Model No.
_k WARNING: To reducetherLskot injury,
the usermust read and undemtandthe
operator'smanual beforeusingthis product.
Customer Help Lfne: 1-800-932-3188
Soars, Roebuck and Co., 3333 Beverly Rd., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 USA
Visitthe Craftsmanweb page:www.seam.com/craftsmsn
Save this manual for future reference

• Warranty .......................................................................................................................................................................... 2
• Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................................... 2
• General Safety Rules .................................................................................................................................................... 3-4
• Speclflc Safety Rules ....................................................................................................................................................... 4
• Symbols ........................................................................................................................................................................ 5-6
• Electrical .......................................................................................................................................................................... 7
• Features ........................................................................................................................................................................... 8
• Assembly ......................................................................................................................................................................... 9
• Operation .................................................................................................................................................................... 9-12
• Malntanance .................................................................................................................................................................. 13
• Accessories ................................................................................................................................................................... 13
• Exploded View and Par_s List................................................................................................................................... 14-15
• Par_s Ordering/Service ..................................................................................................................................... Sack Page
Ifthis Craftsmantool fallsto givecompletesatisfactionwithinone year from date of pumhase,RETURN IT TO THE
NEAREST SEARS STORE IN THE UNITED STATES,andSeam will replaceit, free of charge,
Ifthis Craftsmantool is used for commercialor rentalpurposes,thiswarrantyapplies for only90 days fromthe date of
Thiswarranty givesyou specificlegal rights,and you may also haveother rightswhichvary from state to state.
Sears, Roebuck and Co., Dept. 817 WA, Hoffman Estates, IL 60179
Thistool hasmany featuresfor makingits use more pleasantand enjoyable.Safety,performance,and dependability
have been given toppriorityinthe designof thisproduct makingit easy to maintainand operate.

A WARNING: Read and understand all Inetruc-
Uons, Failureto follow all instructionslistedbelow,
may resultin electricshock,fire and/or serious
• Keep your work area clean and well lit. Cluttered
benchesand darkareas inviteaccidents.
• Do not operate power tools in explosive abno-
spheres, such as in the presence of flammable liq-
uids, gases, or dust. Power tcols create sparkswhich
may ignitethe dust or fumes.
• Keep bystanders, children, and visitors away while
operating a power tool:DlslTactlons cancause youto
• Double Insulated tools are equipped with a polar-
ized plug (one blade Is wider than the other). This
plug will fit in a polarized outlet only one way. If the
plug does not fit fully in the outlet, reverse the plug.
If it still does not fit, contact a qualified electrician
to install a polarized outlet. DO not change the plug
In any way. Double insulation [] eliminates the need
for the three-wire grounded power cord and grounded
power supply system.
• Avoid body €ontaot with grounded surfaces such
as pipes, radiators, ranges, and refrigerators. There
is an increased dsk of elactdc shock if your body Is
• Don't expose power tools to rain or wet condiffone.
Water entering a power tool will increase the risk of
elac_c shock.
• Do not abuse the cord. Never use the cord to carry
the tools or pull the pfug from an outlet. Keep cord
away from heat, og, sharp edges, or moving parts.
Replace damaged cords Immediately. Damaged
cords increase the risk of elect/ic shock.
• When operating a power tool outside, use an outdoor
extension cord marked "W-A" or"W". These cords
are rated for outdoor use and reduce the risk of clectrio
• Stay alert, watch what you are dlolng and use com-
mon sense when operating a power toot. Do not
use toot while tired or under the influence of drugs,
alcohol, or medication. A moment of inattan_don while
operating power tools may result in serious personal
• Dress properly. Do not wear loose clothing or
Jewelry. Contain long hair. Keep your hair, clothing,
and gloves away from moving parts. Loose clothes,
jewelry, or long hair can be caught In moving parts.
• Avoid accidental starting. Besureswitch Is off
before pluggingin. Carryingtoolswithyourfingeron
the switchorplugg/ngInroofsthathavetheswitch on
• Remove adjusting keys or wrenches before toming
the tool on.A wrench ora key that is leftattached to a
rotatingpart of thetool may resultIn personalin,!ury.
• Do not overreach. Keep proper footing and balance
at all times. Properfootingandbalance enablesbetter
centre]of the toolJnunexpectedsituations.
• Use safety equipment. Always wear eye protection.
Dust mask,nonskidsafetyshoes,hard hat, or hearing
protectionmustbe usedfor appropriate conditions.
• Do not wear loose clothing or Jewelry. Contain long
hair. Looseclothes,jewelry,or fang haircanbe drawn
Intoair vents.
• Do not use on s ladder or unstable support. Stable
footing on a solidsurfaceenablesbettercentral ofthe
tool in unexpectedsituations.
• Use clamps or other practical way to secure and
support the workplace to a stable platform. Holding
the work by hand or against your body is unstable and
may lead to loss of control.
• Do not force tool. Use the correot tool for your ap-
plication. The correct tool will do the job better and
safer at the rate for which It is deslgned.
• Do not use tool If switch does not torn It on or off.
An/tool that cannot be controlled with the switch is
dangerous and must be repaired.
• Disconnect the plug from power source before
making any adjustments, changing aGceesodes,
or stodng the tool. Such preventive safety measures
reduce the risk of starting the tool accidentally.
• Store idle tools out of the reach of children and
other untrained persons. Tools are dangerous in the
hands of untrained users.
• Maintain tools with care. Keep cutting tools sharp
end clean. Properly maintained tools with sharp cot-
t_ngedges are less likely to bind and are easier to
• Check for mieaSgnment or binding of moving parts,
breakage of parts, end any other condil_on that
may affect the tool's operation. If damaged, have
the tool serviced before using. Many accidents are
caused by poorly maintained tools.
• Use only accessories that are recommended by the
manufacturer for your model. Accessories that may
be suitable for one tool, may become hazardous when
used on another tool.
• Keep the tool and its handle dry, clean and free
from oH and grease. Always use a clean cloth when
cleaning. Never use brake fluids, gasoline, petroleum-
based products, or any strong solvents to clean your
tool. FolJowing this rule will reduce the dsk of loss of
control and deterioration of the enctoeure pJestic.

• Tool service must be performed only by qualified
repair personnel. Sen/Ice or maintenanceperformed
by unqualifiedpersonnelmay resultina riskof injury.
• When servicing a tool, use only identical replace-
merit parts. Follow instructions in the Maintenance
section ot this manual Use of unauthorized par_s or
failure to follow Maintenance Instructions may create a
risk of shock or injury.
• Hold tool by Insulated gripping surfaces when
performing an operation where the cutting tool may
contact hiddenwiring or Its own cord. Contact with
a "live" wira wil!make exposed metal parts ofthe cut-
tingtool "live"and shock the operator.
• Never use this or any power sander for wet sending
or liquid polishing. Failureto complywillincreasethe
riskof electricalshock.
• _JIOWyour power tool. Read operator's manual
cereful_. Learn its applications andIlmitaUons, as
well as the specific potential hazards related to this
tool. Followingthis rulewill reducethe risk of electric
shock,fire, or sedousinjury.
• Always wear safety glasses. Everydayeyeglasses
have only impact-resistant lenses; they are NOT
safety glasses. Followingthis rulewillreduce the risk
• Protect your lungs, Wear a face or dust mask if the
operation Is dusty. Followingthis rulewill reducethe
riskof sedouspersonalinjury.
• Protect your headng.Wsar hsadng protection dur-
Ing extended periods of operation. Followingthis rule
will reducethe dsk of seriouspersonalInjury.
• Inspect tool cords pedodicetly and, if damaged,
have repelred at your n_areat Authorlzad Service
Center. Constantly stay aware of cord location. Fol-
lowingthis rulewill reduce the riskof electdcshock or
• Cheek damaged parts. Before further use of the
tool, a guard or other part that is damaged should
he carefully checked to determine that It will ep-
orate properly and perform Its Intended function.
Check for alignment of moving parts, binding of
moving parts, breakage of parts, mounting, and
any other conditions that may affect its operaP
Uon, A guard or other part that is damaged should
be properly repaired or replaced by an euthodzad
service _mter. Following this ruta will reduce the risk
of shock, fire, or serious injt_ry.
• Make sure your extension cord Is In good condt-
tion, When using an extension cord, be sure to usa
one heavy enough to carry the currant your product
wilt draw. A wire gauge size (A.W.G.) of at least 16
is recommended for an extension oord 100 feet
or lass in length. A cord exceeding 100 feet Is not
recommended. If In doubt_ usa the next heavier
gouge. The miler the gauge number, the heavier
the cord. An undersized cord will cause a drop In line
voltage resulting in ices of power and overheating.
• Inspect fen and remove ell nells from lumber before
using this tool. Following this rule will reduce the dsk
of sedous personal injury.
• Save these Instructions. Refer to them frequently and
use them to Instruct others who mW usa this too{. if
you loan someone this tool, Icen them these instruc-
tions also.
A WARNING: Some dustcreated by sanding, sawing, grinding, andotherconstructionactiv_t_sa
power drilling,
contains chemicals knownto causecancer, birthdefectsor other rsproductfveharm.Some examplesof these
• toadTTomlead-based paints,
• crystallinesllioafrombricks and cementand other masonryproducts,and
• arsenicand chromium/Tomchemicetty-treeledlumber.
Yourriskfl'omthese exposures redes, dependingon how oftenyou do this typeof work.Toreduce yourexposure
to these chemicals:work Ina well ventilatedarea, and workwith approvedsafety equipment,such as those dust
masksthat are specialtydesigned to fitterout rnlcmscoplcparticles.

Someofthe followingsymbolsmay be used on this tool. Pleasestudy them and learntheir meaning. Proper
interpretationof these symbolswillallowyouto operatethe tool better and safer.
V Vol_ Voltage
A Amperes Current
Hz Hertz Frequency(cyclespar second)
W Watt Power
min Minutes Time
'%, AlternatingCurrent Typeof current
= DirectCurrent Typeor a characteristicof current
no No LoadSpeed Rotationalspeed, at no load
Class II Construction Double-Insulatedconstruction
.../mln PerMinute Revolutions,strokes,surfacespeed, orbitsetc., per minute
(_ Wet ConditionsAlert Do not to rain in
ReadThe Operator'sManual To reducethe dskof Injury, usermust read and understand
O A_'ays wear safety gogglesor safetyglasseswith side
_k Safety Precautionsthat Involveyoursafety.
(_ Failureto keep your handsaway fl'omthe blade willresultin
(_ No Hands Failureto keep your handsaway from the bladewill resultIn
No HandsSymbol serious personalinjury.
operator_ manualbefore usingthis product.
shieldsand a fullface shieldwhenoperatingthisproduct.
eadous personalinjury.
No HandsSymbol Failureto keep your handsaway from the blade willresultin
/_ No HandsSymbol Failureto keep your handsaway from the bladewill resultin
(_) Hot Surface To reducethe dsk of Injuryor damage, avoidcontact with
any hot surface.
expose or use damp