Craftsman 580752020 Owner’s Manual

1800 PSI
1.6 GPM
ModelNo. 580.752020
HOURS: IVlon.- Fri. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (CT)
Beforeusing this product, readthis
and Operating Instructions.
Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 U.S.A.
Visit our Craftsmanwebsite:
Part No. 202543GS Draft E (11/04/2009)
Antesde utilizar el producto, leaeste
manualy sigatodas las Reglasde
SeguridadeInstrucciones de Uso.
Espafiol,p. 18
TABLEOFCONTENTS............................. 2
WARRANTY..................................... 2
SAFETYRULES.................................. 2
FEATURESAND CONTROLS........................ 5
ASSEMBLY..................................... 6
OPERATION..................................... 8
MAINTENANCE................................. 12
TROUBLESHOOTING............................. 15
PARTS........................................ 16
ESPANOL...................................... 18
HOWTOORDERPARTS.......................... 32
OneYear FullWarrantyonCraftsmanPressureWasher
Whenassembled, operated and maintained according to all supplied instructions, if this Craftsman PressureWasherfails due to defectin material or workmanship within oneyear from the date of purchase,return it to anySears store for replacement.
This warranty excludesrepairs necessarybecauseof operator abuseor negligence,including damage resulting from no water being supplied to pump or failure to maintain the equipment according to the instructions contained in this operator's manual.
This warranty appliesfor only 30 days if this product is everused for commercialor rental purposes. This warranty givesyou specific legal rights, andyou may also haveother rights which vary from state to state.
Sears Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179
,_ This is the safetyalert symbol.It is usedto alert you topotentialpersonalinjuryhazards.Obeyall safety
messagesthatfollow this symbolto avoidpossibleinjury or death.
Readthis manualcarefully and becomefamiliar
with your pressurewasher. Knowits applications,
itslimitations, and anyhazardsinvolved.
Thesafety alert symbol (,_.) is usedwith a signal word (DANGER,CAUTION,WARNING),a pictorial and/or a safety messageto alert you to hazards. DANGERindicatesa hazard which, if not avoided, will result in deathor serious injury.
Electrical Shock Explosion Fall
WAFININGindicates a hazardwhich, if not avoided,could
result in deathor serious injury. CAUTIONindicatesa hazard which, if not avoided, might result in minor or moderate injury. NOTICEindicates a situation that could result in equipment damage.Follow safety messagesto avoid or
FlyingObjects Fluid Injection Operator's Manual
reducethe risk of injury or death.
Slippery Surface
© SearsBrands, LLC
_ Risk of electrocution.
NEVERspray near power source.
NEVERcut or remove grounding blade(round longer pin) on
Operatepressurewasher from a stable surface.
Thecleaning areashould have adequateslopes and drainage to
Beextremely careful if you must use the pressure washerfrom a
Firmly grasp spray gun with both handswhen using high
Contact with power source can cause electric shock or burn.
GFCIattachment plug.
,_ Use of pressure washer can create puddles and
slippery surfaces.
Kickback from fall.
reducethe possibility of a fall dueto slippery surfaces.
ladder,scaffolding, or any other similar location.
pressure spray to avoid injury when spraygun kicks back.
spray gun can cause you to
Risk of eye injury.
Spray can splash back or propel objects, including incorrectly attached accessories.
Always wear safetygoggles when using this equipment or in vicinity of where equipment is in use.
Beforestarting the pressure washer, besure you are wearing adequatesafety goggles.
NEVERsubstitute safety glassesfor safety goggles.
Risk of explosion.
_1_ Spraying flammable or combustible liquids can
cause fire or explosion.
NEVERsprayflammable or combustible liquids.
Improper treatment of pressure washer can damage it and
shorten its life.
Thehigh pressurestream of water that this equipment producescancut through skin and its underlying tissues, leadingto serious injury and possible amputation.
Spraygun traps high water pressure, even when motor hasstopped andwater is disconnected, which can causeinjury.
DONOTallow CHILDRENto operatepressure washer.
NEVERrepair high pressure hose.
NEVERrepair leaking connections with sealantof any kind. Replaceo-ring or seal.
NEVERconnect high pressure hose to nozzleextension.
Keephigh pressure hose connectedto pump and spray gun while system is pressurized.
ALWAYSpoint spray gun in safedirection and squeezespray guntrigger, to releasehigh pressure, every time you turn off pressure washer. Engagetrigger lock when not in use.
NEVERaim spray gun at people,animals, or plants.
DO NOTsecure spraygun in open position.
DO NOTleavespray gun unattendedwhile machine is plugged-in andturned ON.
NEVERuse a spray gun which does not haveatrigger lock or trigger guard in place and in working order.
Always be certain spray gun, nozzlesand accessoriesare correctly attached.
Ifyou havequestions about intended use,ask dealer or contact
NEVERoperateunits with brokenor missing parts, or without protective housing or covers.
DO NOTby-passany safety device on this machine.
The product warranty is void if grounding blade (round longer pin) on GFCIattachment plug is removed.
DO NOToperate pressure washerabove rated pressure.
DO NOTmodify pressurewasher in any way.
Beforestarting pressurewasher in cold weather, check all parts of the equipmentto be sure ice has not formed there.
NEVERmove machine by pulling on hoses.Use handle provided on unit.
This equipment is designedto be usedwith Searsauthorized parts ONLY. If equipmentis usedwith parts that DONOTcomply
with minimum specifications, user assumesall risks and liabilities.
High pressure spray may damage fragile items including
DO NOTpoint spraygun at glass when using turbo nozzle.
NEVERaim spray gun at plants.
GroundFaultCircuit InterrupterProtection
This product must be properly grounded. This electric pressure washer is equippedwith a ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI).Thedevice will disconnect both power conductors to the load circuit in the event of aninterruption in either or both supply circuit power conductors. If a
malfunction or breakdownoccurs, the GFCIprovides protection.
The plug must be plugged into an appropriate outlet that is properly installed and grounded in accordancewith all local codes and ordinances. Readthe instructions on the plug for use or seeBeforeStarting Pressure Washer.
The pressurewasher is equippedwith a sensor that will detectthat high pressurewater flow has stopped when releasingor locking the spray guntrigger. Thesensor will causethe motor to shut off for as long as the spray gun trigger is releasedor locked.
Motor Overload
Theelectric motor in this pressure washer is equippedwith an overload protection device.This device will automatically
shut off the motor if the motor overheatsor draws excessive current. After a period of time, the devicewill reset and the
pressure washer can resume normal operation.
We Do Not recommend the use of extension cords with this device. If it is necessaryto useone, however,then you must
use only extension cords that are approvedfor outsideuse. Theseextension cords are identified by a marking
"ACCEPTABLEFORUSEWITH OUTDOORAPPLIANCES". Extensioncords arenot recommendedunless they are
plugged into a ground-fault-protected receptacle.DONOT use damagedextensioncords. Also observe the following specifications:
CableLength: Wire Gauge:
Upto 25 feet (8m) 14 AWG
50 feet(15m) 12 AWG
Always disconnect the extension cord from the receptacle before disconnecting the GFCIfrom the extensioncord.
"_f Riskof electrocution.
Keepall electrical connections dry and off the ground.
NEVERtouch plug with wet hands.
NEVERcut or remove grounding blade(round longer pin) on GFCIattachment plug.
Readthe Operator's Manual andsafetyrules beforeoperating yourpressure washer.
Comparethe illustrations with your pressurewasher to familiarizeyourself with the locations
of various controls andadjustments. Savethis manual for future reference.
A - Spray Gun-- Controls the application of water onto
cleaningsurface with trigger device. Includes safety latch.
B- HighPressure Hose-- High pressureconnection
between pump andspray gun. Permanently attached to hose reel.
C- AdjustableNozzleExtension-- Attaches to the spray
gun andallows you to clean or rinse surfaces.
D - Garden Hose QuickConnectCoupler/WaterInlet --
Provides rapid and leak-free connection between
pressure washer and water supply. NOTE:You must usethe garden hose quick connectto
attachyour garden hose to the pressure washer.
E - HoseReel w/CrankHandle-- Hose reel permits clean
and convenient hosestorage. Handlefolds away.
F - Master ON/OFFSwitch -- ONis fully clockwise. OFFis
fully counter-clockwise.
G - Wand/GunStorage Brackets-- Connectionfor garden
H - ElectricCordwith GFCI-- Pressurewasher and
operator is protected by a ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI).
J - GFCl Indicator -- When RED,the GFCIdevice isworking
properly. SeeOPERATION.
K- Cleaning Tank- Usedto dispensepressure-washer-
safe detergents into the pressurizedwater stream.
L - TurboNozzleExtension-- Attaches to the spray gun and
allows you to clean or rinse surfaces at high pressure. You cannot apply detergentusing the turbo nozzle.
M- Wand Storage -- (rear).
Yourpressurewasherrequiressomeassemblybutisquickly readyforuse.Ifyouhaveanyproblemswiththeassemblyof yourpressurewasher,pleasecallthepressurewasher helplineat(800}222-3136.
#2 Phillips screwdriver
UnpackPressure Washer
1. Removeeverything from carton except pressure washer.
2. If pressurewasher is too heavyfor you to lift, open carton completely bycutting eachcorner from top to
Checkall contents. If anyparts are missing or damaged,call the pressure washer helplineat 1-800-222-3136.
Pressurewasher handle
Spray gun preattachedto high pressurehoseand hose reel.
Nozzleextension with adjustable nozzle
Nozzleextension with turbo nozzle
Partsbag (which includes the following):
Owner's registration card
Spraygun holders (2)
Gardenhose quick connectcoupling (female and male)
Nozzlecleaning tool
Handleattachment screws (4)
Becomefamiliar with eachcomponent before assembling the pressure washer Identify contents with the illustration shown in Featuresand Controls. If any parts are missing or damaged,call the pressurewasher helpline at
(800) 222-3136. AssemblingPressure Washer
Your Craftsmanpressurewasher will needassembly before operation:
Fill out and send in registration card
Attach spray gun holders
Attach quick connect coupler to water inlet
1. Place handle on top of pressurewasher.
2. Using supplied screws, attachhandle to pressure washer with phillips screwdriver. Tighten until screws are snug.
1. Insert top spray gun clip holder into slots at top of unit.
2. Push holdertowards rearof unit to lock it into position.
3. Insert bottom spray gun holder into slots at the bottom unit.
4. Push holder towards front of unit to lock it into position.
5. Place spray gun onto holders.
Assemble Water Inlet Coupling
DONOTrun the pump without the water supply connected
and turned on.
Damageto equipmentresultingfromfailuretofollowthis instructionwillvoidwarranty.
1. Confirm water inlet screen is installed in the male quick connect coupling.
use if damaged. Cleanif dirty.
screen. DONOT "_
Inspect inlet "__
NOTICE:If inlet screenis damaged or missing, DO NOTuse pressure washer. Call1-800-4MY-HOME(1-800-469-4663)
for assistance.
2. Attach male quick connect coupling to unit's water inlet.
3. Run water through gardenhose for 30 seconds to flush the hose of debris. Turn off water.
4. Attach garden hose female quick connect fitting to water hose(not to exceed50 feet in length). Tighten by
Attach garden hoseto pump by pressing hosequick connect fitting over malequick connectfitting attached to pressurewasher. You will hearor feeltwo distinct clicks when properly attached.
IMPORTANT:DoNot siphon standing water for the water supply. UseONLYcold water (less than IO0°F).
Using a OneWay Valve (vacuum breakeror check valve) at pump inlet can causepump or inlet connector damage.
There MUSTbeat leastten feetof unrestricted garden hose betweenthe pressure washer inlet and any device, such as a
vacuum breakeror checkvalve.
Damageto equipment resulting from failure to follow this instruction will void warranty.
6. Turn ONwater, point gun in asafe direction and squeezetrigger to purge pump system and spray gun
of air.
ChecklistBeforeStarting Pressure Washer
Reviewthe unit to ensure you haveperformed all of the
1. Be sureto readSafety Rules and Operationsections before using the pressure washer.
2. Verify high pressure hose-to-gun connection is secure.
3. Verify that there are no kinks, cuts, or damage to the high pressurehose.
4. Verify garden hose-to-pressure washer connection is secure and leakfree.
5. Provide properwater supply (not to exceedIO0°F).
Howto Start Your Pressure Washer Follow the instructions below inthe order presented. If you
haveany problems operatingyour pressure washer, please call the pressure washer helplineat (800) 222-3136.
1. Place pressure washer near an outside water source capableof supplying water at a flow rategreaterthan 3 gallons per minute (11.4 I) andno less than 20 PSI (1.38 BARS)at pressurewasher end of garden hose.
DONOTsiphon supply water.
2. Checkthat high pressure hoseis tightly connectedto spray gun. SeeAssemblyfor illustrations.
3. Make sure unit is in a vertical position.
4. Connect garden hoseto water inlet.
DONOTrun the pump without the water supply connected
and turned on.
Damageto equipmentresultingfromfailuretofollowthis instructionwillvoidwarranty.
Turn ONwater, point gun in a safe direction and squeezetrigger to purgepump system of air.
Engagetrigger lock on spray gun trigger.
8. Rotate the unit's ON/OFFswitch to the OFFposition (fully counterclockwise.)
9. Plug power cord into an electrical circuit rated for 120 VoltsACat 15Amps that has been installed in accordancewith local safety regulations.The red indicator on the GFCIshould appear.
NOTE:The red indicator must be visible for the pressure washer to operate.
lock -__
7. Remove any dirt or foreign matter from spray gun outlet andattach desired nozzleextensionto spraygun.
10. Press TESTbutton. The red indicator should disappear.
11. Press RESETbutton. The red indicator should illuminate.
IMPORTANT:Do Not use electric pressurewasher if above test fails.
Riskof eye injury.
Spraycan splash backor propel objects, including incorrectly attachedaccessories.
Alwayswearsafetygoggleswhenusingthisequipmentor in vicinityofwhereequipmentis in use.
Beforestartingthepressurewasher,besureyouarewearing adequatesafetygoggles.
NEVERsubstitutesafetyglassesfor safetygoggles.
12. Move unit's master ON/OFFswitch to the ONposition. (Turn knobfully clockwise.)
13. Disengagespray gun trigger lock, point gun in a safe direction andsqueezetrigger. Pressurewasher motor
will start.
Thepressurewasherisnowreadyforuse.Instructionsfor useofthesuppliedaccessoriesaregivenlaterinthis
Howto Stop YourPressure Washer The pressurewasher motor runs only when the trigger is
engaged.To stop the pressure washer andturn off the motor:
1. Releasespray gun trigger.
2. Move unit's master ON/OFFswitch to OFFposition.
IMPORTANT:Releasingthe trigger will shut off the motor but doesnot shut off electrical power to the unit.
3. Turn off water supply.
4. ALWAYS point spray gun ina safe direction and squeezespray guntrigger to relievebuilt up pressure in
the unit.
Thehigh pressurestream of water that this equipment producescancut through skin and its underlying tissues, leadingto serious injury and possible amputation.
Spraygun traps high water pressure, even when motor is stopped and water is disconnected,
which can causeinjury.
Keephigh pressure hose connectedto pump and spray gun at all times.
ALWAYSpoint spray gun in safedirection and squeezespray guntrigger, to releasehigh pressure, every time you turn off motor. Engagetrigger lock when not inuse.
Slide nozzle backward(A) to achieve high pressure. Slide nozzleforward (B) when you wish to adjust spray to low pressure mode.
Point nozzledown towards a firm surface and press trigger to test pattern.
Twisting nozzleadjusts spray pattern from a fan pattern (A) to a narrow pattern (B).
NOTE:Spray gun traps high water pressure, evenwhen motor is stopped andwater is disconnected.
5. Engagetrigger lock on spray gun when not in use.
6. Disconnect GFCIplug from outlet and coil power cord.
Howto Use the AdjustableNozzle You should now know how to STARTand STOPyour
pressure washer. Theinformation in this section will tell you how to adjustthe spraypattern and to apply pressure washer specific detergents.
Thehigh pressurestream of water that this equipment producescancut through skin and its
underlying tissues, leadingto serious injury and possible amputation.
NEVERputhandsinfront ofnozzletoadjustspraypattern.
For most effective cleaning,keepspray nozzlefrom 8 to
24 inches(20 to 61cm) awayfrom cleaning surface.
Ifyou getspray nozzletoo close,especially using high
pressure mode, you maydamagesurface being cleaned.
DoNot get closer than 6 inches (15 cm) when cleaning
ApplyingDetergentwith the AdjustableNozzle To applydetergent, follow these steps:
1. Review use of adjustable nozzles.
2. Preparedetergent solution as requiredby job.
Allow detergent to "soak in" for 3-5 minutes before washing andrinsing. Reapplyas neededto prevent surfacefrom drying. Do Not allow detergent to dry on (prevents streaking).
Pressure Washer Rinsing For Rinsing:
1. Slide the nozzle backwardto high pressure,press the trigger and wait for the detergentto clear.
2. Keepthe spray gun a safe distance from the areayou plan to spray.
Chemicalscan cause bodily injury, and/or property damage.
NEVERusecausticliquidwith pressurewasher.
UseONLYpressurewashersafedetergents!soaps.Followall manufacturersinstructions.
3. Lift cleaning tank lid out of the way.
4. Fill tank with prepareddetergent solution. A small funnel may help with this task.
5. Press cleaningtank lid back down onto tankopening.
6. Slide adjustable nozzleforward to low pressure mode.
Note: Detergentcannot be applied with nozzlein high pressure position.
7. Pull spray gun trigger and apply detergentto a dry surface, starting at lower portion of areato be washed and work upward, using long, even, overlapping
Risk of eye injury.
Spray can splash back or propel objects.
Always wear safety goggleswhen using this equipment or in vicinity of where equipment is in use.
Beforestarting the pressurewasher, besure you are wearing adequatesafety goggles.
NEVERsubstitute safety glassesfor safety goggles.
Kickbackfrom to fall.
spray gun cancauseyou
Operatepressurewasherfroma stablesurface.
Beextremelycarefulif youmustusethepressurewasherfroma ladder,scaffolding,oranyothersimilarlocation.
Firmlygraspspraygunwithboth handswhenusinghigh pressuresprayto avoidinjurywhenspraygun kicksback.
3. Apply ahigh pressure spray to a small area,then check the surfacefor damage.If no damageis found, it is okay to continue cleaning.
4. Start at the top of the areato berinsed, working down with sameoverlapping strokes as you usedfor washing and applying detergent.
The high pressure stream of water that this equipment produces can cut through skin and its underlying tissues, leading to serious injury and possible amputation.
Spray gun traps high water pressure, even when motor is stopped and water is disconnected, which can cause injury.
DO NOTallow CHILDRENto operate pressurewasher. Keephigh pressure hose connectedto pump and spraygun
while system is pressurized. NEVERaim spray gun at people, animals, or plants. DO NOTsecure spray gun in open position. DO NOTleavespray gun unattendedwhile machine is running. NEVERusea spray gun which does not havea trigger lock or
trigger guard in placeand in working order. Always becertain spray gun, nozzlesand accessories are
correctly attached
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