Operator's Manual
5-1/2 in. 18 VOLT
Model No.
Save this manual for
future reference
WARNING: Read and follow
all Safety Rules and Operaling
Inslructions before using this
Customer Help Line: 1-800-932-3188
Sears Roebuck and Co., 3333 Beverly Rd. Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 USA
Visit the Craftsman web page: www.sears.com
• Features
• Assembly
• Operation
• Maintenance
• Parts List

• TableOf ContentsandWarranty...................................................................................................................................... 2
• Introductionand General Safety Rules ........................................................................................................................ 3-4
• SpecificSafety Rulesand Symbols............................................................................................................................. 4-7
• ProductSpecifications,Unpacking,andAccessodes ...................................................................................................... 8
• Features..................................................................................................................................................................... 8-10
• Assembly................................................................................................................................................................... 11-13
• Operation ................................................................................................................................................................. 13-19
• Maintenance................................................................................................................................................................... 20
• ExplodedV'mwAndRepair PartsList....................................................................................................................... 22-23
• PartsOrdedng/ Servico................................................................................................................................................. 24
Ifthis CRAFTSMANCordless Trim Saw failsto give completesatisfactionwithinone year from the date of purchase,
willrepair it,free of charge.
If thisCRAFTSMANCordlessTrim Saw is usedfor commercial or rentalpurposes,thiswarrantyappliesfor onlyg0 days
from the date of purchase,
Thiswarrantygivesyou specificlegalrights,and you may also have other fightswhichvary from stateto state,
Sears, Roebuck and Co., DopL 817 WA, Hoffman Estates, IL 60179
_l, Look for this symbol to point out important safety precautions. It means attentionlll
Your safety is involved.
The operationofany powertool can resultinforeignobjectsbeingthrown intoyour eyes, whichcan result
in severe eye damage, Before beginningpowertooloperation, always wear safety gogglesor safety
glasseswith side shieldsand a full face shieldwhen needed, We recommendWide VisionSafety Mask
for use overeyeglassesor standardsafetyglasseswith side shields,availableat Sears RetailStores,
Always wear eye protectionwhichis markedto comply withANSI Z87.1.

Yourtrim sew has manyfeaturesfor makingyourcutting
operationsmore pleasant andenjoyable.Safety,
performance and dependabilityhavebeen giventop
priorityinthe designofthistdm sew makingit easy to
maintainand operate.
_k WARNING: Do not attemptto usa the tooluntil
you have read thoroughlyand understandcompletely
theoperator'smanual, Pay closeattentionto the
safety rules,includingDangers,Warnings,and
Cautions.If you usathis toolproperlyand onlyfor
what itis intended,you willenjoyyears of safe,
A WARNING: Read and follow all instructions.
Failuretofollowall instructionslistedbelow,may
resultin electricshock, fireand/or sadous personal
Work Area
• Keep yourwork area clean and well lit. Cluttered
benches and darkareas inviteaccident.
• Do not operate power tools in eaplosive strno-
spheres, such as in the presence of flammable
liquids, gases, or dust. Powertools create sparks
whichmay Ignitethe dustor fumes.
• Keep bystandam, children, and visitors away while
operating a power tool, Distractionscancauseyou
to lose control.
Electrical Safety
• A bette|y operated tool with Integral bettados or a
separate be#ely pack must be recharged only with
the specified charger for the betteiy. Achargerthat
may be suitableforone type of batterymay create a
riskoffire when usedwithanotherbattery.
• Use bsttary operated tool only with specifically
designated battery pock. Use ofanyother batteries
may create a dsk of tire. Useonlywith batterypack
• Do not abuse the cord. Never use the cord to carry
the charger. Keap cord away from heat, oil, chaq)
edges, or moving parts. Replace damaged cords
immediately. Damaged cords may createa fire.
• Use bettely only with charger listed.
item No. _ t1045 RamNo. _!11041
(1323905) (1425301)
Personal Safety
• Stay alert, watch what you are doing and use
common eanea when operating a power tool. Do
not use tool while tired or under the influence of
drags, alcohol, or medication. A moment ofinatten-
tionwhile operatingpower toolsmay resultin serious
personal injury.
• Dress properly. Do not wear loose clothing or
jewelry. Contain long hair. Keep your hair, clothing,
and gloves away from moving parts, Looseclothes,
jewelry,or longheir can be caught in moving parts,
• Avoid accidental starting. Be sure switch is in the
locked or off position before inserting bsttery
pack. Carryingtools withyourfingeron the switchor
insertingthe batterypeck intoa toolwiththe switch on
• Remove adjusting keys orwrenchea before turn-
ing the tool on. A wrenchera keythat is left attached
to a rotatingpert of the toolmay resultin personal
• Do not overreach. Keep proper footing and bal-
ance at all times. Properfootingandbalance enable
petter controlof thetoolin unexpectedsituations.
• Use safety equipment. Always wear aye protection.
Dust mask, nonskidsafetyshoes,hard hat,or hearing
protectionmustbe usedfor appropriateconditions.
Tool Use and Care
• Usa clamps or other practical way to secure and
support the workplace to a stable plstfonn. Holding
thework byhand oragainstyourbody is unstableand
may leadto loss ofcontrol.
• Do not force tool. Use the con'act tool for your
application. The correcttool will do the job be_rarand
saferat the rateforwhich it is designed.

Do not use tool if switch does not turn it on or off.
A toolthatcannotbe controlledwiththe switchis
dangerousand mustbe repaired.
Disconnect batter/pack from tool or place the
switch in the looked or off position before making
any adjustments, changing accoseodes, or stodng
tool. Such preventivesafetymeasures reduce the dsk
of starting the tool accidentally.
Store idle tools out of the mech of children and
other untrained persons. Toolsare dangerousin the
handsof untrainedusam.
When batter/pack is not in use, keep it away from
other metal objects like: paper clips, coins, keys,
nails, screws, or other small metal objects that can
make a connection from one terminal to another.
Shortingthe batteryterminals togethermay cause
sparks,bums, or a fire.
Maintain tools with care. Keep cutting tools sharp
and clean. Properlymaintainedtoolswith sharp
cuttingedges are less likelyto bindand are easier to
• Check for miaslignmeot or binding of moving
pe4s, breakage of paris, andany other condition
that may affect the tool's operation, if damaged,
have the tool serviced before using. Many accidents
are caused bypoorlymaintainedtools.
• Use only ecneasodas that are recommended by
the manufaotumr for your model. Accessoriesthat
may be suitableforone tool,may createa riskof injury
when used on another tool.
Tool se_ice must be performed by qualified repair
personnel. Serviceor maintenanceperformedby
unqualifiedpersonnelmay result in a riskofinjury.
When servicing a tool, use only identical replace.
merit pads. Follow instructions in the Maintenance
section of this manual. Usa of unauthorizedpartsor
failureto follow MaintenanceInstructionsmay createa
_sk of shockor injury.
• Hold tool by insulated gripping surfaces when performing an operation where the cutting tool may contact
hidden wiring. Contact witha "live" wire will make exposedmetal parts of the tool "live" and shockthe operator.
Additional Rules For Safe Operation
• Know your power tool. Reed operator's manual
carefully. Learn its applications and limitations, as
well as the specific potential hmrds misted to
this tool. Followingthis rulewillreduce the risk of
electricshock,fire, or seriousinjury.
• Make sure your extension cord is in good condi-
tion. When using an extension cord, be sure to use
one heavy enough to carry the current your prod-
uct will drew. Awire gage size (A.W.G.) of at least
16 is recommended for an extension cord 100 f_st
or less in length. A cord exceeding 100 feet is not
recommended. If in doubt, use the next heavier
gage. The smaller the gage number, the heavier
the cord. An undersizedcordwill cause a dropin line
voltage resultingin lossof powerand overheating.
Important Rules For Battery Tools
• Batter/tools do not have to be plugged into an
electrical outlet; therefore, they are always in
operating condition. Be aware of possible hazards
when not using your better/tool or when chang-
ing accessories.
• Do not place batter/tools or their baHefies near
fire or heat. This willreducethe riskofexplosionand
• Batteriesvent hydrogengas and canexplode inthe
presenceof a sourceof ignition,suchas a pilotlight.
To reduce the riskof sedous personal injury,never
useany cordlessproductin the presenceofopen
flame. An explodedbattery can propeldebds and
chemicals. If exposed,flushwithwater immediately.
• Do not charge baiter/tool in a damp orwet loca-
tion. Followingthisrulewillreducethe risk of electric
shock,tim, or seriouspersonal injury.
• Your belier/tool should be charged in a location
where the temperature is more than 50°F hut less
then 100°F. Followingthisrule will reducethe riskof
electricshock,fire, or serious personalinjury.
• Under extreme usage or temperature conditions,
batter/leakage mayoccur. If liquid comas in
contact with your skin, wash immediately with
soap and water, then neutralize with leman juice or
vinegar. If liquid gets into your eyes, flush them
with clean water for at Isesl 10 minutes, then seek
immediate medical attention. Following this rule will
reducethe riskof seriouspersonalinjury.

Additional Specific Safety Rules
• DANGERI Keep hands away from cutting am and
blade. Keep your second hand on auxilianj handle
or motor housing. If both handsam holdingthe saw,
they cannotbe cut by the blade,
• Kasp your body positioned to either side of the
saw blade, but not in line with the sew blade.
KICKBACK couldcause the saw tojump backwards.
• Do not reach underneath the work. The guard
cannot pmtactyou fromthe blade below the work.
• Chack the lower guard for proper closing before
each use. Do not operate saw if lower guard does
not move freely and close instantly, Never clamp
or tie the lower guard into the open position. If
saw is accidentallydropped,lowerguardmay bebent.
Raise the lower guardwiththe retractinghandleand
make sureit movesfreely and does not touchthe
bladeor any otherpart,in all angles and depthsofcut.
• Check the operation and condition of the lower
guard spdng, If the guard and the spdng are not
operating properly, they must be serviced before
use. Lowerguard may operatesluggishlydue to
damaged parts,gummydeposits,or a buildupof
• Lower guard should be retracted manually only for
special cute such as =Pocket Cuts" and "Com-
pound Cuts". Raise lower guard by Retracting
Handle. As soon as blade enters the mstadal,
lower guard must be released. Forall othersawing,
the lowerguardshouldoperate automatically.
• Always obeerve that the lower guard is covedng
the blade before placing saw down on bench or
floor. An unprotected,coastingblade will cause the
saw to walk backwards,cuttingwhateveris in its path,
Beaware ofthe time ittakes forthe bladeto stop after
NEVER hold piece being cut in your hands or
across your leg. It is important to supportthe work
properlyto minimizebody exposure,blade binding,or
lossof control.
• Hold tool by insulating gripping sudecse when
performing an operation where the cutting tool
may contact hidden widng. Contactwitha "live"wire
willalso makeexposed metal parts of the tool"live"
and shockthe operator.
• When dpping always use a rip fence for a straight
edge guide. This improvesthe accuracyof cutand
reducesthe chanceof blade binding.
• Always use blades with cowect size end shape
(diamond vs. round) arbor holes. Bladesthat do not
matchthe mountinghardwareofthe saw willrun
• Never use damaged or incorrect blade washers or
bolts. The blade washersand boltwere specially
designedfor your saw,foroptimumperformanceand
safety of operation.
• Causes and Operator Prevention of Kickback:
Kickback is a suddenreactionto a pinched,bound,or
misalignedsaw blade, causing an unccntmlledsaw to
liftup and outofthe workpiecetowardthe operator.
When the blade is pinchedor hound tightlyby the kerr
closingdown,the bladestallsand the motorreaction
drivesthe unit rapidlybeck towardthe operator.
If theblade becomestwistedor misalignedinthe cut,
theteeth at the backedge ofthe blade can dig intothe
top surfaceofthe wood causing the blade toclimbout
ofthe ken'and jump back towardthe operator.
Kickback isa resultof tool misuseand/orincorract
operatingproceduresor conditionsandcan be
avoidedby taking properprecautionsas givenbelow:
• Maintain a finmgrip on the sew and position your
body and arm in a way that allows you to resist
KICKBACK forces. KICKBACKforcescan be con-
trolled by the operator,if properprecautionsare taken.
• When blade is binding, orwhen intemupting a cut
for any reason, release the trigger and hold the
saw motionless in the mutadal until the blade
comas to a complete stop. Never attempt to
remove the saw from the work or pull the sew
backward while the blade is in motion or KICK-
BACK may occur. Investigateand take corrective
actions to eliminatethe cause of blade binding.
• When restarting a sew in the workplace, canter the
saw blade in the kerr and check that teeth are not
engaged into the mstedal. If saw blade isbinding,it
maywalk upor KICKBACKfrom the workpiecaas the
saw is restarted.
• Support large panels to minimize the dsk of blade
pinching and KICKBACK. Large panels tend to sag
undertheirown weight.Supportsmustbe placed
underthe penal on bothsides, nearthe lineof cutand
nearthe edge ofthe panel.
• Do not use dull or damaged blade. Unsharpenedor
impmpedyset bladesproducenarrowken'causing
excessivefriction, blade binding,andKICKBACK.
• Blade depth and bevel adjusting locking levera
must be tight and secure before making cut. If
blade adjustmentsh_ftswhilecutting,it will cause
bindingand KICKBACK.
• Use extra caution when making a "Pocket Cut"
into existing walls or other blind areas. The protrud-
ingblademay cutobjectsthat can cause KICKBACK.

• Neveruseabatterythat has been dropbedor re-
ceived a sharp blow,A damaged bakery is subjectto
explosion,Pmpedy dispose ofa droppedbattery
immediately.Failureto head this warningcan result in
seriouspersonal injury.
• Before using battery charger, read ell instructions
and cautionary markings in this manual, on battery
charger, and product using battery charger. Follow-
ingthisrule will reducethe dskof electricshock,fire,
or sedouspersonal injury.
• To reduce dsk of injury, charge only nickel-
cadmium type rechargeeble bottedss. Other types
of batteries may burst causing personal injury end
damage. Followingthis rulewill reduce the dsk of
electricshook, tim, or sedous personal injury.
• Do not expose charger to rein or snow. Following
this rulewill reducethe dsk of electdc shock,fire,or
serious personalinjury.
• Usa of an attachment not recommended oraold by
the battery charger manufacturer may result in •
risk of fire, electric shock, or injury to penmns.
Followingthisrule willreduce the riskofelectric shock'
fire, or sedouspersonalinjury,
• Toreduce the dek of damage to charger body and
cord, pull by charger plug rathor than cord when
disconnecting charger. Following thisrulewillreduce
the risk ofsedous personal injury.
• Make sure cord is located so that it will not be
stepped on, tdpped over, or othanvise subjected to
damage or stress. Followingthis rule will reducethe
dsk of seriouspersonalinjury.
• An extension cord should not be used unless
absolutely necsssmy. Use ofimproperextension
cordcouldresultin a dsk of fireend electricshock.If
extensioncord must be used, make sure:
a. That pins onplugof extensioncordam the same
number,size and shape as thoseof plugon
b. That extensioncordis pmpedywiredand ingood
electricalcondition; and
c. Thatwire size islarge enough forAC ampere rating
of chargeras specifiedbelow:
Cord Length(Feet) 25" 50" 100"
Cord Size (AWG) 16 16 16
Note: AWG = AmadcanWire Gage
• Donot operatechargerwith adarnaged cord or
plug. Ifdamaged, have replaced immediately by a
qualified sstvicaman, Followingthisrulewillrsduce the
dskof electricshock,fire,or serious personalinjury.
• Do not operate charger if It has received a sharp
blow, been dropped, or othanNise damaged in any
way; take It to a qualified serviceman. Following this
rule willreducethe riskof electdcshock,fire, or
seriouspersonal injury.
• Do not dissessmbls charger, take it to a qualified
serviceman when ssrvica or repair is required.
Incorrect ressssmbly may result in a risk of elec-
tric shock or fire. Followingthisrulewill reducethe
dskof electricshock,firs, or seriouspersonal injury,
• Toreduce the risk of electric shock, unplug
charger from outlet before attempting any mainte-
.anco or cleaning. Turning off controls will not
reduce this risk, Followingthis rulewill reducethe
dskof electricshock'firs,or sedous personalinjury.
• Do not use charger outdoors. Followingthisrulewill
reducethe riskof electricshock,fire, or sadous
personal injury.
• Dieconnect charger from power supply when not
in use. Followingthis rule willreducethe riskof
electricshock,tim, or serious personal injury,
• Save thsse instructions. Refer to tbem frequently
and use them to instnJntothers who may use this
tool. if you loan someone this tool, loan them
these instructions also. Followingthisrule will
reduce the riskofelectricshock'fire, or serious
A WARNING" . Some dust created bypower sanding,
sawing, grinding, drilling,and other construction
activities contains chemicals knownto cause
cancer, birthdefects or other reproductive harm,
Some examples of these chemicals are:
• lead from lead-besed paints,
• crystalline silica from bdcks and cement
and other masonry products,and
• arsenic and chromiumfrom chemically-
treated lumber.
Your riskfrom these exposures varies, depending
on howoften you do this type of work. To reduce
your exposure to these chemicals:work in a wall
ventilated area, and work with approved safety
equipment, suchas those dust masks that are
speciallydesigned to filter out microscopicparticles.

Important: Some ofthe followingsymbolsmay be usedon yourtool, Please studythem and leam their moaning.
Proper interpretationofthese symbolswillallow youto operatethe tool betterand safer.
V Volts Voltage
A Amperes Current
Hz Hertz Frequency(cyclesper second)
W Watt Power
min Minutes Time
ARematingCurrent Typeof current
no No LoadSpeed Rotationalspeed, at no load
[] Class IIConstruction Double-insulatedconstruction
.../min Per Minute Revolutions,strokes,surfacespeed, orbitsetc., per minute
,_ Safety Alert Preoauttonsthat involve
O Eye Protection Alwayswear ,safetygogglesorsafetyglasseswith,sideshields
_) Wet ConditionsAlert Do not expose torainor usein damp locations.
The purposeof safety symbols is toattractyour attentionto possibledangers, The safety symbols, and the
explanationswiththem, deserveyour careful attentionand understanding.The safetywarningsdo not by
themselves eliminateany danger. The instructionsor warningsthey give am not substitutesfor proper accident
DANGER: Indicates an immlnontlyhazardoussituation,which, if not avoided, will rasult in death or
sedcos injury.
WARNING: Indicatesa potentiallyhazardoussituation,which, if notavoided,could resultin death or
serious injury.
CAUTION: Indicates a potentiallyhazardous situation,which, if not avoided, may resultin minor or
moderateinjury.Itmay alsobe usedto alertagainst unsafepracticesthatmaycause propertydamage.
Impodant: Advisesyou of importantinformationorinstructionsvitalto theoperationor maintenanceof
the equipment.
and a full face shieldwhen operatingthis product.
Note: Advisesyou of additionalinformationconcerningthe operationor maintenanceof the equipment.

TRIMSAW 315.114231
BladeDiameter 5-1/2in.
BladeArbor 318in,
CuttingDepth at 900 1-9/16 in.
CuttingDepth at 450 1-118in,
No lead Speed 4,500/min,
Motor 18 VoltDC
Input 120 V, 60 Hz, AC only
ChargingVoltage 7.2 - 24 Volt
Charge Rate 1 Hour
Your trim saw has been shippedcompletelyassembled
exceptfor the blade. Inspectitcarefullyto make sureno
breakageor damage has occurredduringshipping,If any
partsare damaged or missing,contact your nearestSears
RetailStore toobtain replacementparts beforeattempting
to operate saw.A blade, bladewrench (5 mm hex key), dp
guide(edge guide) and thisoperators manualare also
The following recommendedaccessoriesare currentlyavailableat BearsRetail Stores,
• 5-1/2 in,Thin Kerr Blade
WARNING: The use of attachmentsor aceassodesnotlistedmightbe hazardous.
See Figure 1.
Beforeattemptingtouseyour tdm saw,familiarizeyourself
withall operatingfeaturesand safetyrequirements.
Featuresincludeeasilyoperated bevel cut and depthof
cutadjustmentmechanisms;positive0° bevel stop;
spindlelock;and blade wrench storage.
,l_k WARNING: Do not allowfamiliarity with saw
to make you careless. Remember that a careless
fractionof a second is sufficientto inflictsevere
WARNING: If any partsaremissing,donotoperate
yoursaw until_e missingpatts are replaced,Failureto
do so couldresultinpassible seriouspersonalinjury.
Yoursawis equippedwitha lock-offbuttonwhichreduces
the possibilityof accidentalstarting. The lock-offbuttonis
locatedonthe handleabove the switchtdgger.You must
depressthe lock-offbuttoninorderto pulltheswitch
trigger.The lockresetseach timethe triggerisreleased.
Note: Youcan depressthe iock-off buttonfrom eitherthe
left ordght side.
(Use only for the purposes lieted below)
• Cuttingalltypesofwoodproducts(lumber,plywood,