Craftsman 358352162, 358352160 Owner’s Manual

Operator's Manual
2.2 cu. in./36cc 2-Cycle
Model No.
358.352162 - 16 in. Bar
Read and follow all Safety Rules and Operating
Instructions before first use of this product.
For answers to your questions about this product:
Call 7 am-7 pm, Mon.-Sat., or 10 am-7 pm, Sun.
[] 1-800"235"5878 _.o_.,_°do,o_°_,_m°)
Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffrnan Estates, IL 60179 USA
530087304 01/13/98
Warranty 2 Storage 16 SafetyRules 2 TroubleShootingChart 17
Assembly 5 PartsList 19 Operation 6 Spanish 22 Maintenance 11 Parts& Ordering Back ServiceandAdjustments 14
For one year from the date of purchase, when this Craftsman Gas Chain Saw is
maintained, lubricatedand tuned up according to the owner's manual, Sears will repair, free ofcharge, any defect in material or workmanship.
This warranty excludes the bar, chain, spark piug and air filter, which are
expendable parts, and become worn during normal use. if this Gas Chain Saw is used for commercial or rental purposes, this warranty
applies for 30 days from the date of purchase. WARRANTY SERVICE IS AVAILABLE BY RETURNING THIS CHAIN SAW TO
THE NEAREST SEARS SERVICE CENTER IN THE UNITED STATES. This warranty gives you specific legal rights,and you may also have other rights
which vary from state to state. Sears_ Roebuck and Co., D/817 WA, Hoffman Estates, tL 60179
WARNING: Always disconnect spark plug wire when making _epairs except
for carburetor adjustments. Because a Chainsaw isa high-speed woodcutting
tool, careless or improper use ofthis
tool can cause serious injury. PLAN AHEAD
Restrict the use of your saw to adult
users who understand and can follow the safety rules, precautions, and op-
ereting instructionsfound in this
Hearing _ _ SafetyHat
Protection_ mh'--. Eye
Snug _...=_ Firing -_--_ HeavyDuty
C_othing#hF_r_l_T _/" Gloves
. sS_..,_ _._ SafetyChaps
Wear protective gear. Always use
steal-toed safety footwear with non- slip soles; snug-fittingclothing; heavy-
t_r"-- Protection
duty, non-slip gloves; eye protection such as non-fogging, vented goggles or face screen; an approved safety
hard hat; and sound barriers (ear plugs or mufflers) toprotect your
headng. Regutar users should have hearing checked regularly as chain
saw noise can damage hearing. Se- cure hair above shqulder length.
Keep all pads of your body away from
the chain when the engine is running.
Keep chitdren, bystanders, and ahi-
mais at least 30 feet (10 meters) away from the work area when start-
ing and using the saw.
Do not handle or operate a chain saw when you are fatigued, ill, or upset, or
if you have taken alcohol, drugs, or medication. Youmust be in good
physical condition and mentalJy alert, If you have any condition that might
be aggravated by strenuous work, check with doctor before operating.
Do not start cutting until you have a
clear work area, secure footing, and
especially _fyou are felling a tree, a retreat path.
Do not operate with one hand. Sed- ous injuryto the operator, helpers, or
bystanders may resuff from one- handed operation. A chain saw is in-
tended for two-handed use.
Operate the chain saw only in a well-
ventilated outdoorarea.
Do not operate saw from a ladder or in a tree, unless you are specifically
trained to do so.
Make sure the chain will not make
contact with any object while starting the engine. Never try to startthe saw
when the guide bar isin a cut.
Do not put pressure on the saw, es-
pecially at the end of the cut. Doing
so can cause you to lose control
when the cut is completed.
Stop engine before settingsaw down.
Hand carry saw only when engine is
stopped. Carry with muffler away from body; guide bar & chain projecting be- hind you; guide bar preferably cov-
ered with a scabbard.
Haveall chainsawserviceperformed
bya qualifiedservicedealerexcept theitemslistedinthe maintenance
movingwhenthe throttletriggeris re* leased.For correction,referto =Car-
Keepthe handlesdry,clean,andfree from oilorfuel mixture.
Keep capsandfasteners securely
replacementpartsas recommended. Nevermodify yoursaw.
Do not smoke while handling fuel or while operating the saw.
Eliminate all sources ofspanksorflame
in areas where fuel ismixed or poured.
Mix and pour fuel in an outdoor area
and use an approved, marked con- tainer for all fuel purposes. Wipe up
all fuel spills before starting saw.
Move at least 10 feet (3 meters) from fueling site before starting.
Turn the engine off and let saw cool in
a non-combustible area, not on dry leaves_straw, paper, etc. Slowly re-
move fuel cap and refuel unit.
Store the unitand fuel in a coot, dry
well ventilated space where fuel va-
pors cannot reach sparks or open flames from water heaters, electdc
motors or switches, furnaces, etc.
GUARD AGAINST KICKBACK Follow all safety rules to help avoid
kickback and otherforces which can result in sedous injury.
'_ .i_,_j_./t. KickbackPath
Clear The WorkingArea
WARNING: Rotational Kickback can
occur when the moving chain contacts an object at the upper portion of the tip
of the guide bar. Contact at the upper portion of the tip of the guide bar can
cause the chain to dig into the object, which stops the chain for an instant. The result is a lightning fast_ reverse reaction
which kicks the guide bar up and back toward the operator.
Pinch-Kickback and Pull-In occur when the chain is suddenly stopped by being
pinched, caught, or by contacting a for-
eign object in the wood. This sudden stopping of the chain results in a rever-
sal of the chain force used to cut wood and causes the saw to move in the op- posite direction of the chain rotation.
Pinch-Kickback drives the saw straight back toward the operator. Pull-In pulls
the saw away from the operator.
Recognize that kickback can happen.
W'dha bask_understandingof kickback,
you can reduce the element ofsurprise which contributesto accident_
Never let the moving chain contact any object at the tipof the guide bar.
Keep working area free from obstruc- tions such as other trees, branches,
rocks,fences, stumps, etc. Eliminate
or avoid any obstruction that your saw
chain could hitwhile cutting.
Keep saw chain sharp and propedy
tensioned. A loose or dull chain can
increase the chance of kickback. Fol-
low manufacturer's chain sharpening and maintenance instructions.Check
tension at regular intervals,but never with engine running. Make sure bar
° clamp nuts are securely tightened.
Begin and continue cutting, at full
speed, If the chain is movingat a slower speed, there is greater chance
of kickback occurring.
Use extreme caution when reentering
a cuL
tip of the bar (plunge cuts);
da not attempt cuts starting with the
Watch for shifting logs or other forces that could close a cut and pinch or fall
Use the specified Reduced-Kickback Guide Bar and Low-Kickback Chain.
Avoid Pinch-Kickback:
Be extremeJy aware of situationsor obsbuctions that can cause material
to pinch the top of or otherwise stop the chain.
Do not cut more than one log at a
Do not twist saw as bar isw_:trewn
from an undercut when bucking°
Avoid Pull*In: ° Always begin cutting with the engine
at ful/speed and the saw housing against wood.
Use wedges made ofplastic or wood.
Never use metal to hold the cut open.
Statldtothe leftofthesaw
keepyour body from beingin a direct
line withthe cuttingchain.
Standwithyour weightevenlybal- anced onboth feet.
DOnotoverreach.Youcouldbe drawn orthrown offbalanceandlose control.
- Do not cutabove shoulderheight.Itis difficultto maintain controlofsaw
above shoulderheight.
WARNING: Thefollowing features are
hazardofkickback;however,suchfea- tureswillnottotallyaiiminatethisdan-
get. Donotrely onlyonsafetydevices.
chanceofyour left handcontacting
thechain ifyour handslipsoffthe fronthandlebar.
Positionoffrontandrearhandlebars: designedwithdistancebetweenhan-
diesand =in-line"witheachother.The spreadand tin-line" posRionofthe
handsprovidedby this designwork
togetherto givebalanceand resis- tancein controllingthepivotofthe
saw backtowardtheoperatorifkick- backoccurs.
signedwitha small radiustipwhich reducesthe size ofthe kickbackdan-
dgerzone.Thistype bar hasbeen
emonstratadto sign_canti'yreduce
thenumberand seriousnessofkick- backswhentestedinaccordance with
ANSI B175.I.
ofhand Thumbon _
_,_j_ Small Radius
Large Radius { Tip Guide Bar
EJbow Low-KickbackChain:has met kickback
Tip Guide Bar
locked performancerequirementswhentested
Neverreversehandpositions, ona representativesampleofchain
, A good,firm griponthesawwithboth sawsbelow3.8cubicinch
han_ willhelpyoumaintaincontrol, displacementspecifiedinANSIB175.1. Dont let go.Grip therearhandlewith Low-K_ckbackChain
yourrighthand whetheryouare dght ContouredDepthGauge orleft handed.Wrapthefingers of ,,-,_ _'J J ElongatedGuardLink
your left hand overand aroundthe p"'="._"-"- DeftsctsKickback front handlebar,and your leftthumb _ _._ ForceAndAllows
underthefront handlebar.Keepyour _ _,,_ Wood.ToGra_uaJly leftarmstraightwith theelbowlocked. _ RioeIntoCuttar
Position yourleft hand on thefront SAFETY NOTICE: Exposureto handlebar soit is in a straight linewith vibrations throughprolonged use of
yourfight hand on the rear handle gasolinepowered handtoolscould when making bucking cuts. Stand cause blood vessel or nervedamage in
slightlyto the left aide of the saw to thefingers,hands_andjoints of people
prone to circulation disorders or abnormal swelling. Prolonged use in
cold weather has been linked to blood
vessel damage in otherwise healthy
people. If symptoms occursuch as numbness, pare, loss of strength, change in skin color or texture, or loss
of feeling in the fingers, hands, orjoints. discontinue the use of this tool and
seek medical attention. An
anti-vibration system does not guarantee the avoidance of these
problems. Users who operate power tools on a continual and regular basis must closely monitor their physical
condition and the conditionof this tool. CHAIN BRAKE If this saw is to be used for commercial logging, you must order and installa chain brake to comply with
Federal OSHA Regulations for Com- mercial Logging. Contact your Sears
Service Center or call 1-800235-5878.
SPARK ARRESTOR: Your saw is equipped with a temperature limiting
muffler and spark arresting screen which meets the requirements of California Codes 4442 and 4443. All U.S. forest land and the states of
Califomia, Idaho, Maine, Minnesota, New Jersey, Oregon, and Washington
require by law that many internal
combustion engines be equipped with a spark arrestor screen. If you operate a
chain saw in a state or locale where such regulations exLst,you are legally
responsible for maintaining the
operating condition of these parts.
Failure to do so is a violation of the law.
Refer to Customer Responsibilities chart in the MAINTENANCEsection.
STANDARDS: This chain saw is listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. in
accordance with American National Standards for Gasoline-Powered Chain Saws Safety Requirements (ANSi
Check carton contents against the fol- lowing list. Model 358.352162
Chain Saw (fully assembled)
Bar toot
Carrying Case
- Gas Can
Bar & Chain Lube
,2-cycle engine oil
Examine parts for damage. Do not
use damaged parts.
If you need assistance orflnd that parts are missing or damaged, please
call 1-800-235-5878. NOTE: It is normal to hear the fuel filter rattle in an empty fuel tank.
Your unithas been factory tested and the carburetor precisely adjusted. As a result you may smell gasoline or find a
drop of oil/fuel residue on the muffler
when you unpack the unit, ASSEMBLY ,_ Your saw isfully assembled; no
assembly is necessary,
ING YOUR CHAIN SAW. Compare the illustrationswith your unit to familiarize yourself with the location of the various controls and adjustments. Save this
manual for future reference.
BarTool FrontHandle
BarOilFillCap Housing
Cylinder Cover
Fast Jdle
Adjus,ng Screw
Throttle Choke
Trigger Knob Bar Clamp Chain Bar Clamp Nuts Guide Bar
ON/STOP SWITCH The ON/STOP Switch isused to stop the engine. THROTTLE TRIGGER
The throttle trigger controls.engine
THROTTLE LOCKOUT The threttie lockout must be pressed
before you can squeeze the throttle trig- ger. This feature prevents you from ac-
cidentally squeezing the trigger.
The fast idle lock holds the throttle trig- ger in the starting position. Activate the
fast idle lock by pressing the throttle lockoutand squeezing the throttle trig-
ger. With the throttle trigger squeezed,
tess the fast idle lock. Release the
throttle lockout and trigger while holding the fast idle lock button.
CHOKE KNOB The Choke Knob activates the choke to
provide additional fuel to the engine during coJdstarting.
The Primer Bulb circulates fuel to the carburetor to provide quicker starting.
CHAINTENSION Itis normalfor a newchaintostretch
duringfirst30 minutesof operation.You shouldcheck yourchaintensionfre-
qsuentiy.See ChainTensionunderthe
erviceandAdjustments section.
Fuel Mix Fill Cap
Chain Direction
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