Fr MRN °
2000 PSi
1.9 GPiVl
iViodelNo. 580.676621
,, Safety
HOURS:IVlon.- Fri. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (CT)
,, AssernbJy
,, Operation
Before using this product, read this
manual and follow aii Safety Rules
and Operating Instructions.
This pressurewasher is ratedin accordanceto the PressureWasher Manufacture Association (PWMA) standard PWI01 (Testingand Rating
Performance of PressureWashers).
Les caract_ristiques nominalesde ce nettoyeur b,haute pression sont conformes b,la norme PW101 de la Pressure WasherManufacture
Association (PWMA) (Tests et performance nominale des nettoyeurs b,haute pression).
Avant d'utiiiser ce produit, veuillez life ie
manuel et suivre toutes les directives
relatives _ la s6curit6 et _ rutilisation.
,, Maintenance
. Parts
,, Fran_ais,p. 30
Sears Canada,Inc.
Visit our Craftsman wehsite: www.sears.ca
PartNo.206230GSDraftA (09/30/2008) 2

WARRANTY.......................................... 2
SAFETYRULES...................................... 2-4
FEATURESANDCONTROLS.............................. 5
ASSEMBLY......................................... 6-8
OPERATION........................................ 9-12
SPECIFICATIONS..................................... 13
MAINTENANCE.................................... 14-18
STORAGE........................................... 19
TROUBLESHOOTING.................................. 20
NOTES......................................... 21 & 29
REPLACEMENTPARTS.............................. 22-26
EMISSIONCONTROLWARRANTY..................... 27-28
FRAN(_AIS........................................ 30-51
HOWTO ORDERPARTS ........................ BACKPAGE
If this pressurewasher fails due to adefect in material or workmanship within one yearfrom the date of purchase,return it to
any Searsstore, other Craftsmanoutlet, or SearsParts & RepairCenterin the UnitedStates or Canadafor free repair (or
replacementif repair proves impossible).
All warranty coverageapplies for only 90 days from date of purchaseif this pressure washer is everused for commercial or
rental purposes.
This warranty givesyou specific legal rights, and you may also haveother rights which vary from stateto state.
Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179
Sears Canada inc., Toronto, Ontario, Canada MSB 2B8
Readthis manual carefully and become familiar
with yourpressurewasher. Knowits applications,
itslimitations, and any hazardsinvolved.
importantSafety information
Safety Symbolsand Meanings
ToxicFumes Kickback ElectricalShock
2 5-
Slippery Surface Fall Fluid Injection
Explosion Operator'sManual
A Thesafety alert symbol indicates a potential personal
injury hazard.A signalword (DANGER,WARNING,or
CAUTION)is used with thealert symbol to designatea degree
or levelof hazardseriousness.A safety symbol may be used
to representthetype of hazard.The signal word NOTICEis
usedto addresspractices not relatedto personal injury.
_i_DANGERindicatesa hazardwhich, if not avoided, will
result in death or serious injury.
_i_WARNINGindicatesa hazardwhich, if not avoided, could
result in death or serious injury.
_i_CAUTIONindicates ahazardwhich, if not avoided, could
result in minor or moderate injury.
NOT/CEaddress pratices not relatedto personalinjury.
© Sears Brands, LLC
FlyingObjects Hot Surface

Ai_WARNING:The engineexhaustfrom this product
contains chemicals known to the Stateof Californiato
causecancer, birth defects,or other reproductive harm.
Ai_WARNING: Certaincomponents in this product and
relatedaccessoriescontain chemicals known to the State
of Californiato causecancer, birth defects or other
reproductive harm. Wash hands after handling.
_, WARNING:Running enginegives off carbon
monoxide, an odorless, colorless, poison gas.
_ Breathing cancause headache,
carbon monoxide
fatigue, dizziness,vomiting, confusion, seizures,
nausea,fainting or death.
Somechemicals or detergentsmay beharmful if inhaled
or ingested, causing severenausea,fainting, or
• OperatepressurewasherONLYoutdoors.
• Keepexhaustgasfromenteringa confinedareathrough
windows,doors,ventilationintakes,or otheropenings.
• DONOTstartor runengineindoorsor in anenclosedarea,
• Usearespiratoror maskwheneverthereis a chancethat
• Readall instructionswithmasksoyouarecertainthemaskwill
_, WARNING: Use of pressure washer can create puddles
Ai_WARNING: Fuel and its vapors are extremely
flammable and explosive.
Fire or explosion can cause severe burns
or death.
• Turn pressurewasher OFFand let it cool at least 2 minutes
before removing fuel cap. Loosencapslowly to relieve pressure
in tank.
• Fill or drain fuel tank outdoors.
• DONOToverfill tank. Allow spacefor fuel expansion.
• Iffuel spills, wait until it evaporatesbefore starting engine.
• Keepfuel away from sparks, open flames, pilot lights, heat,and
other ignition sources.
• DONOTlight a cigaretteor smoke.
• Ensurespark plug, muffler,fuel cap,andair cleanerare in place.
• DO NOTcrank enginewith spark plug removed.
• DONOTtip engine or equipmentat angle which causesfuel to
• DONOTsprayflammable liquids.
• Transport/repair with fuel tank EMPTYor with fuel shutoff valve
• Disconnectspark plug wire.
• Store away from furnaces, stoves, water heaters,clothes
dryers, or other appliancesthat have pilot lightor other ignition
source becausethey can ignitefuel vapors.
,,_ Kickback from spray gun can cause you
= Operatepressurewasher from a stablesurface.
• Thecleaning areashould have adequateslopes and drainageto
reducethe possibility of a fall due to slippery surfaces.
• Beextremely careful if you must usethe pressurewasher from
a ladder, scaffolding, or any other similar location.
• Firmly grasp spray gun with both hands when using high
pressure spray to avoid injury when spraygun kicks back.
and slippery surfaces.
to fall.
Ai_WARNING: Starter cord kickback(rapid retraction) can
result in bodily injury. Kickbackwill puii hand and
arm toward enginefaster thanyou can let go.
Broken bones,fractures, bruises, or sprains
could result.
• NEVERpull starter cord without first relieving spray gun
• When starting engine, pull cord slowly until resistance is felt
andthen pull rapidly to avoid kickback.
• After each starting attempt, where enginefails to run, always
point spray gun in safe direction and squeezespray guntrigger
to releasehigh pressure. Engagespray gun trigger lock.
• Firmly grasp spray gun with both hands when using high
pressure spray to avoid injury when spraygun kicks back.
A, WARNING:Risk of electrocution.
'_,dh Contactwith power source can causeelectric
shock or burn.
* NEVERspraynearpowersource.
_, WARNING: Contact with muffler area can result in
serious burns.
._ ,_ Exhaust heat/gases can ignite
combustibles, structures or damage
fuel tank causing a fire.
• DO NOTtouch hot parts and AVOIDhot exhaust gases.
• Allow equipmentto cool before touching.
• Keepat least5 feet (152 cm) of clearanceon all sides of
pressure washer including overhead.
• It is a violation of California Public Resource Code,Section
4442, to use or operate the engine on any forest-covered,
brush-covered, or grass-covered land unless the exhaust
system is equipped with a spark arrester, as defined in Section
4442, maintained in effective working order. Other states or
federaljurisdictions may have similar laws.
Contactthe original equipment manufacturer, retailer, or dealer
to obtain a spark arrester designedfor the exhaust system
installed on this engine.
• Replacement parts must bethe sameand installed in the same
position as the original parts.

A. WARNING: The high pressure stream of water that this
its underlying tissues, leading to serious injury
equipment produces can cut through skin and
and possible amputation.
Spray gun traps high water pressure, even when engine is
stopped and water is disconnected, which can cause
= DONOTallow CHILDRENto operate pressure washer.
= NEVERrepair high pressure hose.Replaceit.
= NEVERrepair leaking connections with sealantof any kind.
Replaceo-ring or seal.
= NEVERconnect high pressure hose to nozzleextension.
= Keep high pressure hoseconnectedto pump and spray gun
while system is pressurized.
= ALWAYS pointspray gun in safedirection and squeezespray
guntrigger, to releasehigh pressure, every time you stop
engine. Engagetrigger lock when not in use.
= NEVERaim spray gun at people,animals, or plants.
= DO NOTsecure spray gun in open position.
= DO NOTleavespray gun unattendedwhile machineis running.
= NEVERuseaspray gun which does not have atrigger lock or
trigger guard in placeand in working order.
= Always be certain spray gun, nozzlesand accessoriesare
correctly attached.
_. WARNING:Unintentionalsparking can result in fire or
_¢ electric shock.
NOTICE:Highpressure spray maydamage fragile items
including glass.
• DONOTpointspraygunatglasswheninjetspraymode.
• NEVERaimspraygunatplants.
NOTICE: improper treatment of pressure washer can
damage it and shorten its life.
• If you have questions about intended use,ask dealer or contact
• NEVERoperate units with broken or missing parts, or without
protective housing or covers.
• DO NOT by-pass any safety device on this machine.
• DONOTtamper with governed speed.
• DONOToperate pressure washer above rated pressure.
• DONOTmodify pressure washer in any way.
• Beforestarting pressure washer in cold weather, check all parts
of the equipmentto besure ice has not formed there.
• NEVERmove machineby pulling on hoses. Usehandle provided
on unit.
• Checkfuel system for leaksor signs of deterioration, such as
chafed or spongy hose, loose or missing clamps, or damaged
tank orcap. Correct all defects before operating pressure washer.
• This equipment is designed to be used with Searsauthorized
parts ONLY. If equipment is used with partsthat DO NOTcomply
with minimum specifications, user assumes all risks and
• Disconnectthe sparkplugwirefromthe sparkplugandplace
thewirewhereit cannotcontactsparkplug.
= Useapprovedsparkplugtester.
• DONOTcheckfor sparkwith sparkplugremoved.
A. WARNING: Starter and other rotating parts can
entangle hands, hair, clothing, or accessories.
• NEVERoperatepressure washerwithout protective housing or
• DO NOTwear looseclothing, jewelry or anything that may be
caught in the starter or other rotating parts.
• Tie up long hair and removejewelry.
A. WARNING: Riskof eyeinjury.
Spraycan splash backor propelobjects.
• Always wear safety goggles when using this equipment or in
vicinity of where equipment is in use.
• Beforestarting the pressurewasher, be sure you are wearing
adequatesafety goggles.
• NEVERsubstitute safety glasses for safetygoggles.

Readthe Operator's Manual andsafetyrules beforeoperating yourpressurewasher.
Comparethe illustrations with your pressurewasher to familiarizeyourself with the locations of various controls and
adjustments. Savethis manual for future reference.
A - Recoil Starter -- Usedfor starting the engine manually.
B - Oil Fill/Dipstick- Check,add and drain engine oil here.
C- Pump-- Developshigh pressure.
D - Automatic Cool DownSystem -- Cycleswater through
pump whenwater reaches125°-155°F. Warm water will
dischargefrom pump onto ground. This system prevents
internal pump damage.
E - Adjustable Nozzle Extension-- Attach to spray gun to
useadjustable nozzle.Adjust for high or low pressure;
narrow or fan spray.
F - SprayGun -- Controlsthe application of wateronto
cleaningsurfacewith trigger device, includestrigger lock.
6 - High Pressure Hose-- Connectone end to water pump
and the other end to spray gun.
H - Warning/Operating Instructions Tag -- identifies
hazardsand proper procedure to start!stop pressure
J - Fuel Tank -- Filltank with regular unleadedfuel. Always
leaveroom for fuel expansion.
ItemsNot Shown:
Air Filter -- Protectsengine byfiltering dust and debris out
of intakeair.
identificationLabel (near rear of base plate) -- Provides
model and serial number of pressurewasher. Pleasehave
these readilyavailableif calling for assistance.
High Pressure Outlet -- Connectionfor high pressure hose.
Primer Bulb-- Preparesacold enginefor starting.
Safety Goggles-- Always use the enclosed safetygoggles
when running your pressure washer.
Throttle Lever -- Sets engine in starting mode for recoil
starter and stops a running engine.
Water inlet-- Connectionfor garden hose.

Your pressurewasher requires someassembly and is ready
for useonly after it has beenproperly servicedwith the
recommendedoil and fuel.
If you have any problemswith the assembly of your
pressurewasher, pleasecall the pressurewasher helpline
at 1=800-222-3135.
1. Removeeverythingfrom carton except pressurewasher.
2. Opencarton completely by cutting eachcorner from top
to bottom.
3. Removepressure washer from carton.
Checkall contents, if anyparts are missing or damaged,call
the pressure washer helplineat 1-800-222-3136.
* Main Unit
* Handle
* Wheel Kit
* High PressureHose
* Spray Gun
* Adjustable Nozzle Extension
* Oil Bottle
* Safety Goggles
* Mesh Accessory Bag
* Parts Bag(which includes the following):
, Operator's Manual
Becomefamiliar with each piece beforeassemblingthe
pressure washer. Identify allcontents with the illustration on
page 5. If any parts are missing or damaged, call the
pressure washer helpline at1-800-222-3136.
1. Placehandle(A) onto base(B). Make sure holes in
handlealign with holes on base.
2. insert carriage bolts (C)through holesfrom outside of
unit and attach a plastic knob (D) from inside of unit.
Tighten by hand.
Install WheelKit
Thewheel kit is designed to greatly improve the portability of
your pressure washer.
NOTE:Wheel kit is not intendedfor over-the-road use.
Install the wheeJkit as follows:
1. Placethe bottom of the pressure washer frame on aflat,
2. Slide a wheel (E) over the axlepin (F).
NOTE:Besure to install wheel with raised hub inboard.
Your Craftsmanpressure washer will needassembly before
1. Attach handleto main unit.
2. install wheel kit.
3. Add oil to engine crankcase.
4. Add fuel to fuel tank.
5. Connectpressure hose to spray gun and pump.
6. Connectwater supply to pump.
7. Attach nozzleextension to spray gun.
3. Slide axlepin through hole (G) in frame.
4. Retainwheel on axle pin with retaining pin (H).
5. Repeatstep 2through 4 to secure secondwheel.

Add Engine OJJ
1. Placepressure washer on a flat, levelsurface.
2. Cleanarea around oil fill andremove yellow oil fill
3. Using oil funnel (optional), slowly pour contents of
provided oil bottle into oil fill opening.
NOTICE: improper treatment of pressure washer can
damage it and shorten its life.
• DO NOTattempt to crank or start the engine before it has been
properly servicedwith the recommended oil. This may result in an
Cleanareaaround fuel fill cap, removecap.
Slowly add regularunleadedfuel (A) to fuel tank (B). Be
careful not to overfill. Allow about 1.5" (4 cm) (C) of tank
space for fuel expansion.
4. Replaceoil fill cap/dipstick and fully tighten.
Add Fuel
Fuel mustmeet these requirements:
* Clean,fresh, unleadedgasoline.
* A minimum of 87 octane/87 AKI (91 RON).High altitude
use, see HighAltitude.
* Gasolinewith up to 10% ethanol (gasohol) or up to 15%
MTBE (methyl tertiary butyl ether) is acceptable.
NOTICE'.Avoid pressurewasher damage.
Failureto follow Operator's Manual for fuel
recommendations voids warranty.
* DONOTuseunapprovedgasolinesuchasE85.
* DONOTmixoil in gasoline.
* DONOTmodifyengineto runonalternatefuels.
To protect the fuel system from gum formation, mix in a fuel
stabilizerwhen adding fuel. SeeStorage.Aii fuel is not the
same. If you experiencestarting or performance problems
after using fuel, switch to a different fuel provider or change
brands. This engine is certified to operate on gasoline. The
emission control system for this engine is EM (Engine
_. WARNING:Fueland its vapors are extremely
flammable and explosive.
Fireor explosion can causesevere burns
or death.
* Turn pressure washer OFFand let it cool at least2 minutes
before removing fuel cap. Loosencapslowly to relieve pressure
in tank.
* Fillfuel tank outdoors.
* DONOToverfill tank. Allow spacefor fuel expansion.
. If fuel spills, wait until it evaporatesbefore starting engine.
. Keepfuel awayfrom sparks, open flames, pilot lights, heat, and
other ignition sources.
. DONOTlight a cigarette or smoke.
3. install fuel cap and wait for anyspilled fuel to evaporate.
CAUTION! Alcohol-blended fuels (called gasohol, ethanol or
methanol) can attract moisture, which leadsto separation and
formation of acids during storage.Acidic gascandamagethe
fuel system of an enginewhile in storage.
To avoid engineproblems, the fuel system should be treated
with a fuel preserveror emptied beforestorage of 30 days or
longer. If adding a fuel preserver,fill the fuel tank with fresh
fuel. if only partially tiffed, air in the tank will promote fuel
deterioration during storage. If fuel preserver is not used,
drain the fuel tank, start the engineand let it run until the fuel
lines and carburetor are empty. Usefresh fuel next season.
See Storage for additional information.
NEVERuse engine or carburetor cleaner products in the fuel
tank as permanent damagemay occur.
At altitudes over 5,000 feet (1524 meters), a minimum 85
octane / 85 AKi (89 RON)gasoline is acceptable.To remain
emissions compliant, high altitude adjustment is required.
Operationwithout this adjustment will causedecreased
performance, increasedfuel consumption, and increased
emissions. Seea qualified Searsdealer for high altitude
adjustment information. Operationof the engineat altitudes
below 2,500 feet(762 meters) with the high altitude kit is not

Connect Hose and Water Supply to Pump
NOTICE:DONOTrun the pump without the water supply
connectedand turned on.
= Damagetoequipmentresultingfromfailuretofollowthis
NOTE:Remove and discard the shipping caps from the
pump's high pressureoutlet andwater inlet before attaching
1. Uncoil high pressurehose andattachone end of hose to
baseof spray gun. Tighten by hand.
4. Runwater through garden hosefor 30 secondsto flush
it of debris. Turn off water.
IMPORTANT:DONOTsiphon standing water for the water
supply. Use ONLYcold water (less than 100%).
NOTICE'.Using a OneWay Valve (vacuum breakeror check
valve) at pump inlet can cause pump or inlet connector
= ThereMUSTbeatleasttenfeetofunrestrictedgardenhose
betweenthe pressurewasherinletandanydevice,suchasa
vacuumbreakeror checkvalve.
• Damageto equipment resulting from failure to follow this
instruction will void warranty.
5. Connectgarden hose(not to exceed50 feet in length) to
water inlet. Tightenby hand.
_, WARNING:Riskof eye injury.
Spray cansplash back or propel objects.
A, WARNING: The high pressure stream of water that this
its underlying tissues, leading to serious injury
equipment produces can cut through skin and
and possible amputation.
= NEVERconnect high pressure hose to nozzleextension.
= Keep high pressure hoseconnectedto pump and spray gun
while system is pressurized.
= Always be certain spray gun, nozzlesand accessoriesare
correctly attached.
2. Attach other endof high pressure hose to high pressure
outlet on pump.Tighten by hand.
3. Beforeconnectinggarden hoseto water inlet, inspect
inlet screen (A). Cleanscreen if it containsdebris or have
it replacedif damaged.DONOTran pressure washer if
inlet screen isdamaged or missing.
• Always wear safetygoggles when using this equipment or in
vicinity of where equipment is in use.
• Before starting the pressurewasher, be sure you are wearing
adequatesafety goggles.
• NEVERsubstitute safety glasses for safetygoggles.
6. Turn ONwater, point gun in a safe direction and squeeze
trigger to purge pump system of air and impurities.
Reviewthe unit to ensureyou haveperformed all of the
1. Besure to read SafetyRules and Operationsections
beforeusing the pressure washer.
2. Makesure handleis in placeand secure.
3. Checkthat oil has beenadded to proper levelin engine
4. Add properfuel to fuel tank.
5. Checkfor proper hose connections (high pressureand
water supply) andthat there are no kinks, cuts, or
damageto the high pressure hose.
6. Provide proper water supply (not to exceed100%).

If you haveanyproblems operating your pressure washer,
pleasecallthe pressure washer helpline at 1-888-222-3136.
Prsssur8 Washsr CJsaranc8
_. WARNING:Exhaustheat/gases can ignite
combustibles, structures or damagefuel tank
causing a fire.
* Keepat least5 ft. (152 cm) clearanceon all sides of pressure
washer including overhead.
Placepressure washer outdoors inan area that will not
accumulate deadly exhaust gas. DONOTplacepressure
washer where exhaustgas (A) could accumulateand enter
inside or be drawn into a potentially occupied building.
Ensureexhaustgas is kept awayfrom any windows, doors,
ventilation intakes, or other openings that can allow exhaust
gasto collect in aconfined area. Prevailingwinds and air
currents should betaken into consideration when positioning
}ressure washer.
A, WARNIN6: Running engine gives off carbon monoxide,
an odorless, colorless, poisonous gas.
_ Breathingcarbon monoxide headache,
fatigue, dizziness,vomiting, confusion, seizures,
nausea,fainting or death.
• OperatepressurewasherONLYoutdoors.
• Keepexhaustgasfromenteringa confinedareathrough
windows,doors,ventilationintakes,or otheropenings.
• DONOTstartor runengineindoorsor in anenclosedarea,
To Start YourPressureWasher
To start your engine-powered pressurewasher for the first
time, foJlowthese instructions step-by-step. This information
alsoapplies wheneveryou start the engine after you have let
the pressure washer sit idle for at leasta day.
1. Placepressurewasher outside nearan water source
capableof supplying water at a flow rate greaterthan
2.9 gallons perminute and no less than 20 PSi at
pressurewasher end of garden hose.
2. Checkthat high pressure hose is tightly connectedto
spray gun and pump. SeeAssembly for illustrations.
3. Makesure unit is in a level position.
4. Connectgarden hoseto water inlet on pressurewasher
flOTICE:DONOTrun the pump without the water supply
connectedand turned on.
• Damageto equipmentresultingfromfailureto followthis
instructionwill voidwarranty.
5. Turn ONwater, point gun in a safe direction and squeeze
trigger to purge pump system of air and impurities.
6. Attach nozzleextension to spray gun. Tighten by hand.
7. Engagetrigger lock (B) on spray gun trigger.
INPORTANT:Beforestarting the pressure washer, be sure
'ou arewearing adequate safety goggles.
_, WARNING:Riskof eye injury.
Spray cansplash back or propel objects.
• Always wear safetygoggles when using this equipment or in
vicinity of where equipment is in use.
• Before starting the pressurewasher, be sure you are wearing
adequatesafety goggles.
• NEVERsubstitute safety glasses for safetygoggles.

Move throttle leverto "Fast" position (A), shown as a
To start the engine for the very first time:
9A. Push primer bulb firmly 5 times, waiting 2 seconds
between each push.
To start engine thereafter:
9B. Pressprimer bulb firmly 3 times, waiting 2 seconds
between each push. For a warm engine, DONOTpress
primer bulb.
10. When starting engine, position yourself as
recommendedand grasp starter grip handle and pull
slowly until you feel some resistance. Then pull rapidly
to start engine.
11. Return recoil starter slowly. DONOTlet rope "snap
back"against starter.
NOTE:Always keep the throttle lever inthe "Fast" position
when operating the pressurewasher.
_i, WARNING:The high pressurestream of water that this
its underlying tissues, leading to serious injury
equipment producescan cut through skin and
and possibleamputation.
Spray gun traps high water pressure,evenwhen engine is
stopped and water is disconnected, which can cause
• DONOTallowCHILDRENto operatepressurewasher.
• Keephighpressurehoseconnectedto pumpandspraygun
• NEVERaimspraygunatpeople,animals,or plants.
• DONOTsecurespraygunin openposition.
• DONOTleavespraygununattendedwhilemachineis running.
• NEVERuseaspraygunwhichdoesnothaveatriggerlockor
• Alwaysbecertainspraygun,nozzlesandaccessoriesare
_i, WARNING: Contact with muffler area can result in
serious burns.
Exhaust heat/gases can ignite
combustibles, structures or damage
fuel tank causing a fire.
• DO NOTtouch hot parts and AVOIDhot exhaust gases.
• Allow equipmentto cool before touching.
• Keepat least5 feet (152 cm) of clearanceon all sides of
pressure washer including overhead.
• It is a violation of California Public Resource Code,Section
4442, to use or operate the engine on any forest-covered,
brush-covered, or grass-covered land unless the exhaust
system is equipped with a spark arrester, as defined in Section
4442, maintained in effective working order. Other states or
federaljurisdictions may have similar laws.
Contactthe original equipment manufacturer, retailer, or dealer
to obtain a spark arrester designedfor the exhaust system
installed on this engine.
• Replacement parts must bethe sameand installed in the same
position as the original parts.
_i, WARNING: Starter cord kickback (rapid retraction) can
I_, result in bodily injury. Kickbackwill puii hand and
,_arm toward enginefaster than you can let go.
Broken bones,fractures, bruises, or sprains
could result.
• NEVERpull starter cord without first relieving spray gun
• When starting engine, pull cord slowly until resistance is felt
andthen pull rapidly to avoid kickback.
• After each starting attempt, where enginefails to run, always
point spray gun in safe direction and squeezespray guntrigger
to releasehigh pressure. Engagespray gun trigger lock.
• Firmly grasp spray gun with both hands when using high
pressure spray to avoid injury when spraygun kicks back.
Howto Stop Your Pressure Washer
1. Release spray gun trigger and let engine idle for two
2. Move throttle to SLOW position, then STOP position (A).
3. ALWAYS point spray gun in a safe direction and squeeze
spray gun trigger to release retained high water pressure.

4. Engagetriggerlockonspraygunwhennotinuse.
_, WARNING:The high pressurestream of water that this
its underlying tissues, leading to serious injury
equipment producescan cut through skin and
and possibleamputation.
Spraygun traps high water pressure, evenwhen engine is
stopped and water is disconnected, which can cause
• Keephighpressurehoseconnectedto pumpandspraygun
• ALWAYSpointspraygunin safedirectionandsqueezespray
guntrigger,to releasehighpressure,everytimeyoustop
engine.Engagetrigger lockwhennot in use.
Twisting nozzleadjusts spray pattern from a fan pattern
to a narrow pattern.
HowTo Use the Adjustable Hozzle
You should now know how to STARTand STOPyour
pressure washer. The information in this section will tell you
how to adjust the spray pattern and to apply pressure washer
specific detergents.
A, WARNING:The high pressure stream of waterthat this
its underlying tissues, leading to serious injury
equipment producescan cut through skin and
and possibleamputation.
• NEVERadjustspraypatternwhenspraying.
• NEVERputhandsinfrontof nozzletoadjustspraypattern.
1. Slide nozzlebackwardto achievehigh pressure. Slide
nozzleforward when you wish to adjust spray to low
pressure mode.
2. Point nozzledown towards a firm surface, disengage
trigger lock, and press trigger to test pattern.
* For most effective cleaning, keepspray nozzlefrom 8 to
24 inchesaway from cleaning surface.
* If you get spray nozzletoo close, especially using high
pressure mode, you may damagesurface being cleaned.
* DONOTget closerthan 6 inches when cleaning tires.
Applyiflg Detergent with Adjustable Hozzle
A, CAUTION:Chemicalscan causebodily injury, and/or
property damage.
• NEVERusecausticliquidwith pressurewasher.
• UseONLYpressurewashersafedetergents/soaps.Followall
TOapply detergent, fellow thesesteps:
1. Reviewuse of adjustablenozzle.
2. Preparedetergent solution as requiredby job.
3. Placefilter endof detergent siphoning tube into
detergent container.
NOTE:Make surethe filter is fully submerged in detergent
while applying detergent.
NOT/CE: Contact with the hot muffler can damage detergent
siphoning tube.
• When inserting the siphon into a detergent solution bottle, route
the tube so as to keep it from inadvertently contacting the hot
4. Slide adjustable nozzleforward to low pressure mode.
NOTE:Detergent cannot be applied with nozzlein high
pressure position.
5. Make sure garden hose is connectedto water inlet.
Checkthat highpressure hoseis connected to spray gun
and pump. Turn on water.
NOTICE: You must attach all hoses before you start the
• Starting the engine without all the hoses connected and without
the water turned ONwill damagethe pump.
• Damageto equipment resulting from failure to follow this
instruction will void warranty.

6. Engagetriggerlockonspraygunandstartengine
followinginstructionsHow to Start YourPressureWasher.
7. Apply detergent to a dry surface,starting at lower
portion of areato be washedand work upward, using
long, even,overlapping strokes.
8. Allow detergent to "soak in" for 3-5 minutes before
washing andrinsing. Reapplyas neededto prevent
surfacefrom drying. DO NOTallow detergentto dry on
(prevents streaking).
iMPORTANT:You must flush the detergentsiphoning system
after each use by placingthe filter into a bucket of clean
water, then run the pressure washer in low pressure for
1-2 minutes.
Pressure Washer Rinsin9
1. Slide nozzle backward to high pressure, press trigger
and wait for detergent to clear.
NOTE:You can also stop detergentflow by removing
detergent siphoning tube from container.
2. Keepspray gun a safedistance from areayou plan to
A WARNING: Kickback from spray gun can cause you to
• Operatepressure washer from a stable surface.
• Beextremely careful if you must usethe pressure washer from
a ladder, scaffolding, or any other similar location.
• Firmly grasp spray gun with both handswhen using high
pressure sprayto avoid injury when spray gun kicks back.
3. Apply a high pressure spray to a small area,then check
surfacefor damage. If no damageis found, it is okay to
continue cleaning.
4. Start attop of areato be rinsed, working down with
same overlapping strokes as you used for washing and
applying detergent.
Cleaning Detergent Siphoning Tube
If you usedthe detergent siphoning tube, you must flush it
with cleanwater beforestopping the engine.
1. Placedetergent siphoning tube/filter in a bucketfull of
2. Engagetrigger lock on spray gun.
3. Slide adjustable nozzleforward to low pressure position.
4. Flushfor 1-2 minutes.
5. Shut off engine following instructions Howto Stop
Pressure Washerandturn off water supply.
6. ALWAYS point gun in a safe direction andsqueezespray
gun trigger to releaseretainedhigh water pressure.
IMPORTANT:Spraygun traps high water pressure,evenwhen
engineisstopped andwater isdisconnected.
_. WARNING:The high pressurestream of water that this
its underlying tissues, leading to serious injury
equipment producescan cut through skin and
and possibleamputation.
Spray gun traps high water pressure,evenwhen engine is
stopped and water is disconnected, which can cause
• Keephighpressurehoseconnectedto pumpandspraygun
• ALWAYSpointspraygunin safedirectionandsqueezespray
guntrigger,to releasehighpressure,everytimeyoustop
AutomaticCoolDownSystem{Thermal Relief)
If you run the engine on your pressure washer for
3-5 minutes without pressing the trigger on the spray gun,
circulating water in the pump can reachtemperatures above
125°F.The systemengagesto cool the pump by discharging
the warm water onto the ground.

This is a single cylinder, L-head,air cooledengine. It is a low
emissions engine.
Jnthe State of CaJJfornia,ModeJ90000 enginesare certified
by the CaliforniaAir Resources Boardto meet emissions
standardsfor 125hours. Such certification does not grant
the purchaser, owner or operator of this engine any
additional warranties with respect to the performanceor
operational life of this engine.Theengine is warranted solely
according to the product and emissions warranties stated
elsewherein this manual.
Power RaUn[Is
Thegross power rating for individual gas engine models is
labeled in accordancewith SAE(Society of Automotive
Engineers)codeJ1940 (Small Engine Power & Torque
Rating Procedure),and rating performance has been
obtained and corrected in accordancewith SAEJ1995
(Revision 2002-05). Torquevalues are derived at 3060 RPM;
horsepower values are derived at 3600 RPM.Actual gross
engine power will be lower and is affected by, among other
things, ambient operating conditions and engine-to-engine
variability. Givenboth the wide arrayof products on which
enginesare placed andthe variety of environmental issues
applicableto operating the equipment,the gas engine will not
developthe rated gross power when used in a given pieceof
power equipment (actual "on-site"or net power). This
difference is dueto a variety of factors including, but not
limited to, accessories(air cleaner, exhaust, charging,
cooling, carburetor, fuel pump, etc.), application limitations,
ambient operating conditions (temperature, humidity,
altitude), and engine-to-enginevariability. Dueto
manufacturing andcapacity limitations, Briggs & Stratton
may substitute an engine of higher ratedpower for this
This pressurewasher is rated in accordanceto the Pressure
Washer Manufacture Association (PWMA) standard PW101
(Testing and Rating Performanceof PressureWashers).
Pressure Washer Specifications
Outlet Pressure ........................... 2,000 PSi
Flow Rate................................. 1.9 GPM
DetergentMix ........................ Use as directed
Water SupplyTemperature .......... Not to exceed100°F
Engine Specifications
Bore .......................... 2.562 in. (65.09 mm)
Stroke .......................... 1.75 in. (44.45 mm)
Displacement ..................... 9.02 in. (147.8 cc)
Spark Plug
Type: ............ Briggs & Stratton 802592 or 5095D
SetGapTo: ................... 0.030inch (0.76mm)
Armature Air Gap: ........ 0.006-0.010 in. (0.15-0.25mm)
Valveclearancewith valve springs installed and piston 1/4 in.
(6 mm) past top dead center (check when engineis cold).
intake ................. 0.005-0.007 in. (0.13-0.18 mm)
Exhaust ............... 0.007-0.009 in. (0.18-0.23 mm)
FuelCapacity .................. 1.0 Quarts(0.95 Liters)
0il Capacity........................ 18 Ounces(0.5 liter)
NOTE:For practical operation, the engine load should not
exceed85% of rated power. Enginepower will decrease
3-1/2% for each1,000 feet (300 meters) above sealeveland
1% for each 10° F(5.6° C) above 77° F(25° C). It should
operatesatisfactorily at anangle up to 15°.

Follow the hourly or calendarintervals,whichever occurs
More frequent service is required when operating in adverse
conditions noted below.
* Changeengine oil
* Check/clean water inlet screen'
Checkhigh pressure hose
Checkdetergentsiphoning hose
Checkspray gun andassembly for leaks
Checkengineoil level
Service air cleaner2
Pump Oil
DONOTattempt any oil maintenanceon this pump. The
pump is pre-lubricated and sealed from thefactory, requiring
no additional maintenancefor the life of the pump.
Maintenance, replacement, or repair of the emissions
controldevices and systemsmaybe performedbyany non-
road engine repair establishment or individual. However,
to obtain "no charge" emissions control service,the work
must be performed bya qualified service dealer. Seethe
Emissions Warranty.
Before Each Use
1. Checkengine oillevel.
2. Cleandebris.
3. Checkwater inlet screenfor damage.
4. Checkhigh pressure hose for leaks.
5. Checkdetergent siphoning hose/filter for damage.
6. Checkgun and nozzleextension assemblyfor leaks.
7. Purge pump of air and contaminants.
Changeengine oil
inspect muffler and spark attester
* Service spark plug
* Air cooling system2
Clean if clogged. Replace if perforated or torn.
2Service more often under dirty or dusty conditions.
Regular maintenancewill improve the performance and
extend the life of the pressure washer.See any Searsor
other qualifiedservice dealerfor service.
The pressurewasher warranty doesnot cover items that
havebeen subjected to operator abuseor negligence.To
receivefull valuefrom the warranty, the operator must
maintain pressurewasher as instructed in this manual
including proper storage as detailed in Storage.
Someadjustments will needto be made periodically to
properly maintain your pressure washer.
All serviceand adjustments should be made at least once
eachseason.Follow the requirementsin the Maintenance
Schedulechart above.
NOTE:Oncea year you should cleanor replacethe spark
plug and replacethe air filter. A new spark plug and cleanair
filter assure properfuel-air mixture and help your engine run
better and last longer.
Daily or before use,clean accumulated debris from pressure
washer. Keeplinkage,spring and controls clean. Keeparea
around and behind muffler free from any combustible debris.
inspect cooling air slots and openings on the pressure
washer. Theseopenings must be kept clean and
Pressurewasher parts should be kept cleanto reducethe
risk of overheating and ignition of accumulated debris.
* Usea damp cloth to wipe exterior surfaces clean.
NOTICE:improper treatment of pressure washer can
damageit and shorten its life.
• DONOTinsertanyobjectsthroughcoolingslots.
* Usea soft bristle brush to loosencaked on dirt, oil, etc.
* Usea vacuum cleaner to pick up loose dirt and debris.
Checkand Cleaninlet Screen
Examinegarden hose inlet screen.Cleanif it is clogged or
replaceif it is torn.

Check High Pressure Hose
High pressure hosescan developleaks from wear, kinking,
or abuse.Inspect hosebefore eachuse. Checkfor cuts,
leaks,abrasions, bulging of cover,or damageor movement
of couplings. If any of these conditions exist, replacehose
A WARNING:The high pressure stream of water that this
its underlying tissues, leading to serious injury
equipment producescan cut through skin and
and possibleamputation.
• NEVERrepairhighpressurehose.Replaceit.
• ReplacementhoseratingMUSTexceedmaximumpressure
ratingof unit.
Check Detergent Siphonin9 Tube
Examinethe filter onthe detergenttube and clean if clogged.
Thetube should fit tightly on the barbedfitting. Examinethe
tube for leaks or tears. Replacethe filter or tube if either is
Check Gun and Nozzle Extension
Examinehose connection to spray gun and make sure it is
secure.Testtrigger by pressing it and making sure it springs
back into placewhenyou releaseit. Put safetylatch in UP
position andtest trigger. You should not beable to press
trigger. Replacespray gun immediately if it fails any of these
3. Removenozzleextensionfrom spraygun.
4. Twist nozzleclockwise to stream position. Using a 2mm
(5/64) allen wrench, remove orifice from end of nozzle
Usea small paperclip to free any foreign material
clogging or restricting orifice.
Using a garden hose, removeadditional debris by back
flushing water through nozzleextension. Backflush
between30 to 60 seconds. Turn adjustablenozzle
extensionto stream sprayand move nozzlefrom low to
high while flushing.
A pulsing sensationfelt while squeezingthe spray gun trigger
may becausedby excessive pump pressure.Theprincipal
causeof excessivepump pressure is a orifice clogged or
restricted with foreign materials, such asdirt, etc. To correct
the problem, immediately cleanthe orifice following these
1. Shut off engine and turn off water supply.
2. ALWAYSpoint gun in a safe direction andsqueezespray
gun trigger to releaseretainedhigh water pressure.
A WARNING:The high pressure stream of water that this
its underlying tissues, leading to serious injury
equipment producescan cut through skin and
and possibleamputation.
Spraygun traps high water pressure, evenwhen engine is
stopped and water is disconnected, which can cause
• Keephighpressurehoseconnectedto pumpandspraygun
• ALWAYSpointspraygunin safedirectionandsqueezespray
guntrigger,to releasehighpressure,everytimeyoustop
engine.Engagetrigger lockwhennot in use.
7. Reinstallorifice into nozzleextension. DONOT
overtighten orifice with allen wrench.
8. Reconnectnozzleextension to spray gun.
9. Makesure garden hose is connectedto water inlet.
Checkthat high pressure hose is connectedto spray gun
and pump. Turn onwater.
10. Engagetrigger lock on spray gun and start engine
following instructions How to Start Your Pressure
Test pressure washer byoperating nozzlein high and
low positions.
O-Rin_l Maintenance
Purchasean O-Ring RepairKit at your localSearsor bycalling
1-800-4-1VlY-ROME(469-4663) oronline atwww.sears.ca,it is
notincludedwith the pressurewasher.This kit includes
replacemento-rings,rubberwasherandwater inletfilter. Referto
the instructionsheetprovidedin thekit to serviceyour unit's
A WARNING:The high pressure stream of water that this
its underlying tissues, leading to serious injury
equipment producescan cut through skin and
and possibleamputation.
• NEVERrepairleakingconnectionswithsealantofanykind.
Replaceo-ringor seal.

_i, WARNING: Unintentionalsparking can result in fire or
,_,¢ electric shock.
* Disconnectthe sparkplugwirefromthesparkplugandplace
thewirewhereit cannotcontactsparkplug.
* Useapprovedsparkplugtester.
* DONOTcheckfor sparkwith sparkplugremoved.
Oil Recommendations
We recommendthe useof Briggs & Stratton Warranty
Certified oils for best performance. Other high-quality
detergent oils are acceptableif classified for service SF, SG,
SH, SJ or higher. DONOTuse specialadditives.
Outdoor temperatures determine the proper oil viscosity for
the engine. Usethe chart to select the best viscosity for the
Oil level should be checkedprior to each use or at least every
8 hours of operation. Keepoil level maintained.
1. Makesure pressurewasher is on a levelsurface.
2. Removeoil dipstick and wipe dipstick with cleancloth.
Replaceand tighten dipstick. Removeand and checkoil
3. Verify oil is at "Full" mark on dipstick. Replaceand
tighten dipstick.
1. Makesure pressurewasher is on a levelsurface.
2. Checkoil levelasdescribed in CheckingOil Level
3. If needed,slowly pour oil into oil fill opening to the
"Full" mark on dipstick. DONOToverfill.
* Below 40°F (4°C) the use of SAE30 will result in hard starting.
** Above80°F(27°C)the useof 10W30maycauseincreasedoil
consumption.Checkoil levelmorefrequently.
certification markand API servicesymbol with
NOTE:Synthetic oil meeting ILSACGF-2,API
"SJ/0F ENERGYCONSERVING"or higher, is an
acceptableoil at all temperatures. Useof synthetic oil
does not alter required oil change intervals.
NOTICE: Overfilling with oil may cause the engine to not
start, or hard starting.
* DONOToverfill.
* If over the FULL mark on dipstick, drain oil to reduce oil levelto
FULLmark on dipstick.
4. Replaceand tighten dipstick.
if you are using your pressure washer under extremely dirty
or dusty conditions, or in extremely hot weather, change oil
more often.
_i, CAUTION:Avoid prolonged or repeatedskin contact
with usedmotor oil.
* Usedmotoroil hasbeenshownto causeskincancerincertain
* Thoroughlywashexposedareaswith soapandwater.