Craftsman 358341140 Owner’s Manual

Operator's Manual
2.5 HP Motor
Model No.
358.341140 - 16 in. Bar
"illl_ For answers to your quest!ons about this product:
Call 7 am--7 pm, Mon--Sat, Sun, 10 am-7 pm
Seam_oebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 USA
530-087666 0_17R8
Safety Rules Assembly Operation
This v_arrdnb, . rand chain, which are expendable parts and become worn'during hormal use.
Ifthis Craftsman Electric Chain Saw is used for commemial purposes,
this warran_ app.lies for only 90 days from the date of purchase. If this
2 Service and Adjustments 13 2 Storage . 15
7 Trouble Shooting 15 7 Spanish 18
12 Parts Ordering Back
CraftsmanElectncChainSawis usedfor rentalpurposes,thinwarranty
appliesfor only30 daysfrom thedateofpurchase.Thiswarrantyap-
pliesonlywhilethisproductisinuseinthe UnitedStates.
UNITED STATES. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have oth-
er rights which vary from state to state.
Roebuck and Inc,, Hoffmen Estates 60179 U.S.A.
WARNING: When usingan electric chainsaw, basic safety precautions,in-
cludingthefollowing,shouldalways be followed to reduce the riskoffire, elec- tricshock, and injuryto persons. Read
WARNING: Alwaysdisconnectpower
sourcewhen maldngrepairs.Becausea chainsaw isa high-speedwoodcutting tool,carelessor improperusa of thistool
-_=can cause seriousinjury. PLAN AHEAD
Restricttheuss'ofyeursswto adult
the saf_y rules, precautions, and oper-
a_ngi_ found_ _s marn_
Keepchgdrenaway. Do notletvidtom
contsctchslnsaw or extermicncord.All visitorsshouldbe I=pt at least30 feet
, * Dress properly.Wear protectivegear.
AIw..ays use steel-toed safety footwear with non-slipsoles; snug-rdtingcloth-
ing, heavy-duty,non-slipgloves; eye
F¢otection such as non-fogging,
vented goggles or face screen;an ap-
proved safety hard hat; and sound
barriers(ear plugs or mufflers)to pro-
tect your hearing. Regular users should have hearing checked regular-
lyas chain saw noise can damage hearing.
Safety f Safety Chaps Shoes "_
Securehairabove shoulderlength.Do
notwear Ioo_...clothin_orjew.d_ they
.cccccccc_nget caught,n mov,_..garB. .
_eep all partsof your ocoyaway rmm
the chain when saw is running.
Do nothandleor operatea _ saw
when youam fatigued, ill,upset,orif
youhave taken alcohol,drugs,or me-
dication.Youmust be in goodphysical
cor_rdion.andmentallyalerL ffyou have anyconcFdonthat mightbe aggravated
by strenuouswork, check with doctor beforeoperating.
Watch what you are doing. Use com-
monsense. _ ::....
Do notstart cuttinguntil you have a " clear work area, secure footing, and
especiallyif you are felling a tree, a retreatpath. Keep work area clean. Cluttered areas inviteinjudas.
Do notoperate with one hand. Sed-
ous injuryto the operator, helpers, or bystanders may result from one- handed operation. A chain saw is in-
tended fortwo-handed use.
Do not operate saw from a ladder or
in a tree.
Make sure the chain will not make
contact with any object while starting the saw. Never start the saw when the
guide bar is in a cut•
Don'tforce chain saw. It will do the job better and safer at the rate for whichit
was intended.
Do notput pressure onthe saw, es-
peciallyat the end ofthe cut. Doing so can causeyou to losecontrol when the cut is completed.
Stopthe saw beforesetting it down.
Hand carry sew only when motor is stopped. Carrythe chainsaw by the fronthandlewiththe saw sty, fm- gorofftbe switck _le guidebar and
saw chainto the rear.
Use the righttool, cutwood only.
Don'tuse chain saw for purpose not
intended;for example, don't usa
chain saw for cutting plastic, masonry,
non-woodbuildin_ rnstedals.
Usa extreme caution when cuffing
small's_ brush and saplings be- cause the tender matedal m.aycatch the saw chainand be wh-ipp_l toward
- you or pullyou offbalance.
When cuttinga limbthat is under ten- sion be alert for epnng back so you
willnot be struckwhen the tension in the woodfibers is released.
Have all chain saw service performed _ya Sears Service Center except the
listedin the maintenance sac-
tionofthis manual.
Ma_e-_ef_dn saw chain stops moving when trigger switch is released.
free from oiland grease.
i Keep the handles dry and clean and
Keep oilcap andfastenere securely
N-onco ormingre _camentcorrco-
nantsortbe removalof safetydevices may osuse damage to tha unitand
_sta_eminjuw tothe operatoror by-
Usa onlyCraftsmanaccasso-
desand replacementparis as r_om- mended. Never modi_,yoursaw.
Maintain chain saw with care.
i Keep unitsharp and clean forbetterand safer performance.
Follow instructionsfor lubricatingand changingaccessodee.
Unplugthe chainsaw fromthe power
source when not in use, before servic-
ing, and when changing accessories and attachments, such as saw chain
and guard,
Check for damaged parts. Before fur- ther use of the chain saw, a guard or
other part that is damaged should be carefully checked to determine that it will operate properly and perform its in- tended function. Check for alignment of
moving parts, binding of moving paris, breakage of pads, mounting and any other conditions that may affect its op- eration. A guard or other part that is damaged should be properly repaired or replaced by a Sears Service Center
unless otherwise indicated elsewhere in
the operator's manual.
Do not operate a chain saw that is
damaged, improperly adjusted, or is
not completely and securely as-
sembled. Inspect chain saw cords pe-
riodically, and if damaged have re-
paired by a Sears Service Center.
When notin use, chain saws should be stored in a dry, highor locked-up
place out of the reach of children.
When storingsaw, unplug and use a bar sheath or carrying case. Store idle
chain saw.
Use a voltagesupply as shownonunit
Avoiddangerousenvironments. Don't
usaappliances in damp or wet loca-
tions. Don't use in rain.
Avoiddengemus situations.Do not
use in the presenceof flammable liq- uidsor gases to avoidcreating a fire or explosionand/or causing damage
to unit.
* To reducethe riskof aiectrical shock,
this appliancehas a polarizedplug
(oneblade iswider than the other)and willrequirethe use of a polarizedex-
tensioncord.The applianceplugwl]lfit
intoa polarizedextension cordordy oneway. If the plugdoes notlit fully
intothe ex_ion cord,.mversethe
pbg. the doesnotfit,obt
a correctpolarizedextensioncord. A polarizedextensioncordwill requirethe
of a polarizedwelloutlet.Thisplug
w_llfit intothe polarizedwail outistonly one way. If plug doesnotfitfullyinte the wailoutlet,reveme the plug.ffthe _ectridanSblldoesnot_ contacta qualified
to installthe properwallout-
let.Do notchangethe equipmentplug, extensioncordreceptacle,or extension
cord plug _ any way. .
To reducenskofelectricalshock,use
extensioncordsspecltk_dly_ as suitableforoutdoorappliancesha_ng
electricalratingnot lessthan the rating of unit.Cord mustbe markedwithsuffix
"V_. Make sure yourextensioncord is in good condition.Inspectextension
cordbefore use and replace ifdam- aged. An undersizedextensioncord will cause a drop in linevoltageresult-
ing in lossof power and overheating.If in doubt,use the nextheavier gauge.
The lowerthe gauge number,the
heavierthecord (see =Selectan exten-
Do notabuse cord. Never carrythe
unitbythe extension cord or yank ex-
tensioncord to disconnectunit.
Secure extension cord to power cord to prevent disconnectionfrom unit.
Do not use the unitif the switchdoes
notturnthe uniton and off properly,or ifthe lockoutdoes notwork. Repairs
tothe switchmust be made by a
_--Sears Service Center.
Keep extension cordclear of operator
and obstacles-atall times. Position cord sothat itwill not be caught on
brancbas. Do not expose cords to heat, oil, water, or s...ha.,rp edges.
* To avo=dthe poss=bdityof electric
shock, avoid body contact with any groundedconductor, such as metal
fences or pipes. .
Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter
(GFCI) protectionshouldbe provided on circuitor outletto be used. Recep- tacles are available having built-in
-GFCI protectionand may be used for
this measure of safety. Inspect chain
saw cordspedodioallyand if dam- aged, have repaired by a Sears Ser-
vice Center.
Fonowaasafetyruk te.h p.avoUk k-
backand otherforcaswhichcan rasultin
serious" "
ClearThe WorldngArea
WARNING: Rotational Kickbackcan occurwhen the movingchain contacts
an object,at the upper portionof the tip of the guidebar. Contact at the upper
portionofthe tip of the guidebar .can cause the chain to dig intothe object,
whichstopsthe chainfor an instant. The resultis a lightningfast, reverse
reactionwhich kicksthe guidebar up and backtoward the operator.
Pinch-Kickbackand Pull-In occurwhen the chainis suddenlystopped by being
pinched,caught, or by contacting a for- eign objectin the wood. This sudden
stoppingof the chain resultsin a rever- sal ofthe chain force used to cut wood
and causes the saw to move in the op-
positedirectionofthe chain rotation. Pinch-Kickbackdrives the saw straight
back towardthe operator. Pull-In pulls the saw away from the operator.
KICKBACK WARNING: IOckbackcan occur whanthe moving
_ objectat the upper porSonof the Upofthe guidebar orwhen
the..w_:l, doses in and p_ches the saw
cl_in in the cut. The _xnputed }Ockbeck
Angle(CKA) rmtedon yoursaw and rm_d inthe followingCKA Tablerepresentsthe
angleof Idckbackyourbarand chain
cord_ willhave wi'_n tested io
acosrdancewithCSA and ANSI stan-
dard= Computodang mp. od
the CKA cokrnn indicate tetai anergy and
angleassociatedWl_'_uta cbainbrako.
purches grep osmo consU-
erationsshouldbe givento thelower
CKA values. In all cese_ lower CKA vak
ues represent a safer operating environ- merit for the user.
Do not rely exclusively upon the safety devices built into your saw.
Either of these reactions may cause
you to lose control of the saw which
coul.d result in sedous, ih_lry. -"....
_,incning the saw cnaJn along the tip * of the guide bar may push the guide
bar rapidly back toward the operator.
-, "lip cohtact in some cases may cause
a lightningfast REACTION, kicking the guide bar up and bsck toward operator.
358341140 71-36366 16" 71-36_1 2_'
WARNING: The effectiveness of a
chain brake in reducing operator injuries has notyetbeen fully determined. We
cannot represent that a chain brske is an
effectivesafe_ device to preventor re- duce the hazard of injurias resulting from
EVENT OF A KICKBACK..Instead, use the saw properly and carefully to avoid Idck-
back. Reduced KT_kbackbars and Low
l_]ddoackchainsreducethe hazard of
Idcld:_ck and are recommended. Repairs on a chain brake should be roads by a
Sears Service Center. Take your unit to
a Servicing Center, or to the nearest
(CKA) listsd on your saw and rstsd in the
CKAtabisrepresents_ of
yourbar _d d'minocrabinatkmswUl
havewhen teetedin_xx_:lancewiLh
CSA ar_SI standards. When pur.
chasingrel_ceme_barandch_r_coo- siders_onsshouldbegivanTott_elower
CKAvalues.LowerCKAvaluesrepre- sentsaferang|estotheuser,.".hig.her_-
. enengles. In all cases lower CKA valuss
_,ant a sa_ opera_ an_onmant
for the user.
The guide bar and chain combination(s)
shown in the CKA Table meet kickback requirements of CSA Z62.1, Z62.3, & ANSI B175.1 when used on saw(s) Ibtod
in this manual. Usa of barand chain com- binaflor_o"ther than those listed is not
recommended and may not meet the
CKArequirementsperstandard. REDUCE THE CHANCE OF
KICKBACK The following presauliom dlould be fal-
lowed to minimize Idckback:
. Grip saw firmly. Hold chain saw finnly
Usa a firm grip with thumbs and fingers encirclingchain saw handles.
Do not over reach.
Keep proper footing and baiance at
all times.
Don't let the nose of the guide bar
contact a log, branch, ground or other obstruction.
Don't cut above shoulder height. Use devices such as low Id_ck
chain, guide bar nose guards, chain
brakes, and special guide bars that reduce the risks associated with kick-
Only use replacement bars and chains specified by the manufacturer
or the equivalent.
Avoid Pinoh-Kickback:
Be extremely aware of situations or
obstructions that can cause material
to pinch the top of or otherwise stop the chain.
Do notcutmorethanone logat a time.
Do nottwistthe saw as the bar is
withdrawn from an undercut when bucking.
Avoid Putl-ln:
Always begin cutting with the saw at full speed and the saw housing
Never use metal to holdthe cut open.
The followingprecautionsshould be fol-
lowedto minimize Idckback.
A good, firm grip onthe saw withboth
hands will helpyou maintaincontrol.
Don'tlet go. Gripthe rear handlewith
your righthandwhether you are right or left handed.
Wrap the fingersofyour left hand over and around the fronthandlebar,
and your leftthumb underthe front
Low KickbackChain has met kick- back performance requirementswhen
tested on the representativesample
ofthese chain saws specifiedin ANSI B175.1.
Whenmakingbuckingorpruning cuts,positiohi_/ourleft h_mdonth.e
fronthandlebarsoit isona stnught
line with your righthand on the roar
handle. Stand slightlyto the leftside of the saw to keep yourbody frombe-
ing in a direct line with the cutti'ng . chain. Keep your left arm straightwith
the elbow locked.
Stand with your weight evenly bal-
anced onboth feet.
Do notoverrsash.Youcouldbe drawn or thrownoffbalanceand lose control.
Do not cut above shoulderheight. It is
difficultto maintain controlof saw
WARNING: The followingfeatures are
includedon your saw to help reduce hazard of kickback; however,such fee-
turns will nottotallyeliminatethis dan- ger. Do not rely only onsafety devices.
Handguard: designed to reduce the
chance of your left hand contacting the chain if your hand slipsoff the
front handlebar.
Positionof front and rear handlebars: designed with distancebetween han-
dles and "in-line"witheach other.The spread and "in-line"positionof the
hands provided by this design work together to give balance and resis-
tance in controllingthe pivotof the saw back toward the operatorif kick- back occurs.
Reduced-Kickback Guide Bar. de- signedwith a small radius tip which
seduces the size ofthe kickback dan-
ger zone. This type bar has been demonstrated to significantlyreduce
the number and sedousness of kick- backs when tested in accordance with ANSI B175.1.
Small Radius
Tip Guide Bar
Contoured Depth Gauge
,_..P---- Elongated Guard Unk - _, _ Deflects Iqcld3ackForce
_=_ And AllowsWood To
Gradually Ride Into Cutter
SAFETY NOTICE: F.xposurato vibrationsthrough prolonged use of
hand toolscouldcause blood vessel or
nerve .damagein the fingers, hands, and j0untsof people prone to circulation
disoiders orabnormal swelling. Prolongeduse in cold weather has
been Innkedto blood vessel damage in otherwisehealthy people. If symptoms
occursuch as numbn.ess,pain, loss of strength, change m skin coloror
texture, or lossof feeling in the fingers, hands, or joints,discontinuethe use of
this tool and seek medical attention. An anti-vibration system does not
guarantee the avoidance of these
problems. Users who operate power
tools on a continual and regular basis
must closely monitor their physical condition and the condition of this tool.
Thisunitis DoubleInsulatedtohelppro-
tectagainstelecl_ shock.Doubleinsula-
tion_ consistsof two sspemte
=layers"ofelectricalinsula6oninsteadof _" "withthisinsulationsystemars
notIntendedto ba grounded.No ground-
ingmeans isprovidedon thisunit,nor shoulda meansof groundingbe added tothle untL
Safetyprecautionsmustbe observed
whenoperaiingany electricaltcol.The
deuce uU!on r ovk .
STANDARDS: This productis listed by UnderwritersLaboratodos, Inc. in ac-
cordar_e with UL Standard 1662 and CSA Standards Z62.1 and Z62.3 and
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