Craftsman 358792410 Owner’s Manual

Operator's Manual
Model No.
Parts List
Espar_ol, p. 11
Read and follow all Safety Rules and Operating Instructions before first use of this product.
For answers to your questions about this product:
Call 7 am-7 pm, Mon.-Sat., or 10 am-7 pm, Sun.
1-800-235-5878 (Hours listed are Central Time)
Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 U.S.A.
530086208 9/12/06
Warranty Statement 2 Service & Adjustments 9 Safety Rules 2 Storage 9
Assembly 5 Parts List 10 Operation 6 Spanish 11 Maintenance 8 Parts and Ordering Back Cover
ONE YEAR FULL WARRANTY ON CRAFTSMAN _;CULTIVATOR ATTACHMENT When used and maintained according to the operator's manual, if this product fails due
to a defect in material or workmanship within one year from the date of purchase, return it to any Sears store, Sears Service Center, or other Craftsman outlet in the United States for free repair (or replacement if repair proves impossible).
This warranty excludes expendable parts that can wear out from normal use in less than one year.
This warranty applies for only 30 days from purchase date if this product is used for commercial or rental purposes.
This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.
Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179
_WARNING: When using garden- ing appliances, basic safety precautions
must always be followed to reduce the risk of fire and serious injury. Read and
follow all instructions. Failure to so so can result in serious injury.
This power unit can be dangerous!
This unit can cause serious injury in- cluding amputation or blindness to the
operator and others. Operator is re- sponsible for following instructions and warnings on unit and in manual.
Read entire operator's manual before using unit! Be thoroughly familiar with the controls and the proper use of the
unit. Restrict the use of this unit to persons who have read, understand
and will follow the instructions and warnings on the unit and in the manu-
al. Never allow children to operate this unit.
Rotating tines can cause serious inju- ry. Do not attempt to clear away cut
material or hold material to be cut
when the engine/motor is running.
Make sure powerhead is stopped and
spark plug wire is disconnected (or
powerhead is disconnected from pow-
er source) when removing jammed
material from the tines. Do not grab or hold attachment by the tines.
_L, WARNING: Keep away from ro- tating tines. You and others can be
blinded/injured= Wear eye and leg protection.
/ HazardZone
Keep children, bystanders, and animals 30 feet (10 meters) away. Stop unit im- mediately if approached.
Dress properly. Always wear safety
glasses or similar eye protection when operating, or performing main-
tenance on your unit (safety glasses are available). Eye protection
should be marked Z87.
Always wear face or dust mask ifop-
eration is dusty.
Always wear heavy, long pants, long
sleeves, boots, and gloves.
Always wear foot protection. Do not
go barefoot or wear sandals.
Secure hair above shoulder length.
Secure or remove loose clothing or clothing with loosely hanging ties,
straps, tassels, etc. They can be caught in moving parts.
Being fully covered also helps pro-
tect you from debris and pieces of toxic plants thrown by spinning
Stay alert. Do not operate when you
are tired, ill, upset, or under the influ- ence of alcohol, drugs, or medica-
tion. Watch what you are doing; use common sense.
Wear hearing protection.
Never start or run inside a closed
room or building. Breathing exhaust fumes can kill.
Keep handles free of oil and fuel.
Never operate the cultivator without
the tire cover in place and properly secured.
FUEL SAFETY (for gas powerheads)
Mix and pour fuel outdoors.
Keep away from sparks or flames.
Use a container approved for fuel.
Do not smoke or allow smoking near
fuel or the powerhead.
Avoid spilling fuel or oil. Wipe up all
fuel spills before starting the power- head.
Move at least 10 feet (3 meters)
away from fueling site before start- ing powerhead engine.
Stop engine and allow to cool before
removing fuel cap.
Remove fuel cap slowly.
Store unit and fuel in an area where fuel vapors cannot reach sparks or
open flames from water heaters, electric motors or switches, fur-
Races, etc.
_,WARNING: Avoid a dangerous environment. To reduce the risk of
electrical shock, do not use in rain, in damp or wet locations, or around swimming pools, hot tubs, etc. Do not
expose to snow, rain, or water to avoid the possibility of electrical shock. Do
not handle extension cord plug or unit
with wet hands.
Use only a voltage supply as shown on the nameplate of the unit.
Avoid dangerous situations. Do not use in presence of flammable liquids
or gases to avoid creating a fire or explosion and/or causing damage to
Avoid dangerous environments. Do not use in unventilated areas or
where dust or explosive vapors can build up.
To reduce the risk of electrical shock, use extension cords specifi-
cally marked as suitable for outdoor appliances. The electrical rating of
the cord must not be less than the rating of the unit. The cord must be
marked with the suffix "W-A" (in Can- ada, "W"). Make sure your extension
cord is in good condition. Inspect ex- tension cord before use and replace
if damaged. An undersized exten- sion cord will cause a drop in line
voltage resulting in loss of power and overheating. If in doubt, use the
next heavier gauge. The smaller the gauge number, the heavier the cord.
Do not use multiple cords.
The powerhead may have a polarized plug (one blade is wider than the oth-
er); if so, it will require the use of a po- larized extension cord. The appliance
plug will fit into a polarized extension cord only one way. If the plug does not fit fully into the extension cord, re-
verse the plug. If the plug still does not fit, obtain a correct polarized ex-
tension cord. A polarized extension cord will require the use of a polarized wall outlet. This plug will fit into the po-
larized wall outlet only one way. If plug does not fit fully into the wall out-
let, reverse the plug. If it still does not fit, contact a qualified electrician to
installtheproperwalloutlet.Donot changetheequipmentplug,extension
cordreceptacle,orextensioncord pluginanyway.
Donotattempttorepairunit.In- specttheinsulationandconnectors
onthepowerheadandextension cordbeforeeachuse.Ifthereisany
damage,donotuseuntildamageis repairedbyyourSearsServiceCen- ter.
Donotpullorcarrybycord;donot usecordasahandle,closeadoor
oncord,orpullcordaroundsharp edgesorcorners.Keepcordaway
fromheatedsurfaces.Donotunplug bypullingoncord.Tounplug,grasp
switchdoesnotturntheunitonand offproperly.Havetheunitrepaired
eratorandobstaclesatalltimes.Do notexposecordstoheat,oil,water,
Avoidanybodycontactwithany groundedconductor,suchasmetal
fences,orpipes,toavoidthepossi- bilityofelectricshock.Don'thandle
Donotusewithdamagedcordor plug.Ifpowerheadisnotworkingas itshould,hasbeendropped,dam-
aged,leftoutdoors,ordroppedinto water,returnittoyourSearsService
GroundFaultCircuitInterrupter (GFCI)protectionshouldbepro- videdonthecircuitoroutlettobe
usedforthepowerhead.Recep- taclesareavailablehavingbuilt-in
GFCIprotectionandmaybeused forthismeasureofsafety.
Yourpowerheadshouldbedoublein- sulatedtohelpprotectagainstelectric
shock.Doubleinsulationconstruction consistsoftwoseparate"layers"of
electricalinsulationinsteadofground- ing.Toolsandappliancesbuiltwitha
doubleinsulationsystemarenotin- tendedtobegrounded.Safetypre-
cautionsmustbeobservedwhenop- eratinganyelectricaltool.Thedouble insulationsystemonlyprovidesadded
aninternalelectricalinsulationfailure. _IWARNING:Allrepairstoan
electricpowerhead,includinghousing, switch,motor,etc.,mustbediagnosed
sonnel.Replacementpartsfora doubleinsulatedappliancemustbe
withthewords"doubleinsulation"or "doubleinsulated".Thesymbol[]
(squarewithinasquare)mayalsobe markedontheappliance.Failureto
'_WARNING: Disconnect power-
head spark plug (or disconnect power- head from power source) before per-
forming maintenance.
Inspect entire unit before each use. Replace damaged parts. Check for
fuel leaks. Make sure all fasteners are in place and securely fastened.
Maintain unit according to recom- mended procedures.
Have all maintenance and service not explained in this manual per- formed by a Sears Service Center.
Throw away tines that are bent, warped, cracked, broken, or dam-
aged in any other way. Replace parts that are cracked, chipped, or
damaged before using the unit.
Use only recommended Craftsman parts and accessories. Never use
wire, wire rope, string, flailing de- vices, etc.
Be sure tines stop turning when en- gine idles (see CARBURETOR AD-
JUSTMENTS section of powerhead manual).
Remove the tines before making carburetor adjustments. Hold the
unit by hand.
Keep others away when making car- buretor adjustments.
Never start the unit with the clutch housing removed. The clutch can
fly off and cause serious injury.
Avoid heavy contact with solid ob- jects that might stop the tines. If
heavy contact occurs, stop the unit and inspect for damage.
If tines strike a foreign object, follow these steps: stop unit and discon-
nect spark plug wire (or disconnect from power source), inspect for
damage, and repair any damage be- fore resuming operation of the unit.
Never douse or squirt the attach- ment with water or any other liquid.
Clean unit and decals with a damp sponge (see STORAGE).
WARNING: Inspect tile area to
be cultivated before each use. Remove objects (rocks, vines, branches, broken
glass, nails, wire, string, etc.) which can be thrown by the tines or can wrap
around the shaft.
Hold the unit firmly with both hands.
Keep firm footing and balance. Do not overreach or stand on unstable
Look behind and use care when backing up.
Keep all parts of your body away from the tines and muffler.
Do not force the unit. Use only for jobs explained in this manual. Use
only for cultivating. Do not abuse unit. Do not use in rain or wet loca-
Use only in daylight or good artificial light.
Stop powerhead before leaving work area.
Allow powerhead and gearbox to cool before storing or transporting it
in a vehicle.
Store unit and fuel in area where fuel vapors cannot reach sparks or open flames from water heaters,
electric motors or switches, fur- naces, etc.
Store attachment so tines cannot accidentally cause injury.
Store attachment indoors, out of reach of children.
If situations occur which are not cov- ered in this manual, use care and good judgment. If you need assis-
tance, call 1-800-235-5878. SPECIAL NOTICE: Exposure to
vibrations through prolonged use of gasoline powered hand tools could
cause blood vessel or nerve damage in the fingers, hands, and joints of
people prone to circulation disorders or abnormal swellings. Prolonged use
in cold weather has been linked to blood vessel damage in otherwise
healthy people. If symptoms occur such as numbness, pain, loss of
strength, change in skin color or tex- ture, or loss of feeling in the fingers,
hands, or joints, discontinue the use of this tool and seek medical attention.
An anti-vibration system does not guarantee the avoidance of these
problems. Users who operate power tools on a continual and regular basis must monitor closely their physical condition and the condition of this unit.
CARTON CONTENTS Check carton contents against the fol-
lowing list. Model 358.792410
Cultivator Attachment
Attachment Hanger Examine parts for damage. Do not
use damaged parts.
NOTE: If you need assistance or find parts missing or damaged, call
Your attachment is fully assembled;
no assembly is necessary.
CULTIVATORAq-I-ACHMENT Compare the illustrations with your attachment to familiar- ize yourself with the location of the various controls and adjustments. Save this
manual for future reference.
Hanger j
Tine Cover
Cutting Tines
The CUTTING TINES are designed to loosen soil.
OPERATING THE COUPLER Your powerhead is equipped with a
coupler which enables optional attach- ments to be installed. The optional
attachments are:
Edger ............... 358.792403
Blower .............. 358.792421
Brushcutter .......... 358.792443
Pruner .............. 358.792450
_.WARNING: Always disconnect powerhead spark plug (or disconnect
powerhead from power source) before removing or installing attachments.
CAUTION: When removing or instal- ling attachments, place the power-
head and attachment on a flat surface for stability.
1. Loosen the coupler by turning the
knob counterclockwise.
The TINE COVER provides partial
protection from the rotating tines.
Upper Shaft
2. Press and hold the locking/release button.
Locking/Release Button
3. While securely holding the upper shaft, pull the attachment straight out of the coupler.
Upper Shaft
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