Model Nos,
315.115340 -12 Volt
315,115350 -14,4 Volt
_, WARNING: To red_)cethe risk of in}ury,
the L_Se_must read and understandthe
operator'smanual before using this
Customer Help Line: 1-800-932-3188
Sears, Roebuck and Co., 3333 Beverly Rd., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 USA
V'_it the Craftsman web page: www.sears.com/craftsman
983000-709 Save this manual for future reference

• Warranty .......................................................................................................................................................................... 2
• Introduction ......................................................................................................... ............................................................ 2
• GenaraJS_.fetyRules.................................................................................................................................................... 3-4
• Speciitc Sataty RuTes....................................................................................................................................................... 4
• Safety Rules for Charger .......................................................................................... ;...................................................... 5
== Symbols........................................................................................................................................................................ 6-7
• Features............................................................................................................................................................... _........8-9
• Assembly ......................................................................................................................................................................... 9
• Operation.................................................................................................................................................................. 10-15
• Maintenance............................................................................................................................................................. 16-17
• ExplodedView and Parts List................................................................................................................................... 18-1g
• Parts Ordering/Service .................................................................................................................................... Back Page
If thisCraftsman tool fails to give €omplate satisfactionwithinone year from date of purchase, RETURN IT TO THE
NEAREST SEARS STORE IN THE UNITED STATES, and Searswillreplace it, free of charge.
If thisCraftsman tool is used for cornmemialor rentalpurposes,this warranty appliesfor only90 daysfrom the date of
This warranty gives you specificlegal fights, and you may also have other dghts which vary from state to state.
Sears, Roebuck and Co., Dept. 817 WA, Hoffman Estates, IL 60179
This tool has many features for making "¢.suse more pleasant and enjoyable.Safety, pertom_nce, and dependability
have been giventop priority in the designof this product makingit easy tomaintain and operate.

STRUCTIONS. Failureto followall instructions§sted
belowmay result in electric shock, ('ireand/or sadous
personsi intury.
• Keepyourwork ares clean sndwsll lit. Cluttered
benches and dark areas invite accidents`
• Do not operate power tools in explosive atmo-
spheres, such as in the presence of flammable liq-
ulde, gases, ordust. Power tools createsparkswhich
may igNte the dust or fumes.
• Keep bystanders, children, andvisitora awaywhile
operating a power tool. DislTactionscan cause you to
lose contm[.
• A battery operated tool with integral batteries or a
separate battery pack must be recharged onlywith
the specified charger for the battery, A chargerthat
may be suitablefor one type of batterymay create a
risk offirs when used with another battery.
• Use battery operated tool onlywlth epeclficaliy des-
ignated battery pack. Use of any otherbatteries may
create a riskof fire.
• Use battery only with charger listed.
315.115350 130139014 140302003
• Do not abuse the cord. Never use the cord to carry
the charger. Keep cord sway fl'om heat, oil, sharp
edges, or moving parts. Replace damaged cords
immediately, Damaged cords may create e fire.
• Stay alert, watch what you are doing and use com-
mon sense when operating • power tool. Do not
Use tool while f_redor under the Influence of drugs,
alcohol, or medication, A moment of inattentionwhile
operatingpowertools may resultin seriouspersonal
• Dress properly. Do notwesr loose clothing or
jewelry. Contain long hair. Keep your heir, clothing,
end gloves away from moving parts. Looseclothes,
jewelry, or longhaircan be caughtinmovingparts.
• Avoid accidental starting. Be sure switch Is in the
looked or off position before inserting battery pack,
Carrying tools with yourfingeronthe switchor insert-
ingthe battery pack intoa too[with the switch on
• Remove adjusting keys or wrenches before turning
the tool on. A wrench or a keythat {s leftattached to a
rotating part of the tool may resultin personal in{ury.
130139017 140302002
ItemNo, P.11057 Item No._.1_055
Item No, _.11007 Item No..9.11006
• Do not overreach. Keep proper footing and balance
at all 5rues. Properfoo_ng and ba_nce enable be_er
cOnLTO[ofthe tool in unexpected situations.
• Use safety equipment. Nwaye wear eye protection.
Dust mask, non-skidsafetyshoes,hardhat, or hearing
protectionmust be usedfor appropriateconditions.
• Do notwear loose clothing or jewelry. Contain long
hair. Looseclothes,jewelry,or long haircan be drawn
• Do not use on a ladder or unstable support. Stable
tootingon a solid surface scabies better controlof the
too[in unexpectedsituatbns.
• Use damps or other pracfieal way to secure and
support the workplece to • stable platform. Holding
the work by hand or against your bodyis uns_ble and
may leadto Tossof con_'ol.
• Do not force tool. Use the correct tool for your ap-
plication. The correcttoo[willdo the job better and
safer at the rate forwhich itis designed.
• Do sot use tool if switch does not turn it on or off.
A tool that cannot be controlled with the switch is dan-
gerousand must be repaired.
• Disconnect battery pack from tool or place the
=witch in the locked or off position before making
any adjustments, changing accessories, orstoring
the tool. Such preventivesat'elymeasures reduce the
• Store idle tools out of reach of ch|ldren and other
untrained persons. TooLsaredangerous inthe hands
of untrainedusers.
• When battery pack is not Jnuse, keep it away from
other metal objects like: paper clips, coins, keys,
nails, screws, or other small metal objects that can
make • connection from one terminal to another.
Shordngthe batteryterminals together may cause
sparks, bums, ora fire.
• Maintain tools with care. Keep cutting tools sharp
and clean. Properlymaintainedtoolswithsharp cut-
tingedges are less likely to bind and are easierto
• Check for mlsallgnment or binding of moving parts,
breakage of parts, and any other condition that
may affect the tool's operation. If damaged, have
the tool serviced before using. Many accidents are
caused by poorlymaintained tools.
• Use onlyaccessories that ere recommended by the
manufacturer for your model. Accessories that may
be sui_=blefor one too{ may create a risk of injurywhen
used on anothertoo[.
• Keep the tool end its handle dry, clean and free
from oil and grease, Alwaysuse a clean clothwhen
cleaning.Never use brake _uJds,gasoline,petrcleum-
based r_oducts,orany strongsolvents to oJeanyour
tool. Followingthis rule willreduce the risk of lossof
con_'oland deteriorationofthe enclosureplastic.

• Tool service must be performed only by qualified
repair personnel. Serviceor maintenance performed
bYur_uaI_fisd per_nnel may resu{t {na risk of Inju_.
• When servicing e tool, use only Identical replace-
ment parts. Follow instructions in the Maintenance
section of this manual. Use of unauthorized partsor
bailumto I'ollcw Mainter_ance Instructions may create a
nskof shock oriniury.
• Hold tool by insulated gripping surfaces when
performing en operation whore the cutting tool may
contec_thidden _rlng. Contact with a "tire" wire wi_
also make exposed metal parts of the tool "live" and
shockthe operator.
• Know your power tool. Read operator's manual
carefully. Learn ito appnsetions and lirnltetione, as
well as the specific potential hazards rotated to this
tool. Followingthis rule willreduce the riskof electric
shock,fire, or seriousinjury.
• Always wear safety glasses with side shields.
Everyday glasses have only impaofresistant lenses.
They are NOT safety glasses. Followingthis rulewill
reducethe risk of eye il_ury.
• Battery tools do not have to be plugged into an
electTIcal outlet;,therefore, they ere always, In
operating condffion. Be aware of possible hazards
when not using your battery tool or when changing
accessories, Followingthis ru[ewill reduce the risk of
eIecbic shock, fire, or seriouspersonal iniury.
• Do not place battery tools or their batteries near
fire or heat. Thiswitlreduce the risk of explosionand
• Never use a battery that has been dropped or
received a sharp blow. A damaged battery is subisc_
to explosion. Properlydispose of +tdropped or dam-
aged battery tmrnsdia1:e}y.
• Ballades vent hydrogen gas and can explode in
the presence of a source of Ignlfion, such ass pgot
light. To reduce _herisk ol serious personalinjury,
never useany cordtsssproductin the presenceof
open flame. An exploded batterycan propeldebde and
chemicals.If exposed,flush with water immediately.
• Do not charge battery tool in a damp or wet Ioce-
5o_. Fallowingthis rulewilt reduce the riskof electr_,
• For best results, your battery tool shou_ be
charged In a location where the temperature Is
more than 50°F but less than 100+i:,Do not store
outside or invehicles.
• Under exhume usage or temperature condi-
tions, battery I_aakags may occur. If liquid comes
In contact with your skin, wash Immediately with
soap and water, then ceutralize with lemon jules
or vinegar. If liquid gets into your eyes, flush them
wif_ clean water for at least 10 minutes, then seek
Immediate medical attention. Followingthisrulewill
reducethe risk of seriouspersonalInlury.

INSTRUCTIONS. Failureto followall ins_'uctions
listed below, may result;in e]ecV_cshook, Tire
and(or seriouspersor_l injury.
• Before using battery charger, read all instructions
end cautionarymarkingsinthismanual, on battery
charger,battery, and produ_ usingbatteryto prevent
misuse of the productsand possibleinjury or damage.
_IL CAUTION." 3-oreduce the riskof electric shock
or damage to the chargerand battery,charge only
nickel-cadmiumrechargsable batteriesas specifi-
cell'/designated onyour charger.Other types of
batteries mayburst,causingpersonalinjury or
• Do not use charger outdoors or expose to wet or
damp conditions. Water enteringchargerwill increase
the riskof electricshock.
• Use ofan attachment not recommended or sold
by the batter,/charger manufacturer may result in
a risk of fire, electric shock, or in;_'ryto persons.
Followingthisrulewill reducethe riskof electric shock,
fire,or seriouspersonal iniury.
• Do not abuse cord or charger. Never usethe cord to
carrythe charger. Do notpull_hsshargsr cordrather
than the plugwhen disconnecting from receptacle.
Damage tothe cordorchmg_r couldoccurand create
an electric shockhazard, Replace damagedcordsim-
• Make sure cord is located so that It will not be
stepped on, tripped over, come in contsct with
•sharp edges or moving parts or otherwise subject-
ed to damage or skess. Thiswill reduce the riskof
accidental fails, whish could causeinjury, and damage
to the cord, which could resultinelectric shook.
• Keep cord end charger from heat to prevent
damage to housing or internal parts.
• Do not let gasoline, oils, petroleum-based produ¢ts,
etc. come In €ontact with plastic parts. They contain
chemicalsthatcandmTmgs,weaken, or destroyplastic.
• An extsnston cord should not be used unless
absolutely necessary. Useof improper extensioncord
could resultin a riskof fireand electricshock, ff
extensioncord must be used, make sure:
a.That pins on plugofextension cord _re the
same number,sizeand shape as those of
plug on charger.
b. That extensioncord is properlywired and in
good etect_cat condition;and
c. That wire size is large enoughfor AC ampere
ratingof chargeras specifiedbelow;
Cord Length {Feet) 25' 50' 100'
Cord Size (AWG) 16 16 16
HOTII="AWG = AmericanWire Gauge
• Do not operate charger with a damaged cord or
plug,which €ould causeshoKmgand e{ectr_ shook.If
darnaoed, he_e thech_ger tegk_ced by an Buth_rized
• Do not operate charger if ithas received a sharp
blow, been dropped, or othermdsedamaged in any
way. Take it to an authorized servicemanfor eiectlicat
checkto determine if the chargeris in goodworking
Do not disassemble charger. Take it to an authorized
servicemanwhen serviceor repairis required. Incor-
rect reassomblymay result in a riskof electricshookor
• Unplug charger from outlet before attempting any
m_dnte_nce or _isaning to reduce the risk of
elecbio shock.
• Disconnect charger from the power supply when
not in use. This willreduce the dsk of electric shock
ordamage to the chargerif metal items shouMf_ into
the opening.It also willhelp preventdamageto the
charger dunng a powersurge.
• Risk of electric shock. Do not touch uninsolated
portionof outputconnector or uninsuistedbattery
• Save these instructions. Referto them frequentJyand
usethem to lnstruct otherswho may use this tool If
you loan someonethis tool, loan them these instruc-
tions alsoto preventmisuseof the productand
possible Injury.
_k WARNING: Some dust created by power sending,sawing, grinding,drilling, and otherconstructionactivities
containschemicalsknownto cause cancer,birth defects or otherreproductiveharm. Some examplesof these
• _cadJrom_ead-basedpalnhs,
=crystanlne silicafrom bricks and cementand othermasonryproducts,and
• arsenic and chromiumfrom chemically-treated lumbar.
Yourriskfrom theseexposures varies,depending on how ot_snyou do this type ofwork. Toreduceyour exposure
tc these chemicals: work in a we_lvantiistedarea,and work with approved safety equipment,suchas those dust
masks that are speciallydesignedto filterout microscopicparticles.

Some of the following symbolsmay be used on thistool. Please studythemend learntheirmeaning. Properinterpreta-
tionof these symbolswfl[allow youto operate the tool better and safer.
V Volts Voltage
A Amperss Current
Hz Her_. Frequency (cycles per second)
W Watt Power
min Minutes Time
AlterrmtingCurrent Type ofcurrent
-. Direct Current "[ypeor a characteristicof current
no No Load Speed Rotationalspeed, at no load
[] Class I! Construction Double-insulated construction
..Jmin Per Minute Revolutions,strokes,surfacespeed, orbitseta., per mince
Wet ConditionsAlert Do not expose to rainoruse indamp locations.
Read The Operator's Manual operator'smanual before usingthis product.
Protection Alwayswear safety gogg(esorsafety glasseswithsideshields,
_IL Safety Alert Precautionsthat invotve safety.
_) Fal_umto keep your handsawsy from the bk-_dewitt result In
_) No Hands Failure to keep your hands away from the blade will result in
_) No Hands Symbol Failure to keep your hands away from the blade will result in
(_) Hot Surface Toreduce the dsk of injuryordamage, avoid oontactwith
No Hands Symbol serious personal injury.
No Hands Failureto keep yourhands away from theblade will resultin
To reduce the risk ofInjury, usermustread and understand
or a full face shieldwhen operatingthis product.
serious personal injury.
seriouspersonal injury.
any hotsurface.