3000 PSi MAX
_odei No. 580.752140
HOUriS: Non. - Fri. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (CT)
Before usingthis product, readthis
manualand follow atISafety Rutes
and Operating Instructions.
Sears, Roebuck and Ca., Hoffman Estates, [L 68179 U.S.A.
Visit our Craftsman website: www.craftsman.eom
Part No. 203773GS Draft - (04/25/2007)
Antes de utiiizar el producto, Ieaeste
manuaiy sigatodas Ias Reglasde
Seguridade Instrucciones de Uso.
,, Maintenance
,, Parts
,, Espa_oi, p. 34
0 4

WARRANTY.......................................... 2
SAFETYRULES...................................... 2-5
FEATURESANDCONTROLS.............................. 6
ASSEMBLY........................................ 7-10
OPERATION....................................... 11-15
SPECIFICATIONS..................................... 16
STORAGE........................................... 22
TROUBLESHOOTH'_IG.................................. 23
REPLACEMENTPARTS.............................. 24-31
EMISSIONCONTROLWARRANTY..................... 32-33
ESPA__OL......................................... 34-59
HOWTO ORDERPARTS........................ BACKPAGE
MAINTENANCE.................................... 17-2!
If this pressurewasher faiis dueto a defectin materiaior workmanship within one year from the dateof purchase, return it to
any Searsstore, other Craftsman outlet, or SearsParts & RepairCenterin the UnitedStates or Canadafor free repair (or
replacementif repair proves impossible).
Ali warranty coverageapplies for only 90 daysfrom dateof purchaseif this pressurewasheris ever usedfor commercial or
This warranty gives you specific legalrights, andyou mayalso haveother rights which vary from stateto state.
Sears, Roebuck and Ce,, Heffman Estates, JL68179
Sears Canada Jnc,, Terente, 8ntarie, Canada MSB 2B8
Thisis the safety alert symbol, tt is used to alert yeato potentialpersenaminjary hazards. ObeyaH safety messages
that fellow this symbemto avoid pessiNe injuryor death.
_Read this manual carefullyand become familiar
..... with yourpressurewasher. Knew its applications,
Hazard SymhoJsand Nteanings
itslimitations, and any hazardsinvolved.
Thesafety alert symboi (,_) isusedwith a signal word
(DAr/GER,CAUTIOr/,WARNING),apictorial and/or a safety
ToxicFumes HazardousChemical
messageto alert you to hazards.BANGERindicatesa hazard
which, if not avoided, wi/'/resuIt in deathor serious injury.
WARNINGindicates ahazardwhich, if not avoided, cou/d
result in deathor serious injury. CAUTtONindicatesa hazard
Fall FluidInjection
which, if not avoided, might result in minor or moderate
injury. NOTICEindicatesasituation that could result in
equipment damage.Foiiowsafety messagesto avoid or
reducethe risk of injury or death.
Moving Parts
FlyingObjects Kickback Hot Surface
Explosion Operator'sManual
© SearsBrands, LLC

Contentsare harmful or fataiif swalIowed. Avoid
contact to eyes,skin or clothing. DO NOTtake
internaliy. Avoid breathing the mist or vapor.
Overexposureto eyesor skin cancauseirritation.
Keepstabilizer out of the reachof chiidren.
Fueistabiiizer isahazardouschemical.**
FresbStartTM fue! capis designed to hold a cartridgewhicb
contains fuel stabilizer.
• If SWALLOWED,call pbysician immediately. DONOTinduce
vomiting. If inhaled removeto fresh air. h_caseof eye or skin
contacL flusbwith water for 15 rninutes.
• Store unopened cartridges in acool, dry_well ventilated area.
Keepopen cartridge in fuel cap, andfuel cap closed on fuel tank
when not in use.
• h_the caseof an emergency,contact a physician immediately
and call 1-800-424-9300 for materialsafety irfforrnation.
• *Fuel stabilizer contains: 2,6-di-tret-butylphenol (128-39-2) and aliphatic petroleum
distillate (64742-47-8),
Runningengine gives off carbon monoxide, an
odoriess, coloriess, poison gas.
Breathingcarbon monoxidecan cause headache,
fatigue, dizziness,vomiting, confusion, seizures,
nausea,fainting or death.
Some chemicals or detergents may beharmful if
inhaled oringested, causingsevere nausea,
fainting, or poisoning.
• OperatepressurewasherONLYoutdoors.
o Keepexhaustgasfromenteringaconfinedareathrough
windows,doors,ventilationintakes,or otheropenings.
o DONOTstartorrunengineindoorsor inanenclosedarea,
evenif windowsanddoorsareopen.
• Usea respiratoror maskwheneverthereisa cbancetbat
• Readall instructionswith masksoyouarecertaintbernaskwill
_'_ Fuetand its vapors are extremely flammable and
Fire or explosion can cause severe burns or
o Turn pressure wasber OFFand let it cool at least 2 minutes
before removing fuel cap. Loosen cap slowly to relievepressure
in tank.
o Fill or drain fuel tank outdoors.
• DONOTover% tank. Allow spacefor fue! expansion.
o If fuel spills, wait until it evaporatesbefore starting engine.
• Keepfuel away frorn sparks, openflames, pilot lights, heat,and
other ignition sources.
• DONOTlight a cigarette or smoke.
o Ensure spark plug, muffler, fuel cap,and air cleaner arein
o DO NOTcrank enginewith spark plug removed.
• DONOTtip engine or equiprnentat anglewhicb causesfuel to
o DONOTspray'flamrnable liquids.
o Transport/repair witb fuel tank EMPTYor with fuel shutoff valve
o Disconnect spark plug wire.
• Store away from furnaces, stoves_water heaters_dotbes
dryers, or other appliances that have pilot light or other ignition
source becausetbey can ignite fuel vapors.
Risk of electrocution.
Contact with power source can cause electric
shock or burn.
• NEVERspray'near power source.

Starter cord kickback (rapid retraction) can result
in bodily injury. Kickback will pulI hand and arm
toward engine faster than you can Iet go.
Broken bones, fractures, bruises, or sprains
could result.
• NEVERpull starter cord without first relieving spray gun
o When starting engine pull cord slowly until resistanceis felt
andthen pul! rapidly to avoid kickback.
o After eachstarting atternpt where enginefails to run, always
point spray gun in safe direction and squeezespray gun trigger
to releasehigh pressure. Engagespray gutstrigger lock.
o Firmly grasp spray gun with both hands whenusing high
pressure spray to avoidiniury when spray gun kicks back.
Useof pressurewashercan createpuddles and
slippepj surfaces.
Kickbackfrom spray gun cancause you to fail.
* Operatepressurewasherfrorn astablesurface.
o Thecleaningareashouldhaveadequateslopesanddrainageto
reducethepossibilityof afalldueto slipperysurfaces.
o Beextremelycarefulif yournustusethepressurewasherfrom
a ladder,scaffolding,or anyothersimilarlocation.
o Firmlygraspspraygunwith bothhandswhenusinghigh
pressuresprayto avoidinjurywhenspraygutskicksback.
pressure stream of water th_(ttlsJ-['_
equipment producescan cut through skin and its
_ nderlying tissues, ieading to serious injury and
possible amputation.
_l '_ Spray gun traps h gh water pressure, even when
engine is stopped and water is disconnected,
which can cause injury.
DONOTallow CHILDRENto operate pressure washer.
NEVERrepair highpressure hose. Replaceit.
NEVERrepair leakingconnections with sealantof any kind
Replaceo-ring or seal
NEVERconnect high pressure hoseto nozzleextension
Keephigh pressure hose connectedto purnp and spray gun
while system is pressurized.
ALWAYSpoint spray gun in safedirection and squeezespray
gun trigger to releasehigh pressure, everytime you stop
engine. Engagetrigger lockwhen not itsuse.
NEVERaim spray gutsat people, animab, or plants
DO NOTsecure spray gun in open position.
DO NOTleavespray gun unattended while rnachineis running
NEVERusea spray gun which does not have atrigger lock or
trigger guard in placeand in working order
Always be certain spray gun, nozzbs and accessories are
correctly attached.
Unintentionalsparking can result infire or
Contact with muffler area can result in serious
Exhaustheat/gases can ignite combustibles,
structures or damagefuel tank causing afire.
* DONOTtouchhotpartsandAVOIDhotexlsaustgases.
o Allowequipmenttocoolbeforetouching.
o Keepatleast5feet(152crn) ofclearanceonallsidesof
o Codeof FederalRegulation(CFR)Title36 Parks,Forests,and
combustionengineto haveasparkarrester rnaintainedin
effectiveworkingorder,complyingto USDAForestservice
standard5!00-1C or laterrevision.Inthe StateofCaliforniaa
sparkarresteris requiredundersection4442of theCalifornia
'_¢ electrb shock.
o Disconnectthe sparkplugwirefrornthesparkplugandplace
thewire whereit cannotcontactsparkplug.
o Useapprovedsparkplugtester.
• DONOTcheckfor sparkwith sparkplugremoved.

Starter and other rotating parts can entangie
sands, hair, clothing, or accessories.
• NEVERoperate pressure washerwithout protective housingor
o DO NOTwear loose dothing_ iewelry or anythingthat may be
caught inthe starter or other rotating parts.
o Tie up long hai! and rernove jewelry.
jRisk of eye injury.
..L..__JSpray can splash back or propel objects.
Alwayswear safetygoggles when using this equipment or in
vicinity of where equipment is in use.
Beforestarting the pressure washer,be sure you are wearing
adequatesafety goggles.
NEVERsubstitute safety'glasses for safety'goggles.
High pressure spray may damage fragiie items including
• DO NOTpoint spray gun at glasswhen using MAX(0°) nozzle.
NEVERaim spray gun at plants.
Improper treatment of pressure washer can damage it and
shorten its iife.
Ifyou have questions about intended use,ask dealeror contact
NEVERoperate units with broken or missing pa!ts, or without
protective housing or covers.
DO NOTby-pass any safety device on this rnachine.
DONOTtamper with governed speed.
DONOToperate pressure washer above rated pressure.
DONOT modify pressure washer inany'way.
Before starting pressurewasher in cold weather,check all parts
of the equiprnentto besure ice has not formed there.
NEVERmove machineby pulling on hoses. Usehandle
provided on unit.
Checkfuel system for leaksor signs of deterioration, such as
chafed or spongy hose,!oose or missing clamps_or damaged
tank orcap. Correctall defects beforeoperating pressure
This equipment is designedto be used with Searsauthorized
parts ONLY.If equipment is used with parts that DO NOT
comply with minimum specifications, userassumes all risks
and liabilities.

,r' F I_Read the Operator's ManuaJand safety ruJesbefore operatingyour pressurewasher.
....Compare the illustrationswithyour pressurewasher to familiarizeyourselfwiththe locationsofvariouscontrolsand
adjustments. Save this manuaI for future reference,
Recoil Starter
Air Filter
Throttle Lever
& ChokeLevel
Spray Gun Nozzle Extension with
Quick Connect
ProjectProTM Nozzles
HydroFoamTM Launcher
High PressureHose
Oil FillCap/Dipstick
HigI1PressureOutlet &
Water Inlet
Air FHter-- Protects engine by filtering dust anddebris out of
Autematic CeeJDawn System -- Cycles water through pump when
water reaches 125°-155°F. Warm water will discharge from purnp
onto ground. This system prevents internal pump damage.
CJeaeiegTack - Usedto provideHydroFoamTM wash or other
detergentto the lowpressurewater stream.
CheLaLever -- Preparesa cold engine for starting.
Feel Tack -- Filltank with regular unleadedfuel. Alwaysleave room
for fuel expansion.
High Pressare Hese-- Connectone endto the water pump and the
other end to the spray gun.
High Pressare OutJet-- To connect high pressure hose.
HydreFeamTM kauecher -- Useto apply HydroFoamTM wash or
other detergents designed specifically for pressure washers.
Pumpequipped with Automatic
Cool Down System
NezzJeE×teesieewith Qaick Ceeeect-- Allows youto switch
between three different spray nozzlesand HydroFoamTM Launcher.
Oil Fill Cap!Dipstick -- Checkand addengine oil here. Seepage 19
for oil recommendations andfilling instructions.
PrejectPreTM Nezzles -- Max, General,and DelicateNozzles: for
various cleaningapplications.
Pump -- Developshigh pressure.
ReceiJStarter -- Usefor starting the engine manually.
Spray Gue -- Controls the applicationof water onto cleaningsurface
with trigger device. Includes safetylatch.
Thrattle Lever--Sets engine in starting mode for recoil starter and
stops a running engine.
Water Icier -- Connect garden hose here.

Your cleaningsystem requiressome assembIyand is ready
for useonly after it has been properiy serviced with the
recommendedoil and fuel.
tf youhave any prohbmswith the assembly of your
pressurewasher, please callthe pressurewasher hempline
at 1o800o222o3136.
1. RemoveeveGrthingfrom carton except pressurewasher.
2. Opencarton completely bycutting eachcorner from top
to bottom.
3. Removepressure washer from carton.
Checkali contents, if any parts are missing or damaged,call
the pressure washer hetplineat 1=800=222=3136.
° Main Unit
* Handb with 6ieaning TankAssembly
o AccessoryTray
° High PressureHose
* Spray Gun
o NozzleExtensionwith QuickConnect Fitting
, HydroFoamTM Wash
° Oil Bottle
, Parts Bag(which includes the following):
o Operator's Manual
, Owner's RegistrationCard
, Safety Goggies
o DetergentSiphoning Hose/Fiiter
, Bagcontaining 3 muiti-coiored ProjectProTM NozzIes
, HydroFoamTM Launcher
o HydroFoamTM Launcher &Wash instruction Sheet
° FreshStart FuelCartridge
* HandleFasteningHardwareKit (whichincludes):
* CarriageBolts (2)
° Plastic Knobs (2)
° TreeClips (4)
Becomefamiiiar with eachpiecebefore assemblingthe
pressure washer. Identify aticontents with the iiiustrationon
page 6. if any parts are missing or damaged,call the
pressure washerhetplineat 1=800=222=3136.
6. Connectpressure hoseto spray gun andpump.
7. Connectwater supplyto pump.
8. Attach nozzleextension to spray gun.
9. Select/attachquickconnect ProjectProTM nozzleto nozzle
Attach Handle and Aecesse_ Tray
1. Placehandle (A)onto handb supports (B) connectedto
main unit. Makesure holes (C) in handb align with holes
(C) on handle supports.
NOTE:It may benecessaryto move the handlesupports
from side to side in order to align the handie so it wiii slide
overthe handb supports.
2. Insert carriageboits (A) through holesfrom outside of
unit and attach a plastic knob (B) from inside of unit.
Tighten by hand.
3. Placeaccessorytray (A) over holes (C) on handle
(viewing from front of unit). Push the tree clips (B) into
the holes until they sit fiat againstthe accessorytray.
YourCraftsmancleaningsystem will needassembly before
1. Fiii out and send in registration card.
2. Attach handleand accessorytray.
3. Connectdetergent siphon hoseto pump.
4. Add oii to engine crankcase.
5. Addfuel to fuel tank.
Insert multi-colored ProjectProTM nozzlesand other
supplied accessories in spaces provided inaccessory
tray. SeeHow to UseAccessory Tray.

Attach Detergent Siphon Hose te Pemp
Thepressure washer is equipped with two detergent
siphoning hoses.One is attached to the cleaning tank and
one is loosefor siphoning pressure washer safedetergents
from a bottle or container.
Attach one of the detergentsiphon hoses (A) to the barbed
hose fitting (B) onthe pump,
iMPORTANT:Onlyone detergent siphoning hosecan be used
at a time.
Add Engine Oil
1. Placepressure washer on afiat, ieveisurface.
2. Cleanarea around oii fiii and remove yeilow oil fill
NOTE:See Oi/Recommendations in Ma,_qtenancesection.
Verify provided oiI bottle is the correct viscosity for current
ambient temperature.
3. Using oil funnel (optional), slowly pour contents of
provided oil bottie into off fiii opening.
Add Fuel
Fuel must meet these requirements:
o Clean,fresh, unleadedgasoline.
. A minimum of 87 octane/87 AKI (91 RON).High altitude
use,see High Altitude.
. Gasolinewith up to 10% ethanol (gasohot)or up to
15% MTBE(methyl tertiary butyl ether) is acceptable.
Avoid pressure washer damage.
Faiiureto foliow Operator's Manualfor fuel
recommendations voids warrant,G
DONOTmixoil in gasoline.
DONOTmodifyengineto runon alternatefuels.
To protect the fuei system from gum formation, mix in a fuel
stabiiizer when adding fuel. See Storage.Ali fuet is notthe
same. if you experiencestarting or performance problems
after using fuel, switch to a different fuei provider or change
brands. Thisengineis certified to operateongasoline.The
emission control system for this engine is EM (Engine
Fuetand itsvapors areextremelyflammable and
Fireor explosioncan causesevereburns or
improper treatment of pressurewasher can damage it and
shorten its iife.
DONOTattempttocrankor sta!ttheenginebeforeit hasbeen
4. Replaceoil fill cap/dipstick and fully tighten.
o TurnpressurewasherOFFandletit coo[at least2minutes
beforeremovingfuelcap.Loosencapslowlyto relievepressure
in tank.
o Fillfueltankoutdoors.
• DONOTover%tank.Allowspaceforfue!expansion.
o Iffuelspills waituntilitevaporatesbeforestartingengine.
• Keepfuelawayfromsparks,openflames,pilot lights,heat,and
DONOTlighta cigaretteorsmoke.
Cleanareaaround fuetfilI cap, removecap.
Slowly add regular unleadedfuet (A)to fuel tank (B). Be
carefui not to overfiii. Aliow about 1,5" (4 cm) (C) oftank
space for fuel expansion,

CAUTJSN!AtcohoI-blendedfuels(caiiedgasohoi, ethanol or
methanoi) can attract moisture,which ieadsto separationand
formation of acids during storage.Acidic gascan damagethe
fuei system of anenginewhiie in storage.
Toavoidengineproblems,the fueI systemshould betreated
with afuet preserver or emptied beforestorageof 30 daysor
longer,if adding afue!preserver, fiii the fue! tank with fresh
fuei. if only partialiytiffed, air in the tankwiii promote fuel
deterioration during storage, if fueI preserver is not used,
drainthe fueItank, startthe engineand iet it run untiithe fuel
linesand carburetorareempty. UsefreshfueInext season.See
Storagefor additionaiinformation.
NEVERuseengine or carburetor cleaner products inthe fuel
tank as permanent damagemay occur.
FreshStart FuelCap
Adding fuel preserverhelps keepfueI fresh and carburetors
cleanfor easierstarting, ali season iong. This new fuei cap
automatically drips concentratedfuel preserver into your fuel
Contentsareharmful or fatal if swallowed. Avoid
contact to eyes,skin or clothing. DONOTtake
internally.Avoid breathingthe mist or vapor.
Overexposureto eyesor skin can causeirritation.
Keepstabilizerout of the reachof chiidren.
Fueistabiiizer isahazardouschemical.**
If SWALLOWED,callphysicianimmediately.
* h_thecaseof anemergency,contacta physicianimmediately
andcall1-800-424-9300for materialsafety[nforrnation.
**Fuel stabilizer contains: 2,6-di-tret-butylphenol (128-39-2) and aiiphatic petroleum
distil!ate (64742-47-8),
1. Placecartridge into fuei cap.
4. Reinstallrue!cap on fueltank.
5. Periodicaliycheck the cartridge to ensurethere is stiii
fuei stabilizer inside. If it is empty, removecartridge and
At altitudes over5,000 feet (1524 meters), aminimum
85 octane/ 85 AKI (89 RON)gasoline is acceptable.To
remainemissions compiiant, high aititude adjustment is
required. Operationwithout this adjustment wiii cause
decreasedperformance, increasedfueI consumption, and
increasedemissions. Seea qualified Searsdealerfor high
altitude adjustment information. Operationof the engineat
altitudes below 2,500 feet (762 meters)with the high altitude
kit is not recommended.
Cenneet Hese and Water Supply te Pump
NOTE:Removeand discardthe shipping caps from the
pump's high pressure outlet andwaterinlet before attaching
DONOTrun the pump without the water supply connected
and turned on.
Damageto equipmentresultingfrom failureto followthis
Uncoii high pressure hose andattach one end of hoseto
baseof spraygun. Tigllten by hand.
.... j
j/ /
2. Pushto "snap" cartridge into piace.
3. Removetab to expose membrane.
IMPORTANT:DO NOTremovethe silver foil sealon the
opposite side.
Thehigh pressurestream of water that this
_ quipment produces cancut through skin and its
• NEVERconnecthighpressurehoseto nozzleextension.
o Keephighpressurehoseconnectedto pumpandspraygun
whilesystemis pressurized.
o Alwaysbecertainspraygun,nozzlesandaccessoriesare
underlyingtissues, ieadingto serious injury and

2. 6. TurnONwater,pointguninasafedirectionandsqueeze
IRisk of eyeinjury.
_Spray cansplash backor propel objects.
Alwayswearsafetygoggleswhen usingthisequipmentor in
vicinityof whereequipmentisin use.
Beforestartingthe pressurewasher,besureyouarewearing
3. Beforeconnectinggardenhosetowaterinlet,inspect
interscreen isdamaged or missing.
4. Run water througil gardenhose for 30 secondsto flush
it of debris. Turn off water.
iMPORTANT:DONOTsiphon standing water for the water
supply=UseONLY coid water (iessthan IO0°F).
5. Connectgarden hose (not to exceed50 feet in length) to
water inlet.Tighten by hand.
NEVERsubstitutesafetyglassesfor safetygoggles.
ChecMist Befere Starting Engine
Reviewthe unit to ensureyou have performed all of the
1= Besure to readSafetyRulesand Operationsections
before usingthe cieaning system.
2= Makesure handleis in placeand secure=
3= Checkthat eli has beenadded to proper levelin engine
4. Add proper fuelto fuel tank.
5. Checkfor proper hoseconnections (high pressure and
water suppiy) and that there are no kinks, cuts, or
damageto the high pressure hose.
6. Provideproper watersupply (not to exceedIO0°F).
Using a One Way Valve (vacuum breaker or check valve)
at pump inlet can cause pump or inlet connector damage.
ThereMUST beat leastten feet (3 rn)of unrestricted garden
hosebetweenthe pressurewasher inlet and any device,such as
avacuum breakeror checkvalve.
Damageto equipment resulting from failure to follow this
instruction will void warranty.

If you haveany probbms operatingyour pressure washer,
pleasecallthe pressurewasher heJpfineat1-800-222-3136,
Pressure Washer Lecation
Exhaustheat/gases can ignite combustibbs,
structures or damagefuei tank causing afire.
o Keepatleast5ft. (152cm)clearanceonall sidesofpressure
Macepressurewasheroutdoors in anareathat wiii not
accumulate deadtyexhaustgas. DONOTpiacepressure
washer where exhaustgas (A)could accumulateand enter
inside or bedrawn into a potentiaily occupiedbuilding.
Ensureexhaust gas is kept awayfrom any windows, doors,
ventiiation intakes, or other openingsthat can aliow exhaust
gasto coiiect in a confinedarea. Prevaiiingwinds and air
currents should be taken into considerationwhen positioning
Runningengine gives offcarbon monoxide, an
odorless, colorless, poison gas.
Breathingcarbon monoxide can causeheadache,
fatigue, dizziness,vomiting, confusion, seizures,
nausea,fainting or death.
° OperatepressurewasherONLYoutdoors.
o Keepexhaustgasfromenteringaconfinedareathrough
windows,doors,ventilationintakes,or otheropenings.
* DONOTstat or runengineindoorsor in anenclosedarea,
evenif windowsanddoorsareopen.
To Start Your Cleaning System
To start your engine=poweredcleaning system for the first
time, foiiow these instructions step=by=step.This information
also applies wheneveryou start the engineafteryou have let
the pressure washersit idle for at bast a day.
1. Placepressure washer nearan outside water source
capableof supplying waterat a flow rategreater than
3.7 galions per minute andno iess than 20 PSiat
pressurewasher endof garden hose.
2. Checkthat higil pressure hose istightty connectedto
spray gun and pump. SeeAssemby for illustrations.
3. Makesure unit is in a ievei position.
4. Connectgarden hoseto water inteton pressure washer
5. Turn ONwater, point gun in asafe direction andsqueeze
trigger to purge pump system of air and impurities.
DONOTrun the pump without the water supply connected
and turned on.
t amageto equipmentresultingfrom failureto followthisinstructionwillvoidwarranty
6. Attach nozzleextension to spray gun. Tighten by hand.
ChooseProjectProTM nozzleyou want to use,puff back
on coiiar of nozzleextension, insert nozzleand release
coliar. Tug on nozzleto makesure it is securely in place.
SeeHow to UseProjectPro7MNozzleSystem.
8. Engagetrigger lock (A) to spray guntrigger.

9. Movethrottie lever (A)to "Fast" position, shown hereas
a rabbit.
10=Move choke lever (B) to "Choke" position.
NOTE:For awarm engine, besurethe chokelever is in the
"Run" position.
iMPORTANT:Beforestarting the pressure washer, besure
'ou are wearing adequatesafetygoggles.
Risk of eye injury.
=_Spray cansp ashbackor propel objects.
Alwayswearsafetygoggleswhenusingthisequiprnentor in
vicinityofwhereequipmentisin use.
1. Whenstarting engine, position yourself as
recommended, grasp handle and pull recoii starter
lightly until you feel some resistance,then pulI briskly.
12. Return recoii starter siowiy. DOriOT let rope "snap
13. When engine starts, siowiy movechoke ieverto "Run"
position, as engine warms, if engine falters, move choke
leverto "Choke" position, then to "Run" position.
14. After eachstarting attempt, where enginefails to run,
always point gun in safe direction and squeezespray
gun trigger to releasehigh pressure. Movechokelever
to "Choke" position, and repeatsteps 11 through 13.
15. If enginefaiis to start after six pulis, movechoke ieverto
"Run" position, and repeatsteps 11through 13.
NOTE:Always keepthe throttle iever inthe "Fast" position
when operatingthe pressurewasher.
Thehigh pressurestream of water that this
equipment producescancut through skin and its
underlyingtissues, ieadingto serious injupj and
Spray gun traps high water pressure,evenwhen
engine is stopped andwater is disconnected,
which can causeinjury.
o DONOTa!lowCHILDRENtooperatepressurewasher.
• Keephighpressurehoseconnectedto pumpandspraygun
whilesystemis pressurized.
o NEVERaimspraygunatpeople,animals_or plants.
• DONOTsecurespraygun inopenposition.
o DONOTleavespraygununattendedwhilemachineis running.
o NEVERuseaspraygunwhichdoesnothaveatriggerlockor
triggerguardin placeandinworkingorder.
o Alwaysbecertainspraygun,nozzlesandaccessoriesare
Startercord kickback(rapid retraction) can result
in bodily injury. KickbackwilI pulI handand arm
toward enginefaster than youcan iet go.
Brokenbones, fractures, bruises, or sprains
could result.
o NEVERpullstartercordwithoutfirst relievingspraygun
• Whenstartingengine_pullcordslowlyuntilresistanceis felt
andthenpul!rapidlyto avoidkickback.
o Aftereachstartingattemptwhereenginefails1orun,always
pointspraygunin safedirectionandsqueezesprayguntrigger
to releasehighpressure.Engagesprayguntrigger lock.
o Firmlygraspspraygunwith bothhandswhenusinghigh
pressuresprayto avoidinjurywhenspraygunkicksback.
Contact with muffler area can resultin serious
Exhaustheat/gases can ignite combustibles,
structures or damagefuel tank causing afire.
DO NOTtouch hot parts and AVOIDhot exhaust gases.
Allow equipment to cool beforetouching.
Keepat least 5 feet (152 cm) of clearanceon all sides of
pressure washer including overhead.
Codeof FederalRegulation (CFR)Title 36 Parks Forests, and
Public Property require equiprnent powered by aninternal
combustion engine1ohave aspark arrestor rnaintainedin
effective working order, complying to USDAForestservice
standard 5100-1C or later revision. Intl_eState of California a
spark arrestor is required undersection 4442 of the California
Public resourcescode. Otherstates may have similar laws.

How to Stop Your CJeaningSystem
1= Reieasespray gun trigger and let engine idtefor two
2. Movethrottie to SLOW position, then STOPposition.
,,_ Backfire,fire or enginedamagecouId occur.
Macespray gun through hole on accessorytray on right
side of unit.
Insert multi-coIored ProjectProTM nozzlesin spaces
provided in accessorytray.
Insert HydroFoamTM iauncherin spaceprovided in
accessorytray nextto the multi-colored ProjectProTM
Hanghigh pressurehose on hook attachedto accessory
tray onfront of tray as shown.
o DONOTstopenginebymovingchokeleverto "Cheke"position.
3. ALWAYSpoint spray gun in asafe direction andsqueeze
spray guntrigger to releaseretained highwater pressure.
iMPORTANT:Spraygun traps high water pressure,even
when engine is stopped and water is disconnected.
The high pressure stream of water that this
equipment producescancut through skin and its
_ nderlying tissues, ieadingto serious injury and
, Keephighpressurehoseconnectedto purnpandspraygun
whilesystemis pressurized.
o ALWAYSpointsprayguninsafedirectionandsqueezespray
guntrigger,to releasehighpressureeverytimeyou stop
4. Engagetrigger iockon spray gun whennot in use.
How to Use Accessory Tray
Theunit isequippedwith an accessorytray with piacesto
store your ProjectProTM nozzles,HydroFoamTM launcher,spray
gun andnozzleextension. Thereis aiso ahook at the front of
the accessorytrayto hold your high pressurehose. Identify
ali accessorieswith the iiiustration on page6.
NOTE:The extrahoie in the tray is for storing a utiiity brush.
Theextra clip in thetray is for storing a turbo nozzle.The
brush and turbo nozzleare NOTincludedwith your pressure
washer.You canbuy these items as optionalaccessories.
1. Placenozzleextensionthrough hole on accessorytray,
Spray gun traps high water pressure,evenwhen
engine is stopped andwater is disconnected,
which can causeinjury.
How to Use ProjectPro TM Nozzle System
Thequick-connect on the nozzleextensionaliows you to
switch betweenthree different ProjectProTM system nozzles.
ProjectProTM nozzlescan bechangedwhile pressure washer
is running oncespraygun trigger lock is engaged.The
ProjectProTM nozzlesvary the pressure and spray patternas
High Pressure
Delicate General Max
40° Yellow 15° Orange 0° Red
2350 PSI 2675 PSI 3000 PSi
2.7 GPM 2.5 GPM 2.3 GPM
Fellowthese instructionste changeProjectProTM nozzles:
1. Engagetrigger lockon spray gun.
Thehigh pressurestream of water that this
_ quipment produces cancut through skin and its
o NEVERexchangeProjectProTM nozzleswithout lockingthe
• DONOTtwist ProjectProTM nozzleswhilespraying.
2. Puii backcollar on quick-connect and puii current
underiyingtissues, ieadingto serious injup/and
ProjectProTM nozzleoff. Store ProjectProTM nozzlesin
holder provided onthe accessorytray.

Select desired ProjectProTM nozzle:
* Fordelicate rinse (lower pressure and higher flow),
for gentb cleaning of cars/trucks, boats, RV's, patio
furniture, lawn equipment, etc, select yellow
delicate ProjectProTM nozzle.
Forgeneralrinsing (mediumpressureandmedium
flow), idealfor mostatIpurposecleaningsuch as
homesiding,brick patios,wooddecks,drivewaysand
sidewalks,garagefloors, etc.,selectorangegeneral
ProjectProTM nozzle.
4. PulIback on collar, insert selectedProjectProTM nozzle
and releasecollar. Tug on ProjectProTM nozzleto make
sure it is securely in place.
5. Formost effectivecleaning,keepProjectProTM nozzlefrom
8to 24 inchesawayfrom cleaningsurface. If you get the
nozzletoo close,you maydamagethe cleaningsurface.
6. DONOTgetcloserthan 6incheswhencleaningtires.
Hew te Use the HydroFoam TM Launcher
The quick-connect on the nozzleextension aliows you to
attach the HydroFoamTM launcher. Usethe HydroFoamTM
launcherto appiy HydroFoamTM wash or other project specific
cleaners to heipbreak downstubborn dirt andgrime ona
variety of surfaces.
FeJJewthese instrustbns te attachthe HydrePaamTM launcher:
1. Engagetrigger iock on spray gun.
2. Puliback collar on quick-connect and pulicurrent
ProjectProTM nozzleoff. Store ProjectProTM nozzlesin
holder provided onthe accessorytray.
3. PulIback on collar, insert HyrdoFoamTM launcherand
releasecollar. Tug on HyrdoFoamTM launcherto make
sure it is securely in place.
Formaximum rinsing (higher pressureand lower
flow), for stubborn or hard to reachsurfacesuch as
second story surfaces,paint removal,oii stains, rust
removalor otherstubborn substances (tar, gum,
grease,wax, etc.), select red max ProjectProTM
IMPORTANT:Also seethe HydroFoamTM launcherandwash
instruction sheetfor important instructions and uses.
Cteanin9 and Applyin9 Detergent
Teapplydetergentfelbw thesesteps:
1. Attach oneof the detergent siphon hosesfollowing
instructions Attach DetergentSiphon Hoseto Pump.
IMPORTANT:Besure engineis off andallowedto cool before
switching detergent siphoning hoses.
Contact with muffler area can resultin serious
Exhaustheat/gases can ignite combustibles,
structures or damagefuel tank causing afire.
• DONOTtouchhotpartsandAVOIDhotexhaustgases.
° Allowequipmenttocoolbeforetouching.
2. ReviewProjectProTM nozzleandHydroFoamTM launcher
3. PrepareHydroFoamTM washaccording to instructions on
the bottie or preparedetergentsolution as requiredby job.

4. Makesuredetergentshut-offvalveoncieaningtankisin
5. Ifusingcieaningtank,pourdetergentintocleaningtank.
6. MakesureHyrdoFoamTM Launcheris installed.
NOTE:Detergentcannot beappiied with the high pressure
nozzles(Yellow, Orange or Red).
7. Makesure gardenhose is connectedto water inlet.
Checkthat high pressurehose isconnectedto spray gun
and pump. Turn on water.
You must attachaII hoses before
thewaterturnedONwill damagethe pump.
Darnageto equipmentresultingfrom failuretofollowthis
8. Engagetrigger lockon spray gun andstart engine
foiiowing instructions How to Start YourPressure
9A. If using cteaningtank, rotate detergentshut=offvalveon
cleaningtank to "On" position (A).
11. Aiiow HydroFoamTM wash to soak in between
3-5 minutes beforewashing and rinsing. Reapptyas
neededto prevent surface from drying. DONOTaiiow
HydroFoamTM wash to dry on (preventsstreaking).
Forbest results,scrub the HydroFoamTM wash covered
surface to heip remove stubborn dirt, grime and stains. For
vehicles, useasoft car wash brush or mitt. Fordecking,
siding and concrete, use a brush appropriatefor the type of
surface being cieaned.
IMPORTANT:When using the detergent siphoning hose,you
must flush the detergentsiphoning system after eactsuseby
placingthe fiiter into abucket of cleanwater, then run the
pressure washerin low pressurefor 1=2minutes.
Pressure Washer Rinsing
After NydreFeamTM washis applied,scourthe mlffaeeand rinse
it cleanasfollows:
1. Engagetrigger iock on spray gun.
2. Makesure detergentshut-off valve is in "Off" position.
3. RemoveHyrdoFoamTM Launcherfrom nozzteextension.
4. Selectandinstaii desired ProjectProTM nozzle,as
described in How to Use ProjectPmTM HozzleSystem.
5. Keepspray gun a safedistancefrom spray surface.
IMPORTANT:if using detergentsiphoning hose, makesure
detergent shut-off valve on cleaningtank is inthe "Off"
9B. If using detergentsiphoning hose, placesmali fiiter end
of detergentsiphoning tube into detergentcontainer.
NOTE:Makesure thefiiter is fully submerged in detergent
while applying detergent.
Contact with the hot muffler candamagedetergent
siphoning tube.
Wheninseltingthefilterinto adetergentsolutionbottle,route
thetubesoasto keepit frominadvertently'contactingthe hot
10. Appiy HydroFoamTM washto a dry surface, starting at
lower portion of areato be washedand work upward,
using long, even,overlapping strokes.
NOTE:To preventwater spotting on vehicles,work in a
shadedareaand allow surfacesto cool before beginning.
Kickbackfrom spray gun cancauseyou to fail.
• Operatepressurewasherfrom astablesurface.
° BeextrerneIycarefulif you mustusethepressurewasherfrom
a ladder,scaffolding,or anyothersimilarlocation.
• Firmlygraspspraygunwithbothhandswhenusinghigh
pressuresprayto avoidinjurywhenspraygunkicksback.
Apply a high pressure spray to a small areaand then
check the surface for damage.If no damage,proceed to
step 7=
Start at top of areato be rinsed,working down with
same overlapping strokes usedfor cleaning.
Autemati¢ Cool Dawn System {Thermal llelief)
If you run the engineon your pressure washer for
3-5 minutes without pressingthe trigger on the spray gun,
circuiating water inthe pump canreachtemperatures above
125°F.Thesystem engagesto cool the pump by discharging
the warm water ante the ground=

This is asingle cylinder, overheadvalve (OHV),air cooled
engine, it is a iow emissions engine.
Inthe Stateof Caiifornia, Model 120000enginesarecertified
by the California Air Resources Boardto meetemissions
standardsfor 125 hours. Such certification does not grant
the purchaser, owner or operator of this engine any
additional warranties with respectto the performance or
operational life of this engine.The engineis warranted soidy
according to the product andemissions warranties stated
elsewhereinthis manual=
Power Ratings
Thegross power rating for individuaI gas engine models is
labeledin accordancewith SAE(Societyof Automotive
Engineers)code J1940 (Small Engine Power & Torque
Rating Procedure),and rating performance hasbeen
obtained andcorrected in accordancewith SAEJ1995
(Revision2002=05).Torque valuesarederived at3060 RPM;
horsepower valuesarederived at 3600 RPM. Actuai gross
engine power wiii be lower and is affected by, among other
things, ambient operating conditions and engine-to-engine
variabiiity. Givenboth the wide array of products on which
enginesare placedand the variety ofenvironmental issues
appiicabb to operatingthe equipment,the gas engine wiii not
developthe ratedgross power when used in a given pieceof
power equipment (actual"on-site"or net power). This
difference is due to a variety of factors including, but not
limited to, accessories (air cteaner, exhaust,charging,
cooiing, carburetor, fuel pump, etc.), appiication iimitations,
ambient operating conditions (temperature,humidity,
altitude), and engine-to-engine variabiiity. Dueto
manufacturing andcapacityiimitations, Briggs & Stratton
maysubstitute anengineof higher ratedpower for this
Max Outbt Pressure ....................... 3,000 PSi
Max FtowRate............................. 2.7 GPM
ChemicatMix......................... Use asdirected
Water SupplyTemperature .......... Not to exceed IO0°F
Shipping Weiglst............................. 71 Ibs.
Engine Specifications
Bore ................................. £69 in. (68mm)
Stroke ............................... £04 in. (52ram)
Displacement ........................ 11.57in. (190cc)
Type:..................... Briggs & Stratton 491055S
SetGapTo: ...................... O.020inch(O.50mm)
ArrnatureAir Gap: ........... 0.006-0.014in.(O.15-0.36rnm)
Valveclearancewithvalvespringsinstalledand piston1/4in,
(6 turn)pasttopdeadcenter(checkwhenengineis cold),
Intake.................... 0.004°0.006in.(0.10=0.15ram)
Exhaust .................. 0.004-0.008in.(O.10-O.20turn)
FuelCapacity............................... 1.6Quarts
OilCapacity....................... 22 Ounces(0.65liter)
NOTE:For practicai operation, the engine ioad should not
exceed 85% of rated power. Enginepower will decrease
3-I/2% for each1,000 feet (300 meters) abovesea Ieveiand
1% for each 10° F(5.6° C) above77° F (25° C).It should
operatesatisfactorily at anangle upto 15°.

Followthe hourly or calendarintervals,whichever occurs first.
More frequent service is required when operating inadverse conditions noted below.
Chec_dcieanwater inlet screen
Check high pressure hose
Check detergent hose
Checkspray gun and assembly for leaks
Purge pump of air and contaminants
Prepare pump for storage below 32°F
Check oil level
Clean debris
Changeengine oil
Service air cleaner
Service spark plug
Service spark attester
Clean cooling system
Prepare for storage
Cleanif clogged. Replaceif perforated or torn.
Change oil after the first (5) operating hours and every 50 hours or yearly thereafter. Changesooner when operating under dirty or dusty conditions.
Replacemore often under dirty or dusty conditions,
X 1
Every lO0
Hours or Hours or
Every25 1 Evely 50
Yearly Yearly
See WiRter Storage,
If unit is to remain idle for longer than 30 days,
Hours or
Reguiarmaintenancewill improvethe performance and
extendthe life of the pressure washer. Seeany Searsor
other qualified service deaierfor service.
Thepressure washer warranty doesnot cover items that
havebeen subjectedto operator abuseor negligence.To
receivefuli valuefrom the warranty, the operator must
maintain pressurewasheras instructed in this manual
including proper storageas detaiiedin Storage.
Someadjustments wili needto be madeperiodicaliy to
properly maintain your pressurewasher.
Ali serviceandadjustments should be madeat ieast once
eachseason.Foliowthe requirements in the"Maintenance
Schedule" chart above.
NOTE:Onceayear you should clean or replace the spark
ptug and repiacethe air fiiter. A new spark piug andclean air
fiiter assureproper fuel-air mixture and hetpyour engine run
better and iast longer.
Maintenance,replacementor repairof the emission control
devicesand systems maybe performed by any non-road
engine repairestablishment or individual.
1. Checkengine oil Ievei.
2. Cleandebris.
3. Checkwater inlet screen for damage.
4. Checkhigh pressurehose for ieaks.
5. Checkcleaningtank for damage.
6. Checkgun andnozzteextension assembly for leaks.
7. Purgepump of air andcontaminants.
Daily or before use,clean accumuiateddebris from cleaning
system. Keeplinkage, spring and controts ctean.Keeparea
around andbehind muffler free from any combustible debris.
Inspect cooiing air siots andopenings onthe pressure
washer. Theseopenings must be kept cleanand
Cleaningsystem parts should be kept cleanto reducethe risk
of overheating and ignition of accumuiated debris.
o Usea dampcloth to wipe exterior surfacesclean.
, Usea softbdstie brush to loosen cakedon dirt, oil, etc.

. Useavacuumcleanerto pickuploose dirtanddebris.
jlmproper treatment of pressurewashercan damageit and
_horten_ ....
Check and Clean inlet Screen
Examinegardenhose inlet screen.Cleanif it is clogged or
replaceif it is torn.
Check High Pressure Hese
High pressure hoses can developleaks from wear, kinking,
or abuse,inspect hosebeforeeach use. @eck for cuts,
leaks,abrasions, buiging of cover, or damageor movement
of coupiings. If any of these conditions exist, replacehose
its life.
1 A wA G
pressure stream
NEVERrepair high pressure hose. Replaceit.
Replacement hoserating MUSTexceed maximurn pressure
ratir_gof unit.
Check Gen and Hezzle Extensien
Examinehose connectionto spray gun and makesure it is
secure.Testtrigger by pressing it and making sure it springs
back into piacewhenyou releaseit. Put safetyiatch in UP
position andtest trigger. Youshould not beabie to press
trigger. Replacespray gun immediately if it fails any of these
Hezzle Maintenance
A pulsing sensationfelt while squeezingthe spraygun trigger
may becaused by excessive pump pressure. The principai
cause of excessivepump pressureis a nozzleclogged or
restricted with foreign materials, such asdirt, etc. Tocorrect
the problem, immediatelycleanthe nozzlefollowing these
1. Shut off engineand turn off water supply.
2. ALWAYSpoint spray gun in a safe direction andsqueeze
trigger to releaseretainedhigh water pressure.
Thehigh pressurestream of water thatthis
equipment produces can cut through skin and its
_ nderlying tissues, ieadingto seriousinjury and
o Keephighpressurehosecormectedto pumpandspraygun
• ALWAYSpointsprayguninsafedirection,pressredbutton
possible amputation.
Spraygun traps high water pressure, evenwhen
engine is stopped and wateris disconnected,
which cancauseinjury.
whilesystemis pressurized.
andsqueezesprayguntrigger,to rebasehighpressure,every
3. Removenozzlefrom end of nozzleextension.
4. Useasmaii paperclip to free any foreign material
clogging or restricting nozzie(A).
5. Removenozzleextension from spraygun.
6. Usinga garden hose, removeadditionai debris by back
flushing water through nozzteextension. Backflush
between30to 60 seconds.
Reinstaiinozzleinto nozzleextension.
Reconnectnozzleextensionto spray gun.
Makesure garden hose is connected to water inlet.
Checkthat high pressurehose isconnectedto spray gun
and pump.Turn on water.
Start enginefoiiowing instructions How to Start Your
Pressure Washe,<
Test pressure washer by operating with eachquick
connect nozzb.
@-Hing Maintenance
Purchasean O-Ring RepairKitatyour iocaiSearsorby caiiing
1-800-4-MY-NO_IE(469°4663)oronline at www.sears.com,it
isnot includedwith the pressurewasher.Thiskit includes
repiacemento=rings,rubberwasherandwaterinletfiiter. Referto
the instructionsheetprovidedin the kitto serviceyour unit's
Thehigh pressurestream of water that this
equipment producescancut through skin and its
underiyingtissues, ieadingto serious injury and
}ossibb amputation.
o NEVERrepairleakingconnectionswitbsealantof anykind.
Replaceo-ringor seal.
Pump Oil Maintenance
DONOTattempt any oii maintenanceon this pump. This
modei doesnot requireany pump oii maintenance.Thepump
is pre=iubricatedand seaiedfrom the factory, requiring no
additional lubrication for the life of the pump.