Craftsman 50234, 50238 Operator's Manual

Operator's Manual
Service Jack
Models 50234- 3 Ton Capacity
50238 - 2 1/2 Ton Capacity
CAUTION Before using this product, read this manual and follow all its Safety Rules
and Operating Instructions.
ATENCION: Leer, comprender, y seguir las instrucci6nes antes de utilizar el aparato. El
manual de instrucci6nes y la informaci6n de seguridad deben estar comunicado en
lengua del operador antes del uso. No seguir estas indicaci6nes puede causar
daSos personales o materiales.
Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 U.S.A. www. sea m/crafts man
Part No. 50234-38 Printed in China 01/02
CRAFTSMANServiceJacksaredesignedforlifting, butnotsustaining,loadsrangingfrom21/2tons through3tonsdependingontheratedcapacityof thejack.Afterlifting,loadsmustbeimmediately supportedbyappropriatemeanssuchasjack stands.Servicejackswiththehydraulicliftspeedy liftfeature(50238)provideonepumptoliftpoint
contact.ModelNo.50234featuresamechanical speedyliftintheformofafootoperatedpump
handle.Eachisdesignedtobeusedinconjunction withjackstands.Thesejacksareintendedtobe
usedtoliftoneaxleorcornerofavehicleforthe purposeofserviceandrepair.Checkwithvehicle
jackscomplywithapplicableASME/ ANSI
Save these instructions.
For your safety and the safety of others around you, read carefully before attempting to assemble,
service or use your jack.
The owner and operator shall have an understanding of this product and safe operating
procedures before attempting to use.
Do not operate jack if you any doubt as to its safe
and proper use as outlined in this operator's manual.
Inspect before each use.
It is the operator's responsibility to translate, or have translated, instruction and safety information to his/her native language.
Do not use if leaking, broken, bent, cracked or otherwise damaged parts are noted.
If you know or suspect that the jack has been
subjected to a shock load (a load dropped suddenly and violently onto it), immediately
discontinue use until jack has been checked by a
qualified service facility.
Owners and operators of this equipment shall be
aware that the use and subsequent repair of this equipment may require special training and knowledge.
Only replace any missing parts, labels, decals or
printed material with those available from Sears.
Any jack that appears to be damaged in any way,
isworn or operates abnormally shall be removed
from service immediately.
Always wear safety glasses when operating this
Do not use foot pedal to raise loaded lift arm.
Do not dolly the load with jack.
Failure to comply with the information contained within could result in personal injury and/or property
Leer, comprender, y seguir las instrucci6nes antes
de utilizar el aparato.
El manual de instrucci6nes y la informaci6n de seguridad deben estar comunicado en lengua del
operador antes del uso.
No seguir estas indicaci6nes puede causar da_os
personales o materiales.
Model Capacity Base Size (L x W) Min. Height Max. Height
50238 2-1/2 Ton 29-3/4" X 13-1/4" X 6-1/4" 3-3/4" 20"
50234 3 Ton 25" X 13-3/8" X 6-5/8" 5-1/4" 19"
Sears, Roebuck and Co. 2
Toavoidpersonalinjuryand/orpropertydamage: Study,understand,andfollowallinstructionsbefore
operatingthisdevice.Donotexceedratedcapacity. Useonlyonhard,levelsurfaces.Thisisalifting deviceonly.Immediatelyafterlifting,supportthe vehiclewithappropriatemeanssuchasjackstands. Donotmoveordollythevehiclewhileonthejack. Besurealltoolsandpersonnelareclearbefore loweringload.
1.Verifythattheproductandtheapplicationare compatible.
2.Beforeusingthisproduct,readthisowners manualcompletelyandfamiliarizeyourself thoroughlywiththeproduct,itscomponentsand recognizethehazardsassociatedwithitsuse.
3.Locateandopenthereleasevalve (counterclockwisenomorethan2fullturns).
4.Withsaddlefullylowered,locateandremovethe oilfillerplug.Insertthehandleintothehandle sleeve,thenpump6to8fullstrokes.Thiswill helpreleaseanypressurizedairwhichmaybe trappedwithinthereservoir.Ensuretheoillevelis
justbelowtherimoftheoilfillerplughole. Reinstalltheoilfillerplug.
5.Checktoensurethatjackrollsfreelyandthatthe pumpoperatessmoothlybeforeputtinginto service.Replacewornordamagedpartsand assemblieswithSearsReplacementPartsonly (SeeReplacementPartssectioninthismanual).
6.Inspectbeforeeachuse.Donotuseifbent, brokenorcrackedcomponentsarenoted.
handle fork
foot pedal
front wheel
oil filler plug
(on reservoir)
Figure 1- Model 50234 Nomenclature
Little, if any assembly is required of these jacks. Always secure the handle to the handle fork by
means of the M12 X 7.5 bolt and lock washer provided. Tighten securely to prevent accidental
removal of handle while in use. Please familiarize yourself with the illustrations inthe owners manual.
Know your jack and how itoperates before attempting to use.
handle fork
lifting arm
parts tray
front wheel
oil filler vent screw
(on reservoir)
Figure 2 - Model 50238 Nomenclature
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