Craftsman 358.350060 User Manual

Operator's Manual
2.2 cu. in./36cc 2-Cycle
Model No.
358.350060 - 16 in. Bar
Read and follow all Safety Rules and Operating
61_ For answers to your questions about this product:
Call 7 am-7 pm, Mon.--Sat., or 10 am-7 pm, Sun.
1-800-235-5878 (.ou_===.c..=_m.)
_ars, RoebuckandCo., HoffmanEstates,IL 60179 USA
530087821 07/17/98
Warranty 2 Storage '
Safety Rules 2 Trouble ShootingChart 17 Assembly 5 Parts List 20
Operation ..... 6 Spanish 24
Maintenance 11 Parts & Ordering Back Service and Ad_stmbt_s _. : 14
For one year from the date of purchase, when thisCraftsman Gas Chain Saw is maintained, lubricated and tunedup accordingto the owner's manual, Sears will
repair,free of charge, any defect in matodai or workmanship. This warranty excludesthe bar,chain, sparkplug and airfilter,whichare
expendable parts, and become wom dudngnormal use.
Ifthis Gas Chain Saw isused for commercial or rental purposes, thiswarranty appliesfor 30 daysfrom thedate of purchase, WARRANTY SERVICE IS AVAILABLE BY RETURNING THIS CHAIN SAW TO
THE NEAREST SEARS SERVICE CENTER IN THE UNITED STATES. This warrantygives you specific legal dghts, and you may also have other rights
whichvary from state to state. Soars, Roebuck and Co., D/817 WA, Hoffmen Eetatda,.IL 60179
WARNING: Always disconnectspark
plugwire when making repairs except
forcarburetor adjustmi_nts.Because a chain saw is a high-speed woodcutting tool, careless or improperuse ofthis
toolcan cause serious injury.
Restrictthe use of your saw to adult
users who understandand can follow
the safety rules, precautions,and op-
erating Instructionsfound in this
Headng _ SafetyHat
PrctecUon-,_ _ _ Eye
S-,tety SafetyChaps
ilOOr,---- Protection
Wear protective gear. Always use
.. __.eel-toed safety footwearwith non-
slipsoles; snug-fittingclothing; heavy-
duty,non-slipgloves;eye protection such as non,-tfogglng,vented goggles
or face screen; an approved safety hard hat; and sound barriers(ear
_lugs or mufflers) to protectyour
esdng. Regular usersshould have
hsadng checked regularlyas chain
saw noisecan damage headng. Se- cure hair above shoulder length.
Keep all parts of your body away from the dlain when the engineis runntng.
Keep children,bystanders, and ani-
mals at least30 feet (10 meters) away fromthe work area when start-
ing and usingthe saw.
Do not handle or operatea chain saw when you are fatigued, Ill,or upset,or
ifyou have taken alcohol,drugs, or medication.You mustbe In good
_fhysicalconditionand mentally alert.
you have any condition that might
be aggravated by strenuous work, checkwith doctorbefore operating.
Do not startcutting untilyou have a
clear workarea, securefooting,and especially ifyou are fellinga tree, a
Do not operate with one hand. Sed-
ous injury to the operator,helpers, or
bystandersmay resultfrom one- handed operation. A chainsaw is In-
tended for two-hand_lduse. ....
Operate the chain saw only in a well-
ventilated outdoorarea.
Do notoperate saw from a ladder or
in a tree, unlessyou are specifically trained to doso.
Make sure the chainwill not make
contactwith any objectwhile starting the engine. Never tryto startthe saw
when the guidebar is in a cut.
Do notput pressure on the saw, ss- pecially at the end of the cut. Doing so can cause you to lose control
when the cut is completed.
Stop engine before setting saw down.
Hand carry saw onlywhen engine is stopped. Carry with muffleraway from bar & chain projectingbe-
hindyou; guide bar preferably cov- ered with a scabbard.
Storethe unitand fuel in e cool, dry
well ventilatedspace where fuel va- pors cannot reach sparks or open
flames from water heaters, electdc
motorsorswitches, fumaces, etc.
Followeli safety rulesto helpavoid
kickbackand other forces which can
resultinserious injury.
WARNING: Rotational Kickback can occurwhen the moving chain contacts
an object at the upper portion of the tip
MAINTAIN YOUR SAW IN GOOD of theguidebar.Contaotatthe upper
Have all chain saw sewice performed by a qualified service dealer except
the items listed in the maintenance
section ofthis manual.
Make certain the saw chain stops
movingwhen the throttle trigger isre- leased. For correction, refer to Car-
Keep the handles dry,clean, and free from oilor fuel mixture.
Keep cape and fasteners securely
Use only Craftsman accassodss and replacement parts as recommended.
Never modify your saw.
Do not smoke while handlingfuel or while operating the saw.
Bi_ all sourcssof sparks orflame
In amss wherefuel Isrnixedor poured.
Mix and pourfuel in an outdoorarea and use an approved, marked con-
tainer forall fuel purposes. Wipe up allfuel spills before startingsaw.
Move atleast 10 feet (3 meters) from
fueling site before starting.
.,Tu_the engine off and let saw coolin
a non-oombusltblearea, not on dry leaves, straw, paper, etc. Slowly re- move fuplcap and refuelunit.
portionof the;tip of the guide bar can cause the cHainto dig intothe object, whichstopsthe chainforan instant.The
resultisa lightningfast, reversereaction
which kicksthe guide bar up and back toward the operator.
Pinch-Kickbackand Pull-Inoccur when
the chain is suddenly stopped bybeing
pinched, caught, or by contacting a for- eign object inthe wood. This sudden stopping ofthe chain resultsin a rever-
sal of the chainforce used to cut wood
and causes the saw to move in the op- positedirection of the chain rotation. Pinch-Kickbackdrivesthe saw straight
back toward the operator. Pull-in pulls the saw awayfrom the operator.
RecognizethatIdckbaskcan happen. Witha basicundemtsn_ngof kickback,
youcan reducethe elementof sufprisa whichccntributes to accidents.
Never letthe movingchain contact
object tip Dgu_de
i any at the ofthe bar.
Keep warldngarea free from obstruc- tionssuch as other trees, branches, rocks,fences, stumps,etc. Eliminate
or avoid any obstructionthatyour saw chaincould hitwhilecumng.
Keep saw chainsharp andpropedy
tensioned.A loose or dull chain can
increase the chance of kickback. Fol- low manufacturer's chain sharpening
end maintenance Instructlons. Check
tension st regular Intervals,but never with engine running. Make .surebar
damp nuts are securelyttgmaneo.
Begin and continue cuttingat full
speed. If the cbaln is+movingat a
slowerspeed,"thereis greater chance of kickbackoccurring,
Use extreme caution when reentanng
a cut.
Do notattempt cuts starling withthe
tip ofthe bar(plunge cuts).
Watch forshifting logs or other forces
that couldclose a cut and pinchor fall
Use the specified Reduced-Kickba.ek Guide Bar and Low-KickbankChain.
Avoid Pinch-Kickback:
Be extremely aware of situations or obstructionsthat can cause matedal
to pinch the top of or otherwise stop thechain.
Do not cut more than one log at a
Do not twist saw as bar iswithdrawn
from an undercut when bucking.
Avoid Pull-In:
Always begin cuttingwith the engine at full speed and the saw housing
against wood.
Use wedges made of plastic or wood.
Never use metal to hold the cut open.
Stand to the left of the saw
keep your body from being in a direct linewith the cutting chain.
Stand with your weight evenly bal- armed on'both feet.
Do notoverreach.You couldbe drawn
orthrown offbalance and losecontrol
Do not cut above shoulderheight. It is
difficultto maintain control of saw above shoulderheight.
WARNING: The followingfeatures are
Includedon yoursaw to help reduce hazard of kickback;however, such fea-
tureswill nottotally eliminatethis dan- ger. Do not rely onlyon safetydevices.
Handguard: designed to reduce the chance of your left hand contacting
the chain if your hand slips offthe front handlebar.
Positionof front and rear handlebars:
designed with distance between han- dles and "in-line"with each other.The.
spread and "in-line"positionofthe
hands provided by this design work
together to give balance ano resis- tance in controlllngthe pivotof the
saw back toward the operator ifkick- back occurs.
Reduosd-IOckbackGuide Bar: de-
signedwith a small radius tipwhich reduces the size of the kickback dan-
gdarzone. This type bar has been
emonstrated to significantlyreduce
the number and seriousnessof kmck-
backswhen tested inaccordance with ANSI B175.1.
_'_. SmellRadius
Thumbon \l_
" " - locked
Agood, firmgrip on the saw with both
hands will help ,you maintain control. Don't tet go Grip the rear handle with
your righthand whether you are dght or left handed. Wrap the fingers of
your lefthand over and around the front handlebar, and your leftthumb
under the front handlebar. Keep your leftarm straightwith the elbow locked.
Positionyour left hand on the front handlebar so it Isin a straightlinewith
-your right hand onthe rear handle
--_-_whanmaking bucking cuts. Stand slightlyto the leftside ofthe saw to
" _L% _'f_kTipGuideBar
Lerg.Radius I
TipGulde Bar I J
Low-Kidd_k Chain:has met kickback
performancerequirements,when tested on a represe_ sampJeof chain
saws below 3.8 cubicinch displacementsLy:iliad in ANSI B175.1.
ContouredDepth Gauge
DeflectsKickback ForceAndAllows
_,_.,._ longat_:lGuardUnk
RideInto Cutter
SAFETY NOTICE; Exposureto vibrations through prolonged use of
gasolinepowered hand toolscould cause blondvessel or nerve damage in
the fingers, hands, and joints ofpeople
prone to clmuledlon dbgrdem or . abnormal swalling. Prolonged use m
coldweather has been linkedto blood vessel i_arnageinotherwise healthy
people. If symptoms occur such as
numbness, pain, loss ofstrength, change in aldn color or texture, or loss
offee-linginthe fingem, honds, orjoints, discontinuethe use or_his to01and
seek medical attention. An
anti-vibrationsystem does not guarantee the avoidance ofthese problems. Users who operate power toolson a continual and regular basis mustclosely monitortheir physical .
condition and the condition of thistool. CHAIN BRAKE If this saw isto be used
forcommercial logging, you must order and installa chain brake to complywith
Federal OSHA Regulationsfor Com- memial Logging. Conteot your Sears
Service Center or call 1-P-nn-'.800-235-5878. SPARK ARRESTOR: Your saw is
equippedwith a temperature limiting
mufflerand spark arresting screen whl..chmasts the requirementsof
Cal,fom,a Codes 4442 and 4443. All
U.S. forest land and the states of California, Idaho, Maine, Minnesota, New Jersey,Oregon, and Washington
require by'law tl]at many Internal combustioneng,nas be equipped witha
spa_karrestor screen. If you operate a chain saw in state or localewhere
such regulationsexist,you are.legally
responsibleformaintaining the operatingcondition of these parts.
Failure to do so is a violationof the law. Refer to Customer Responsibilities
chart in the MAINTENANCEsection. STANDARDS: This chain saw is listed
by Underwdtam Laboratories,Inc. in
accordance with American National
Standards forGesoline-Powemd Chain Saws Safety Requirements (ANSi
Check cartoncontents against the fol- lowinglist.
Model 358.350060
Chain Saw (fullyassembled)
Bar tool
Gas Can
Bar & Chain Lube
2-cycle engine oil
Chain : Carrying Case
Examine partsfor damage. Do not
Ifyou nsed_essistanceor find that
parts are missingor damaged, please call 1-800-235-5878.
NOTE: It is normal to hear the fuel filter rattle in an emptyfuel tank.
Yourunit hasbeen factorytested and the carburetorpreciselyadjusted. As e
resultyoumay smell gasoline or find a
dropof oil/fuel residueon the muffler when you unpack the unit.
ASSEMBLY Your saw is fully assembled; no
assembly is necessary.
KNOW YOUR SAW READ THIS OPERATOR'S MANUAL AND SAFETY RULE8 BEFORE OPERAT- ING YOUR CHAIN SAW. Compare the Illustrationswith yourunit to famllladze yourselfwith the locationof the vadous controlsand adjustments.Save thls
manual for future reference.
Bar Tool FrontHandle
Starter Rope
Pdmer Bulb
Bar OII RII Cap Housing
Fast IdleI
Throtlfe Choke Bar Clamp Nuts Gu)ds Bar Tdgger Knob Barclamp Chain
The ON/STOP Switch Isused to stop
-Jhe throttle triggercontrols engine
throttlelockoutand triggerwhile holding
the fast idlelock button.
CHOKE KNOB The Choke Knob activates the choke to
provideadditionalfuel to the engine dudng cold starting.
Fuel Mix FillCap
THROTTLE LOCKOUT The throttlelockoutmust be pressed before you can squeeze the throttletdg-
ger.This feature preventsyou from ac- cidentallysqueezingthe trigger.
The PrimerBulbcirculatesfuel to the
carburetortoprovide quickerstarting.
FAST IDLE LOCK The fast Idle lock holds the thmttierig-
ger inthe starting position.Activatethe fast idlelock by pressing the throttle
lockoutand squeezing the throttle trig- ger,With the throttlerigger squeezed,
=pressthe fast idle lock. Release the
ItIs normalfor a new chain to stretch
dudngfirst30 minutes of operation.You
shouldcheckyour chain tensionfre- quentiy.See Chain Tensionunder the
Service and Adjustmentssection.
of Travel
=l i .,,
WARNING: Be sure to read the fuel
handlingInformaUon In the safety rules
section ofthis manual before you begin.
If you do not understandthe fuel hen- dlinginformationdo not attempt to fuel
your unit. Seek help fn2msomeone that
does understandthe in-formationor call the customer assistance help line at
1.800-235-5878. GUIDE BAR AND CHAIN OIL
The chainoiler prov]deecontinuouslu-
bricatlonto the chain and guide bar. Be sureto fill the bar oil tank when youfill
the fuel tank (Capacity = 6.8 ft. oz.). For maximum guide bar and chain life,
we recommend you use Craftsman chainsaw bar oil. If Craftsman bar oil Is
notavailable, you may use a good grade SAE 30 oiluntllyou are able to
obtainCraftsman brand. The oiloutput isautomatically metered duringopera-
tion. Yoursaw willuse approximately
one tank of bar odfor every tank offuel mix. Always fillthe bar oiltank when
you fillthe fuel tank.
This engine iscertified to operate on
unleaded gasoline. Before operation, gasoline must be mixed with a good
quality2-cycle alr-coolnd engine oil.We recommend Craftsman brand oil. Mix
gasoline and oil at a ratio of 40:1 (A 40:1 ratio isobtained by mixing 3.2
ounces ofoli with I gallon of unleaded gasoline). DO NOTUSE automotiveoil
or boat oil.These oils will cause engine damage. When mixing fuel followthe
instructionsprintedon the container. Once oll isadded tothe gasoline,
shake container momentarily to assure that the-fuelisthoroughly mlxnd.
Always reed and followthe safety rules
reletlngtofuel before rOelidg your unit.
linesand carburetorare empty.Use fresh fuelnextseason. See STORAGEinstruc-
tionsfor addltlonaJInlom'_dion.
Never use engineor carburetorcleaner
productsin the fuel tank or permanent damage mayoccur.
See the STORAGEsectionfor additional information.
MoveOn/Stopswitchto S'I'OR
Ifengine does notstop, pullchoke
knob outfully.
Fuel engine with 40:1 fuel mix.
Fillbar oiltank with bar oil..
Prime engine by pressingpnmar bulb
six times.
Move On/Stop switchto ON.
_'_b/"_'! Choke Positions
Actuate choke by pullingchoke knob
Set saw on the ground.Grip front
handlewith your left hand and place rightfootthroughrear handle.
StarterRope Handle
Left Hand
on Front Handle
Experienceindicatesthatalcohd blended fuels(calledgasoholoruslngethanolor
leadstoseparationand fomw_
..,da._ tba fuel _ of an engins
while Instorage.
Toavoideeglne problems, tha fualsys- tem shouldbe emptiedbeforestoragefor
30da_ orlonger.Drainthe gastank,
starttha engineand let it mn untgthafuel
Set fast idle by depressingthe throttle lockwithyour right hand. Then, squeeze and holdthrottle trigger.With dour thumb, press the fastidle lock
own and hold. Next, release the
thmtUetrigger. DONOTsqueeze throttle triggerdur-
ingstarting;otherwise, it willbe nec- essary to reset the fast Idle lock.
Donotletstarter rope snap beck. Hold
handle. Let rope rewind slowly.
Pullstarter rope handle firmlyand quicklywith your dght hand untilthe
engine attempts to start, but no more than5 pulis.Then, pushin choke
knobtothe Full Positiorr :Resume pullinghandle untilengine starts.
Above 400F, allow engine to run for approximately 5 seconds. P_h the
choke knob In to the OFFposition; then squeeze and release throttle trig-
ger to allow engineto idle.
Below40•F, allow engine to warm up for 30 seconds to I minute withchoke
ASt partialposition. P.ushchoke knob in
pproximatb_ 1/2 outthen squeeze and
release throttletrlggerto allowengine to idle.
Tostop engine, move On/Stop switch to the STOPposition.
DONOTuse the choke to start a warm
engine or floodingand hard starting
may occur.
Move On/Stop switch to ON.
Set fast Idle lock.
Be sure choke isin the OFF position.
" With saw onground, gnp front handle
with left hand and placeyour rightfoot through rear handle.
Pullstarter rope haqdle untilengine
Squeeze and release throttletrigger
to returnengine to idlespeed.
The engine may be flooded if it has not started after 10 pulls.Rooded engines
can be cleared of excess fuel withthe
--.Jollowing procedure:
Engage the fast Idle lock.
Verifythat the On/Stop switch is in the ON position.
Push choke knob to the OFF position.
With saw on ground, gap fronthandle with left hand and place rightfoot
through rear handle.
Pull starter rope handle untilengine
Startingcould require many puPsde- pending on how badly the unitis
flooded. If engine stillfails to start, re-
_fer tothe TROUBLESHOOTINGchartor
call 1-800-235-5878.
Check chain tensionbefore firstuse and after J minute of operation.See
Chain Tension in the Maintenance section.
Cut wood only. Do not cut metal, plas- tics, masonry, non-woodbuildingma- tadals, etc..
, Stopthe saw ifthe chain strikes a for- algn object. Inspectthe saw and re-
pairparts as necessary.
Keep thechainout of dirtand send.
Even a small amount ofdirt will quick- lydulla chain and Increase the possi-
bilityof kickback.
Practice cutting a few small logs using
the followingsteps. This willhelpyou get the "feel"of usingyoursaw before
you begin a major sewing operation.
Squeeze the throttle trigger and ak lowthe engine to reach fullspeed
Begincuttingwiththe saw frame againstthe log.
Keep the engineat full speed the entiretime you are cutting.
Allowthe chain to cut for you. Exert
onlylightdownward pressure.
Release'the throttlerigger as soon
asthe cut iscompleted, allowingthe engineto idle. If you run the saw at fullthrottlewithouta cutting load,
unnecessarywear can occur. .
Toavoid losingcontrolwhen cut is complete, do notput pressure on
saw at end of cuL
WARNING: Check for broken or dead brancheswhich can fallwhile cutting
causing sedous injury.Do not outnear
buildingsorelectdcelwires if you do not knowthe directionof tree fall, norcut at
nightsince you will notbe able to see well, nor duringbad weather suchas rain,snow,or strongwinds, etc.
Carefullyplanyour sawing operation In advance
Clear the work area You need a clear area allaround the tree so you can
have secure footing
Studythe naturalcondftlonsthat can cause the tree to fall in.a particular
direction.These conditions include:
The wind directionand speed.
The lean ofthe tree. The loan ofa tree mightnot be apparentdue to
uneven or slopingterrain.Use a
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