Operator's Manual
5-1/2 in. 19.2 VOLT
Model No.
Save this manual for
future reference
WARNING: To reduce the dskof
injury, the user must read and
understand the operator's manual
before using this product.
Customer Help Line: 1-800-932-3188
Sears Roebuck and Co., 3333 Beverly Rd. Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 USA
Visit the Craftsman web page: www.sears.com

• TableofContentsand Warranty ....................................................................................................................................... 2
• Introductionand General Safety Rules ........................................................................................................................ 3-4
• SpecificSafety Rulesand Symbols ............................................................................................................................. 4-7
• ProductSpecificatLons,Unpacking,andAccessodes ...................................................................................................... 8
• Features..................................................................................................................................................................... 8-10
• Assembly................................................................................................................................................................... 1!-12
• Operation ................................................................................................................................................................. 12-18
• Maintenance................................................................................................................................................................... 19
• ExplodedViewand Repair Parts List....................................................................................................................... 20-21
• PartsOrdering / Service................................................................................................................................................. 22
ff thisCRRFTSMRNCordlessTrim Saw failsto give completesatisfactionwithinoneyear from the date ofpurchase,
willrepairit,free of charge.
Ifthis£RRFTSMRNCordless Trim Saw is used forcommercialorrentalpurposes,thiswarrantyappliesfor only90 days
fromthe date of purchase.
Thiswarrantygives you specific legal rights,andyou may also have other dghtswhichvary fromstate to state,
Sears, Roebuck and Co., Dept. 817 WA, Hoffman Estates, IL 60179
_k Look for this symbol to point out Important safety precautions. It means
attention!!! Your safety is Involved.
The operationof any powertool can resultinforeignobjectsbeing thrownintoyoureyes, whichcan
resultin severe eye damage. Before beginningpowertool operation, alwayswear safetygogglesor
safety glasses withside shieldsand a full face shieldwhen needed. We recommendWide Vision
Safety Mask for use overeyeglassesor standardsafetyglasseswithside shields,available atSears
Retail Stores,Always wear eye protectionwhichis marked to complywith ANSI Z87.1,

Your trim saw has many features for making your cutting
operations more pleasant and enjoyable. Safety,
performanceand dependability have been given top
pnodty in the design ofthis trim saw making it easy to
maintain and operate.
j_. WARNING: Do notattemptto usethis productuntil
you read thoroughly and understandcompletelythe
operator'smanual. Pay closeattentiontothe safety
rulesincludingDangers, Warningsand Cautions. If
you use thisproductproperlyand only as intended,
you willenjoyyears ofsafe, reliableservice.
WARNING: Read and follow all Instructions.
Failureto follow all instructionslistedbelow,may
resultin electricshock, fire and/or seriouspersonal
Work Area
• Keep your work area clean and well lit. Cluttered
benches and dark areas invite accident,
• Do not operate power tools in e_plaelve atmo-
spheres, such as in the presence of flammable
liquids, gases, or dust. Power tools create sparks
which may ignite the dust or fumes.
• Keep bystanders, children, and visitors away while
operating a power tool. Distractions can cause you to
lose control.
Electrical Safety
• Do not abuse the cord. Never use the cord to carry
the charger. Keep cord away from host, oil, sharp
edges, or moving pads. Replace damaged cords
immedistely. Damaged cords may create a fire.
• A battery operated tool with Integral batteries or a
separate battery pack must he recharged only with
the specified charger for the battery. A chargerthat
may be suitablefor one type of battery may create a
riskoffire when usedwithanother battery.Use battery
onlywithcharger listed.
315.114260 Item No. S,11375 Item No. _ 11041
(1323517 and 1323903) (1425301)
• Use battery operated tool only wIth specifically
deeignstnd battery pack. Use of any otherbatteries
may create a riskof fire. Use only withbatterypack
Personal Safety
• Stay alert, watch what you are doing and use
common sense when operating a power tool. Do
not use tool while tired or under the Influence of
drugs, alcohol, or medlcaUon. A momentof inatten-
tionwhileoperatingpower toolsmay resultin serious
• Dress properly. Do not wear loose clothing or
jewelry. Conteln long hair. Keep your heir, clothing,
and gloves away from moving pads. Looseclothes,
jewelry,orlong hairsan be caughtin moving parts.
• Avoid ancldentel starling. Be sure swnch Is In the
locked or off paeltlon before Inserting battery pack.
Carryingtoolswithyour fingeronthe switchor insetting
thebatterypack intoa toolwiththe switchon invites
• Remove adjusting keys or wrenches before turning
the tool on. A wrenchor a key that isleftattachedto a
rotetingpart ofthe tool may resultinpersonal injury.
• Do not overreach. Keep proper footing and balance
st all Umee. Properfooting and balanceenable better
control of the toolin unexpectedsituations.
• Use safety equipment. Always wear eye protection.
Dust mask, nonskidsafetyshoes, hardhat, orhearing
protectionmustbe usedfor appropriateconditions
Tool Use and Care
• Use clamps or other practical way to secure and
suppatt the workplace to a stable platform. Holding
the work by handor againstyour bodyis unstableand
may lead to loss of control.
• Do not force tool. Use the correct tool for your
application. The correct tool willdo thejobbetterand
saferat the rate forwhich it isdesigned.
• Do not ueatool If switch does not tum it on or off. A
toolthat cannotbe controlled withthe switchisdanger-
ousand must be repaired.
• Disconnect battery pack fromtool or placathe
switch In the locked or off pasltlon before making
any adjustments, changing acceeeedee, or storing
tool. Such preventivesafety measures reducethe risk
of startingthetoolaccidentally,
• Store Idle tools out ofthe reach of children and
other untrained persons. Toolsare dangerousinthe
handsof untrainedusers.
• When battery pack Is not In use, keep It sway from
other metal objects like: paper clips, coins, keys,
nails, screws, or other small metal objects that can
make a connection from one terminal to another.

Shorting the battery terminals together may cause
sparks, burns, ora fire.
• Maintain tools with care. Keep cutting tools sharp
and clean. Properlymaintained tools with sharpcutting
edges are less likelyto bind and are easier to control.
• Check for misalignment or binding of moving pads,
breakage of parts, and any other condition that may
attest the toors operation, ff damaged, have the tool
serviced before using. Many accidents am caused by
poorlymaintained tools.
• Use only accsssorlea that are recommended by the
be su_able for one tool,may create a risk of injurywhen
used on another tool.
• Tool service must be performed by qualified repair
personnel. Serviceor maintenance performedby
unqualifiedpersonnelmay resultin a riskof injury.
• When sarvicing s tool, use only Identical replace-
ment pads. Follow instructions In the Maintenance
eactlon of this manual. Use of unauthorizedpartsor
failureto followMaintenance Instructionsmay createa
riskof shockor injury.
manufacturer for your model. Accessories that may
Hold tool by Insulated gripping surfaces when performing an operation where the catting tool may contact hidden
wiring. Contact with a "live" wire will make exposed metal parts ofthe tool "live" and shock the operator.
Additional Rules For Safe Operation
• Knowyour power tool. Read operator's manual
carefully. Learn its applications and limitations, as
well as the specific potential hazards related to this
tool. Followingthis rule willreducethe riskof electrio
shock,fire, or seriousinjury.
• Make sure your extension cord Is In good condi-
tion. When using an extension cord, be sure to use
one heavy enough to oarw the current your product
will draw. Awire gage size (A.W.G.) of st least 16 Is
recommended for an extension cord 100 feat or
leas In length. A cord exceeding 100 feat Is not
recommended. If In doubt, use the next heevlar
gage. The smaller the gage number, the heevler the
cord. An undersizedcord willcause a drop in line
voltageresultingin lossof powerand overheating.
Important Rules For Battery Tools
• Battery tools do not have to be plugged Into an
electrical outlat; therefore, they are always In
operating condition. Be aware of possible hazards
when not using your battery tool or when changing
• DO not place battery tools or their batteries near fire
or heat. This will reduce the risk of explosion and
possible injury.
• Batteriss vent hydrogen gas and can explode in the
presence of a source of ignition, such as a pilot light.
To reduce the risk of serious personal injury, never use
any cordless product inthe presence of open flame. An
exploded battery can propel debris and chemicals. If
exposed, flush with water immediately.
• Do not charge battery tool In a damp or wat loca-
tion. Following this rule will reduce the risk of electric
shock, fire, or serious personal injury.
• Your battery tool should be charged In a location
where the temperature Is more then 5O_Fbut less
than 100°1=.Followingthis rulewill reduce the riskof
electric shock,fire,or seriouspersonalinjury.
• Under extreme ueage or temperst urs oonditlons,
battery leakage may occur. If liquid comes in
contacl with your skJn,wash Immediately with soap
and water, then neutrslize with lemon juice or
vinegar. If liquid gets Into your eyes, flush them
with clean water for at least 10 minutes, then seek
Immediate medical attention. Following this rulewill
reducethe riskof seriouspersonalinjury.
Additional Specific Safety Rules
• DANGER! Keep hands away from cutting area and
blade. Keep your second hand on atadllary handle
or motor housing, if both handsare holdingthe saw,
they cannot be cut bythe blade.
• Keep your body posltlonnd to either side of the saw
blade, but not In line with the saw blade. KICKBACK
could cause the saw tojump backwards.See Pages 13
and 14.
• Do not reach underneath the work. The guardcannot
protectyoufromthe blade belowthe work.
• Check the lower guard for proper closing before
each use. Do not operate saw If lower guard does
not move freely and close Instantly. Never clamp or
tie the lower guard Into the open position. Ffsaw is
accidentallydropped,lower guard may be bent.Raise
the lowerguardwith the retractinghandle and make
sureit move_;freely and does nottouchthe blade or
any otherpart,in all angles and depthsofcut.

• Cheek the operetlon and condiUon of the lower
guard spring. If the guard and the spring are not
operating properly, they must be serviced before
use. Lower guard may operate sluggishlydue to
damagedparts,gummy deposits,or a buildupof debris.
• Lower guard should be retracted manually only for
special cuts such as "Pocket Cuts" and =Com-
pound Cuts". Raise lower guard by Retracting
Handle. As soon as blade enters the meterlal, lower
guard muet be released. For all othersawing,the
lowerguard should operate automatically,
• Always observe that the lower guard Is covering the
blade before placing saw down on bench or floor.
An unprotected,coastingblade willcause the saw to
walkbackwards,cuttingwhatever is in itspath. Be
aware ofthe time it takesforthe bladetostop after
switchis released.
• NEVER hold piece being cut in your hands or
across your leg. It is importantto supportthe work
properlyto minimizebodyexposure, blade binding,or
• Holdtool by Insulating gdpplng sndaces when
performing an operation where the cutting tool may
contact hidden wiring. Contact with a "live" wire will
also make exposed metal parts ofthe tool"live"and
shockthe operator.
• When ripping always use a dp fence for a etralght
edge guide. This improvesthe accuracyofcutand
reducesthe chance of blade binding.
• Always use blades with correct size and shape
(diamond vs. round) arbor holes. Bladesthat do not
match the mounting hardware ofthe saw willrun
eccentrically,causing loss ofcentral.
• Never use damaged or Incorrect blade washers or
bolts. The blade washers and boltwere specially
designedfor yoursaw,for optimumperformanceand
safetyof operation.
• Causes and Operator Prevention of Kickback:
Kickbackis a suddenreactionto a pinched,bound,or
misaligned saw blade,causing an uncontrolledsaw to
liftup and out ofthe workpiecetowardthe operator.
When the blade ispinchedor boundtightlyby the ked
closingdown,the blade stallsand the motorreaction
drivesthe unitrapidlyback towardthe operator.
Ifthe blade becomestwistedor misalignedinthe cut,
the teeth at the back edge of the bladecan dig into the
top surfaceof the wood causing the blade to climbout
ofthe kerfand jumpback toward the operator.
Kickbackis a resultof tool misuseand/or incorrect
operating proceduresor conditionsand can be avoided
by taking proper precautionsas givenbelow:
• Maintain a firm grip on the saw and position your
body and arm In a way that allows you to resist
KICKBACK forces. KICKBACKforcescan be con-
trolledbyth_ operator, if properprecautions are taken.
• When blade Is binding, or when Interrupting a cut
for any reason, release the trigger and hold the saw
motionless In the metedal until the blade comes to
a complete stop. Never attempt to remove the saw
from the work or pull the saw backward while the
blade Is In motion or KICKBACK may occur. Investi-
gateand take correctiveactions toeliminate the cause
ofblade binding.
• When restarting a saw in theworkplace, center the
saw blade In the kerf end check that teeth are not
engaged Into the material. Ifsaw blade isbinding,it
maywalk upor KICKBACKfromthe workpieceasthe
saw is restarted.
• Support large panels to minimize the risk of blade
pinching and KICKBACK. Large panelstend to sag
undertheir ownweight.Supports must be placed under
the panelon bothsides, nearthe lineof cut and near
theedge ofthepanel.
• Do not use dull or damaged blade. Unsharpened or
improperlyset bladesproduce narrowkerfcausing
excessivefriction,blade binding,and KICKBACK.
• Blade depth and bevel adJuetlnglocking levers
must be tight and secure before making cut, If blade
adjustment shiftswhilecutting, itwill cause binding and
• Use utra caution when making e =PocketCUt'*into
e_lstlng walls or ether blind areas. The protruding
blade may cut objectsthat cancause KICKBACK.

• Neverusea battery that has been dropped or received
a sharp blow. A damaged battery is subject to explo-
sion, Properly dispose of a dropped battery immedi-
ately. Failure to heed this warning can result in sendus
personal injury.
• Before using battery charger, read all Instructions
and cautionary markings In this manual, on battery
charger, and product using battery charger. Follow-
ing this rule wJJlreduce the risk of electric shock,fire, or
serious personal injury.
• To reduce risk of Injury, charge only nickal-ced-
mlum and nickel metal hydride type rechargeable
batteries. Other types of batteries may burst
causing personal Injury and damage. Following this
rule will reduce the riskof alectdc shock, fire, or
sehouspersonal injury.
• Do not e0(posocharger to rain or snow. Following
this rule will reduce the risk of electric shock, fire, or
seriouspersonal injury.
• Use of an attachment not recommended or sold by
the baltery charger manufacturer may result In a
risk of fire, electric shock, or Injury to persons.
Followingthis rule wilt reducethe riskof electdc shock,
fire, or seriouspersonal injury,
• To reduce the risk of damage to charger body and
cord, pull by charger plug rsther than cord when
disconnecting charger. Followingthis rule willreduce
the riskof seriouspersonalinjury.
• Make sure cord is located to that It will not be
stepped on, tripped over, or otherwise subjected to
damage or stress. Followingthis rulewillreduce the
riskof seriouspersonal injury.
• An e0(tensloncord should not be used unless
absolutely necessary. Use of improperextensioncard
couldresult ina riskof fire andelectdcshock. If exten-
sioncordmust be used, make sure:
a. That pinson plugof extensioncordare the same
number,size and shapeas those ofplugon
b. Thatextensioncord is propedywiredand in good
c. That wire sizeis largeenough forAC ampere rating
ofcharger as specifiedbelow:
Cord Length (Feet) 25" 50" 100"
Cord Size (AWG) 16 16 16
Note: AWG =American Wire Gage
• Do not operate charger with a damaged cord or ping.
Ifdamaged, have replaced Immediately by a qualified
serviceman. Followingthis rulewillreducethe riskof
electricshock,firs,orseriouspersonal injury
• Do not operate cherger If it has received a sharp
blow, been dropped, or othel_ise damaged in any
way; take It to a qualified serviceman. Followingthis
rulewill reducethe riskof electric shock,fire, or serious
• Donot dlsussemblo oharger; take It to a qualified
servlseman when service or repair is requiL_l.
Incorrect reessembly may result In a risk of electric
shock or firs. Followingthis rule will reducethe riskof
electricshock,fire, or seriouspersonal injury.
• To reduce the diskof electric shock, unplug charger
from outlet before attempting any maintenance or
cleaning. Tumlng off controls will not reduce this
dsk. Followingthisrulewill reducethe riskof electric
shock,fire, or serious personal injury.
• Do not use charger outdoors. Followingthis rule will
reducethe riskofelectric shock,fire, or seriousper-
• Disconnect charger from power supply when not in
use. Followingthis rule will reducethe riskof electric
shock,fire, or seriouspersonal injury.
• Save these Instructions. Refer to them frequently
and use them to Instruct others who may use this
tool. If you loan someone this tool, loan them these
instructions also. Following this rule will reduce the
risk of electdc shock, fire, or serious personal injury
WARNING: some dust created by power
sanding, sawing, grinding, ddlling, and other
construction activities contains chemicals known
to cause cancer,birth defects or other reproduc-
tive harm. Some examples of these chemicals are:
• lead from lead-based paints,
• crystallinesilica from bricks and cement
and other masonry products,and
• arsenic and chromium from chemically-
treated lumber.
Your riskfrom these exposuresvaries, depending
on how often you do this type ofwork. To reduce
your exposure to these chemicals:work ina well
ventilated area, and work with approved safety
equipment, such as those dust masks that are
specially designed to filter out microscopic

Important:Someof thefollowing symbolsmay beusedon yourtool.Please studythemand learn theirmeaning. Proper
interpretationofthese symbolswillaJlowyou to operate the toolbetter andsafer.
V Volts Voltage
A Amperes Current
Hz Hertz Frequency(cycles per second)
rain Minutes Time
AlternatingCurrent Type or a characteristicof current
--"=- DirectCurrent Type or a characteristicof current
no No Load Speed Rotationalspeed, at no load
.../rain Revolutionsor ReciprocationPer Minute surfacespeed, orbitsetc. per minute
,_ Alert Itmeans attention!!!Yoursafety is
O Alwayswear safetygogglesor safety
The purpose ofsafety symbolsisto attractyour attentionto possibledangers. The safety symbols,and the
explanations withthem, deserve your careful attentionand understanding.The safety warningsdo not by themselves
eliminate any danger. The instructionsorwarningsthey give are notsubstitutesforproperaccident prevention
Symbol Meaning
DANGER: Indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or
serious injury,
WARNING: Indicatesa potentiallyhazardoussituationwhich, ifnotavoided, could result indeath or
CAUTION: Indicates a potentiallyhazardoussituationwhich,if notavoided, may result inminor or
moderate injury.It may also be usedto alert against unsafepracticesthat may causeproperty damage.
Safety Symbol
Wear Eye Protection glasseswithsideshieldsand a full face
Indicatesdanger, warning or caution.
shieldwhen operatingthis product.
NOTE: Advisesyou of information or instructionsvital to the operationor maintenance ofthe equipment.