Craftsman 360352001 Owner’s Manual

Operator's Manual
4.1 HP/2-Cycle 51 ccJ3.15 cu. in.
Model No. 360.352001 - 20-inch Bar
Before using this product, read this manual and follow all its Safety
Rules and Operating Instructions.
Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 U.S.A.
Visit our Craftsman website: www.sears,com/craftsman
Service & Adjustments
CAUTION: Always disconnect spark plug wire and place where itcannot contact spark piug to prevent accidental starting when setting up, transporting, adjusting or making repairs.
TRAINING Read theoperator'smanual carefullypriorto
operation.Becomefamiliarwiththeconll_._a_d I_now howto operateyourchainsew pmpe_ i"--
i Keep thearea of operationclear of_!_ons
manual. _R .,,.--..-- Z!]
DOnotatlowcTran to operate )_bl_ _saw. proper ins_ns, k,,,.__,,,,O_3Mnt:.._
Do not operate the chainsaw ifit hlF._p_
, ,rt tVi .
damage repairedbeforeusingyourchainsaw.
,; UseonlyrecommendedCraftsmanaccessories
and replacementparts.Use of non-Craftsman
partsand accessoriesmay be hazardous.
Alwayswear safetyglasses or eyeshieldswhen startingandwhileusingyourchainsaw.
Dressproperly.Do not operatechain sawwhen barefootor wearingopen sandals.Wear onlysolid
shoeswith goodtraction.
Wear long-sleevedclothesthat are snugfitUng.
' Avoidweadng loose clothing.
Wear eithertightlycuffedor cufflesspants.
Wear headngprotectioneven when workingfora
shortpedodoftime. Remember - haadng damage
Wear protective,non-slipglovesfor safer operation.
Alwayswear a =hardhat"in the workingarea.
Overheadhazardssuch as falling limbspresent dangerof injury.
Alwayswear safety bootswithsteeltoes.
Check fueltankbeforestartingengine. Do notfill
fuel tank indoors,whenthe engineis runningor
whenthe engine ishot.Allowthe engineto cool for several minutesbefore filling thefuel tank.
Clean offany spilledgasoline beforestartingthe
Alwaysmake adjustmentsbeforestartingyour
chainsaw. Never attemptto make adjustments whilethe engine is running.
Use only indaylightor good artificiallight.
Keep youreyes and mindon yourchainsaw. Do not letyourself be distracted.
Alwaysbe sure ofyour footing.Use extracaution inwet or slipperygrass.WALK - DON'T RUN.
Do not put handsor feet nearrotatingparts.Keep clearof chainat ell times.
Alwaysstopthe engine wheneveryou leave or are not usingyourchainsaw.
Before cleaning,inspecting,orrepairingyour chainsaw, stop the engine and make absolutely
sure ell movingparts have stopped. Then disconnectsparkplugwire and keep it awayfrom
the spark plugto preventaccidentalstarting.
Do not adjustcarburetor.Ovarspeedingengine may resultinengine damage or personal injury.
Do not run the engine indoors.Exhaustfumesare
Never operateyour chain sew withoutproper guardsor other safety devicesin place.
Never removehandsfrom chainsaw handles when activelycuttingwiththe saw.
WARNING: CaliforniaProposition65 The engineexhaustfromthis productcontains chemicalsknown tothe State ofCaliforniato cause cancer, birthdefects,or other|:eproductive harm.
Kickbackoccurswhenthe upperquadrant ofthe bar nose contactsasolidobjectin the wood or is pinched,
Thistype of contactstops the chainfor an instant.The
resultis a lightningfastreverse reactionofthechain;
causing the barto "kick"up end back towardthe operator. Undersome circumstancesthe operator
(Fig. I) may suffersevere orfatal injury.Kickbackmay alsooccurdudng limbing(See LIMBING).
Kickback path
TO AVOID KICKBACK The best protectionfrom personalinjurythat may
resultfrom Kickbackis to avoidKickbacksituations.
Hold the chain saw firmlywithbeth handsand
maintaina secure grip,
Be aware ofthe location ofthe guide barnoseat all times (Fig, 2).
Oor_ lettheI_r¢o_=t _ gmurtd
Never bdng the nose ofthe guide bar in contact
with any ob|ect. Do notcut timbswiththe noseof the guide bar. Be especiaUycarefulwith small,
tough limbs,small-sizebrush, andsaplingswhich
may easilycatch thechain.
Don'tcut above shoulderheight. Do not usea chainsaw while standingona tree or [edded
Begin and continuecuttingat fullthrottle.
Cut only one lotat a time.
Use extreme caution when re-enteringa previous
Do not attemptplungecuts ifyou are notfamiliar
withthese_utting techniques.
Be alert of shiftinglogor otherforcesthat may
cause the cut todose endpinch the chain.
Maintain saw chain properly°Cut with a correctly
sharpened, properlytensioned chain at alltimes
(Use a 4.5-ram file).
Stand to the side of cuttingpathof thechainsaw.
tfthe cut ctoseson the bar, STOP the saw. Usea
wedge tofree the saw. Donot tryto free itby pullingthe handle.
WARNING: A dullor improperlysharpened chainmay
increasethe riskof Kickback.Always cut witha properlySharpenedsaw. improperloweringof the depthgauges also increasesthe chance of kickback.
ABOUT THE CHAIN BRAKE The maincomponents of the chainbrake assembly
are the [ever-handguard and a brakeband aroundthe clutchdrum. The brakeis automaticallyengagedwhen kickbackoccurs.When engaged, the brake band clamps down aroundthe clutch drum, stoppingboth
the drum and the chain inless than 1/10 ofone
second.The chain brake can also be engaged
manually by pushingthe lever-handguardtowards the
frontof the saw untila loud clickisheard. The saw
shouldnotbe run above idle for morethan a few secondswiththe brake engaged; otherwisedamage to
the saw willoccur.
To properlydisengagethe chain brake; firmly pullthe [ever-handguard back towardsthe hand[e (Fig. 3) until a loudclickis heard. Failuretocompletelydisengage the brake properlywillcause excessive heat build-up
onthe brakeband which,in turn,can cause severe
damage to the saw body.
Read and observethe safety rules.
Followa regular scheduleinmaintaining,cadng
and usingyourchainsaw.
Followthe instructionsunderthe Maintenanceand Storagesectionsofthis manual.
SPECIAL NOTICE: For users on U.S. Forest Land end in some states, including California (Public
Resources Code 4442 end 4443), Idaho, Maine, Minnesota, New Jersey, Oregon and Washington: Certain intern!!(combustionenginesopere.tedon forest,brush,and/orgress-coveredlend inthe above
areasare requiredto be equippedwith a spark arrestor, m_dnt_nedforthe preventionof fire. Check
withyourstateor localauthoritiesfor regulations pertaining to these requirements.Failure to follow these requirementsisa rio|orion of the taw.Thi s unit
Is not faotory-equipped with a spark arrestor;, however, spark arrestoris available as an optional
part.If a sparkarrestorisrequired in yourarea, contactyourAuthorizedService Center forthe correct
Yournew chain saw has been assamb',edat the factory.No furtherassemblyis necessary.
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Chain Saw
Read these instructionsand the operatingmanual in itsentiretybeforeyou attempt to operate yournew
The followingitemsforthe operationof yourchain saw are available at yournearest Sears store..
Safety goggles Airfilter
Hearing protection , FuelStabilizer
Gloves Spark plug
2-Cycle air cooledengineoil Gas can
Read thisOperator'sManual and SafetyInstructionsbeforeoperatingyourchain saw. Compare the illustrationbelow (Figure4) withyourchain saw tofamiliarizeyourselfwith the locationofvariouscontrolsand adjustments.Savethis
manualfor futurereference.
1. Spark Plug
2. Air Filter
3. Primer
4. ChokeLever
5. On-OffSwitch
.6. SafetyLever
7. ThrottleLever
8. Fuel-OilMix Cap
g. CoverOver Pra-FUter
10. Bar-ChainOil Cal)
11. Bar
12. Chain
13. Bar Nuts
14. Half ThrottlePin(Pg. 6)
15. Side Cover
16. Top Cover
17. Lever- Handguard(Pg. 4)
18. BuckingSpike
19. ChainTensioningScrew
20. ChainTensioningLug
21. ClutchDrum
22. Chain Brake Sand
23. Oil AdjustmentScrew
24. Sprocket
25. Serial Number
GASOUNE AND OIL MIXTURE Important! Do not useautomotiveor boatoils in your
chainsaw.These oilsdo not have proper additivesfor
2-cycle,air-cooledenginesand cancause engine damage.
The 2-cycleengine onthisproductrequiresa fuel mixture of regular unleadedgasolineand a highquality
2-cycleair-cooledengine oilfor lubricationof the
bearingsand othermovingparts. Thecorrect fuel- oil
mixtureis 40:1 (see Fuel MixtureChart).Too littleoil orthe incorrectoiltypewillcause poor performance and may cause the engineto overheatand seize.
Gasolineandoil mustbe pramixedin a clean approvedfuel container.Always usefresh regular
unleadedgasoline.This engine iscertifiedtooperate on unleadedgasoline.
GASOUNE OIL 1 Gallon 3.2Ounces
2.5Gallons 8.0Ounces IMPORTANTI Alcoholblendedfuelscalled gasohol
(using ethanolor methanol)canattract moisture, whichleads to fuel - oil separation'andformationof acids dudngstorage. Acidicgascan damagethe fuel system of an enginewhile in storage.To avoidengine problems,the fuel system shouldbe emptiedbefore
storage of30 days or longer. Drainthe gastank,then
runthe fuel out of the carburetorandfuel linesby startingthe engine and lettingitrununtilitstops. Use
fresh fuel next season. See storageinstructions for additionalinformation.Never useengineor carburetor
cleaner productsinthe fuel tank orpermanentdamage
may occur. 2-CYCLE O|L
Craftsman 2-cycle, air-cooledengineoilisspecially blendedwith fuel stabilizers.If youdo not usethis
Sears oil, you can add a fuelstabilizer,suchas Craftsman No. 33500, to yourfuel mix.
A fuel stabilizeris an acceptable a_f'emativein
minimizing the formation offuel gumdepositsdudng storage.Add stabilizertogasolinemixture infuel
storagecontainer and mix well.Alwaysfollowthe fuel mix ratio foundonthe stabilizercontainer.Runengine
at least 5 minutes afteraddingstabilizerto allowthe stabilizerto reach the carburetor. You do nothaveto
drainthe fuel tankfor storageifyou are usingfuel stabilizer. _
BAR AND CI_IAIN OIL We recommende specialchainoil(lowsling, high
tack) to lubricateyour bar and chain; consult yourlocal Sears retailer.Dudng chainsaw operationsat temperatures belowfreezing(00C/32*F), the chainoil viscosityincreases creatingan ovedcad to the automatic oil pump.Overloadingresultsindamage to the drivergear, pump mechanism,and bar andchain.
A specialcold-climatechainoilshouldbeused. Refill
chain oileach time you refuel.CAUTION: Never use
waste engineoil; itwilldamage the pump. OIL PUMP
Yourchain saw isequippedwithan automaticoil pumpthat pumps oiltothe chainwhenthe chainis rotating.You may adjustthe amountofoil pumpedto
compensatefor long barsand chainsorforextremely
hardor frozen wood. Adjustthe flow ratebyturningthe adjustmentscrew. The adjustmentscrewis locatedon
the bottomofthe saw belowthe markings+ - onthe
same sideas the bar and chain (Fig. 5). Turning
counterclockwise(+) increasesthe amount of oil, clockwise(-) decreases theflow. Never cutwithout chain lubrication.Checkproper levelbefore each cutting.
To stop engine, release the throttlelever. Move the
On-Offswitchto the off (STOP) position. STARTING COLD
NOTE: Check ©haln tension before starting!
1. Tum the on-offswitchtothe on "1"position.
2. Pull out the chokeknob.The fastidle staysset untilthethrottleis depressed, at whichtime the
red pininsidethe choke lever retracts (idle position).
CAUTION: Retaina secure gdpon the saw usingthe
foot and hand positionfor startingthe chainsaw ina
safe manner.
3. Pumpfuel pdmer untilitis approximately½ full withfuel and increased resistanceisfelt. Proceed
with coldstarting instructions.
4. Slowlypullon startergdp untilrope encounters some resistancefromstarter pulley.Next, pull
ropefirmly andrapidly in an upwardmotion. Guide ropeback into starter ratherthan lettingitsnap
5. Repeat ropepullsuntilengine attemptsto start,
usually2-3 pulls,nomore than 5; then immediatelypush in choke knob.
6. Once the engine is steadilyrunning depressand
releasethe throttlelever to allowengine to operate ,
at idlespeed. NOTE: Depressing(andthen
releasing)the throttlelever releases the half-
throttleautomaticlockand the red indicatorpin on the choke knobretracts.The engine continuesto
runat idlespeed.
7. Shouldthe engine failto startafter several repeatedstartingattempts,the engine has already
been "flooded"(too much fuel mixture incylinder). in thiscase, removethe spark plugand dry it. Set
the ignitionswitch to"stop"and the throttleleverto fullthrottle.Crank engine bypullingthe starter
ropeseveral timesto vent fuel mix and vapors
fromcylinderand crankcase. Check spark plug
gap (.015-.020"); correctif necessary. Reinstall sparkplug;connectspark plug cap. Set ignition
1. Pullchoke knobout.
2. Pushchoke knobback intoopen position,red
indicator pinon choke buttonremainsvisible.
3. Crank engine and allowto runbriefly.
4. Depress throttleleverto allow engineto run at idle
speed (indicatorpindisappears).
Ifyou are unsuccessful[instartingthe engine, consult
the Troubleshootingguidein yourCraftsman chain
saw handbookorcontacta Bears ServiceCenter.
Beforefellinga tree, surveyit carefullyand answer
1. Inwhichdirectiondoes the tree lean?
2. Isthe condition of the trunksound, hollowor
3. From which directionisthe wind blowing?
4: What is the windvelocity?CAUTION: Wind
directionand velocitymay change. Be alert!
Fellingshouldnotbe attempted in highwinds.
5. Isthe crown(top) ofthe tree moredense and heavieron one side?
These arefactors and forces which willinfluencethe lineof fall and escape routes.
Surveythe area; make sure that felledtrees cannot strikeany objectssuchas power lines, buildings,cars
and blockroadwaysor railroadtracks. Insurethat neitherpersons nor animalsare withinthe danger
zone (measureddistance away from tree thatis 21,_ timesthe tree height).
Clear escape route by removingundergrowthlikelyto
intedere with es_c_....Be suretowarn othersby
shouting"TIMBER whene tree isaboutto fall.Bdef each team memberonproperescape proceduresand signals.Have visualcontactwithteam membersprior to and duringfellingoperation.Practicea"dryrun"
escape! Priorto fellingprepare the immediatesite and the base of the treeby clearingaway undergrowthwith an axe, notthe saw. Undergrowthcantangle upor
snagthe saw chainresultinginseriousinjuryorsaw damage. Clean the trunkof brushand removesmall
branchesfromthelowertrunkwitha smallaxe. Remove large buttressrootsfirst.Start by cuttingthe
largestbuttressrooLRemove each by cuttingit verticallyfirst,then horizontally(Fig. 7). Sina!!buttress rootscan be removedwhen fellingiscomplete unless they hamperthe fellingprocess.
NOTE: These basic rules apply to feltinga singletree or many.However,end additionalorganizingis requiredwhenfellingseveral trees. Preliminary preparationmustbe doneoutsidethe danger zone. Be sure othersknowwhere you are and what you are doingat all times.
CAUTION: Donottryto fell a tree alonga linedifferent fromitsnaturallineoffail unlessyou have
Determinecarefullythe correctline of fall. Clear two
safe exitpaths tothe rear (clear away escape routes
foreach member ofthefelling team). Do notplace toolsand equipmentinthe path. Make yourescape routeat a 45° angle backand away fromthe lineoffail (Fig. S).
When felling,assumea balanced bodyposition(Fig.
8). Positionthe feet paralleland apartto obtaina steadystanceand standat the sideof the tree. Lower
the pointof gravitybybendingthe knees(comfortably
arch your back). Keepthe saw near the body,hold it firmly with bothhands,and lockthethumbsunderthe
handlebarat all times.
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