Bead faheC^erateat^sManaal aad
BoSmAB Safely
ISStìtìction^’'ÌÌÌ0Ì^- f o Do So
Can Besnlt in Serious Injury.
Always Wear Eye Froteetìon
2 Cycle Engine
• Assembly
• GperatioB
Fuel Mix
• Maintenance
• Repair Parte
Sold bj 60684 USA
530-081829-1-06/17/93A 'tOClQ £3Ylfl fin
WARHANTS KBMOD: One Year - Models 368.7979S0 & 358.797961
Per tim Wan^ty Period spoiled above from the dale of parchase, when tfe Power Blower is maintained, btbicated, and toned up
ajwronjg to toe w^tmg and mamtenaaee mstruct ions in the operator's maimal, Sears will repair free of Ашгве any defect in mate
rial or wwkmanship. ’ '
This warranty excludes bbwer tubes, spark plug, and air deansn which are expendable pans and become worn duriogniMriiud rise.
If this Power Blower is used for commercial or rental purposes, this wacmity applies for 90 days.
Mbrí I ilv ТИБ UNITED STATES. This warranty applies only white this product is in use in the United States.
This warranty gives you spenCc legal rights, and you may al^ have othm- rights which vary from state to swte.
Two Years - Models 358.797922 & 3SS.797982
A. Ogierator Safety ..................
B. Operating Tips*--Blower .
C. Operating Tips—Vhcumn
Failure io follow all Safely Rules and Precauiions can result in serious injury.
1. Read yotir Operator’s Manual carefully rnitil
you completely understand and can follow a]] warn
ings and safety instructions before operating unit.
Z, Restrict yeur unit to users who understand and
will follow all wartjiixp and safety instructions in .
this manual.
l;;,Alzc<tys wear eye protection to prevent rocks or
debris from being bhwn or ricocheting into ^'e$ and
face which can result in blindness andfor other seri
ous injury.
2. Always wear a ret^irator or facemaslc when
working with the unit in dusty enviromnents.
3. Always wear hea^vy, long pscDts> boots^ and
gloves. Do not M barefoot or wear short pants,
sandals, jewelry, loose clothing, or clothing wtth
loosely han^g straps, ties, tassels, etc.; they can be
caught in moving Secure;^sdr so it is above
shoulder length, Beingfuily covir'ed will bdp pro
tect you from pieces of tooc plants suidi as poison
ivy ttffown by the blade, which could be more of a
hazard than touching the plant itself
4. Do not operate the unit when you are tired, ill,
upset, or tf you are under the influence of alcohol,
dmgs, or medication.
5. Keep children, bystanders, and animals away
from tHe work area a minimum of 30 feet wkmstarting or operating the unit.
6. Inspect the axeahefore starting the unit. Re
move all debris and hard objects such as rocks,
^ass, wire, etc. that can ricochet, be thrown, or oth-
. «wise cause injury or damage during operation,
1. Eliminnte all sources of sparks or flame (in
' duding smoMng, open flames, or work that can
cause ^arks) in areas where fuel is mixed, poured,
or stored.
2. Mix and pour fuel in an outdoor arem; store
fhel in a cool, dry, weB—ventilated place; use an ap
7. Move at least 10 feet away fkom ftiel and fuel
ing site before starting the mtgine.
1. Stop the engine before opening the vacnunt
inlet door or attempting to insert or remove the
: vacuum tubes. Ji^^nginem^^tg^pped and the
impeller bladekiwphget toipi|3gi^^ serious
inijuiy from therotatinghlades.
2. Inspect the entire unit bef>reeach use for worn,
loose, missing, or damaged parts. Do not use until
the unit is in proper working order.
3. Keep the outside surfaces free of oil and fueL
4. Never start or run unit inside a closed room
6. Never use for spreading dhemicals, fertiliz
ers, or any other material which may contain toric
7, Do not set the unit on any surface except a
dean, hard area to start the engine or while
the engine is running. Debris such as gravel,
sand, dust, grass, etc. could picked up by the air
intake and thrown out through the discharge open
ing, damagingthe unit, property, or causing serious
injury to bystanders or the operator.
S, Avoid dangerous enviromnents. Do not use in
unventilat^ ateas or where erqplteive vapors or
carbon monoxide build up could be present.
3. Avoid situations which could set the collec
tion bag on fire. Do not vacuum discarded cigars
or cigarettes or ash'from fireplaces, barbecue pits,
brush pües, etc. To avoid spreading fir^ do not use
blower near leaf or brush fires, fireplaces, barbecue
pits, ashtrcys, etc.
10, Do not overreach or use from unstable sur
faces suds as ladders, trees, steep tuoflops,
ete. Use extra care when cleaning on stairways.
Keep firm footing and balance at all tiroes.
11. Never placé objects inside the blower tubes;
always direct the blowing debris away from people,
animals, glass, and solid objects such as trees, auto
mobiles, walls, etc. The force of air can cause rocks,
dirt, or sticks to be thrown or to ricochet which can
hurt people or animals, break glass, or cause other
damage. Do not allow ^ unit to be used as a toy.
12, Never place any object in the mr intake open
ing as this could restrict proper air flow and cause
damage to the unit.
13. Mever ran unit without the proper^equljj^
ment attached. When used as gblower, always in
stall ablowertube, When used as a vacutan, always
install vacuum tubes and collection bag assembly.
. 14.Use only for jobs esplainedln this manual.
1. Have all maintenance other than the recommended
promkîresdescïfliedhîliié Gperatoris Manual per
. formed by your Sears Serrice Center.
2. Disconnect spark plug before performing
maintenance except for carburetor ^nstment.
3. Use only genuine replacement parts as xedommendedl^ Sears to avoid creating a hazard and/or
voiding your wairanty-
4. Check air intake openings, blower tubes, el
bow tube, and vacuum tabes frequently; al~
, ivayswithfrieenj5bttestopped, Keepventsandtubes
free of debris which can accummate and restrict
.. ror Sow. ;
5. Befoi^ storing the unit, use up fuel left in
carbaretor and mellhies by starting the engine and"
letting it run until it stops;. See “Stor^” section.
3. Do not use any accessory or attacbiEent other
7. Dd not store the unit or fiiel in a closed area
3. To avoid sliock from static electricity, do not*
wear robber or anv other insulated gloves whileotte.^,. ,
eratiag the unit. . .ss
If situations occur which are not covered in this manual, use care and good Judgement.
Contact your Sears Service Cenieg/Deparpnent if you need assistance.
from hot water heaters, dectricmotois or switches,
.furnate§.etc, , ,
»;• ■ Storb Ш ai dry area out of reach of children.
Your blowor is a hi^ performance product
for tou^ jobs.
Special'Eeatures include:
• for fme-handed operation.
• DixectBrive.
a Viferation—Dampened Handle.
• Wei^t - 12 lbs.
• Comrenientx^rii^t storage.
• ATailable Gutter Attachmmt Kit #358.79992
1. Hemove contents from, the carton if you have nc^
done so. ,
2. Check parts against the Carton Contents List
3. Bbcamine parts for damage. Do not use
A mUfyyofO'SeanSmAi^CaderlEhpftrtmmtirmne-
empty fiiei tank.
It Your unit is factory equipped wiUi a vibra-
t—dampened handle whida causes the handle to
appear to be loose. This condition Is normal
the Safety Notice at the bottom of this page.
NQTEi. Your u^'lm been factory tested and the car
buretor precisely adjusted. '№e3№fore,iti&possib!e
to smell gasoline or to find a drop of ou/fuel readne
Bo not assemble or disassmshle vacuum tuba
wiiilethean^^eisriiigmmg. Insextingorremov*
ingthe vacoftm t^e while the engine is rtmniros
can resnlt‘'1n serious injury. Always stop the mxgine find discoimect the spmrh plug l^ore un-
oi^^^^lleciaon. ba^.
As a blower, the unit is des^ned to sweep ^ri^
gras%^^:j^w^@avss, small tensor light snow. It can
alsp № HHtfast dryingwet outhmraix^sudbasa
sidews^ carport, etc.^ Never use for spreadi&g
' misting dhemicals, fertilizer^ or any Pthmr maim-
aib which may contain toxic substancés. As a vaca-
tempt to vacuum stones, gravd, nmtal, brokmi ^iss, enr
ai^ other debris which rnay cause damage to tbehn^-
texi Do not atimpt to vaetam water or any oth&‘lig-’
tads- *l%umundi%wat№orQtherU<piichiwjllcausedam-
s^totheeii^ine. Avmdsituatiora that could catch the
collection bag on-fire. Do not operate near an open
not vacuum discardbd dears or ctearettes or
ashfrcTO fireplaces, baihecue pits, brush p^, etc.
h Beadi your Operator's Hanttial. sure you
oompletdy understand and can follow all warnings
and safety insbructious in the manual before operat
ing die unit.
2. Always wear a respirator or facemash when
workhig in dusty environments.
-^rAJflPSys wear eye protection to prevent roihs or
d^rts from betttg-haifea.or deecheting into ey^s
aSS face which cairifimt in blindness or other sm-
ous injury.
Rear Handle
4. ' Alw«^ wear beavjs long pants, hooti^ and
0oves. Do not go barefoot or routs,
sand^ jewdry, loose ‘dothins witn
loTOd^hangmgstscanSffre^ tasselsj etc. Secarehair
so it Is dbdve ^oulo^ length. Being fiiQy covered
will help protect you from pfeces of tmuc plants sudi
as poison ivy thrown by toe blade, which could be
more of a hmiard than touching the plant itseE
5. Check toe unit before each operation. Look
for worn, loose, missing, or dama^ ^arts. Ito not
USB the umt tmtfldt-ts-m-ptoper workiug si'dai:
6. Inspect area before startog Remove
all debris and objects such as-rockspi|!ass, wite,large stidis, etc., that can cause damai^ darirg op
Figaro 9
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