Craftsman 172.79183 Operator's Manual

Operator's Manual
[ |11_1]_
flll l * 'r
12 Amp
Model No. !72.79183
Read,,P_terstandandfotlowall S_fety RulesandOperatingInsOtlctionsinthis Manualbeforeusingthispmduct_
SearsBra_ds Management COrpomtlon, HoffmanEstates, IL 60179 U.S.A.
Warranty............................................................................................ Page
Safety Symbols....................... ;.......................................................... _Page
Safety Instructions ................................. _......................... _....._.............. Pages
Unpacking ............................................................ _.... _.................. .,._Page 10
Descriptim3.......................................................................................... Pages 11
Assembly and Adjustments.................................................................. Pages 13
Operation:......................................................................... ................. ...Pages 17
Mamtenance....................................... :.................................................. Pages 23
Parts List .............................................................................................. Pages 25
- 24
- 27
CRAFTSMAN TWO YEAR FULL WARRANTY FORTWOYEARS from thedate of purchase, this product is Warrantedagainst any
defectsin material oTworkmanship.Defectiveproductwillbe replaced free of charge. Forw_Prantycoveragedetails OrtoobtaFnfree replacement,
visittheweb'site; Thiswarranty does notcover theblade, whichis an expendable part thatcan wear
outfrom normal .usewithinthe warrantyperiod. This war_'antyisvoid if thisproductis ever usedwhile providing(/ommercialservices
or ifrented toanother person. Thiswarranty givesyou specificlegal rights,and youmay also haveother rightS
whichvary from statetostate. Sears BrandsManagement Cotporation, HoffmanEstates, fL60179
Ii .__ WARNING: Some dust created by using lawn and garden power tools {
/ contains chemicals known to.the State of California to cause cancer and birth '
| def_N or ether reproductive harm. .........
The purposeof safety symbolsis to attractyour attentionto possibledangers.The safety symbols,,andthe explanationswith them, dese_e yourcareful attention and
understanding. The symbolwarnings DO NOTby themse|ves eliminateany danger. The ins_uctionsandwarningsthey give are no substitutesfor properaccident
I Z_ WARNING: BE SURE to read and understand all safety lns_ucU0nsln this I
manual, inoluding all safety alert symbols such aSr"DANGER", "WARNING" ' i and "CAUTION", BEFORE using this toeL Failure tofollow all Instructions listed !
below may result in electric shock, fire and/or serious persona! Injury. " t
t Z._ CAUTION. May be used in sonju,st[onwith0ther symbols or pictograpbs.
obeythissaf, wami"0 suit,- d.tho;
I _ serious injuw to yourself or to others. Always follow _e . t safety precautions to reduce the risk of fire, electric shocK.
I .... and pers°nal ._jury" = ....
I _: seriousinjury to yoUrselfor to ottiers. Always fallow the !
/ " safety precau.ti_ns to.reduce the risk of fire,'electri¢ Shock _ /
..... ..... !
II, ..;'...". .I n_,y .u_.elt_.o_sori_eg._.:dam._, ._ays I
I ........ fo, the_k offire, I
I . .. ,. .ele_Id_shock_._d,per_on'_!;inlu_, . I
.TheSei_fermuserof important-informatiol_:a_.d/orl_stru_3ons that c_uidlead tO.
equipmer_torotherproperlydamage if rmtfollowed:E_ message isprecededbythe word-
" "NOTE:* as iethe examplebelow:
i.NOTE: Equipmentand/or propertydamage may result !_ffiese lnatruetlens .......I
I airsnot foUowed "
_-WARNtNG: Theoperatioa of any edgelr_ result In
foreign objects being t_rewn htte your eye=.,wl_hean
result in severe e_e dan_. e, Be:,_ beginning pewer te_l.
W. side s elds ar_!a full_a_e'sJdeidwhen needed;We re.mineral a WideVlsl_ Safety Mask for.ule over eyeglassas or standard safe_ glasses with-side shields,
available at Sears Sfo_,esOr_er craftsman Outlets,
. : : :: : : . : ....
. ,, ,, . . . ,
WARNING: if cOrrectly used, this electric Edger is an easy to handle and
efficienttool; if used improperlyor without the dueprecautions it could become a dangeroustoot. For pleasantand safework, ALWAYSstrictly comply with thesafety
rulesthat are contained in this manual.
,,ILII =
Z_ WAR NING: BE SURE to readand understandall instructions in this manual, i
before using.this electric Edger.Failure-tofollow all Instructions listed belowmay | result _ electric shock, fire andlor seriouspersonal injury. 1
/IX WARNING: To avoidmistakes that could cause serious injury, DO NOT plug 1
in;this tool untilthe following instructionshave been mad and u_derst0od, I
1, ALWAYS avoid dangerous conditions.=DO NOT use in wet or damp:areas or
expose to. rain.
2. DO NOT operate in the presence of flammable liquids, gases, or dust. EleCtiiC" toolscreate sparkswhich may ignitedustor fumes.
3. ALWAYS keep bystanders and visitors ata safe distance whileop_ratihg
an Edger.NEVER allow children near the tool.Flying objectscan injure anyotie
inthe area,
4. CHILDPROOF your tools withpadlocksand masterswitches. Lock toolsaway when
notin use. This Edger is n_ta toy.
5. DO NOT use the Edger withoutadequate lighting.=ALWAYS makesure that youcan
see whatyou are edging.
6. BEFORE usingthe Edger,rembve anysto_es, sticks,debrisor 0bjectSthat could be entangtedin orthrown bythe Edger.
, " "" " ,-i,, ,; .... ,:, -
i A_ WARNING: The operatibn of any Edger can result in FOREIGN OBJECTS 1
I BEING THROWN, which can result in personai injury or proPerty damage.
I ALWAYS use proper safety equipment,
1. KNOW your tool. Readtheoperator'smanual_arefully: Learnthe electricEdger's applicationsand limitations,asWellas thespecificpotentialhazardsrelatedtothistool.
2. STAYALERT, watchwhatyou are=doingand usecommonsensewhen operatingthistool.
3. DO NOT use tool while tired or undertheinfluenceofdrugs,alcoholor medication.
A momentof inattentionwhileoperatingthistoolmayresultin seriouspersonatinju_J.
4. DRESS properly. Wear rubberglovesandsubstantialrubbersoledfootwear when workingoutdoors.DONOToperate lawnandgardentobls when barefootorwearing
opensandals.Wear longpantsahd longsleevestoprotectyour legsandarms.
Edgerscan pickupobjectssuchas rocksandsend themflyingatfast speeds. DO NOT wear looseclothingorjewelry.Keep yourhair,Clothing,andglovesaway
form moving parts.[3ose clothingor tonghair can be caughtinmovingparts.
5.USESAFETYEQU!PMENT.Alwayswear safety gogglesor safetyglasses withside
shieldsor fullface shield,proper workshoeswith rubbernon-slipsoles,heaYy-duty non-sliprubberglovesand dust mask orrespiratorand hearingprotection.Hard hat shouldbeused for appropriateconditions.
6; DO NOT overreach. Keep properfooting and balance at all times. Properfooting and
balanceenablesbetter controlof the tootinunexpectedsituations:
TOOL USE AND CARE SAFETY I Z_ wARNING: BE SURE to mad and understand all:instructions before I
I operating this tool. Failure to follow all ins_uctions listed below may resuR in
I electric shock, fire and/or serious personal injury.
i. DO NOT usethe tool if switch does not turn it "On" or "Off_. A_y tootthatcannot be
controlledw_ththeswitchisdangerousandmustbe repaired.
2. DISCONNECT the plug from the powersoume before making any adjustments, changing a_ssories, erstoring the to01. Suchpreventivesafetymeasures reduce the
ofst ng toola= en l .
3. STORE idle tools out of the reach of children and other untmlned persons;Children
MUST NOToperate thetool; Toolsaredangemusiothe handsofu_tralnedusem.=
4. MAINTAINtoolswtth cam. ALWAYSkeepcuttingtoe!scleanaridIngoodw_<i_l order.
5. CHECK for misatignment or binding of moving parts, breakage of paris, ar_ any_ther conditk_thatmayattectule tooi_ Qpem_n_ If damaged, havet_ tootserviced hef0re using.Manyac_den_sare ¢,_usedby p(_edym;aJntainedtoolS.
6. USE ONLYcuftk_l bibles that are rec0mmended for thts Edge. B'J_lesthat maybe
suitablef_ one Edgermay become hazardouswhen•usedo._anetl_ _Edger.
,_ WARNING: Do notp_mit fir_gerst_ tough !
=1_ terminals of plug when msta!ltng orremovlng J
/the extension e0rd from the plug. . . ,
1::Doubleinsulated tools-areequipped with ap_dzed plug
(one blade is wider than the other andwg[ reciuirethe use of a polarizedextension cord. The Edger'splugwjtl_t._to a
polarizedextensiQncordonlyoneway. Ifthe plugdess,at.Fd fully into theextensioncord,reversethe plug. Ifthel_Jg still
doesnotfit,obtaina correctpolarized extension¢_d. Apolarizedextensioncordwillrequiretheuseuf apelal_ed
walloutlet.Thisplugwiltf'rtintothe polarizedwaltou_only Oneway.Iftheplugdoesnotfit ifitfullyintothewa_outlet,
reversetheplug.ff the.plugstilldoesnotfit,€_r_t a qualified electricianteinstalltheproperoutlet.Do n_t change oralter
2. Double insulatio__ eliminates the need forthe three-wiregroundedpowercord and
groundedpowerSupplysystem.Applica_e ordytoClass tf (double-insulated)tools. ThisEdger isa doubleinsulatedtool.
L_ WAR NING: GFCI (Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter) protection should be
provided on all circuits or outlets to be used for electric lawn and garden power=
tools, Receptacles are available having built-in GFCI protection and should be
used for this measure of protection,
/ ' - *H,U.... I _lJ I, I_!
Z_ WAR NING: Double insulation DOES NOT take the place of normal safety
precautions when operating this tool. ] "
3. BEFORE pluggingin the tool,BE SORE thattheoutlet voltage supplied is within thevoltage markedon the tool'sdata plate.DO NOT use"AC only"rated toolswith"aDC
4. DO NOT expose tools to rain or wet conditions or use electric tools in wet or damp locations. Waterenteringan electrictootwillincreasethe riskofelectricshock.
5, If operating an electric tool in damp locations is unavoidable, ALWAYS USEa
Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter to supply power to your tool, ALWAYS WEAR
electrician's rubber gloves and footwear in damp conditions,
6, When operating a powertooloutside,ALWAYSusean outdoorextension cordmarked
=W-A"or"W",these cordsare ratedfor outdooruse and reducethe riskof electricShock,
7. |NSPECT tool cords for damage. Have damagedtoolcordsrepaired at a Sears Service Center.BE SURE to stayconstantly-awareof thecordlocation and keepit wel!away
from the cuttingblade.
8. DO NOT abuse the extension cord_NEVER use the coi'dto carry the tool by or to
pull the plug from the Outlet.Keep cordaway from heat,oil, sharpedges ormovingparts, Replacedamaged cordsimmediately. Damagedcordsincreasethe riskofelectricshock,
:Usea proper extension cord. ONLYusecoldslistedby Underwriter'sLaboratories(UL).
Otherextensioncordscan causea dropin linevoltage,resultingin a lossof power and overheatingof tool.
Forthistoolan AWG (AmericanWire Gauge)sizeof a least 14-gaugeis recommet_ded for an extensioncordof 25-ft. orless inlength.Use12-gaugefor anextension cord of50,ft. Extension cords 100;ft. or longerare not recommended.
Remember,a smaller wire gauge size has greater capacity than a larger dumber
(14-gaugewirehas more capacitythan16-gaugewire; 12-gaugewire has morecapacity than14-gauge).WhenJndoubtusethe smallernumber.
Whenoperatinga powertooloutdoors,use an outdoorextensioncordmarked "W-A_or =W". Thesecordsare ratedforoutdooruseand reducetherisk of electricshock.
I Ll_k CAUT|ON _ Keep the extension cord ct_r of the work area. Posit{o'n the I
cord sothat it willnot get caught on bushes, hedges, tree trunks, lawnmowers or other obstructions while you are working with the Edger.
/_ WARNING: Check extension cords before each use. If damaged replace
,:immediately. Never use tool with a damaged cord since touching the damaged
area could cause electrical shock, resulting in serious injury.
The !abel on your tool may include the following symbols;
Hz.................................................................... HertZ
W........................................:............................ Watts
--,.,....................................................................Aftemating current
no....................................................................No-load sp_ed
[] ..........................;.........................................Class iiconstruction
..Jmin..............................................................RevolutionsorStrokesper minute
irk................................................................... Indicatesdanger,warn{rigorcaution.
Itmeansattention! You[ safetyis involved.
1. If any part of this Edger is missing or should break, bertd, o,rfall tn arty way; or should any electricalcomponent fail to perform properly. SHUT OFF the
powerswitchand remove thepower cordfrom the Edgerand have the missing, damaged orfailed parts replacedBEFORE resuming_peratien. .i "
2. Tool,se_iceshould be performed at a Sears P.a_s andRepair €.ent_r orother maintenancepedormed by Ur_lUalifiedp_=rc,onnet
could result in a risk Ofinjury. . .
3. When servicing a tool, use only identical repla.cementpar_., Follow h_tructiQns in.the maintenance section of this manual. Use of urra_dzed parts er failure to.
toltowmainzenance instructionsmay createa riskofeiectda.sho_kor _jury. ' .
1. KNOW .yourele?tric Edger.:Read operator's ma, uai carefully. Learn the appticationsandI_mitations,as well as the spcci6¢poterdiai!'_zards relatedto thistool,
Foltowingthtsrulewil!reducethe riskof ele_ shock,fire or seriousinjury.
2. DO NOT use the Edgerwithoutadequate lighting.ALWAYSmake surethat you can see whatyouare edging.
3. Use.Edger ONLY when grassand weeds are dry;
4. ALWAYS standtothe left ofthe Hand_. AnydebristhrownbytheEdg_r wouldbe coming_romthe Blade _uaro area on me right _t_ Edger. "
5. ALWAYSremove objectssuchas stones,sticks,and debrisfrom the edgir_!
path thatcoukl becomeerdangtedin,or mmwn by the Edge.
6. To _zuce t_,dsk of rebound(ricochet),workgol.g away _m any nea_y =,_dldol_ SU_. _ a w_l, szeps,_argestone, _ee, etc, Use cam WrB_e_wQ_ .nearsolid:ebje_ls
or intome wind.If necessary,coeegmg in these areas byhand.
7.ALWAYSholdtheEdgerwithbothhandsontheHandleandNEVERreachnearor underthe BladeGuard.
8. AVOID accldentalstarting. DO NOT carry a pluggedin Edger withyourfinger onthe PowerSwitchLever.
9, DO NOTcarrytheEdgerbytheextensioncordor pullthecordto disconnectitfromthe
t0. DO NOTFORCEthe Edger.Do nottryto cutmorethanwhatthe Edgerisdesigned
for,tt willdoa betterjobwithtesschance ofinjurywhenusedatthe rateforwhichit is designed.
1t. MAINTAINtheEdgerwithcare.ALWAYSinspecttheextensioncordandrePlaceifdamaged.
12. KEEPthe Handledry,cleanand freeof'oil andgrease.Usea cleanclothwhencleaning. .DONOTusesolvents,brakefluids, gasoline,or otherpetr0ieumproductstocleanthe
Edger.Theycan damageplasticparts.
13. NEVER,for any reason,touchthecuttingbladeorother moving partsduringuse.
i4. KEEP BladeGuardin place and ingoodworkingorder.KeepGuardpositionedoverblade.
Keephandsandfeetawayfromcuttingblade; "
15. ALWAYSstoretheEdgerindoorswhen notinuse.It shouldbestoredina, high upor lockedina placethatisoutofthe reachof children.
16. ALWAYSuseoniythebladeprovidedwiththisEdgeror.Soldspecificallyforthis
Edger.Use ofanyotherbladesmay createa hazardoussituation.
t7. ALWAYSkeepventilatiQnopeningsclearofdebris:
18. KEEPALL •BYSTANDERSAWAYat a safedistancefromthe workarea;especiallychildren.
Makesurethatpersonsandpetsare at least100 feet away.
Z_ WARNING: Some dust particles created by lawn and garden tools
contain chemicals known to cause cancer, birth defects or etherreproductive
harm. Some examples of these chemicals are:
Compounds in fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides, and insectici_les. Arsenic andchromium from chemically ti'eated lumber.
Your riskfrom these exposures.=varies, depending upon how often youdo this type of work. To reduce your exposure to these chemicals:
- Work in a well.ventilated area
Work with approved safety equipment, such as those dust masks
that are specially designed to filterout microscopic particles.
unpluggedEdgerandtheEdgerhascometoacomplete stop.
The Edger's blade will continue to rotate for afew seconds arzer it is switched ozx.
1. ALWAYSwear safety glasses or eye shleJdswhen using this Edger. Everydayeyeglasseshaveontyimpact-feslstardlenses;they are NOT safety glasses.
2. PROTECT your lungs. Wear a face mask,dustmask or respirator iftheoperationisdusty.
3. PROTECT your hearing. Wear appropriatepersonalhearingprotection duringuse.
Under somecond{tionsnoise fromthisproductmay contributeto headngloss.
4. ALL VJSITORSAND BYSTANDERS MUSTwear the same safetyequipmentthat the
operatorof thetootweam.
5. ALWAYSoheck the tool for domag_d parts. Check for misatignmentor bindingof moving
parts,breakageofparts,and any ot[ierconditior_thatmay affectthe tooJ'soperation.Before furtheruseof theto_[,a guardorether pa_ that is damagedsheu_ be camfLdtyoheokedto
determineifit wiltoperate propedyandperfQrmitsintePaledfunction.Aguard or Otherpart that_sdamagedshouldbe propedyrepairedor replacedat a Searsor otherqualified
SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS. Refer to them frequently and use them
tolnstru=t others who may use this tool lfaomeone borrows thts tool, make sure they have these instructions also;
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