Craftsman 360.7969 User Manual

Operator's Manual
3.4 HP, 2-Cycle 53 cc/3.2 cu. in.
235 mph/705 cfm
Model 360.796900
Before using this product, read this manual and follow all Safety Rules and Operating Instructions.
Sears. Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 U.S.A
V=s=four Craftsmanwebsite ;vwwsears COmlCrattsman
Dear Valued Customer,
When you operateyournew Craftsmanair blowerdon't expect !o hear the high-pitchedengine noisecommonly associatedwith motorizedpowerequipment. L
This isa blowerdesignedto meet the needs of both professionaland occasional usersand complywithfuture noise and emissionstandards.Many years of reseamh and engineeringwent intocreating thisquieter, more efficientunit.
Byredesigningthe engine,fan, and blowerhousingcomponents,noise emissionswere cut by 50%. Engine speed
was loweredby 2,500 RPM, which reducesnoise,fuel consumption,and emissions, while increasingoperatingtime
between refuelingwiththe addedbenefitof a longer engine life. Incorporatinga verypowerfulengine and speciallydesignedhighvolumefan the Craftsman blower is able to achieve
maximumair power at only4,800 RPM. Competitive blowerstypicallyrunat 7,000 to 8,000 RPM. This air bloweris quietand powerful,features you and your neighborswillquicklyappreciate.
Warranty Pg. 2
Safety Pg. 3
Contentsof Carton Pg. 4
Accessories Pg. 4
Assembly Pg. 4
Operation Pg. 5
Storage Pg. 8
Troubleshooting Pg. 9
CaliforniaEmission Control Pg.10
Warranty Statement
Parts Pg.11
Espal_ol Pg.17
Maintenance Pg. 7
LIMITED TWO YEAR WARRANTY Fortwo (2) yearsfrom thedate of pumhase if the backpack air blower is maintained, lubricatedand tunedup
accordingto the instructionsin the Operator's Manual, Sears willrepair or replace, free of charge, any partsfound to bedefective in materialor workmanship.Ifthis productis usedcommemially, thiswarranty onlyappliesfor 90 days.
Thiswarranty does notcover:.
Exper{_ableitems which becomeworn duringnormal use, suchas spark plugs and air filters.
Repairsnecessarybecause of operator abuse, negligence, improperstorage, accident, or the failure to
maintainthe equipmentaccordingtothe instructionscontained in the Operator's Manual.
Warrantyservice is available byretumingthe air blowertothe nearest Sears Service Center in the UnitedStates. This warrantygives you specificlegal rights,and you may also have other rightswhich may vary from stateto state.
Sears, Roebuck and Co., Dept. 817WA, Hoffman Estates, IL 60179
Horse Power Fuel-Oil Capacity
FueFOII Mix Spork Rug
IGop .020 In)
Air Volume Maximum RPM
Dry Weight
1.6U.S. qt.
_sch WSR6F
3hamplonRCJ--6Y Z35mph
705cfm _500rpm
© Sears, Roebuckand Co.
Model No. 360.796900 Serial No.
Date of Pumhase "rhemodel and serial numberwillbe
found to the left of the fuel cap. You shouldrecordbothserial number and
date of pumhase and keep ina safe place for future reference.
CAUTION: Always disconnect spark plug wire and place',Where it cannot contact spark plug to prevent accidental starting when setting up, transporting, adjusting or making repairs.
Read the operator'smanualcarefuUy.Become familiar withthe controlsand know howto operate your air
Do not allow childrento use yourair blower. Never allow adultsto useair blowerwithoutproper
Keep the area ofoperationclear of all persons,
especiallysmallchildrenand pets..
Use air blower onlyas described in this manual.
Do notoperate air blower ifit has been droppedor
damaged in any manner. Always have damage
repairedbefore usingyour air blower.
Do not use accessoryattachmentsthat are not
recommendedby the manufacturer.Use of such attachmentsmay be hazardous.
Alwayswear safetyglasses or eye shieldswhen startingand while usingyour air blower.
Dress properly.Do notoperate air blowerwhen
barefootor weadng open sandals. Wear only solid shoeswith goodtraction.
Wear long-sleevedclothesthat are snug fitting.
Avoidwearing loose clothing.
Wear eithertightlycuffed or cufflesspants.
Wear hearing protectioneven when workingfor a
shortperiod of time. Remember - hearingdamage
Wear protective,non-slipglovesfor safer
Check fuel.tank before startingengine. Do notfill
fueltank indoors,when the engine isrunningor when the engine is hot. Allowthe engineto cool
for several minutesbeforefillingthe fueltank. Clean off any spilledgasolinebeforestartingthe
Always make adjustmentsbefore startingyour air
blower.Never attemptto do this whilethe engine is running.
Use onlyin daylightor goodartificial light.
Keep your eyes and mind on your air blower and
thearea being blown.Don't let otherinterests distractyou.
Always be sureof your footing.Use extra caution
in wet or slipperyareas. WALK - DON'T RUN.
Do not put hands or feet near rotatingpads. Keep
clear of the nozzleopeningat alltimes.
Always stopthe enginewheneveryou leave orare
notusingyourair blower.
Beforecleaning, inspecting,or repairingyourair
blower,stop the engine and make absolutelysure all movingparts have stopped.Then disconnect
the sparkplug wire and keep it away fromthe spark plugto preventaccidentalstarting.
Do not adjustcarburetor,Overspeeding,engine
damage or personal injurymay result.
Do not operate your air blower if itvibrates abnormally.Excessivevibrationisan indication of damage; stopthe engine,safelycheckfor the causeof vibrationand repairas needed.
Do not run the engine indoors.Exhaustfumesare dangerous.
Never operateyour air blower withoutproper
guards,tubes, or other safetydevices in place. WARNING: CaliforniaProposition65
The engineexhaust fromthis productcontains
chemicalsknown to the State ofCaliforniato cause cancer,birthdefects, orother reproductive
Check the engine mountingboltsoftento be sure
theyare tightenedproperly.
Check all bolts,nuts, and screwsat frequent
intervalsfor proper tightnessto be sureair blower is insafe workingcondition.
Keep all safety devicesin place and working.
To reducefire hazard, keep the engine free of
debrisand excessive grease and oil. Allowengineto cool before storingin any
Never storeair blowerwith fuel inthe tankinsidea .
buildingwhere fumes may reach an open flame or an ignitionsourcesuchas hotwater heater, spacd
heater,clothes dryer, etc.
Read and observethe Safety Rules.
Followa regularschedulein maintaining, caringand usingyour air blower.
Followthe instructionsunderthe Maintenanceand
Storagesectionsof thismanual
:lead these instructionsandthe operatingmanual initsentirety_beforeyou attemptto operate your new air blower.
BlowerTube CurvedNozzle Tube
Clamp (_,
Cable Guide
Clamp with
Pleated Tube
The following items for the operation ofyour blowerare availableat your nearest Searsstore.
Safety goggles Airfilter
Hearing protection Fuelstabilizer
Gloves Sparkplug
2-Cycle air cooled engine oil Gas can
Read these instructionsand the operating manual in itsentirety before you attempt to assemble or operate yournew backpack air blower.
Your new backpack air blower has been assembled at thefactory except for the blowertubes. The necessary clampsto complete assembly as well as a combination wrenchare included inthe parts bag enclosedwiththe
Slidethe pleatedtube (Fig. 2, E) ontothe elbow (Fig.2, B)and secure withthe clamp (Fig. 2, C)
that hasanattachedcable guide. Installthrottle
cable(Fig. 2, D) intothe clampcable guide.
To ensure safe and proper operationof your backpack air blower,any clamp that you installmustbe tightenedsecurely.
1. The elbow tube is already insertedintothe blower housing.Insure that the two screws(Fig. 1, A) are tight,but notso tight that the tube cannot be easily
Loosenthe two screws (Fig. 3, H) on the bottomof theattachedhandleclamp. Make sure thatthe
clampgoes overthe topof the raised_ on the undersideofthe blowertube, and that the leg of the"T" isalignedwiththe slot on the clamp. Push blowertube into the pleated tube and secure with the plasticclamp(Fig. 3, G). The multi-function
handle(Fig. 3, F) has a 2-inchadjustment range. Locatethemostcomfortablehandle locationand
then tighten the multi-functionhandleto blower with the two screws (Fig. 3, H).
KNOW YOUR BACKPACK AIR BLOWER Read this Operator's Manual and Safety Instructionsbeforeoperatingyour backpackair blower. Compare the
illustrationbelow (Figure4) with yourbackpack airblowertofamiliarize yourselfwith the locationof variouscontrols and adjustments. Save this manualfor future reference.
1. On-off switch
2. Throttlelever
3. Speed lever
4. Pdmer
5. Choke lever
6. Airfilter cover
7. Fueltank cap
8. Starter rope handle
9. Spark plug
10. Muffler
11. Carburetoradjustment screws
4. Once the handle issecured, the blower tubewith
- handle can be twisted and swiveled. Ensure that thethrottlecable does not become pinchedor trappedwhen swiveling handle.
.5. Installthe extensiontube (if desired) ontoblower
tube by aligningthe tab on the extensionwiththe
correspondingarea on blower tube; then push togetherand twist to secure.
6. Installthe curvednozzle tube in the same manner. Twistto secure.
12. Anti-vibrationsprings
13. Quickrelease carryingstrep
14. Carryingstrap
15. Carryingfreme
16. Pleated tube
17. Blowertube
18. Extensiontube
19. Curved nozzletube
20. Blowerhousing
21. Clamp
22. Clampwithcable guide
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