For your own safety,
read your owner's
manual before
operating your
rotaw tool.
Refer to your service diagram for specific warranty
information on your Craftsman Rotary Power Tool.
Consulte el diagrama de servicio para obtener
informaci6n especffica de garantfa para su
herramienta mecAnica giratoria Craftsman.
_oHabla espaSo!? Ver pAgina 7
oassembly ®operation omaintenance ,,repair parts
Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 U.SoAo
FORM NO 2610911273 2/96 PRINTED IN US A

When using electric tools, basic safety precautions
electric shock and personal Injury, Including the following:
should always be tel!owed to reduce the risk of fire,
1_ Keep work area clean -- Cluttered areas
and benches invite injuries
2o Avoid dangerous environment _ Don't
expose tools to rain_ Don't use power tools in
damp or wet tocations Don't use power tools
in the presence of flammable liquids or gases
Avoid chemicaI or corrosive environments
Keep work area well lit
3. Guard against electric shock -- Prevent
body contact with grounded surfaces For
example: pipes, radiators, refrigerator
4,, Keep children away -- Do net let visitors
contact tool or extension cord All visitors
should be kept away from work areas
5o Store idle toots -- When not in use, toots
shou]d be stored in dry, and high or locked-up
ptace -- out of reach of children
6. Don't force tool -- It will do the job better
and safer at the rate for which it was intended
7, Use right tool -- Don't force small too] or
attachment to do the job of a heavy-duty tool.
Don't use tool for purpose not intended -- for
example -- don't use circular saw for cutting
tree limbs or logs
8. Dress properly -- Do not wear loose
clothing or jewelry They can be caught in
moving parts Rubber gloves and non-skid
footwear are recommended when working
outdoors Wear protective hair covering to
contain long hair
& Use safety glasses -- Also use face or
dust mas]_ if cutting operation is dusty
t0. Don't abuse cord -- Never carry tool by
cord or yank it to disconnect from receptacle
Keep cord from heat, oil, and sharp edges
11. Secure work -- Use clamps or vise to
hold work. it's safer than using your hand and
it frees both bands to operate toot
12oDon't over-reach -- Keep proper footing
and balance at all times
13. Maintain tools with care -- Keep toots
sharp and clean for better and safer
performance Fo_low instructions for lubricat-
ing and changing accessories inspect toot
cords periodically and, if damaged, have
repaired by authorized service facility inspect
extension cords periodically and replace if
damaged Keep handles dry, clean and free
from oil and grease
14,, Disconnect tools -- When not in use,
before servicing, and when changing
accessories, such as blades0 bits, cutters
15, Remove adjusting keys and wrenches
-- Form habit of checking to see that keys
and adjusting wrenches are removed from
tool before turning it on
16. Avoid unintentional starting -- Don't
carry plugged-in tool with finger on switch Be
sure switch is off when plugged in
17. Outdoor use extension cords -- When
tool is used outdoors, use only extension
cords intended for use outdoors and so
18. Stay alert -- Watch what you are doing.
Use common sense. Do not operate tool
when you are tired Don't use power tools
after taking drugs, alcohot or medications
19o Do not alter or misuse toot -- These
tools are precision built Any alteration or
modification not specified is misuse and may
resuft in a dangerous condition
20. Avoid gaseous areas -- Do not operate
portable electdc tools in gaseous or explosive
atmospheres Motors in these tools normally
spark, and the sparks might ignite fumes
21. Check for damaged parts -- Before
further use of the tool, check for damaged
parts Check for alignment of moving parts,
binding of moving parts, breakage of parts,
mounting, and any other conditions that may
affect its operation A part that is damaged
should be properly repaired or replaced by an
authorized service center before further use
of the tooi Have defective switches replaced
by an authorized sewice center, Do not use
tool if switch does not turn it on and off
22. Your tool is double insulated -- And no
grounding is necessary The tool is equipped
with a two wire cord and two prong pfug
which can be used in standard 120 volt
A.C. outlets_ Use only identical
replacement parts when service is
2& Polarized plugs -- Your tool is equipped
with a polarized plug (one blade is wider than
the other), this plug will fit in a polarized out_et
onIy one way If the p_ug does not fit fully in
the outlet, reverse the plug ff it still does not
fit, contact a qualified electrician to instal] the
proper outlet. To reduce the risk of electric
shock do not change the plug in any way
24. Extension cords -- An undersized cord
will cause a drop in line voltage, resulting in
loss of power and over-heating Use 18
gauge or heavier cord, NOTE: The smaller
the gauge number, the heavier the cord
(Extension cords are available )
25,, WARNING: Use of damaged cords can
shock, bum or electrocute
Models 572 610520, 572 610530 & 572 610720
The brushes should be inspected frequently
when tools are used continuously if your tool
runs sporadically, loses power, makes
unusual noises or runs at a reduced speed,
check the brushes To continue using the tool
in this condillon will permanently damage
your too_
With the cord unplugged, remove the brush
caps one at a time with a small screwdriver by
rotating cap counter-clockwise and check
each brush
Ifthe brush is less than 1/8" long and the end
surface of the brush that contacts the
commutator is rough and/or pitted, they
should be replaced Check both brushes
Usually the brushes will not wear out simul-
taneously If one brush is worn out, replace
both brushes Make sure the brushes are
installed as illustrated The curved surface of
the brush must match the curvature of the
After repladng brushes the tool should be run
at no-load; place it on a clean surface and run
itfreelyfor 5 minutes before loading (or using)
the tool This wi!l allow the brushes to "seat"
properly and will give you more hours of life
from each set of brushes This wilt also
extend the total life of your tool since the com_
mutator surface will "wear" tonge_
BEARINGS - Rotary Tool No& 572,610520,
572.610530 & 572,610720 have double ball
bearing construction,, Under normal use
neither type requires additional lubrication,,
Page 2
Any servicing of this tool (Excluding brush re-
placement for Models 572.610520,
572610530 & 572 610720) should be
performed by an authorized service
Use of any accessories or attachments other
than those suppiied by Sears may be

of what a SEARS
Craftsmantool can
_The operation of any power
objects being thrown into the eyes, which can
result in severe eye damage Always wear
safety glasses or eye shields before com-
mencing power tool operation, We
recommend Wide Vision Safety Mask for use
over spectacles or standard safety glasses
Whenever you hold the tool,be careful not to
cover the air vents with your hand This blocks
the air flowand causes the motor to overheat
_ Always unplug rotary tool
sories, changing collets or servicing your
COLLET -- To loosen, first press shaft lock
button and rotate the shaft by hand until the
lock engages the shaft preventing further
toot can result in foreign
before changing acces-
Sharpen Tools
Cawe Wood
_Do not engage loci( while
With the shaft lock engaged use the coilet
wrench to loosen the collet nut if necessary
Change accessories by inserting the new one
into tl_e collet as far as possible to minimize
runout and unbalance. With the shaft lock
engaged, finger tighten the coflet nut until the
accessory shank is gripped by theco!let Avoid
excessive tightening of the collet nut The
collet system is a superior method of seeudng
COLLETS _ Two different size coliets (see
illustration),to accommodate different shank
sizes, are available for your Rotary Tool, To
instatl a different cofiet, remove the cotlet nut
and remove the old colleL Insert the unslotted
end of the coltet in the hole inthe end of the
tool shaft,, Replace coIIet nut on the shaft.
Always use the collet which matches the
shank size of the accessory you plan to
uSe,rNever force a larger diameter shank into
beidentifiedby the rings on theback end of eollet I
1/32" Co[lethas one(t) ring |
!/16" Collet has two (2) rings |
3/32"Cotlefhasthree(3) rings |
1/8" CoHethasno rings J
the Rotary Tool Is running.
Precise Ddliing Shape Wood
Deburr Metal
precision work, it is important that all
accessories be in good ba;ance (much the
same as the tires on your automobile} To true
up or balance an accessory, slightly loosen
collet nut and give the accessory orcollat a 1/4
turn. Retighten coflet nut and nJn the Rotary
Tool. You should be able to teff by the sound
and feel if your accessory is running m
balance. Continue adjusting in this fashion
until best balance is achieved To maintain
balance on abrasive wheel points, before each
use, with the wheel point secured in the co]let,
turn on the Rotary Tool and run the Dressing
Stone lightly against the revolving wheel point
This removes high spots and trues up the
wheel point for good balance
Do not use grinding
wheels over 1" in dia-
meter. Rotary Tool's high speed can cause
larger wheels to fly apart and could cause
SAFETY -- Protect your eyes when grinding
or routing with the Rotary Toof .always wear
an approved type of safety glasses
Remember, your new Sears RotaryTool is the
finest power tool of its kind But its
performance is only as good as the
accessories with which it is used. We
recommend only Sears accessories be used.
Use of any other accessories may create a
hazard We hope you'll enjoy many years of
trouble free pleasure from your Sears
Craftsman Rotary Power Tool
\ t C0LLEr
_._ --L_ --'_ NUT
118"COLLET 25037
Page 3

Rotary Power
The Rotary Toot is a handful of high-speed
power It serves as a carver, a grinder,
polisher, sander, cutter, power brush, drilt and
The Rotary Tool has a small, powerful electric
motor, is comfortable in the hand, and is
made to accept a targe variety of accessories
including abrasive wheels, drill bits, wire
brushes, polishers, engraving cutters, router
bits, and cutting wheels Accessories come in
a variety of shapes and permit you to do a
number of different jobs. As you become
familiar with the range of accessories and
their uses, you will learn ust how versatile the
Rotary Tool is You f see dozens of uses you
hadn't thought of before now
The real secret of the Rotary Tool is its speed
To understand the advantages of its high
speed, you have to know that the standard
portable electric dril runs at speeds up to
2,800 revolutions per minute. The Rotary Tool
operates at speeds up to 30,000 revolutions
per minute The typical electdc drill is a low-
speed, high torque too!; the Rotary Tool is ust
the opposite - a high-speed, low torque tool
The chief difference to the user is that in the
high speed tools, the speed combined with
the accessory mounted in the collet does the
work. You don't appty pressure to the tool, but
simply hold and gu{de it tn the low speed
tools, you not only guide the tool, but also
apply pressure to it, as you do, for example,
when drilling a hole
It is this high speed, along with its compact
size and wide variety of special accessories,
that makes the Rotary Tool different from
other power tools The speed enables it to do
jobs low speed tools cannot do, such as
culling hardened steel, engraving gtass, etc
Getting the most out of your Rotary Tool is a
ma_ter of learning how to let this speed work
for you
Using the
Rotary Power
Read the next sections carefully They will
hetp you use your Rotary Tool correctly and
hetp you select the correct accessory for your
....The first step in learning to use the Rotary
Tool is to get the "feel" of it Hold it in your
hand and feel its weight and balance. Feel the
taper of the housing This taper permits the
Rotary Tool to be grasped much like a pen or
When you turn on the tool for the first time,
hold it away from your face. Accessories can
be damaged during handling, and can fly
apart as they come up to speed This is net
common, but it does happen
Practice on scrap materials first to see how
the Rotary Tool cuts Keep in mind that the
work is done by the speed of the tool and by
the accessory in the coltet. You should not
tean on or push the tool into the work
Instead, lower the spinning accessorylightly
to the work and allow it to touch the point at
which you want cutting (orsanding or etching,
etc ) to begin, Concentrate on guiding the tool
over the work using very little pressure from
your hand Aitow the accessory to do the
Usually, it is best to make a series of passes
with the tool rather than attempt to do alt the
work in one pass Tomake a cut, for example,
pass the tool back and forth over the work,
much asyou would a small paint brush Cut a
little material on each pass until you reach the
desired depth, For most work, the deft, gentle
touch is best With it, you have the best
control, are less likely to make errors, andwill
get the most efficient work out of the
For best control in close work, grip the Rotary
Tool fike a pencil between your thumb and
This is the "handgrip" method of holding the
toolused for operationssuch asgrinding a flat
surface or using cutoff wheels
_ When using the steel
saws, cutoff wheels, high
speed cutters or tungsten carbide cutters,
always have the work securely clamped.
Never attempt to hold the work with one
hand while using any of these
accessories. The reason is that these
wheels will grab if they become slightly
canted in the groove, and can kickback
causing loss of control resulting in
serious injury. Your second hand should
be used to steady and guide the hand
holding the tool. When a cutoff wheel
grabs, the wheel itself usually breaks.
When the steel saw, high speed cutters or
tungsten carbide cutter grab, it may jump
from the groove and you could lose
control of the tool.
Page 4
Operating Speeds
& Accessories
Set the speed indicator to fit the job; to
achieve the best job results when working
with different materials, the speed of the
Rotary Too_ should be regulated. Only a full
wave output speed control such as the Sears
Model 2514 (available from catalog only)
shoutd be used with the Modet 572.610520
Models 572610530 & 572610720 Rotary
Tools have an integral speed control and an
external speed control should never be used
with these tools
To select the right speed for each job, use a
practice piece of material. Vary speed to find
the best speed for the accessory you are
using and the job to be done
There are three basic types of Rotary Tools:
singte speed, two-speed and variable speed
models On the single speed model, there is
an ON-OFF switch_ When the switch is on,
the toot runs at 28,000 RPM On the two-
speed-mode!, there is a LO and H! switch
When the switch indicator is on the low
setting, the too] runs at about 20,000 RPM
When the switch indicator is on the high
setting, the toot runs at about 30,000 RPM
On the variable speed model, there is a
switch indicator with a white line on it..Slide to
the number on the housing to seiect the
operating speed needed from 5,000 - 30,000
RPM You can refer to the charts on page 5 to
determine the proper speed, based on the
material being worked and the type of cutter
or other accessory being used These charts
enable you to select both the correct acces-
sory and the optimum speed at a glance
If you have a single-speed or two-speed
model, you will be able to use many
accessories to do a wide assortment of jobs.
For the majority of applications, all models of
the Rotary Tool should be used at top speed
Needs for Slower Speeds
Certain materials, however, (some plastics,
for example) require a retatively slow speed
because at high spend the friction of the tool
generates heat and causes the plastic to melt
Slow speeds (15,000 RPM or less) usually
are best for polishing operations employing
the felt polishing accessories They may also
be best for working on de_icate projects as
"eggery" work, delicate wood carving and
fragile model parts You should always do
polishing with wire brush accessories at
slower speeds and never higher than 15,000
Higher speeds are better for carving, cutting,
routing, shaping, cutting dadoes or rabbets in
Hardwoods, metals and glass require high
speed operation, and drilling should also be
done at high speeds
The speed of the Rotary Tool is controlted by
setting this indicator on the housing