Operator's Manual
3/8 in. 9.6 VOLT
Variable Speed / Reversible
Model No.
Save this manual for
future reference
WARNING: Toreducethe risk of Injury, the
usermustread and understandthe operator's
manualbefore usingthis product.
Customer Help Line: 1-800-932-3188
Sears, Roebuck and Co., 3333 Beverly Rd., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 USA
Visit the Craftsman web page: www,sears.com/craftsman

• Warranty......................................................................................................................................................................... 2
• Introducton..................................................................................................................................................................... 2
• General Safety Rules ............................................................................................................................................... 3-4
• SpeciflcSafety Rules .............................................................................................................................................. 4-5
• Symbols.......................................................................................................................................................................... 6
• ProductSpecifications.................................................................................................................................................... 7
• Unpacking....................................................................................................................................................................... 7
• Features ..................................................................................................................................................................... 7-8
• Operation.................................................................................................................................................................. 9-14
• Maintenance................................................................................................................................................................. 15
• Accesserles.................................................................................................................................................................. 15
• ExplodedView and Repelr Parts List........................................................................................................................... 16
• PartsOrdering/ Service ............................................................................................................................................... 18
Ifthis CRRFTSMAN 3/8 In. Cordless DdlI-Ddver falls to give complete satisfaction within one year from the date of pur-
Sears wilt replace it,free of charge,
Ifthis €ItRFt'$NRN3/8 In, CordlessDdU-Ddver Is usedfor commercialor rental purposes, thiswarranty appliesfor oniy
90 daysfromthe date of purchase.
Thiswarranty givesyou specificlegal rights,and youmayalsohaveother dghts whichvary from stateto state.
Sears, Roebu-'k and Co., Dept. 817WA, Hoffman Estates, IL 60179
Yourdrill-driverhasmany features for makingyourddlllng
operationsmore pleasantand enjoyable.Safety,
performanceand dapendabllltyhave been giventop
priorityInthe designof thisdrill-drivermakingiteasy to
maintainand operate.
_, WARNING: Do notattempt to usethis product until
youread thoroughly and understandcomplatelythe
operator'smanual.Pay close attentiontothe safety
rulesincludingDangers,Warningsand Cautions. If
youuse this productproperlyand only as Intended,
youwillenjoyyears of safe, reliable service.
Look for this symbol to point out Important safety precautions. It means
attention!!! Your safety Is Involved.
The operationofany powertool can resultInforeignobjectsbeing thrownintoyoureyes, which can
resultIn severe eye damage. Before beginning powertcol operation, always wear safety gogglesor
safetyglasseswith sideshieldsand a full face shieldwhen needed. We recommendWide Vision
Safety Mask for useovereyeglassesorstandardsafetyglasseswithsideshields,availableat Sears
RetailStores. Alwayswear eye protectionwhich Is markedto complywithANSI Z87.1.

• 1,WARNING: Reed and understand all Instructions.
Failureto followall Instructionslistedbelow,may
msuk inelectricshock,fire and/orseriouspersonal
Work Area
• Keep your work area clean and well lit, Cluttered
benchesand dark areas inviteaccidents.
Do not operate power tools inera(plosiveatmo-
spheres, such as inthe presence of flammable
liquids, gases, or dust. Powertoolscreate sparks
whichmay ignitethe dust or fumes.
• Keep bystanders, children, and visitors away while
operating a power tool. Distractions cancauseyou
to losecontrol.
Eie=tdcal Safety
• A battery operaterl tool with integral batteries or a
separate battery pack must be recharged only with
the specified chargm for the battery. A chargerthat
may be suitableforone type ofbatterymaycreatea
riskoffire when used withanotherbattery.Use b_ttery
only with chargerlisted.
315.114050 ITEMNO.911074 ITEMNO.S11070
(976965-001) (976790-001)
Use battery operated tool only with specifically
designated batter/peck. Use ofany otherbatteries
maycreate a risk of fire. Useonly withbatterypack
Do not abuse the cord. Never use the cord to carry
the charger. Keep cord away from heat, oil,sharp
edges, or moving parts. Replace damaged cords
Immediately. Damaged cordsmay createa fire,
Personal Safety
• Stay alert, watch what you are doing and use
common sense when operating a power tool. Do
not use tool while Urad or under the Influence of
dregs, alcohol, or medication. A momentof inatten-
tionwhile operatingpowertools may resultin serious
personal injury.
• Dress properly. Do not wear loose clothing or
jewelry. Contain long heir. Keepyour heir, clothing,
and gloves away from moving parts. Looseclothes,
Jewelry.orlonghair can be caught in movingparts.
• Avoid accidental starting. Be sure switch is in the
locked or off position before inserting battery
pack. Canylngtoolswithyour fingeron the switchor
insertingthebattery pack intoa tool w_hthe switch on,
invites acclder_s.
• Remove adjusting keys or wrenches before turn-
ing the tool on.Awrench ore keythat isle_ attached
to a rotatingpartof the toolmay resultIn personal
• Do not overreach. Keep proper footing and bat-
ance at all times. Properfootingand balanceenables
better controlof thetool Inunexpectedsituations.Do
not useona ladderorunstablesupport.
• Use safety equipment. Always wear eye protection.
Dust mask,nonskidsafetyshoes,hard hat,or hearing
protectionmustbe usedfor approprfateoondltlons.

Tool Use and Care
• Use clamps or other practical way to secure end
support the workpisee to a stable platform. Holding
the work by hand or againstyour body is unstable and
may lead to loss of control.
• Do not force tool. Use the correct tool for your
application. The correct tool will dothe job better and
safer at the rete for which it is designed.
• Do not use tool if switch dose nof turn It on or off.A
tool that cannot be controlledwith the switch isd_ngsr-
ous and must be repaired:Tool Use and Care
• Disoseneot battew pack from toot or place the mltch In
the locked or otf pesRIon hefora maldng any adJustmmts,
ofta@ng acoessede_ or stedng the toot.Such praventlve
s_oty mes_umsreduceriskofstarlingtheted acddertally,
• Store Idle tools out of reach of children and other
untrained psmons. Tools are dangerous inthe hands of
untrained users.
• When battery pack Is not In use, keep it away from
other metal objects like: paper clips, coins, keys,
nails, screws, or other small metal objects that can
make a connection frem one terminal to another.
Shortingthe battery terminals together may cause
sparks, bums, or a fire.
• Maintain tools with cam. Keep cutting tools sharp
and clean. Properly maintained tools,with sharp cutting
edges am less likelyto bind end are easier to control.
• Check for mlsalignment or binding of moving parts,
breakage of parts, and any other condlUen thot may
alfeot the toore ogerstlon. If damaged, have the tool
servlcad before using. Many acoidents are caused by
poorlynaintair_d teals.
Use only accessories that are recommended by the
manufacturer for your model. Accessories that may be
su_ablefor one tool, may create a riskof injury when used
on another tool,
• Keep the tool end its handle dry, clean end free from
all and grease. Always use s clean clothwhen cleaning.
Never use broke fluids, gasoline, petroleum-bssed
products,or any strong solvents todean your tool
• Tool seralca must be performed only by qualified
repair personnel. Service or maintenance performed by
unqualifiedpersonnel oould result in a risk of injury,
• When servicing a tool, use only identical replacement
parts. Follow Instructions In the Malntenanca section
of this manual Use of unauthorized parts or f_lum to
follow Maintenance Instructionsmay create a dsk of shock
or injuly,
Hold tool by Insulated gripping surfaces when performing an operation where the cutting tool may contact
hidden wiring. Contactwitha "live" wirewill make exposedmetal partsof thetool "live= and shockthe operator.
Additional Safety Rttles
Know your power tool. Read operator's manual
carefully. Learn Its applications and limitations,
as well as the specific pofeatial hazards misted to
this tool. Followingthis rule willreducethe risk of
electricshock,fire, or seflous Injury.
Additional Cordless Tool Rules
• WARNING: Never use a batterythat has been
dropped or receiveda sharpblow, A damaged
battery Is subjectto explosion.Properlydisposeof a •
droppedbatteryImmediately. Failureto heed this
wamlng can resultinsedouspersonal Injury.
• Battery tools do not have to be plugged Into an
electrical outlet; therefore, they are always In
operating condition. Be aware of possible haz- •
ards when not using your battery tool or when
changing accessories. Followingthis rule will
reducethe dskof electric shook,fire, or serious
• DOnot place battery tools or their batteries near
fire or heat. This willreducethe riskofexplosionand
Batteries vent hydrogen gas and can explode In
the presence of a source of Ignition, such as a pilot
light. To reduce the dsk of sedous persona] Injury,
never use any cordless product in the presence of
open flame. An exploded battery can propel debris
and chemicals, If exposed, flush with water immedi-
Do not charge battery tool In a damp or wet loca-
tion. Following this rule will reduce the rtsk of a]eotflc
For best results, your battery tool should be
charged in a location when) the temperature Is
more than 50°F but less than IO0°F. Do not store
outside or In vehicles.
Under extreme usage or temperature conditions,
battery leakage may occur. If liquid comes In
contact with your skin, wash Immediately with
soap and water, than neutralize with lemon juice or
vinegar. If liquid gets Into your eyes, flush them
with clean water for el least 10 minutes, then seek
immediate medical attention. Followingthis rulewill
reclusethe dsk of serious personalinjury.

_,WARNING: Never usa a batterythat has been
droppedor receiveda sharpblow.A damaged bakery
Is subjecttoexplosion. Properlydisposeof a dropped
battery Immedla[ely.Failureto heedthiswarning can
resultin sedous personalInjury.
• Before using battery charger, read all instructions
and caofionew markings Inthis manual, on
battery charger, and product using battew
charger. Followingthisrulewill reducethe riskof
electric shock,fire, or seriouspersonal injury.
• TO reduce risk of inJuw, charge only nickel-
cadmium type rechargsuble batterlce. Other types
of batteries may burst causing personal Injury and
damage. Follow]ngthis ru]ewill reduce the risk of
electdc shock,fire, or sadous persanal Injury.
• Do not expose charger to wet or damp conditions.
Followingthis rulewillreducethe flskof electflc
shock,fire, or seriouspersonal Injury.
• Use of an attachment not recommended or sold
by the battery charger manufacturer may result in
a risk of fire, electric shock, or Injury to persons.
Followingthis rule will reducethe riskof electric
shock,fire, or seriouspersonal injury.
• To reduce riM( of damage to charger body and
cord, pull by charger plug rather then cord when
disconnecting chargez. Followingthisrule will
reducethe riskof electric shock,fire, or serious
personal Injury.
• Make sure cord is located sc that It will not be
stepped on, tripped over, or otherwise subjected
to damage or stress. Followingthis rulewill reduce
Lherisk of seriouspersonalInlury.
• An extension cord should not be used unless
absolutely necessary. Use of improperextension
cordcould resultIna riskof fire and electric shock.If
extension cord mustbe used, make sure:
• That pins on plugof extensioncord are the
same number,size and shapeas those of
plugon charger.
• That extension cord Is properly wired and In
good electrical condition; and
• ThZ wire size Is large enough forAC ampere
ral:lngof chargeras specifiedbelow:
Cord Length (FeeL) 25' 50' 100"
CordSize (AWG) 16 16 16
Note: AWG = AmericanWire Gage
• no not operatecharger with a damaged cord or
plug. If damaged, have replaced Immediately by a
qualified serviceman. Followingthisrule willreducethe
risk_ electricshock,fire,or sadouspemor_JInjury.
• Do not operate charger If It has received a sharp
blow, been dropped, or otherwise damaged in any
way; take if to a qualified serviceman. FolloWing
this rulewillreduce the dsk of electric shock,fire, or
• Do not disassemble charger; take it to a qualified
surviceman when sundca or repair Is required.
Incorrect reassembly may result in a risk of
efectdc shock or fire. Followingthis rule willreduce
the rlskof electricshock,fire,or seriouspersonal
• To reduce the dak of alectdc shock, unplug
charger from outlet before attempting any msinte-
nanse or cleaning. Turning off controls will not
reduce this risk. Followingthis rulewill reducethe
riskof electricshock,fire, or seriouspersonal Injury.
• Do not use charger outdoors. FollowingLhtsrulewill
reducethe riskof electricshock,fire, or serious
personal injury,
• Disconnect charger from power supply when not
in use. Followingthlsrulewill reducethe riskof
electricshock,fire, or seriouspersonalInjury.
• love these Instruction,,. Refer to them frequently
and use them to Instruct others who may use this
tool. If you loan someone this tool, loan them
these Instructions also. Followingthis rulewill
reducethe dskof electricshock,fire, or serious
personal injury.
_WARNING: Some dust created by power sanding, sawing, gdndtng, drilling, and other construct(on activities
contains chemicals known to cause cancer, birthdefects or other reproductive harm. Some examples of these
chemicals are:
• lead from lead-based points,
• crystallinesilica from bricksand cement and other masonry products,and
• arsanlc and chromiumfrom chemically-treated lumber.
Your risk from these exposures varies, depending on how often you do this type of work. To reduce your
exposure to these chemicals:work In a well ventll_ed area, andwork with approved safety equipment, such
as those dust masks that are speciallydesigned to filter out microscopic particles.

Important: Some ofthe followingsymbolsmay beusedonyourtool.Please studythem andleamtheir meaning.Proper
interpretationofthese symbolswill allowyou to operate the toolbetterand safer.
V Volts
A Amperes
Hz Hertz
mln Minutes
= DireotCurrent
no No LoadSpeed
.../mln RevolutionsorReciprocationPer Minute
SafetyAlert Symbol
Wear Eye Protection
Frequency(cyclesper second)
Type ora characteristicnf current
Type or a characteristicofcurrent
Rotationalspeed,at no load
Revolutloos, strokes,
surfacespeed,orbitsetc. per minute
Itmeans attention!!! Your safetyis
Alwayswear safetygogglesor
operatingthis produot.
Wet ConditionsAlert
The purposeof safetysymbolsIs to attract your attention to possibledangers.The safety symbols,and the
explanationswith them, deserve yourcareful attention and understanding.The safetywarnings do nntbythemselves
eliminateany danger.The Instructionsorwarningsthey give are not substitutesfor properaccident prevention
DANGER: Indicatesan Immlnantlyhazardoussituationwhich,If notavoided, will resuitin death or
WARNING: Indicatesa potentiallyhazardoussituationwhich, If notavoided,could result Indeath or
CAUTION: Indicatesa potentiallyhazardoussituationwhich,If notavoided, may result in minoror
moderate Injury. Itmayalsobe used toalert against unsafepractices that maycause property damage.
Advises you of Information orInstructions vitalto the operationor maintenanceofthe equipment.
Donotexposetorainor useindamp