Craftsman 358795140 Owner’s Manual

Operator's Manual
25cc/1.5 2-Cycle
17 Inch Cutting Path / 0.080 In. Line GASOLINE WEEDWAOKER ®
Model No.
Parts List
For Occasional Use Only £_/_
Read and follow all Safety Rules and Operating Instructions before first use of this product.
For answers to your questions about this product:
Call 7 am-7 pm, Mon.-Sat., or 10 am-7 pm, Sun.
1-800-235-5878 (Hours listed are Central Time)
Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 U.S.A.
530086197 4/9/01
Warranty Statement 2 Storage 11 Safety Rules 2 Troubleshooting Chart 12 Assembly 4 Emissions Statement 12
Operation 5 Parts List 14 Maintenance 8 Spanish 17 Service & Adjustments 9 Parts and Ordering Back
For one year from the date of purchase, when this Craftsman Gas Powered
Weedwacker Line Trimmer is maintained, lubricated, and tuned up according to the operating and maintenance instructions in the Operator's Manual, Sears will repair, free of charge, any defect in materials or workmanship.
This warranty excludes nylon line, spark plug, and air filter, which are expendable parts and become worn during normal use.
If this Weedwacker line trimmer is used for commercial purposes, this warranty ap- plies for only 90 days from the date of purchase. If this Weedwacker line trimmer is used for rental purposes, this warranty applies for only 30 days from the date of pur- chase. This warranty applies only while this product is in use in the United States. WARRANTY SERVICE IS AVAILABLEBY RETURNING THE WEEDWACKER LINE TRIMMER
TO THE NEAREST SEARS STORE OR SERVICE CENTER INTHE UNITEDSTATES. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights
which vary from state to state. Sears, Roebuck and Co., D/817 WA, Hoffman Estates, IL 60179
_IL WARNING: When using gar- dening appliances, basic safety pre-
cautions must always be fallowed to reduce the risk of fire and serious
injury. Read and follow all instructions.
This power unit can be dangerous! Op- erator is responsible for following
instructions and warnings on unit and in manual. Read entire Operator's Manual before using unit! Be thoroughly familiar
with the controls and the proper use of the unit. Restrict the use of this unit to
persons who have read, understand, and will follow the instructions and
warnings on the unit and in the manual.
Never allow children to operate this unit.
_, DANGER: Never use blades or flailing devices. This unit is designed
for line trimmer use only. Use of any other accessories or attachments will
increase the risk of injury.
'_ WARNING: Trimmer line throws objects violently. You and others can be
blinded/injured. Wear eye and leg protection. Keep body parts clear of ro-
tating line.
Keep children, bystanders, and animals 50 feet (15 meters) away. If approached stop unit immediately.
Ifsituationsoccurwhicharenotcov- eredinthismanual,usecareand goodjudgment.Ifyouneedassis-
Centerorcall1-800-235-5878. OPERATORSAFETY
Dress properly. Always wear safety
glasses or similar eye protection when operating, or performing maintenance, on your unit (safety glasses are avail-
able). Eye protection should be marked Z87.
Always wear face or dust mask if op-
eration is dusty.
Always wear heaW, long pants, long
sleeves, boots, and gloves. Wearing safety leg guards is recommended.
Always wear foot protection. Do not
go barefoot or wear sandals. Stay clear of spinning line.
Secure hair above shoulder length.
Secure or remove loose clothing or clothing with loosely hanging ties,
straps, tassels, etc. They can be caught in moving parts.
Being fully covered also helps protect
you from debris and pieces of toxic plants thrown by spinning line.
Stay Alert. Do not operate this unit
when you are tired, ill, upset or under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or
medication. Watch what you are do- ing; use common sense.
Wear hearing protection.
Never start or run inside a closed
room or building. Breathing exhaust fumes can kill.
Keep handles free of oil and fuel.
Disconnect the spark plug before per-
forming maintenance except carbure- tor adjustments.
Look for and replace damaged or
loose parts before each use. Look for and repair fuel leaks before use. Keep
in good working condition.
Replace trimmer head parts that are
chipped, cracked, broken, or dam- aged in any other way before using
the unit.
Maintain unit according to recom-
mended procedures. Keep cutting line at proper length.
Use only 0.080 in.(2 ram) diameter
Craftsman(R_ brand line. Never use wire, rope, string, etc.
Install required shield properly before
using the unit. Use only specified trimmer head; make sure it is properly installed and securely fastened.
Make sure unit is assembled correctly
as shown in this manual.
Make carburetor adjustments with lower end supported to prevent line
from contacting any object.
Keep others away when making car- buretor adjustments.
Use only recommended Craftsman accessories and replacement parts.
Have all maintenance and service not explained in this manual performed by
a Sears Service Center.
Mix and pour fuel outdoors.
Keep away from sparks or flames.
Use a container approved for fuel.
Do not smoke or allow smoking near fuel or the unit.
Avoid spilling fuel or oil. Wipe up all fuel spills.
Move at least 10 feet (3 meters) away from fueling site before starting en-
Stop engine and allow to cool before removing fuel cap.
Always store gasoline in a container approved for flammable liquids.
_, WARNING: Inspectthe area
before each use. Remove objects
(rocks, broken glass, nails, wire, etc.) which can be thrown by or become entangled in line. Hard objects can damage the trimmer head and be
thrown causing serious injury.
Use only for trimming, scalping, mow- ing and sweeping. Do not use for edg-
ing, pruning or hedge trimming.
Keep firm footing and balance. Do not overreach.
Keep all parts of your body away from muffler and spinning line. Keep engine
below waist level. A hot muffler can cause serious burns.
Cut from your right to your left. Cut- ting on left side of the shield will throw
debris away from the operator.
Use only in daylight or good artificial light.
Use only for jobs explained in this manual.
Allow engine to cool; secure unit be- fore storing or transporting in vehicle.
Empty the fuel tank before storing or transporting the unit. Use up fuel left
in the carburetor by starting the en- gine and letting it run until it stops.
Store unit and fuel in area where fuel vapors cannot reach sparks or open flames from water heaters, electric
motors or switches, furnaces, etc.
Storeunitsolinelimiterbladecannot accidentallycauseinjury.Theunit
SAFETYNOTICE:Exposuretovibra- tionsthroughprolongeduseofgaso- linepoweredhandtoolscouldcause
bloodvesselornervedamageinthe fingers,hands,andjointsofpeople
pronetocirculationdisordersorab- normalswellings.Prolongedusein
coldweatherhasbeenlinkedtoblood vesseldamageinotherwisehealthy
people.Ifsymptomsoccursuchas numbness,pain,lossofstrength,
changeinskincolorortexture,orloss offeelinginthefingers,hands,or joints,discontinuetheuseofthistool
andseekmedicalattention.Ananti- vibrationsystemdoesnotguarantee
theavoidanceoftheseproblems.Us- erswhooperatepowertoolsonacon-
closelytheirphysicalconditionand theconditionofthistool.
SPECIALNOTICE:Thisunitis equippedwithatemperaturelimiting
forniaCodes4442and4443.AllU.S. forestlandandthestatesofCalifornia,
Idaho,Maine,Minnesota,NewJersey, Oregon,andWashingtonrequireby
Failuretodosoisaviolationofthe law.Fornormalhomeowneruse,the mufflerandsparkarrestingscreenwill
notrequireanyservice.After50 hoursofuse,werecommendthatyour
CARTONCONTENTS Checkcartoncontentsagainstthefol-
Model 358.795140
Wing Nut (screwed onto shield)
Container of Oil
Examine parts for damage. Do not
use damaged parts.
NOTE: If you need assistance or find
parts missing or damaged, call
1-800-235-5878. It is normal for the fuel filter to rattle in
the empty fuel tank.
Finding fuel or oil residue on muffler is
normal due to carburetor adjustments and testing done by the manufacturer.
,_ WARNING: If received as- sembled, repeat all steps to ensure
your unit is properly assembled and all fasteners are secure.
,_ WARNING: When adjusting the handle, be sure it remains between
the trigger and the safety label.
1. Loosen wing nut on handle.
2. Rotate the handle on the tube to an
upright position; retighten wing nut.
WARNING: The shield must be
properly installed. The shield provides partial protection from the risk of thrown
objects to the operator and others and
is equipped with a line limiter blade
which cuts excess line to the proper
length. The line limiter blade (on under-
side of shield) is sharp and can cut you.
For proper orientation of shield, see KNOW YOUR TRIMMER illustration in OP-
ERATION section.
1. Assemble parts as shown.
2. Tighten wing nut securely.
washer and wing Washer nut from this bolt;
use for assembling shield.
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