit atyour localSearsor by calling
1-800-4-1VlY-NOIVlE(469-4663) or onlineatwww.sears.com,it
is notincludedwith thepressurewasher.This kit includes
replacemento-rings, rubberwasherandwaterinletfilter. Referto
theinstructionsheetprovidedin thekit to serviceyour unit's
The high pressure stream of water that this
_ quipment produces can cut through skin and its
• NEVERrepairleakingconnectionswith sealantof anykind.
Replaceo-ringor seal.
underlying tissues, leading to serious injury and
7. Reinstallspray tip into nozzleextension.
8. Reconnectnozzleextensionto spray gun.
9. Makesure garden hose is connected to water inlet.
Checkthat high pressure hose is connectedto spray gun
and pump. Turn on water.
10. Start engine following instructions How to Start Your
Pressure Washer.
11. Test pressure washer by operating with each quick
connect spray tip.
Pump Maintenance
Changeoil after first 50 hours of operation and then every
200 hours or 3 months, whichever occurs first.
NOTE:When changing pump oil, use only high quality SAE
30 weight oil. Useno special additives.
Changepumpoil as follows:
1. Cleanarea around brass oil drain plug at bottom of
2. Removeoil drain plug. Drain oil completely into an
3. Whenoil has completely drained, install oil drain plug
and tighten firmly.
4. Cleanarea around pump oil dipstick. Removedipstick
and fill pump with recommendedoil to "Fuji" mark on
dipstick (typically 0.28 I or 9.6 oz.).
5. install pump oil dipstick.
6. Wipe up any spilled oil.

_ UnintentJonaJsparking can resuJtJnfire or
Changeengine oil after the first 20 hours and every
100 hours or 6 months, whichever comes first, thereafter, if
you are using your pressurewasher under extremely dirty or
dusty conditions, or inextremely hot weather,change oil
more often.
_¢ electric shock.
• Disconnectthesparkplugwirefrom thesparkplugandplace
thewire whereit cannotcontactsparkplug.
• Useapprovedsparkplugtester.
• DONOTcheckfor sparkwith sparkplugremoved.
Oil Recommendations
NOTE:When adding oil to the engine crankcase, useonly
high quality 4-stroke automotive detergent oil ratedwith APi
serviceclassification SJ or SL ratedSAE10W-30 weight. DO
NOTusespecial additives.
1. Chooseaviscosity according to table below.
ml elo_.-3oem m
Avoid prolonged or repeatedskin contact with usedmotor
• Usedmotoroilhasbeenshownto causeskincancerincertain
• Thoroughlywashexposedareaswith soapandwater.
Changeoil while engine is still warm from running, as
1. Disconnectspark plug wire and keep it awayfrom spark
2. Placea suitable container belowengine to catch used
oil. Removedipstick (A), drain plug (B) and washer.
3. Allow oil to drain completely. Reinstall drain plug and
washer. Tighten drain plug securely.
4. Placepressurewasher on a level surface.
5. Slowly pour recommended oil into oil fill opening (C).
Pauseto permit oil to settle. Fill to edge of oil filler hole.
-20 0 20 40 60 80 100 °F
-30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40°C
NOTE:Other viscosities shown in the chart may be used
when the averagetemperature in your area is within the
recommended range.
CheckingOil Level
Oil level should be checked prior to each useor at least every
8 hours of operation. Keepoil level maintained.
1. Makesure pressure washer is on a level surface.
2. Cleanareaaround dipstick. Removeoil dipstick and wipe
dipstick with clean cloth. Replacedipstick. Removeand
checkoil level.
3. Verifyoil is at "Full" mark on dipstick. Replaceand
tighten dipstick.
1. Makesure pressure washer is on a level surface.
2. Checkoil levelas described in CheckingOilLevel.
3. if needed,slowly pour oil into oil fill opening. Pauseto
permit oil to settle. Fillto edgeof oil filler hole.
4. Replaceandtighten dipstick.
6. Screw in the dipstick and tighten securely.
7. Wipe up any remaining oil.
8. Reconnectspark plug wire to spark plug.

ServiceAir Cleaner
Your engine will not run properly and may be damagedif you
run it with adirty air cleaner.
Cleanthe air cleaner once every50 hours of operation or
3 months, whichever comes first. Service more often if
operating under dirty or dusty conditions. Replacethe paper
filter element once every 300 hours or once ayear,
whichever comes first. Replacementsareavailableat your
local Searsservicecenter.
To service the air cleaner, follow these steps:
1. Removewing nut (A) from air cleaner cover (B), and
remove cover.
7. Usinga moist rag,wipe dirt from insideof air cleaner
baseand cover. Becarefulto prevent dirt from entering
air duct that leadsto the carburetor.
8. Placefoam air filter element over paper elementand
reinstall assembled air filter. Besure gasket is in place
beneathair filter. Tighten air filter wing nut securely.
9. install air cleanercover and tighten cover wing nut
NOTE:You can purchase new air filter elementsby calling
Checkand adjust the spark plug every 100 hours of
operation or yearly, whichever occurs first. Replacethe spark
plug every 300 hours of operation or yearly, whichever
occurs first.
1. Cleanarea around spark plug.
2. Removeand inspect spark plug.
3. Replacesparkplug if electrodes are worn, or if insulator
is cracked or chipped.
4. Checkelectrodegap with wire feeler gaugeand set gap
at 0.028-0.031 inches (0.70-0.80 mm), if necessary.
2. Removewing nut (C) from air filter (B), and remove
3. Removefoam filter (E)from paper filter.
4. inspectboth air filter elements.Replaceif damaged.
5. Cleanpaper air filter element by tapping filter on a hard
surfaceto remove dirt, or blow compressed air (not
exceeding30 psi) through filter elementfrom inside.
IMPORTANT:NEVERtry to brush off dirt; brushing will force
dirt into fibers.
6. Cleanfoam air filter elementin warm soapy water, rinse
and allow to dry thoroughly. Or clean in nonflammable
solvent and allow to dry. Dip foam filter elementin clean
engine oil, then squeezeout all excessoil.
IMPORTANT:Enginewill smokewhen started if too much oil
is left in foam.
5. install spark plug, tighten securely.
NOTE:You can purchasea new spark plug by calling
If you think your carburetor needsadjusting, seeyour
nearest Searsservicecenter. Engineperformance may be
affected at altitudes above 5000 feet. For operation at higher
elevations, contact your nearestSears service center.