Craftsman 358794963 Owner’s Manual

Operator's Manual
25cc/1.5 2-Cycle 205 MPH/410 CFM
Model No.
Parts List
Espar_ol, p. 19
Read and follow all Safety Rules and Operating Instructions before first use of this product.
For answers to your questions about this product:
Call 7 am-7 pm, Mon.-Sat., or 10 am-7 pm, Sun.
1-800-235-5878 (Hours listed are Central Time)
Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 U.S.A.
545123829 9/12/06
Warranty Statement 2 Storage 12 Identification of Safety Symbols 2 Troubleshooting Table 13
Safety Rules 3 Emissions Statement 14 Assembly 6 Parts List 16 Operation 8 Spanish 19
Maintenance 11 Parts and Ordering Back Cover
TWO YEAR FULL WARRANTY ON CRAFTSMAN@ GAS BLOWER When used and maintained according to the operator's manual, ifthis product fails
due to a defect in material or workmanship within two (2) years from the date of pur- chase, return it to any Sears store, Sears Service Center, or other Craftsman outlet in
the United States for free repair (or replacement if repair proves impossible). This warranty excludes spark plug and air cleaner, which are expendable parts
that can wear out from normal use in less than two years. This warranty applies for only 30 days from the date of purchase if this product is used for commercial or rental purposes. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights
which vary from state to state. Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179
_WARNING: This unit can be dangerous! Careless or
improper use can cause serious injury.
Read your operator's manual carefully until you completely un- derstand and can follow all warnings and safety rules before
operating the unit. Failure to do so can result in serious injury. Save operator's manual.
_WARNING: The muffler is very hot during and after use. Do not touch the muffler, muffler guard, or surrounding sur-
faces, or allow combustible material such as dry grass or fuel
to do so.
The blower can throw objects violently. You can be blinded or
injured. Always wear hearing protection and safety glasses marked Z87. Always wear heavy, long pants, long sleeves,
boots and gloves.
Hazard zone for thrown objects. Keep children, bystanders, and animals away from work area a
minimum of 30 feet (10 meters) when starting or operating unit. Do not point blower nozzle in the
direction of people or pets.
Do not wear jewelry, loose clothing,
or clothing with loosing hanging straps, ties, tassels, etc. They can
be caught in moving parts.
i_ '-_ ] Always stop unit and disconnect spark plug
before cleaning or servicing.
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_/L WARNING: Stop the engine before opening the vacuum inlet door. The engine must be stopped and the impeller blades no longer turning to avoid serious
injury from the rotating blades. Gently tilt the handle of the screwdriver toward the back of the unit to release the latch while pulling up on the vacuum inlet cover with
'our other hand.
When using the vacuum attachment, the unit is designed to
pick up dry material such as leaves, grass, small twigs, and bits
of paper. Do not vacuum stones, gravel, metal, broken glass, etc., to avo d severe damage to the mpe er.
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_,WARNING: Failure to follow all Safety Rules and Precautions can re-
sult in serious injury.
f ames, or work that can cause sparks).
Read your operator's manual care- fully until you completely understand and can follow all warnings and
safety rules before operating the unit.
Restrict unit to users who under- stand and will follow all warnings and
safety rules in this manual.
_WARNING: Inspect area before starting unit. Remove all debris and hard objects such as rocks, glass,
wire, etc. that can ricochet, be thrown, or otherwise cause injury or damage
during operation.
Use your unit as a blower for:
Sweeping debris or grass clippings from driveways, sidewalks, patios, etc.
Blowing grass clippings, straw, or leaves into piles, around joints, or be-
tween bricks.
Use your unit as a vacuum for:
Picking up dry material such as leaves, grass, small twigs, and bits of paper.
For best results during vacuum use, operate your unit at high speed.
Move slowly back and forth over the material as you vacuum. Avoid forc- ing the unit into a pile of debris as this can clog the unit.
Keep the vacuum tube about an inch above the ground for best results.
Always wear eye protection when op- erating, servicing, or performing main- tenance on unit. Wearing eye protec-
tion will help to prevent rocks or debris from being blown or ricocheting into eyes and face which can result in blindness and/or serious injury. Eye protection should be marked Z87.
Always wear foot protection. Do not go barefoot or wear sandals.
Always wear respirator or face mask when working with unit in dusty envi-
Secure hair above shoulder length. Secure or remove jewelry, loose
clothing, or clothing with loosely hanging straps, ties, tassels, etc.
They can be caught in moving parts.
Do not operate unit when you are tired, ill, upset, or if you are under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or medi-
Keep children, bystanders, and ani- mals away from work area a mini-
mum of 30 feet (10 meters) when starting or operating unit. Do not
point blower nozzle in the direction of people or pets.
Eliminate all sources of sparks or flame (including smoking, open
flames, or work that can cause
sparks) in the areas where fuel is
mixed, poured, or stored.
Mix and pour fuel in an outdoor area; store fuel in a cool, dry, well ventilated
place; use an approved, marked con-
tainer for all fuel purposes.
Do not smoke while handling fuel or while operating the unit.
Make sure the unit is properly as- sembled and in good operating
Do not fill fuel tank while engine is
Avoid spilling fuel or oil. Wipe up fuel spills before starting engine.
Move at least 10 feet (3 meters) away from fuel and fueling site be- fore starting engine.
Always store gasoline in a container approved for flammable liquids.
_b WARNING: Stop the engine be- fore opening the vacuum inlet door. The
engine must be stopped and the impel- ler blades no longer turning to avoid se- rious injury from the rotating blades.
Inspect unit before each use for worn, loose, missing, or damaged
parts. Do not use until unit is in proper working order.
Keep outside surfaces free from oil and fuel.
Never start or run engine inside a closed room, building or other un-
ventilated area. Breathing exhaust fumes can kill.
To avoid static electricity shock, do
not wear rubber gloves or any other insulated gloves while operating unit.
Do not set unit on any surface except a clean, hard area while engine is run-
ning. Debris such as gravel, sand, dust, grass, etc. could be picked up by the air intake and thrown out through discharge opening, damaging unit,
property, or causing serious injury to
bystanders or operator.
Avoid dangerous environments. Do not use in unventilated areas or
where explosive vapors or carbon
monoxide build up could be present.
Do not overreach or use from unsta- ble surfaces such as ladders, trees,
steep slopes, rooftops, etc. Keep firm footing and balance at all times.
Never place objects inside the blower tubes; always direct the blow-
ing debris away from people, ani-
mals, glass, and solid objects such as trees, automobiles, walls, etc. The
force of air can cause rocks, dirt, or sticks to be thrown or to ricochet
which can hurt people or animals, break glass, or cause other damage.
Never run unit without the proper equipment attached. When using your unit as a blower, always install blower tubes. When using the op-
tional vacuum kit, always install vac- uum tubes and vacuum bag assem- bly. Make sure vacuum bag assem- bly is completely zipped.
Check air intake opening, blower tubes, and vacuum tubes frequently, always with engine stopped and spark plug disconnected. Keep vents and discharge tubes free of debris
which can accumulate and restrict proper air flow.
Never place any object in air intake opening as this could restrict proper air flow and cause damage to the unit.
Never use for spreading chemicals, fertilizers, or other substances which may contain toxic materials.
To avoid spreading fire, do not use near leaf or brush fires, fireplaces,
barbecue pits, ashtrays, etc.
Use only for jobs explained in this manual.
plug before performing maintenance except for carburetor adjustments.
Have all maintenance other than the recommended procedures described
in the operator's manual performed by a Sears Service Center.
Use only recommended Craftsman replacement parts; use of any other parts may void your warranty and cause damage to your unit.
Empty fuel tank before storing the unit. Use up fuel left in carburetor by start-
ing engine and letting it run until it stops.
Do not use any accessory or attach- ment other than those recommended
by manufacturer for use with your unit.
Do not store the unit or fuel in a closed area where fuel vapors can
reach sparks or an open flame from hot water heaters, electric motors or
switches, furnaces, etc.
Store in a dry area out of reach of children.
SAFETY NOTICE: Exposure to vibra-
tions through prolonged use of gasoline
powered hand tools could cause blood
vessel or nerve damage in the fingers,
hands, and joints of people prone to cir- culation disorders or abnormal swelling.
Prolonged use in cold weather has been linked to blood vessel damage in other-
wise healthy people. If symptoms occur
such as numbnes& pain, loss of strength, change in skin color or texture,
or loss of feeling in the fingers, hands, or
joints, discontinue the use of this tool
and seek medical attention. An antivibration system does not guarantee
the avoidance of these problems. Users who operate power tools on a continual
and regular basis must monitor closely
their physical condition and the condition
of this tool. SPECIAL NOTICE: For users on U.S.
Forest Land and in some states, includ- ing California (Public Resources Codes
4442 and 4443), Idaho, Maine, Minne-
sota, New Jersey, Oregon, and Wash- ington: Certain internal combustion en-
gines operated on forest, brush, and/or grass covered land in the above areas
are required to be equipped with a spark arresting screen, maintained in effective
working order, or the engine must be
constructed, equipped, and maintained
for the prevention of fire. Check with your state or local authorities for regula-
tions pertaining to these requirements.
Failure to follow these requirements is a
violation of the law. This unit is not facto-
ry equipped with a spark arresting screen; however, a spark arresting
screen is available as an optional part. If a spark arresting screen is required in
your area, contact Sears Service for the
correct kit. The spark arresting screen, blower tubes, and nozzles must be as-
sembled to unit to be in full compliance
with regulations.
CARTON CONTENTS Check carton contents against the fol-
lowing list. Model 358.794963
Blower tube
Elbow tube
Vacuum bag
Upper vacuum tube
Lower vacuum tube
2-Cycle Engine Oil NOTE: It is normal for the fuel filter to
rattle in the empty fuel tank. ASSEMBLY
_WARNING: Stop engine and be sure the impeller blades have stopped
turning before opening the vacuum in- let door or attempting to insert or re- move the vacuum tubes. The rotating
blades can cause serious injury.
WARNING: If you receive your
unit assembled, repeat all steps to en- sure your unit is properly assembled and all fasteners are secure.
A standard screwdriver is required
for assembly.
BLOWER TUBE ASSEMBLY If you have already assembled your
unit for use as a vacuum, remove the vacuum tubes and collection bag.
1. Align the rib on the blower tube
with the groove in the blower outlet;
slide the tube into place.
NOTE: Knob must be loose enough to
allow blower tube to be inserted in blow- er outlet. Loosen knob by turning coun-
!ox _ Blower
_\ Outlet Blower
1. Open the zipper on the vacuum bag and insert the elbow tube.
2. Push the small end of the elbow tube through the small opening in
the bag.
Elbow Tube
Small Opening
Opening Rib
NOTE: Make sure edge of the small opening is flush against the flared area of the elbow tube, and the rib on the
elbow tube is on the bottom.
3. Close the zipper on the bag. Make sure the zipper is closed completely.
4. Remove blower tube from engine.
5. Insert the elbow tube into the blower outlet, Make sure elbow tube is
aligned with the blower outlet groove.
6. Turn knob clockwise to secure elbow tube,
1. Align the lower vacuum tube as shown. Push lower vacuum tube
into upper vacuum tube.
Groove _ _ Rib
2. Secure the tube by turning the knob clockwise.
3. To remove the tube, turn the knob counterclockwise to loosen the
tube; remove the tube.
Lower Vacuum Tube
2. Insert the tip of a screwdriver into the latch area of the vacuum inlet.
_. Latch Area
L,__ _ Blower
3. Gently tilt the handle of the screw- driver toward the back of the unit to
Inlet Cover
release the latch while pulling up on the vacuum inlet cover with your
other hand.
4. Hold the vacuum inlet cover open until upper vacuum tube is installed.
Vacuum Inlet
Retaining Post X_ ;,)/_
5. Place the hooks of the upper vacu- um tube on the retaining posts of
the unit.
6. Pivot the tube until it is secured to
the blower unit by the vacuum inlet
Inlet Cover
2. Gently tilt handle of screwdriver to- ward the back of the unit to release
the latch while pulling up on the up- per vacuum tube with your other
Latch Area
3. Remove the vacuum bag.
4. Close the vacuum inlet cover and make sure it is latched closed.
5. Reinstall the blower tube (see
SHOULDER STRAP ADJUSTMENT (for vacuum use only)
1. Hold tile unit as shown with the muffler side facing away from your body and clothes.
2. Pass the shoulder strap over your head and onto your right shoulder.
3. Extend your left arm toward the rear of the vacuum bag.
4. Adjust shoulder strap until the vac- uum bag/shoulder strap seam lies
between your thumb and index finger.
5. Make sure air flows freely from the elbow tube into bag. If bag is kinked,
the unit will not operate properly.
Hook Retaining
1. Remove the vacuum tubes by in- serting the tip of a screwdriver into
the latch area of the vacuum inlet.
UNIT. Compare the illustrations with your unit to familiarize yourself with the location of the various controls and adjustments. Save this manual for future reference.
Your blower is equipped with mulching blades as a standard feature. When using the optional vacuum attachment, the mulching blades automatically reduce debris
at a ratio of up to 16:1.
Vacuum Tube
Lower Vacuum T_
Primer Button
Choke Lever
Throttle Lever
Fuel Mix
Elbow Tube
Tube Blower
The THROTFLE LEVER is used to select the desired engine speed and to stop the
engine. Move the throttle lever to the
'{_ position for full speed operation. Move the throttle lever to the _ posi- tion for idle speed. To stop the engine, move the throttle lever to the STOP posi-
The PRIMER BUqq-ONremoves air from the carburetor and fuel lines and fills
them with fuel. This allows you to start OPERATING TIPS
While vacuuming or blowing debris,
hold the unit with the muffler side fac- ing away from your body and clothes
To reduce the risk of hearing loss
associated with sound level(s), hear- ing protection is required.
To reduce the risk of injury associated
with contacting rotating parts, stop the engine before installing or removing attachments. Do not operate without
guard(s) in place.
the engine with fewer pulls on the starter
rope. Activate primer button by pressing it and allowing it to return to its original
The CHOKE helps to supply fuel to the
engine to aid in cold starting. Activate the choke by moving the choke lever to the FULL CHOKE position. After engine
attempts to start, move the choke lever to the HALF CHOKE position. Once en-
gine starts, move choke lever to the
RUN position.
Operate power equipment only at rea- sonable hours-not early in the morn-
ing or late at night when people might be disturbed. Comply with times listed
in local ordinances. Usual recommen-
dations are 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.,
Monday though Saturday.
To reduce noise levels, limit the num-
ber of pieces of equipment used at
any one time.
To reduce noise levels, operate pow- er blowers at the lowest possible
throttle speed to do the job.
Rear Handle
Use rakes and brooms to loosen debris before blowing.
In dusty conditions, slightly dampen surfaces or use a mister attachment
when water is available.
Conserve water by using power blow- ers instead of hoses for many lawn
and garden applications, including areas such as gutters, screens, patios,
grills, porches, and gardens.
Watch out for children, pets, open windows, or freshly washed cars. Blow debris away safely.
Use the full blower nozzle extension so the air stream can work close to
the ground.
After using blowers and other equip- ment, CLEAN UP! Dispose of debris in trash receptacles.
BJower Vacuum
_,WARNING: Be sure to read the fuel information in the safety rules
before you begin. Ifyou do not understand the safety rules, do not attempt to fuel your unit. Call
1-800-235-5878. FUELING ENGINE
_f_,WARNING: Remove fuel cap slowly when refueling.
This engine is certified to operate on un- leaded gasoline. Before operation, gaso-
line must be mixed with a good quality synthetic 2-cycle air-cooled engine oil. We recommend Craftsman brand syn-
thetic oil. Mix gasoline and oil at a ratio of 40:1. A 40:1 ratio is obtained by mix-
ing 3.2 ounces of oil with 1 gallon of un- leaded gasoline. Included with this
blower is a 3.2 ounce container of oil.
Pour the entire contents of this container
into 1 gallon of gasoline to achieve the proper fuel mixture. DO NOT USEauto-
motive oil or boat oil. These oils will cause engine damage. When mixing
fuel, follow instructions printed on con- tainer. Once oil is added to gasoline,
shake container momentarily to assure
that the fuel is thoroughly mixed. Always
read and follow the safety rules relating
to fuel before fueling your unit.
IMPORTANT Experience indicates that alcohol
blended fuels (called gasohol or using ethanol or methanol) can attract mois-
ture which leads to separation and formation of acids during storage.
Acidic gas can damage the fuel sys- tem of an engine while in storage. To avoid engine problems, empty the
fuel system before storage for 30 days
or longer. Drain the gas tank, start the engine and let it run until the fuel lines
and carburetor are empty. Use fresh
fuel next season.
Never use engine or carburetor clean- er products in the fuel tank or perma- nent damage may occur.
Fuel stabilizer is an acceptable alter- native in minimizing the formation of
fuel gum deposits during storage.
Craftsman brand oil is already blended
with fuel stabilizer. See the STORAGE section for additional information.
NOTE: Unit must be placed on its side
when adding fuel (see illustration below).
To stop the engine, move the throttle lever to the STOP position.
,_ WARNING: You MUST make sure the tubes are secure before using the
Fuel engine. Move at least 10 feet (3 meters) away from the fueling site.
Hold the unit in the starting position as shown. Make sure the blower end
is directed away from people, ani- mals, glass, and solid objects.
41 WARNING: When starting engine, hold the unit as illustrated. Do not set
unit on any surface except a clean, hard area when starting engine or while en-
gine is running. Debris such as gravel, sand, dust, grass, etc. could be picked
up by the air intake and thrown out through the discharge opening, damag-
ing the unit or property, or causing seri- ous injury to bystanders or the operator. STARTING A COLD ENGINE
1. Move the throttle lever to the '_ position.
2. Move the choke lever to the FULL CHOKE position.
3. Slowly press the primer button 8
Throttle Lever Primer Button
Choke Lever
4. Pull starter handle sharply until the engine attempts to run, but no
more than 5 pulls (below 30"F, 8 pulls).
NOTE: If the engine attempts to start before the 5th pull, go to the next step immediately.
5. Move choke lever to HALF CHOKE=
6. Pull the starter handle sharply until the engine runs, but no more than 5 pulls (below 30°F, 10 pulls).
7. After a 5 second warm-up, move the choke lever to the RUN posi-
8. Allow the unit to run for 30 more seconds at RUN before moving the
throttle lever to the _ position.
If the engine has not started after 5 pulls (at HALF CHOKE), repeat the STARTING A COLD ENGINE procedure.
If the engine still does not start, pro- ceed to STARTING A FLOODED ENGINE.
9. To stop the engine, move the throttle lever to the STOP position.
STARTING A WARM ENGINE NOTE: If fuel tank is empty, add fuel;
procedure. Do not fill fuel tank while engine is hot.
1. Move the throttle lever to the '1_ position.
2. Pull the starter handle sharply until the engine starts, but no more than
5 pulls.
NOTE: If the engine has not started, pull starter handle sharply for 5 more
pulls. If engine still does not run, it is probably flooded. Proceed to START-
3. To stop the engine, move the throttle lever to the STOP position.
Flooded engines can be started by plac- ing the choke lever in the RUN position.
Move throttle lever to the fast position
; then, pull rope until engine starts. After engine starts, move the throttle le- ver to the slow position _ to allow en-
gine to idle. Starting could require pulling the starter rope many times depending on how
badly the unit is flooded. If the unit still doesn't start, refer to the
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