Operator's Manual
Variable Speed
Reciprocating Saw
with Orbital Action
Model No.
Double Insulated
CAUTION: Read, understandand follow
all Safety Rules and Operating Instructions
in this manual beforeusing thisproduct.
Sears,RoebuckandCo.,HotfmanEstates,IL 60179U.S.A.
Visit ourCraftsman• website:www.sears.com/crsftsman

Warra_ty ................................................................. Page 2
Safety Symbols ............................................................... PacLe :_.
Safety Insbuctions ............................................................ Pages 4.-10
Unpao<ing ............................................................... Page !0
Description ............................................................................................ Pages 11-12
Operation ......................................................................................... Pages !2-22
Ma'ntenance .................................................................................... Pages 23- 24
Accessor es........................................................................................... Page 25
Parts List.......................................................................................... Pages 26-29
Sears Repair ma_s Phone Numbers ..................................................... Back Cover
If this Craftsman ProfessionalTool fails due to adefect in material orworkmanship
within one year from the date of purchase, RETURN IT TO ANY SEARS STORE OR
This warranty does nct _nclude expendable parts such as lamps, batteries, bits or
This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may have other rights, which
vary from state to state.
Sears, Roebuck and Co.. Hoffman Estates. IL 60179
known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or uther
_. WARNING : Some dust created by using power tools contai_ts chemicals
reproductive harm.

_."Y_'T'J:!li'dL"1"dJ_I :_o]
The r,_rp0se of safety svnlbols is to attract your &_entton to _essible dangers.
The se e y sy nbo s, e d toe e;,!_ ann ;e_-s wth hem, deserve yOL;r carefet attelltiol_ and
u}_dersta_ldiug. The svmb_ ! _k_r nrls DO NO[ by thsms€_i,es _;! f_iq3_e _ev darele,
T_e iqs ruct[ons end walnings tbav _i',_'e are no substitutes for h_<_per accide'n pre_,,ention
Z_ WARNING: BE SURE to read and understand all safety iestructions in
this manual, including all safety alert symbols such as "DANGER", "WARNING"
and "=CAUTION", BEFORE using this tool. Failure to follow all instructions listed
below may resuff in electric shock, fire audior serious personal injury.
CAUTION. May be used in conjunction with other symbols or pictographs.
serious injury to yourself or to others. Always follow the
[_ Failure to obey this safety warning WiLL result in death or i
[ _4_'-WARNING I
These inform user of important information and/or instructions that c0old !e_d to
equlpmen', or other property damage if not tollowed. Eaei_ message is precede_
by the word "NO rE:" as in the example below:
not followed.
NOTE: Equipmentand/or property damage may result if these instructions aro
safety precautions to reduce the risk of fire, electric shock
a_d personal injury, j
Failure to obey this safety warning CAN result in death or I
serious iniury to yourself or to others, AJways follow the
safety _ecautions to reduce the risk _i fire, elan;trio shock
and personal b_jury.
Failure to obey this safety warning MAY result in personal
injury to yourself or others or property darnage. Always
follow the safety precautions to reduce the risk of fire,
electric shock and personal injury.
_WARNING: The operation of any power tool can result
in foreign objects being thrown into your eyes, which can
result In severe eye damage. Before beginning power tool
operation, ALWAYS wear safety goggles or safety glasses
with side shield and a fuIFtoce shield when needed.
We recommend a Wide Vision Safety Mask for use aver
eyeglasses or standard safety glasses with side shield,
available at Sears Stores or other Craftsman Outlets.

WARNING: BE 9[IRE _o read and understand a(I instructions in thi._ manv=l !
beror_ :i_;n_ th s power fool Fai!ure to follow a;l irstr_._ct c !_s _y t_su[t in _,!ectrJc
shock, fire and ! or serious personal injury.
1. Keep your work area clean and well lit, Cluttered workbenches an# dark areas
invite.'- accidents
2. DO NOt ¸ opecate power I_oola in explosive atmospheres, suc:h as in the p_eeerlce
of flammable liqt_ids_ gases, or duet, Power tao!a ar_ai_ ,<r_"k3 Which may i_r_i_s the
oust or lames.
3, Keep bystanders, children and visitors away while operating a power toot.
[,istractions can cause you _o lose co!_drok
4. Make your workshop ehildproof with padI0cks and master switches. _ock
tools away ¢,,nen not tn bee.
!i _'_# KE £!!_= the work area has ample lighting so yr,_ _on !_,_ t_,__-,_ _nd ib,_t
_lers are no obst!uc[ions ti_-4t wll inierlere v_Lh safe at;era[ on BEFORE USing your s_w.
1. KF,}OW yOL_r power tool _ead toe opera,s's m_Tcual caretu iy :_e_; I i_a t,._,Ji S
_pp[_cat_o_s a_i_J hmita_Je_ a_ weii as _h_ bDecific oote_:_&i t_sza_os _;is, ia_ _o t_s too_
2 STAY _LER_ watch wha_ you are eolng and i.iso commo_ '_sa_ss w_e!i eparatin_ a
power tool
3. DO NOT use toni while tired at under the influence of drgs, a co,of or medicatio_.
A mome!i of inattent on whte operal n9 cowe_ tools may resul_ =n serous £,ersonai
4. DRESS properly. DO NOT wear _oose c_othing or eweky. Pui[ back _ong hal;. Keep your
hair c!othir_g, _md gto,,es away from moving parts. Loose clothing or long heir can be
caught in m_ving pelts. Ai_ vents often covel moving par_s a;;a should atso be avoided.
5. AVOID accidental start_n 9. Be sute switch is is "OFF" position before plugging in.
DO NOT carry tools with your finger on toe switch. Carrying tools witf_ your finger an the
switctq or plugging in tools that have t_e switch in the "ON" pss_t_on r_vites accidenLs.
6. REMOVE adiusting keys or blade wrenches befsre turning the tooi 'ON". A w!ench thai
is left attached _o a rotatlng part of the tool may result in personal iniury.
7. DO not overreach, Keep proper footing and balance at all times. Proper footing an_
balance enables better control of the tool in unexpected situations.
8. ALWAYS SECURE YOUR WORK, Use clamps or a vise to hold walk when practical.
I1is safer than using your hand and frees both haods to operate tool.
9. USE SAFETY EQUIPMENT. Always weal eye protection. Dust mask. ,_on-skid safety
shoes, ha[d hat. or hearing protection must be used for applopriate conditions.

i [:_ WARNING: _E SURE to read and understand eli instructions befor_
i operating this tool, Failure to follow all instructions listed below may reauff inelectric shock, fire and/or serious personal injury.
t. ALWAYS use clamps or other practical ways to secure and support the
workpiece to a stable platform. Hoidi_g the work iy heed ot ag_,_$t yo_r x_oy
unstarte ad rnav lead to loss of cot:t_ol.
2. DO NOT force the toot. Use the correct tool and blade for yo_r application, ! ne
coiieci io)l a_d blade _ili do th-,o job betier a_d sa_er at the rat( iar _,.hi(,l_ Ji is Jes gned,
3, DO NOT use the tool if switch does not turn it "On" or "Off", A_W tool t_'at
cannot be corarotled with ,*.hesw_tCn is dangerous a!_d CflLS! *?£'rape .ed.
4. DISCONNECT the plug from the power source before making any
adjustments, changing accessories or storing the toot, £ush preyer!tire
safety measures _educe the risk of st_ding the 1:o01 accidentally.
5. STORE idle tools out of the reach of children and other untrained persons.
TO_',ISale dangerous in ii_e han_s of untr,qned users.
6. MAIN'lAtiN _oots _,,4th care. Keep cutting tools sharp and ctea_,. ;: _'a_ed',, ma ntai_sd
tools with shar¢_ cutting cages are iess likely _o bind and ale eas_e_ to co _bol
7, ,CHECK for misalignment or binding of moving parts, breakage of parts, and
a_y older need lion hat may af_eot the t!,ots operati(n ifdarrlaged, have ti_,
od serv ce:i be,!ore using _71at_yace den_s _Jre c_used by ['ooriy nh_!irh _4i ed tool:,.
8. USE ONLY accessories that are recommended for this tool. ,_.ccesso_ es tr, at
_,,_, he _ble t(r ,r_ t_nl may eecor^? hazarnot_s ,.,,_e-, L so'.* o_ anoth_-,_ tor_
_, WARNING: Do not permit fingers to touch the terminals of plug wheninstalling or removir=g the plug from the outlet.
1. Double insulated tools are equipped with a
polarized plug (one blade is wider than the other).
This plug wil! fit in a polarized outlet only one way.
If the plug does not !it fully in the outlet, reve;se the
plug. !t it still does not fit, contact a qualified
electrlciall to install S polarized outlet. DO not change
the plug In any way.
2. Double insulation _ eliminates the need for the
three-wire grounded power cord and grounded power
supply system. Applicable only to Class II
(double-insulated) tools.
This tool is a double insulated tool.
o....t li
G_ounded /
Outlet B.... !_ (_
Z_ WARNING: Double insulation DOES NOT take the place of normal safetyprecautions when operating this tool.
3, BEFORE plugging in the tool, BE SURE that the OLdletvoltage supplied is within the
voltage marked on the tool's data plate. DO NOT use _AC only" rated tools with
a DC power supply.

r?._ige_ators _ere i_ a_ :ncrees_d r!sk of _ieci_ic sh_:ck if V0_! ¸he,iv i_ _i_ded
b. DO NOT expose power tools to _'ain or wet conditions or use power tools in wet
or damp locations, W,_ter entering e po,,ve_ to01 wilt increase the _sk of electric shock.
6. INSPECT tool cords for damage. Have damaged tool cords !ep_'. red at a Sears
Service Center, BE SURE to stay constantly aware of the cord Io :at=on and keep it well
_wey hom tr'o n ovieg oiede.
7. DO NOT aho_e the cord, NEVER use t_'_e cord to carry the tool by or to pull the
plug from the outlet. Keep cor,*J away flora heat. oi! sh,_# _.edges o_ mov!ng parts.
Replace damage3 co_ds immed;ateh_, Damaged cords i_crease the rst of e!ecidc Shock,
Use a proper extet_sion cord. ONLY use cords _s!ed bv Underwriters acoratolies {UI }
Other' extensior d:orde car! cacao ,a drop ,r !!no voltage, rosulti_Y_ i_ a iCeS e_ powe_ and
overh ati,_j c _o4i F a" this tool an AWG Amar ca_ V\,ire Gau_ sz9 of _.__east 14-gauge
_sreooflme tzed a i_ .Jxta_;i,,_ ca_d of 25- ft Or _ess n _engt . LJ_b :'-g_, _- for aa
Re_,;e_ i_i a sm_II_r wi_e gauge size has g_ester capacity than a larger number
i14-gauge _',i_e h_,s more capacity then 16-gauge w;re; 12-gauge wire has more cspac ty
than 1 _'-- gauge). When in doubt use the emalle_ number. When operating a _ovJe! too]
outdoors, use a_! outdoor e×tens on cord market "W-A" mr "W", These colds a_o rated fo
outdoor use and reduce the risk of electric shock,
the cord so that it will not get caught on lumber, tools or other obstructions while
[ ._Z_ CAUTION: Keep the extension cord clear of the working area. Position i
immediately. Never use tool with a damaged cord since touching the damaged
/h WARNING: Check extension cords before each use. tf damaged replace
area could cause electrical shock, resultieg in serious injury,
]you are working with a power tool.

l-'f:l II1 ii I_f.11_tIIll i It] _t.'1I,.1,1ili
The I__hel on yotir tool nlsy include the following symbols.
..................................................................... Alterna_ng current
_..--. ................................................................Direct current
no....................................................................No-load speed
....................................................................Classil construction, DOuble Insulated
...!min........................................................ Revolutions or Strokesper minute
,_. ....................................................................Indicates danger, warning or caution.
It means attention! Yoursafety is involved.
• If any pari of th,_ tool is il_issing or should break, bend< or fail i:) a,hy wa_.,;
el' sl_ould atly electrical component fall to. pelforrn properly: SHUT OFF _he rower
sv<,itoh,_ndrem_.wethe saw's pfti!_ flora the power source _nd ^a_,ethe missing,
damaged or failed pats replaced BEFORE resu'mng operat on
2.Tool service must be performed only at a Sea._e Service CenteK Se vice or
m_intena_.ce _,e_to Ted hy cnqua!fied p_rsonrlel cold mt;ult n .: _sk o_ r!lury
in the uiairYtenanee section ef this manual, Use of una_!tho[ized p_:_tsor ir_.!_Aet:}
follow r'i_t otelsence ir}strtictioRs may create a risk of electric sho(K or njurv.
[_ Keep hands away from cutting area and blade. Keep both
the saw, the blade cannot cut them,
hands on the saw (rear handle and front boot grip). If both hands are holding
i Z?x_CAUTION: Blades coast after saw is switched off+
1, Hold tool by insulated gripping surfaces, (rear handle and front boot grip), when
performing an operation where the cutting tool may contact hidden wiring or its
own cord. Contact with a 'live" wire wilt make the exposed metal parts of the tool "live"
and shock the operator,
electrical wiring may exist. If the situation is unavoidable, DISCONNECT ALL
[ _ CAUTION: DO NOT saw into existing walls or other blind s where J....
ELECTRICAL POWER to the area/worksite BEFORE sawing.

with the saw blade. Csll_"_t_r_farce !:_ iumr_,qg o_ Ki_'k'_c_ :_cli_i; i co!fiq ¢_,._. t_; ,
biaP_e to ber!d o_ break _f_d ii_e s_w to iLir_p 0_CKw_idS C._USiA_ iO._S O_ Con_r'4!,
resulting in seli0us inj,Jry.
3. ALWAYS keep your hands _way from cutting area, DO NOT _eaeh i_rY.:'e_ the
q_atefi_l beii_g c!;t beCauSe th_ Nearness of t_e b!_de to your hP_', ", i_ hiode!_ f_o_
V_u_¸ sight.
4. {DO NOt use dull or ¢Jamaged blades. _eR! O!,_d_: C_ -s_eak _:_!F;iV,oi Ca_i_
kic_.Dack _'_;s.Jtii!g i_ !o55 of ::_!nt_ol _r_d S_r_aJS ir!iu_ _
5 Whe!_ ._!_r_ir_ R cut i_e speed yg_.i use w!!i be dete_n_iqe_ b!! tr'e hI_e P._d ms[_ri_t
VOU are cut_irlg. Fast s2_eeds for SOft m_teriats a_d siow s_eeds _r h_d PlateriaIs.
If the blade speed is _'oe slow, _e s_w co,.iFf cha_te_ el viorata _ t_e, be,Disliking _ a
Cut_ _nd poss!bly C_.use Coun[er-_rce (_, jumping or kickback _ctio_ and vit3rat_ot_
which c_r/resui_ i_ k_ss oi control and serious perso!_! i_ju_y. Use _-1sli_tty _qs_er
_peed _i th_ very ba_iiw_in_ of youi ¸ Cul. it is always a _oad ide_ to p!actice y_i_r cuts
in s_rap !n_teri_i u_[il y_iu i_v_ _ feel to! _he _tJtti_ _£d h_ndlin_ _ofcq_ce o"
_he Saw.
6, NEVER hold the piece being _ut in '_our hands or ac_oss your legs. ii _s
b_a_e b;nding or !nss of f:_n!_i.
_ O,"_L_ !_E the d_si_l_e_ b!ados for cutting the _ype of material lot which lhe!.'
are recommended¸ _u!iln_ {na,*.e_i_is ih_t at÷ NOT _ecor_lende_l COuld C_LiSe bl_Q_
breakage _I_d ioss o_ _o_t!oi, fesuitlAg il_ serious 4AitJ_"_
9. ALWAYS inspect and remove all nails from lumber before sawing. Following
this rule wilt reduce the risk of counter'-force (a jumping or kickback action)
that could cause loss of control that can cause serious personal injury.
If this is unavoidable, such as when pedorrning demoJit on o_ renovation jobs,
MAKE 9URE to use bi-melal blades that are [flicker with 4 to 6 teeth p'-:r i_ch
and .£peciflcaliy des;g_!ao ia c[;t w.'_od with imbedded n_._its. EXERCISE EXTREME
CAUTION when performing this type of cutting operation.
damage and serious bodily injury, ALWAYS check the work area for hidden gas
pipes, electrical wires, water pipes, and nail and cleat imbedded 2 x 4's when
_ WARNING: To reduce the risk of explosion, electric shock, property
making blind or plunge cuts into walls during demolition or renovation work.
1G. Do not operate this tool for long periods of time. Vibration caused by the
operating action of this tool may cause permanent injury to fingers, hands and
arms. Use gloves to provide extra cushion, take frequent rest periods, end limit
daily time of use.
11. AVOID awkward operations and hand positions where a sudden slip could
cause your hand to move into the blade.
12. NEVER reach into the cutting path of the blade.

mmlll ii |11 IIII
I[,.'f.:1_lq Ik'dJUf__'i | ;{!_ i [I] _[."Jl_,JiII
"t_,WARNING: Some dust created by using power tools c_ntai_s chemicals
kt_owll to the _t.ate of CaJdorni_ to cause cancer at_d birth cfetec_s or o_he_
reproductive harm. Some examples of these chemica)s are:
• Lead from lead-based paints.
• Crystalline silica from bricks and cement and other masonry products.
' Arsenic and chromium, from chemically treated lumber'.
Your risk from these exposures varies, depending upon bow often you do
this type of work, "{o reduce your exposure 1o these chemicals:
• Work in a well*ventilated area.
* Work wrth app._v_d safety equipment, such es _hose dust masks that
are specially designed to filte, out microscopic particles.
Avoid prolonged contact with dust from power sanding, sawing, grinding,
drilling and other construction activities. Wear protective clothing and wash
exposed areas with soap and water. Allowing dust to get into your mouth, eyes,
or lay on the skin may promote absorption of harmful chemicals.
Z_" WARNING : Use of thi*: toot can generate andYor disburse dust, which rvlay
cause serious and permanent respiratory or other injury. Always use
N]OSH/OSHA approved _esp(rat_ry protection appropriate for the dust e_posure. !
Direct particles away from fa_e and body. I
Failure to follow all instructions listed below may result in electric shock, fire [
[_ WARNING: BE SURE to read and understand all instructions. ]
and /or serious personal injury. ]
i. Know your power tool. Read operator's manual carefully. Learn the apP)ieatiens and
limitations, as well as [he soecific potential hazards related ',o this [eel ":.'.)liow ng the )uie
will reduce the risk Of electric shock, fire or serio-'Js inlurv.
2, ALWAYS wear safety glasses or eye shields when using this tool. Everyday"
eyeglasses have only impac_-)esistant lenses: they are NOT safety glasses.
3, PROTECT your lungs. Weal a face mask or dust mask if the operation is d_sh_
4 PROTECT your hearing. Wear approp[ ate pe)sonal hearing protection dudng _._se
Under some conditions no_se from this product may contribute '.o hearing toss
5. ALL VISTORS AND BYSTANDERS MUST wear the same safety equipment that the
operator of the tool wears.
6. INSPECT the tool cords periodically arid if damaged have them repaired at your
nearest Sears Service Center. ALWAYS BE AWARE of the cord location,
7. ALWAYS check the tool for damaged parts. Before further use of the t00! O guard Or
otr_er pair that s damaged should oe carefully checked to determine f i will opec-ate
pre#erly and pedorm its intended function. Check for misalignment or binding of moving
parts, breakage of parts, and any other condition Ihat may affect [he tool's oueration,
A guard or other part that is damaged should be properly repaired or replaced at a
Sea_s Service center.