: i
Read Rules for
Safe Operation
and Instructions
2.1 2,1PS
• Assembly
• ' Maintenance
: _il
• Repair Parts
Sears, Roebuck and Co., Chicago, Ill. 60684 U.S&
Simpsons-Sears Ltd., Toronto, Canad£

Congratulations on your purchase of our new Craftsman gas chain saw. It is the finest gas
chain saw available on the market today for the price you have paid. We ask that you take a
few minutes to read the following instructions so you can enjoy the use of this new chain
saw for many years to come.
Bar and Chain Installation ........................
Fuel and:Oil .....................................................
Starting and Stopping ..... .......
Maintenance ......................................................
Air Filter & Carburetor
Fan Housing
Exhaust Ports
Spark Plug
Bar and Chain
Stone Replacement and Chain Sharpening (Models 358-350870 and 358-350880)
Chain Sharpening (Model 358-350842) . .....................
Cutting With Your Saw .............................................
Parts List and Illustrations ...........................................
The Serial and Model Number of your chain saw Record the Serial Number and keep it in a safe
is located on a fiat surface under and in front place in case your saw is lost or stolen.
of the thr0ttle trigger.
SPark Plug: i " CJ8
Point Gap: (Ignition) .017"
Air Gap, Flywheel to | .010"
Coil Lamination
Chain: 14" Bar _ Pitch-76 Drive Links
Spark =Plug Gap: .025""
Guide Bar Nose Chain Choke
Guide Bar
Fuel: (½ pt.-8oz.-SAE No. 30 I 16 to 1
Oil (SD) to 1 GaL Gasoline)
Serial and Model No.
Oil Pump Button
Starter Handle
On-Off Switch
Gas Cap

During the first ninety days, we will repair the Chain Saw, free of charge, if
defective in material or workmanship..
If the Saw is used for commercial or rental purposes, the guaratttee applies
for thirty days.
This guarantee service is available by simply returning the Saw to any Sears
rules for safe operation
1. Never operate a chain saw when you are
2. Use safety footwear, snug-fitting clothing, and
eye, hearing and head protection devices.
3. Always use caution when handling fue!. Move
the chain sawat least 10 feet (3 m)from the
fueling point before Starting the engine.
4. Do not allow other persons to be near the
chain saw when starting or cutting with the
chain saw. Keep bystanders and animals out of
the work area.
5. Neverstart cutting until you have a clear work
area,:, secure footing, and a planned _retreat
path from the.failing tree,
6. Always hold the chain saw firmly with both
hands when the engine is running. Use a firm
grip with thumbs and fingers encircling the
chain saw handles.
7. Keepall partsofyour body away from the saw
chain when the engine is running.
8. Before you start the engine, make sure the
saw chain is not contacting anything.
9. Always carry the chain saw with the engine
stopped, the guide bar and saw chain to the
rear, and the muffler away from your body.
10. Never operate a chain saw that is damaged,
improperly adjusted, or is not completely and
and securely assembled. Be sure that the saw
chain stops moving when the throttle control
trigger is released.
11. Always shut off the engine before setting it
12. Use extreme caution when cutting small size
brush and saplings because slender material
may catch the saw chain and be whipped to-
ward you or pull you off balance.
13. When cutting a limb that is under tension be
alert for spring back so that you will not be
struck when the tension in the wood fibers
is released.
14. Keep the handles dry, clean and free of oil or
fuel mixture.
15. Operate the chain saw only in well ventilated
16. Do not operate a chain saw in a tree unless
specifically trained to do so.
17. All chain saw service, other than the items
listed in the Owner's Manual maintenance in-
structions, should be performed by competent
chain saw service personnel. (e.g., if improper
tools are used to remove the flywheel, or if an
improper tool is used to hold the flywheel in
order to remove the clutch, structural damage
to the flywheel could occur which could sub-
sequently cause the flywheel to burst.)
18. Guard against kickback. Kickback is the up-
ward motion of the guide bar which occurs
when the sawchain at the nose of the guide bar
contacts an object. Kickback can lead to
dangerous loss of control of the chain saw.
Hold the chain saw firmly with both hands.
Don't over reach. Don't let the nose of the
guide bar contact a log, branch, ground or
any other obstruction, Cut at high engine
speeds. Don't cut above shoulder height.
Follow manufacturer's sharpening and
maintenance instructions for the saw chain.

Model 358-350842 (Craftsman 2.1)
Model,358-350870 (Craftsman 2.1 PS)
Model 358-350880 (Craftsman 2.3 PS!VL)
1. Remove the bar mounting screw, washer, and bar
clamp with the bar wrench supplied with your saw.
Figure 1. After the bar clamp is removed there wit| be
two guide plates mounted on the guide bar studs. Re*
move one of these plates only. After guide bar and
chain have been installed, replace guide plate with bevel
side to front of unit and with flange sidesout (fig. tA).
Install bar clamp but do not tighten clamp screw beyond
finger tight sochain adjustment can be made.
Fig. 1
Fla_je out
_ay from clzzide
bar On both sid_
• Fig. 2
Fig. 1A
2. Mount the slotted end of the bar over the mount-
ing pins and slide bar to the rear. Figure 2.
3. Hold about 8" of chain between your hands, with
sharp edge of cutters facing your right hand. Form an arc
with the chain and place it (cutters first) over the top of
clutch drum. Once the chain isover the clutch drum, turn
the chain so the drive link tangs engage the sprocket
teeth. Figure 2. On Model 358-350870 (Craftsman 2.1
PS) and model 358-350880 (Craftsman 2.3 PS/VL) engage
chain drive links in groove of rim sprocket teeth. Chain
travels in direction arrow indicates in Figure 2.
4. Starting at the top of the .bar, gradually work the
chain into the groove of the bar until all drive links are
engaged in the bar groove. Be sure cutters face forward
on top of bar. Figure 3.
Fig. 3

5. Slide bar forward and:fit adjustment hole in bar
over adjusting pim if you have trouble fitting the adjust- ....
ing pin into the hole, use a small ended screwdriver to :
guide the pin into the hole. The pin may have to be ......
adjusted backwards or forwards with adjusting screw
(Figure 4B) to line up with the hole in the bar. Figure 4A.
6. Replace outside guide piate, bar clamp, washer,
and screw. Tighten bar clamp screw finger tight. Make
sure hole in bar and adjusting pin are properly aligned.
7. Raise tip of bar and turn the adjusting screw clock-
wise to tension the chain. Figure 4B. There should be _,
light tension in the chain, but the chain should move
around the bar freely when pulled by hand,
Be careful, the chain teeth are sharp] Continue to hold
the nose of the bar up and tighten the bar clamp screw
with the wrench provided. Now pull the chain along the
bar to be sure you have the right tension. If the chain is
too tight, toosen the bar clamp screw slightly, turn the
adjusting screw counterclockwise a little and lift up on
the chain. Then tighten bar clamp screw. Recheck chain
tension. Lift the chain off of the middle of the length of
the bar. if it is loose enough for thetangsto come out of
the bar groove, the chain istoo loose. You should only be
able to lift the chain 1/8"" from bar. Whenever using a new
chain, check chain tension often, as new chain stretches.
After the chain has been used for awhile, it is a goodprac-
tice to check chain tension every time the gas tank is
filled. Proper chain tension is very important to help in-
sure maximum performance from your chain saw.
Model 358-350870(Craftsman 2.1 PS) Model 35.8-350880 (Craftsman 2.3 PSFVL)
Fig. 4A
Fig. 4B
Model 358-350842 (Craftsmen 2.1) Model 358-350870
Your chain saw is powered by a 2 cycle engine and re-
quires a fuel mixture of gasolineand oil. The proper fuel
mixture i116 parts gasoline to 1 part oil, or 1/2 pint (8
oz.) Sears oil Cat. 32-36555 to one gallon or one imperial
gallon of "regular" leaded gasoline. If Sears oil is not
Model 358-350842 (Craftsman 2.1)
Remove the oil flit capand fill the oil tank with S.A.E. No..
30 (SD) oil. This oil is for chainand bar lubrication and is
in no way connected with the fuel mix. The oil tank should
be filled every time the fuel tank is filled. For cold
weather operation. Above 40 degree F use SAE 30 oil: 40
to 0 (zero) degree use SAE 10: Below 0 degree F use 10%
kerosene and 90% SAE 30. Be carefulto keep the fuel mix
Model 358-350870 (Craftsman 2.1 PS) Model 358-350880 (Craftsman 2.3 PS/VL)
(Craftsman 2.1 PS) Model 358-350880 (Craftsman 2.3 PS/VL)
available, useSAE No. 30 nondetergent oil (MS or better).
Do not use multi-viscosity oils (10W-30) or reprocessed
oils in your fuel mix. Prepare the mixture in a separate
container and shake well to assurecomplete mixing. Do
not use dirty oil or old (stale) gasoline.
and oil free from contamination. Wipe off the saw after
filling the fuel and oil tanks if either has been spilled. Under
normal cutting conditions, push the oil button once every
10 seconds.Under heavy, or dirty cutting conditions, push
the oil button once every 5 seconds.This will prevent the
bar andchain from burning.

Sears Models 358-350870 (Craftsman 2.1 PS) and 358-350880 (Craftsman 2.3 PS/VL) are
equipped with both automatic and manual oiler for lubd,eation of the guide bar and chain.The
, automatic oiler operates when the saw is running and may be assistedby pushing the manual oiler
button if additional oil isrequired for extreme cutting cond'xtions,
H •
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MODEL 358.350870 (Craftsman 2.1 PS)
MODEL 358-350880 (Craftsnmn 2.3 PS/VL)
1. Fill the oil tank, (see paragraphunder CHAIN OIL) Fill oil tank each time fuel tank
2. Prime the oiler system before starting engim by pushing manual oiler button until
oil isvisible at top Of bar,
3. Start' engine. Check automatic oiling by pokxting guide bar towards aclean surface
with engine running at cutting speed. Oil dhouid be seen on clean surface as it is
thrown off end of guide bar. WARNING: T'q=of guide bar should be severalinches
away from clean surface - but do not let moving chain touch any kind of surface
becausesaw could kick back and causeinjury,
Sears model 358-350842 has a manual oiiw only. Push the oiler button every ten
secondsduring cutting to provide proper lubrication of bar and chain.
Model 358-350842 (Craftsman 2.1)
Model 358-350870 (Craftsman 2-1 PS)
Model 358-350880 (Craftsman2-3 PS/VL)
NOTE: For your convenience, starting instructions are
also printed on the saw below the handle, beside the
"on'L'_off '' switch.
1. Fill oil and fuel tanks. Check chain tension.
Pump oil button until oil appears on bar.
2. Push ignition switch forward to "on".
3. Push choke lever "on" (to right).
4. STARTING (This is the recommended starting
position) See Figure 5.
Hold saw away from body with right hand and
elbow slightly bent, see Fig, 5. Squeeze trigger,
Push saw straight away from body and at same
time pull starter handle. Repeat action until
engine fires. Push choke off (to left) and repeat
starting procedure until engine runs. Hold on to
starter handle while allowing the rope to rewind.
Release trigger to idle engine.
If engine does not fire after 5 to 6 pulls, it may
be flooded. Push choke off(clockwise) and pull
starter several times while holding trigger at wide
open throttle. If saw has run out of fuel, 8 to 10
pulls with choke on may be required to restart
engine. When restarting a hot engine, or one
which has just been refueled, you may. have to
Fig. 5
use the choke in order to clear the vaporsout of
• the carburetor,. ....
7. To stop engine, pull switch back to "off"
position. The engine may also be stopped by
pushing •the ,choke lever to, the right (counter-

Model. 358-350842 (Craftsman 2.1) Model 358.350870 (Craftsman 2.1 PS) Model 358.350880(Craftsman 2.3 PS/VL)
Follow these helpful hints on care and maintenance to
get the best possible service from your saw, to prevent
major breakdown and costly repair bills. Careful servicing
of your saw is one of the most important steps in preven-
To clean the air filter or adjust the carburetor, loosen the
filter cover screw (ahead of choke knob) and remove it
and the air filter cover. The air filter element should be
removed after evew 10 hours use and rinsed out in gaso-
line or fue! and oil mix. Squeeze it out well and be sure
the filter element fits into the cavity neatly without folds,
and flush with the top surface. See figure 6. Allow filter
element to dry before restarting engine or mixture will be
too rich;
Carburetor adjustments are made at our factory and wil|
be correct for most app ications. Further adjustments may
be required due to altitudes above 4000 ft., brands!age of
fuel used, and atmospheric conditions.
The needles and associated parts will be damaged if Over-
Step 1. (Refer to Figure 7) -- Remove carburetor cover,
Turn high speed and low speed needles clockwise until
they stop, Remember! Don't Over-Tighten.
Step 2. Turn high and low speed needles counterclock-
wise one full turn.
Step 3. Start engine in the same manner asdescribed on
page 3 under "Starting and Stopping". The chain saw
engine should be run four or five minutes to bring it to
operating temperature.
Step 4. (Low Speed Needle Adjustmeht) " Squeeze the
throttle trigger and hold it in for five or six seconds.This
should clear the combustion chamber of built up fuels.
StepS. Squeeze throttle trigger .quickly. The engine
should accelerate smoothly. If it does not, turn low speed
needle counterclockwise 1/16 of a turn and squeeze
throttle quickly again. Continue turning tow speed screw
1/16 of a turn at a time until smooth acceleration isac-
Step6. (High Speed Needle Adjustment) -Squeeze
throttle trigger all the way in. Test cut a piece of wood.
Step 7. If engine speed begins to fade, turn high speed
needle counterclockwise 1/16 of aturn and make anoth'er
test cut. Continue this until fading is corrected.
Step 8. If there is an excessive amount of smoke in the
exhaust, turn high speed needle 1/16 of a turn clockwise
until excessive smoke is reduced. .........
Step 9. (Idle Speed Adjustment) -- Turn the idle speed
screw (Figure 7) clockwise until the chain beginsto move.
Now slowly turn idle speed screw counterclockwise until
chain stops moving.
"live maintenance. Shoutct your saw develop trouble that
_, you are not prepared to handle, take it to a Sears Store
for service.
Fig. 6
Idle Speed Low Speed
Screw Needle
Fig. 7
PLEASE NOTE: Observe "Rules For Safe Operation"
when adjusting carburetor.
TO adiust the high speedneedle, first make a testcut with
the saw; If the engine power seemsto fade in the cut, the
mixture isset too lean. Remove the saw from the cut. The"
high needle should be tu rnedcounterclockwise slightly. If
there seems to !_ean excessive amount of smoke in the
exhaust, the mixture is set too rich. Remove the saw from
the cut. The high speed needle should be turned clockwise
slightly. After each adjustment make a testcut to check
performance. :....
Fig. 8

Fig. 9
When finally adjusted, the high speedneedle will usually
be 7/8 to 1-1/8 turns open (counterclockwise). Try to
keep sawdust away from the carburetor when the filter
cover is removed. Be sure to hold the saw firmly with
both hands while cutting. Before replacing the air filter
cover, be sure to clean off the mating surfaces of cover
and carburetor box. See figure8.
Turn choke knob to the right (counterclockwise) and
close choke lever over carburetor so that the finger on
the choke lever (cover underside) lines up with the slot
in the choke lever over the carburetor. Replace the filter
cover and tighten cover screw Figure 9.
Model 358-350842 (Craftsman 2.1)
Model 358-350870 (Craftsman 2.1 PS)
Model 358.350880 (Craftsman 2.3 PS/VL)
Fan Housing
Fig. 10
F!g. 11
Remove the three screws holding the fan housing] to the
saw. See Figure 10. Clean out any loose sawdust in fan
housing. Clean out any chips and sawdust that have
accumulated between the cylinder fins. Use compressed
air if available. If cooling fins are blocked, the cylinder
will run too hot and could adversely effect power and
engine life.
I. Move the housing into position, pulling the starter
rope slightly to make sure the starter dogs are in
position around the starter pulley notches.
2. Replace the three fan housing mounting screws,
short screwto the front.
Model 358-350842 (Craftsman 2.1)
Model 358-350870 (Craftsman 2.1 PS)
Model 358-350880 (Craftsman 2.3 PSiVL)
If the clutch must be removed from your saw, it is bestto
return the saw to your Sears Store, as they have the
proper equipment to do the job. However, if you must
remove the clutch, follow these instructions carefu!ly.
Remove the bar and chain.
Remove the rubber connector from the spark plug.
Remove the fan housing, figure 10, and secure the
flywheel from turning. This is best accomplished by
wedging a socket wrench or an end wrench between
the flywheel nut and the front handlebar. See
Figure 11. Clutch removal should not be attempted
without first removing the fan housing, as damage
to the starter or flywheel could occur.

Use a soft, blunt ended punch and hammer to turn
the clutch spider off of the crankshaft. Use one of
the two notches provided for *,,hispurpose and turn
the clutch spider clockwise, as the threads are left-
hand threads. See Figure t2. Do not pound directly
on the ends of'the spideri or clutch shoes, to turn
it. Use only the notches provided. If the spider
does not come loose after a few strokes, take the
saw to your Sears Store and let them remove the
spider. After the spider has been removed, the
clutch drum and sprocket may be removed. All _
parts should be inspected for wear, especially the
sprocket, tf it is severely worn, have it replaced, it _ i
is the most economical in the long run if the chain
and sprocket are replaced at the same time. When
reinstalling the clutch drum, apply a coat of oil to
the bearing in the clutch drum. Reinstall the spider,
counterclockwise. Just a few taps with the hammer
and punch are sufficient, as the spiderwiil tighten
itself when you start cutting wood with the saw. '
Model 358-350842 (Craftsman 2.1) Model 358-350870 (Craftsman 2.1 PS)
After lengthy running time, carbon deposits will
build-up in the exhaust ports causing the engine to
lose power. The exhaust ports should be cleaned
every 25 to 30 hours. 'Pull the rubber connector
from the spark plug and remove the spark plug.
Remove the muffler. With the exhaust ports ex-
posed, pull the starter rope until the piston moves
far enough to close the exhaust port_. See Figure
!3, Use a wooden stick, about ice cream bar stick
size, to scrape the carbon deposits from the exhaust
ports. Do not use a metallic scraping tool, as you
may scratch the piston. Turn unit over and shake
out all loose carbon. If compressed air is convenient,
blow loose carbon from exhaust ports. After
cleaning the ports, pull the starter rope to allow the
piston to clear the cylinder of any material which
may have fallen into the cylinder. Clean screen with
wire brush and replace the muffler. Clean and gap.
the spark plug if necessary. Replace the spark plug
and the rubber con hector.
Fig. 12
Follow the instructions in "Bar and Chain Installation"
for reinstalling the bar and chain. Replace the fan
housing and reconnect the spark plug lead.
Model 358-350880 (Craftsman 2,3 PS/VL)
Fig. 13
Modei_358-350842 (Craftsman 2.1) Model 358-350870 (Craftsman 2-1 PS)
If the spark plug is not clean and properly gapped,
the engine will be hard to start and will not deliver
the best performance. The spark plug should be
cleaned and gapped every 25 hours. Remove the
rubber connector on the spark plug and remove
the spark plug. Use a wire brush or a pocket knife
to clean deposits from the electrodes of the
spark plug..Be careful when removing, cleaning,
:gapping, and replacing the spark plug. If it is
damaged it will not work properly and must be
replaced. The proper gap between the spark plug
electrodes is .025 _'. (use wire or flat gauge} Figure
14. After the spark plug has been cleaned and
gapped, replace it in the cylinder and attach the
r_ ihh_=r r'_nr_=P1"_r
Model 358-350880 (Craftsman 2.3 PS/VL)
Fig. 14

Model 358-350880 (Craftsman 2.3 PS/VL)
The rubber,vibration" mounts are designed so that a failure
of one of the mounts will not affect the safety of the saw.
Operation of the saw With a broken rubber mount may
cause excessive wear to other components, resulting in a
hazardous situation. Should a rubber mount break, take it
to a Sears Store immediately and have it replaced.
Check a|l vibration mount screws and nuts for tightness
every two to three hours of operating time.
Sprocket Nose Bar
Craftsman 2.1 PS and Craftsman 2.3 PS/VL are equipped
with a sprocket nose bar. The sprocket nose does not re-
quire grease. Bearings have been greased and sealed at the
factor/, Remember, keep the saw chain well oited. A well
oiled saw chain witl greatly increase the life of saw chain,
bar and saw chain drive sprocket.
Two Vibration Mounts
Vibration Mount
Model 358-350870 (Craftsman 2.1 PS) Only
Model 358-350880 (Craftsman 2.3 PS!VL) Only
½ ;o_.._ per
aL _lt, oline.
anua! camfu_l,/.
Fig. 15
• Never advance the depth knob before checking contact
: between stone and Chain. If stone is contacting:the chain,
the chain can. inmost cases, be sharpened without ad-
Vancing the knob.- : _::
• Never advance the depth knob more than one. click at any
• one sharpening. : ,
• After sharpening, push the oscillating knob forward and to
the right and snap into the locking slot :(No. 2, Figure 15).
• Do not loosen screws (No. 1, Figure 15). The two screws
hoJdthe aligning plate that has been properly adjusted at
the factory,_ _ :, _ i i i "
Before sharpening chain, tension (tighten) to where alt tie
straps (no. 1, fig. 19) rest on guide bar. Pull chain upward
from top of guide bar. The bottom of the drive links should
. .
be evenwith guide bar rails for proper tension (seearrow in
Figure 19 page 9). Clean loose wood chips from around
sharpening mechanism (see fig. lB). Rotate depth ad-
justment knob counterclockwise (opposite direction of
arrow on knob) until tight (no. 3, fig. 15). Start engineand
open throttle to about 1/2 open. Push oscillating knob (no.
2, fig. 15) to the extreme left outof locking slot and pull
back on knob. If no sparks are visible coming from the top
of the guide bar in front of the bar clamp, release oscillating
knob and turn depth adjusting knob (no. 3, fi_]. 15) one
click in direction of arrow. Pull back on osci!lating knob
again. Repeat until a small shower of sparks can be seen.
When sharpening stone contacts chain (indicated by
sparks), move the oscillating knob rapidly side to side. This
sideto side movement sharpensthe chain and will also dress
the stone with an evenwear. Sharpening a dull chain should
require about 5 to 10 seconds.Do not oversharpen.
When the chain needs sharpening again_ the depth knob
should not be turned more than one click. One click
advances the stone sufficiently to sharpen the chain.
This allows the operator to sharpen the chain without
fear of grinding too much from the chain.