Craftsman 536797501 Owner’s Manual

32.8 cc 2-cycle
10 inch Diameter Tines MiNi TILLER/CULTIVATOR
Caution: Read and follow all Safety
Instructions before first use of this product.
SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO., Hoffman Estates 60179 U.S.A.
339426 03/07/96
Table of Contents 2 Service and Adjustments 13_i4
Warranty 2 Storage 14-15 Safety Rules 2-3 Troubleshooting 15
Contents of Shipping Carton 4 Edger Repair Parts 16-19 Assembly 4-6 Engine Repair Parts 20-23
Operation 7-10 Spanish (EspaSol) 24-39
Maintenance t1-12 Parts Ordering/Service. Back Cover
Foroneyearfromthe dateofpurchase,whenthisCraftsmanMinitiller/cultivatoris maintained,lubricated,andtunedupaccordingtothe operating andmaintenancein-
structionsinthe owner'smanual,Searswillrepair,freeofcharge,any defectin mate- rialorworkmanship_
and becomewornduringnormaluse. If thisMinitiller/cultivatorisusedfor commemialorrentalpurposes,thiswarrantyap-
pliesforonly30 daysfrom thedateofpurchase.Thiswarrantyappliesonlywhilethis productis inusetheUnitedStates,WARRANTYSERVICEIS AVAILABLEBY RE*
Thiswarrantygivesyouspecificlegalrights,andyoumayalsohaveotherrightswhich varyfrom statetostate.
Lookfor thts symbolto pointout Importantsafety precautions.It means--
ATTENTION!!!Become alert!!!Your safetyIs involved.
Z_ CAUTION: Always disconnect spark
plug wire and place wire where it cannot
contactspark plug to prevent accidental startingwhen setting-up, transporting,
adjusting or making repairs,
IMPORTANT: Safety standards require operator presence controlsto minimize the
risk of injury.Your mini tUlerlcuitivatoris equipped with such controls, Do not attempt
to defeat the function of the operator presence control under any circumstances,
BEFORE USE . Read the owner's manual carefully. Be
thoroughlyfamiliar with the controls and the proper use of the mini tiller/cultivator.
Know howto stop the mini tiller/cultivator and disengage the controls quickly.
. Do not operate the mini tiller/cultivator
without wearing adequate outer gar-
ments. Wear footwear that will improve footingon slippery surfaces=
- Keep the area of operation clear of all persons, particularly small children and
Thoroughly inspect the area where the mini tiller/cultivator is to be used and
remove all foreign objects.
Handle fuel withcare; itis highly flam-
Use an approved container.
Check fuel supply before each use,
allowing space for expansion as the heat
of the engine and/or sun can cause fuel to
Fitl fuel tank outdoors with extreme care, Never fill fuel tank indoors, Replace fuel
tank cap securely and wipe up spilled
Never remove the fuel tank cap or add fuel to a running or hot engine.
Never store fuel or mini tiller/cultivatora
with fuel in the tank inside a building where fumes may reach anopen flame.
. Never allow children or young teenagers
to operate the mini tillertcultivatoro Keep them away while it is operating, Never
allow adults to operate the mini tiller/ cultivatorwithout proper instruction,
Do not operate this machine if you are taking drugs or other medication which
can cause drowsiness or affect your ability to operate this machine.
Do not use this machine ifyou are mentally or physically unable to operate
this machine safely.
Always wear safety glasses or eye shields during operation or while perform- ing an adjustment or repair to protect
your eyes from foreign obiects that may be thrown from the mini tiUer/cuttivator
Do not put hands or feet near or under
Exercise extreme caution when operating on or crossinggravel drives, walks, or
roads_ Stay alert for hidden hazards or traffic,
Exercise caution to avoid slipping or falling.
Never operate the mini tiller/cultivator without proper guards, piates, or other safety protective devices inplace,
Never operate the mini tiller/cultivator at high transport speeds on slippery
surfaces, Look behind and use care when
Never altow bystanders near the mini
Keep children and pets away while operating,
Never operate the mini tiller/cultivator without good visibility or light.
Do not run the engine indoors The
exhaust fumes are dangerous, containing CARBON MONOXIDE, an ODORLESS
- Take a!} possible precautions when leaving the mini tiller/cultivatorunat-
tended. Stop the engine,
Do not overload the mini tiilertcultivator
capacity by attempting to till too deep at
too fast a rate.
Always referto the owner's manual instructions for important details ifthe mini
tillertcultivator is to be stored for an extended period.
Never store the mini tillerlcultivator with fuel in the fuel tank inside a building
where ignition sources are present such as water and space heaters, clothes dryers, and the like. Allow the engine to
cool before storing in any enclosure°
Keep the mini tiller/cultivator in safe
working condition° Check eli fasteners at frequent intervals for proper tightness.
After striking a foreign object, stop the
engine (motor). Remove thewire from the spark plug, and keep the wire away from the plug to prevent accidental starting, Thoroughly inspect the mini tilter/cultivator
for any damage, and repair the damage before restartingand operating it.
If mini tiller/cultivator shouldstart to vibrate abnormally, stop engine (motor)
and check immediately for the cause, Vibration is generally a warning of trouble.
. Stop the engine (motor) whenever you
leave the operating position, Also, disconnect the spark plug wire before unclogging the tines and when making any repairs, adjustments, or inspections
When cleaning, repairing, or inspecting, shut off the engine and make certain all
moving parts have stopped°
Never attempt to make any adjustments while the engine is running except when
specilically recommended by the manu- facturer.
L_ WARNING: The engine exhaust
from this product contains chemicals
known to the State of Californiato cause
cancer, birth defects or other reproductive
Z_ WARNING: This unit is equipped with an internalcombustion engine and
should not be used on or near any unim-
proved forest-covered, brush-covered or grass-covered land unless the engine's ex-
haust system is equipped with a spark at- rester meeting applicable Iocal or state laws
(if any)° ff a spark arrester is used, itshould
be maintained in effective working order by the operator.
in the state of California the spark attester is required by law (Section 4442 of the CafifoP
nia Public Resources Code), Other states may have similar laws, Federat laws apply
onfederallands.A sparkarrester/muffleris availablethroughyournearestSearsAutho- rizedServiceCenter(See REPAIRPARTS sectioninthismanual),
Contents of Parts Bag (shown full size)
1-Tie Strap
1 -10-16 x 1-1/2Inch
WasherHead TapScrew
Parts packed separately In carton (not shown full size)
1 - 5.3 Ounce2-cycle Oil
1 - Upper Handle
•Lett Lower Handle
1- Owner's Manual(not shown) 1 - Parts Bag(not shown)
Z_ CAUTION: Always wear safety
glasses or eye shields while assembling mini tiller/cultivator,,
(oradjustable wrench)
2 - 7/16 inch Wrenches
(or adjustable wrenches)
t - Regular Screwdriver
1 - Pair Scissors 1 - Hammer The figure tothe righ! showsthe mini tiller/
cultivatorcompletely assembled, References to the,right or left hand side
ofthe mini tiller/cultivatorare from the view- pointof the operator's positionbehind the
Right Handle Left
Tine ,'_"-_.-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-_ Shield""_('<:_3_
Cover _,_
Remove the plastic parts bag from the
Remove the handles from the carton.
- Remove packing insert from carton°
* Lift the mini tillerlcultivator out of the
_arton and place on a hard level surface.
. Remove packing material from around
The lower handleshave a short bend at the bottom end and are flattened at the top to al- low the upperhandle to be placed between
the lower handlesoTo assemble the
handles, do the following: . Unwind the throttle controlfrom around
the engine and straighten the cabte_ Be careful you do not kink 1he cable,,
- Remove two [ocknuts,four washers and
two handle mountingscrews from the tine shield,,
2 Locknuts 4 Washers
line 2 Handle Shie|d Mounting
Cover Screws
of Handle
NOTE: To allow proper mounting of the upper handle section be sure the flat
portion of the lower handles are facing inward. Push the mounting screws
through the tlne shield, handle and approximately haft way into the engine
casting, Be sure a washer is on each
mounting screw, See lower right,It may
be necessary to rotate the lower handle to
align the mounting holes_
Insertthe rightside lower handle section intothe mounting channelbetween the
line shield and the engine casting,,See above right.
Position the left side lowerhandle section into the mounting channel between the
fine shield and the engine casting° Align the holes in the handle with the engine
casting and the tine shield, then push the mounting screws completelythrough the engine casting, handle and line shield.,
Install a washer onto the mounting screws and secure the lower handle sections
using two locknuts previously removed See last figure on this page. Finger
tighten the Iocknuts at this time,
Remove hardware from upper handie
Place the upper handle between the lower handles and secure with two
curved head carriage belts, two formed washers, two 11/32 inch flatwashers and
two tee knobs on the inside of the handle°
° Using two 7/16 inch wrenches, tighten
the Iocknuts on the screws in the lower ends of the lowerhandles just enough to
hold the lower handles firmly in place
IMPORTANt; Overtighteningthescrews
enough to changetheshapeofthe
handlescanresultindamageto the en-
Hold the curved head carriage bolt against the outside of the lower handle
while tightening the tee knobs securely.
Place a Nov 10 x 1-1/2 inchhex head screw down through the hole in the upper
handle right side and attach the throttle
control to the underside of the handle.
See figure Iower right.
Attach the throttle cable to the right lower
handle by threading a tie strap through the hole in the lower handle and around
the throttlecable on the outside of the
Thread the pointed end of the strap through the other (square) end of the
strap and pull tight around the throttle
cable and lower handle,
NOTE; One sideof thetiestrap isrough, whiletheothersideis smooth.The rough sidemustbeonthe insideoftheloop
formed whenthe endsofthetiestrapare puttogether.
Try to loosen the tie strap_If it willloosen, it has been put together incorrectly with the smooth side to the insideof the loop
Remove thetie strap and reverse the direction°
Cut off excess strap,
Before you operate and enjoy your new MINI TILLER/CULTIVATOR, we to ensure
that you receive the best performance and satisfactionfrom this quality product, please review the following checklist:
/ All assembly instructionshave been
/ No remaining looseparts in carton.
All fasteners have been properly
installedand tightened,
tothe followingimportantitems: /4' Fueltankisfilled withcorrectgasoline
/4' Becomefami!_arwiththelocation and
functionof allcontrols_Operate
No.10X t-1t2 Flatwasher
_-_\_ Hex Nut
Car ageBolt
3"ie_ ,rap _fk \
P& r
MINITILLER/CULTIVATOR,Comparetheillustrationswithyourminitiller!cultivatorto fa_
miiiarizeyourseffwiththelocationof variouscontrolsandadjustments.Savethismanualfor future reference,
Fast Stew Stop
Throttle Control -Controts the engine
speed and the fine rotation,This mini tiller/ cultivatoris equipped with a centrifugal clutchthat engages the tine drive system
when the engine speed is increased. Choke Control Lever - Used to assist in starting a coldengine,
Shut-Off Switch - Used to stop the engine.
Recoil Starter Handle - The engine on this
minitiller/cultivatoris equipped with an easy
pull recoil starter.
Depth Stake/Transport Wheels Assembly- Used (withwheels up)when tiifing or cultivatingto adjust thedepth of the cut, It also acts as a brake to help the op-
erator controlthe direction and speed of the unit,
The depth stake/transport wheel assembly
(with wheels down) can be used for trans- porting the unit.
/_ WARNING: The operation of this mini tiller/cultivatorcan result inforeign ob-
jects being thrown into the eyes, which can
cause severe eye damage. Always wear safety glasses or eye shields whileoperat*
ing the mini tiller/cultivator. We recommend standard safety glasses or
Wide Vision Safety Mask for over your
Release the throttle controlto stopthe
Move the shut-off switchon the engine to
the OFF position.
Set the depth stake/transport wheels assembly to the desired tillingpositionas
. Remove the hairpincotter from the clevis
pin securing the depth stake_ Remove the clevis pin and adjust the depth stake
upwardtodig shallower or downward to
dig deeper° Reinstall the clevis pin and
Transl_rt Wheels Assembly
, Start the engine, tilt the unit back on the
depth stake until the tines are off the ground and squeeze the throttle control allthe way up against the hand grip. The
engine is governor controlledand should be run at full throttle.
Grasp the handles firmly and slowly tilt the unit forward to begin the tillingaction.
As the tines begin to make contactwith the ground, hold back on the handles so
that the tines willdig and not ride forward over the ground. Hold back until the tines
dig into the soil,
if the ttlled depth istoo deep or too shallow,turn offthe engine and reset the
depth stake_
, tf depthstake is not controllingforward
action, lower the depth stake. If the unit is not goingforward, raise the depth
CAUTION: Keep away from the ro-
tatingtines. Rotatingtines can cause in-
'Thetwo cycle engine used on this mini tiller/
cultivatorrequires a mixture of gasoline and oil for lubrication of the bearings and other
moving parts, The correct fuel mixture ratio is24:1 (see Fuel Mixture Chart). Gasoline
and oil must be premixed in a clean gaso- line container. Always use fresh, clean un-
ed gasoline.
CAUTION: Gasoline is flammable
and caution must be used when handling or storing it. Do notfill fuel tank while mini
tiller/cultivatorisrunning, hot, or when itis
in an enclosed area_Keep fuel away'from
open flame andelectrical spark. DO NOT
SMOKE while mixingfuel or filling the fuel
tank_Never fill fuel tank completely, but
fill itto within !/4 - 1/2 inch from the top to provide space for expansion of fuel. Al-
ways fill fuel tank outdoors and use a fun- nel or spoutto prevent spilling. Make sure to wipe up any spilled fuel before starting
the engine.
gasolinein a clean, approved con-
tainer, and keep the cap in place on the containeh Keep gasoline ina cool, welF ventilated place, never in the house. To
assure volatility,never buy more than a
30 day supply ofgasotine_Gasoline isin- tended to be used as a fuel for internal
combustion engines;therefore, do not use gasoline for any otherpurpose. Since many children like the smell of gasoline,
keep it out of their reach because the fumes are dangerous to inhale, as well as
._g explosive.
WARNING: Experience indicates
that alcohol blended fuels (called gasohol or using ethanolor methanol) can attract
moisture which leads to separation and formation ofacids during storage. Acidic gas can damage the fuel system of an en-
gine while in storage° To avoid engine prob- lems, the fuel system should be emptied
before storage for 30 days or Ionger. Drain the gas tank, startthe engine and let it run until the fuel lines and carburetor are empty. Use fresh fuel next season. See Storage
Instructions for additional information, Never use engine or carburetor cleaner
products in the fuel tank or permanent dam-
Mix gasoline and oi! 24:1 as follows:
- Pour 1 U.S. quart of fresh, clean, unleaded automotive gasoline into a
gallon gasoline container,
- Add 5 oz.(found in carton) of clean, high
quality SAE 30 or SAE 40 two-cycle oil intothe gasoline container.
IMPORTANT: DO NOT use Outboard Motor Oil or Muitt-Vfscosity Oils, such
as 10W-30 or 10W-40o
Reinstall the cap on the gasoline con-
tainer and shake container vigorously so the oil mixes withthe gasoline.
, Add an additional 3 U.S..quarts of
gasoline to the gallon container and shake the container again..
Thiscompletes the special gasoline mixing procedure. It can now be poured
into the mini tillerlcultivator fuel tank. IMPORTANT: DO NOT Fill fuel tank with gasoline that does not have oil mixed
in it. Do not use gasoline additives be-
cause the engine may be damaged.. Shake the gasoline container before each
fillingof the fuel tank, AddMoreGas
O_ 5/8 Cup
OF 5 oz,
I U,S,
Gallon Shake Can
(3U,S Quarts)
1Gal. i 5 oz.
2 Gal. 11 oz. 5 GBI, 27oz.
4 Uters .167 L
8 Ulers .333 L 20 Liters ,833 L
Before starting the engine, be sure you have read and understood all the instruc-
tions on the preceding pages.
Fill the fueltank to 1/2 inch belowthe bottom of the fill neck with fresh fuel mix
and reinstallthe fuel tank cap securely,. Never use fue! that may be stale from
long periods of storage°
Move the switch to the ON position°
Move the choke control (see figure, page
7) to the FULL CHOKE position (all the
/_ay down)..
CAUTION." DO NOT Touch the
throttle controlwhile starting the engine, The mini tillerlcultivator willpropel itself if
the engine speed is advanced from idleo
NOTE: A warm engine should not re- quire choking.
Tiltthe minl tiller/cultivatorback on the depth stake ortransportwheels to raise
the tines off the ground.
Grasp the upper handle firmlyto stabilize the mini tiller/cultivator and puffthe starter
handle withshortquick pullsoDo r_ot altowthe starter handle to snap back° Let it rewindslowly while hoidingthe starter
rope, It willtake a few pulison the starter handle tofeed gas from the fuel tank to
the carburetor.
When engine starts, move the choke
controlto HALF CHOKE positionuntil the engine runs smoothly.Than move choke
controlto NO CHOKE position (atl the way up)_
° If engine falters, move choke control to
HALF CHOKE position until engine runs smoothly,. Then move choke control to NO CHOKE position.
If engine fires, but does not continue to run, move choke control to NO CHOKE
position and repeat starting instructions..
NOTE; If the tines do not stop when the
throttlecontrol is released, adjust the
carburetor idle speed as instructed in Step 5 of Carburetor Adjustment para- graph in the Sorvlce/Adjustments
section of this manual. To stop the engine, release the throttle
control and move the shut-off switch to
the OFF position.
- Ifthe engine becomes flooded, see the Spark Plug Maintenance paragraph in the
Malntenanc_ section of this manual Then pullthe starter rope with the choke
lever in the NO CHOKE position.
CAUTION: The muffler and sur..
roundingareas become hotafter running
the engine_ Avoidthese areas, TILLING HINTS
Tilling is diggingin, turning over and breaking up packed soil before planting.
Loose unpacked soil helps root growth. Best tilling depth is 4 to6 inches. A tiller
will also clear the soil of unwanted vegetation. The decompositionof this
vegetation matter enriches the soil
Depending on the climate (rainfall and
wind), it may be advisableto tillthe soil at the end of the growingseason tofurther conditionthe soil,
. Avoid tilling soil that is too dry as itwill
pulverize and produce a dust that will not hold water. Also, tillingsoil that is too wet will be hard on the machine and produce
. Better growthwill be obtained intilled
ground ifa relativelysmall area istilled properly and the tilledground is used
soon after tillingto preserve the moisture
The depth stake (on theback of the mini tilter/cultivator)serves a dual purpose
(see figure, page 8) It helps regulate the depth of the cut to a uniform level and also acts as a brake to help the operator
controlthe speed of the mini tiller/ cultivator,
. Lowering the depth stake willslow the
minitiller/cultivatorand make it tilldeeper.. Raising the depth bar willallow itto move
faster and till more shaliowo
Ifthe mini tiller!cultivatorstopsfor,Nard motion and tries to dig deeper than
necessary, move the handles from side to side to start forward motion.
When using the mint tiller/cultivatorto remove weeds, it is best totill nodeeper than t-1/2 Inches° Tillingdeeper will only pull to the surface ungerminatedweed
seeds. You may want toraise the depth bar to lessen the braking action.
When tillingaround plantsor closeareas, you may want to remove the outside tines
(see Tine Replacement paragraph inthe ServlcelAdjustments section of this
Read theOwner's manua!.
Know locationand functions of aU
Keep all safety devices and shields in place,
° Never allow chiidrenor uninstructed
adultsto operate mini tiller/cultivatoro
° Shut off engine before unclogging tines or
making repairs,,
Keep bystanders away from machine.
° Keep away from rotating parts and tines_
They can cause injury_
MODEL NO., 536.797501
)ISPLACEMENT: 2.0 cu. in_
(328 co)
Use Unleaded Regular) 5 0z. Oil/1 Gal.
SPARK PLUG : Champion
(Gap ,035 in,) RCJ -BY
Fill in datesas
you complete
T{gh_nAll Screws and Nuts p4 v_
Lubflcale Ttne Sha|t tf
Lubr{cate Transmission
r C_ S_k Rug
Before After
Each first2
Uso Houm
Cie__d R_-OiiAircie_eiFiiiei
Drain Fue!
_=ry Every Before IBefore
75 Slorago Each
Hours Hours S_son
v' v"
,, ,,,,.....
GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS The warranty on this mini tiller/cultivator
does not cover itemsthat have been sub- jected to operator abuse or negligence,.To
receive full value from the warranty, the op erator must maintain the mini tiller/cultivator
as instructedinthis manual, The above chart is providedto assist the operatorin
properly maintaining the mini ti[ler/cuft{vator_ LUBRICATION
Every 25 hours and!or at the beginning of each season, the gear box should be _led
with lubricant° Tubes of gear lubricant are available from most automotive supply stores, Use portable tool grease such as
Lubriplate 630AA (Product No. 06787, !-3/4 oz, tube) or Lubriplate GR-132 (Product No.
15892, t0 oz. tube),,The tine shaft should have oil appliedto it before storage and af-
ter it is cleaned by flushing it with water.
The illustration to the rightis provided to as-
sist the operator in properly maintain{ng the mini tiller/cultivator.
CAUTION: Allow the transmissionto
coolbefore fillingwith grease.
Remove bothleft side tines_See Servlce and Adjustments section inthis manual
Remove the air vent screw from the top left side otthe transmission.
Using a grease gun, fillthe transmission through the grease fittinguntil the new
grease begins to come out of the air vent screw hole,
Reinstall the air vent screw.
- Check the conditionof the felt washer in
the side of the transmission at the tine shaft. Replace the felt washer if it is
damaged (see Repair Parts section in this manual).
Clean tine shaft and spread a few clrops of oil on shaft infine replacement areas,
Reinstall the tines°
Remove the right side tines. Check the felt washer for damage, clean and oil the
line shaft, Reinstall the tines.
Air VentScrew, FeltWasher
fitting (Lub_cate
thegear boxwith
{Oilthe line
shaftbeforestorage and
Lubriplate aftercleaning,ifthe mini GRd32 tiller/cultivatorisflushed
View of Left Side With Tines Removed
if the engine isflooded, clean the area
around the spark plug base to prevent for- eign matedal from entering the cylinders
when the plug is removed_Remove and dry the spark plug,.Regap the electrodes to
.035 in, if necessary'. If a new spark plug is needed, refer to the Product Specifications chart inthis manual forthe proper replace-
mento Tighten the spark plug firmly, if a torque wrench isavailable, torque the spark
plug to 15 foot-pounds.
AIR CLEANER MAINTENANCE The air cleaner fiker shouldbe cleaned and
re-oiled after every 25 hours of use, Clean more often under dusty conditions.
IMPORTANT: The engine can be worn out In a very short period of time ifdirt or gritis
allowed to enter the engine. To clean the air filter, do the following:
. Loosen screws on air cleaner cover and
remove the cover_
Remove foam element from alr cleaner.
Wipe inside of air cleaner housingclean.
Clean foam element by washingin strong solution of water and household deter-
gent. Rinse thoroughly in clean water.
. Wrap foam element in clean cloth and
squeeze out (do not twist) all the liquid until dry,.
, Cover the ends and side of the foam
element with same oil used in fuel mixture. Knead the foam etement
between fingers to distribute oil and remove excess oil
Reinstall foam element in air cleaner
. Service foam element carefully. Inspect
for deterioration or damage. A defective,
improperlyserviced, or mistakenly
assembled air filter will allow dirt particles
to enter the engine.
- Reassemble the filter. Place the cover on
the air cleaner housing and tighten screws tosecure cover to the housing.
a_rc CAUNON: Never runengine without
leaner element installed.A defective air
cleaner can result in lossof engine power and cause excessive wear or damage to en-
ginecomponents if dirt or dust is permitted toenter the engine throughthe carburetor°
An air cleaner that isclogged withdust or
dirt shouldbe cleaned and re-oiled.
CYUNDER EXHAUST PORTS The cylinder exhaust ports should be
cleaned after each seventy-five (75) to one hundred (100) hours of operation, For this
procedure we recommend that you take your unit to a Sears Service Center.
Always remove the dirt and debris from the
miniti!lerlcultivatorafter each use. Remove
any string,wire or vegetation that may be- come lodged inthe mechanism and stopthe tine rotation Proceed as follows:
Release the throttle controland move the
shut-offswitchto the OFF position,then disconnect the spark plug wire.
. Remove the hairpin and clevis pin
securing the tine(s) assembly tothe shaft and remove the tine(s)o
Remove the lodged material, Reassemble
the tine(s) on the shaft and secure with a clevis pin and hairpin,,
Reconnect the spark plug wire and restart
the engine.
Front Vlew
Item Clevis
Right Side Side
Tines HaiCpJns Tines
+ 28 hidden pages