Craftsman 351226121 Owner’s Manual

Operator's Manual
7 x 12"
Model No.
CAUTION: Read and follow
all Safety Rules and Operating
Instructions before First Use
Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 U.S.A.
16799.05 Draft (04/25/06)
Warranty.................................... 2
SafetyRules............................... 2-3
Unpacking.................................. 3
Assembly................................... 3
Installation................................. 3-4
Operation................................. 4-9
Maintenance................................. 9
Troubleshooting........................... 10-11
PartsIllustrationandListforBase............ 12-13
PartsIllustrationandListforBed............. 14-15
PartsIllustrationandListforHead............ 16-17
PartsIllustrationandListforGearBox......... 18-19
If this Craftsman tool fails due to a defect in material or workmanship within one year from the date of purchase,
If this tool is used for commercial or rental purposes, this warranty will apply for only 90 days from the date of purchase.
This warranty applies only while this tool is in the United States.
This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights, which vary, from state to
Sears, Roebuck and Co., Dept. 817WA, Hoffman Estates, IL 60179
WARNING: For your own safety, read all of the instructions and precautions before operating tool.
CAUTION: Always follow proper operating procedures as defined in this manual -- even if you are familiar with use of this or similar tools. Remember that being
careless for even a fraction of a second can result in severe personal injury.
Wear proper apparel. Do not wear loose clothing, gloves, neckties, rings, bracelets or other jewelry which may get caught in moving parts of machine.
Wear protective hair covering to contain long hair.
Wear safety shoes with non-slip soles.
Wear safety glasses complying with United States ANSI Z87.1. Everyday glasses have only impact resistant lenses. They are NOT safety glasses.
Wear face mask or dust mask if operation is dusty.
Be alert and think clearly. Never operate power tools when tired, intoxicated or when taking medications
that cause drowsiness.
Keep work area clean. Cluttered work areas invite accidents.
Do not use power tools in dangerous environments. Do not use power tools in damp or wet locations. Do
not expose power tools to rain.
Work area should be properly lighted.
Proper electrical receptacle should be available for tool. Three-prong plug should be plugged directly into properly grounded, three-prong receptacle.
Extension cords should have a grounding prong and the three wires of the extension cord should be of
the correct gauge.
Keep visitors at a safe distance from work area.
Keep children out of workplace. Make workshop childproof. Use padlocks, master switches or remove switch keys to prevent any unintentional use of power tools.
Always unplug tool prior to inspection.
Consult manual for specific maintaining and adjust- ing procedures.
Keep tool lubricated and clean for safest operation.
Remove adjusting tools. Form habit of checking to see that adjusting tools are removed before switch- ing machine on.
Keep all parts in working order. Check to determine that the guard or other parts will operate properly
and perform their intended function.
Check for damaged parts. Check for alignment of moving parts, binding, breakage, mounting and any
other condition that may affect a tool's operation.
A guard or other part that is damaged should be properly repaired or replaced. Do not perform makeshift repairs. (Use parts list provided to order replacement parts.)
Use right tool for job. Do not force tool or attachment to do a job for which it was not designed.
Disconnect tool when changing blade.
Avoid accidental start-up. Make sure that the tool is in the "off" position before plugging in.
Do not force tool. It will work most efficiently at the rate for which it was designed.
Keep hands away from moving parts and cutting surfaces.
Never leave tool running unattended. Turn the power off and do not leave tool until it comes to a complete
Do not overreach. Keep proper footing and balance.
Never stand on tool. Serious injury could occur if tool is tipped or if blade is unintentionally contacted.
© Sears, Roebuck and Co. 2
Know your tool. Learn the tool's operation, applica- tion and specific limitations.
Use recommended accessories (refer to page 15). Use of improper accessories may cause risk of injury to persons.
Handle workpiece correctly. Protect hands from pos- sible injury.
Turn machine off if it jams. Blade jams when it digs too deeply into workpiece. (Motor force keeps it stuck in the work.) Do not remove jammed or cut off pieces until the saw is turned off, unplugged and the blade has stopped.
WARNING: The operation of any power tool can result in foreign objects being thrown into the eyes, which can result in severe eye damage.
Always wear safety goggles complying with United States ANSI Z87.1 (shown on package) before com- mencing power tool operation. Safety goggles are avail- able through your Sears catalog.
Check for shipping damage. If damage has occurred, a claim must be filed with carrier. Check for complete-
ness. Immediately report missing parts to dealer. The band saw comes assembled as one unit. Additional
parts which need to be fastened to the saw should be located and accounted for before assembling:
Filter with bolt and nuts, work stop, work stop rod, wing
bolt, two axles, four wheels and four cotter pins. IMPORTANT: Bed is coated with a protectant. To
ensure proper fit and operation, remove coating. Coating is easily removed with mild solvents, such as mineral spirits, and a soft cloth. Avoid getting cleaning solution on paint or any of the rubber or plastic parts. Solvents may deteriorate these finishes. Use soap and water on paint, plastic or rubber components. After cleaning, cover all exposed surfaces with a light coating of oil. Paste wax is recommended for table top.
Refer to Figure 8, page 12.
Slide axles (Key No. 13) through holes in left and right legs (Key Nos. 15 and 33). Ends of axles
should extend 11/2"outside of legs.
Raise or prop up right leg approximately 3". Slide wheels (Key. No. 12) onto axle.
Slide spacers (Key. No. 11) onto axle.
Insert cotter pins (Key. No. 14) through holes in axle. Bend ends of cotter pins back to secure in place.
Repeat steps above to mount wheels onto the right side of bandsaw.
Refer to Figure 9, page 14.
Insert end of work stop rod (Key. No. 8) into bed (Key No. 41 ). Secure position of rod with socket head bolt (Key No. 61 ).
Slide work stop (Key No. 6) onto work stop rod and secure with wing bolt (Key. No. 5).
Adjust the work stop as described in Operation, page 9.
Refer to Figure 8, page 12.
Insert filter with hex head bolt and hex nuts (Key Nos. 31,32 and 19) into recess in chip tray (Key. No
Center of filter should be curved up so chips cannot get under filter.
The band saw is supplied with a 1 HP motor. The 115 Volt AC motor has the following specifications:
Horsepower (max. developed) ................... 2
Voltage ............................... 115/230
Amperes ................................. 14/7
Hertz ..................................... 60
Phase .................................. Single
RPM .................................... 1725
WARNING: All electrical connections must be per- formed by a qualified electrician.
WARNING: Make sure unit is off and disconnected from power source any time wiring is inspected.
Band Saw is prewired for 115 volt, 60 HZ power source. See figure 3 for wiring schematic.
The motor is designed for operation on the voltage and frequency specified. Normal loads will be handled safe- ly on voltages not more than 10% above or below the specified voltage.
Running the unit on voltages which are not within the range may cause overheating and motor burn-out. Heavy loads require that the voltage at motor terminals be no less than the voltage specified. Power supply to the motor is controlled by a single pole toggle switch.
WARNING: Improper connection of equipment grounding conductor can result in the risk of electrical shock. Equipment should be grounded while in use to protect operator from electrical shock.
Check with a qualified electrician if grounding instructions are not understood or if in doubt as to
whether the tool is properly grounded.
Thistoolisequippedwithanapproved3-conductor cordratedat150Vanda threepronggroundingtype
plug(seeFigure1)foryourprotectionagainstshock hazards.
Groundingplugshouldbepluggeddirectlyintoa properlyinstalledandgrounded3-pronggrounding- typereceptacle,asshown(Figure1).
rigid green tab or terminal on the side of the adapter must be securely connected to a permanent electri-
cal ground such as a properly grounded water pipe, a properly grounded outlet box or a properly ground-
ed wire system.
Many cover plate screws, water pipes and outlet boxes are not properly grounded. To ensure proper ground, ground- ing means must be tested by a qualified electrician.
3__rroO_d_lnuggProng _._.._"4_L_.J II
Figure1 - 3-Prong Receptacle
Do not remove or alter grounding prong in any man- ner. In the event of a malfunction or breakdown, grounding provides a path of least resistance for
electrical shock.
WARNING: Do not permit fingers to touch the termi- nals of plug when installing or removing from outlet.
Plug must be plugged into matching outlet that is properly installed and grounded in accordance with all local codes and ordinances. Do not modify plug provided. If it will not fit in outlet, have proper outlet installed by a qualified electrician.
Inspect tool cords periodically, and if damaged, have repaired by an authorized service facility.
Green (or green and yellow) conductor in cord is the grounding wire. If repair or replacement of the elec- tric cord or plug is necessary, do not connect the green (or green and yellow) wire to a live terminal.
Where a 2-prong wall receptacle is encountered, it must be replaced with a properly grounded 3-prong receptacle installed in accordance with National Electric
Code and local codes and ordinances. WARNING: This work should be performed by a quali-
fied electrician. A temporary 3-prong to 2-prong grounding adapter (see
Figure 2) is available for connecting plugs to a two pole outlet if it is properly grounded.
Grounding Lug_ _" ThisMakelsSure
Adapter _ _ Connected 3-Pronu,,_u __D,,_ _ ¢ _'-----, H ToAKnown
2-Prong Receptacle
Figure 2 - 2-Prong Receptacle with Adapter
Do not use a 3-prong to 2-prong grounding adapter unless permitted by local and national codes and ordinances. (A 3-prong to 2-prong grounding adapter is not permitted in Canada.) Where permitted, the
To use the band saw with a 230V, single-phase power supply, have a qualified electrician attach a 230 volt, 20/30A 3-prong plug onto band saw line cord and install the proper connectors and recepta- cles to power supply.
See wiring diagram (Figure 3) for wiring instructions for both motor and pump.
1,2, 3, 4 - Motor Leads U, V - Power Supply
Figure3 - Motor and Pump Wiring Diagram
NOTE: Both motor AND pump must be rewired when using 230V power supply.
The use of any extension cord will cause some drop in voltage and loss of power.
Wires of the extension cord must be of sufficient size to carry the current and maintain adequate voltage.
Use the table to determine the minimum wire size (A.W.G.) extension cord.
Use only 3-wire extension cords having 3-prong grounding type plugs and 3-pole receptacles which accept the tool plug.
If the extension cord is worn, cut, or damaged in any way, replace it immediately.
Up to 25 ft.................................. 16
NOTE: Using extension cords over 25 ft. long is not recommended.
The7x12"HorizontalMetalCuttingBandSawpro- videsspeedwithqualityofcutforfabricationshops, machineshops,maintenancedepartmentsandcontrac- tors.Bladespeedrangesfrom125to270FPMtocuta varietyofmaterialrangingformcastiron,toolsteel, bronze,aluminumandplastic.
Thefeedrateisregulatedbyahydrauliccylinder.The dialcontrolforthecylinderisaccessibleduringall stagesofproperoperationandcanbesetatanyfeed
ratewithinitsrange.Thewetcutoperationprovidesa qualitycutandextendsbladelife.Featuresinclude automaticshutoff,industrialratedspeedreducer,heavy gaugesteelconstruction,castironwheels,pulleyshead
andbed. Additionalfeaturesincludeswivelvisejawsforangle
cuts,builtinchiptrayandwheelassemblies.Sawis controlledbytoggleswitch.
Capacity ............................ 7" Rounds
7 x 8" Rectangle at 90°
2 x 12" Rectangle at 90°
4 x 6" Rectangle at 45°
Blade speeds .............. 125, 215 and 270 FPM
Blade size ........................ 3/4x .032 x 93"
Blade wheels ............................. 111/2"
Overall dimensions ............... 491/2x 17 x 351/2',
Weight ................................ 318 Ibs
Coolant pump ............. 2.25 Gallons per minute
Coolant trough ....................... 3.4 Gallons
Refer to Figure 8, page 12.
WARNING: Always observe the following safety pre- cautions.
Whenever adjusting or replacing any parts on the
band saw turn, switch off and remove plug from power source.
Make sure the stops are positioned and that the
automatic shut-off is operating.
Check that the gear box has the proper amount of
Make sure the blade guides are positioned correctly.
Use the appropriate blade for the workpiece that is
being cut.
Use a sharp blade. Replace dull blades or blades
which are missing teeth.
Make sure the blade is tensioned properly and going
in the right direction.
Use the proper blade speed for the work.
For optimum performance, do not stall the motor or
reduce the speed. Use the proper feed pressure.
Make sure enough coolant is available to keep coolant pump (Key No. 5) submersed.
Secure the workpiece in a stable position.
Check that all guards are attached.
After turning the switch on, let the blade come to full speed. Then lower the blade onto the workpiece slowly.
Keep hands away from the blade and all moving parts.
Always wear eye protection or face shield.
Refer to Figure 9, page 14. Horizontal stop bolt (Key No. 37) controls the position of
the head at the end of the cut. Head should contact the horizontal stop when teeth are 1/8"below the surface of
the workbed.
Refer to Figure 9, page 14.
Place head in the horizontal position.
Loosen the nuts (Key No. 32) on the horizontal stop bolt. Adjust the horizontal stop bolt so that the teeth
are 1/8"below the surface of the workbed.
Tighten the nuts to lock the position.
Refer to Figure 9, page 14. The switch is shut off when the blade passes through
the plane of the workbed. The switch should be shut off as soon as the cut is finished.
IMPORTANT: Make sure the action of the switch is not restricted by the horizontal stop.
All ball bearings are permanently lubricated. They should not require further lubrication.
If the tracking wheel or head pivot is disassembled for any reason, wipe off the old grease before assembly.
Refer to Figure 11.
The gear box relies on an oil bath to lubricate the sliding surfaces and transfer heat. The vent bolt (Key. No. 30) is vented to release pressure created by the developed heat. Insufficient lubrication will cause the gears to heat up and wear at an accelerated rate. If the gear box is over filled, hot oil will escape through the vent hole. The gear box is designed to take 10 ounces of 70-95 weight industrial gear oil.
The oil level should remain constant. If the level changes, a defective gasket or seal should be
looked for and replaced.
If the gear box is worked on, the oil should be replaced to avoid contamination.
Always add fresh oil and replace the oil seasonally, to guard against break-down.
Thesealbetweenthegearboxandthecoverplateis agasket(KeyNo.14).Ifcoverplateisremoved,the
surfaceshouldbecleanedanda newgasketshould beapplied.
Afterthefirstfiftyhoursofuse,thegearboxshould bedrainedandrefilledwithindustrialgearoil.
Band saw blade has to be twisted relative to the plane in which it rotates. Blade must be properly positioned
relative to the workbed. Blade guides hold the cutting portion of the blade in a
plane which is perpendicular to both the workbed and the stationary vise and keep the blade in line with its
natural path around the blade wheels. Inner guide bearings on the upper and lower guide assem-
blies keep the blade in line with the blade wheels. Outer guide bearings keep the blade against the inner bearings.
Entire guide assembly is positioned at the factory to produce the proper twist and should not need adjust-
ment, however, the position of blade guides should be checked often.
NOTE: Since the blade position is related to both table and the vise jaws, the relative position of the jaw to the table is important. When assembled, the stationary jaw must be perpendicular to the surface of the workbed.
Refer to Figure 10, pages 16.
Check that the blade teeth are perpendicular to the machined surface of the base.
Spread the blade guides as far apart as possible.
Check that vise jaws are parallel and set for 90° cutoff.
Position the vise jaws to have the maximum separa- tion that will not interfere with the blade guides.
With the head in horizontal position, use a square against face of rear vise jaw and check that jaw is
90° to the side of blade.
Check that the blade is in line with tracking and drive wheels (Key Nos. 44 and 52).
Raise the head.
Look straight on at the cutting edge of the blade.
Make sure that the blade sides are parallel to the sides of the bearings.
Make sure the bearings (Key No. 6) touch the blades and can still be rotated by hand.
Refer to Figure 10, page 16. If the blade is not perpendicular to the base or not in
line with the blade wheels, adjustment is necessary. NOTE: There should be .000-.001" clearance between the blade and the guide bearings.
The guide bearings are adjusted using an eccentric location system. The inner guide bearings are fixed and cannot be adjusted. The outer guide bearings are
mounted to eccentric shafts (Key No. 5) and can be adjusted.
Loosen hex nuts (Key No. 15) with a wrench. Rotate the eccentric shaft to locate bearings in desired positions.
Maintain eccentric shaft position and tighten hex nuts.
Refer to Figure 10, page 16. The thrust bearings (Key No. 6) should be .003-.005"
(average thickness of a piece of paper) away from back of blade. The thrust bearings are adjusted by moving the guide bracket.
Refer to Figure 10, page 16.
If the bearings are positioned properly and the blade is not square, one or both blade guide brackets (Key Nos. 3 and 23) must be adjusted.
Loosen the socket head bolts (Key No. 11).
Adjust the bracket to the correct position.
Tighten the socket head bolts.
Check the guide bearings. Repositioning the blade guide bracket can alter the previous adjustments. Readjust if necessary.
Using the proper blade is important for setting up the correct cutting conditions. Blades are made differently depending on the specific application intended for the blade. Some simple rules can still be applied to almost
all blades. Always remember to have at least three teeth in contact
with the work during a cut. When three teeth are in con- tact, the blade cannot straddle the work. This prevents a tooth that enters the cut from encountering more mater-
ial than it can remove.
"Shocking" occurs when blade teeth contact too much material. This can strip the teeth from the
When cutting harder materials, the suggested minimum number of teeth in contact is six because "shocking" on
harder materials has a more detrimental effect on the blade. The optimum number of teeth in contact with the
workpiece distributes the blade forces among more teeth to increase cutting efficiency and reduces blade wear. The optimum range is from 6-12 teeth in contact for soft materials, up to 12-24 teeth in contact for harder
Always have the maximum number of teeth in con- tact with the work to prevent the gullets of the teeth from being clogged.
When choosing a blade, the overall size of the work is not as important as the thickness average. The thick- ness average is the average width of the material which the blade will contact during each cut. Figure 11 describes how the thickness average should be
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