Craftsman 358341240 Owner’s Manual

Operator's Manual
2.5 HP Motor
Model No.
358.341240 - 14 in. Bar
Read and follow all Safety Rules and Operating
Instructions before first use of this product.
Jl!_ ' For answers to your quest!ons about this product:
Call 7 am-7 pro, Mon-Sat, Sun, 10 am-7 pm
Sears,Roebuckand Co., HoffmanEstates,IL60179 USA
530.-O87622 08/24/98
2 2
Service and Adjustments 13
Storage 15
Trouble Shooting 15
Spanish 18 Parts Ordedng Back
If this
In _aw.fails to perform pmpedy due to a
wdhin (1) year fromthe date of pup
it, free ofcharge.
chain, which are expendable parts
If this
in use in the Un=ted States.
This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have oth-
er rightswhich vary from state to state.
Seam, Roebuck and Co., Inc., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 U.S.A.
WARNING: When usingan electdc chainsaw, basic safety precautions,in- cludingthe following,should always be
followedto reduce the dskof fire, elec- tdc shook,and injuryto persons. Read
all instructions. WARNING: Alwaysdisconnectpower
sourcewhen makingrepairs.Becausea
chainsaw is a high.speedwoocbutting
tool,carelessor ,'nproperuseof thistool
cancause seriousInjury. PLAN AHEAD
.. Rastrict_e useof yours_v to adult
userswho undemtandend cenfdllow
is used for commercial purposes,
from the date of purchase. If this
for rental purposes, this warranty
'date of purchase. This warranty ap-
Iear or mufflers)to pro-
have headng checked regular-
lyas chain saw noise can damage hearing.
Hearing ._. _ Safety Hat
Protection _" iu_-----
instructionsfoundIn this manuaL
Ksepchgc_enawey.Do nct ist vldtom _ correctchainm or extenskmcord.All
vlsitomshould10eic_ st is_t aOfsat Bacure hair aboveshoulderisngth. Do
(10 rnetm) away fromworkarea. notwear looseclothingorjewelry;,they
Dress properly.Wear protective gear. can get htin
Always use steel-toed safety footwear Keep allpaC_ ofyour _way from with non-shpsoles; snug-fitting cloth- the chain when saw ls running.
ing;heavy-duty,non-slipgloves, eye Do nothandle or.ope.ra__a chainsaw protectionsuch as non-fogging, when you are fatigued,dl,upset,or if
vented gogglesor face screen; an ep- you have taken alcohol, drugs,or me-
_on... Youmustbe ingcodphysical
before operating. Watch what you are doing. Use com- mon sense.
Do not startcuttinguntilyou have a clear work area, secure footing_and
especially ifyou am fellinga tree, a rstreat path. Keep work area dean.
Cluttered areas inviteinjudes.
Do not operate with one hand. Sed- ous injurytothe oparator, helpem, or
bystandem may resultfrom one-
handed operation. A chainsaw is in-
tended for two-handed use.
Do not operate saw from a ladder or
in a tree.
Make sure the chain will not make contact with any object while starting
the saw. Never start the sawwhen the
guide bar is ina cut.
Don't tome chain saw. It willdo the job
better and safer at the rate forwhich it
was intended.
Do not putpressure on the saw, es- pecially atthe end of the cuL Doing so can cause you to losecontrol
when the cut iscompleted.
Stop the saw before setting it down.
Hand carry sew only when motoris
stopped. Cany the cha_ saw by the fronthandiswith_e saw stopped,_-
gsr offthe switch,theguidebar and saw chaintothe rear.
Use the dghttool, cutwood only. Don't usechain saw for purposenot intended; for example, don't use
chain saw for cuttingplastic, masonry, non-wood buildingmaterials.
Use extreme cautionwhen cutting small sizebrush and saplingsbe-
cause the tender matedaJmay catch the saw chain and I_ewhipped toward
you or pullyou off balance.
When cuttinga limbthat is underten-
don be alert forspdng back soyou will notbe struck when the tension in
the wood fibersis released.
Have allchain saw service performed
by a Sears Service Center except the items listedin the maintenance sec-
tion ofthis manual.
Make certain sew chain stopsmoving when tdgger switchis released.
Keep the handles dryand dean and
freefrom-oiland grease.
Keep oilcap andfastenem securely tightened.
Nonconform g compo-
nentsorthe removalofsafsty devices may causedamageto the unitand
rissandreplacam_ pertsasrecom- mended. Neverrood@.,yoursew..
Keep unitsharp and dsan for better and safer performance. .
Unplugthe chainsew from the power
sourcewhennotin use, beforeservin-
andsttschments, suchas sew chain
ed pads. Beforefur-
theruseofthe chainsew, a guardor otherpartthat is damagsdshouldbe
carefullycheckedto determinethatit will operateproperlyand performits in- tendedfunction.Checkfor alignmentof moving per__biting ofmovingparts, breakage_ pads,mountingandany
otfterconditionsthat may affectitsop- eration.A guardor otherpartthatis
damagsdsho dbepropedyrep=red
or replacedby a SearsService Center
the operator'smanual.
Do notoperate a chain saw that is
damaged, improperlyadjusted, or is
notcompletely and securely as-
sembled. Inspectchain sew cords pe-
d_ically, and if damaged have re-
paired by a Sears Service Center.
When notin use, chain sews should be storedin a dry,high or locked-up
place outof the reachof children.
When stodng sew, unplugand use a barsheath orcarryingcase. Store idle
Usaavoitsgssupplyesshownonunit. Avoidd,_..,gerou..s,environments.Don't
," use al_hanses m damp_orwet loca-
tions. Donl u_e Inrain.
Avoiddangeroussituations.Do not
use in the presence of flammable liq- uidsor gases to avoid creating a fire
or explos'mnand/or causing damage to unit.
Toreducethe dsk ofelectricalshock, saw cords pedodk:aUyand if
thisappl'Bncehasa polarizedplug aged, have repaired by a Se'g_S-Sdt- (oneblade iswiderthanthe other) and
willrequirethe use of a polarizedex- GUARD AGAINST KICKBACK
vice Center.
tens n Thaappr nca w= Fo owal to =,o d ck-
intoa polarizedextensioncordonly backand otherforceswhichcanresultin
Oneway.ifthe.p_gdosenot_tfuUy serous_=y.
intothe extans_ cord, roversethe plug.Ifthe plug alill does notfit,obtain
a correct polarizedextensioncord. A
useofa peladzedwalloutJet."l'hisplug
willfit Intothepeladzedwalloutletonly
onsway.Ifplugdoesnot_ funyInto
plugstilldoesnotfit,contacta qualified electddanto Installthe properwallout-
let Donotchangethaequ_omantplug,
extensioncord receptacle,orextension
extensioncordsspecificallymarkedas suitablefor outdoorapprBnceshaving
electricalratingnotlessthanthe rating of unit.Cord mustbe markedwithsurf's<
"W'. Make sure yourextensioncordis in goodconcrdion.Inspectextension cord before useand replaceif dam-
aged.An undem'rpedextensioncord willcausea dropin Finevoltageresult- ing in lossof powerand overheating.If
in doubt,use the nextheaviergauge. The I_v.e.rthegauge number,the
heavierthecord(see "Selectan exten- sioncord3.
Do not abuse cord. Never carry the
unitbythe extension cordor yank ex-
tensioncord to disconnectunit.
Secure extensioncord to power cord
to preventdisconne_i.'onfrom unit.
Do not use the unit if the swdch does nottum the uniton and offproperly,or
if the lockoutdoes not work. Repairs tothe switchmust be made by a
Sears Service Center.
Keep extensionco_ clear of operator and obstaclesat all times. Position
cord so that it will not be caught on branches. Do not expose cords to
heat, oil,water, or sharpedges.
To avoidthe possibilityofelectric
shcok_avoid body contact with any groundedconductor, such as metal fences or pipes.
GroundFault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) protectionshouldbe provided
oncircuitor outletto be used. Recep- taclesare available having built-in
GFCI protectionand may be usedfor this measure of safety. Inspectchain
Clear The WorkingArea
WARNING: Rotational Kickbackcan occurwhen the moving chain contacts
an objectat the upper portionof the tip
ofthe guidebar. Contactat the upper portionof the tip of the guide bar can
cause the chain to dig into the object,
whichstops thb chain for an instant. The result is a lightningfast, reverse
reactionwhich Idcksthe guide bar up and back toward the operator.
Pinch-Kickbackand PuIHn occurwhen
the chain is suddenly stoppeclby being pinched,caught, or by contactinga for- eign object in the wood. This sudden
stopping of the chain resultsin a rever- sal of the chain force used to cut wood
and causes the saw to move inthe op-
positedirectionof the chainrotation. Pinch-Kickbackdrivesthe saw straight
backtoward the operator.PuN-Inpulls the saw away from the operator.
IOCKBACK WARNING: IC._kbackcan occurwhenthe moving
chaincontactsan objectatthe upper
the wcoddosas inandpinches the saw chaJninthe cut.The CompuledW.K:kback
Angle (CKA)listedOnyoursaw and r_ed
inthefolowingCKA Tabla represen__e an_._0f Idckba_ yourbar andcha_
_ will=havewhen testedin accordancewithCSA and ANSI stan- dards.Computedariesrsprasantedin
the CKA cclumnindicatetotalanergy and angleassodaledwithouta chain'brake.
erationsshouldbe givantothe lower
CKAvalues.In all cases,lowerCKAval-
uesrepresenta_ operatingenviron- CKArequirementsper standard. meritfortheuser. REDUCE-THE CHANCE OF
Do not rely exclusively upon the safety KICKBACK devices built intoyour.saw. The _ precautionsshouldbefol-
Eitherofthase feastions may cause lowedto minimizel_kbadc
you to lose controlof the saw which G.dpsaw firmly.Holdchain.saw
. couidresult in serious,injury.. . withbothhandswhen motorIs nmrmg.
Pinching.thesaw cnmn along me tip Usea finn.gripwiththumbsand falgem of the guide bar may push the guide endrcEngchainsawhandk_
bar rapidlyback toward the operator. Do not over rea_.".
TIp cohtad in some casesmay cause ."_ properfootingand balance at
a lightningfastRFJ,.CnON,kiddng the ail timas.
CKA TABLE contact a log, branch, groundorother
.OOEL _,_ L.,_! e_. c_
358341240 71-3_g4 16" 71-3617 16o
CHAIN BRAKE & CKA ANGLE WARNING: Theeffectivenessofa
chainbrake in redudngoperat,_ injuries hasnotyet beenfubj dsterminsd.We
cannotrepresentUlata chainbrakeisan effoclivesafetydevicetopreventor re- ducethehazardof_judasresu_ngfrom
saw properlyand carefullyto avoidkick-
back.ReducedKickbackbarsand Low Kickbackchainsreducetha hazard of
_ andare rocommended.Repa_ ona chainbrakeshouidbe made bya
SearsSewice Center.Takeyour unitto the pisceof purchaseifpurchasedfrom
a ServicingCenter,ortothe nearest
WARNING: Computedkickbackangle
(CKA)Estedonyoursaw and listedinthe
yourbarand chaincombinsltons_1
l-_vewben te_edinaccorde_ewilh
CSA andANSI standan:b.When.pur-
..cccccccc ..rep cem barandcha con-
CKA valuas.LowerCKAvaluesrepre-
Don't let the nose ofthe guide bar
Don't cut above shoulderheight.
Use devicessuch as low kickioack
chain, guide bar nose guards, chain brakes,and..,specialgu!debars..,that
reduce the nsks associatedwith kick- back.
Only use replacement bars and chains spec.ifiedby the manufacturer
or the equwalent,
Avoid Pinch-IQcid)adc
Be extremely aware of situationsor
obstructionsthat can cause matadal
to pinchthe top of or otherwise stop the chain..'
Do nct cutmorethanons logat a time.
: Do nottwistthe saw as the bar is
withdrawnfrom an undercutwhen bucking.
Avoid PulHn:
Alwaysbegin cuttingwiththe saw at full speed and the saw housing
against wood.
Use wedges made of plasticor wood.
Never use metalto holdthe cut open.
The followingprecautionsshouldbe fol-
lowed to minimize kickback.
A good, firm gdp on the saw with bath
handswill helpyou maintaincontrol. Don't let go. Grip the rear handle wi_
your right hand whether you are right
or left handed.
uesincicaternoreangleandhigherkick energiss.InallcaseslowerCKAvaltm
.representa safer op_ enviromnent
forthe user. The guide bar and chaincombinatlen(s)
shown in the CKA Table meet kictd_ck
requirements of CSA Z62.1, Z62.3, &
ANSI B175.1 when used onsaw(s) listed
inthismanual. Use ofbarand cl_aincom- binationsother than those listed is not
recommended and may not meet the
,Right,__Left Hand
Wrap the ringers ofyour left hand overand aroundthe fronthandlebar,
and your left thumb underthe front handlebar.
back performance requl_ _vhen tested on,the representativesample
of these chainsaws specified inANSI
_(_ Low 1<3ckbackChain has m__k-
When making bucking or pruning _ Contoured Depth Gauge
cuts, position your left hand on the /calif.,P--- ElongatedGuard Unk
front handlebarso itis in a straight
linewith your dghthand on the rear handle. Stand slightlytothe left side
ofthe saw to keep yourbody from be- ing in a directline with the cut_ng
chain. Keep your left arm straightwith the elbow locked.
Stand withyour weight evenly bal- anced on both feeL
Do notoverreach.Youcouldbe drawn or thrown off balanceand lose contrd.
Do notcut above shoulderheight.It is d'_cuit to maintain controlofsaw
above shoulder height.
KICKBACK SAFETY FEATURES WARNING: The following features are
includedon your saw to help reduce hazard of kickback;however, such fea-
tureswill not totallyeliminate thisdan- ger. Do not rely onlyon safety devices.
Handguard:designed to reduce the chance of your left hand contacting
the chain if your hand slips offthe front handlebar.
Positionof front and rear handlebars:
designed with distance between han- dles and "in-line"witheach other.The
spread and "in-line"positionof the
handsprovided by this designwork
together to give balance and re=s- tance in controllingthe pivotof the
saw back toward the operatorif kick°
back occurs.
Reduced-KickbackGuide signedwith a small radiustipwhich
roducsathe size of the kickback dan- dgerzone. This typebar has been
ernonstratedto significantlyreduce
the number and sedousnese of kick- backs when tested in accordance
with ANSI B175.1.
_"_ SmallRadius
_, _ DeflectsKickbackForce
'_ And/_ows Wood To
GraduallyRide IntoCutter
vibrstions_through prolongeduse of
hand tools couldcause blood vessel or nerve damage in the fingersrhands,.
and jointsof people prone tocirculatmn disoidersor abnormalswelling.
Prolongeduse incold weather has
been linked to bloodvessel damage in
otherwisehealthy people. If symptoms
occursuch as numbness, pain, lossof
strength,change inskin coloror
texture, or loss offeeling/in the fingers,
hands,or joints, discontinuethe use of
this tooland seek medicalattention. An
anti-vibrationsystem does not guarantee the avoidance of these
problems. Usf_m- who operate power toolson a continualand regularbasis
must closelymonitortheii"physical condition and the condition of this tool.
This unitis Dot._le Insulatedto hsippro. tectagainstelectricshock.Doubleinsula- _on _ condstsof two ssparate
"1_ of eisctfica]insul_on insteadof
shoulda msansofgroumingbe added toUlis ur_
whanSafstYopen nganyPrsCau °mmustba°bseved
elec_cai tcoLThe
addedpfo c ega t re dng
froman intemalaiecMcalInsulation
STANDARDS: This product islisted by UnderwritersLaboratodes, Inc. in ac- cordance.withaL Standard 1662 and CSA Standards Z62.1 and Z62.3 and ANSI B175.1.
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