Fr MRN °
iViodelNo. 580.752211
,, Safety
HOURS: IVlon.- Fri. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (CT)
,, AssernhJy
,, Operation
Before using this product, read this
manual and follow aii Safety Rules
and Operating Instructions.
This pressure washer is rated in accordanceto the PressureWasher Manufacture Association (PWMA) standard PW101 (Testingand Rating
Performance of PressureWashers).
Esta limpiadoraa presi6n est,. clasificadaconforme a la norma PW101 (comprobaci6n y clasificaci6n de rendimiento de fimpiadorasa
presi6n) de la Asociaci6n de fabricantes de bombasa presi6n (Pressure Washer Manufacture Association, PWMA).
Sears, RoebuckandCo., HoffrnanEstates,IL 60179 U.S.A.
Visit our Craftsman website: www.craftsman.com
Part No. 206339GS Draft A (08/26/2008)
Antes de utiiizar el producto, lea este
manual y siga todas las Reglas de
Seguridad e Instrucciones de Uso.
,, Maintenance
,, Parts
,, EspafioJ,p. 32

WARRANTY .......................................... 2
SAFETYRULES...................................... 2-5
FEATURESAND CONTROLS.............................. 6
ASSEMBLY........................................ 7-10
OPERATION....................................... 11-15
SPECIFICATIONS..................................... 16
MAINTENANCE.................................... 17-21
STORAGE........................................... 22
TROUBLESHOOTING.................................. 23
REPLACEMENTPARTS.............................. 24-29
EMISSIONCONTROLWARRANTY..................... 30-31
ESPANOL......................................... 32-55
HOWTO ORDERPARTS........................ BACKPAGE
If this pressurewasherfails due to adefect in materialor workmanship within one yearfrom the date of purchase,return it to
any Searsstore, other Craftsmanoutlet, or Sears Parts& Repair Centerin the UnitedStatesor Canadafor free repair (or
replacementif repairproves impossible).
All warranty coverageapplies for only 90 days from date of purchaseif this pressure washer is everused for commercialor
rental purposes.
This warranty givesyou specific legal rights, andyou may also haveother rights which vary from stateto state.
Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffmafl Estates, IL 60179
Sears Canada Iflc., Toronto, Ontario, Canada MSB 2B8
Readthis manual carefullyand become famiJiar A Thesafety alertsymbol indicatesapotential personal
with yourpressurewasher. Knowits appJicatious,
itslimitations, and any hazardsinvolved.
importantSafety information
Safety SymhoJsandMeanings
ToxicFumes HazardousChemical
SlipperySurface Fall FluidInjection
injury hazard.A signalword (DANGER,WARNING,or
CAUTION)is usedwith thealert symbol to designateadegree
or level of hazardseriousness.Asafety symbol may be used
to representthetype of hazard.Thesignal word NOTICEis
usedto addresspracticesnot relatedto personalinjury.
_i_BANGERindicatesa hazardwhich, if not avoided, will
result in deathor serious injury.
_i_WARNINGindicatesa hazardwhich, if not avoided, could
result in deathor serious injury.
_i_CAUTIONindicates a hazardwhich, if not avoided, could
result in minor or moderate injury.
NOT/CEaddress praticesnot related to personal injury.
MovingParts FlyingObjects
© Sears Brands,LLC
Kickback HotSurface

Ai_DANGER: Contents are harmful or fatal if swallowed.
Avoid contact to eyes, skin or clothing.DO NOT take internally. Avoid breathing
the mist or vapor. Overexposure to eyes
or skin can cause irritation. Keep stabilizer out of the
reach of children.
Fuel stabilizer is a hazardous chemical.**
• Fresh Start® fuel cap is designedto hold a cartridge which
contains fuel stabilizer.
• If SWALLOWED,call physician immediately. DONOTinduce
vomiting. If inhaled, removeto fresh air. in case of eye or skin
contact, flush with water for 15 minutes.
• Store unopenedcartridges in a cool, dry, well ventilated area.
Keepopen cartridge in fuel cap, and fuel cap closed on fuel
tank when not in use.
• In the caseof an emergency, contact a physician immediately
and call 1-800-424-9300 for materialsafety information.
• *Fuel stabilizer contains: 2,6-di-tret-butylphenol (128-39-2) and aliphatic
petroleum distillate (64742-47-8).
_, WARNING:The engine exhaustfrom this product
contains chemicals known to the State of Californiato
causecancer, birth defects, or other reproductive harm.
_, WARNING:Certaincomponents in this product and
relatedaccessoriescontain chemicalsknown to the State
of Californiato causecancer, birth defectsor other
reproductive harm. Wash hands after handling.
Ai_WARNING:Running enginegives off carbon
monoxide, an odorless, colorless, poison gas.
_ Breathingcarbon monoxide headache,
fatigue, dizziness,vomiting, confusion, seizures,
nausea,fainting or death.
Somechemicals or detergentsmay be harmful if inhaled
or ingested, causing severenausea,fainting, or
• OperatepressurewasherONLYoutdoors.
• Keepexhaustgasfromenteringa confinedareathrough
windows,doors,ventilationintakes,or otheropenings.
• DONOTstartor runengineindoorsor in anenclosedarea,
• Usea respiratoror maskwheneverthereisa chancethat
• Readall instructionswith masksoyouarecertainthemaskwill
Ai_WARNING: Fuel and its vapors are extremely
flammable and explosive.
Fire or explosion can cause severe burns
or death.
• Turn pressurewasher OFFand let it cool at least 2 minutes
before removing fuel cap. Loosen capslowly to relievepressure
in tank.
• Fill or drain fuel tank outdoors.
• DONOToverfill tank. Allow spacefor fuel expansion.
• Iffuel spills,wait until it evaporatesbefore starting engine.
• Keepfuel awayfrom sparks, open flames, pilot lights, heat,and
other ignition sources.
• DONOTlight a cigaretteor smoke.
• Ensurespark plug, muffler,fuel cap,and air cleanerarein place.
• DO NOTcrank enginewith spark plug removed.
• DONOTtip engine or equipment at angle which causes fuel to
• DONOTsprayflammable liquids.
• Transport/repair with fuel tank EMPTYor with fuel shutoff valve
• Disconnect spark plug wire.
• Store awayfrom furnaces, stoves, water heaters,clothes
dryers, or other appliancesthat have pilot light or other ignition
source becausethey can ignitefuel vapors.
A, WARNING:Riskof electrocution.
'_,dh Contactwith power source can causeelectric
shock or burn.
* NEVERspraynearpowersource.

AkWARNING: Startercord kickback(rapid retraction) can
result in bodily injury. Kickbackwill puii hand and
arm toward enginefaster thanyou can let go.
Broken bones,fractures, bruises, or sprains
could result.
* NEVERpullstarter cord without first relieving spraygun
* When starting engine, pull cord slowly until resistanceisfelt
andthen pull rapidly to avoid kickback.
* After eachstarting attempt, where enginefails to run, always
point spray gun in safedirection, pressred button and squeeze
spray guntrigger to releasehigh pressure.
* Firmly grasp spray gunwith both hands whenusing high
pressure spray to avoid injury when spray gun kicks back.
Ak WARNING: Use of pressure washer can create puddles
,,l_ _, and slippery surfacesKickback from spray gun can cause you
• Operate pressurewasher from a stable surface.
• The cleaning areashould haveadequateslopesand drainageto
reducethe possibility of a fall due to slippery surfaces.
• Be extremely careful if you must usethe pressurewasher from
a ladder,scaffolding, or any other similar location.
• Firmly grasp spray gunwith both hands whenusing high
pressure spray to avoid injury when spray gun kicks back.
to fall.
A, WARNING: The high pressure stream of water that this
equipment produces can cut through skin and
its underlying tissues, leading to serious injury
and possible amputation.
Spray gun traps high water pressure, even when engine is
stopped and water is disconnected, which can cause
* DONOTallow CHILDRENto operatepressure washer.
* NEVERrepair high pressure hose.Replaceit.
* NEVERrepair leakingconnections with sealantof any kind.
Replaceo-ring or seal.
* NEVERconnect high pressurehose to nozzleextension.
* Keephigh pressurehose connectedto pump and spray gun
while system is pressurized.
* ALWAYSpoint spray gun in safedirection, press redbutton
andsqueezespray guntrigger to releasehigh pressure, every
time you stop engine.
* NEVERaim spray gun at people,animals, or plants.
* DO NOTsecure spray gun in open position.
* DO NOTleavespray gun unattendedwhile machineis running.
* NEVERuse a spray gun which doesnot have atrigger lock or
trigger guard inplace and in working order.
* Always becertain spray gun, nozzlesand accessoriesare
correctly attached.
_, WARNING:Unintentionalsparking can result infire or
A, WARNING: Contact with muffler area can result in
serious burns.
,_ _ Exhaust heat/gases can ignite
combustibles, structures or damage
fuel tank causing a fire.
* DO NOTtouch hot parts andAVOID hot exhaust gases.
* Allow equipment to cool beforetouching.
* Keepat least5 feet (152 cm) of clearanceon all sidesof
pressure washer including overhead.
* It is aviolation of California Public Resource Code,Section
4442, to use or operate the engineon anyforest-covered,
brush-covered, or grass-covered land unlessthe exhaust
system is equipped with aspark attester, as defined in Section
4442, maintained ineffective working order. Other statesor
federal jurisdictions may havesimilar laws.
Contactthe original equipment manufacturer, retailer, or dealer
to obtain a spark attester designedfor the exhaust system
installed on this engine.
* Replacement parts must bethe sameand installed inthe same
position asthe original parts.
_ electric shock.
* Disconnectthesparkplugwirefromthesparkplugandplace
* Useapprovedsparkplugtester.
* DONOTcheckfor sparkwith sparkplugremoved.

A, WARNING: Starter and other rotating parts can
entangle hands, hair, clothing, or accessories.
• NEVERoperate pressurewasherwithout protective housing or
• DO NOTwear looseclothing, jewelryor anything that maybe
caught in thestarter or other rotating parts.
• Tie up long hairand remove jewelry.
A, WARNING:Risk of eyeinjury.
Spraycan splash backor propel objects.
• Always wear safetygoggles when usingthis equipment or in
vicinity of where equipment is in use.
• Before starting the pressurewasher, be sure youare wearing
adequatesafety goggles.
• NEVERsubstitute safety glasses for safetygoggles.
NOTICE:High pressurespray may damagefragile items
including glass.
• DONOTpointspraygunatglasswhenusingMAX(0°) nozzle.
• NEVERaim spraygunat plants.
NOTICE: improper treatment of pressure washer can
damage it and shorten its life.
• If you havequestionsabout intended use, askdealer or contact
• NEVERoperateunits with brokenor missing parts, orwithout
protective housing or covers.
• DONOTby-passany safety device on this machine.
• DONOTtamper with governed speed.
• DONOToperatepressure washer above rated pressure.
• DONOTmodify pressure washer in any way.
• Beforestarting pressure washer in cold weather, check all parts
ofthe equipment to be sure ice hasnot formed there.
• NEVERmove machine by pulling on hoses.Usehandle provided
on unit.
• Checkfuel system for leaksor signs of deterioration, such as
chafedor spongy hose, loose or missing clamps, or damaged
tank or cap.Correct all defects before operating pressurewasher.
• This equipment is designedto be usedwith Sears authorized
parts ONLY. If equipment is used with partsthat DONOTcomply
with minimum specifications, userassumes all risks and

Readthe Operator's Manual andsafetyruJesbefore operating your pressurewasher.
Comparethe illustrations with your pressurewasherto familiarizeyourself with the locations of various controls and
adjustments. Savethis manualfor future reference.
A - Spray Gun-- Controlsthe application of water onto
cleaningsurfacewith trigger device, includestrigger lock.
B - PrecisionSprayTM Nozzles-- Max, General,Flush,Jet
Soap and DetergentNozzles:for various cleaning
C- Accessory Tray -- Provides convenient storagefor
accessories, suchas gun, nozzles,etc.
D - Recoil Starter -- Usedfor starting the engine manually.
E - FuelTank -- Fill tank with regular unleadedfuel. Always
leaveroom for fuel expansion.
F - Air Filter -- Protectsengine by filtering dust and debris
out of intakeair.
G - Throttle Lever -- Sets engine instarting mode for recoil
starter and stops a running engine.
H - Choke Lever -- Prepares acold engine for starting.
J - Pump -- Developshigh pressure.
I{ - Automatic CoolDown System -- Cycleswater through
pump when water reaches125°-155°F. Warm water will
dischargefrom pump onto ground. Thissystem prevents
internal pump damage.
L - High PressureOutlet -- Connection for high pressure
IVl- Water Inlet -- Connectionfor garden hose.
N- Bottle Bracket -- Cleaningsolution bottle fits in wire
form bracket here.
P - Nozzle Extensionwith QuickConnect-- Allows you to
switch betweenfive different PrecisionSprayTM nozzles.
R- Oil Fill/Dipstick -- Check,add anddrain engineoil here.
S - HoseWrap and HighPressureHose-- Hosewrap
provides easytransport andhandling of the highpressure
hose. Connectoneend of hoseto water pump and the
other end to spray gun.
T =FoldDownHandle-- Handle andaccessorytray fold fiat
atop cold enginefor space-saving storage.
U- ProjectPro@PerfectlVlWMSiphon -- Mixes concentrate
with pressure washerspray.
Items Not Shown:
Identification Label (near rear of base plate) -- Provides
model and serial number of pressurewasher. Pleasehave
these readily availableif calling for assistance.
Safety Goggles-- Always use the enclosed safetygoggles
when runningyour pressure washer.
Warning/Operating Instructions Tag-- identifies hazards
and proper procedureto start!stop pressurewasher.

Ifyou have any problemswith theassembly of your
pressurewasher, pleasecall the pressurewasher helpline
at 1=800-222-3136.
1. Removeeverythingfrom carton except pressurewasher.
2. Open carton completely by cutting each corner from top
to bottom.
3. Removepressure washerfrom carton.
Checkall contents, if anyparts aremissing or damaged,call
the pressure washer helplineat 1-888-222-3136.
• Main Unit
• Handle
• AccessoryTray
• High PressureHose
• Spray Gun
• NozzleExtensionwith Quick Connect Fitting
• Oil Bottle
• HoseWrap
• Safety Goggles
• BottleBracketWireform (2)
• PerfectMixTM Siphoning Unit/Hose
• FreshStart FuelCartridge
• PartsBag(which includes the following):
• Operator's Manual
• Owner's RegistrationCard
• Bag containing5 PrecisionSprayTM Nozzles
• HandleFasteningHardwareKit (whichincludes):
• HandleBolts (2)
• CarriageBolt (2)
• Plastic Knobsfor Handle(2)
• Rope Guide(1)
• Plastic Knob (3)
• TreeClips (4)
Becomefamiliar with eachpiece before assemblingthe
pressure washer. Identify all contents with the illustration on
page 6. If any parts are missing or damaged, call the
pressure washerhelpline at 1-800-222-3136.
5. Add fuel to fuel tank and FreshStart fuel cartridgeto fuel
6. Connectpressure hoseto spraygun andpump.
7. Connectwater supply to pump.
8. Attach nozzleextension to spraygun.
9. Select/attach quick connect PrecisionSprayTM nozzleto
Attach Handle and Accessory Tray
1. Placehandle(A) onto handle supports (B) connectedto
main unit. Make sure holes (6) in handlealign with holes
(6) on handlesupports.
2. insert handle carriagebolts (D) through holes from
inside of unit andattach a plastic knob (E)from outside
of unit. Tighten by hand. Byloosening both knobsto the
middle section of the attachmentbolt, the upper handle
canfold forward to store fiat atop the cold engine.
NOTE:DONOTfold the handle down while the engineis hot.
Placeaccessory tray (F) over holes (6) on handle
(viewing from backof unit). Push the tree clips (H) into
the holes until they sit fiat againstthe accessory tray.
Your Craftsman pressurewasher will needassembly before
1. Fill out and send in registration card.
2. Attach handle,accessory tray, rope guide andhosewrap.
3. Connectdetergent siphon hose to pump.
4. Add oil to enginecrankcase.
insert multi-colored PrecisionSprayTM nozzlesand other
supplied accessoriesinspaces provided in accessory
tray. SeeHow to UseAccessory Tray.

Attach rope guide (A) through handlewith plastic knob
(B). Tighten by hand. Route engine recoil rope through
Align hose wrap (C) to the back side of accessorytray.
Locate notch with "unlock" icon (D) on hosewrap.
Position notch at top with hosewrap invertical position.
Clips in the back of accessory tray should slide into the
grooves on the inside surface of hosewrap. Slide hose
wrap on back of accessorytray and rotate1/8 turn until
"locked"icon (E) is invertical position. Hosewrap is
easily removedfrom the accessorytray for wrapping and
unwrapping of the high pressure hose.A clip to secure
the hoseon the red makes it easyto wrap the hose
while it is detachedfrom the accessorytray.
Cleartube with filter:
When using the clear siphon tube, dilute
1 part PerfectlViixTM Extreme Concentrate
to 16 parts water (4 oz of concentrate
makes1/2 gallon of mix.)
Attach Project Pro® PerfectMix TM Siphon to
Attach the hose end of the blue PerfectiVlixTM Siphon (J) to
the barbedhosefitting (K) on the pump.
Attach PerfectMi:xTM Detergent Siphon to
Concentrate BotUe
PlacePerfectlVlixTM bottle (not included) in the wire-form
bracketon thehandle. Removecap from bottle and insert the
PerfectIVlixTM Siphon (L). Screwthe siphon unit to the top of
the bottle (IVl).Usethe clip on the cap (L) to snapsiphon to
wire form bracketwhen siphon is not ina concentratebottle.
7. Attach bottle brackets (F) to handlesupports with
carriage bolt (G) and black plastic knob (H). Tighten by
2-iN-1 Soap System
The pressurewasher is equippedwith two detergent
siphoning hoses.
Project Pro PerfectMix TM Siphon
Blue tube with blue bottle cap:
When usingthe blue PerfectiViixTM siphon, use
the PerfectMixTM ExtremeConcentratestraight
from the bottle
Add Engine Oil
1. Placepressurewasher on afiat, levelsurface.
2. Cleanareaaround oil fill and removeyellow oil fill
3. Using oil funnel (optional), slowly pour contents of
provided oil bottle into oil fill opening.
NOTICE: improper treatment of pressure washer can
damage it and shorten its life.
• DONOTattemptto crank or startthe engine before it has been
properly servicedwith the recommended oil. This may result inan
4. Replaceoil fill cap/dipstick andfully tighten.

Fuel mustmeet these requirements:
* Clean,fresh, unleadedgasoline.
* A minimum of 87 octane/87 AKI (91 RON).High altitude
use, see HighAltitude.
, Gasolinewith upto 10% ethanol (gasohoi) or upto 15%
MTBE (methyl tertiary butyl ether) is acceptable.
NOTICE:Avoid pressurewasher damage.
Failureto follow Operator's Manualfor fuel
recommendationsvoids warranty.
• DONOTuseunapprovedgasolinesuchas E85.
• DONOTmixoilin gasoline.
• DONOTmodifyengineto runonalternatefuels.
Toprotectthe fuelsystem from gum formation, mix in afuel
stabilizerwhen addingfuel. SeeStorage.Allfuel is notthe
same.if you experiencestarting orperformanceproblemsafter
usingfuel, switchto a differentfuel provideror changebrands.
This engineis certifiedto operateon gasoline.The emission
control systemfor this engineis EM(EngineModifications).
_i, WARNING: Fueland its vaporsare extremely
flammable and explosive.
Fireor explosioncan causesevereburns
or death.
• Turn pressurewasherOFFand let it cool at least2 minutes
before removing fuel cap. Loosen capslowly to relievepressure
in tank.
• Fill fuel tank outdoors.
• DONOToverfill tank. Allow spacefor fuel expansion.
• If fuel spills, wait until it evaporatesbefore starting engine.
• Keepfuel awayfrom sparks, open flames, pilot lights, heat,and
other ignition sources.
• DONOTlight a cigarette or smoke.
longer. If adding afuel preserver,fill the fuel tank with fresh
fuel. If only partially fined, air inthe tank win promote fuel
deterioration during storage. Iffuel preserver is not used,
drain the fuel tank, start the engine andlet it run until the fuel
lines and carburetor are empty. Usefreshfuel next season.
SeeStoragefor additional information.
NEVERuse engineor carburetorcleaner products in the fuel
tank as permanentdamage may occur.
Adding fuel preserverhelps keepfuel fresh and carburetors
cleanfor easierstarting, all seasonlong. This new fuel cap
automatically drips concentrated fuel preserver into your fuel
_i, BANGER:Contentsareharmful or fatal if swallowed.
Avoid contact to eyes, skin or clothing.DONOTtake Avoid
internally. breathing
the mist or vapor. Overexposureto eyes
or skin cancauseirritation. Keepstabilizer out of the
reachof children.
Fuelstabilizer is a hazardouschemical.**
• If SWALLOWED,callphysicianimmediately.
• Inthecaseof anemergency,contacta physicianimmediately
andcall1-800-424-9300for materialsafetyinformation.
• *Fuel stabilizer contains: 2,6-di-tret-butylphenol (128-39-2) and aliphatic
petroleum distillate (64742-47-8).
1. Placecartridge into fuel cap.
2. Pushto "snap" cartridge into place.
3. Removetab to expose membrane.
Cleanarea around fuel fill cap, removecap.
Slowly add regularunleadedfuel (A) to fuel tank (B). Be
careful not to overfiN.Allow about 1.5" (4 cm) (6) of tank
spacefor fuel expansion.
/F- -- /s ....... _s- --_/- /s-- -_/ ...... _F- /f - /f- /F- -
f • JF -¸ 1_/- - //- !f - _- J/- - - J/" - - /F" • / F" /f • - iF- • J
3. InstaNfuel capandwait for any spilled fuel to evaporate.
CAUTION!Alcohol-blendedfuels (called gasohol, ethanolor
methanol) can attract moisture, which leadsto separation and
formation of acidsduring storage.Acidic gascan damagethe
fuel system of an enginewhile in storage.
To avoid engine problems, the fuel system should betreated
with a fuel preserveror emptied beforestorage of 30days or
IMPORTANT:DONOTremovethe silver foil sealon the
opposite side.
4. Reinstallfuel cap on fuel tank.
5. Periodicallycheckthe cartridge to ensure there is still
fuel stabilizerinside.If itis empty, removecartridge and

Ataltitudesover5,000feet(1524meters),a minimum 85 octane
/ 85 AKI(89RON)gasolineis acceptable.To remainemissions
compliant,highaltitudeadjustmentis required.Operationwithout
this adjustmentwill causedecreasedperformance,increasedfuel
dealerfor highaltitudeadjustmentinformation.Operationofthe
engineataltitudesbelow 2,500feet(762meters)withthe high
altitudekitisnot recommended.
Connect Hose and Water Supply to Pump
NOTICE:DONOTrun the pump without the water supply
connectedand turned on.
• Damagetoequipmentresultingfrom failuretofollowthis
instructionwill voidwarranty.
NOTE:Removeanddiscardtheshipping capsfrom the pump's
high pressureoutlet andwaterinlet beforeattachinghoses.
1. Uncoil high pressurehose and attachone end of hoseto
baseof spraygun. Tighten by hand.
4. Runwater through garden hosefor 30 secondsto flush
it of debris.Turn off water.
iMPORTANT:DONOTsiphon standing water for the water
supply. Use ONLYcold water (less than 100%).
NOTICE:Usinga OneWayValve (vacuum breakeror check
valve) at pump inlet can cause pump or inlet connector
• ThereMUSTbeatleasttenfeetofunrestrictedgardenhose
betweenthe pressurewasherinletandanydevice,suchasa
vacuumbreakeror checkvalve.
• Damageto equipment resultingfrom failure to follow this
instruction will void warranty.
5. Connectgarden hose(not to exceed50 feet in length) to
water inlet. Tightenby hand.
_, WARNING:Riskof eyeinjury.
Spray cansplash back or propel objects.
• Always wear safetygoggles whenusing this equipment or in
vicinity of where equipment is in use.
• Before starting the pressure washer, be sure youare wearing
adequatesafety goggles.
• NEVERsubstitute safety glasses for safetygoggles.
_, WARNING:The high pressurestream of water that this
its underlying tissues, leading to seriousinjury
equipment produces can cut through skin and
and possible amputation.
• NEVERconnecthighpressurehoseto nozzleextension.
• Keephighpressurehoseconnectedto pumpandspraygun
• Alwaysbecertainspraygun,nozzlesandaccessoriesare
2. Attach other end of high pressurehoseto high pressure
outlet on pump. Tighten by hand.
Beforeconnectinggarden hoseto waterinlet, inspect
inlet screen (A). Cleanscreen if it contains debris or have
it replacedif damaged.DONOTrun pressurewasher if
inlet screenisdamaged or missing.
6. Turn ONthewater, press red button (B) on the gun and
squeezethe trigger to purge the pump system of airand
Reviewthe unit to ensureyou haveperformed all of the
1. Besure to readSafetyRules and Operationsections
before using the pressure washer.
2. Makesure handleis in place andsecure.
3. Checkthat oil has beenaddedto proper level in engine
4. Add proper fuel to fuel tank.
5. Checkfor proper hoseconnections (high pressure and
water supply) andthat there areno kinks,cuts, or
damageto the high pressurehose.
6. Provide proper water supply (not to exceed100%).

If you haveanyproblems operating your pressurewasher,
pleasecallthe pressure washerhelpline at 1-888-222-3136.
Prsssur8 Washsr CJsaranc8
A. WARNING:Exhaustheat/gases can ignite
combustibles, structures or damagefuel tank
causing afire.
* Keepat least5 ft. (152 cm) clearanceon all sides of pressure
washer including overhead.
Placepressure washeroutdoors in an areathat will not
accumulate deadlyexhaustgas. DONOTplacepressure
washer where exhaustgas (A) could accumulate andenter
inside or be drawn into a potentially occupied building.
Ensureexhaustgas is kept awayfrom anywindows, doors,
ventilation intakes, or other openingsthat can allow exhaust
gasto collect in aconfined area. Prevailingwinds andair
currents should betaken into considerationwhen positioning
}ressure washer.
_. WARNIN6: Runningengine givesoff carbon monoxide,
an odorless,colorless, poisonous gas.
_ Breathing cancause headache,
fatigue, dizziness,vomiting, confusion, seizures,
nausea,fainting or death.
• OperatepressurewasherONLYoutdoors.
• Keepexhaustgasfromenteringa confinedareathrough
windows,doors,ventilationintakes,or otheropenings.
• DONOTstartor runengineindoorsor in anenclosedarea,
carbon monoxide
To StartYourPressureWasher
To start your engine-powered pressurewasher for the first
time, follow these instructions step-by-step. This information
alsoapplies wheneveryou start the engineafter you havelet
the pressurewasher sit idle for at leasta day.
1. Placepressurewasher outside nearan water source
capableof supplying waterat a flow rate greaterthan
3.7 gallons per minute and no lessthan 20 PSi at
pressurewasher end of garden hose.
2. Checkthat high pressure hose is tightly connected to
spray gun and pump. SeeAssemblyfor illustrations.
3. Makesure unit is in alevelposition.
4. Connectgarden hoseto water inlet on pressurewasher
flOTICE:DONOTrun the pump without the water supply
connectedand turned on.
• Damageto equipmentresultingfromfailuretofollowthis
instructionwill voidwarranty.
Turn ONthe water, press redbutton onthe gun and
squeezethe trigger to purge the pump system of airand
Attach nozzleextension to spraygun. Tighten by hand.
ChoosePrecisionSprayTM nozzleyou want to use, pull
backon collar of nozzleextension,insert nozzleand
releasecollar. Tug on nozzleto makesure it is securelyin
place.SeeHow to UsePrecisionSpraSMNozzleSystem.
Move throttle lever (B) to "Fast" position, shown here as
a rabbit.
9. Move chokelever (C)to "Choke" position.
NOTE:For awarm engine,besure the choke leveris inthe
"Run" position.

A. WARNING:Risk of eyeinjury.
Spraycan splash backor propel objects.
• Always wear safetygoggles when usingthis equipment or in
vicinity of where equipment is in use.
• Before starting the pressurewasher, be sure youare wearing
adequatesafety goggles.
• NEVERsubstitute safety glasses for safetygoggles.
0. Whenstarting engine, position yourself as
recommendedand grasp starter grip handleand pull
slowly until you feel some resistance.Then pull rapidly
to start engine.
11. Return recoil starter slowly. DONOTlet rope "snap
back"against starter.
12. When enginestarts, slowly move choke leverto "Run"
position, as engine warms. If engine falters, move choke
leverto "Choke" position, then to "Run" position.
13. After eachstarting attempt, where engine failsto run,
alwayspoint gun in safedirection, press redbutton and
squeezespray gun trigger to releasehigh pressure.
Move chokeleverto "Choke" position, and repeatsteps
10 through 12.
14. If enginefails to start after six pulls, move chokelever to
"Run" position, and repeatsteps 10 through 12.
NOTE:Always keepthe throttle lever in the "Fast" position
when operating the pressurewasher.
A. WARNING:The high pressure stream of waterthat this
its underlying tissues, leading to serious injury
equipment produces can cut through skin and
and possible amputation.
Spray gun traps high water pressure,evenwhen engine is
stopped andwater is disconnected, which can cause
• DONOTallowCHILDRENto operatepressurewasher.
• Keephighpressurehoseconnectedto pumpandspraygun
• NEVERaim spraygunatpeople,animals,or plants.
• DONOTsecuresprayguninopenposition.
• DONOTleavespraygununattendedwhilemachineis running.
• NEVERuseaspraygunwhichdoesnothaveatriggerlockor
• Alwaysbecertainspraygun,nozzlesandaccessoriesare
A. WARNING: Starter cord kickback (rapid retraction) can
result in bodily injury. Kickback will puii hand and
_,_ arm toward engine faster than you can let go.
Broken bones, fractures, bruises, or sprains
could result.
• NEVERpullstarter cord without first relieving spraygun
• When starting engine, pull cord slowly until resistanceisfelt
andthen pull rapidly to avoid kickback.
• After eachstarting attempt, where enginefails to run, always
point spray gun in safedirection, pressred button and squeeze
spray guntrigger to releasehigh pressure.
• Firmly grasp spray gunwith both hands whenusing high
pressure spray to avoid injury when spray gun kicks back.
Ak.WARNING: Contact with muffler area can result in
serious burns.
,_ heat/gases can ignite
fuel tank causing a fire.
• DO NOTtouch hot parts and AVOIDhot exhaustgases.
• Allow equipmentto cool beforetouching.
• Keep at least5 feet (152 cm) of clearanceon all sides of
pressure washer including overhead.
• It is aviolation of California Public Resource Code,Section
4442, to use or operate theengine onany forest-covered,
brush-covered, or grass-covered land unlessthe exhaust
system is equipped with aspark arrester, as defined inSection
4442, maintained in effective working order. Other statesor
federaljurisdictions may have similar laws.
Contactthe original equipment manufacturer, retailer, or dealer
to obtain a spark arrester designed for the exhaust system
installed on this engine.
• Replacement parts must bethe sameand installed in the same
position asthe original parts.
combustibles, structures or damage

How to Stop Your Pressure Washer
1. Releasespray gun trigger and let engine idlefor two
2. Move throttle to SLOWposition,then STOPposition.
_. WARNING:Backfire,fire or engine damagecould
* DONOTstop engine bymoving chokeleverto "Choke" position.
3. ALWAYSpoint spray gun in a safe direction, push red
button and squeezespraygun trigger to releaseretained
high water pressure.
IMPORTANT:Spray gun traps highwater pressure,even
when engine is stopped and water is disconnected.
_. WARNING:The high pressurestream of water that this
its underlying tissues, leading to seriousinjury
equipment produces can cut through skin and
and possible amputation.
Spraygun traps high water pressure,evenwhen engine is
stopped andwater is disconnected, which can cause
• Keephighpressurehoseconnectedto pumpandspraygun
• ALWAYSpointsprayguninsafedirection,pressredbutton
andsqueezesprayguntriggerto releasehighpressure,every
How to Use Accessory Tray
The unit is equipped with an accessorytray with places to
store your spray gun, nozzleextensionand quick connect
PrecisionSprai Mnozzles.Thereis also a detachablehose
wrap at the back of the accessorytray to hold your high
pressure hose.
1. Placespraytip extensionin clip on backof accessorytray.
2. Placespray gun through holeon accessorytray on right
side of unit.
3. insert multi-colored spray tips in spaces provided in
4. Wrap high pressure hose on hose wrap then attach hose
wrap to backof accessorytray.
5. Hook provided on back of accessorytray for safely
storing safety goggles.
How to Use PrecisionSpray TM NozzJeSystem
Thequick-connect on the nozzleextensionallows you to
switch between five different PrecisionSprai Msystem
nozzles.PrecisionSprayTM nozzlescan bechangedwhile
pressure washeris running oncespray guntrigger lock is
Followthese instructions to changePrecisionSprayTM
1. Puii back collar on quick-connect and pull current
PrecisionSprayTM nozzleoff. Store PrecisionSprai M
nozzlesin holder providedon the accessory tray.
_. WARNING:The high pressure stream of waterthat this
_i_ equipment produces can cut through skin and
* NEVERexchangePrecisionSprayTM nozzleswithoutthetrigger
. DONOTtwist PrecisionSpraiMnozzleswhilespraying.
its underlying tissues, leading to serious injury
and possible amputation.
Select desired PrecisionSprai Mnozzle:
* Select orange generalPrecisionSprai Mnozzlefor all
purpose cleaning. Cleansvinyl siding, brick patios,
concrete driveways andother surfaces.
* Selectred maxPrecisionSpraiMnozzlefor maximum
cleaning.Greatfor cleaningstubborn stains,including
grease,tar, wax,andotherhard to removestains.

SelectcyanjetflushPrecisionSprayTM nozzlefor
quick high flow clean up and long reach cleaningof
second story siding and windows.
Select magentajet soap PrecisionSprayTM nozzleto
launch soapto secondstory siding and windows.
2-1N-1 Soap System
A. CAUTION: Chemicals can cause bodily injury, and/or
property damage.
• NEVERusecaustic liquid with pressurewasher.
• Use ONLYpressure washer safe detergents/soaps. Follow all
manufacturers instructions.
Cleaningand ApplyingDetergentwith the
Project Pro® PerfectMix TM Siphon
To apply undiluted detergentusing the blue
PerfectMixTM siphon, follow these steps:
1. Reviewuseof PrecisionSprayTM nozzles.
2. Attach PerfectMixTM siphon hoseto pump
and PerfectMixTM concentrate bottle.
NOTICE: Contact with the hot muffler can damage detergent
siphoning tube.
• When inserting the siphon into adetergent solution bottle, route
the tube so as to keep it from inadvertently contacting the hot
Select blackfan soap PrecisionSprayTM nozzlefor
general cleaning.Greatfor applying soap to
vehicles, boats, driveways,decks, and patios.
3. Pull backon collar,insertnewPrecisionSprayTM nozzle
and releasecollar.Tug on nozzleto makesureit issecurely
in place.
* For most effective cleaning, keep PrecisionSprayTM nozzle
from 8 to 24 inches (20 to 61cm) awayfrom cleaning
* If you get PrecisionSprayTM nozzletoo close, especially
using ahigh pressurenozzle,you may damagesurface
being cleaned.
* DONOTget closer than 6 inches(15 cm) when cleaning
3. Makesure fan soap (black) or jet soap nozzle(magenta)
is installed.
NOTE:Detergentcannot be appliedwith the high pressure
nozzles(Cyan, Orangeor Red).
4. Makesure garden hoseis connectedto water inlet.
Checkthat high pressure hose is connectedto spraygun
and pump. Turn on water.
NOTICE: You must attach all hoses before you start the
• Starting the engine without all the hosesconnected andwithout
the water turned ONwill damagethe pump.
• Damageto equipment resulting from failure to follow this
instruction will void warranty.
Start engine following instructions Howto Start Your
Pressure Washer.
Apply detergentto a dry surface,starting at lower
portion of areato be washedand work upward, using
long, even, overlappingstrokes.
Allow detergentto "soakin"for 3-5 minutes before
washing and rinsing. Reapplyas neededto prevent
surfacefrom drying. DONOTallow detergentto dry on
(prevents streaking).
Cleaningand ApplyingDetergentwith the StandardClear
To apply diluted detergent using the
standard clearsiphon tube, follow these
1. Reviewuseof PrecisionSprayTM
2. Attach clear siphon hoseto barbedfitting on pump.
3. Mix detergent solution as required by job.

4. Placesmallfilterendofclearsiphoningtubeinto
NOTICE: Contact with the hot muffler can damage detergent
siphoning tube.
• When inserting the siphon into a detergent solution bottle, route
the tube so as to keepit from inadvertently contacting the hot
5. Make surefan soap(black) or jet soap nozzle(magenta)
is installed.
NOTE:Detergent cannotbe appliedwith the high pressure
nozzles(Cyan,Orangeor Red).
6. Make sure gardenhose is connectedto water inlet.
Checkthat high pressure hoseis connected to spray gun
and pump. Turn on water.
NOTICE: You must attach all hoses before you start the
• Starting the enginewithout all the hoses connected and without
the water turned ONwill damagethe pump.
• Damageto equipment resulting from failure to follow this
instruction will void warranty.
Start enginefollowing instructions How to Start Your
Pressure Washer.
Apply detergent to a dry surface,starting at lower
portion of areato be washedand work upward, using
long, even,overlappingstrokes.
9. Allow detergent to "soak in"for 3-5 minutes before
washing and rinsing. Reapplyas neededto prevent
surfacefrom drying. DO NOTallow detergentto dry on
(prevents streaking).
IMPORTANT:You must flush the detergent siphoning system
after each use by placing the filter into abucket of clean
water, then run the pressure washer in low pressurefor 1-2
Pressure Washer Rinsing
1. Removelow pressure nozzlefrom nozzleextension.
2. Selectandinstall desiredhigh pressure nozzlefollowing
instructions How to UsePrecisionSprayMNozzleSystem.
3. Keep spray gun a safe distance from area you plan to
A. WARNING: Kickback from spray gun can cause you to
_ fall.
• Operate pressure washer from a stable surface.
• Be extremely careful if you must usethe pressurewasher from
a ladder,scaffolding, or any other similar location.
• Firmly grasp spray gun with both hands when using high
pressure spray to avoid injury whenspray gun kicks back.
4. Apply ahigh pressurespray to asmall areaand then
checksurfacefor damage. If no damage is found, you
canassume it is okayto continue rinsing.
5. Start at top ofareato be rinsed, working down with
sameoverlapping strokes asyou usedfor cleaning.
Cleaning Detergent Siphoning Tube
If you used the clear detergent siphoning tube,you must
flush it with clean water beforestopping the engine.
1. Placedetergent siphoning tube/filter ina bucketfull of
Removehigh pressurenozzlefrom nozzleextension.
Select and install a soap nozzlefollowing instructions
How to Use PrecisionSprayTMNozzleSystem.
Flushfor 1-2 minutes.
Shut off engine following instructions Howto Stop
Pressure Washerand turn off water supply.
6. ALWAYS point spray gun in asafe direction push red
button and squeezespray gun trigger to release retained
high water pressure.
IMPORTANT:Spray guntraps high water pressure,even
when engine is stopped and water is disconnected.
A. WARNING:The high pressure stream of waterthat this
its underlying tissues, leading to serious injury
equipment produces can cut through skin and
and possible amputation.
Spray gun traps high water pressure,evenwhen engine is
stopped andwater is disconnected, which can cause
• Keephighpressurehoseconnectedto pumpandspraygun
• ALWAYSpointspraygunin safedirection,pressredbutton
andsqueezesprayguntriggerto releasehighpressure,every
Automatic Cool Down System {Thermal Relief)
If you run the engineon your pressurewasher for
3-5 minutes without pressing the trigger on the spraygun,
circulating water in the pump can reachtemperaturesabove
125°F.The systemengagesto cool the pump by discharging
the warm water onto the ground.

This is a single cylinder, overheadvalve (OHV),air cooled
engine, it is alow emissions engine.
In the State of California, Model 120000 enginesare certified
by the California Air Resources Boardto meet emissions
standardsfor 125hours. Such certification does not grant
the purchaser, owner or operator of this engine any
additional warranties with respectto the performanceor
operational life of this engine.Theengine is warranted solely
according to the product and emissions warranties stated
elsewherein this manual.
Power RaUngs
Thegross power rating for individual gas engine models is
labeled in accordancewith SAE(Societyof Automotive
Engineers)codeJ1940 (Small Engine Power &Torque
Rating Procedure), and rating performance has been
obtained and corrected in accordancewith SAEJ1995
(Revision 2002-05). Torquevaluesare derived at 3060 RPM;
horsepower valuesare derived at 3600 RPM.Actual gross
engine power will be lower andis affected by, among other
things, ambientoperating conditions and engine-to-engine
variability. Given both the wide arrayof products on which
enginesare placed andthe variety of environmental issues
applicableto operatingthe equipment,the gas engine will not
developthe ratedgross power when used in agiven piece of
power equipment (actual "on-site"or net power). This
difference is due to a variety of factors including, but not
limited to, accessories(air cleaner, exhaust,charging,
cooling, carburetor, fuel pump, etc.),application limitations,
ambient operating conditions (temperature, humidity,
altitude), and engine-to-engine variability. Dueto
manufacturing and capacity limitations, Briggs & Stratton
may substitute an engine of higher ratedpower for this
This pressurewasher is rated in accordanceto the Pressure
Washer ManufactureAssociation (PWMA) standard PW101
(Testing and Rating Performanceof PressureWashers).
Pressure Washer Specifications
Max Outlet Pressure ....................... 3,000 PSi
Max FlowRate............................. 2.7 GPM
DetergentMix ........................ Use asdirected
Water Supply Temperature .......... Not to exceed100°F
Shipping Weight............................. 71 Ibs.
Engine Specifications
Bore ................................. 2.69 in. (68ram)
Stroke ............................... 2.04 in. (52mm)
Displacement ........................ 11.57in. (190cc)
Type:...................... Briggs & Stratton 491055
SetGapTo: ...................... 0.020inch (0.50mm)
ArmatureAirGap:........... 0.006-0.014in.(0.15-0.36mm)
(6 mm)pasttop deadcenter(checkwhenengineiscold).
intake .................... 0.004-0.006in.(0.10-0.15mm)
Exhaust .................. 0.004-0.008in.(0.10-0.20mm)
FuelCapacity............................... 1.6Quarts
0il Capacity....................... 22 Ounces(0.65 liter)
NOTE:For practical operation,the engine loadshould not
exceed85% of ratedpower. Enginepower will decrease
3-1/2% for each1,000 feet(300 meters) above sealeveland
1% for each 10° F(5.6° C) above 77° F (25° C). It should
operatesatisfactorily at an angle up to 15°.

FoJJowthe hourly or caJendarintervals, whichever occurs
first. More frequent serviceis required when operating in
adverseconditions noted beJow.
Pump Oil
DONOTattempt anyoil maintenanceon this pump,The
pump is pre-lubricatedand sealedfrom thefactory, requiring
no additional maintenancefor the life of the pump.
* Changeengine oil
* Check/clean water inlet screen'
* Checkhigh pressure hose
* Checkdetergentsiphoning hose
* Checkspray gun and assemblyfor leaks
* Cleandebris
* Checkengineoil level
* Service engineair cleaner2
* Changeengine oiF
* Inspect muffler and sparkattester
* Service spark plug
* Cleancooling system2
Clean if clogged. Replace if perforated or torn.
2Service more often under dirty or dusty conditions.
Regular maintenancewill improve the performance and
extend the life of the pressure washer.See anySearsor
other qualifiedservice dealerfor service.
The pressurewasherwarranty doesnot cover items that
havebeen subjectedto operator abuseor negligence.To
receivefull valuefrom the warranty, the operator must
maintain pressurewasher as instructed inthis manual
including proper storage as detailedin Storage.
Someadjustments will needto be made periodically to
properly maintainyour pressure washer.
All service andadjustments should bemade at least once
eachseason.Follow the requirementsin the Maintenance
Schedulechart above.
NOTE:Onceayear you should cleanor replacethe spark
plug and replacethe air filter. A new spark plug andcleanair
filter assure properfuel-air mixture and help your engine run
better and last longer.
Emissions Control
Maintenance, replacement, or repairof the emissions
controldevices and systemsmaybe performedbyany non-
roadengine repairestablishment or individual. However,
to obtain "no charge" emissions control service, the work
must be performed byafactory authorizeddealer. Seethe
Emissions Warranty.
Before Each Use
1. Checkengine oillevel.
2. Cleandebris.
3. Checkwater inlet screenfor damage.
4. Checkhigh pressurehose for leaks.
5. Checkgun andnozzleextension assemblyfor leaks.
6. Purge pump of air and contaminants.
Daily or before use, clean accumulateddebris from pressure
washer. Keeplinkage,spring and controls clean. Keeparea
around andbehind muffler free from any combustible debris.
inspect cooling air slots and openings on the pressure
washer. Theseopenings must be kept clean and
Pressurewasher parts should be kept cleanto reducethe
risk of overheating and ignition of accumulated debris.
* Usea damp cloth towipe exterior surfacesclean.
NOTICE:improper treatment of pressurewasher can
damageit and shorten its life.
• DONOTinsertanyobjectsthroughcoolingslots.
* Usea soft bristle brush to loosencaked on dirt, oil, etc.
* Useavacuum cleanerto pick up loose dirt anddebris.
Checkand Cleaninlet Screen
Examinegardenhose inlet screen.Clean if it is clogged or
replaceif it is torn.