Craftsman 351215160, 351215080 Owner’s Manual

Operator's Manual g
4 X 8" and
Model Nos.
351.21 5160
CAUTION: Read and follow
Instructions before First Use of this Product.
Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 U.S.A.
20666.01 Draft (07/01{03)
az_n_r_x 9110/2003 I0:38 PAGE 3141 RightF&x
Work area should be prepedy lighted.
Proper electrical receptacle should be available for toot
Warranty ......................................... 2
Safety Rules ...................................... 2
Unpacking ....................................... 3
Assembly ...................................... 3-6
Installation ...................................... 6-7
Operation ..................................... 8-11
Maintenance .................................... 12
Troubleshooting .................................. 13
parts Illustrattan and List ........................ 14-25
Espa5ol ...................................... 26-39
FULL ONEYEAR _RRANTY If _is product fails du6 to a defect in material or workmanship
within one year from the date of purchase, Sears will at its option repair or replace itfree of charge. Contact your nearest
Sears Service Center (1-800-4.MY-HOME) to arrange for prod-
uct repair, or mtum this product to place of purchase for
If this product is used for commercial or rental purposes, this
warranty will apply for 90 days from the data of purchase.
This warranty appitas onlywillie this product is used in the
United States
This warranty gives you spastic legal rights, and you may also have other rights which very from state to state.
Sears, Roebuck and Co., Dept, 817WA, Hoffman Estates,
IL 60179
WARNING: For your own safety, mad all of the Insfructlons
and precautions before operating tool, CAUTION: Always follow proper operating procedures as
defined in this n'_nual even if you are familiar with use of this or similar tools. Remember that being careless for even a
fraction of a second can result In severe pemonal Injury.
Wear proper apparel, Do not wear loose clothing, gloves, neckties, dnga, bracelets or other jewelry which may get
caught in moving parts of machine.
Wear protective hair covering to contain long hair.
Wear safety shoes with non-slip soles.
Wear safety glasses complying with United States ANSI
Z87.1. Everyday glasses have only impact resistant lenses. They are NOT safety glasses.
Wear face mask or dust mask if operation is dusty
Be alert and think clearly. Never operate power tools when
tired, intoxicated or when taking medica_orls that cause drowsiness.
Keep work area ctean. Cluttared work areas invite accidents
Oo not use power tools in dangerous environments. Do not
use power tools in damp or wet locations. Do not expose power tools to rain.
Three prong plug should be plugged direcSy into properly grounded, three-prong receptacte.
Extsosien cords snduld have a grounding prong and the thr,..=e wires of the extension cord should be of the correct g_uge.
Keep visitors at a safe distance from work area.
Keep children out of workplace. Make workshop childproof.
Use padlocks, master switches or remove switch keys to prevent any unintant{ocal use of power too{s.
Always unplug tool prior to Inspection.
Consult manual for sbeciflc maintaining and adjusting
Keep tool lubricated end clean for safest operation,
Remove adjusting tools. Form habit of checking to see that adjusting tcx_tsare removed before switching machine on.
Keep all paris in w_rking order. Check ta determine that the
guard or other parts will operate properly and perform their intended function.
Check for damaged parts. Check for alignment of moving parts, binding, breakage, mounting and any other condition
that may affect a _ol's operation.
A guard or other part that is damaged should be properly repaired or replaced. Do not perform makesh_ repairs
(Use parts list provided to order replacement parts.)
Use nght tool for job. Do not force tool or attachment to do a job for which it was not designed.
Disconnect tool when changing belt or abrasive disc.
Avoid accJdantal start-up Make sure that the tool is in the
"OFF" posilJonbefore plugging in.
Do not forca tool. It will work most efficiently at the rate for
which it was designed.
Keep bends away from moving parts and sanding surfaces
Never leave tool running unattended. Turn the power off
and do not leave tool until Itcomes to a complete stop
Do not overreach. Keep proper footing and balance.
Never stand on tool. Serious injury could occur If tool is tipped or ff beltordiscare unlntentioneltyconta_ed.
Know your tool. Learn the t_::#s ope,,'ati_n, app_icat)ot_ and
specific limitations,
Use Recommended Accessories (refer to pages 19 and
25). Use of improper accessories may cause risk of injury to persons.
Handle the workplace correctly. Protect hands from possi-
ble injury.
Turn machine otf if itjams. Beltjams when it digs too deeply
intoworkpiece. (Motor force keeps it stuck inthe work,)
Support workplace with miter gauge, belt platen or work
Maintain 'As_ maximum ciearanse hetweerl table and sand-. ing belt or disc.
CAUTION: Think safety! Safety is a combination of operator common sense and alertness at air times when tool is being
used. WARNING'. Do not attempt to operate tool until it is com-
pletely essembisd according to the instructions.
© Sears, Roebuckand Co. 2
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MOUNT SANDING CENTER Refer to Figures 2 and 3.
Refer to Figure 1. Check for shipping damage, If damage has occurred, a claim
must be filled with carrier, Check for completeness.
Immediately repeit missing pal"is to dcoter.
The sanding center comes assembled as one unit.Additional
parts which need to be fastened to the sand[rig center should be located and accounted for before assembling.
A Sanding Center
B Disc Table Assembly C Disc Table Handle (2) D Miter Gauge Assembly
E %" Abrasive Sleeve F Belt Table Assembly
G Toolbox with Pan Head Screws
H Dust Chute with Pan Head Screw
I BeltTable Handle, Sleeve and Locking Nut (21508) J Belt Table Handle and Locking Nut (21516) K Belt Platen Assembly
L Abrasive Belt M Drive Roller with Set Screw (21508 only)
N Belt Dust Chute with Pan Head Screws
O Disc Adjustment Wrench (3ram)
P V="Drum Washer O %'Table Insert
R Dust Collection Bag with Clamp Not Shown: 3, 4 and 5ram Hex Wrenches, Belt Table Pointer
with Screw, Disc Table Pointer with Screw and 2 Lifting Hooks (21516 only).
NOTE: Although compact, the sanding centers are heavy, At least two people are required to riftfrom carton. The 21516 is
supplied with lifting hooks. Thread hooks into the cabinet, lift machine to desired lecaUon, then remove and store hooks,
Choose a suitable location to mount the sanding center. The
sanding center must be installed in a place with ample lighting
and correct power supply. To install sanding center:
"The sanding center must be bolted to a firm, level surface.
place, There must be enough room that neither operators
nor bystanders will have to stand In line with the wood
white L_sthg the tool. Allow room so that belt assembly can
be positioned horizontally.
Make sure there Is plenty of room for moving the work-
Sanding center can be Installed on a workbench or a tool stand _sse Recommended Accesoodes, pages t9 and 25)
using bolts, t_:t_ washers end hex nuts (not suppl(ed).
L i, ./
L._149m m_...J=
Figure 2 - 21508 Base Footprint
-- 310mm
.::IL-L-e............ .,j......
Figure t - Unpacking Bander @ __\R
WARNING: Do not operate machine until coreptetely assembled. Do not operate machine until you have completely
read and understood this manual. TOOLS NEEDED
While assembling your sanding center, you will need the
following tools:
3, 4,5ram Hex Wrenches
Combination Square
Phillips Screwdriver
I ._,....i
...................360ram .................
Figure 3 - 21516 Base Footprint
ATTACH DISC TABLE ASSEMBLY Refer to Figures 4 and 5, page 4.
Silde disc table assembly outo the slides on each side of disc guard. Thread the two handles through truenlons into
threaded holes on each side of disc guard.
Be sure the gap between the disc and disc table Is V,," or tess.
)f an adjustment }s necessary, loosen set screw in alu-
minum disc througt_ the opening at top-rear of disc guard.
Posltlen disc V,," or less from edge of table. Secure disc
with set screw.
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A'FFACH DRIVE ROLLER Refer to Figure 7,
Slide drive miler over main shaft and secure in position with set sorew. Make sure set screw tightens against fiat on
Model 21508: Posltlon shaft end flush with rotter end. Modal 21518: Roller is installed at factory,
Figure 4 - Attach Disc i-able ASSembly
Using a combination square, set the table perpendicular to the disc. Attach pointer with screw and set pointer at 0 °.
Figure 5 - Check Squarenes= of Table to Disc
Refer to Figure 6,
Slide pivot bracket of belt platen over pivot stop bracket and secure in position with socket head bolt. Make sure stop
bo!t is between limit stops.
Figure 7 - Attach Drive Roller
Pull tension lever up towards idler roller.
NOTE: There may be an arrow on the inside of the belt. The
arrow should point tn the _rection of belt travel to ensure that the splice in the belt will not come apart.
Slide belt over the ddve and idler milers; center belt on
Push tension lever towards down drive miler to tension belt.
Rotate belt by hand to sheck tracking. Belt should r_de
centered on drive and idler rollers. Adjust kacking nut as
needed to center belt on rollers
To gNut
Tension Lever
Pivot Stop Bracket
Tighten to Secure
Figure 6 - Attach Belt Platen As=embly
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ATTACH BELT TABLE Refer to Figures 9 and 10.
Position belt assembly approximately 30" from horizontal,
Place locking nut Into trunnion groove.
Position table and nut over the slide on the pivot bracket.
Slide handle _mugh the platen and thread into locking nut.
(Model 21508 has sleeve with handle).
Using a combination square, set the table perpendicular to the bell Attach pointer with screw and set pointer at 0".
Make sure thai the gap between the belt and bolt table is '/_," or less Tighten handle securely.
Position belt assembly upright and secure in position.
Igure 11 - Attach Belt Dust Chute
Refer to Ffguse 12.
Slide dust chute onto end of chip exhaust. T'_jhtan so'-ew to secure In _tt[on.
Figure 9 - Attach Belt Table
- Check Squareness o :Table to Belt
ATTACH BELT DUST CHUTE Refer to Figure 11.
Mount belt dust chute to p/aten using two pan head screws.
Figure 12 - Attach Dust Chute
Refer to Figure 13, page 6.
Twist handle to completely open clamp
Pull arm of dust collection bag through clamp.
Pull arm of bag and clamp over dust chute. Secure bag in
position using clamp handle.
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0o not remove or alter grounding prong in any manner. In the event of a maifunction or breakdown, grounding pro-
vides a path of least resistance for electhcal shock.
WARNING: Do not permit _ngers to tov_h the terminals of
plug when installing or removing from outlet.
Plug must be plugged into matching outlet that is properly installed and grounded in accordance with all local codas and ordinances. Do not modify plug provided. If Itwill not fit in outlet, have proper outlet installed by a qualified electhcian
Inspect _ol cords pehodicsily, and if damaged, have
repaired by an authedzed service facility.
Green _orgreen and yetlow)conductorincordis the gmueding wire. If repair or replacement of the electric cord or plug is necessary, do not connect _ green (or green
and yellow) wire to a tire terminal
Where a 2-prong wail receptac_ is encountered, it must be
Figure 13 -Attach Dust Collection Bag
Attach toolbox to rear of cabinet using two pan heed
Refer to Figures 14, 15 and 16, pages 6 and 7. POWER SOURCE
WARNING: De not connect sanding center to the power source _ntif a_ assembly steps have been comp|eted.
The motor is designed for operation on the voltage and fre- quency specified. Normal loads will be handled sately on volt- ages not more than 10% above or below specified voltage.
Running the unit on voltages which are not within range may
cause overheating and motor bum-ouL Heavy toads require
that voltage at motor terminals be no less than the voltage specified on nameplate.
Power supply to the motor is controlled by a single pole
locking rocker switch. Remove the key to prevent unautho- rized use
WARNING: Improper connection of equipment grounding conductor can result in the dsk of electdcal shock_Equipment
should be grounded while In use to protect operator from
electrical shock.
Check With a quatif_ etectn_an ff grounding ins_uctions are not understood or if in doubt as to whether the tcol is
properly grounded.
This tool is equipped with an approved 3-coeductor cord rated at 15or and e 3-preng grounding type plug (Figure
16) for your protecl_n against shock hazards.
Grounding plug should be plugged directly into a properly installed and grounded 3-prong grounding-type receptacle,
as shown (Figure 14}.
Properly Grounded Outlet _----_
Groundthg Prong _"J_) II
3-Prong Plug -___
Figure 14 - 3-Prong Receptacle
replaced with a properly grounded 3-preng receptacle installed in accordance with National Electric Code and
local codes and ordinances.
WARNING: This work should be performed by a qualified electttdan
A temporary 3-prong to 2-preng grounding adapter (see
Figure 15) Is evetleb_e for cor,r,ec'_',gptugs to e two pole outlet if it is propedy grounded.
Grounding Lug _ _ Make Sure
Ariapter--......._.'"_, .._ Connected
3-ProngPtug\ \_ I'_--"II ToAK_,,o
Figure 15 - 2-Prong Re©eptacle with Adapter
Do not use a 3-prong to 2-prong grounding adapter unless permitted by local and nationsi codes and ordinances.
(A 3-prong to 2-prong grounding adapter is not permitted in Canada.) Where permitted, the rigid green tab or terminal on the side of the adapter must be securely connected to a
permanent alecbical ground such as a prepedy grounded
water pipe, e property grounded outlet boy.or a properly
grounded wire system.
Many cover plate screws, watar pipes and outlet boxes are not properly grounded. To ensure proper ground, grounding
means must be tested by a qualified etectdcian.
The use of any extension cord will cause some drop in volt-
age and loss of power.
= Wires of the extension cord must be of sufficient size to
carry the current and maintain adequate v_tage.
Use the table to determine the minimum wire size (A.W.G.I
extension cord.
Use only 3-wtre extension cords having 3-prong grounding
type ptugs and 3-pole te_des which acr_pt the toot plug.
Ifthe extension cord Is worn, cut, or damaged In any way, replace it Immediately,
Extension Cord Lengt_ for model 21508
Wire Size .................................. AWG
Up to 25 ft ....................................... 18
This Is
_ 2-Prong
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NOTE: Using extension cords over 25 ft. long is not recommended.
Extension Cord Length for model 21516
Wire Size ................................... A.W.G.
Upto25ff ....................................... 14
NOTE: Using extension cords over 25 ft. long is not recommended
The sanding centers are assembled with motor and wiring installed as an integral part of the tool. The electrical wiring
schematic is shown in Figure 16.
Horsepower (Maxlmurn Developed) .................... 1
Voltage ........................................ 120
Amperes ....................................... T,5
Hertz .......................................... 60
Phase ..................................... Single
Rotation (viewed from left side) ................ Cl_-kwise
Horsepower (Maximum Developed} .................... 3
Voltage ........................................ 120
Amperes ........................................ 13
Hertz .......................................... 60
phase ....................................... Single
Rotation (viewed @ore left side) ................ Clockwise
WARNING: All electrical connec_ns must be performed by a qualified electrician. Make sure tool is off and disconnected
from power source while motor is mounted, connected, recon-
nected or anytime wiring is inspected. Motor and wires are installed as shown in wiring diagram
(See Figure 16). Motor is assembled with approved, 3-con- ductor cord to be used at 120 volts.
The power lines are inserted directly onto the switch. The green ground line must remain securely fastened to the frame
to properly protect against electrical shock. The power supply to the motor is controlled by a single pole idoldng rocker switch.
Remove the key to prevent unauthorized use.
oS_lac_L__-----3___ ........
Li eco, ,........ ..................
Figure 16 - Wlrteg Diagram
The Craftsman Sanding Centers are constructed of rugged die cast aluminum and cast iron providing stability and vibration-
free operation. The sanding centers are used to sand, deburr, bevel and grind large workpieces of wood, plastic and metal.
Mechanical variable speed feature allows precise control of matedal removal rate.
Built-in dust colle_on system collects dust from the belt, disc and spindle. Dust is exhausted into one included dust collection
bag. The belt housing can be pivoted from vertical to horizontal for sanding large, straight workpieces. The belt assembly includesa t_16ng,cast iron table with miter gauge and dust
collectionchute. The disc can be used to sand or bevel SUlfates with the use of 0 to 45" scaled aluminum table. The disc assambly includes a tilting table with miter gauge slot and dust coltactionchute. The osdtiaiJng spindle pern#rtsthe sand-
ing of contoured shapes. The oscillating motion of the spindle prevents I_'nlng of the workptace end Increases abrasive
sleeve life. The a_ustab_e miter gauge can be used on both the belt and disc tables for guiding the workplece at a desired angle while sanding.
MODEL 21508
Belt size .................................... 4 x 36"
Belt platen area ............................. 4_[,x 1 ! _
Belt table dimensions ........................... 5 x 8"
Belt table tilts................................ 0 to 45°
Belt speed ............................ 350-2300 FPM
Disc diameter .................................... 8"
Disc table direanslens ......................... 6 x 11"
Disc tsbte firs ............................... O to 4Y
Disc speed ............................ 550-3500 RPM
SpindJe size ..................................... _1_"
Spindle drum capacity ............................. 1"
Spindle speed ........................ 275 - 1000 RPM
Spindle oscitialion rate ...................... 57/mintae
Spindle sf_oke ................................... _"
Spindle table size ............................. 8 x 12"
Overall dimensions ..................... 30 x 22 x 18Vz"
Switch ............................. SP, LoCking rocker
Weight ..................................... 135 ths
Belt size .................................... 6 x 48"
Belt platen area ............................. 7 × 1B_t,"
Belt table dimensions .......................... 6 x 10"
Belt table tilts................................ 0 to 45°
Belt speed ............................ 505-2800 FPM
Disc diameter ................................... 12"
Disc I_ble dimensions ......................... 7 x 15"
Disc table lilts ............................... 0 to 45 °
Disc Speed ............................ 750-3600 RPM
Spindle size ..................................... V_"
Spindle drum capacity ............................. 1"
Spindle speed ........................ 375 - 1800 RPM
Spindle oscillation rate ....................... 57/minute
Spindle stroke ................................... _f,"
Sp_ndis table size ............................ 8% x 12"
Overall dimensions ................... 33'1zx 29'h x 20'/,,"
Switch ............................. SR Locking rocker
Weight ..................................... 200 Ibs
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WARNING: Operation of any power tool can result in foreign
objects being thrown into the eyes, which can result in severe eye damage. Always wear safety goggles complying with
United States ANSi Z87.1 (sl_own on package} before com- mencing power tool operation. Safety goggles are available at Sears retail stores or catalog.
CAUTION: Always observe following safety precautions.
Whenever adjusting or replacing any parts on the tool, turn switch OFF and remove the plug from power seams
Recheck table handles. They must be tightened securely.
Make sure ell guards are properly attached, All guards
should be securely fastened.
Make sure all moving parts are free and clear of any
Make sure all fasteners are tight and have not vibrated
With power disconnected, test operation byhand for clear°
ance and adjust If necessary.
° Always wear eye protection or face shield.
° Make sure abrasive belt always tracks properly. Correct
tracking gives optimum performance,
After turning switch on, always allow belt, disc and spindle
to come up to full speed before sanding or grinding.
Be sure motor runs clockwise on disc side. Abrasive belt must travel down.
Avoid kickback by sanding in accordance with the direction-
sl a rrow_
Feed workplace against rotation of the sanding drum.
Keep your hands clear of abrasive belt, disc end spindle.
Make sure sanding drum Is properly secured on the spindle before operating.
° Always keep the spindle table Insert In place. Use the
correct size insert for each sanding sleeve.
* Clear debris from belt, disc and spindle tables before
sanding any workplace.
For optimum performance, do not stall motor or reduce speed. Do not force the work into the abrasive.
Support workplace with belt table when sanding with belt,
with disc table when sanding with disc, with spindle table when sanding with spindle.
. Never push a sharp comer of the work.piece rapidly against
the belt, disc or spindle. Abrasive backing may tear.
Replace abrasives when they become loaded (glazed) or frayed
When grinding metal, move workpisce across abrasive to
prevent heat built up
Never attempt wet sanding. If the workpieoa becomes too
hot to handle, cool it in water,
ON/OFF SWITCH Refer to Figure 17.
The ON/OFF sw_tch is located on the lower front right of the cabinet. To turn the sander ON, pull the switch to the up posi-
tion. To turn the sander OFF, push the switch to the down
Figure t7 - ON/OFF Switch
SWITCH LOCK Refer to Figure 18. The sander can be locked from unauthorized use by tacking
the switch. To lock the switch.
Turn the switch to OFF position and disconnect sander
from power source.
Pull the key out. The switch cannot be turned on with the
key removed.
NOTE: Should the key be removed from the switch at the ON position, the switch can be turned off but cannot be turned on again.
To replace key, slide key into the slot on _th.h untilit snaps
Figure 18 - Lo_klng Switch I. the OFF Position
SPEED CONTROL Refer to Figure 19, page 9. CAUTION: Change speeds only while motor Jsrunning. To change speed of the belt, disc and spindle, rotate the
speed control knob located on the front of the cabinet until pointer indicates the desired speed.
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Figure 19 -Speed Control
DRUM CONTROL Refer to Figure 20
The drum control is located on the front of the cabinet and
has three settings: . Stop - Drum will not operate while the belt and disc are in
Rotation only - Drum rotates while the belt end disc ere In
Rotation with oscillation - Drum rotates and oscillates while belt and disc are in operation,
CAUTION: The sander should be off when changing from
"stop" to "rotation". Changing the setting while the sander is on
can cause premature wear of the drum rotation mechanism.
:lgure 20 - Drum Control
Refer to Figures 21 and 22. This sander has a built-in dust collection system. Them are
two gates that control the suction pressure, There Is one gate at the belt dusl chute and one gate located beneath the spindle table.
=lgura21 - Bust Collection Control at Belt Dust Chute
Figure 22 - Duct Collection Control Beneath Spindle Table
When using belt: Rotate the knob on the belt dust chute to "Belt. No other adjustment is needed.
When using the disc or spindle: Rotate the knob on the belt dust chute to "Disc and Drum" Then set position of the
gate beneath the spindle table to either =Disc_ for disc or "Drum" for spindle.
Finishing flat surfaces: Hold workplace firmly with both hands; keep fingers away from abrasive bell Use belt table. Belt table is used to position and secure work being
sanded, Keep end butted against table and move work
evenlyacross abrasive belt. Use extra cau_on when finish- ing very thin pieces.
Finishing long plies: remove bait tebte. Apply only enough pressure to allow abrasive belt to remove material.
Finishing curved edges: Finish outside curves on fiat por-
tion of abrasive belt. Finish inside curves on idler d_um por- tion of abrasive belt.
Finishing end grain: it is more convenient to finish ends of
long workpieces with the abrasive belt in a vertical position. Use belt table. Move work evenly across abrasive belt. For
accuracy, use miter gauge. Table may be _lted for bevelect work.
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TOadjust belt table angle, loosen bendta.
Tilt belt table to desired position. Adjust for 'h6" maximum
clearance between the belt end the table. Secure by tJghto ening handle.
WARNING: Disconnectsanderfrom powersource,
Loosensockethead boltthat [sthreaded Intopivotbracket.
Tiltbelt assemblytodesiredposition(fromhodzontelto
vertical),Secure beltassemblypositionbytighteningsocket head bolt In pivotbracket.
HORIZONTAL BELT SANDING CAUTION: When the sandtagcenter Is mounted ona work-
bench, make sure the dust collection bag Is clear of the belt assembly.
Refer to Figure 23.
The belt platen can be tilted from a vertical to a horizontal
Remove the belt table by removing the handle arid locking
nuL Loosen the socket head bolt in the pivot bracket;,tilt the belt platen assembly to the hodzental position and tighten
the socket head bolt to secure posiUoo.
Idler roller can be used as a contact drum to sand surfaces.
Socket Head Belt
the Belt Aasembly
REPLACING ABRASIVE BELT Refer te Figure 24. WARNING: Disconnect sander from power source.
Sanding belt should be replaced when worn, torn, or glazed. Remove belt dust chute by removing two pan head
Release belt tension by pushing tension lever toward idler roller. Slide old belt off the ddve and idler rollers.
NOTE: There may be an arrow on the inside of the belt, The
arrow should point in the direction of belt b-avel to assure that
the splice in the belt will not come apart.
Slide new belt over the drive and idler roller; center belt on
Push tension lever towards drive roller to tension belt,
Rotate belt by hand to check traddng. Belt should dde
centered on drive and idler rollers. Adjust tracldng nut as
needed to center belt on rollers.
Mount belt dust chute using pan head screws.
ure 24 - Replacing Belt
Abrasive disc eand[ng Is well suited for finishing smell fiat surfaces end convex edges
Move workpiece across down side {right) of abrasive disc.
Abrasive disc moves fastest and removes more material at
outer edge.
For accuracy, uce miter gauge.
Disc table is adiustab_e from 0 to 45 ° for beveled work,
To adjust the disc table, loosen the two handles and pivot to the desired angle.
Use the scale on disc table trunnions to set table from Oio
45° from abrasive disc.
When disc table is at desired angle, lock it into position by
securely tightening the handles.
WARNING: Disconnect sander from power source,
Remove disc table end dust cover, Remove old abrasive
dlso by peeling It from the aluminum disc. Removing alu- minute disc from motor shaft Is not necessary'.
Clean aluminum disc ifnecessary. Select the proper abre-
she disc and apply to z_]uminumdisc.
DuSt Cover
Figure 25 - Replacing Abrasive Disc
Tre_ng NUt
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Additional abrasive discs are available (See Recommended Accessories, pages 19 and 25).
Replace dust cover and disc table.
ABRASIVE DRUM FINISHING WARNING: Position the belt assembly to the horizontal
posiUon before using the drum, If the belt is in the vertical position, it may be unintentionally contacted causing injury,
Abrasive drum sanding is well suited for finishing small fiat surfaces and small contoured work,pieces.
Support worl<piece on the table. Hold workplece with both hands and keep finger away from drum,
Always sand against the rotation of the sanding drum.
Using the oscillation feature will help reduce scoring the
weft<piece and protong life of the abrasive sleeve.
WARNING: Disconnect sander from power source,
To install '/="sleeve:
Remove knob from spindle, Knob has left hand thread,
Place 'M"table insert into table
Slide sleeve onto spindle
Place 'W' drum washer ont_ spindle and secure with knob.
Figure 27 - Install 1" Sleeve
Referto Figure28.
"Themiter gauge Is used onboth belt and disctables.Use the miter gaugeforsecuringthework and holdingthe properangle whtieeendtng.
Adjustangle by repostiloningthemiter gauge scaleand
lockingit Intoplace withknob.
Checkaccuracyof miter gaugescala.
Usea combination squareto adjustmitergaugesquare to disc.Indicatorshouldbe at zero.Loosenscrewand
To install 1" sleeve,
Remove knob from spindle. Knob had left hand thread.
Place 1" table insert Into table
S[ide sleeve over 1" drum Slide drum with sleeve onto
Place 1" drum washer over drum and seCUre with knob.
Miter Gauge
WARNING: Make certain that the unit is disconnected from power source before attempting to service or remove any
CLEANING Keep machine and workshop clean. Do not allow sawdust to
accumulate on the tool. Keep the drums clean. Dirt on drums will cause poor tracking and belt slippage. Operate tool with dust cotiectlon bag instattad to keep dust from accumutat_ng
KightFax 9110/2003 10:38 PAGE 13141 RiEhtFax
WARNING: After sanding wood or nonmetallic material,
always clean dust collector and guards of sawdust be_re gdnding metal. Sparks could ignite debris and cause a fire.
Be cedain motor is kept clean and is frequently vacuumed free of dust,
Use soapand water to cleanpainted parts, rubberpartsand
LUBRICATION The shielded ball bearings in this tool are perr_nen@y
lubricated at the factory. They require no further lubrication.
Perlodlcatly grease the worm (Figure 31, Key No. 4) or Figure 30, Key No. 1) and worm gear (Figure 30 or 33, Key No. 34) and adjustment rod (Figure 29, Key No, 31 or
Figure 32, Key No, 30).
Perlodisally grease the spindle (Figure 30, Key No. 10 or
Figure 33, Key No. 12) at the base, at the worm (Figure
30, Key No. 11 or Figure 33, Key No, 13) end gear on the main shaft (Figure 29, Key No. 21 or Figure 32, Key No.
22) that meshes with the worm.
When operation seems stiff, a light coat of paste wax applied to the belt, disc end spindle tables will make It
easier to feed the work while finishing.
Do not apply wax to the belt platen. Belt could pick up wax
and deposit it on wheels causing belt to slip.
If power cord Is worn, cut, or damaged in any way, have it
replaced Immediately.
Replace worn abrasives when needed,
Replace any damaged or missing parts, Use parts list to
order parts.
Any attempt to repair motor may create a hazard unless repair is dane by a quaJified service technician. Repair ser-
vice is available at your nearest Sears store.
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