Craftsman 358360880 Owner’s Manual

Instruction Manual
2.6 2-Cycle
Model No.
358.360880 - 18 in. Bar
Parts List
s a0o, '----=
For Occasional Use Only
Read and follow all Safety Rules and Operating
Instructions before first use of this product.
i_ For answers to your questions about this product:
Call 7 am-7 pm, Mon-Sat; Sun, 10 am-7 pm
1-800-235-5878 _.oo_listed are CentraI Time)
Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 U.S.A.
530164096 8/1/03
Warranty 2 Storage 18 Safety Rules 2 Troubleshooting Table 19 Assembly 6 Emissions Statement 20 Operation 7 Parts List 22
Maintenance 13 Spanish 24
Service and Adjustments 17 Parts & Ordering Back Cover
For one year from the date of purchase, when this Craftsman Gas Chain Saw is maintained, lubricated and tuned up according to the instruction manual, Sears will repair, free of charge, any defect in material or workmanship.
This warranty excludes the bar, chain, spark plug and air filter, which are expendable parts, and become worn during normal use.
If this Gas Chain Saw is used for commercial or rental purposes, this warranty applies for 30 days from the date of purchase.
This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. Sears, Roebuck and Co., D/817 WA, Hoffman Estates, IL 60179
WARNING: Always disconnect
spark plug wire when making repairs except for carburetor adjustments. Be-
cause a chain saw is a high-speed woodcutting tool, special precautions
must be observed to reduce risk of ac- cidents. Careless or improper use of
this tool can cause serious injury.
PLAN AHEAD , Restrict the use of your sawto adult
users who understand and can fol- low the safety rules, precautions, and operating instructions found in
this manual.
Hearing ,_- Safety Hat
Protection-_. _ Eye
Snug _'_i I, wl_--_ Protection Fi_toitl.gl__ _ H_aVYsDuty
Safety 4 _ _J_ _l_/
Shoes _,_U----_"_"J j Safety Chaps
Wear protective gear. Always use
steel-toed safety footwear with non-slip soles; snug-fitting clothing; heavy-duty,
non-slip gloves; eye protection such as non-fogging, vented goggles or
face screen; an approved safety hard
hat; and sound barriers (ear plugs or mufflers) to protect your hearing. Reg-
ular users should have hearing checked regularly as chain saw noise
can damage hearing.
Secure hair above shoulder length. Do not wear loose clothing or jewelry; they
can get caught in moving parts.
Keep all parts of your body away
from the chain when the engine is
Keep children, bystanders, and ani- mals at least 30 feet (10 meters)
away from the work area when start- ing and using the saw.
Do not handle or operate a chain saw
when you are fatigued, ill, or upset, or
if you have taken alcohol, drugs, or medication. You must be in good
physical condition and mentally alert. If
you have any condition that might be
aggravated by strenuous work, check
with doctor before operating.
Do not start cutting until you have a clear work area, secure footing, and especially if you are felling a tree, a
retreat path.
Do not operate with one hand. Seri- ous injury to the operator, helpers, or
bystanders may result from one- handed operation. A chain saw is in-
tended for two-handed use.
. Operate the chain saw only in a well-
ventilated outdoor area.
. Do not operate saw from a ladder or
in a tree.
. Make sure the chain will not make
contact with any object while starting the engine. Never try to start the saw when the guide bar is in a cut.
. Do not put pressure on the saw, es-
pecially at the end of the cut. Doing
so can cause you to lose control when the cut is completed.
. Stop engine before setting saw down. . Hand carry saw only when engine is
stopped. Carry with muffler away from body; guide bar & chain project-
ing behind you; guide bar preferably
covered with a scabbard.
. Do not operate a chain saw that is
damaged, improperly adjusted, or not
completely and securely assembled. Always replace bar, chain, hand
guard, chain brake, or other parts im-
mediately if they become damaged,
broken, or are otherwise removed.
Have all chain saw service per- formed by a qualified service dealer
except the items listed in the MAiNTE- NANCE section of this manual.
Make certain the saw chain stops
moving when the throttle trigger is released. For correction, refer to CARBURETOR ADJUSTMENTS.
Keep the handles dry, clean, and free from oil or fuel mixture.
Keep caps and fasteners securely tightened.
Nonconforming replacement compo-
nents or the removal of safety devices may cause damage to the unit and
possibleinjury to the operator or by- standers. Use only Craftsman acces- sories and replacement parts as rec-
ommended. Never modify your saw.
Maintain chain saw with care.
Keep unit sharp and clean for better
and safer performance.
Follow instructions for lubricating and
changing accessories.
Check for damaged parts. Before fur- ther use of the chain saw, a guard or
other partthat is damaged should be
carefully checked to determine that it
will operate properly and perform its
intended function. Check for alignment
of moving parts, binding of moving
parts, breakage of parts, mounting and any other conditions that may affect its
operation. A guard or other part that is
damaged should be properly repaired
or replaced by a Sears Service Center
unless otherwise indicated elsewhere in the instruction manual.
When not in use, chain saws should
be stored in a dry, high or locked-up place out of the reach of children.
When storing saw, use a scabbard or
carrying case.
Do not smoke while handling fuel or while operating the saw.
Eliminate all sources of sparks or flame in areas where fuel is mixed or
Mix and pour fuel in an outdoor area
and use an approved, marked con-
tainer for all fuel purposes. Wipe up
all fuel spills before starting saw.
Move at least 10 feet (3 meters) from fueling site before starting.
Turn the engine off and let saw cool
in a non-combustible area, not on dry leaves, straw, paper, etc. Slowly
remove fuel cap and refuel unit.
Store the unit and fuel in a cool, dry well ventilated space where fuel va-
pors cannot reach sparks or open
flames from water heaters, electric
motors or switches, furnaces, etc.
GUARD AGAINST KICKBACK Follow all safety rules to help avoid
kickback and other forces which can result in serious injury.
kback Path
_ Avoid Obstructions
Clear The Working Area
is the backward, upward or sudden for-
ward motion of the guide bar occurring when the saw chain near the upper tip
of the guide bar contacts any object such as a log or branch, or when the
wood closes in and pinches the saw chain in the cut. Contacting a foreign
object in the wood can also result in loss of chain saw control.
Rotational Kickback can occur when the moving chain contacts an object at the upper tip of the guide
bar. This contact can cause the chain to dig into the object, which
stops the chain for an instant. The result is a lightning fast, reverse
reaction which kicks the guide bar up and back toward the operator.
Pinch-Kickback can occur when the the wood closes in and pinches the
moving saw chain in the cut along
the top of the guide bar and the saw
chain is suddenly stopped. This sud- den stopping of the chain results in a
reversal of the chain force used to cut wood and causes the saw to move in the opposite direction of the
chain rotation. The saw is driven straight back toward the operator.
Pull4n can occur when the moving
chain contacts a foreign object in the
wood in the cut along the bottom of the guide bar and the saw chain is
suddenly stopped. This sudden stop- ping pulls the saw forward and away
from the operator and could easily
cause the operator to lose control of
the saw.
Recognize that kickback can happen. With a basic understanding of kick-
back, you can reduce the element of surprise which contributes to acci-
Never let the moving chain contact
any object at the tip of the guide bar.
Keep working area free from obstruc- tions such as other trees, branches,
rocks, fences, stumps, etc. Eliminate
or avoid any obstruction that your saw
chain could hit while cutting.
When cutting a branch, do not let the guide bar contact another branch or other objects around it.
Keep saw chain sharp and properly tensioned. A loose or dull chain can
increase the chance of kickback. Fol- low manufacturer's chain sharpening
and maintenance instructions. Check
tension at regular intervals, but never with engine running. Make sure chain
brake nuts are securely tightened.
Begin and continue cutting at full
speed, ifthe chain is moving at a slower speed, there is greater chance
of kickback occurring.
Use extreme caution when reentering
a cut.
Do not attempt cuts starting with the
tip of the bar (plunge cuts). Watch for shifting logs or other forces
that could close a cut and pinch or fall
into chain.
Use the specified Reduced-Kickback
Guide Bar and Low-Kickback Chain.
Avoid Pinch-Kickback:
Be extremely aware of situations or obstructions that can cause material
to pinch the top of or otherwise stop the chain.
Do not cut more than one log at a time.
Do not twist saw as bar is withdrawn from an undercut when bucking.
Avoid Pull-In:
Always begin cutting with the engine
at full speed and the saw housing against wood.
Use wedges made of plastic or wood.
Never use metal to holdthe cut open.
Stand to the left of the saw
Thumb on _!.___
-_ t" Elbow
Never reversehand _ositions
A good, firm grip on the saw with both
hands will help you maintain control. Don't let go. Grip the rear handle with
your right hand whether you are right or left handed. Wrap the fingers of
your left hand over and around the front handlebar, and your left thumb
under the front handlebar. Keep your left arm straight with the elbow locked,
Positionyourlefthandonthefront handlebarsoitisinastraightlinewith
yourrighthandontherearhandle whenmakingbuckingcuts.Stand
slightlytotheleftsideofthesawto keepyourbodyfrombeinginadirect linewiththecuttingchain.
Standwithyourweightevenlybal- ancedonbothfeet.
or thrown off balance and lose control.
Do not cut above shoulder height. It is difficult to maintain control of saw
above shoulder height.
WARNING: The following features
are included on your saw to help reduce hazard of kickback; however, such fea-
tures will not totally eliminate this danger.
Do not rely only on safety devices. Fol-
low all safety rules to help avoid kick- back and other forces which can result
_nsenous _njury,
Front Hand Guard: designed to reduce
the chance of your left hand contact-
ing the chain if your hand slips off the
front handlebar.
Position of front and rear handlebars: designed with distance between han-
dles and "in-line" with each other. The spread and "in-line" position of the
hands provided by this design work
together to give balance and resis- tance in controllingthe pivot of the
saw back toward the operator if kick- back occurs.
Reduced-Kickback Guide Bar: de- signed with a small radius tip which
reduces the size of the kickback dan-
ger zone on the bar tip. This type bar
has been demonstrated to significantly reduce the number and seriousness of
kickbacks when tested in accordance
with ANSI B175.1.
Tip Gude Bar L
Low-Kickback Chain: has met kick- back performance requirements when
tested on a representative sample of
chain saws below 3.8 cubic inch dis- placement specified in ANSI B175.1.
Low-Kickback Chain
Chain Brake: designed to stop the chain in the event of kickback,
PROTECT YOU IN THE EVENT OF A KICKBACK. Kickback is a lightning fast
action which throws the bar and rotat- ing chain back and up toward the op- erator. Kickback can be caused by al-
lowing contact of the bar tip in the danger zone with any hard object.
Kickback can also be caused by pinching the saw chain along the top
of the guide bar. This action may push the guide bar rapidly back toward the
operator. Either of these events may
cause you to lose control of the saw
which could result in serious injury or
bars and low-kickback saw chains re- duce the chance and magnitude of
kickback and are recommended. Your saw has a low kickback chain and bar as original equipment. Repairs on a chain brake should be made by an au-
tborized Sears Service Center. Take your unit to the place of purchase or to
your nearest Sears Service Center.
Tip contact in some cases may cause
a lightning fast reverse REACTION, kicking guide bar up and back toward
Pinching the saw chain along the top
of the guide bar may push the guide
bar rapidly back toward the operator.
Either of these reactions may cause
you to lose control of the saw which
could result in serious injury. Do not rely exclusively upon safety devices
built into your saw.
Contoured Depth Gauge
deflects kickback force and allows
__ longated Guard Link
wood to gradually ride into Cutter
SAFETY NOTICE: Exposure to vibra- tions through prolongeduse of gasoline powered hand tools could cause blood vessel or nerve damage in the fingers, hands, and joints of people prone to
circulation disorders or abnormal swell- ing. Prolonged use in cold weather has
been linked to blood vessel damage in otherwise healthy people. If symptoms occur such as numbness, pain, loss of strength, change in skin color or texture, or lossof feeling in the fingers, hands, or joints, discontinue the use of this tool
and seek medical attention. An anti-vi- bration system does not guarantee the
avoidance of these problems. Users who operate power tools on a continual and regular basis must closely monitor their physical condition and the condition
of this tool. CHAIN BRAKE: If this saw is to be
used for commercial logging, a chain brake is required and shall not be re-
moved or otherwise disabled to comply with Federal OSHA Regulations for
Commercial Logging.
SPARK ARRESTING SCREEN: Your saw is equipped with a temperature lim-
iting muffler and spark arresting screen
which meets the requirements of Califor-
nia Codes 4442 and 4443. All U.S. for- est land and the states of California, Ida- ho, Maine, Minnesota. New Jersey. Oregon, and Washington require by law
that many internal combustion engines
be equipped with a spark arresting screen. If you operate a chain saw in a
state or locale where such regulations exist, you are legally responsible for
maintaining the operating condition of
these parts. Failure to do so is a viola- tion of the law. Refer to Customer Re-
sponsibilities chart in the MAINTENANCE section.
STANDARDS: This chain saw is listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. in ac-
cordance with American National Stan- dards for Gasoline-Powered Chain Saws Safety Requirements (ANSI
WARNING: Before using chain saw. ensure all fasteners are secure. CARTON CONTENTS Check carton contents against the fol- lowing list.
Model 358.360880
Chain saw (fully assembled) Chain adjustmenttool (Bar tool)
2-cycle engine oil
Carrying case Extra chain Gloves
Log carrier Hearing protection Bar and chain lube
Examine parts for damage. Do not use
damaged parts.
If you need assistance or find that parts are missing or damaged, please call 1-800-235-5878.
NOTE: It is normal to hear the fuel filter rattle in an empty fuel tank.
Your unit has been factory tested and the carburetor precisely adjusted. As a
result you may smell gasoline or find a drop of oil/fuel residue on the muffler
when you unpack the unit.
Your saw isfully assembled; no
assembly is necessary.
READ THiS INSTRUCTION MANUAL AND SAFETY RULES BEFORE OPERATING YOUR CHAIN SAW. Compare the illustrations with your unit to familiarize yourself with
the location of the various controls and ad ustments. Save this manual for future reference.
Chain Front Hand Guard"_ I-_ t"_,z / Front Handle
Adjustment Tool I II I I_- _
(BarTool) I'_ I I\ _ / _tarterKope
_j) _- kkl I _ / ON/STOP
Chain Muffler IIJ.--lb,,t
Bar Oil Fill Cap Housing Fuel Mix Fill Cap
Cylinder Cover
Fast Idle
Adjusting Chain
of Travel
Throttle Choke Trigger Knob Chain Chain Nuts
The THROTTLE TRIGGERcontrols engine speed.
THROTTLE LOCKOUT The THROTTLE LOCKOUTmust be pressed before you can squeeze the throttle trigger. This feature prevents you from accidentally squeezing the trigger.
The FAST IDLELOCK holds the throttle trigger in the starting position. Activate
the fast idle lock by pressing the throttle lockout and squeezing the throttle trig- ger. With the throttle trigger squeezed,
press the fast idle lock. Release the throttle lockout and trigger while holding the fast idle lock button.
Brake Catcher
Sprocket Hole
The CHOKE KNOB activates the choke to
provide additional fuel to the engine dur- ing cold starting.
The PRIMER BULBcirculatesfuel to the
carburetorto provide quicker starting. CHAIN BRAKE
The CHAINBRAKE is a device designed to stop the chain if kickback occurs. The chain brake activates automatically
in the event of kickback, The chain brake activates manually if the front
hand guard is pushed forward, The chain brake is disengaged by pulling the
front hand guard back toward the front
handle as far as possible, CHAIN TENSION
It is normal for a new chain to stretch during first 15 minutes ofoperation. You
should check your chain tension fre- quently. See CHAINTENSION under the
Ira.WARNING:Muffler is very hot
during and after use. Do not touch the muffler or allow combustible material
such as dry grass or fuel to do so.
_WARNING: Be sure to read the fuel handling information in the safety
rules section of this manual before you begin. If you do not understand the
fuel handling information do not at- tempt to fuel your unit. Seek help from
someone that does understand the in- formation or call the customer assis- tance help line at 1-800-235-5878. GUIDE BAR AND CHAIN OIL The bar and chain require lubrication. The chain oiler provides continuous lu-
brication to the chain and guide bar. Be sure to fill the bar oil tank when you fill
the fuel tank (Capacity = 6.8 fl. oz.).
Lack of oil will quickly ruin the bar and
chain. Too little oil will cause overheat- ing shown by smoke coming from the
chain aod/or discoloration of the bar.
For maximum guide bar and chain life,
we recommend you use Craftsman chain saw bar oil. If Craftsman bar oil is
not available, you may use a good grade SAE 30 oil until you are able to obtain Craftsman brand. The oil output is
automatically metered during operation. Your saw will use approximately one tank of bar oil for every tank of fuel mix.
Always fill the bar oil tank when you fill the fuel tank.
_WARNING: Remove fuel cap slowly when refueling.
This engine is certified to operate on unleaded gasoline. Before operation,
gasoline must be mixed with a good quality synthetic 2-cycle air-cooled en- gine oil. We recommend Craftsman
brand synthetic oil. Mix gasoline and oil at a ratio of 40:1. A 40:1 ratio is ob-
tained by mixing 3.2 ounces of oil with
1 gallon of unleaded gasoline. In-
cluded with this saw is a 3.2 ounce container of Craftsman brand synthetic
oil. Pour the entire contents of this con- tainer into 1 gallon of gasoline to
achieve the proper fuel mixture. DO NOT USE automotive oil or boat oil.
These oils will cause engine damage. When mixing fuel, follow instructions
printed on the oil container.
Once oil is added to the gasoline, shake container momentarily to assure
that the fuel is thoroughly mixed. Al- ways read and follow the safety rules
relating to fuel before fueling your unit. IMPORTANT
Experience indicates that alcohol blended fuels (called gasohol or using
ethanol or methanol) can attract mois- ture which leads to separation and formation of acids during storage. Acidic
gas can damage the fuel system of an
engine while in storage. Toavoid engine
problems, the fuel system should be
emptied before storage for 30 days or
longer. Drain the gas tank, start the en- gine and let it run until the fuel lines and
carburetor are empty. Use fresh fuel
next season. See STORAGE instructions for additional information.
Never use engine or carburetor clean-
er products in the fuel tank or perma-
nent damage may occur.
See the STORAGE section for addition-
al information.
Ensure chain brake is disengaged by
pulling the front hand guard back to- ward the front handle as far as pos-
sible. The chain brake must be disen- gaged before cutting with the saw.
_WARNING: The chain must not
move when the engine runs at idle
speed. If the chain moves at idle
speed, refer to CARBURETOR ADJUST-
MENT within this manual. Avoid con- tact with the muffler. A hot muffler can
cause serious burns.
, Move ON/STOP switch to the STOP
* To start the engine, hold the saw
firmly on the ground as illustrated.
Make sure the chain is free to turn
without contacting any object.
Starter Rope Handle
Foot Throu h RearHandle
When pulling the starter rope, do not
use the full extent of the rope as this can cause the rope to break. Do not let starter rope snap back. Hold the
handle and let the rope rewind slowly. NOTE: DONOT attempt to cut material
with the fast idle lock button in the locked position,
STARTING A COLD ENGINE (or a warm engine after running out of
1, Move ON/STOP switch to ON posi-
2, Pull choke knob out to the full ex-
3, Slowly press the primer bulb 6
Primer Bulb _,,,:j
Switch, _S/_
CHOKE POSITIONS Choke _--_ _'t
Kn°bl OLJ
4, Squeeze and hold throttle trigger,
With thumb press fast idle lock
down; then release throttle trigger.
5, Sharply pull the starter rope handle
5 times with your right hand. Then. proceed to the next step.
NOTE: If the engine sounds as if it is trying to start before the 5th pull, stop
pulling and immediately proceed to the next step. 6, Fully push in choke knob (to the
OFF position); pull the starter rope until the engine starts.
7. Allow the engine to run for approxi- mately 5 seconds. Then, squeeze and release the throttle trigger to allow engine to return to idle speed.
1, Fully push in choke knob (to the
OFF position).
2, Move ON/STOP switch to ON posi-
3, Slowly press primer bulb 6 times, 4, Squeeze and hold throttle trigger,
With thumb press fast idle lock
down; then release throttle trigger.
5, Sharply pull starter rope with your
right hand until the engine starts.
6. Squeeze and release the throttle
trigger to return engine to idle speed.
flooded engine) The engine may be flooded if it has not
started after 10 pulls, Flooded engines can be cleared of ex-
cessfuel by followingthe warm engine starting procedurelisted above, insure
the ON/STOPswitch is in the ON position,
Starting could require many pulls de- pending on how badly unit is flooded,
If engine still fails to start, refer to the
1-800-235-5878, CHAIN BRAKE
WARNING: If the brake band is
worn too thin it may break when the
chain brake is triggered. With a broken brake band, the chain brake will not stop
the chain. The chain brake must be re-
placed if any part isworn to less than
0.020 inch (0.5 ram) thick. Repairs on a chain brake should be made by your
Sears Service Center. Take your unit to
the place of purchase or to the nearest
Sears Service Center.
This saw is equipped with a chain brake. The brake is designed to stop
the chain if kickback occurs.
The inertia-activated chain brake is activated if the front hand guard is
pushed forward, either manually (by hand) or automatically (by sudden
If the brake is already activated, it is disengaged by pulling the front hand
guard back toward the front handle
as far as possible.
When cutting with the saw, the chain brake must be disengaged.
Braking function control CAUTION: The chain brake must be
checked several times daily, The engine must be running when performing this
procedure, This is the only instance
when the saw should be placed on the
ground with the engine running,
Place the saw on firm ground, Grip the rear handle with your right hand and
the front handle with your left hand, Apply full throttle by fully depressing the throttle trigger, Activate the chain
brake by turning your left wrist against
the hand guard without releasing your grip around the front handle. The chain
should stop immediately. Inertia activating function control
_WARNING: When performing the following procedure, the engine must
be turned off. Grip the rear handle with your right hand
and the front handle with your left hand.
Hold the chain saw approximately 14"
(35 cm) above a stump or other wooden surface. Release your grip on the front handle and let the tip of the guide bar
fall forward and contact the stump. When the tip of the bar hits the stump. the brake should activate.
Check chain tension before first use and after 1 minute of operation. See
Cut wood only. Do not cut metal, plastics, masonry, non-wood building materials, etc.
Stop the saw if the chain strikes a
foreign object. Inspect the saw and
repair parts as necessary.
Keep the chain out of dirt and sand. Even a small amount of dirt will
quickly dull a chain and increase the possibility of kickback.
Practice cutting a few small logs us- ing the following steps. This will help
you get the "feel" of using your saw
before you begin a major sawing op- eration.
Squeeze the throttle trigger and al-
low the engine to reach full speed before cutting.
Begin cutting with the saw frame
against the log.
Keep the engine at full speed the
entire time you are cutting.
Allow the chain to cut for you. Exert
only light downward pressure.
Release the throttle trigger as soon
as the cut is completed, allowing
the engine to idle. If you run the
saw at full throttle without a cutting load, unnecessary wear can occur
to the chain, bar and engine. It is
recommended that the engine not be operated for longer than
30 seconds at full throttle.
To avoid losing control when cut is
complete, do not put pressure on saw at end of cut.
Stop engine before setting saw down.
dead branches which can fall while cutting causing serious injury. Do not
cut near buildings or electrical wires if
you do not know the direction of tree fall, nor cut at night since you will not
be able to see well, nor during bad
weather such as rain, snow, or strong winds, etc. If the tree does make con-
tact with any utility line, the utility com-
pany should be notified immediately.
Carefully plan your sawing operation in advance.
Clear the work area. You need a clear area all around the tree so you can have secure footing.
The chain saw operator should keep
on the uphill side of the terrain as the tree is likely to roll or slide downhill
after it is felled.
Study the natural conditions that can cause the tree to fall in a particular
direction. These conditions include:
The wind direction and speed.
The lean of the tree. The lean of a
tree might not be apparent due to uneven or sloping terrain. Use a
plumb or level to determine the di- rection of tree lean.
Weight and branches on one side.
Surrounding trees and obstacles.
Look for decay and rot. If the trunk is rotted, itcan snap and fall toward the
Make sure there is enough room for
the tree to fall. Maintain a distance of
2-1/2 tree lengths from the nearest person or other objects. Engine
noise can drown out a warning call.
Remove dirt, stones, loose bark, nails, staples, and wire from the tree
where cuts are to be made.
Plan a clear retreat path
;_.... O"_ - Direction of fall
(6 inches in diameter or larger)
The notch method is used to fell large trees. A notch is cut on the side of the
tree in the desired direction of fall After
a felling cut is made on the opposite
sideoftree,thetreewilltendtofallin thedirectionofthenotch.
NOTE:Iftreehaslargebuttressroots, removethembeforemakingthenotch.
Ifusingsawtoremovebuttressroots, keepsawchainfromcontacting groundtopreventdullingofthechain.
Make notch cut by cutting the top of
the notch first. Cut through 1!3of the
diameter of the tree. Next complete
the notch by cutting the bottom. See
illustration. Once the notch is cut, re- move the wedge of wood from tree.
Felling cut here
Firstcut._[ _.._="l_e-
Notch-_._.___ .__. ,'_'_,'i-4
Secor_; / \ _ge
After removing the wood from the
notch, make the felling cut on the op- posite side of the notch. This is done
by making a cut about two inches higher than the center of the notch.
This will leave enough uncut wood
between the felling cut and the notch
to form a hinge. This hinge will help
prevent the tree from falling in the
wrong direction.
Hinge holds tree on stump and helps control fall
Opening of felling cut
NOTE: Before felling cut is complete, use wedges to open the cut when necessary to control the direction of
fall. To avoid kickback and chain damage, use wood or plastic wedges,
but never steel or iron wedges.
Be alert to signs that the tree is
ready to fall: cracking sounds, widen- ing of the felling cut, or movement in
the upper branches.
As tree starts to fall, stop saw, put it
down, and get away quickly on your planned retreat path.
DO NOT use your saw to cut down a
partially fallen tree. Be extremely cautious with partially fallen trees
that may be poorly supported. When
a tree doesn't fall completely, set the saw aside and pull down the tree
with a cable winch, block and tackle, or tractor.
Bucking is the term used for cutting a
fallen tree to the desired log size. _WARNING: Do not stand on the
log being cut. Any portion can roll causing loss of footing and control. Do
not stand downhill of the log being cut. IMPORTANT POINTS
Cut only one log at a time.
Cut shattered wood very carefully; sharp pieces of wood could be flung
toward operator.
Use a sawhorse to cut small logs. Never allow another person to hold
the log while cutting and never hold the log with your leg or foot.
Do not cut in an area where logs, limbs, and roots are tangled. Drag logs
into a clear area before cutting them by pulling out exposed and cleared
4re.WARNING: If saw becomes
pinched or hung in a log, don't try to
force itout. You can lose control of the
saw resulting in injury and/or damage
to the saw. Stop the saw, drive a wedge of plastic or wood into the cut
until the saw can be removed easily. Re- start saw and carefully reenter the cut.
Do not use a metal wedge. Do not at-
tempt to restart your saw when itis
pinched or hung in a log.
Use a wedge to remove pinched saw
Turn saw OFF and use a plastic or wooden wedge to force cut open.
Overcutting begins on the top side of
the log with the bottom of the saw
against the log. When overcutting use light downward pressure. L_j_i
Undercutting involves cutting on the underside of the log with top of saw
against the log. When undercutting use light upward pressure. Hold saw firmly and maintain control. The saw
will tend to push back toward you. _,WARNING, Never turn saw up-
side down to undercut. The saw can- not be controlled in this position.
Always make your first cut on the com- pression side of the log. The compres-
sion side of the log is where the pres- sure of the log's weight is
First cut on com_pressionside of log
Second cut
First cut on compression side of log
Overcut through 1/3of the diameter of the log.
Roll the log over and finish with a second overcut.
Watch for logs with a compression side to prevent the saw from pinch-
ing. See illustration above for cut- ting logs with a compression side.
Remember your first cut is always on the compression side of the log. (Re-
fer to the illustration betow for your first and second cut).
Your first cut should extend 1/3of the diameter of the log.
Finish with your second cut.
Using a log for support
2nd Cut -_
'% . 1stCut
,_.._ st Cut
Using a support stand
1st Cut
2 nd Cut __
_,WARNING: Be alert for and guard
against kickback. Do not allowthe mov- ing chain to contact any other branches or objects at the nose of the guide bar
when limbing or pruning. Allowing such contact can result in serious injury.
_,WARNING: Never climb into a tree to limb or prune. Do not stand on
ladders, p_atforms, a log, or in any po- sition which can cause you to lose
your balance or control of the saw. IMPORTANT POINTS
Watch out for springpoles. Springpoles are small size limbs which can whip toward you, or pull
you off balance. Use extreme cau- tion when cutting small size limbs.
Be alert for springback from any branches that are bent or under
pressure. Avoid being struck by the branch or the saw when the tension in the wood fibers is released.
° Frequently clear branches out of the
way to avoid tripping over them.
Limb a tree only after it is cut down.
Leave the larger limbs underneath the felled tree to support the tree as
you work.
Start at the base of the felled tree and work toward the top, cutting
branches and limbs. Remove small limbs with one cut.
Keepthetreebetweenyouandthe chain.
Removelargerbrancheswiththe cuttingtechniquesdescribedin
Alwaysusean overcut to cut small
and freely hanging limbs. Undercut-
ting could cause limbs to fall and
pinch the saw.
_WARNING: Limit pruning to limbs shoulder height or below. Do not cut if
branches are higher than your shoul- der. Get a professional to do the job.
Make your first cut 1/3of the way
through the bottom of the limb. This
cut will make the limb sag so that it
falls easily on the second cut.
CUSTOMER RESPONSIBILITIES _WARNING: Disconnect the spark plug before performing maintenance
except for carburetor adjustments,
Fill in dates as you complete Before After Every Every Service
regular service Use Use 5 hrs. 25 hrs. Yearly Dates Check for damaged/worn parts _' Check for loose fasteners/parts _'
Check chain tension _'
Check chain sharpness ,_" Check guide bar ,_" Check fuel mixture level ,_"
Check guide bar and chain oil ,_"
inspect and clean unit & decals ,_"
Check chain brake ,_"
Clean guide bar groove _'
Clean air filter ,_"
Clean/inspect muffler and spark arresting screen _"
Replace spark plug and fuel filter ,_"
Next make the second cut an over- cut all the way through the limb.
Finish the pruning operation by using an overcut so that the stump of the
limb protrudes 1to 2 inches from the
trunk of the tree.
SeC_d cut
irst cut
1/3of way
Third cut 1 to 2 inches from trunk of tree
GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS The warranty on this unit does not cov- er items that have been subjected to operator abuse or negligence. To re-
ceive full value from the warranty, the operator must maintain unit as instruct-
ed in this manual. Various adjustments will need to be made periodically to
properly maintain your unit.
Once a year, replace the spark plug, air filter element, and check guide bar and chain for wear. A new spark plug
and air filter element assures proper air-fuel mixture and helps your engine
run better and last longer.
Contact Sears Service Center for re-
placement of damaged or worn parts. NOTE: It is normal for a small amount
of oil to appear under the saw after en- gine stops, Do not confuse this with a leaking oil tank.
ON/STOP Switch - Ensure ON/STOP switch functions properly by moving
the switch to the STOP position.
Make sure engine stops; then restart engine and continue.
Fuel Tank - Do not use saw if fuel tank shows signs of damage or
Oil Tank - Do not use saw if oil tank shows signs of damage or leaks.
Chain Brake Nuts
Chain Muffler
Cylinder Shield
Air Filter
Handle Screws
Vibration Mounts
Starter Housing Front Hand Guard
WARNING: Wear protective
gloves when handling chain. The chain is sharp and can cut you even
when it is not moving, Chain tension is very important,
Chains stretch during use. This is es- pecially true during the first few times
you useyour saw, Always check chain tension each time you use and
refuel your saw,
1, Use the screwdriver end of the
chain adJustment tool (bar tool) to move chain around guide bar to
ensure kinks do not exist. The chain should rotate freely.
_ I ChainAdjusbnont v"_l" ,='_'" Adjusting Tool
u_s Screw" (Bar T_._I)
2, Loosen chain brake nuts until they
are finger tight against the chain brake,
3, Turn adjusting screw clockwise un-
til chain solidly contacts bottom of guide bar rail.
4. Using bar tool, roll chain around gbuidebarto erasure all links are in
ar groove.
5. Lift up tip of guide bar to check for sag. Release tip of guide bar, then turn adjusting screw until sag does
not exist.
6. While lifting tip of guide bar, tighten chain brake nuts securely with the
bar tool.
/ZL/) Ohm,,,Br, A /-.
I_F-_#" Nuts _ ..,4:
7, Use the screwdriver end of timebar
tool to move chain around guide bar,
8, If chain does not rotate, it is too
tight, Slightly loosen chain brake nuts and loosen chain by turning
the adjusting screw counterclock- wise. Retighten chain brake nuts,
g, If chain istoo loose, it will sag be-
Iow the guide bar. DONOT operate the saw if the chain is loose.
41WARNING: If the saw is operated with a loose chain, the chain could jump off the guide bar and result in se-
rious injury.
A sharp chain makes wood chips, A
dull chain makes a sawdust powder and cuts slowly. See CHAIN SHARP-
Conditions which require guide bar maintenance:
Saw cuts to one side or at an angle.
Saw has to be forced through the cut,
Inadequate supply of oil to barlchain.
Check the condition of guide bar each
time chain is sharpened. A worn guide
bar will damage the chain and make cutting difficult.
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